Electrician of the 5th category. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

What is the profession of an electrician and what types is it divided into? What are the responsibilities of an electrician? The answers to these and many other questions will be given in the article.

Who is an electrician?

The light in the rooms is lit only thanks to electricians. If some electrical device fails, then, of course, the electrician is called for help again. Thanks to the representatives of the profession in question, constant quality control over electrical engineering is carried out. In Russia and other CIS countries, there is a severe shortage of workers. The country needs high-quality, competent specialists. That is why the profession of an electrician has long been highly demanded in the labor market. All are created the necessary conditions for employees: wages increase, optimization work environment, improving professional training- if only more people went into the profession.

And what does it prescribe about the representative of the profession in question production instruction for an electrician? This document establishes that the employee is obliged, if necessary, to assemble, install, mount, align, adjust or repair different kind electrical equipment and technical equipment. In addition, the employee needs to know the basics of electronics, the principles of operation of various mechanisms, the design of electrical appliances, etc. The complete list of disciplines that the employee should be aware of is regulated in detail by the production instruction for the electrician.

Job Responsibilities of an Electrician

The results of the surveys show that a person working by profession as an electrician should perform mainly physical work. The representative of the profession in question must have good, good health, a high level of endurance and excellent physical fitness.

If we talk about the duties of an employee, then everything will depend only on the category and qualifications of the worker. So, the production instruction for an electrician prescribes that an employee of 2-3 categories is obliged to wash parts and elements of various devices. Cleaning the contacts of electrical equipment is also the responsibility of a class 2-3 professional. Workers who have 4 or 5 categories are required to do more difficult and complex work. Accordingly, the responsibility of such specialists will increase markedly. Carrying out diagnostics of various hardware circuits - both electrical and mechanical, elimination of various kinds of problems and malfunctions - all this is included in the group official functions represented employee. Among other things, it is specialists of the 4th and 5th categories who are required to draw up various production sketches, drawings and diagrams.

It is also worth noting that she professional sphere includes more than 40 different subspecies. Each of them is an independent specialty, the basics of which are contained in a typical production instruction for an electrician. Next, the most basic and most common subtypes of this profession will be considered.

Rights and responsibilities of an electrician

The production instruction for an electrician assigns to a representative of the profession in question a number of specific rights and a group of criteria for which the employee must be responsible. It is worth noting that the entire list presented will not change or be cut in any way depending on the working category and function groups.

So, what are the rights of an electrician? Like most other working professionals, the person in question has the right to:

  • on the workplace, secured employment contract and other legal and regulations;
  • for timely and full wages;
  • to rest;
  • for safe work;
  • to provide him with all the information, as well as any plans, one way or another related to the work of electricians;
  • to participate in the management of the enterprise;
  • to protect their rights and much more.

Only the most basic professional rights of an employee were named above. What are the types of responsibility? Here are the most common types:

  • for the conscientious and high-quality performance of their labor functions;
  • for the internal order;
  • for labor safety;
  • for the careful attitude to the property of the enterprise and more.

Thus, the electrician's production instruction for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment quite competently and clearly organizes all types of responsibilities and rights.

Electrician 4 category

An electrician of the 4th category is a very important person in production. That is why it is worth a little more to reveal the essence of his work. Since the general concept of the profession "electrician" has already been described, it will be necessary to refer directly to the duties of the employee. So, what do the production instructions for an electrician of the 4th category prescribe? What common features can be identified here? Here are the most basic ones:

  • Dismantling, timely inspection and repair of operated equipment.
  • Carrying out a full technical check upon completion of the repair.
  • Control over signaling - light and sound, over magnetic stations, control posts, etc. Timely elimination of various problems.
  • Carrying out work at power plants - departmental, transformer, etc.
  • Full control over lighting; timely troubleshooting on voltage lines.
  • Soldering.
  • Drawing up drawings and diagrams and performing work on them.

Electrician of the 5th category

Of the eight possible, an electrician of the fifth category is a rather important and valuable person in production. The production instruction for an electrician of the 5th category assigns the following duties to the employee:

  • dismantling, testing, repair, assembly and commissioning of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical equipment (up to 15 kV).
  • Work with automation and telemechanics: elimination of defects and adjustment.
  • Working with lighting and power plants with particularly complex switching circuits.
  • Work with cable networks with power from 35 kV.
  • Work with installations and mercury rectifiers, which are high-frequency.
  • Carrying out work with furnaces (steel-smelting, tunnel and blast furnace), with rolling machines, with welding equipment, etc.
  • Inspection, repair and commissioning of vacuum furnaces of a particularly complex type.
  • Works to identify, eliminate and prevent vibrations and noises in production that exceed the norm.
  • Carrying out work with flow transport lines, with feedback by voltage and current.

Of course, representatives of the profession in question with the fifth category can be endowed with many other functions. However, everything will depend on the company and place of work. The electrician's production instructions for the repair of electrical equipment involve a wide variety of functions and responsibilities.

About winding repair electrician

What is the work performed by the type of worker in question?
The production instructions for the winding repair electrician prescribe that a representative of this profession is obliged to identify defects, determine the volume and production labor activity associated with the repair of windings of the "monolith" type of any voltage with cooling - indirect or direct. This also includes one-piece winding and work on connecting parts of electric machines, testing windings for strength.

Above was presented a brief description of work performed. However, what examples of the work activity of the workers in question can be given? Here are the most common:

  • The old winding is dismantled and the new winding is installed on the rotors of turbogenerators and on large electric machines.
  • Carrying out similar work with generators that have water, hydrogen or oil cooling.
  • Working with centering and shroud rings on generator rotors.
  • Detection, repair and prevention of moisture leakage from the winding.

Of course, the representative of the profession in question is endowed with many other functions. However, they are all written in job description.

About the electrician for the repair of electricity meters

The electrician's production instruction for the repair and maintenance of electric meters assigns a number of rights, duties and responsibilities to the employee. Further, only the main functions of the presented employee will be described, since they will help to reveal the image of this specialist as widely as possible. So, what can be distinguished here?

In short, the employee is obliged to change electricity meters in a timely and high-quality manner. However, in addition to the replacement, the specialist is also obliged to deal with finances. It's about providing quality income. Money for the use of electricity from ordinary consumers. It is worth mentioning the documentation - almost no profession can do without it in our time. So, the electrician in question is obliged to draw up, draw up and submit to the management all the necessary papers on repairing the meters or replacing them on time.

In general, the work of the specialist in question is not much different from other types of electrical installation: elimination of defects, control over equipment, timely replacement of equipment, and much more - all this makes up the presented profession.

What is a GPM maintenance electrician?

To begin with, it is worth understanding what GPM is and how it stands for. Everything is quite simple here: these are load-lifting machines.
However, the question may arise: "What does an electrician have to do with it? What does he have to do with cranes at all?" The thing is that lifting equipment, directly connected to the network, has gone into oblivion many years ago. Today, driving machines of this kind will be very difficult. Needless to say, how important a person here will be a person who is able to diagnose the device, repair and service it. But the representative of the profession in question is just such a person. Without exaggeration, we can say that an electrician of this kind is probably the most prestigious specialist in his professional environment.

The production instruction of the electrician of the GPM assigns a number of duties to the employee. What are they? This will be discussed further.

Responsibilities of the electrician for the repair of the GPM

The duties of the employee in question are regulated by a special production instruction for an electrician. According to this document, almost all objects are subject to maintenance of the GPM.
The specialist himself must:

  • To keep all GPMs available in the production in optimal and working condition.
  • Conduct periodic inspections and checks of existing equipment.
  • Keep a journal of periodic inspection (typical for specialists with a certain category).
  • Eliminate emerging faults in a short or specified time.
  • Carry out work with experimental schemes of those. equipment of a particularly complex nature (adjustment, verification, repair, commissioning, etc.)
  • Working with instrument transformers (checking available accuracy classes).
  • Work with special pipelines, systems filled with various liquids (oil, gas, etc.)
  • Studying the working conditions of certain types of GPM; "practice development" - search for wear, elimination of defects and more.
  • Conducting briefing of employees, one way or another involved in the GPM.

Thus, the duties of a representative of the profession in question do not differ in anything special. The production instruction for an electrician for the repair of a PMG establishes the most common range of functions. Transferring responsibilities to a GPM environment certainly seems much more difficult. However, this complexity is easily offset by prestige.

Safety requirements during the work of electricians

Safety items are contained in the production instruction of the electrician. Maintenance of electrical equipment is given great attention in this document. But where greater value here has worker safety.
So, the instruction prescribes the following about the safety of specialists:

  • If an injured person is found, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to notify the leadership with the administration.
  • Troubleshooting work on the equipment must only be carried out with the power off.
  • Employees must keep their workplaces tidy and clean.
  • Documentation must be in perfect order at all times.
  • All information about the state of a particular piece of equipment must be logged.

Compliance with all of the above requirements will help to avoid accidents at work.

Home > Instruction

State educational institution of higher vocational education

"Volgograd State Medical University"

Ministry of Health and social development Russian

(GOU VPO VolgGMU Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia)

I APPROVE: Vice-rector for administrative and economic work of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education VolgGMU of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, __________________ Shvets N.N. "___" _______________ 20__

Job description

electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category


Name structural unit

FULL NAME ___________________________________________

1. General provisions

1.1. An electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A person with a specialized secondary education is appointed to the position of an electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category.

1.3. An electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category is directly subordinate to the head of the structural unit. 1.4. An electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category must know:

    fundamentals of telemechanics and electronics; device and electrical circuits of various electrical machines, devices, measuring instruments, automatic control and telemechanics;

    principle of operation of high-frequency thyristor inverters;

    methods for testing electrical equipment, cable and air networks;

    a complete electrical circuit of the serviced object or area;

    rules for setting up and repairing complex electrical appliances, mercury rectifiers and devices, as well as automatic control devices;

    the principle of operation of converters, high-frequency installations with machine and lamp generators;

    calculation of the need for static capacitors to increase the cosine phi; rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation.

2. Job Responsibilities.
    Maintenance of power and lighting installations with particularly complex switching circuits. Disassembly and assembly of secondary switching circuits and simple relay protection: maximum current, differential, etc. Replacement of instrumentation and measuring transformers at departmental substations, transformer electrical substations. Maintenance of electrical equipment and circuits of machines and units included in production line, as well as equipment with automatic control technological process. Maintenance of static frequency converters, thyristor motor converter with current, voltage and speed feedback. Checking and troubleshooting complex circuits and devices of electrical equipment of the substation and technological machines, automation and telemechanics devices. Maintenance of electrical circuits automated control flow-transport technological lines. Maintenance of welding equipment electronic circuits control, as well as high-frequency lamp generators. Maintenance and troubleshooting in the operation of control circuits for contactor-relay, ionic and electromagnetic drives, as well as high-voltage equipment of process equipment. Maintenance of electrical equipment of units and machine tools with electric machine control systems, with current and voltage feedback. Production of work in switchgears without removing the voltage over 1000 V. Development of measures with the implementation of calculations to improve the cosine phi under various modes and loads. Adjustment of mercury solid rectifiers and high-frequency installations with a power of over 1000 kW. Adjustment of complex command devices of sensors, relays on technological equipment
3. Functional responsibilities. 4. Rights. An electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category has the right to:
    Submit proposals for improvement of the work. To use free of charge the services of the library, information funds, educational and scientific divisions, as well as the services of social, medical and other structural divisions of the university. In the prescribed manner, appeal against orders, orders of the rector and other organizational and administrative acts of the university administration.
5. Responsibility. Electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category is responsible for:
    Violation of the rules on labor protection and industrial sanitation. Improper provision fire safety and implementation of fire-fighting measures in assigned premises. Failure to provide safe working conditions for workers. Failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the Charter of the University, current legal acts and job description. Other violations provided for Labor Code Russian Federation, in the process of performing their official duties.
6. Relationships
    An electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category accepts for execution the instructions of the rector, expressed orally or in writing. An electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category accepts for execution verbally or in writing and directly addressed to him the instructions of the vice-rector for administrative and economic work.
Head of the structural unit ______________________ FULL NAME Head of the Human Resources Department ____________________________ О.Е. Usacheva Chief Legal Counsel ________________________ D.A. Gavrilov I read the job description (a), a copy was received _____________ Full name “____” ___________ 20___
  1. Job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 4 categories


    the most rational ways of checking, repairing, assembling, installing and maintaining electric motors and electrical equipment, ways to protect them from surges;

  2. Standard instruction on labor protection for an electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants ty r m-062-2002


    1.3. The head of the structural unit is obliged to create conditions at the workplace that meet the requirements of labor protection, provide employees with protective equipment and organize their study of this Instruction.

  3. Handbook for electricians on the maintenance and repair of hoisting machines literature


    1. Dismantling, overhaul of electrical equipment for any purpose of all types and dimensions under the guidance of a highly qualified electrician.

  4. Typical labor protection instruction for an electrician for maintenance of power lines, electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V and over 1000 V


    1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special theoretical and practical training and have

  5. Instructions on the procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships to students of secondary specialized educational institutions 7 on some issues of the appointment and payment of nominal scholarships to students and students of institutions



§ 346. Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 5th category

Characteristics of works. Dismantling, overhaul, assembly, installation and alignment of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical apparatus various types and systems with voltage up to 15 kV. Adjustment of schemes and elimination of defects in complex devices of protective equipment and devices of automation and telemechanics. Maintenance of power and lighting installations with particularly complex circuits for switching on electrical equipment and circuits of machines and units connected in a production line, as well as equipment with automatic control of the technological process. Installation and repair of cable networks with voltage over 35 kV, with installation of input devices and couplings. Repair, installation, installation and adjustment of mercury rectifiers and high-frequency units with a capacity of over 1000 kW. Installation, repair, adjustment and maintenance of devices for automatic control of operating modes of blast furnaces, steel-smelting furnaces, rolling mills, blocking, signaling, control devices for tunnel furnaces, dispatcher automated control systems, flow-transport process lines, welding equipment with electronic control circuits, electrical equipment and machine tools with electric machine control systems, with current and voltage feedback. Repair of complex electrical equipment of drying and vacuum ovens, unique maximum current machines and automatic tapes. Balancing the rotors of electrical machines, detection and elimination of vibration.
Must know: basics of telemechanics; device and electrical circuits of various electrical machines, electrical devices, electrical measuring and automatic control devices; general information on the purpose and basic requirements for maximum current protection; methods for testing electrical equipment and cable networks; diagrams of electric motors and other serviced electrical equipment; relay device of various systems and methods for its verification and adjustment; methods of work and the sequence of operations for disassembly, assembly, repair and adjustment of electrical machines of high power, complex electrical equipment; test rules protective equipment used in electrical installations; the procedure for organizing safe work in electrical installations, supervision and maintenance of operating electrical equipment; construction of geometric curves necessary for the use of devices used in the repair; the principle of operation of converters, high-frequency installations with machine and lamp generators; calculation of the need for static capacitors to increase the cosine phi; methods of alignment and balancing of electric motors; purpose and types of high-frequency protection; rules for setting and regulating control and measuring instruments, safety regulations in the scope of qualification group IV.
Work examples
1. Automatic devices for extinguishing towers of coking plants - repair and adjustment of the electrical circuit.
2. High-voltage oil switches - overhaul.
3. High voltage cable - finding damage, cutting out the damaged area and mounting the insert.
4. Contactors, magnetic controllers, limit switches - repair and regulation.
5. High voltage switchgear equipment and apparatus - repair and installation.
6. Magnetoelectric load limiters - check, adjustment and regulation.
7. Control panels and magnetic stations of high-voltage electric motors of rolling mills - inspection and repair.
8. Control panels for multiple drawing with a complex scheme for automatically starting five drums with one button using a time relay - repair and adjustment.
9. Loaders, pneumatic loaders for wagons, storage, hold and other special machines - overhaul and regulation of electrical equipment in full.
10. Potentiometers, selsyn sensors with gears - repair with the manufacture of parts.
11. Radioisotope devices - installation and adjustment.
12. Operator lighting control panels - repair and installation.
13. Maximum relay, photorelay - check, repair and regulation.
14. Rotors of electric motors - balancing, detection and elimination of vibration.
15. Automatic spreaders - fault detection, repair, installation, dismantling.
16. Schemes of automatics for roller tables, stops, valve overturning of air heaters of open-hearth furnaces - repair and adjustment.
17. Electric systems of blast furnace loading mechanisms - full repair and adjustment.
18. Elements of counting circuits of special control systems for the length of the roll, telemechanical devices on the units metallurgical plants- repair, installation and adjustment.
19. High-voltage electric motors - overhaul, assembly, installation and alignment.
20. Multi-motor electric drives with magnetic stations and complex automation and blocking circuits - check and repair.
21. Electric clock stations of all systems - medium and major repairs.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain labor function, established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts ( the federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance regulates labor relations. It determines the procedure for subordinating an employee, appointing and dismissing him from a position. The document contains requirements for education, knowledge, skills of an employee, a list of his rights, functional duties, types of responsibility.

Sample typical job description for an electrician for repair and maintenance

I. General provisions

1. The electrician for repair and maintenance belongs to the category of workers.

2. The electrician for repair and maintenance is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer.

3. A person with a specialized secondary education in the field of activity and experience in a similar position for at least one year is appointed to the position of an electrician for repair and maintenance.

4. The appointment and dismissal of an electrician for repair and maintenance is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the personnel department / immediate supervisor.

5. The electrician must know:

  • fundamentals of electronics, electrical and radio engineering;
  • arrangement of electrical machines, units, measuring instruments;
  • technical characteristics, device, principle of operation of devices, equipment;
  • provisions guidance documents organizations that determine the activities of an electrician;
  • rules for servicing electronic devices;
  • rules, methods for establishing the operability of electrical machines, mechanisms, electrical appliances, devices;
  • scheme automatic control, methods of their repair, maintenance;
  • rules for handling electrical materials;
  • methods of complex testing of electrical installations, electrical apparatus, devices;
  • standards, methods of repair, installation of cable networks in explosive, fire hazardous conditions;
  • rules for drawing up electrical circuits and other technical documentation for electrical equipment;
  • the principle of operation of automatic protection;
  • electrical circuits for switching distribution equipment;
  • signs of damage to electrical equipment and methods for their elimination;
  • permissible loads on transformers, electric motors, electrically conductive lines of various sections;
  • norms for the use of spare parts, materials;
  • norms, rules of safety, labor protection, fire protection;
  • organization and technology of electrical work;
  • basics labor law RF;
  • internal rules work schedule.

6. During the absence of an electrician for repair and maintenance of his rights, functional responsibilities, the responsibility lies with other executive assigned in due course.

7. The electrician for repair and maintenance is guided in his activities by:

  • this job description;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • governing, normative acts of the organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The charter of the organization.

II. Responsibilities of an electrician for repair and maintenance

The Electrician for repair and maintenance performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Monitors the correct, trouble-free operation and proper operation of the serviced equipment.

2. Timely performs the following work:

  • adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, experimental electrical sections of technological equipment, communications of automatic lines;
  • dismantling, repair, assembly, installation of high-voltage electrical equipment of various types with a voltage of more than 15 kV;
  • maintenance, adjustment and regulation of electronic devices;
  • setup, maintenance welding machines various types of construction, impulse, ultrasonic, electronic installations, remote protection systems for automatic switching of the reserve, equipment using a semiconductor element base;
  • repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil, gas under pressure;
  • verification of accuracy classes of measuring equipment;
  • repair of epoxy terminations in high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between copper and aluminum conductors;
  • preparation of electrical equipment for commissioning;
  • testing of electric motors, devices, transformers after overhaul.

4. Instructs employees operating electrical equipment on ways to prevent work-related injuries.

5. Studying the modes of operation of the equipment, establishes the causes of increased wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

6. Studying, implementing advanced methods of repair, maintenance, installation according to the fixed type of equipment.

7. Participates in equipment troubleshooting, installation, adjustment, electrical testing.

8. Places, prepares applications for spare parts, materials, tools. Ensures their careful, rational use.

9. Repairs, regulates complex, responsible, experimental electrical apparatus and devices.

10. Participates in the preparation of measures to improve the quality of work, the reliability of fixed technical devices, in the modernization of electrical equipment.

11. Carries out complex tests of electrical equipment, motors and transformers after overhaul.

12. Prepares electrical equipment for transfer to operation.

III. Rights

The repair and maintenance electrician has the right to:

1. Act independently, within their competence.

2. Improve your qualifications, participate in training events.

3. Contact consultants on issues that are beyond the competence of the electrician for repair and maintenance.

5. Interact on official matters with departments of the organization.

6. Be informed about decisions related to your own work.

7. Require from the management of the organization the formation of normal conditions for the performance of duties, ensuring safety.

8. Report to the management about the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization, send proposals for their elimination.

9. Do not start exercising your powers when there is a danger to health, life.

IV. Responsibility

The repair and maintenance electrician is responsible for:

1. The quality of performance of official duties.

2. Violation of safety regulations.

4. Reliability of the information provided about the operation of the equipment.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

6. The results of decisions made, independent actions.

7. Breaking the rules labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards.

8. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state.

9. Improper performance of their official duties.

Job Description. Dismantling, overhaul, assembly, installation and alignment of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical apparatus of various types and systems with voltage up to 15 kV. Adjustment of schemes and elimination of defects in complex devices of protective equipment and devices of automation and telemechanics. Maintenance of power and lighting installations with particularly complex circuits for switching on electrical equipment and circuits of machines and units connected in a production line, as well as equipment with automatic control of the technological process. Installation and repair of cable networks with voltage over 35 kV, with installation of input devices and couplings. Repair, installation, installation and adjustment of mercury rectifiers and high-frequency units with a capacity of over 1000 kW. Installation, repair, adjustment and maintenance of devices for automatic control of operating modes of blast furnaces, steel-smelting furnaces, rolling mills, blocking, signaling, control devices for tunnel furnaces, dispatcher automated control systems, flow-transport process lines, welding equipment with electronic control circuits, electrical equipment and machine tools with electric machine control systems, with current and voltage feedback. Repair of complex electrical equipment of drying and vacuum ovens, unique maximum current machines and automatic tapes. Balancing the rotors of electrical machines, detection and elimination of vibration.

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 5th category Must know: basics of telemechanics; device and electrical circuits of various electrical machines, electrical devices, electrical measuring and automatic control devices; general information about the purpose and basic requirements for maximum current protection; methods for testing electrical equipment and cable networks; diagrams of electric motors and other serviced electrical equipment; relay device of various systems and methods for its verification and adjustment; methods of work and the sequence of operations for disassembly, assembly, repair and adjustment of electrical machines of high power, complex electrical equipment; rules for testing protective equipment used in electrical installations; the procedure for organizing safe work in electrical installations, supervision and maintenance of operating electrical equipment; construction of geometric curves necessary for the use of devices used in the repair; the principle of operation of converters, high-frequency installations with machine and lamp generators; calculation of the need for static capacitors to increase the cosine phi; methods of alignment and balancing of electric motors; purpose and types of high-frequency protection; rules for setting and regulating control and measuring instruments, safety regulations in the scope of qualification group IV.
Work examples
Automatic devices for extinguishing towers of coking plants, repair and adjustment of the electrical circuit.
High-voltage oil switches - overhaul.
High voltage cable - finding damage, cutting out the damaged area and mounting the insert,
Contactors, magnetic controllers, limit switches - repair and regulation.
High voltage switchgear equipment and apparatus - repair and installation.
Magnetoelectric load limiters - check, adjustment and regulation.
Control panels and magnetic stations of high-voltage electric motors of rolling mills - inspection and repair.
Multi-drawing control panels with a complex scheme for automatically starting five drums with one button using a time relay
- repair and adjustment.
Loaders, pneumatic loaders wagon, warehouse, hold and other special machines - overhaul and regulation of electrical equipment in full.
Potentiometers, selsyn sensors with gears - repair with parts manufacturing.
Radioisotope devices - installation and adjustment.
Operator lighting control panels - repair and installation.
Maximum relay, photorelay - check, repair and regulation.
Rotors of electric motors - balancing, detection and elimination of vibration.
Spreaders automatic - fault detection, repair, installation, dismantling.
Schemes of automation of roller tables, stops, valve repositioning of open-hearth furnace air heaters - repair and adjustment.
Electrical systems of blast furnace loading mechanisms - full repair and adjustment.
Elements of counting circuits of special control systems for the length of the roll, telemechanical devices at the units of metallurgical plants
- repair, installation and adjustment.
High-voltage electric motors - overhaul, assembly, installation and alignment.
Multi-motor electric drives with magnetic stations and complex automation and blocking schemes - check and repair.
Electric clock stations of all systems - medium and major repairs.