Presentation for younger preschoolers military professions. Presentation for the OD "Military professions" for older people

Natalya Kuzmina
Presentation for the OD "Military professions" for older people

Target military equipment

Purpose: expanding knowledge about military occupations, express own point vision. To know how more poems about the Russian army, about our Motherland, what our soldier should be like, we will find out the types of troops.

Military professions

Target: education of patriotic feelings and love for the motherland. To give children knowledge about the Russian Army; to form in them the first ideas about the branches of the armed forces, about the defenders of the Fatherland. Introduce children to military equipment. To evoke a sense of pride in the Russian army, a desire to be like strong, courageous warriors.

Defenders of the Abode.

Brave fighters.

And brave knights.

Dashing braves.

The dark forces are victorious.

No titles or names.

Fatherland servants.

Soldiers of all times.

For you, nice guys!

So that there is no war!

You are our main strength!

You are the army of the country!

Types of troops

Congratulations dad.

Happy men's day:

In my youth, I know

Served in the army.

So also a warrior

At least not a commander.

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.

Don't let me fall:

I am the glorious homeland

Small part.

Questions for children - Guys, what holiday do we celebrate in February?

Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

And what is the Fatherland? That's right, guys, the Fatherland is our Motherland.

What is the name of our country?

Answer: Russia.

Children read a poem "Motherland" T. Side

Child 1

Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

Child 2

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

Favorite city, native apartment,

Grandmother, mother, kitten ... and me.

child 3

Sunny bunny in the palm

Lilac bush outside the window

And on the cheek a mole -

This is also homeland.

- Everything can be native land: give spring water to drink, feed warm bread, surprise with its beauty, but cannot protect itself. At all times, our Motherland - Russia was famous for its forests, fields, rivers, smart and kind people. Therefore, enemies attacked Russia.

Guys, who is the main defender of the Fatherland now?

Answer: Army. Soldiers.

Answer: Border guards, infantrymen, sailors, paratroopers, signalmen, pilots.

Our boys are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, they will go to serve in the army.

What should be a soldier?

Answer: Strong, courageous, dexterous, hardy, stubborn, courageous, attentive.

We begin our acquaintance with the Russian Armed Forces

Types of troops

The Russian Air Force is made up of: military branches.

The Russian Air Force is made up of: military branches.

Air Force

He's a metal bird

Lift up into the clouds.

Now the air border

Reliable and strong!

Airborne Troops (VDV)


Paratroopers per minute

They descend from heaven.

untangled parachutes,

Comb the dark forest

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

Find a dangerous enemy.


Types of Ground Forces.

Strategic Missile Troops.


Tank forces.

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,

The tank will pass on tracks

Gun barrel ahead

Dangerous, enemy, stay away!

The tank is heavily armored.

And will be able to meet the fight!


Border troops.


Marine fleet.

On the mast is our tricolor flag,

There is a sailor on the deck.

And knows that the seas of the country,

ocean borders

Both day and night should be

Under vigilant guard!


Here's a wonderful picture -

Coming out of the depths

steel submarine,

Like a dolphin!

Submariners serve in it -

They are here and there

circling under the surface of the water,

Protect the border!

Space troops.



I have toys:

Tanks, pistols, guns,

tin soldiers,

Armored train, machine guns.

And when the time comes

To serve in peace,

I'm with the guys in the game

I work out in the yard.

We play "Zarnitsa" there -

Drawn a line for me

I'm on post! I'm guarding!

Once trusted - I can!

And parents in the window

They look after me with concern.

Don't worry about your son

I'm the future man!

Grandfather was a military man, my dad was a military man and I will definitely be!

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Synopsis of organized educational activities in the preparatory school group "Military professions"

Target : to form in children ideas about the military professions of the Russian Army.


Educational:deepen knowledge about the Russian army, give elementary ideas about the types of troops, military equipment.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Developing: develop speech, memory, thinking, attention.

Preliminary work:

Conversations and viewing illustrations about military equipment, about military professions;

Reading fiction: Y. Koval "On the border", A. Barto "At the outpost", "Why the army is dear", Z. Alexandrova "Watch", L. Kassil from the book "Your Defenders";

Riddles about military equipment, about military professions;

Learning poems about the Army.

Methods: Verbal, visual, practical.

Vocabulary work:

epaulettes, honor, tank-tanker-armor, border-border guard, artillery-artilleryman, aviation-aircraft-crew-pilot, paratrooper, ship-sailor-ship cook-cook.

Activity progress:

Children listen to the military march.

Educator: Guys, who will tell me what you listened to?

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right, this is a march. What do you imagine when you hear a march? (children's answers)

Educator: I also imagine the square and the soldiers and officers marching on it. They walk, minting a step, fit and beautiful (SLIDE 2). The military profession is very responsible and complex. The military are the defenders of the Fatherland. In peacetime, they study military equipment, conduct training battles.

Educator: The armed forces can be divided into three groups: ground (or ground) forces (SLIDE 3), air force (SLIDE 4) and naval forces (SLIDE 5).

Educator: What do you think, which military men serve in the ground forces? (children's answers).

Teacher: K ground forces include: border guards, tankers, as well as artillerymen, rocketmen, signalmen, sappers, etc.

Educator: Guys, what is a tank? (SLIDE 6)

Children: Tanks are special vehicles, they do not have wheels, they move with the help of caterpillars.

Educator: And what are the caterpillars for? (children's answers)

Educator: With the help of caterpillars, a tank can drive along bad roads and along ravines. Tanks are equipped with armor, cannons and machine guns. The tank is driven by the military. What are their names?

Children: These are tankers.

Educator: The border guards stand guard over the borders of the Motherland and serve at the frontier posts. What do you think their the main task? (SLIDE 7)

Children: Their main task is not to let spies through the border.

Educator: Who helps the border guards to carry out a difficult service?

Children: Specially trained dogs - shepherd dogs.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle:

The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier. (pilot).

Educator: Our Army has aviation - these are combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air (SLIDE 8).

Educator: Who controls the plane?

Children: Pilot.

Educator: The aircraft is operated by a crew of pilots: a pilot; navigator - he plots the course of the aircraft in the sky; radio operator - keeps in touch with the airfield; mechanic - responsible for the health of the aircraft. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform, the color of the sky. In flight, they have special high-altitude helmets (SLIDE 9).

Educator: Landing troops are allocated to a special group. There are soldiers going through special training. They train a lot, they are physically strong, they know fighting techniques, they descend to the ground with a parachute (SLIDE 10).

Educator: The sea expanses of our Motherland are protected by warships and submarines. All together - this is the navy, and what is the name of the military who serve on ships and submarines?

Children: Military sailors. (SLIDE 11).

Educator: Guys, what do you think who is responsible for the entire ship?

Children: Captain.

Educator: Well done. Everyone on the ship has their own duties:

boatswain - keeps order; radio operator - maintains contact with the earth. And who cooks food on the ship?

Children: Ship cook - cook.

Educator: Large ships are equipped with guns and machine guns. What is on this slide? (SLIDE 12)

Children: Submarine.

Educator: She moves under water and can hit the enemy ship with a projectile called a torpedo.

Educator: What is the name of the profession of a military man who serves on a submarine?

Children: Submariner. (SLIDE 13)

Educator: The military and other professions serve in the Army, for example: missilemen, artillerymen, radio operators. (SLIDE 14).

From ancient times to the present day, there has been such an honorable, but difficult and dangerous profession - the military. Our peaceful life and peace are protected and guarded by Russian soldiers. They serve day and night, in blizzard and heat, on earth, in heaven and at sea.

Educator: What do you think, what qualities should our military, our defenders have?

Game exercise:"Choose an adjective for the word" military ".

  • Guys, choose an adjective for the word"military" and pass the flag to the next one. Words must not be repeated.

(Children stand on the carpet in a circle and pass the flag to each other, naming adjectives for the word"military" the teacher asks a question"Which soldier?")

(Brave, courageous, strong, patient, honest, courageous, seasoned, hardy, disciplined, well-aimed, intelligent, resourceful, athletic, etc.)

Educator: Well done guys, now come out, we will have a physical education minute to be strong and healthy.

Musical physical education is held:

We are still guys(sit down).
Let's grow up - let's go to the soldiers
Let's serve the motherland
marching) .
To live under a peaceful sky (
tilt left and right).
For now, we are guys.
Naughty preschoolers
We love to run and play
running in place).
Jump, (jumping in place)
Climb (imitate),
Squat (squat).
Soon, soon we will grow up
pull up)
Let's join the army together


Educator: Guys, do you have toys of military equipment?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you like to play war?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: Do you like war?

Children: No. We need peace. We play to become defenders of the Fatherland in the future.

Educator: Guys, of course, we really want you, when you become adults, to love, protect and defend your Motherland, your Fatherland.

In what troops, boys, would you like to serve?
slide 3

Ground troops

Air Force

Naval Forces

Tankman Everywhere, as if an all-terrain vehicle, On caterpillars, the tank will pass The gun barrel ahead, Dangerous, enemy, do not come near! The tank is protected by strong armor And will be able to meet the battle!

BORDER GUARD Outpost, outpost, country bastion. The enemy will be stopped by a reliable barrier. And night and day, in the cold and in the hail Here the frontier detachment is serving. Soldiers are walking, they see everything around. And with them is a shepherd dog, their devoted friend. And if a scout crawls into our land, the Sheepdog will find him indispensable.

Pilot He lifts a metal bird into the clouds. Now the air border is Reliable and strong!

Paratrooper Paratroopers descend from heaven in minutes. Having unraveled the parachutes, They comb the dark forest, Ravines, mountains and meadows. Find a dangerous enemy.

Sailor Our tricolor flag is on the mast, A sailor is standing on the deck. And he knows that the seas of the country, The borders of the oceans And day and night should be Under vigilant protection!

Submariner Here is a marvelous picture - A steel submarine emerges from the depths, Like a dolphin! Submariners serve in it - They circle here and there Under the surface of the water, Protect the border!

The military and other professions serve in the Army, for example: missilemen, artillerymen, radio operators.

Thank you for your attention! The presentation was prepared by Makarenko Irina Leonidovna Teacher of the speech therapy group MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 24"

A well-formed and trained army is a guarantee of protecting the country from external and internal enemies. It is provided by the well-coordinated work of people of various specialties - sailors, divers, border guards, tankers, sappers, pilots and many others. This presentation will tell about the military professions to the smallest viewers in the following composition of materials:

Names and appearance people of military professions,

Poetic lines describing activities in each profession.

The 32 slides included in the show contain entertaining information on 11 professions - textual and illustrative. On the thematic pages, viewers will see drawn pictures and photographs depicting various military troops, equipment, and military equipment. The texts are presented in poetic form suitable for children to understand.

The manual was prepared for work with kindergarten students, and can also be used to get acquainted with the army of younger students - as part of the program around the world or on class hour, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland.

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Marina Belogubova
Presentation "Military professions"

slide1 Military professions

Slide 2 photo of the Army. We live with you in a country called Russia. Russia is our fatherland. Russia has an Army in which soldiers serve. In peacetime, they study, conduct training battles in the seas and forests, in the steppes and mountains, study military equipment. Everyone has it military have their own speciality.

Slide 3 photo of foot soldiers. Infantrymen - armed with machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers, move in combat vehicles.

Slide 4 photo of a tanker. Tankers - fight on tanks. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. The crew is inside the tank.

Slide5 photo of gunners and rocketmen. Artillerymen fire their cannons. Rocketeers guard the peaceful sky.

Slide6 photo of signalmen and sappers. Signalers establish communication between the troops. Sappers clear minefields, roads and bridges.

Slide 7 photos of border guards. Border guards stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Their main task is not to let spies, terrorists, people transporting drugs through the border. Specially trained dogs help them to carry out difficult service.

Slide 8 photo of paratroopers. The paratroopers are very strong and athletic. They master the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques. Paratroopers are delivered to military planes and helicopters to the places of hostilities. They descend to earth with a parachute.

Slide 9 photos of pilots. Pilots fly combat aircraft and helicopters.

Slide 10 photos of sailors. Sailors serve on warships. Their large surface ships are armed tools: machine guns and cruise missiles.

Slide 11 photo of the submarine. Submariners serve on nuclear submarines that move underwater. They hit the enemy's loan with large projectiles - torpedoes.

Slide 12 photos military. Military is a heroic profession respected and much needed.

All slides are accompanied by the music of the National Anthem of Russia.

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