What is a social science market. Factors of price elasticity of demand

Plan "Market and Market Mechanism".

I. The concept of the market.

II. Types of markets: (only 2-3 sub-items can be selected)

a) the labor market

b) the market for goods and services,

c) information market,

d) land market

e) market valuable papers.

II (second option). Market types:

a) perfect competition

b) oligopoly,

c) a monopolistic market.

III. Market functions: (only 2-3 sub-items can be selected)

a) mediation

b) regulating,

c) sanitizing

d) pricing,

e) informational.

IV. Market features:

a) unregulated demand,

b) unregulated supply,

c) unregulated price,

V. Market mechanism:

a) the law of demand

b) the law of supply.

VI. Market imperfection:

a) the stratification of society,

b) monopoly,

c) unemployment

Plan "Pricing in market conditions".

I. The concept of pricing.

II. Types of prices: (you can choose only 2-3 sub-items)

a) free

b) fixed,

c) export

d) monopoly,

e) world,

The dependence of pricing on the type of economic system:

a) market

b) command,

c) traditional.

IV. Pricing in various types market:

a) monopoly

b) in a market of pure competition,

c) in the market of monopolistic competition,

V. Pricing factors:

a) the quality of the goods,

b) the demand for the product

c) production costs

VI. Features of pricing in the Russian Federation.

Plan "Bank and banking".

I. The concept of a bank.

II. Bank functions:

a) storage and acceptance of deposits,

b) settlements between clients,

c) granting loans,

d) purchase and sale of currency and securities,

III. Bank types:

a) central bank

b) commercial banks,

IV. Bank operations:

a) passive

b) active,

V. Interaction between the Central Bank and commercial.

[According to the rules of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies, only three points are required in the plan, two of which are disclosed by two or three subparagraphs]

Updated: 2018-02-23

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Market- the mechanism of exchange between the seller and the buyer, the mechanism of purchase and sale. Market relations- economic relations on the exchange of goods for money. Under market relations, there is independence of producers of goods, free setting of prices for goods, competition, free demand. Market functions: informing, regulating, stimulating, healing, intermediary, pricing.

The boundaries of state intervention in the economy:

Direct intervention: introducing new taxes and increasing existing ones;

Indirect intervention: increase customs duties, rising prices for goods.

Market mechanism- the mechanism of the functioning of the market, which stimulates production, informs about goods and services, determines the division of labor between producers.

Market types:

According to legislation: legal (on legal grounds), black (unofficial, illegal), gray (semi-legal);

By economic purpose: consumer (goods and services), capital market (credits), labor market ( work force), housing market, information market, foreign exchange and securities market, investment (investment) market;

On a spatial basis: international, regional, national, local (local).

Entrepreneurship- activity, the purpose of which is to make a profit (income) (trade, banking, management, etc.). An entrepreneur is the owner of a business or a person who engages in economic activity for the purpose of generating income. Entrepreneurial activity(business) is associated with entrepreneurial risks: the possibility of losses or shortfall in profits. In entrepreneurship, there are subjects(individuals and associations: cooperatives, joint-stock companies) and business objects(any kind economic activity: trade, commercial intermediation, operations with securities).

Firm An organization that owns one or more businesses and uses resources to produce goods or services for profit.

Organizational and legal forms of commercial firms:

Business partnerships - commercial organizations with the capital divided into shares (contributions) of the founders (participants). Contribution to property economic partnership can be money, securities, etc.;

Joint stock companies (JSC) are enterprises in which all property and capital are divided into a certain number of shares. Shares are securities that show how much money its owner has contributed to the capital of the enterprise. The share gives the right to receive a percentage of profits (the right to dividends);

Production cooperatives are organizations in which the participants and owners themselves work in production or are engaged in other economic activities.

The functions of the market are determined by the tasks facing it. The market mechanism is designed to find answers to three key questions: what, how and for whom to produce? To do this, the market performs a number of functions:

regulatory function. It is connected with the influence of the market on all spheres of economic activity, primarily on production. Constant fluctuations in prices not only inform about the state of affairs, but also regulate economic activity. The price rises - a signal to expand production; the price falls - a signal to reduce it. Information provided by the market forces manufacturers to reduce costs and improve product quality.

At the same time, being the regulator of economic life, the market has repeatedly demonstrated that not all processes of macroeconomic regulation are subject to it. This is manifested in periodic recessions, inflation, unemployment.

Information function. The price that develops in each of the markets contains rich information necessary for all participants in economic (economic) activities. Constantly changing prices for products and resources provide objective information about the required quantity, assortment, quality of goods supplied to the markets. High prices indicate insufficient supply, low prices- about the excess of goods in comparison with effective demand.

Spontaneously flowing operations turn the market into a giant computer that collects and processes colossal volumes of point information, providing generalized data for the entire economic space that it covers. Market-concentrated information allows each participant in economic activity to compare their own position with market conditions, adapting their calculations and actions to market demands.

pricing function. As a result of the interaction of producers and consumers, supply and demand for goods and services, the price is formed in the market. It reflects the usefulness of the product and the cost of its production.

Unlike the administrative-command system in a market economy, this assessment occurs not before the exchange, but during it. The market price represents its role as a result, the balance of comparing the costs of producers and the utility (value) of this good for consumers. Thus, in the process of market exchange, the price is set by comparing the costs (costs) and the utility of the exchanged goods.

intermediary function. The market acts as an intermediary between producers and consumers, allowing them to find the most profitable option purchase and sale. In a developed market economy, the consumer has the opportunity to choose the best supplier. The seller, from his position, seeks to find and conclude a deal with the most suitable buyer.

sanitizing function. The market mechanism is a fairly rigid, to a certain extent cruel system. He constantly conducts "natural selection" among the participants in economic activity. Using the instrument of competition, the market clears the economy of inefficient enterprises. And vice versa, it gives the green light to more enterprising and active people. As a result of the selection work of the market, the average level of efficiency rises, the stability of the national economy as a whole rises.

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2.4. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand

Market is a set of economic relations between market entities regarding the movement of goods and money, which are based on mutual agreement, equivalence and competition. A free (competitive) market is a self-regulating system that achieves results and maintains its balance spontaneously, without the intervention of external forces. signs free market: unlimited number of competitors; free access to and exit from the market; absolute mobility of all resources; availability of complete information (through prices); no competitor can influence the decision of others.

Market shaping factors: the needs of people, the existence of private property, the division and specialization of labor. Under the influence of these factors, the product of labor turns into a commodity, that is, into such a product of labor that people need to meet their needs, but which can be obtained from the owner of the product only through an equivalent (equal) exchange for other products of labor or their substitutes (for example, money ).

Market institutions- norms and principles of behavior, economic traditions and customs. Market economy covers the following institutions: private property; freedom of enterprise and choice; personal interest as main motive behavior; competition; pricing based on the interaction of supply and demand; limited role of the state.

Market conditions is the totality of the markets that are emerging at any given moment in time. economic conditions, in which the process of selling goods and services is carried out.

Market Functions

- is a link between sellers and buyers, a means of moving economic benefits between people, territories and states; communication between people is carried out regardless of the division of people into classes, nationalities;

– carries out public acceptance goods offered for sale, and hence the labor invested in them; regulates the supply and demand of goods, as well as price setting;

- is an independent distributor of economic benefits on an equivalent and reimbursable basis;

- is a mechanism for rewarding successes and failures, it is an objective appraiser of the abilities of each person as a consumer, producer, entrepreneur;

- performs a sanitizing function, "rejecting" those manufacturers who cannot offer the best quality at the lowest price;

- distributes resources, directing them to those productions, the results of which are in demand;

- ensures the balance of the economy;

- is a kind of engine of scientific and technological progress;

- objectively forms a body of skilled entrepreneurs, disciplines the subjects of market relations.

Market classification

1. According to the economic purpose of objects of market transactions.

a) The market for consumer goods and services: the market food products; market non-food items; service market.

b) The market for factors of production: the labor market; the market for means of production; raw material market.

c) Financial market: stock market (securities); money market (deposits, currencies); capital market (insurance, mortgage, interbank); credit market (banks, investment and dealer companies); foreign exchange market. Equity securities are the commodity in the stock market. Types of issue: 1) private (issue of shares and bonds joint-stock companies); 2) state (issue of bonds of state loans).

d) Real estate market: land market; real estate market.

e) Information market: the market of a spiritual and intellectual product.

2. On a spatial basis, they distinguish: local, or local, market; regional market; interregional market; national market; international market; world market.

3. By subjects: buyers' market; sellers market.

4. According to legislation: legal market; illegal market ("black market").

5. According to the degree of limited (development) competition: pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly.

Competition - 1) rivalry between market economy participants for Better conditions production and sale of goods; confrontation, rivalry between producers of goods and services for the possibility of increasing profits.

1. Perfect Competition - the struggle between individual independent producers, in which each of the rivals owns an insignificant share of production in comparison with its total market volume, which does not allow an individual manufacturer to dominate the market and have a significant impact on the market price of the goods.

Imperfect Competition- market dominance of several (2-4) large firms, which own the main share of production this product owing to which these firms can significantly influence the market price of goods.

2. Market of perfect (pure) competition: there are many competing firms on the market that offer the same goods to satisfy the same need and do not have the ability to influence the price at which they sell their goods, they cannot block the entry of new competitors into the market.

Monopolistic competition: there are many competing firms on the market that, in order to satisfy the same need, firms offer different goods, and each firm has some ability to influence the price at which it sells its goods; existing firms cannot prevent new competitors from entering the market.

Oligopoly: production of the same or similar goods by a small number of large firms competing with each other; each firm can have a significant influence on the prices at which its products are sold. Oligopoly usually arises in those industries where technology itself dictates the preference for creating large-scale industries.

Monopolistic competition must be distinguished from monopoly. Monopoly- the exclusive right of production, trade and other activities belonging to one person, a certain group of persons or the state.

Market infrastructure- a set of institutions, services, enterprises serving the market; an interconnected system of organizations that serve the flow of goods, services, money, securities, labor moving through the economy under the influence of market incentives. Market infrastructure: exchanges; institutions linking markets into a single whole (transport network, communications system, information networks, Insurance companies, courts).

Exchange- a state or joint-stock organization that provides premises, certain guarantees, settlement and information Services for transactions with goods and securities. Broker- a person who has a place on the stock exchange and carries out transactions on his own behalf and at his own expense. Broker- an official intermediary that has a place on the stock exchange and concludes transactions on its own behalf and at the expense of the client. Dealer- a person who has a place on the exchange, concludes transactions on his own behalf and at his own expense, and also makes a quotation, i.e., setting the seller's price and the buyer's price for goods and securities. commodity exchange- the form of the market for goods sold in large quantities, as a rule, according to samples. Most of the transactions made on modern commodity exchanges are futures transactions(term contracts). futures contract is an agreement to sell something in the future at a price agreed upon today. Stock Exchange- an institution in which the purchase and sale of securities is carried out. Currency exchange carries out operations for the purchase and sale of foreign currency. Labor exchange carries out mediation in the labor market, registers the unemployed, promotes their employment.

Market mechanism - 1) the mechanism of interconnection and interaction of the main elements of the market: demand, supply, price, competition and the basic economic laws of the market; 2) the mechanism of interaction between sellers and buyers regarding the establishment of prices, production volumes, its structure and product quality; 3) a mechanism for the distribution of resources and income based on the objective economic laws of the market (changes in demand, changes in supply, equilibrium price, competition, cost, utility and profit).

Elements of the market mechanism: 1) subjects (sellers, buyers, intermediaries, state institutions etc.); 2) objects ( different kinds goods market); 3) economic ties between subjects that may manifest themselves in cooperation or competition; 4) the availability of information about the decisions made to establish economic ties; 5) pricing mechanism.

Interaction demand and suggestions determines what and how much to produce and at what price to sell. Prices are the most important instrument of the market, as they provide its participants with the necessary information, on the basis of which a decision is made to increase or decrease the production of a particular product.

Signs of a free ("pure") market: 1) unregulated supply (producers independently decide which goods and in what quantity to produce); 2) unregulated demand (the buyer, depending on whether he has Money independently determines what and how much to buy); 3) an unregulated price that balances supply and demand.

Demand - a) the desire and ability of the consumer to buy a certain amount of goods or services at a certain price in a certain period of time; b) solvent need for any product or service. Demand quantity is the quantity of goods and services that buyers are willing to purchase at a given time, in a given place, at given prices. Types of demand: individual demand, market demand, demand for factors of production (demand of production), consumer demand.

Factors affecting demand: advertising, fashion and tastes, consumer expectations, changing preferences environment, the availability of goods, the amount of income, the utility of a thing, fixed prices on interchangeable goods, the number of population.

Sentence is the willingness of a producer to sell a certain quantity of a good or service at a certain price in a certain period of time. Volume (value) of the offer The quantity of a good or service that sellers are willing to sell at a given price over a given period of time.

Non-price supply factors: 1) resource prices; 2) taxes and subsidies; 3) prices for other goods; 4) production technology; 5) the number of sellers in the market; 6) expectations of price changes.

Two prices are formed on the market: the demand price (the maximum price at which the buyer agrees to buy the product) and the offer price (the minimum price at which the manufacturer is willing to sell the product). Law of demand: the higher the price of a good, the less quantity people are willing to buy, and vice versa, the lower the price, the large quantity people are willing to buy the product. It is based on three reasons: 1) the new buyer effect, 2) the substitution effect, and 3) the income effect.

The law of supply: other equal conditions the quantity supplied of a good increases if the price of the good rises, and vice versa.

The price at which the supply and demand for a good is the same is called equilibrium. An indicator that indicates how strong the relationship between a change in the quantity demanded for a product and a change in its price is called price elasticity of demand. Goods with price elastic demand include luxury items, goods, the cost of which is tangible for the family budget (furniture, TV). Goods with inelastic demand: basic necessities (drugs, clothing, electricity); goods whose cost is insignificant for the family budget (pen, toothbrush); hard-to-replace goods (gasoline, light bulbs).

The elasticity of demand depends on: 1) availability of substitute goods; 2) the volume of the offered goods; 3) the need to purchase; 4) time of purchase. Price elasticity of supply is the degree to which supply changes with an increase in price.

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