How to properly offer products over the phone. Conversation scheme for cold calls to clients

Arunas Evgeniya

1. When talking to a secretary, ask for help. Who is the best person to talk to about this? When is the best time to call? Get yourself an ally!

2. Before you receive an incoming call - smile, put on a smile. The client calling you should feel that his call is really welcome!

3. Involve the customer in the buying process. For example, the phrase: “Please take a calculator and we will calculate the benefit of the offer.” Works much better than: “I will calculate now ...”

4. Whenever talking with a client, set a date for the next call - this will help you never lose touch with him and make the client permanent.

5. If you are tense, before calling, do the following exercise:

Drop your head on your chest and roll it first to the right shoulder, almost touching it, then to the left. Repeat several times, slowing down a little. Then straighten up, stretch and yawn heartily. After that, your voice will sound in a new way!

6. Be sure to write down everything you promise the client - and always keep promises as quickly as possible. There is nothing worse in business than ignoring customers.

7. When arranging a call, take any (even a small promise) from the client, for example: decide on a product model, or sketch out a list for an order.

8. Be a consultant! Help the client. You really have to delve into his problems and solve them.

9. Drink warm tea between calls - this is good for ligaments.

10. Always praise yourself for great results - this will push you to new victories!

11. Set yourself the exact time at which you sit down to the phone every day. And stick to that time every day. Discipline, and especially self-discipline, is necessary to achieve results.

12. Don't guess when is the best time to call, when the client has lunch, when he finishes work. For example, many managers are just more loyal after the end of the working day, when there is no fuss around; many quite loyally talk at lunch over a cup of coffee - at this time there is just no influx of calls. Don't guess - sit down and call!

13. If you sat down to write a beautiful letter and send an e-mail - better call. This method is much faster and more efficient.

14. Sometimes it's better to ask the client directly "Is there a chance we'll work with you this year?" rather than waste your time constantly calling back a client who can't tell you a clear NO.

15. All technical issues such as: filling out reports, sending out commercial offers, etc. - allocate to a separate time block, and do not try to do it along the way - you will see how your productivity will grow. When you call the company for the first time, try.

16. Go to the "main"! It is better if the manager or the head of the purchasing department sends you to a specific employee. Then you can safely say: “Ivan Vasilyevich, your leader, asked me to send this proposal to you ...” - this is already a guarantee that your proposal will be considered.

17. After send to customer offer- be sure to call him back. Ask if he saw everything, if he understood everything - this will make the client remember you again, and you will also be sure that your offer has found its addressee.

18. Try this approach when calling: "We specialize ... and describe the benefits for the client (the result that he will receive)." To understand if this is right for your business, I would like to know a little about your situation. Say…and ask an open question.”

19. Let the client know that you really want to work with him. Other equal conditions, wins the one who is most enthusiastic about the order.

20. Love your customers - and they will love you back!

From this article you will learn:

  • How to offer goods to stores
  • How to offer a product on social networks and by phone
  • How to properly offer a product to a sales representative

The domestic economy has recently embarked on the rails of market relations, from that moment on, each of the sellers asks a fundamental question: how to offer a product or service so that the buyer is interested. Consider the key aspects of this issue.

How to offer a product to be bought

Of course, the success of a business depends largely on the volume of sales, this is perhaps one of the most important factors. Production capacity can be increased quite quickly, but the market capacity does not always make it possible to realize the inherent potential. Advertising budgets can be 20-50% of the cost, firms are doing everything possible to beat the competition.

All of these factors indicate that the entire distribution chain – marketing/sales/store – is important. The answer to the questions: “How to properly offer a product” and “How to sell a product to a client” is the solution to the needs of the buyer.

  1. Before offering a product to a buyer, thoroughly study all the issues related to it. The more extensive and in-depth information about the product you have (operation, scope, availability of options and their differences, etc.), the more reasonably you can convey to the buyer why he needs it.
  2. Be very attentive to the question of the psychology of a potential client. You need to clearly understand who is in front of you: a student or an intellectual, young or old, man or woman. Having an idea about the nature of a potential client, it will be easier for you not only to offer him a product, but also to build a productive dialogue with him, to establish a competent strategy in the “buyer-seller” relationship.
  3. When offering a product, do not forget about the emotional component: let the potential buyer feel like the owner of a product that has not yet been purchased. Show what the product is in action, let it be touched, touched, smelled. Create all the conditions for making a purchase so that the client wants to purchase this particular product right now.

How to offer a product in bulk

There are a few simple rules on how to sell goods in bulk. In this case, you need to focus on the future, that is, on the constant search for a customer. The volume of deliveries depends on the scale of the client company (it will be large or small orders). Categories such as delivery, price, terms are a temptation for the buyer and a big plus for the supplier.


  • do your best to “lure” the client from the very beginning low prices on delivered orders and low bills for logistics;
  • follow the terms of the contract - never violate them;
  • deliver on time and regularly;
  • remember that wholesale is selling on an equal footing.

How to properly offer a product to a customer in a store

The biggest problem faced by retailers retail chains, including large ones, this is a recruitment problem, since the employees of most stores are not ready for effective sales(residual phenomena of Soviet education). But there is another side to this - retailers themselves often do not pay due attention to the training and motivation of sellers, treating them as third-rate " labor force' which is constantly changing. This attitude leads to a lack of proper training. The seller offers the goods to the buyer not very effectively, because he does not know how to do it. But trained employees with proper motivation may well be the key to the success of any outlet.

A successful salesperson is someone who:

  • easily identifies customer problems;
  • can assess the priorities of the consumer in the context of solving these problems;
  • can and strives to help buyers find solutions to these problems in the most convenient, efficient, innovative and timely way, and at a price that is right for the buyer.

More often than not, if the salesperson is able to identify the customer's key issues, the customer will be willing to pay for their solution.

Knowing how to promote your problem-solving abilities to potential buyers can be the key to success. This is to ensure that customers are aware of what you can do for them and what will be the benefits obtained from using the solutions you propose.

Sales leaders don't just focus on how to offer a product (or how to sell it), but they expand their customer's horizons. To become a top seller, you need to periodically answer the following questions:

  • What customer problems do I solve?
  • What is the customer's perspective on these issues and the solutions I offer?
  • How does the buyer prioritize when looking for solutions to these problems?
  • What other customer problems can I solve?
  • What hidden or future problems are buyers unaware of?

The buyer comes with a lot of problems. Your job is to point them out and give them detailed description, but not from your point of view, but from the client's point of view. Focus on the problems that need to be solved first, and for this you need to formulate the right questions and listen carefully to the buyer's answers. And after that, offer your solutions (= offer a product).

3 tips on how to talk to a buyer when offering a product

Experts share useful tips with distributors on how to talk with a buyer in order to achieve success, how to offer a product as efficiently as possible.

  1. Product knowledge.

Despite the fact that we have already mentioned this fact, we will repeat once again: preparations for trading should begin even before the sales themselves, in particular, we are talking about getting all possible information about the product. What it can be: before offering a product, check the nuances different manufacturers, the specifics of use, price corridors for wholesale / retail, at different outlets and in the place where exactly you will sell. However, the psychological aspect can be called much more significant.

The task of any seller is to offer a product, while giving answers to all the questions that have arisen. Such a distributor inspires confidence, the buyer understands that he is a professional, not an amateur. There is another point: if the client receives an exhaustive answer, he begins to feel obligated, and in some cases this may affect his decision to purchase the goods here, from this seller. However, in the opposite situation, when the seller answers without enthusiasm, at length, the consumer understands that he is not a professional.

The only exception: the buyer, due to some circumstances, has information about the product, for example, he took part in the production of similar products. Then you need to offer the goods more carefully, you should not go too far: it is important to show your competence in this matter, and respect the knowledge of the interlocutor, and maybe even ask him something, ask some questions. Such a model of behavior will increase the importance of the buyer in his own eyes and at the same time increase the assessment of the seller.

  1. Good mood.

In fact, the mood of the seller is a working tool, since he is an actor who cannot afford an arbitrary mood. His task is to "keep face" regardless of what's on his mind. After all, the buyer immediately catches the mood of the seller and reacts to it: good mood transmitted, but bad too. If the buyer came to the store in a good mood, and the seller spoiled it, then the buyer subconsciously (or maybe consciously) wants to take revenge on the seller without buying anything from him.

  1. Respect for the buyer.

Respect for the buyer is manifested in respect for his desires and choices.

That is, if the buyer wants to buy tea, then you should not try to sell him lemonade. Of course, it is permissible to offer a substitute product, but selling it is fraught with consequences. The buyer is more and more psychologically savvy, often he is also well versed in the product. Therefore, the fact that instead of a substitute product they begin to very persistently offer him something completely different, even when such a replacement seems appropriate to the seller, causes irritation and negativity. This is regarded as manipulation, and its disclosure should be followed by punishment: and this is already the loss of a client, because he is unlikely to ever return to the place where he was deceived or tried to deceive.

Trading is somewhat akin to fishing: it is impossible to make the fish peck, but they can be attracted by high-quality bait. Buyer like quality service and respect is a big part of it. And even in the case when you do not have some product, sending the buyer to the place where he is, this will also positively affect your assessment by the buyer, and it is highly likely that he will return to you.

You need to respect not only the problems of the buyer and his desires, but also the refusal. A buyer who was rude or rude after a refusal is unlikely to be seen again in your store. And even if there was no obvious rudeness, then a sharp change in the behavior of the seller (from fawning / attentive to indifferent / negative) will also shock the buyer, and he is unlikely to come to this store.

  • in no case do not talk about the negative nuances of the product, so as not to spoil the positive;
  • even if you know how to offer a product correctly, but do not own the rules of ethics, success will not be easy. Be charming, friendly, respectful - this will help sell the product, but avoid familiarity, familiarity, keeping the right distance.

How to offer a product to a sales representative

A budding sales rep is always going to get rejected, this is because retail outlets are against working with new suppliers or new products - the store shelves are already full of goods. However, there are good principles in sales and good methods how to offer a product to unfamiliar customers.

  1. Make an illustrated catalog.

If it is the woman who decides whether or not to work with you, then there is one useful method: creating a catalog with illustrations. This is true for women, as women usually tend to choose goods from catalogs: this form of shopping inspires confidence in them. Offering a product in this way is a variant of a more advantageous form: browsing a catalog takes less time than viewing a price list, and looking at pictures is more pleasant than at numbers.

  1. Go around all outlets in the assigned territory.

Be prepared to be rejected in most places when you offer a product, but this should not bother you: it's normal for the psychology of the seller - checking a new person (will he appear again and how persistent is he?). Don't be discouraged if you get rejected. Just let them know that you will come back another time when something interesting appears. The seller is unlikely to refuse this. Focus on finding your first client - it's hard, but it's possible.

  1. Revisit the stores located near the first customer.

Come back after a while with a message that you have news. In the conversation, give a reference to the first customer and inform that your product will be presented in his store. Buyers notice everything: if one store offers your product, but this one does not, they will come to the store with new products more often. And this is an important criterion for many.

  1. Collect statistics and reviews.

Contact customers with a question about how they are doing in the outlet with your product. Do not let their answers go past your ears - fix and pay attention to it.

  1. Visit the rest of the shops.

Let us know that your product is already available in 15 stores. But do not lie, but tell it like it is. Voice the words of customers who are satisfied with your product. This may be the impetus to start working with you. FROM successful people I want to work, people who are set up in this way find it easier to offer goods.

How to offer your product to stores

This question is always asked by newcomers, because the heads of retail outlets refuse to new products, arguing that the stores are already overstocked with goods. Therefore, there is one feature in how to offer a product to a store: you need to offer not only a product, but also something more, for example, better service than competitors, the best solution working moments. Your task is to offer a product, at the same time convincing the client that he will not waste his time in vain if he starts working with you.

To sell your product successfully, you need to have an idea about all the stages of a customer visit:

  • preparation;
  • approach to the outlet;
  • presentation;
  • make a deal;
  • merchandising;
  • visit analysis.

There are a number of important tips on how to offer a product:

  1. Remember that store managers perceive a new supplier as new problems. This is due to the past negative experience of contacts with unreliable suppliers, for example. Therefore, any new proposal is perceived by them with caution. Don't forget this: Selling a product has two parts: first you have to "sell yourself" as a bona fide business partner, and only then do you focus on how to offer the product and sell it. If you look at the situation from this position too, then it will be easier for you to negotiate and find the right words.
  2. When you go to the store to offer a product, focus on a slightly different goal: find out about the problems of your potential partners. Let me know that you plan to work in this market, but today you came to find out what problems the store faces when working with suppliers. Be attentive to the answers you receive and say that you will return when you can offer a solution to these problems.
  3. Analyze this conversation: identify weaknesses in the work of competitors, create a service scheme for a point of sale that will surpass the offers of competing suppliers. Focus on how to effectively demonstrate this difference to store managers when you start offering the product.
  4. Organize another negotiation, but again do not talk about your products, focus on how comfortable it will be for the buyer to work with your company.
  5. Receive your first purchase order. Let it be small - after all, this is a kind of check, but clearly state what the minimum order quantity should be in the future.

Remember: competitors will immediately notice the decline in sales that is associated with your entry into the market. The response of rivals may be, for example, an improvement in the quality of service. Your task is to return to the above steps from time to time and repeat them.

Important recommendation:go to shopping room after the delivery has been made, find out if everything is fine. The fact that you care about your partner- this is an additional bonus that will play in favor of working with you.

How to offer a product on social networks

SMM, or marketing in in social networks, is now gaining momentum. There is not a single company that does not understand the importance of promotion in social networks. At the same time, not everyone knows how to offer goods here correctly and as productively as possible.

The statistics say the following: for example, specialists from GfK Ukraine analyzed what goods, where and how often Ukrainians purchase via the Internet. Here are the results: in 2016, more than 39% of Internet users bought goods or ordered services using social networks. And, let's say, in 2013, only 12% made purchases through social networks.

Most popular goods: clothes, accessories, gifts, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes. Most of the customers are, of course, women.

Such statistics once again emphasize that you can really sell on social networks.

But how to do it?

Everything is not so difficult, you just need to take into account important factors:

  • the audience of your company coincides with the audience of the social network;
  • there are no barriers to buying your product through a social network (no additional registrations, requests are processed slowly, etc.);
  • you really develop your community: there is the right content, a sufficient number of participants, and you were able to reach an average or even high level of involvement;
  • users trust you (for example, thanks to quality work with feedback)
  • you realize that online sales take time (minimum 3 months).

When you can put a plus next to each item, then you are really confidently moving in the right direction: you can safely offer your product.

  1. Specify the current price.

Do not create unnecessary barriers on the way of the purchaser to purchase your product: let him see the price right away. Be sure that potential customers for whom the price you name will not be suitable will refuse to purchase the product in any case.

  1. Simplify the ordering process as much as possible.

It is necessary to offer goods in online stores in such a way that the client has the opportunity to buy the product he likes almost instantly, without unnecessary manipulations of going to the site, registrations, etc. The more difficult it is to place an order, the more likely it is that the buyer will change his mind. Your task is to make sure that the customer understands the scheme for purchasing goods, and this scheme should be simple.

  1. Regularly update the assortment so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Remember the female craving for shopping: hourly walking on shopping malls, the ability to choose, the understanding that one of these things will sooner or later become their property. The same principle should work in social networks: users should have a choice. These can be albums with goods, where you can see everything that is, compare, and then buy. Plus - the more assortment you offer, the more customers (and their needs) will be satisfied.

Remember about such a factor as the relevance of the product. Let you have an "In Stock" album, which will be regularly updated and replenished, do not forget to periodically offer goods from this album. Because often the refusal to purchase is provoked by the need for a long wait for the receipt of goods or its absence at all (despite the fact that it is presented in the album / on the site).

  1. Follow the trends and beat them.

Trends are a great way to make money quickly and a lot. Pay attention to what users are talking about on the Internet, what is happening around, what is interesting to people. Apply what you've learned to offer your product. Things that are in trend, as a rule, are more popular than the standard range.

  1. Update community information regularly.

It is important for you to convey to your customers the fact that your products are updated all the time. However, you do not need to do it too zealously, otherwise there is a risk of a ban (in news feed). Do this in moderation so that when a user needs something from what you sell, he immediately remembers you.

  1. Respond promptly to comments.

Timely responses to comments increase the likelihood of a purchase. Slowness can lead to the fact that the buyer will go to competitors.

  1. Don't neglect community management.

Community management is almost a key component in working with your community. It gives you the opportunity to build trust with users who can become your customers. Give public responses to negative comments, do not delete them and be able to admit your mistakes.

Remember the importance of feedback and reviews: their presence will increase the loyalty of the audience, which in the future will be able to recommend your store to friends and acquaintances. But just do not falsify information, reviews must be honest and real, and fictional reviews will never play into your hands.

  1. Let's advertise on interesting offers, discounts.

Draw your customers' attention to various interesting offers, promotions and discounts in advertising campaigns. Such messages increase the effectiveness of advertising, which leads to an increase in sales.

AT telephone sales managers hear the word “no” much more often than in face-to-face meetings. It often happens that sellers lose the initiative in a conversation when they get to a more “experienced” client who talks incessantly and leads telephone conversations to a dead end. It is very important not to lose heart in such situations.

Beginners are very susceptible to the impression of failure and failure. To cheer themselves up, some sellers spend time in a smoking room or near coffee machines.

But, in fact, such “doping” only aggravates the situation. The plan of telephone conversations is broken, nervous system overtired, "burnout" and loss occurs.

To prevent this from happening, set the rules for conducting telephone sales and conduct a short workshop with newcomers. Develop conversation scripts with the client.

Do not pause after each call and think about the result. Calls should go continuously, even if the previous client rudely expressed his indignation at contact with you.

Also determine the schedule of work and rest during the day. Good practice when salespeople continuously call for 50 minutes in a row and every last 10 minutes of the hour rest.

Then the seller has a passion, a working attitude, and there is simply no time to think about failures.

Follow the business process

Telephone sales is a specific business process. There should be a single sales technology. Greeting the client, handling objections, possible and unacceptable phrases, the order of product presentation. All this must comply with a single regulation.

Develop development sheets for conducting. Break them down into stages and describe the algorithm for talking with a client from the first to the fifth call.

Such sheets are very important in situations where telephone conversations are conducted with regular customers. Managers often switch to frivolous communication and forget about corporate standards. And such a deviation from the business process can be fraught with the consequences of failure.

Talk only to LPR

A typical mistake of most managers, more often newcomers, is to sell to everyone who is ready to listen. Especially when before that a telephone conversation with a client could not begin for several days.

Sellers are ready to praise the product, forgetting to clarify whether this listener is authorized to make a purchase decision.

It makes no sense to sell to those who do not influence . You only need to go to (LPR).

It is important to understand that the decision maker is not necessarily the general or Commercial Director enterprises. It can be a department head or a department head.

Therefore, before launching phone sales into an active status, find out who you need to contact to discuss the terms of the deal. Next, determine the methods you use to contact decision makers directly.

Fix agreements

Having received permission from the client to send him a commercial offer, the newcomer falls into euphoria and forgets to record the agreements reached during telephone sales.

As a result, the manager does not just lose the details of the negotiations in his memory, showing his incompetence to the client. The seller may even forget to contact this buyer after sending the email. Thus, losing the client forever.

Be careful with theory

What works well in theory is not always part of successful practice. Especially when it comes to foreign books about sales published in the middle of the last century.

Some sellers use such books as a bible in telephone sales. And they sincerely do not understand why such well-known theories do not work.

For example, unfortunately, you can still run into a manager who starts a telephone conversation with a question like this:

“Do you want to get a new model of our product for only 1000 rubles?”.

Or uses too many situational questions that completely discourage the client from the conversation.

If such experts got into your team, then it is better to send them to an intelligent training so that they pump their skills in the real conditions of telephone conversations.

Find out the reason for rejection

Another of the most common mistakes in telephone sales is to hang up immediately after a rejection without identifying the reason.

But it’s far from a fact that the client is really not interested in your offer. A potential client, who is forced to answer several sales calls per day, says “no” to any offer just automatically.

Many managers lack simple persistence (not to be confused with obsession). Ask the client some leading questions to find out their values ​​and needs. This will help you close the deal faster, or you'll learn a new objection that you'll need to think about handling.

Avoid closed questions

It would seem that all salespeople know about the technique of open questions, especially in telephone sales. However, it is still not uncommon to encounter such an error.

What are closed questions?

1.Are you interested in such and such equipment?

2. Do you buy machines of such and such functionality?

3. Would you like to receive our commercial offer?

Those. These are questions that can be answered with a single yes or no. Of course, the answer "no" is pronounced much more often, and already on the machine.

Start the dialogue with open questions, to which the interlocutor should give a detailed answer.

Collect a database of good and bad scripts

Enough common mistake business manager - do not record or listen in on telephone conversations of managers.

Why is it important?

Best Managers

Even executive and diligent workers are not immune from mistakes in telephone sales. Call recording control will help them see what they are doing wrong and correct the situation.

Worst Managers

Having control will make relaxed employees take work seriously. And if negligence is repeated, you will be able to say goodbye to an unscrupulous employee in time.

In addition, such records are an excellent material for training your employees. You record the best phone conversation and the worst. So you are on specific example show what phone conversation scripts should be and what not.

How to introduce yourself

It takes a few seconds for the counterparty to form his opinion about the seller, albeit a wrong one. Therefore, the first phrases of greeting and introduction in a phone call must be verified.

Even in a phone call, try to make your “hello” sound sincere. Sometimes you can switch to other forms: “good afternoon”, “good evening”, etc. By the way, all phrases that begin with the attribute “good ...” are not so hackneyed, although they are less easy to pronounce.

Next comes the presentation. Absolutely necessary element of telephone sales. In a friendly, calm but energetic way, state your name and what company you are from. It is better to use a phrase like: "My name is ... I'm from the company ...".

And now, most importantly, all these phrases during a phone call should be uttered in the context of certain states of the employee. Their definitions came from the training and telephone sales practice in America and Europe.

1. Confident (confident)

It seems to be obvious. Confidence can be embedded in the essence of a person. And if it is not there, then this does not mean that it is not suitable for telephone sales. Confidence can be earned. Firstly, it appears with experience, and secondly, you need to understand very clearly what benefits the proposed product will bring to the buyer.

2. Enthusiastic as hell

The level of the seller's energy message during a phone call should be very high. It arises from confidence, and further occurs due to normal physical condition and acceptable peace of mind employee. The employer can, by the way, influence both the first and the second.

3. Sharp as a tack (literally - sharp as a pushpin)

Phone calls are the most dynamic form of customer interaction. Therefore, the seller must be very smart in order to quickly respond to the changing tone of the client in the first seconds of the call. An employee is smart if he interprets the client's words and ulterior motives in a timely and correct manner. The good news is that the manager's mind, if desired, sharpens with experience.

So, the greeting and introduction for telephone sales must be pre-written, verified, tested and rehearsed a thousand times. The first words of an employee are half the battle in a successful telephone sale. Let them sound simple and cheerful.

The client is pain, we listen and hum

In fact, we are talking about a specific technique for dealing with customer objections during telephone sales. It's a paradox, but it doesn't require the salesperson to be verbose. This is a clear algorithm that is based on the technique active listening.

1. Listen

So, the basis of the algorithm is listening to the objections of the client. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. After 4-5 objections to an inexperienced seller, the buyer can become "bored", which will lead to a decrease in the level of enthusiasm.

Still, don't play psychic during a phone sale. Listen to the end, as the client objects, what he says at the same time. Only in this case, a smart employee is able to understand where the buyer has a “button”.

The practice of telephone sales also knows many cases when a purchase was made simply at the stage of actively listening to the troubles and pains that pour from the other end of the wire.

2. Understand

The process of “understanding” does not at all imply that you and the buyer agree on everything. It is extremely important to memorize and use the phrase: "I understand you." These words have the magical power to win over a person for several reasons:

  • This phrase in the life of a client sounds quite rare,
  • Few people really want to understand your customer,
  • In our daily communication, understanding and agreement is not the most common thing.

Therefore, your "I understand" is almost one hundred percent likely to spill like a balm. However, in order not to run into the answer - “yes, what do you understand”, immediately smoothly proceed to the next stage.

3. Join a client

The “attachment” phase of telesales builds a bond with a customer that will build trust in you. It is necessary to explain to the buyer what exactly the seller “understands”. As a result, you get a credit of trust and a chance to sell.

Gently argue and ask questions

1. Counterargument. From this stage, in fact, verbal work with an objection begins with the help of logical methods.

2. Clarify if there are any questions . After answering the objections, you should ask, “Do you have any more questions?” If the buyer continues to object, go to "I understand" and move through the algorithm.

According to the presented algorithm, you can “walk” several times. At least three. On the other hand, in phone sales, you don't have to go for the record 20 times.

How to work with a hidden client

It is important to remember that people very often say things that are not what they think. Therefore, in telephone sales, it is important to correctly interpret "stupid" arguments from the point of view of the seller. They are also called hidden.

Here are some typical objections:

  1. "I will think"
  2. "Expensive"
  3. "I'll call you back"

Clients do not always openly express their doubts and may "hide" the real reasons for the refusal under these phrases. The task is to identify them and help the buyer make the right decision for himself.

If you are asked for time to think, start “thinking” and reasoning immediately with the customer in terms of their benefit, as what you are actually told in telephone sales is:

  • "not now",
  • "I will think",
  • "postpone"
  • "I need advice"
  • "Give me a break"
  • "I will consult"
  • "Let's go next week."

When a person says “expensive” in a telephone conversation, this can mean:

  • "give a discount",
  • "make it cheaper"
  • "competitors are cheaper."

When the words “I’ll call you back myself” burn in a telephone conversation, this is most likely the result of some kind of mistake in the early stages of a cold call. The manager simply could not win the trust of the client.

After all, he knows exactly what he wants and what he does not want. And it’s unlikely that he will be able to sell something he doesn’t need. Therefore, the emphasis in this technique of telephone sales is on the logic and description of the qualitative characteristics of the product. It is not worth lying at the same time, since the interlocutor, by virtue of his experience, can easily catch the seller in a lie.

  1. tough/assertive- wants to have the best that is on the market and prefers to cooperate only with popular companies. In addition, it can be rude and prone to moralizing.

The main thing here is not to get confused and continue to conduct telephone sales using technology. In the language of benefits, you will have to prove that the product offered is unique and in demand by others. So the interlocutor will be convinced that he himself may need the product.

  1. Unsure/hesitant- in the course of a telephone sale, you can notice that the interlocutor doubts not only the need to buy the offered product, but also its quality.

In this case, the specialist is required to prove to the client the importance of cooperation without pressure. During the dialogue, win him over and show that his opinion is important. This is where active listening is especially important.

We have reviewed typical mistakes telephone sales managers. Analyze the situation in your department and eliminate them.


Before starting the conversation, determine the purpose of the conversation and draw up preliminary plan. Thoroughly study the offered product in order to be ready to answer questions or objections that the interlocutor may have. Prepare answers to likely questions in advance. Tune in not to boil and not get excited when answering, avoid the phrases “Well, how can you not understand!”, “You are completely wrong!”, “It is impossible to talk to you calmly”, etc.

In order to set up a conversation in a confidential way, keep a smile in your voice and be extremely polite. Your positive communication will be transferred to the client.

Avoid common phrases that cause psychological stress ("You are being harassed by the company...", "We decided to call you because..."). It is better to name yourself and the company you represent right after the greeting.

Find out if the client can now give you time, or if it would be more convenient for him to call you back. Such delicacy will surely please your interlocutor.

Call the person "on the other end of the line" by their first name. The more often you do this, the sooner he will begin to trust you. Such is human psychology.

Show the interlocutor that you are ready to listen to him. Give approximately 80% of the time of the conversation to the client. Don't interrupt him, let him speak. If he is aggressive, try to calm him down with a soft voice. If it doesn't work, apologize and say you'll call back later.

Ask your interlocutor the questions necessary to maintain control over the conversation, do not be afraid to be persistent.

Regardless of how the client reacted to the conversation, be sure to end the conversation with a positive attitude.

Record the result of the conversation, this will help you to "work on the mistakes" and improve the quality and efficiency of the next conversation.

Don't follow a pattern. Try different ways to start a conversation, offer a service or product, etc. Experiment with anything you think will make your sales more effective.

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Useful advice

If your colleague's phone sales are doing well, don't hesitate to learn from his methods or tricks.

Study psychology. This will definitely help you in mastering the art of talking on the phone.

Many companies consider telephone sales to be one of the most effective types sales. When selling by phone, the operator manages to establish feedback with the client, for enough short time inform him about a product or service and sell it. But for telephone sales to be effective, you need to know certain rules for communicating with customers about a product or service.


Typically, telephone sales are divided into two types: sales and services (B2B) and sales of goods or services directly to individual customers (B2C). B2B phone sales are generally more complex than B2C phone sales. A call to the company is at first a kind of informing the client about the availability of a certain product and its usefulness for the company. It aims to enter into negotiations with, since it is unlikely that any other person potentially interested in your product in the company will immediately decide to purchase this product for the company.

It's no secret that many companies dislike those who try to sell them something over the phone and instruct secretaries not to talk to operators. How to get an accountant, or even more so CEO companies? There are a few things to keep in mind here:
1. no need to clearly state that you are selling this or that. It is enough for the secretary to hear that you are calling, for example, "on the issue of supplying equipment."
2. it is important to appear "big man". The operator on the phone - he is always a bit of an artist. If you say in a very businesslike tone " good morning, please connect me with Pyotr Petrovich, "then you will most likely be connected. When asked to introduce yourself, it is enough to answer that Pyotr Petrovich is aware of who you are.
3. If you do not know exactly the name of the person responsible for making purchasing decisions for the product you are selling, then it would be wise to ask the secretary who in the company is responsible for such decisions and ask to connect with him. Again, do not immediately start talking about your own.
In the future, when negotiating with the decision maker, your goal is to talk about the product and set up a meeting. It is important to remember that your interlocutor is probably very busy and not in the mood to talk to you, so you need to express your thoughts clearly and.

B2C phone sales have a purpose quick sale product or service in one call. The operator must not only inform the client about the product, but also in a short time try to prove to him what exactly this product needed exactly this client. The call should ideally be followed by a meeting with the customer and the product. It is very important here to be able to use non-standard approaches to customers and quickly find out information about them, which will help persuade the customer to buy the product. For example, an operator who wants to sell a rather expensive vacuum cleaner, hearing children's voices on the other end of the phone, should take advantage of the fact that the client has children and emphasize that the vacuum cleaner cleans carpets so well that children can play on it - in unlike other vacuum cleaners.

It is important to choose the right time for your call. In a company, it is best to call in the morning and in the afternoon, because at this time both secretaries and managers feel most relaxed. It is wiser to call apartments during the day or in the evening after dinner, but not too late.

If you decide to sell a service over the phone, you need to know how to do it right in order to achieve the desired result. Set a specific goal, communicate with the client lively and naturally.


Set a clear goal for your project before you call. Find out what is the outlook for your service? Clearly outline what you expect to receive after the call, what is its result. Determine how you will measure your success and failure.

Choose your audience carefully. After all, some services are very specialized, they are used only by a narrow market. The rest are good enough for almost all potential customers. If your service is of a specialized type, and you know what your audience is. Then the question of how to sell by phone is quite simply solved. But if your service is used and has a huge audience, you need to determine what kind of attention you want to achieve during this phone program.

The next step is to set intermediate goals. "I want as many clients as possible" is not a good enough goal. Before you create a call script, write a phrase like: "I want the client to take the following actions as a result of this call." Once you've written the script, go back to your intermediate goals and consider whether this script will produce the desired .

Write an introductory part for the call. It has very close to your call to action. Your introductory part significantly increases the interest of customers directly with what you offer to use.

Describe in detail the main part of the phone call scenario. The first part forces the client to take their time and listen to your message to the end. The second part of the script prompts them to take action. Keep in mind that the middle of the call is actually - there is a filling and a secret of how to sell a service over the phone. The main part should amplify and fill your call with enough details and make your call to action more attractive.

Concentrate on the essentials. Do not immediately describe all the benefits of your service. The correct actions and ways to sell a service over the phone are to tell only about the details that will ensure the achievement of the desired goals. Be aware that talking too much can scare some customers away.


  • telephone sales service

In order to successfully offer and sell services over the phone, it is necessary not only to know the text by heart, but also to masterfully be able to direct the conversation with the client in the right direction. If you follow a few rules for communicating with clients, most negative interlocutors will easily become fans of your company.

You will need

  • An individual negotiating strategy, a pleasant voice, a pre-prepared text of your message.


Make more time for practice. After all, only practice will help you gain maximum confidence in your gift of persuasion. It will provide an opportunity to overcome the fear of an unknown consumer. The first and foremost rule is practice.

In order to learn how to properly offer any services or engage in sales, you need to choose an individual option for conducting a conversation with a client, that is, to find your own communication technique. Best of all, if it is completely individual. Today, in order to achieve success in any field, you need not act according to someone else's patterns, but develop your own strategy. All people are individual and perceive the world around them differently.

You should know everything about the offered service. Memorize the basic phrases so that when you pronounce them, you are already thinking about the next phrase that you pronounce. You must know all the answers to the questions. Especially the tricky ones.

Follow the sequence. No need to overload the client with unnecessary information. Don't waste precious time on lengthy descriptions of the benefits of your service. You need to convey information beautifully and in an extremely concise manner. Remember that the goal of the first is to get the coveted opportunity to provide more information about the service in a personal meeting.

Remove excessive perseverance and importunity from your arsenal of personal qualities. If your client starts to refuse, try to slightly move away from the topic of the main conversation. Be flexible in your communication. This will help the client get a little distracted and get out of their protective mode.


Telemarketing is one of the most effective sales tools. The effectiveness of this method depends on the communication skills of the seller and the degree of his training.


Before you start selling by phone, develop a call script. To do this, set a goal, i.e. What do you want to achieve from the interlocutor. The goal should be achievable, measurable in number and time, sufficiently ambitious and specific. The result of the call should be a call to action, i.e. the client after the conversation should want to purchase the product or service.

Define your needs target audience. When a client picks up the phone, he usually has two questions: is the call intended for him and why does he need it. Put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and think about what they want to hear from you.

Work through possible objections. They can relate both to the product or service itself, and be the result of negative experience of communicating with similar companies. stock up good examples, which you can voice: "Such and such a company purchased from us ... and increased production by 30%." The specific one will cause the location and trust in your goods.

With telephone calls, you do not see the facial expression of the interlocutor, his reaction to your offer or questions, so use the power of the word and the appropriate intonation. Communicate on an emotional upsurge, smile into the phone. The client will definitely feel this and be imbued with confidence.

Have a deep knowledge of the product you are selling. If the buyer takes you by surprise, don't get lost. Refer to the fact that check this point with the manager or other competent person. And be sure to provide this information the next time you call. This will just be an occasion for re-communication.

Before you can learn how to do business on the phone, you need to learn. There are two extremes that prevent a full-fledged dialogue - feeling like the coolest in the world and feeling like the last sucker.

In the first case, your voice will radiate cheeky self-confidence. You will be constantly brought in the direction of "yapping" and "swearing". You will not conduct a conversation, but fight for the recognition of your indescribable toughness. You will react aggressively to any remark or suggestion that goes against your ideas, defending yourself and defending your "china shop". Of course, you can't do anything like that. At most, you will earn yourself a stomach ulcer and bring a couple of people to a heart attack.

In the second case, your voice will always be asking. Persuading you to do you a favor. Exuding weakness and insecurity. More often than not, you'll get punched in the face as a result of negotiating in that tone. The way the world works is that most living beings react to the manifestation of weakness in another with the desire to "step on the tail" of him in various forms.

How to find the right shape?

How to find the right form, how to choose the right timbre of voice, how to build the right dialogue? - it's a matter of your skill. Mastery acquired through numerous training and repetitions. A martial arts fighter hones his skills by countless repetitions of punches, throws, blocks. Your task is to hone your technique by participating in as many situations as possible. The more phone calls you make, the more experience in telephone conversations you will gain. Moreover, over time - suddenly, one day - you will find YOUR recipe, your negotiating technology. It may be different from the technologies previously known to you, and it will be right!

The fact is that there are no golden templates in this world with which you can succeed in any enterprise. We are all very different. We each have our strengths and weak sides. We are all affected external environment differently. What is acceptable for a tall, brown-eyed brunette when meeting girls may be completely unacceptable for a short goblin. I say this to the fact that ideally you should strive not to repeat other people's methods, but to create your own. Naturally, having passed through the stage of "repeating other people's methods." But having passed it only in order to acquire the experience necessary to create your own, individual technology.

So, in order to learn how to speak correctly, you need to find the right balance between “I am the navel of the Earth!” and “I am the last nonentity!” Concentrate in the middle. If this result is achieved at least partially, you can start teaching telephone conversations.


Imagine two situations. You are on the phone with your best friend - joking, laughing, not worrying about what to say. The conversation flows by itself. You are flowing.

And imagine a different situation. You make a phone call to sell panty ties. How?! Feel the difference. Obviously, in the second case, you will be more constrained and clamped. Bound and clamped by attachment to the result of "sell elastic bands for panties" - this is the time! Bound and clamped by the thought that selling rubber bands for panties is a dumb and ignoble occupation - these are two! Shackled and clamped by fear of an unknown person on the other end of the wire - that's three! And that is not all. Only point number three carries a bunch of different side effects, about which you can write a whole book. But this is not our task. Our task is to see the reason that prevents you from talking on the phone, selling elastic bands for panties, as easily and naturally as when talking with your best friend. And that reason is fear! Fear of screwing up, fear of looking stupid, fear of being scolded and other types of fear.

Naturally, by training in telephone conversations alone, you cannot get rid of all the heaps of fears that you constantly carry with you. You need to deal with yourself not partially, but in a complex. This, again, is another conversation. But the fact that telephone conversations contribute to the solution of the problem of your self-improvement is indisputable.

My method.

So, we figured out that you are afraid. How can fear be overcome? Well, yes, of course, there are a thousand and one methods of mental self-regulation, there are hundreds of effective spiritual practices, and so on. But we don't need that right now. We urgently need to solve a specific problem. Get rid of the fear of making phone calls. How?! I found my method. I'll tell you about it, and you look for yours.

My method is simple. Through numerous repetitions of the same task, understanding all its stages and analyzing errors, it is possible to bring its implementation to relative perfection. In other words, than large quantity phone calls I make, the more effective my telephone technology will be. And here the question is only where to start.

And I recommend starting with focusing on the most important thing. On the person to whom your call is directed. Let you not know him - in the case of telephone sales, everything is so - it does not matter. The main thing is to imagine it. What can he do now? What mood is he in at this moment? If it's lunchtime, he might already have one foot in the cafe across the street from his office. If the end of the working day - he is already mentally at home. If early morning - still in bed. Get into the fact that the object you are calling is the same person as you. He has a lot of his own problems and your call can bring concrete confusion into the measured course of his thoughts. Get into it and treat the object of your telephone appeal with sincere understanding.

Be specific and articulate!

For information. Every day, 30-40 people call the office of an average Moscow company that has given its phone number to the media, wanting to sell something. Now put yourself in the place of that secretary who needs to bring only the necessary out of these 30-40 calls to the final addressee. Represented?! What happened? Correctly. Got the standard model. Pass only those who speak in a pleasant, velvety voice and clearly state the purpose of their call. Well, if he still jokes subtly and smiles, then it's just a plague! He definitely needs to be connected to the boss - he is our client.

So, before you call with any proposal, you first need to concretize and clearly formulate it. And it’s not enough just to write it on paper and memorize it. You need to make sure that it is only the base model of the constructor, with which you can generate hundreds of other models. Preliminary trainings with friends or acquaintances help very well in this. Everything is very simple. Arranging with a friend on the phone to practice telephone sales. Let him enter into the image of the person you are calling, and you into the image of yourself. Then the opposite is true. Here, train. Practice different models depending on different situations and stretch your tongue.


By the way. Your awareness is very important. Before you sell anything over the phone, read all the materials about the product. Find out all its technical and operational characteristics. Be ready to answer any tricky question. Learn by heart all technical formulations so that they bounce off your teeth like "Our Father". The more conversations on a given topic you have while training, the clearer your wording will be in real communication with the client. The more beautiful and softer you can present your product.

First telephone conversation.

Now to the specifics. Consider the example of selling electronic business cards (EVCs) over the phone. I want to immediately turn your attention to the fact that the maximum that you can agree on during the first telephone conversation is about a meeting. A real meeting in the office of a potential customer in order to demonstrate to him the EVC and their capabilities. Remember that what seems obvious and understandable to you - well, you know your product well - may be completely non-obvious and obscure to a potential client. He does not see all the benefits of the product you offer the way you see it. He has no information about him. Your task is to convey this information to him in a language he understands in an extremely concise, concentrated form and get consent to a meeting. So, the purpose of the first call is to arrange a meeting.

Contact with a source of "danger".

Before you start making phone calls, study all the materials on GSE. Ask all the questions that arise in the course of reading to more experienced comrades. Briefly describe your model for starting a conversation. For example. You dial a number and say: "Hello! Is this the Star company?" To the answer "yes!" you continue: "Put me in with the head of the marketing department and tell me, please, what is his name." It is important to understand here that talking on the merits of the issue with the secretary or any other random person who picked up the phone is pointless and somewhat dangerous. It is dangerous because the first reaction of an unprepared consciousness, faced with something new, is rejection. And, as a result, the desire in any way to quickly break contact with the source of "danger" - unknown information that infringes on the sense of one's own significance. How often have you met people who, faced with the unknown, ask the question: "What is it? Tell me!" That's just it, much more often they say: "We are not interested!" and hang up the phone or turn their backs.

The first "filter".

So, you have made your request. Most often, the answer to it is the phrase: "What did you want?" or "On what question?" This is the first "filter" that most callers don't usually go through. If you are direct and say "I want to offer you electronic business cards", then you can exercise your patience through many polite refusals: "Thank you! We don't need them." If you are more flexible and quick-witted, then you can practice passing this "first filter". There are hundreds of models of its passage. Let's consider one of them.

To the question "On what question?" you can answer: "On the issue of working with VIP clients." First, you're not lying. EVC is really used in work with VIPs. Secondly, the presence in your sentence of the magic phrase "work with VIP clients" can put a secretary trained to "reject" telephone salesmen into a light trance. The absence of “red rags” like “I want to offer” in your speech can lead to the fact that the secretary will immediately redirect your call to the addressee. True, at first he may try to provoke you with a question: "Do you want to sell us something (offer)?" If your voice does not waver at this moment and you calmly answer: “Yes, I have a proposal that I would like to discuss with the head of the marketing department,” the likelihood that you will be connected with him is quite high. If you begin to difficultly explain the essence of your proposal to the secretary, then most likely he will send you "by fax": "Send your proposal by fax." Of course, in this case, you will need to send a fax and call back later. But at the same time, it must be remembered that 99% of faxes sent without specifying a clear addressee are immediately thrown into the wastebasket. Therefore, before sending a fax with an offer, be sure to find out the full name and position of the person who will make a decision on your issue. Information about this person will be useful to you when you call again.

The moment of truth.

It often happens that the secretary asks the question: "What exactly do you want to talk about with the head of the marketing department?" It is important to understand here that this question can be asked for two reasons. Due to the lack of a marketing department in the company and, accordingly, its boss, or due to the extreme corrosiveness of the secretary. With such a development of events, in no case should you sink to the level of that image of a "telephone salesman" that is formed in the minds of most secretaries and crucify the essence of the issue in front of a person about whom you still know nothing.

Therefore, the answer to his question: "What exactly do you want to talk about with the head of the marketing department?" maybe the following phrase: "My name is Vasya Partiszanoff, Khomyak-Trading company. May I know your name and position?" Here comes the moment of truth. Either you hear in response: "I am Katya, the secretary" or "My name is Ivan Mikhailovich, I am the deputy general director." Naturally, the models for further continuation of the conversation in these two cases will be different. In the first case, you need to correctly translate the conversation into "please connect me with the decision maker." In the second case, immediately get down to business.

Hold attention.

Let's consider the second case in detail. If you are lucky and you found the person you need - do not relax. The cherished goal is still far away. The main thing is to determine from the very first words who is in front of you - what kind of person is talking to you on the phone. This can be easily figured out by the manner of communication. If you hear notes of laziness and arrogance in a person's voice, this is one thing. If, on the contrary, fear and insecurity are completely different. You will be able to distinguish such things over time literally by two or three words spoken by a person. In the meantime, focus on the inner voice and do not allow the thought that the person on the other end of the line is more stupid than you.

So, you contacted Ivan Mikhailovich, Deputy General Director of the company you need. What's next? Next, you need to keep the attention of Ivan Mikhailovich for at least 5 minutes. It's not an easy task, I'll tell you right away. The fact is that, as a rule, Ivan Mikhailovich differs little from Katya the secretary in terms of "interest" in the product you offer. Ivan Mikhailovich has a lot of his own problems, often not even related to his work. His task is to quickly find out what you want from him and return to his usual state. Therefore, it is important here not to make a mistake and hit right on target.

From the very first words, you need to indicate the purpose of your telephone visit: "Ivan Mikhailovich! I have a specific proposal, which I am ready to state within two minutes. Is it convenient for you to talk now?" Most often the answer is "Yes! Tell me." If the answer is "No, I have no time now!", Then you should clarify what time is best to call back and write this information in red ink in your diary. At the same time, you need to remember that some Ivana Mikhailovichs use the “Call me back tomorrow” form as a soft refusal until you give up. I want you to be ready for this too.

So you have at least two minutes. But do you know how these "two minutes" can be extended to 10-20 minutes of real time? Everything is correct. The information that you convey should capture the attention of Ivan Mikhailovich. Did you see how Ostap Bender told the inhabitants of New Vasyuki about the creation of the Intergalactic Chess Club? So, about the same you should talk about electronic business cards.

You can start by politely asking if Ivan Mikhailovich is familiar with your product: "Ivan Mikhailovich! First of all, I would like to clarify whether your company uses electronic business cards in its work?" If Ivan Mikhailovich is not familiar with EVK, he will probably ask: "What is it?". This is the question you need. Slowly, with feeling, you need to talk about your favorite product. For example: "An electronic business card is, at the same time, a business card made in the corporate style of your company and a mini CD containing presentation information in in electronic format: texts, photos, video, audio. An electronic business card can hold up to a size of information, such as 15,000 pages of typewritten text or 300 full-screen photographs. Information from an electronic business card can be read on any computer.

If Ivan Mikhailovich has heard about EVC, but does not use them in his work, you need to immediately get down to business: "Specifically for your company, electronic business cards can be useful as - (several options for using EVC). Ivan Mikhailovich! I'm ready to drive up to to your office and, within 10-15 minutes, demonstrate the possibilities of electronic business cards, as well as leave you a sample."

It was I who just roughly sketched out the phrases that you can say in a conversation with Ivan Mikhailovich. In a conversation, say, with Zinaida Petrovna from a modeling agency, these formulations will already be different. In other words, get out over time to the level of improvisation. Do not load your speech with templates. Templates are boring and indecent. A person always feels and is annoyed when they are spoken to in a stereotyped way, and on the contrary, he reacts well and responds to a lively, impromptu speech. Therefore, learn to be alive and real even when talking on the phone!

7 rules.

Further events can develop in a thousand and one different scenario, ranging from a complete lack of interest in the product you offer to the exclamation: "My God! Where have you been before? Urgently come to our office." It is impossible to consider all these situations, of course. Yes, in general, it is not necessary. The main thing is to understand the essence. The essence of what you do.

And the bottom line is that you first of all, you need to win over the person with whom you communicate.

Secondly you must exude confidence. Have no doubt that your product is needed by the world.

Thirdly You should always listen to yourself through the ears of the person you are speaking to.

Fourth, you must always take into account the interests of your potential client, while not forgetting your own interest.

Fifth, you shouldn't be attached to the result. Whether correctly you understand as it "not to be attached to result"? - that's another question.

At sixth, you should always keep a good mood and smile. Remember! - it's all just a game. You don't have to always be the winner. Full participation is enough.

And seventh, do not forget! - 80% of success in developing your further relationships depends on HOW you talk with a person at the first meeting. The first impression is the most lasting.

In addition, do not overload the client with unnecessary information. Sometimes long negotiations are extremely harmful. The more you give information about your product, the more doubts will arise in it. Learn to answer questions briefly and to the point. But eloquent! Remember also that if you are asked a question, you always have the opportunity to give the answer you need. I'm not here to lie. This is me about being flexible. In order for interest to be shown, it is enough to tell about WHAT you offer and WHY it is needed. Information about HOW it works is often overwhelming. Save it for curious clients.

That's all. This is definitely a drop in the ocean. Just basic truths. But even if you master them perfectly, your future success is guaranteed. Good luck to you, future master telephone conversations!