How many key skills should be on a resume. What professional skills should be indicated when writing a resume? List and examples of key skills

Key skills in a resume are usually a separate block in a resume. It indicates what is not included in the description official duties in work experience, but important for a future employer. We are talking about professional skills, i.e. important to fulfill professional duties skills. In another way, they can be called competencies. Competence is a kind of skill that you may not have used, but which you can update at the right time.

Types of Key Skills

The skills show what do you know not what kind of person you are. It is important to distinguish between key skills and personality traits. A common mistake is to mix skills with personal qualities and indicate, for example, along with negotiating skills, stress resistance, responsibility, etc.

Key skills in a resume can be divided into groups:

  • communication skills, negotiation skills, business conversation;
  • Organizational skills, planning skills, resource allocation, project management;
  • Leadership qualities, people management skills;
  • Analytical skills, idea generation, strategic thinking;
  • applied skills; Skills specific to a particular occupation.

Key skills on a resume

Communication skills:

  • Ability to negotiate
  • Dispute resolution skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Dealing with clients, dealing with objections
  • Public Speaking Skills
  • The ability to convince
  • Correct oral and written language

Organizational skills:

  • Project management
  • Ability to multitask
  • Strategic planning
  • Budgeting

Leadership Skills:

  • People management
  • Employee motivation

Applied Skills:

  • Experienced PC user, knowledge of MS Office
  • Business correspondence
  • Office work, personnel office work
  • Foreign language skills
  • Knowledge of legislation, ability to work with legal bases
  • Knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs
  • "Blind" printing (Russian, English)

As in general with, when indicating key skills in a resume, you must adhere to the principle relevance. Key skills should match the purpose of the resume. You do not need to list all your skills, regardless of the position you are applying for. Indicate only the skills that are professionally significant for a particular vacancy.

Use the wording from the job description. This is necessary in order for your resume to be searched well by the recruiter by filters.

Organize skills into an easy-to-read list. Don't go overboard with listing a large list of skills. This may give the impression of a formal approach to writing a resume and speak of your inability to isolate the main thing.

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

Below are examples of specifying key skills from the resume of applicants, indicating the position:

Project manager

  • Project management
  • Organization of events
  • Teamwork skills
  • Working with a large amount of information
  • Budgeting
  • Negotiation
  • Multitasking
  • Experience of international contacts

Head of Sales Department

  • Sales management
  • Personnel Management
  • Finding and attracting customers, active sales
  • Sales Skills
  • Negotiation
  • Sales Analytics
  • Organizational skills

Director of logistics

  • Personnel management, motivation, certification
  • Organizational skills
  • Warehouse, transport logistics, responsible storage
  • Cost management
  • Experience in dealing with regulatory authorities
  • Experience of interacting with government regulatory authorities
  • Project management

Shop assistant

  • Sales Skills
  • Knowledge of cash discipline
  • Merchandising
  • Teamwork
  • Ability to teach others
  • Experienced PC user

Chief Accountant

  • Experience in managing multiple legal entities simultaneously;
  • Accounting and tax accounting, reporting
  • Currency operations
  • Knowledge of accounting, tax, labor laws
  • Experience in passing inspections (desk, on-site, counter)
  • Accounting recovery experience

Foreign Trade Specialist

  • Negotiation
  • Preparing and conducting presentations
  • Drafting and conclusion of contracts
  • Work with customs authorities
  • contract law
  • Currency control


  • Accident-free driving experience 10 years
  • Experience in luxury vehicles
  • Excellent knowledge of the routes of St. Petersburg and the region
  • Excellent vehicle knowledge
  • Working with travel documents
  • English - Intermediate

The process of finding a new job can be accelerated if. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various nuances - up to the style of writing and the volume of the text itself. Previously acquired professional skills should also be indicated, as this will allow the employer to better assess the applicant's qualifications.

During the preparation of the document, it is worth making an amendment to a specific position. It is important to take into account the specifics of future work and the requirements set by the recruiters of the organization.

What are professional skills?

Professional skills- this is previously acquired knowledge and skills that allow you to complete the task assigned to the employee by the employer. To write them, you can use three rules:

  1. Compliance with job requirements.
  2. Conciseness.
  3. Presentability.

Must match the desired position. When compiling a document, it is necessary to adapt the writing style to a specific vacancy. Sometimes recruiters show more creativity - especially often vacancies with a non-standard description can be found in IT companies. In this case, the resume itself and it is desirable to rewrite it (for example, replace the word “programming” with “coding”). A non-standard approach will create the desired image of the applicant in the eyesHR manager.

You need to write professional skills concisely and succinctly. It is advisable to indicate no more than 5-6 positions suitable for a specific position. It is not recommended to compose a voluminous text for a number of reasons:

  1. It's difficult to read.
  2. It may give the impression of boastfulness.
  3. There is a risk of falling under the “over-qualified” filter.

The third point should be discussed separately. This term appeared in the vocabulary of domestic personnel officers recently. Some companies simply do not like specialists with a lot of knowledge. For example, the position of a secretary requires an employee with at least 1 year of work experience and the ability to plan the manager's working day. In this case, a resume, where professional skills will indicate several higher education and an internship as an assistant manager will raise a lot of questions. There will be an impression that the applicant simply could not find a vacancy suitable for his qualifications and will leave at any time as soon as the desired position appears.

Prof. skills on a resume should sound strong. This is what is hidden under the term "presentability". For example, instead of the phrase "sales experience" it is better to write "sales experience: 2 years in retail and 4 in the wholesale department." Each of these skills must be specified.

Important: it is not enough to acquire knowledge and skills, they need to be documented (for example, by providing a certificate of completion of advanced training courses).

Often in downloaded on the Internet, you can see skills such as communication skills, dedication, learning and the like. They do not belong to professional skills! These are purely personal qualities.

Professional skills and abilities in a resume - examples

Easier to show professional skills on concrete examples. In particular, for an accountant's resume, you must specify:

  1. Seniority.
  2. Experience in audit and tax audits.
  3. Knowledge of tax laws.
  4. Preparation of reports (IFRS and RAS).
  5. Knowledge of programs (MS Office, 1C and similar).
  6. Education and refresher courses.

Everything is extremely clear and concise. The recruiter will immediately become clear strengths applicant and his suitability for the vacant position.

Driver skills include:

  1. Rights category.
  2. Driving experience.
  3. Experience in car repair.
  4. Knowledge of the city.

The quality of the compilation of this part of the resume depends on the likelihood of a response from the HR specialist and a possible invitation to an interview.

Summing up

A lot has been said about what to write in skills and abilities in a resume. However, applicants continue to make the same mistakes, often confusing personal and professional qualities.

Sometimes HR managers require you to indicate negative character traits for your resume. It is difficult to criticize yourself, so in such a question you can go the “standard way”, writing about an excessive tendency to formalism or a love of shopping.

In every second resume, applicants write how creative and ambitious they are and how much they want to work only for the benefit of the company. Half of these skills are added for ballast, and among the standard skills there are those that are useful to everyone.

We have so many copywriters, journalists and writers, so why do you need it if your work with texts has nothing to do with it? Hint: 36% of employers, according to the portal, refuse an interview and do not even consider a resume if transmittal letter was compiled with errors. That is, you will not even be invited if they see that you have described your “functionality”.

Failure to connect two words can become a wall in the way of promotion. A novice engineer can only work with iron for several years. But the job of a manager, for example, is not so much in development as in management. So, you need to write letters, memos, assignments, reports ... and throw all your strength into learning your native language in order to keep a new job and salary.

The expression of thoughts in oral form goes hand in hand with the previous point of the rating. Moreover, conversational skills help not only in work. If your duty is to make presentations or hold meetings, then - required condition work. And if you are sitting in an office or laboratory in silence, the ability to talk allows you to adapt to the workplace faster. Gloomy silent people are loved only by other gloomy silent people, and not very much.

To show that you can talk, you do not need to speak in verse or constantly chat. The rules for good oral communication are different:

  • Smile.
  • The ability to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt.
  • Address by name.
  • Simple and concise answers to the questions posed.
  • Ability to present facts consistently and logically.

Actually, everything. And don't try to be funny if you've never been a comedian before.

It seems to be an innate character trait. She either exists or she doesn't. But in fact, it can be pumped.

You need it more than the employer, because without a healthy dose of confidence, you can't build a career. Agreeing with everyone and listening to other people's instructions is convenient for anyone except you. The common truth that you need to believe in yourself in order to achieve something will always be true. However, there is a line between confidence and arrogance, so do not try to show how cool you are right at the interview. Learn gradually, and in the queue for an interview, try to at least straighten your back.

7. Ability to manage time

This is one of the cornerstones of productivity. Even if you are not interested in this topic, you still have to work - that is, to give out a product of labor, so you need to allocate time wisely.

According to statistics, only social media it takes an average of two and a half (!) hours a day. You can find so much material on this topic on Lifehacker that reading articles can be equated to a university course.

Of course, your performance and your bonus does not depend only on how well you schedule. But you know better where to spend the time freed up as a result of competent planning.

In fact, this skill is almost impossible to find in the lists of requirements for job applicants, because few people see a direct relationship between communication in the professional community and work. But it may affect performance. For example, if you are involved in a field that is booming and want to keep up with the progress, you need to constantly learn from other people's experience. And if you visit industry, then you have a chance to find customers and partners on them. In addition, the knowledge of the community makes it possible to find experts and consult with them.

Jokes about the confrontation between accountants and administrators are still popular, oddly enough. It is assumed that everyone, without exception, has experience in communicating with technology today.

And if you come to the office, then on the first day you need to figure out where the company stores electronic documents and in what messenger departments communicate with each other. Yes, and contacting technical support with the wording “I didn’t do anything, it’s all him,” pointing a finger at a frozen computer, is already undignified.

And the better your skills, the more career opportunities you have. It is not necessary to turn into a geek, but the basics are needed like air.

Many people know how to work strictly according to the instructions, but really tasty and profitable projects and positions go to those who can look at things from an unusual angle and quickly solve complex problems. This skill alone can be done, and if the ability to quickly find a way out is accompanied by other qualities, then there is no price for you.

No, no, no, not in the sense that everyone has to look for clients and be masters of cold calling. You just need to know how to bargain. For example, when you are talking about a salary increase or determining the size of the future salary. Learn to sell your time and get comfort as a reward. You need to be a good salesperson to push a deadline, agree on project changes proposed by the team, or agree on remote work.

On the ability to work in a team in the last few years, all recruiters seem to be obsessed. They want to see team players even in professions in which individual work is important.

However, teamwork, like other items on this list, is a chance to achieve career growth. Even if you do not aspire to leadership positions, understanding the common goals of the team inspires you to work hard.

Frame from the film "Guest from the Future"

This is the main non-core skill that helps to live and work. Intelligence is your knowledge and your ability to work with information, emotional intelligence is the ability to apply your knowledge in real situations. Empathy helps you interact with others, and most importantly, it can also be developed.

What skills and abilities should be included in a resume?

Choose 5-7 core skills and abilities required for the position you are applying for.

Key skills on a resume might include:

  • Expert knowledge in your professional field
  • Knowledge of the law
  • Knowledge of special programs
  • Understanding the specifics of your industry, knowledge of the main players
  • Team management

It is important not to confuse skills and achievements. Skills are what you are good at and know. Achievement is how you succeed with your skills and knowledge.

Examples of resume skills

  • Active sales, expansion of the client base;
  • Work with key clients, elimination of arising disagreements;
  • Department management (5 people).

Achievement examples

  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (up to 50% of orders in total);
  • Created a sales department from "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly carried out the plan to attract new customers and sales;
  • Developed and implemented in the company technology of sales of technically complex equipment.

Computer skills in the resume are indicated in the "Additional Information" section

  1. Specify the level of PC proficiency in accordance with the classification: User - Confident User - Advanced User-Programmer.
  2. List the programs you own. Be sure to specify the versions of the programs. This might be important. For example, you should specify not only 1 C, but also version 8.2.
  3. You can also specify the degree of ownership of the org. technique if that skill is important for the job you are applying for.

Resume (CV)- this is your business card, the correct compilation of which depends on whether you get the desired job or not. It is very important to approach writing a resume responsibly, because it can be a decisive factor in hiring you.

In this article, we will look at specific skills and abilities for a resume, as well as give you tips and advice on how to properly fill out these sections of a resume. At the end of the article, you can download a standard resume template.

If you are interested in the question, you can read more about it in the article.

Education, experience, positions held in previous positions are mandatory parts of a CV. Good resume it is unacceptable to draw up without describing the most important skills of a specialist. You need to describe these skills in such a way that a potential boss has an irresistible desire to hire not someone, but you.

1. Key skills and abilities for a resume

Those key skills that are reflected in your resume will definitely become the object of attention from the employer. Previous work experience and education will not always be able to reveal information about the skills that you possess.

The correct approach to filling out this resume block will enable the employer to understand even without personal communication that you are exactly the one he needs.

There are no such general key skills that would be suitable for any of the positions and professions. For those who cannot formulate their own professional merits, the following skills and abilities can be indicated:

  • ability to interpersonal business communication;
  • organization and planning of working time;
  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills necessary to find solutions to problem situations;
  • manifestation of flexibility;
  • managerial skills
  • business leadership skills.

Keep in mind that an employer may only require a subset of these skills, which is usually stated in their own job offer. It's much easier to reframe the employer's requirements into your core skills.

2. Skills and abilities for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bankers…

Applicants for positions of salespeople, managers and consultants, as well as other positions that require regular communication with people, can indicate as their own skills and abilities:

  • successful experience in sales;
  • time management skills;
  • competent speech, the ability to convince;
  • effective communication skills;
  • finding an approach to the client and reaching compromises;
  • ability to learn and perceive information;
  • the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;
  • manifestation of tact and tolerance;
  • creativity.

If you have information that the employer cooperates with foreign clients, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be your advantage. Be sure to include this on your resume.

Service workers need to be skilled in the communication, analysis and decision making required to provide assistance. Any activity of such employees should be aimed at satisfying the interests of the client, which requires the applicant to be result-oriented, able to work in the presence of personal pressure and initiative.

Also, the employer will certainly be attracted by the resume of the candidate who will have knowledge of foreign languages, own a PC, conduct business correspondence, be attentive and interested in the overall result of the company's work.

3. Leadership skills and abilities: manager, manager, director, administrator…

It is worth starting work on a resume by identifying those skills that are of fundamental importance for a particular position.

Employers check managers with particular care, often making excessive demands on them. Those who wish to take a managerial position should indicate as skills:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • optimal organization of the workflow;
  • independent decision-making and responsibility for them;
  • the presence of critical thinking;
  • efficient management of time and labor resources;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • strategic thinking;
  • effective negotiation;
  • communication skills and the ability to gain trust.

The applicant can add to this group those professional features that he considers his strengths.

Professional skills and personal qualities in this case should have a clear distinction, because the question about the personal qualities of the applicant will certainly come from the employer, and their identity with professional skills will not allow creating a positive impression of themselves.

The list of skills can be supplemented by the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control their execution.

4. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings…

Slightly different skills and abilities should be characteristic of teachers leading seminars. Such people should be:

  • capable of motivation;
  • highly initiative and energetic;
  • masters in concentrating people's attention on certain phenomena for the required time;
  • flexible and patient;
  • capable of organizing the work process.

In addition, you can specify teachers should have competent speech and clear pronunciation, be good interlocutors in personal communication.

The main task of this category of workers is to establish contacts.

5. Skills and abilities for technical specialists: programmers, system administrators…

Skills that must be inherent technical specialists are completely individual.

For example, system administrators are required to monitor the operation of all company computers, which requires him to:

  • carrying out diagnostic measures regarding subordinate equipment;
  • constant monitoring of possible risks;
  • proficiency in English at a technical level;
  • ease of perception of information flows.

6. Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors…

Professionals who are aiming for jobs related to accounting should have a clear understanding of the requirements of the employer. The accountant must have:

  • analytical thinking;
  • organizational skills to create a work algorithm;
  • constant analysis;
  • competent planning;
  • increased attention to details and trifles;
  • the ability to determine the degree of priorities;
  • definition of priority tasks;
  • skills to work with representatives of regulatory authorities.

7. Skills and abilities - examples for lawyers

Workers in the field of jurisprudence can indicate in the resume:

  • knowledge of the law;
  • skills in drafting contracts and documentation;
  • use of legal electronic databases;
  • ability to work with regulatory authorities;
  • search for compromise solutions;
  • setting goals and striving to achieve them.

8. Special skills and abilities for a resume

The ability to establish oral and written contact with counterparties, high achievements in the field of service, organization of the work process, the presence of speaker skills and many other skills will be in without fail evaluated by the employer.

Each of them is looking for such an employee who will be motivated for a common result, will show initiative and high energy in solving emerging issues, will be a pleasant and competent interlocutor, able to immediately make a decision, give an answer and be responsible for every word.

Applicants can include in their resumes:

  • the presence of leadership qualities;
  • technical knowledge;
  • project organization and management skills;
  • marketing abilities.

9. General skills and abilities

There are a number of general skills that professionals may have. Their list is generalized and not suitable for all specialties.

However, I think this list will be useful for you, perhaps you will find exactly those skills and abilities that you want to indicate in your resume. These include:

  • possession foreign language(language and degree of proficiency in it);
  • programming ability;
  • budgeting;
  • competent business communication (oral and written);
  • work with customer databases, including from the level of their creation;
  • efficiency regarding the search for information;
  • development of plans;
  • analyzer actions upon sales (including those performed by competitive organizations);
  • purchasing skills;
  • skills in conducting inventory processes;
  • ability in merchandising;
  • work with commercial proposals;
  • negotiation skills;
  • training and motivation of colleagues;
  • forecasting;
  • pricing skills;
  • skills in direct sales;
  • persuasion skills;
  • telephone sales skills
  • skills in working with individual computer programs: Excel, Word, Photoshop, 1C, etc. ;
  • the ability to object;
  • use of primary data;
  • handling office equipment;
  • development and implementation of advertising and market research campaigns;
  • legal expertise;
  • scrupulousness in the preparation of reporting materials;
  • collection and preparation of statistical information;
  • ability to organize processes;
  • readiness for team work;
  • independence of decisions;
  • organization skills;
  • ability to apply methods of persuasion.

Each individual specialty is characterized by certain abilities. Among the presented, there will certainly be exactly those that will suit you and the position that has become your choice. These skills can be used for inclusion in a resume.

10. Correct compilation of a basic list of skills and abilities

Tip: when searching for the desired position, you should not limit yourself to a single resume, it is better to constantly modify it in relation to the vacancy. The skills representations on the main resume and the one you create for a specific position should be different.

In the main version of the CV, suitable for most positions, you need to describe the skills as follows: the “Skills and Achievements” column is the end of the “Work Experience” column, i.e. skills are the result of professional experience.

Let's say you worked as a marketer and are now looking for a vacancy for this position, you need to write a list of benefits that the new boss will receive by hiring you for this position.

Professional skills and abilities for a resume example for a marketer:

  • conducting marketing research;
  • analysis of the market situation and consumer desires;
  • ability to develop product ideas.

The list should not be very long and detailed - the main points will suffice. The recruiter reading your CV needs to understand that your core competencies come from experience, so don't make it up. Imagine that you were a simple employee, and write that you know how to organize work. No one will believe you and the recruiter will simply ignore you.

11. Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

About punctuality, sociability and responsibility should be indicated in the column "About myself". The "Skills and Achievements" column is needed only for information related to official obligations.

In the section "Professional skills" it is necessary to indicate the main skills acquired at the last workplace or at the university. Here you can also list your achievements. The section should reveal you as a specialist. In other words, this section should describe your "Qualification".

If you describe your skills, you will make your CV more attractive. After reading this section, a potential boss should clearly understand that the company needs you and you should definitely be called for an interview. He must be attracted by his knowledge and abilities. If you want this to happen more often, heed our advice:

  • The "Qualifications" item should be placed exactly after the "Education" item. This is at least logical.
  • This section needs to be modified for any new vacancy. You only need to write down the abilities that are suitable for the position you are looking for.
  • Don't make yourself man-orchestra, carefully indicating the entire list of their pluses. Specify a few (4-8) key ones, this is enough. If you want to express some skills, you will have to sacrifice others.
  • Initially, write down those abilities that are most consistent with the position you are looking for.
  • Write the list in a way that is easy to read.
  • You need to use those definitions and phrases used by the potential boss in the ad.
  • When describing skills and abilities, you need to start phrases with the words “I have experience”, “I know”, “I own”, etc.
  • No need to write about your traits, there is a special section in the resume for them.

Attention: the so-called "headhunters" are looking for rare employees. They are generally not interested in the experience of the candidate, they want the specific benefits provided to them.

12. Skills and abilities for a resume example for an HR director:

Ability to build communication within the company. Ability to effectively manage departments and projects. Organization of consultations and business training.

The new skill can be written with a red line, this will make your text easier to read, although it will take up more space. If you correctly describe your skills and abilities, this will significantly increase the chance that you will be called for an interview.

Education and experience, though a very important part of the resume, but they cannot create an impression of the right employee.

It is not enough for the hirer to know where you studied and received your professional experience. He needs to know exactly what you can do and how you can be useful to his firm. So correctly painted basic skills greatly increase the likelihood of getting the coveted job.

Core Skills are the combination of your skills and abilities needed to do well with the tasks presented to you. job requirements. So carefully chosen and well-formulated phrases can help your resume stand out from a lot of similar documents.

While working, try to gain skills, study extra and get certificates. In this case, you will be able to really arouse the interest of the hirer and get a higher probability of being hired.

We hope that examples of skills and abilities for resume will help you.

13. We indicate specific skills and abilities in the resume

Now let's imagine that you are writing a CV for a specific position in which you have an increased interest. Then the list of core skills should be treated as a list of specific rather than general skills.

Read the ad very carefully. What do you need to know to be hired for this position? Do these requests match your skills and experience? This must be indicated in the "Skills" column.

However, simply transcribing the requirements on your resume and framing them as your own skills is a bad idea. The recruiter will immediately guess that you have decided to treat the resume as “get rid of it”. Change this information, make it more specific, add something that was not specified by the employer, but may benefit this company.

For example, if you see a requirement - fluency in English, then mention the ability to organize a visa for the boss (if this is the case, of course). After all, if the employer and his henchmen correspond to English language, this may indicate that there are business partners from other countries, and in this case, the ability to organize a visa will arouse the interest of a possible boss.

Also remember that in our time, a recruiter will most likely search for candidates by keywords, so it is necessary to compose a description of skills so that it contains phrases that are in the text of the job description.