How to sell tulips on March 8 How to sell tulips

I'll start with personal memories.

The scheme there is simple: you buy flowers in bulk somewhere, and then from your car on the street you sell flowers twice as expensive.

But this year I wanted to increase turnover and earn more, and in some other way.

And the idea came to me: “why not wholesale flowers?” The idea is cool, but my brain began to resist the unknown. After all, I have no office, no money, not to mention the tulips themselves.

I got stuck.

I called my friends, no one knows where to get flowers, and no one has that much money either.

I thought “well, figs with these flowers, so there are plenty of things to do” and with a clear conscience I forgot about them ”

Until one fine day, when I got a call on the phone, and the man asked: “Do you sell tulips? Will you have 10 thousand tulips? I'm ready to buy tomorrow

It turned out that my ads have been indexed since last year and are among the first in Yandex for the key queries “buy tulips in bulk”.

From that moment on, I started looking for flowers, I called a bunch of suppliers, everywhere you first need to make an advance payment in order to book flowers. And this is logical.

I came up with a solution: First, I take an advance payment from the client at a higher price, then I give it to the supplier and earn on the price difference. A good scheme, but there are pitfalls here, namely, buyers are afraid to give such large sums of money to no one knows where.

For these purposes, you need an office in which people work and the impression of a full-fledged company is created. I don't have it. You can not immediately take money from the client, but then you have to pay for the advance payment yourself, and the buyer can change his mind and buy elsewhere.

Again a hopeless situation.

I asked myself the questions “How to find a solution? What should be done?" I began to look for investments so that I could buy flowers and then sell them at a higher price. I found people who have a lot of money, but they are not interested in investing big money in such a risky business.

After several days of reflection, I met with my good friend - Cyril, I explained the situation to him, and together in the dining room we began to think about what to do.

It turned out that he just has an acquaintance Vadim, who has his own large holding. There are no accidents, I thought, and together we went to Vadim's office to negotiate.

Vadim turned out kind person with an open mind. He allowed us to use part of his office and loaned us money for working capital without any extra talk. And in an instant, we destroyed all the barriers that were previously insurmountable.

On March 4, we started our activities as Agrocomplex of Novosibirsk 😀 Then I placed additional ads and an incredible number of people began to call my phone, I redirected them all to the office.

A crowd of people began to gather near the office doors, we could no longer cope with all this flow of people.

Nerves were on edge. People came, demanded flowers, we could not keep up with all the promises. It was some kind of chaos.

The first time I celebrated my birthday was in the refrigerator of a cargo van: we spent most of the day loading flowers and the longest thing we had to do was cut the labels from the flowers, because it was impossible to let the wholesale buyers know where we get the flowers.

For several nights I could not sleep, I close my eyes, and the brain continues to think, before my eyes there are tulips and a van where they need to be loaded. Many times in my head there were thoughts to quit the whole idea and stop. But I did not do this, because the amount of 25,000 thousand rubles was constantly spinning in my head, this was my minimum goal.

This all continued until March 7, we fulfilled all the obligations that we assumed. However, the customers refused part of the flower, and before March 8, we had about 1600 tulips in our hands, not in the best shape and pale lilac, which no one liked.

It turned out that, in fact, all these days we worked to earn money for these flowers, and now all our net profit hangs in them.

There were about 200 flowers left, which we then presented.

Every year, on March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day. This century-old holiday is marked by the achievements of women in the political, economic and social areas. But today this holiday does not carry political convictions, but correlates with the Day of Spring, Women's Beauty, Love and Attention. Traditionally, on March 8, it is customary for women to give flowers. After all, flowers are a symbol of love and respect. Most often, women are given tulips on this day. It is tulips that are considered a kind of symbols of the coming spring.

But not only the beautiful half of humanity is waiting for this holiday, experienced entrepreneurs are also eagerly preparing for the spring holiday. After all, on this day you can make good money selling flowers.

On the eve of the holiday on March 8 Reconomica tells you all the secrets of selling tulips. We interviewed Oksana Frolova, who not only accepts congratulations on this day, but also helps others to please their loved ones. A woman is selling tulips. From her story you will not only learn a lot useful information about tulips, but you can organize your own small business and earn a good amount in just 3 days.

Businessmen look forward to March 8 holiday

There is very little time left before this wonderful holiday.

On the eve of March 8, millions of men rush in search of flowers for their lovely ladies. Moreover, not only men buy flowers on March 8, women also buy them willingly: as a gift for mom, grandmother, girlfriend or employee. Experienced entrepreneurs are looking forward to this holiday all year long.

There is a saying - one day feeds the year. It is appropriate here, especially for flower sellers.

If you have never worked with flowers, your main profession is a plumber or a nurse, nothing prevents you from taking a day off from work for 3 days and earning some extra money. You can earn extra money here in different ways.

Earnings can be from 1500 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles (more is possible, but there are already big risks and investments), and this is all in three days. Even a student can earn here, I think a student will need 3,000-5,000 rubles.

Flower sellers and suppliers are preparing for cooperation

Florists are preparing for this holiday in advance, renting additional warehouses, because they have to buy dozens of times more flowers than on ordinary days. We closely monitor wholesale prices for flowers, greenery and packaging from suppliers. There are many wholesale flower suppliers now, the prices are different for everyone. You should not buy flowers in bulk from the first supplier you come across, you need to ask the price.

Tulips in stock

Wholesale suppliers are also waiting for this holiday all year round, the price of flowers is raised, sometimes two or three times more expensive than usual. Therefore, florists buy large batches of flowers in advance, the most greedy and enterprising ones take flowers a month in advance. They keep them in their warehouses until the holiday. The quality and freshness of such flowers leave much to be desired, but the buyer is satisfied with the price, such flowers are usually cheaper.

When to buy and how to store flowers

It is more rational to buy a batch of flowers two weeks before the holiday. This is the golden mean. The price has not yet had time to take off much, but already a little more expensive than usual. Flowers can be safely stored in a warehouse for two weeks, the warehouse must be cold.

The most optimal temperature in the warehouse is + 5 ºС, 10 ºС of heat is the maximum temperature. If the temperature is higher, the flowers will lose their quality and freshness.

There is another secret. Flowers should be stored all this time without water. Yes, without water! All flowers are individually wrapped.

Roses are packed in cardboard packaging, chrysanthemums are packed in cellophane packaging. The packaging must not be removed!

You just need to carefully fold, not just put, but fold the packages with flowers, if the storage space allows, then it is better not to stack the packages with flowers on top of each other. Store in a dark cool place. Three days before the holiday, the flowers must be put in water. The most important thing here is to cut the legs of the flowers! If you don't, your flowers won't last even two hours! The leg of any flower is clogged from the air, if you do not cut it and simply put it in water, the flower will not be able to drink water and will die. There is a secret here too!

Legs must be trimmed properly.

In roses, the legs are cut with a knife or secateurs at an angle of 45 degrees. In chrysanthemums, it is better to break the leg, rather than cut it. So the chrysanthemum drinks water better, retains its freshness and beauty longer.

Well, now about the most important thing.

Do I need an IP to sell tulips by March 8

Here you can do without registration IP. It is not necessary to register an IP for three days. There are two options for selling tulips on March 8: legal and not quite legal. Let's consider everything in order.

Illegal sales method

To do this, you need to buy a batch of tulips in bulk. And just sell them. You can sell anywhere. You can stand next to any shopping center or any other passable place. But here you may have problems with the law, any police officer can ask you for documents for trading, but you do not have them.

There will be an administrative penalty, a fine

As a rule, a warning is issued for the first time, and a fine can range from 500 rubles to 2,500 rubles. Some people are happy with it, some not so much.

You can also collect an order for tulips in advance, this can be done through your employees, friends and acquaintances. You can order a certain number of flowers. You will count everything, but when you take orders, it is better to take an advance payment so that the customer does not refuse the order, and you do not lose money.

So, the order is ready. You just have to buy tulips in bulk, collect and breed orders. Tulips are packed by 20 pieces in a pack. Based on the order you have collected, buy as many packs.

If you need 100 tulips, buy 5 packs. Color can be different, can be all the same. Here I will make a reservation, 100 pcs. tulips for the wholesale base - this is not wholesale, the price may be slightly overpriced.

Some bases sell wholesale tulips, wholesale starts from 500-1000 pieces. Find out everything in advance and discuss with the supplier.

Legal way to make money

You need to take a trade permit from the administration, on such holidays a trade permit (for three days) is given free of charge. As a rule, by March 8, the administration has already scheduled such sales points for flowers in advance. You need to choose the best, passable place. But this must be done in a month, or even two, otherwise all the best places will be sorted out.

There is another secret. How to quickly and 100% get permission to trade from the administration. You can also conclude a short-term lease agreement with any shopping center or store, they conclude such agreements, provide a platform for trading, but this is not free.

You can rent a retail outlet in a large store.

The cost of such a lease is different everywhere, somewhere around 1000 rubles / day, somewhere around 3000 rubles / day.

As I said, everything needs to be discussed in advance and look for the best option for yourself. So, having decided on the place of trade, found a flower supplier, what to do next? And then - earn!

How to choose good tulips, how to store until the holiday

Tulips in a cold room without water can lie for two to three weeks. Storage temperature +4, but not higher than 7ºС. When choosing tulips, you need to listen to them. Yes, just listen.

Good, fresh tulips crunch, when you press a little on a pack of tulips, a crunch is immediately heard. If there is no crunch, the flowers are not fresh, they cannot be stored for a long time.

Tulips are also stored without water, before selling, you need to trim the legs, put on the water. Tulip drinks quickly, two hours is enough, he will drink enough water and will look great, as if he had just been cut.

The main thing is that before putting tulips into the water, you can not remove the packaging, it can be removed when the tulip is completely drunk, it becomes strong and hard.

Tulips are very sensitive to light and become soft when stored. If you do not follow all the rules, the tulip will be uneven, it will take the shape of the letter “C”. And no one will buy crooked and bent tulips from you.

The most popular varieties of tulips

The variety of tulips also plays an important role. There are many sorts.

My favorite varieties are: Strong Gold (yellow), Lalibella (orange), Kung Fu (pink), Barcelona (lilac).

These are proven, reliable varieties.

You can choose any other variety, but in advance, learn more about tulip varieties from knowledgeable people, read on the Internet or elsewhere.

What else do you need to make money on Women's Day

You have chosen a place for sale, bought flowers. What else is needed? Need packaging. The packaging isn't cheap. You don't need to buy a lot of packages.

  • Enough to buy a few rolls " micas” is a transparent package. It costs approximately 150-250 rubles. per roll. Approximately 1000 tulips need 2-3 rolls.
  • Need ribbon Also, don't buy too much. Enough 2-3 rolls of different colors. The cost of the tape is 35-50 rubles. per roll. One roll of tape is enough for 1000 tulips.
  • Also for sale ready-made packaging for tulips, these are bags in the form of little bags. They are sold in packs, 100 pieces in a pack. The cost of one bag is 3.5 rubles to 7 rubles.
  • Will need more scissors, stapler, vases(you can use small buckets where you will put tulips).

We make an "aquarium" for flowers

If you will be selling tulips on the street, you may need a crate (among "florists" is called "aquarium" for flowers). This is a kind of showcase. It will not be possible to do without it if there is negative weather on March 8.

This is a small structure, it can be made of plywood or cardboard, three sides of which are completely closed, and one side is glass (so that people can see your flowers). There must be doors so that you can get flowers. If it is very cold, this showcase can be heated with ordinary candles, 3-4 pieces will be enough. You will need a thermometer to monitor the temperature. Tulips can not be heated if the temperature is at least 0ºС, if it is lower, the flowers will freeze.

Also, tulips can be sold from the car, where they will be warm and comfortable, but for this they will need bright signboard so that people can see you and understand that you are selling tulips.

How much can you earn selling tulips on March 8

I will give some calculations, examples.

The wholesale price for tulips is different: from 25 rubles. up to 45 rubles Retail price for tulips from 60 rubles. up to 100 rubles As always, we take the golden mean.

We take 100 tulips × 35 rubles. = 3500 rubles. + packaging 200 rubles. + ribbon 50 rubles. = 3750 rubles. (this is an investment)

We sell 100 tulips for 70 rubles, we get - 7000 rubles.

Net profit - 3250 rubles.

Not bad, for example, for a student, 100 tulips can be sold in one hour.

We take 500 tulips × 35 rubles. = 17500 rubles. + packing (2 rolls) 400 rub. + ribbon 100 rubles. = 18,000 rubles. (investments).

We sell tulips for 70 rubles, we get - 35,000 rubles.

Profit 35,000 - 18,000 \u003d 17,000 rubles.

Good. We earned the average salary of a nurse in 3 days.

We take 2000 tulips × 35 rubles. = 70,000 rubles. + packaging 800 rubles. + ribbon 200 rubles. = 71,000 rubles.

We sell: 2000 × 70 = 140,000 rubles.

Profit: 140,000 - 71,000 \u003d 69,000 rubles.

Fine. Earn 69,000 rubles in 3 days. is a good income.

How much you can earn is up to you. How many tulips you want to buy in bulk is your desire. You can really make money.

Finally, I can give you one more piece of advice. There are a lot of people who want to earn extra money by March 8 on flowers. Sell ​​your flowers no cheaper and no more expensive than your competitors.

All these days, keep the price, do not lower it. To earn as much as possible and sell all the flowers without a trace, you need to keep the price until March 8, before lunch. After 14:00, the price must be reduced until the sale is complete.

We were given, perhaps, the best place for trading that an entrepreneur could wish for: right at the main entrance to the Greenwich shopping center. Especially for our flower shop on wheels, the administration of the shopping center kindly allocated a parking space and, in general, coordinated this operation at their own peril and risk. Among ourselves, by the way, we gave her the code name "Green Tulip".

Personally, I don't like tulips. In general, I'm afraid of them. After all, it was in the tulip that Thumbelina was born. Well, and to everything else, flowers are a perishable commodity. We didn't have much time. Flowers had to be packed hard. Freezing them is one of the main risks in winter for this business. Then just to the dump. Among other things, I had to create a kind of signboard in a short time. I tried very hard to draw the way true street vendors do.

The goods were ready and carefully heated from the salon. Outdoor advertising mounted, the price is determined - 66 rubles. I mentally put an hour and ten minutes on the dial. Go. The first clients appeared after 8 minutes. Judging by my observations, these were the owners of one of outlets Greenwich. They were in a hurry. One of the young people asked: “How much do they usually give?” I, as an expert florist with great experience, said that 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11. More is better. "Let's go nine." 594 rubles in my pocket.

By the way, it should be noted that we were engaged in the implementation legally. We had both checks and stamps. Most of our flower colleagues, who also spontaneously sell from cars, are not friends with the law and trade on hot March days at the risk of their pockets and even freedom. Have you ever asked a florist for a check or permits?

Valeria Dostovalova, expert of the Accounting.Contour service:

Entrepreneurs selling tulips from the trunk face fines under the Code of Administrative Offenses, there are three relevant articles. The procedure is something like this: a failed trader will be taken to the police station, where they will draw up a protocol on an administrative offense. Then they will be released, and the case will be handed over to a justice of the peace, after which, in a month and a half, they will be summoned to court, where the court will impose a fine. When we receive payment for flowers, this is personal income tax. And there is liability under the Criminal Code for tax evasion under Article 198. Punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or arrest for a term of four to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.

Time flies, and "beautiful, fresh tulips from Holland" continue to remain in our trunk for the most part. The last twenty minutes have gone. I start shouting loudly: “Tulips-tulips. We will see. Let's buy. Guys, let's buy tulips. The situation changes radically when a woman in an artificial fur coat appears on the horizon. She wonders what the price will be if you take the entire balance. It's already wholesale, guys. There are 55 tulips in the car. At first, I propose to buy everything for 50. Then I start dumping and give 45 rubles apiece. She said she would think about it and come back, but disappeared towards the bus stop.

Time is over. I get money. In 67 minutes, photographer Igor and I earned 914 rubles. Let me remind you that we bought all this stuff for 2,310 rubles. We have not completed the task. Unless they froze well exactly by the sixty-sixth minute. Brief summary of the hour looked like this. We received 914 rubles by selling 16 tulips in a little over an hour. In the city center, on a pre-holiday day. In "Greenwich" and in the Dendropark across the road, the same tulips were sold for 50 rubles apiece.

But this was not the end. We have 50 tulips left.

Summarizing, we can say this. Flower business on March 6, 7, 8 and even 9 is, perhaps, a gold mine. Large wholesalers do not buy at 35 rubles per branch, as we do, but at 25, 20 or even cheaper. They sell at 50. This is a minimum of 100% profit. In order to recoup the costs of the "purchase", to earn 25,000 rubles, you need to sell from 800 to 1,000 tulips. It is difficult or simple, everyone decides for himself. However, I have learned a few simple things. Be legal to avoid sanctions. Don't be cold. Don't overprice. Don't buy more than you can sell. Flowers are not furniture - they will deteriorate quickly. Don't be fooled by the imaginary gold mine. Every business has its challenges and challenges. And finally, if in doubt, it's better to just give.

Business idea: Sale of tulips on March 8th. 52 thousand rubles in 2 days!

Consider the legal aspects.
In order to trade March 7.8 open entity no need. Enough information from the administration. (And somewhere this is not necessary at all!) To do this, you need to write an application indicating the place where you want to sell flowers from the car. Then, in a couple of days, you will be issued a temporary permit to trade.

If you have your own car, then you have little choice, but if you don’t have a car, then you can rent it from friends or acquaintances from 500 to 1000 rubles. This lease will pay off.
The most suitable car is a station wagon with folding rear seats.

Where is the best place to stand
The most suitable points for selling flowers on the street are passable places.
For example:
- near metro stations,
- stops,
- railway stations,
- Places with a greater cross-country ability of people.
Sleeping areas are strictly not recommended.

The main assortment you will have cut flowers and packed in 3 pieces. You can also additionally sell soft small toys, hearts. Of course, it makes no sense to specially buy them, in this case, you can agree with the toy store and take them for sale.

Since you buy tulips in bulk, you can collect orders for bouquets in advance, and by the middle of the day hire a courier for a small fee, for example, a student, to deliver them. Here both the client and the student are satisfied.
For cutting, such related products as flower stickers are most suitable.

If the weather permits, you need to decorate the couple with a bouquet and put it in a vase on the car, so that everyone passing by can see what you are doing here. This will attract more customers. After all, what is written by a person is perceived differently when he sees it in the window. Therefore, potential client there will be a desire to buy a bouquet for his wife, girlfriend, mother.

To decorate bouquets, you need to stock up on wrapping film and mesh of various colors, as well as ribbons for decorating bouquets.

Approximate calculation arrived:
There are 7 bouquets of 50 pieces in a box, so there are 350 pieces in a box.
The purchase price at the moment is 35 rubles *.
*The closer the holiday, the higher the prices from the supplier!

Estimated cost of a flower holidays 50-80 rubles.
We believe:
We buy: 350 * 35 = 14,000 rubles. (investments)
350 * 60 \u003d 21,000 - 14,000 \u003d 7,000 rubles. (profit)
350 * 90 \u003d 28 00 - 14 000 \u003d 17 500 rubles. (profit)
YOUR profit from one box will be from 7,000 to 17,500 rubles.

Based own experience in 3 days you can sell at least 3 boxes.
You can also take goods, for example, at 2 points, and just like with delivery, hire a person who will stand and sell. His salary will be ~ 800, 1000 rubles, you can also be additionally motivated (for example, from% of sales).
Let's calculate the profit for 3 boxes, we get: 21,000 - 52,500 rubles in 2 days.

Many of you are engaged in flowers or are just planning to do so, so I decided that this article would be useful.

And I decided to periodically reveal secrets flower business and share this knowledge on this site, summarizing all the questions that customers and visitors so often ask.

And some of the questions (especially now before February 14 and March 8) are related to tulips .

howchoose the right tulips from suppliers?

howbuy fresh tulips at flower wholesale?

howcare for tulips before selling them?

howstore tulips at home (an apartment where there is no cool room)?

In fact, the questions are really relevant, since many people are trying to earn several tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles on March 8 by trading in these flowers.

So, everything is in order!

I have never recommended and do not recommend buying tulips in advance (a month, for example), ordering from wholesalers without seeing the flowers themselves. That is, when you pay for flowers, and then pick them up before the holidays, getting your flowers guaranteed, while other players in the retail flower business may not receive flowers, since there is not enough type for them. All these are fairy tales! with all due respect to wholesalers, but often such arguments are used by wholesalers so that you pay in advance for flower deliveries.

There is one significant BUT that is worth thinking about! You can get a frank G, and not normal fresh tulips (not all suppliers are “holy” and conscious). Especially if a driver brings flowers to you, who does not understand any flowers at all, but only takes the goods from the company. What will he be able to understand there, what kind of boxes and with what flowers they put him? We've been through these things before. And then there will be a huge problem to sell all this G. Why make life difficult for yourself?

It's simple: take flowers when you need them. I remember how we took flowers at the Riga market a couple of days before March 8, and there was absolutely everything and even more than necessary (than if we had made an advance payment for a batch of tulips a month in advance), everything was of the freshest quality! There is a wholesale flower company near Rizhsky - they also took literally back to back on March 8, and there was also almost everything, however, I had to choose a little, as there were frozen tulips (but who will give you a guarantee that you will not be folded “frosts” in advance) in boxes?), but in the end we got as many flowers (and only fresh ones, no “frosts”) as needed for trade.

The second point: look at what you take with your own eyes! Do not believe the employees of the company, who say that all the flowers are fresh. Look at everything, for this you have eyes!
Tulips may be stale or frozen. It makes sense to take such tulips only if tomorrow is already March 8, then you will sell them, otherwise, they will just start to turn black, you will not sell anything and just throw everything away!
You need to take only fresh tulips, not frozen.

If you take tulips not a couple of days before the trade, but for example, a week, then you should take tulips in buds that are not yet fully colored. If you take tulips in large buds, there is a risk that the tulips will open a lot and begin to deteriorate (especially if you store them incorrectly), plus an open center may be visible during the sale. All this looks beautiful in the spring in a sunny garden, but in the cut, customers prefer closed tulip buds, rather than open burdock.

What to do if tulips are frozen?sell them ASAP! For example, you trade somewhere on the street (we have a lot of people in Russia trying to earn extra money on March 8, although they have never traded flowers before), the temperature is on the verge of minus or a real minus, many people have flowers on the street. Naturally, by the evening there will be almost an end to tulips (especially if minus 3-5), it is immediately noticeable from them how the foliage begins to change to an ugly dark green, the bud petals begin to deteriorate at the edges and darken. so just try to sell faster! 90% of clients (men) simply do not understand anything about flowers, and even more so about tulips. Often they ask what these same tulips look like, because “the wife said to buy tulips on March 8”, and they buy them! In any case, everyone will be happy: both you, since they bought flowers from you, and the client, since he will give flowers to his wife (mother, girlfriend, girlfriend, etc.), but the fact that the flowers will not stand at home , so any frostbitten flowers will, in principle, not stand in warm home conditions. They are just flowers, don't expect anything more from them!

Now, in terms of storage, as you understand, it is impossible to keep tulips (flowers in general) in frost (at sub-zero temperatures) - they will quickly end! The room temperature must be above 0 degrees ( 2-3 degrees is the most optimal temperature).

If you want tulips not to grow until March 8 (for example, you bought flowers in a week), then you can not put them in water yet (nothing will happen to them), wrap them well with paper so that the light does not fall (especially on the buds), otherwise they will begin to stretch towards the light, then they will all curves. In general, put them in a box, cover with a lid, and reduce the bright light in your cool room.

If you want your tulips quickly turned from small buds to large ones, that is, they began to grow, then you need to put them in water (you can even warm (not boiling water), but before you put it, cut the tulips with secateurs by 1 cm) and turn on the lighting. Only the light should be even (and not so that it is dark everywhere, but light comes from the window, tulips will begin to reach for the light and will be crooked).

For, so that the tulips do not open when they already have the shape of burdocks (huge) and want to open, showing the middle, you need to use the old grandmother's method - rubber bands on the buds. Or you can use a pretty floral tie ribbon. There is no other option. because I wrote above that you just don’t put them in the water, nothing will happen to them. We are selling them like this on March 8, without putting a single one into the water. But all with beautiful buds, not huge mugs.

If tulips are in your home(you just decided to trade on March 8 and that's it), then do everything the same as I wrote above, the only thing you need to do then is to keep the windows open for several days (otherwise it gets very hot from batteries in many apartments, tulips will quickly deteriorate, + 22-26 is a very high temperature for tulips). If suddenly the stems of tulips become soft (from the heat from the batteries), then they must be placed in water, but do not remove the paper from the tulips, otherwise the buds will begin to grow rapidly.

I hope the article was useful to you.

Good luck with flowers on February 14 and March 8! Especially with tulips! :)