Dentistry private offices. How to open a dental office: calculations and risks

Many are of the opinion that opening your own dental clinic without having medical education, meaningless.

But are restaurants opened only by successful chefs, and hairdressers by talented hairdressers? The clinic is first and foremost a business, and then a medical process. Since now state-owned clinics are barely afloat, many entrepreneurs are wondering: "How to open a dental clinic and how profitable is it?"

How to create a clinic?

The dental clinic is one of the most promising areas in medicine. With the growth of living standards, Russians began to more carefully monitor their health, so there are more and more clients at private medical institutions, where they practice an individual approach to each of the clients.

Despite its great appeal, the dental business requires big investments. For example, to open a clinic for 5 chairs, approximately 300-400 thousand euros will be required. If you split this amount, then the following will come out:

  • equipment will cost approximately 135-160 thousand euros;
  • renovation of the premises: on average, about 140-190 thousand euros will be needed;
  • additional costs (documentation, advertising) will cost 20-50 thousand euros.

If you do not have the funds to open a clinic, you can simply make a dental office, which, of course, will cost several times cheaper. What do you need to open a dental office? To do this, it will be enough to open an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and register with tax office.

Choose a room

To open a clinic, you will need a room with a size of at least 180-200 square meters. m, which must correspond SES requirements. There should be one window per dental chair.

If possible, it is best to buy a property rather than rent it. After all, if the landlord asks you to leave the rented area, then while you find a new place, you will suffer big losses. During this time, you can lose not only customers, but also staff.

Of course, if the purchase of premises Money not enough, you will have to rent space. In this case, it is better to study the terms of the lease agreement well in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. To prevent your landlord from constantly increasing your rent, insist that the agreement includes a clause stating that the rent can change no more than once a year. You also need to demand a clear justification for the increase in the price of rent.


Many beginners make the mistake of investing a lot of money in luxury repairs, because then they have little money left to buy good equipment. As a result, the quality of the services provided suffers.

The second mistake is to entrust the design to a fashionable architectural bureau, which, however, has no experience in medical institutions. Remember, the design of dental clinics should be carried out by an organization that knows the specifics of the technology and the requirements of SES.

Therefore, to invest more than 700 euros per sq. meter is not worth it. People will come here to be treated, and not to admire expensive marble or paintings. A significant part of the money will have to be spent on communications, each office should have sewerage, water, electricity, and ventilation.


As a rule, the most troublesome business when opening any medical institution is obtaining permits from the supervisory authorities. While you collect all the documents for opening dentistry, a lot of time will pass. You need to go through many instances: SES, the department of architecture, the fire service, the district administration and others. Here is a sample list of required documents:

  1. Evacuation plan.
  2. BTI plan.
  3. Laundry agreement.
  4. Examination for sterility of air, washings, water.
  5. Agreement on the disposal of waste and fluorescent lamps.
  6. Explication.
  7. A document of ownership of the premises or a lease agreement.
  8. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  9. Agreement on the disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  10. Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Obtaining a medical license is generally a separate conversation. If all legal requirements are not taken into account, the license may not be issued, and then the opening of the clinic may be delayed. By law, a license can be issued no later than 45 days from the date of submission of the necessary papers from the applicant.

Those who plan to add a surgeon, therapist or orthodontist to the staff of the clinic will need to obtain a license separately for each type of medical activity. If you are not sure that you can arrange everything correctly yourself, it is better to contact a lawyer or even a specialized firm that helps in obtaining a license and other permits.


Before you open a dental clinic, you must also purchase necessary equipment. Even if you visit a couple of medical exhibitions, it will be difficult to understand dental equipment. Each supplier, of course, will praise their devices.

Even most dentists are not good with equipment, they usually only work on one or two models, so it is quite difficult for them to compare their equipment with others. For businessmen, the choice of medical equipment is generally a “black box”, which only whistles, buzzes and flashes lights. In addition, the price range for dental equipment is quite wide. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, you will need a specialist who is well versed in professional technology.


For a dental clinic for 5 chairs, it is necessary to hire 10 doctors, 10 nurses, 1-2 administrators, 2 nurses and an accountant for 0.5 rates. The salary of a dentist should be approximately 20-25% of the revenue, for nurses a fixed rate should be provided - about 300-400 euros (for the capital), and for nurses - 200-250 euros.

Private medical practice is divided into three classes: higher (multiprofile centers), middle (clinics), economy (dental offices). They differ in the scale of the premises, the range of services, cost, equipment and financial capabilities of customers.

For information! As practice shows, the average monthly profit in a small clinic is $40,000 - $50,000. A dental office can have revenue for the same period of at least $15-20,000. But these financial opportunities are not available to all private institutions, but only to those who conduct thoughtful and correct financial activities, focusing on the needs of clients.

During the implementation of the project to open a dental office, the main thing is to take into account all the details and pay attention to important nuances.

Which is better: open or buy a dental office

Starting from scratch is much more difficult, because you have to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to avoid serious problems in the future.

You can buy a ready-made business, where the dental office is already “promoted”, with a client base, dental equipment, and possibly staff. But it is worth considering why it is for sale? Not profitable or problems with regulatory government agencies, or insufficient client flow. In this case, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons, and make a purchase decision.

Buy finished project not as difficult as opening it yourself. It is enough to have a certain amount, to be able to understand the constituent and financial documents, to give a correct assessment of the profitability of the project.

It is important to know! Ready business will cost more than opening from scratch. This is due to the fact that the seller sets the price, trying not to miscalculate and get the maximum profit from the sale. And by opening a dental office on your own, you can save on repairs (using linoleum, not floor tiles), dental equipment (preferring a domestic manufacturer), and furniture. Starting a project on your own, you do everything “for yourself” and additionally get indisputable experience, which will be the basis for further financial activities and proper conduct of business.

How to open a dental office and what to look for

When thinking about starting a business, answer three main questions:

  1. What kind of services will be provided (list, assessment of opportunities).
  2. How the business will be carried out (premises, location, office equipment, etc.).
  3. For whom the services are intended (customers with what financial capabilities will be served).

After a clear understanding of your goals and desires, you can begin to implement them, guided by your own knowledge and intuition.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the financial possibilities (investments), on the basis of which the project will be built and proceed with its phased implementation.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a dental office and what you need for this. We will also consider what difficulties await the future owner of dentistry and what is taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

Today non-state dentistry is presented in three formats. The most common of them, which occupies 60 percent of the market, are cabinets equipped with two or three installations. Most often they are located on the first floors of residential buildings. According to experts, this format is “unstable”: such offices leave the market as bankrupt or are reorganized into a dental clinic. There is a third type of such institutions. We are talking about that provide an extensive list of services and non-dental focus.

The classification is also carried out in terms of the approach to doing business. Some clinics are focused on the in-line implementation of patient care (services of low quality are offered at appropriate prices). These centers have many dental units (work around the clock).

Such clinics have a focus on corporate clients who have a voluntary insurance contract. The third group is small institutions with one or two dental units, mainly VIP clients turn to them.

The amount of initial investment (without current costs) for opening your own office depends on the premises in which you are going to work - in a rented or your own.


To operate an office with one installation, you will need 2-2.5 million rubles. Clinic for three chairs 7.5 million. Repair work about 500 thousand (without x-ray equipment). With an X-ray unit, repairs cost 700,000 rubles. Rent for a room of 100 square meters(for a month) will be about 300 thousand rubles (we are talking about large cities, in small ones the amounts are less). When renting, a security deposit is made.

Own area

The area of ​​the city affects the price of the premises. The price is 80 thousand rubles per square meter.

Buying a ready-made business

The price is affected by:

  • the market value of the property (if you wish to purchase);
  • investments in repair work;
  • carrying value of dental equipment;
  • the price of materials and tool kits (with the constant use of highly specialized tools, it will be possible to keep a warehouse);
  • client base, business reputation, the duration of the activity of the institution in the market. This factor directly affects the payback period.

How to open a dental clinic: about pitfalls

For the successful operation of an office or clinic, knowledge of all the nuances is necessary.

How to open a dentistry: required documents

You will need a certain set of official papers. Register as individual entrepreneur(submit to the relevant authority a passport and a document confirming the payment of the fee) or organizations. Read about the procedure the federal law about registration legal entities and IP.

Obtain a certificate of tax registration at the place of residence or location. The clinic operates on the basis of a license, which allows the practice of medicine. To obtain permission, the following papers are submitted to the licensing and certification body:

  1. A completed application form;
  2. Certificates for dental equipment, medical books personnel, a copy of documentation on education and qualifications.

All equipment in the dental office is arranged as indicated in the BTI plan.

Business Profitability

One dental chair brings 400 thousand rubles per month. Based on a profitability of thirty percent, one unit earns 120 thousand rubles (net profit). Figures are higher when services are provided on-premises.


More often, clinics operate under a simplified taxation system. You will pay the state 1 percent of your income. Optimization occurs in terms of reducing the official salary and increasing the prices of materials. Business in the field of dentistry is profitable with qualified medical personnel.

Here we will talk about how to open your own dentistry. Moreover, today the dental business in the sector of all medical services is one of the most cost effective. Basically, many generations of dentists grew up on the fact that many people simply do not want to take care of their teeth on time and constantly.


In Moscow there are about 1.5-2 thousand. dental offices and clinics. The growth of such institutions is provoked not only by an increase in dental problems associated with insufficient preventive measures, excessive consumption of sweets, as well as poor ecology that affects the population, but also by an increase in the number of Russians who belong to the middle class and are equal to Western standards of living standards.

Such people are more educated, they understand the basic dental terms and materials used in the elimination of a certain dental problem, they understand that in society it has become quite indecent to have ugly teeth that are prone to caries, covered with plaque, and are ready to pay extra to the dentist for an individual treatment of themselves .

The dental market is represented by the private and public sectors. The public sector is departmental and municipal clinics in which doctors do not have a new modern equipment for work and would like to open their own private clinic. In turn, the private sector can be represented by large dental clinics, as well as micro or mini-clinics, where only the owner works. Most of all, small clinics with several specialists are able to achieve high profitability, which can provide an individual approach to the patient, as well as a greater range of services compared to a private office.

Income of dental clinics

Small private clinics employing 4 people can receive 15-25 thousand per month. USD net profit. If we measure the cost of all services in this monetary currency, then the following prices come out: for $ 10, you can remove tartar from one tooth or take an x-ray, for 15 - an examination, 25 - tooth extraction, anesthesia - 3, metal-ceramic prosthetics - 200 , and filling from 40 to 200 dollars. USA.

The dental business attracts many outside investors from different business areas. To run a dental clinic, you need to have a good understanding of the specifics of the dental business, while the relevant education is optional.

How to open

Decide on directions

Before you open your own dental clinic, you need to choose procedures that you can provide to clients, having a certain technique and narrow knowledge in one or more areas of dentistry. There are such areas: aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, surgery, therapeutic and pediatric dentistry, therapeutic periodontology, orthopedic treatment of various defects in the dentition, and so on.

After choosing a direction, the concept of the clinic is adjusted depending on the competitive environment. After a characteristic is compiled for all nearby dentistry, which includes such indicators: a list of services and availability of equipment, a price list, assessments of the level of service, advertising activity and professionalism of the administrator, then you can draw up your own price list.

Premises and permissions

To determine the size of the room for dentistry, you must first be guided by the standards of the SES. If you take it offhand, then for a small clinic for 4 specialists with separate rooms and various auxiliary facilities, you need an office of 200 sq. It is best to buy it, since the cost of an office will be equal to renting such a room for 3 years, moreover, all documents for dentistry, medical licenses, firefighters' permits, health certificates are issued with reference to a specific address of the clinic.

Activity Licensing

If there is time to independently obtain a license for dentistry (medical license, SES permits, etc.), you can deal with this issue yourself. When you need to carry out such work in shorter lines, you should contact a specialized company that will collect the necessary documents. Documents for one of the activities will cost 1-1.5 thousand rubles. USD.

Equipment selection

To select the right equipment, it is worth resorting to the services of a consultant who will not only tell you, but also help in its purchase. It is necessary to purchase reliable brands of dental units from the following companies: Castellini, Kavo, Sirona, (10-50 thousand dollars), diagnostic equipment from Trophy (25-36 thousand dollars), as well as sets of consumables from companies - Dentsply, 3M , Degudent and Kerr, costing about 1.5 thousand rubles. USD.


The number of dentists depends on the schedule of the clinic's robots, as well as the number of installations. Every doctor also needs a nurse wage from 6 thousand rubles). A nurse is hired to clean the premises (from 3 thousand rubles). The salary of a doctor, as a rule, is set to the minimum with an allowance of 10-30% of the cost of the work performed by him.

Teeth can get sick at any time, so it is impossible to do without the help of a dentist. Even if you have never had such problems, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination twice a year. Thanks to this, you can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.

Dental Services

A good dentist will never be out of work. If you have the relevant education and experience in this field, ask how to open a dental office and start your own business. This profitable business, which will bring a good profit.

Dental clinics offer different services:

  • Professional teeth cleaning;
  • whitening;
  • gum treatment;
  • Prosthetics.

In our country, dental treatment services are provided by:

  • State clinics. They are not very popular, since such medical institutions are equipped with outdated equipment. Government polyclinics sometimes employ good specialists who provide quality services for an additional fee;
  • Private dental clinics. They offer a wide range of services from diagnostics to dental surgery. There are small institutions that employ 3-4 specialists;
  • Dental offices. This is a small form of business providing dental services. Usually only one specialist and a nurse work in the office.

Before, you need to calculate how much it costs to open a dental office. You will have to spend a lot of effort and money for this, for which you need to purchase various dental equipment and high-quality consumables. In addition, it is necessary to issue licenses and other permits.


If you are a dentist and plan to personally engage in treatment, you can register as a private entrepreneur. An entrepreneur who will recruit specialists to the staff can register an LLC.

A license to practice medicine is issued in the name of dentists who will treat patients. In addition, you need to register with the MHIF, pension fund and FSS. After registration, order a print, open a bank account, and also get a special book in which income and expenses will be recorded. Also need and cash register. It must be registered with the tax office. You will also need permission from the fire department. All documents must be submitted to the Health Supervision.

Room selection

The room for the dental office should be selected according to the established requirements. Firstly, it should be located on the first floor, next to a bus stop. If this room is in a residential building, it must be transferred to a non-residential fund. Required documents and references must be submitted to the department of architecture. After that, you will receive permission to redevelop. Before you open a dentistry, you should complete all these documents, otherwise serious problems may arise.


When choosing equipment for a dental office, remember that it should last more than one year. Therefore, all equipment must be of high quality and meet established standards.

Necessary equipment:

  1. The most important piece of equipment is the dental chair. It should be equipped with a micromotor with handpieces, water and air sleeves, an ultrasonic scanner and a turbine. It is necessary to conduct water, sewerage and air to the chair. If you are opening a children's dental office, make sure that the chair is suitable for young patients as well.
  2. Replaceable tips. They will be needed in case of an unforeseen situation;
  3. Compositions for filling teeth;
  4. Hygienic and chemical products;
  5. Dental instruments;
  6. Sterilizer;
  7. Autoclave;
  8. X-ray installation and other additional equipment.

The most important thing is not to violate the standards of dental office equipment and then your business will be progressive and profitable.


To draw up a business plan for a dental office, you need to add staff salaries to equipment costs. Its size depends on the positions held. When selecting employees, pay special attention to their work experience and level of education.

To obtain a license to provide medical services, you must provide a special certificate, as well as diplomas of an intern and a resident. Experience in dentistry must be at least 5 years. You can take a nurse with work experience and a diploma as a doctor's assistant.

Most Common Problems

  • Missing documents and licenses. To avoid heavy fines, you can seek help from specialists who know what the requirements are for a dental office. Order audit professionals. The report will indicate all violations in the studies, measurements, documents and certificates.
  • Few clients. To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully select the staff. They must be highly qualified. In addition, the dental office should be located in a place without obvious competition. It is advisable to choose a densely populated area.
  • Lack of prestige. In order for the dental office to become popular, you need to invest a lot of money in advertising. Professionals should be involved in this matter. An important role is played by the equipment for the dental office. It must be of high quality and modern.
  • The discrepancy between quality and price. To ensure that clients come to you, constantly monitor the work of doctors and nurses. Order consumables only from trusted suppliers.

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Financial calculations

The business plan includes the following expenses:

  1. Purchase of equipment - 600 thousand rubles;
  2. Repair of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  3. Registration of licenses - 50 thousand rubles;
  4. Employee salaries. Depends on their number and qualification;
  5. Communal expenses;
  6. Communication, advertising.

The entire organization of the dental office will cost you 1–2.5 million rubles. But only if you do not buy a room. Net profit will be at successful work up to 600 thousand rubles a year and more.

Service rates

Many well-known clinics attract clients low prices. But when a person comes to be treated, it turns out that more than one hundred dollars will have to be paid for the treatment. By misleading customers, you only scare them away. Usually people trust those organizations where everything is simple and clear. Before starting treatment, you need to familiarize the patient with the prices and explain how much it will cost him.

Summing up

Since a huge number of dental clinics open every year, we can conclude that this is quite profitable and even in large part. locality. Of course, not everyone offers a high level of service, so the profit in different clinics varies significantly. It is rather difficult to give an exact number. Practice shows that with an average workload, a paid dental office can fully pay off in just one year.