Blends based on polyester resins. Polyester and epoxy resin, their difference

The industrial revolution, which began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, gave the world not only the transition from manufactory production to factory production and the replacement manual labor machine, but also became the beginning of a real breakthrough in the field of chemistry. Already in the middle of the last century, people knew the technologies for the production of polyester resins, which are now used everywhere in industry and construction.

  • Polyester resin is a product unique in its properties, which is obtained as a result of a complex process of mixing and processing (the so-called polycondensation) of polyhydric alcohols, which are a product of petrochemical processing, polybasic acids, as well as anhydrides and vegetable oils.

These resins are widely used in almost all industries (engineering, shipbuilding), construction, manufacturing sports equipment(helmets, surfboards) and in many other areas. This is due to the unique properties that end products based on polyester resins have. If we are talking about water transport hulls, injection molds or any other parts for the manufacture of which casting resins are used, then this is lightness and strength, if we are talking about insulation (foamed polyurethane or rigid foam plastics), then these are the minimum indicators of thermal conductivity, durability and reliability .

Polyester resins are not afraid of moisture, resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress, resistant to chemicals (with the exception of industrial solvents). They are durable (operational life of foamed polyurethane exceeds 50 years), universal.

Already in the 1950s, the United States was the leader in terms of production of polyester resins based on glycols, xylitol, glycerol and acids. And by the end of the 50s, a certain share of production was occupied by environmentally friendly polyester resins, the basis for the manufacture of which was vegetable oils (castor, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed). However, due to certain reasons (large volumes of oil production and the availability of petroleum products, the development vector of the petrochemical industry), the production of environmentally friendly resins was less widespread.

Today the situation is changing in a diametrically opposite direction. The ecological state of the planet is increasingly worrying the minds of not only scientists or representatives environmental organizations but also ordinary citizens. However, even in Europe, whose countries position themselves as leaders in the production of environmentally friendly raw materials and products, the share of production of natural polyols is about 2-3% of the production of polyester resins based on petroleum products. But in Russia, the company "Ecotermix" becomes a real innovator, opening the production of natural polyester resins based on polyols obtained from vegetable oils.

Environmentally friendly polyester resin

The use of vegetable oils as a basis for the production of natural polyols makes it possible to produce polyester resins with the same properties (and sometimes even better values) than in the case of using petroleum products. It was this technology that was decided to be taken as the basis for own production"Ecothermix", since the production of environmentally friendly polyols from renewable raw materials has a positive effect on the ecological state of the planet, allowing to reduce oil production.

  • Polyol - the basis, the base component for the production of a two-component polyester resin or rigid / foamed polyurethane

Alkoxylation and transesterification are the two main reactions, which are carried out by advanced high-tech equipment in working conditions, and as a result of which it is possible to obtain polyols containing up to 70-80% renewable substances. In fact, this is a successful attempt to get away from the use of fossil and non-renewable resources, the processing of which is associated with significant environmental damage. In addition, it is complete independence from the situation on the world oil market.

Benefits of using natural polyols and polyester resins

The use of natural and environmentally friendly polyester resins is associated with a number of significant advantages:

  • Possibility of reducing the harmful impact on the environment by reducing the volume of oil production and refining
  • Complete product safety for humans and environment
  • Additional material savings - natural polyester resins are often cheaper than their counterparts made from petrochemical raw materials

The company "Ecotermix" offers you natural polyols exclusively High Quality made on the basis of vegetable oils and products of processing of rigid polyurethane foams. Based on them, it is possible to obtain foamed and rigid polyurethanes, casting resins. The natural polyols produced in-house provide the final product with the highest performance characteristics. Moreover, the cost of these polyols is more than attractive!

Applications of polyester resins

  • General purpose resins;
  • resins special purpose;
  • Resins with low styrene emission;
  • Resins for artificial stone;
  • Resins used in shipbuilding;
  • Resins for the production of fiberglass;
  • Resins are slow-burning and self-extinguishing;
  • Resin for reinforcement of acrylic and ABS/PMMA sheet;
  • Resins used in the automotive industry.

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The differences of which we will consider in this article belong to the class of thermosetting. This means that after the solidification process, they can no longer be returned to the liquid state. Both compounds have different characteristics, which determines the scope of their application. To understand the purpose of these materials, it is useful to read the overview of polyester and epoxy resins.

Epoxy resin

Epoxy refers to materials of synthetic origin. In its pure form, it is unsuitable for use, since it is not able to go into a solid state on its own. For curing, a special hardener is added to the epoxy resin in the right proportion.

For proper use, you need to know the pros and cons of epoxy. Resin of this type is valued for its strength characteristics. It is resistant to aggressive chemicals such as acids and alkalis. The advantages of epoxy include: moderate shrinkage, high wear resistance, and excellent strength. The solidification process occurs over a wide range of temperatures, but the recommended range in everyday life is from +18 to +25 degrees. The hot hardening method is used in the production of high-strength products that can withstand extreme loads.

This type of resin is used both in industry and at home. The scope of their use is becoming wider due to the creation of new compositions with optimized properties. By mixing different types of epoxy resins and hardeners, it is possible to obtain a final product with completely different characteristics.

Epoxy Resin Application

Epoxy type resin is primarily used as a material for bonding surfaces: wood, leather, metal and other non-porous. Such a composition is in demand in electronics, mechanical engineering and aviation. Fiberglass, which is actively used in construction, is also made from epoxy. The resin is used for waterproofing floors and walls, including external ones. Finished products made of fiberglass after grinding and additional processing are popular in decorating interiors.

Epoxy hardener

Epoxy material consists of two components, after mixing of which the polymerization process begins. The component that causes the epoxy to cure is called the hardener. Depending on the use of different resins and hardeners, completely different epoxy mixtures can be obtained.

The proportion of the hardener in the composition may be different and depends mainly on the brand of resin. The polymerization reaction of epoxy resin is irreversible, that is, it is not possible to melt an already solidified material.

It is a mistake to believe that by overestimating the amount of hardener, hardening will be faster. An effective way to speed up the process is to increase the temperature of the mixture. Increasing the operating temperature by 10 degrees allows you to speed up the process by 3 times. For these purposes, special components are commercially available. There are also epoxy mixtures that harden at low temperatures.

Incorrect selection of the amount of hardener adversely affects the quality of the finished product. First of all, its strength and resistance to chemicals. With a small amount of hardener, the consistency of the part becomes sticky, with an excess, the polymer is released on the surface of the material. The most common resin/hardener ratios are 1/2 or 1/1. Before mixing, it is recommended to read the instructions for the correct ratio of components.

polyester resin

Such a resin is formed during the processing of special purpose alcohols. The basis of the material is polyester. To speed up the hardening process, specialized solvents and inhibitors are used. Depending on the scope of the material, it may have a different structure and properties. The resulting product needs additional processing aimed at increasing protection against water and ultraviolet radiation. The additional coating also enhances the strength characteristics of the product. Polyester resin, unlike epoxy, is characterized by low mechanical properties. But at the same time, polyester is distinguished low price which makes the material more popular.

Such resins are actively used in the construction of buildings, in the automotive industry, shipbuilding and the production of containers for chemical compositions. Polyester components, when mixed with glass, form high-strength compounds. Thanks to this, the resulting material is used in the manufacture of canopies, roofs for buildings and lighting fixtures.

Polyester resin is also part of the artificial stone. The plastic produced using this component is used in the production of window sills, shower cabins, partitions and decorative elements. Polyester resins, unlike epoxy resins, are easy to color.

The main advantages of polyester resin

Polyester resin, unlike epoxy, is more practical. After mixing with glass, the composition acquires strength characteristics that exceed those of steel. Polyester is not required to harden special conditions and temperatures. Work with it is considered less laborious, and the material itself is cheaper.

What is the difference?

When asking the question: "Which is better, polyester or epoxy?", you need to understand why and where the resin is needed. Both materials have their pros and cons, and the final choice depends on the conditions of use, as well as the type of surface to which the resin will be applied.

Epoxy has a higher cost, but it is more durable. Possessing excellent adhesive properties, it firmly connects surfaces of various structures. Epoxy resin differs from the polyester product in low shrinkage, better mechanical characteristics, and wear resistance.

At the same time, unlike polyester, epoxy needs more time to harden, which slows down the process of manufacturing parts from this material. Working with such resin is accompanied by increased safety measures: when working with liquid material gloves are required, a respirator is needed to process a solid product. The danger is not so much the resin itself, but the components used to give it a solid state. When hardening at high temperature, there is a chance to lose the viscosity of the material, which creates additional difficulties in work.

Which resin is better, epoxy or polyester? Reviews indicate that in most cases the first is used in the form of glue, since its properties are much higher than those of a polyester-based material. In other situations, it seems more rational to use polyester resin, which, firstly, will save money, and secondly, will simplify the work.

Benefits of using polyester

Polyester does not emit toxic elements, is easy to use, and special knowledge is not required to work with it. The composition is used to cover various surfaces, followed by treatment with a strength-enhancing agent. In terms of adhesive properties, polyester is significantly inferior to epoxy, and it is irrational to use it for gluing surfaces. As a material for decorative products, it is not suitable, as it has low mechanical properties. When mixing the composition of polyester, a small amount of catalyst is used. The material hardens quickly, within 2-3 hours.

The finished part has elasticity and resistance to bending. The downside of polyester resin products is flammability. Do not apply polyester resin to an item made from epoxy. To repair an epoxy product, it is better to use it.

How to properly prepare the surface

Resin should only be applied to previously prepared surfaces. The first step is degreasing with a solvent. After removing dirt and traces of fat, the grinding process is carried out. From the surface of the material with sandpaper or special tool the top layer is removed. Then the dust removal process is carried out. After that, you can start applying the working component.


In order not to cause harm to health when working with resins and hardeners, it is necessary to take all precautions to the maximum. non-compliance simple rules may cause skin injury, burns or lung damage when handling epoxy or polyester resins. Safety features when working with chemicals:

  • Do not use containers intended for cooking.
  • All manipulations must be carried out in special clothing and gloves. Before carrying out work on the hands should be applied with a protective cream. Grinding of finished products is carried out in a respirator and special glasses.
  • If the resin comes into contact with the skin, it must be washed immediately with soap or alcohol.

Epoxy components should be handled in a well ventilated area.

The modern chemical industry produces many types of resins used in various industries and in production composite materials. Among this variety, epoxy and polyester thermosetting resins are most actively used.

They, unlike thermoplastic ones, do not return to their original (liquid) state under the influence of heat after curing. Both resins have a liquid syrupy consistency, but each has a number of specific properties.

A synthetic oligomeric compound that is not used in its pure form, but only with a polymerizing component (), in combination with which the resin exhibits its unique qualities. The ratio of epoxy resin to hardener has wide limits.

Due to this, the final compositions are diverse and used for various purposes. These are both rigid and solid, resembling rubber in their consistency, and materials have become stronger. The polymerization reaction is irreversible. The cured resin does not melt or dissolve.

Application area

Epoxy materials have unlimited possibilities for use. Traditionally they are used as:

  • impregnating agent for fiberglass, fiberglass, gluing various surfaces;
  • waterproofing coating of walls and floors, including pools and basements;
  • chemically resistant coatings for internal and external finishing of buildings;
  • products that increase strength and water resistance for wood, concrete and other materials;
  • raw materials for casting molds subjected to cutting and grinding, in the production of fiberglass products in the electronics industry, construction, household, design work.

Advantages and disadvantages of epoxy

Two-component polymer compositions, which include a hardener and epoxy resin, have many undeniable advantages, including:

  • high strength of the formed joints;
  • minimum degree of shrinkage;
  • low susceptibility to moisture;
  • improved physical and mechanical parameters;
  • polymerization temperature in the range from -10 to +200 degrees Celsius.

Unlimited number of variations of created compounds and many positive characteristics did not make epoxy resins more popular than polyester. This is due to such a disadvantage of this polymer as cost. This is especially true for industrial scales, when the amount of resin used for impregnation is large.

Why are epoxy resins needed?

As a structural material, this two-component compound is used quite rarely, but there are situations in which it has proven itself with the best side. It is almost impossible to find a better adhesive than epoxy resin today.

It serves as an excellent protective coating and is recommended for use when gluing various materials. These are various types of wood, metals such as steel and aluminum, any non-porous surfaces. With it, you can improve the performance of fabric materials, but not in cases of working with large volumes. The latter is due to high costs.

Epoxy adhesive

Special epoxy compound with high strength adhesion to many materials, available in both rigid and elastic.

If the glue is supposed to be used exclusively for domestic needs, it is enough to purchase a composition that does not require compliance with any strict proportions. Such "kits" are sold in the form of resin and cold-type hardener. Most often, they already go in the required ratio, which can vary from 100:40 to 100:60.

The use of this type of glue is not limited to exclusively domestic needs. The composition is actively used in various fields of activity, including even the aircraft industry. The proportions and types of hardeners are different. It all depends on the purpose for which the glue is used.

Preparation of epoxy resins and glue

Mixing resin and hardener when creating an adhesive solution in a large quantities does not require any special conditions. Both an overdose and a lack of a polymerizing agent are acceptable. The recommended (standard) ratio is 1:10. If the resin is prepared in large quantities, for example, for pouring into a mold for the manufacture of fiberglass products, then both the choice and the work with the components must be approached responsibly and carefully.

When purchasing resin and hardener, it is necessary to clarify their purpose. The resin, if it is necessary to prepare several kilograms of the composition, is preheated. Only after that polymerizing components and plasticizers are added. The presence of harmful vapors emitted requires the use of products personal protection. Failure to comply with safety rules is fraught with burns and the development of respiratory diseases.

Epoxy Resin Usage Time

This parameter is most important when working with compositions, since the period during which they retain a viscous or liquid state and are suitable for processing has its own limitations. " Work time» composition depends on several factors that must be taken into account in the process of compound preparation.

Curing of some compositions occurs at a temperature of -10, others - above +100 degrees. You can usually work with the composition from half an hour to an hour. If it hardens, it will become unusable. Therefore, when preparing the compositions, it is necessary to clearly control both the amount of hardener and the temperature of the resin.

It is a product of the petrochemical industry, the main component of which is polyester. For polymerization (hardening), components such as solvents, initiators, inhibitors, accelerators are added to it. The composition of polyester resins may vary by manufacturer depending on the specific application.

Hardened surfaces are coated with a special substance (gelcoat), which increases the strength and resistance of the coating to ultraviolet, moisture and water. The physical and mechanical properties of polyester resins are much lower than epoxy resins, but due to their low cost, they are the most popular.

Scope of use

Polyester resin is actively used in industries such as engineering, chemical industry, construction. The special strength of the resin is due to its combination with glass materials in the construction industry.

The combination of these two materials makes it possible to use this type of resin in the production of fiberglass, which is used to make high-strength and mechanically resistant canopies, roofs, wall partitions, showers and other similar products. This type of resin is one of the components in the production of artificial stone, significantly reducing the cost of finished products.

Coatings for polyester resin

Finished products made of polyester resin, given their not the highest physical and mechanical properties, need to be protected with a gelcoat. The type of this special substance depends on the application of the final product.

Products that are not exposed to an active chemical environment or water and are used indoors are coated with orthophthalic gelcoats, and in conditions of high humidity or difficult climates, for example, in shipbuilding, swimming pools, bathtubs - isophthel-neopentyl and isophthalic. There are special purpose gel coats that can be fire retardant or have improved chemical resistance.

The benefits of polyester

Polyester resins, unlike epoxy resins, are a more popular structural material, and in the cured state they have the following advantages:

  • hardness;
  • resistance to the chemical environment;
  • dielectric properties;
  • wear resistance;
  • no harmful emissions during operation.

In combination with glass fabrics, they have similar, and sometimes even higher parameters than structural steel. The cheap and simple production technology inherent in these resins is due to the fact that they cure at room temperature, but shrink slightly.

This eliminates the need for bulky heat treatment units. Considering this and the fact that polyester resins are half the price of epoxy resins, the cost of the final product is low. All this makes the use of polyester-based resins beneficial for both the manufacturer and the buyer.


The disadvantages of polyester resins include the use of such a flammable and toxic solvent as styrene in the production process. Many manufacturers have abandoned its use, therefore, when purchasing a resin, you need to pay attention to the composition.

Another disadvantage of the composition is the flammability of the resin. In its unmodified form, it burns like hardwoods. To solve this problem, manufacturers introduce powder fillers with fluorine and chlorine into the composition or carry out chemical modification.

Nuances of choice

Polyester resins are supplied in a “started” polymerization reaction, that is, after a certain time they pass into a solid state. And if you buy an old resin, it will not have the declared properties and characteristics. Many manufacturers give a guarantee of freshness on their products.

The shelf life of polyester resins is about six months. If you follow the storage rules, for example, keep the composition in the refrigerator, while not freezing, you can use the resin throughout the year. Do not allow direct sunlight, as well as ambient temperatures above +20 degrees.

Epoxy and polyester resins

Polyester resins are much easier to work with than epoxy resins and cost less. However, when choosing a material for reliable bonding of surfaces or casting decorative products, it is recommended to give preference to epoxy compounds.

Polyester resin is a widely exploited material that finds application in various industries. You can use it even at home, if you know exactly how to work with this tool. The technology must be strictly observed, only in this case the result will be of high quality.

Resin making

Polyesters are petrochemical products that originate during the refining of petroleum. Production begins with oil refining, as a result, the following components are released: benzene, ethylene, propylene. Further, these substances are subjected to various chemical reactions to produce glycols, polybasic acids, antihydrides. The ingredients are combined and boiled together, resulting in a base resin.

Obtaining the finished polyester includes diluting the base resin with a solvent - styrene. This substance has a high toxicity, in the finished product it can be up to ½.

Indicated stage production can be final, and the product goes for sale. But most often the scheme goes to the second stage, where a number of additives are introduced into the composition, depending on the purpose of the material. Additional components will provide the desired properties. These can be plasticizers, binders, pigments (colours), etc.

Since the end of production, the shelf life of the mixture is limited. The fact is that after the final assembly, the gradual polymerization of the material or curing begins. The longer the product is stored, the worse its quality. Refrigeration is used to slow polymerization.

Before applying the resin directly, it must be diluted in certain proportions with a hardener, mixed with an activator, a catalyst, which will provide the desired chemical reaction with heat release, so the mass will acquire desired characteristics- density, strength, moisture resistance.

Manufacturers produce single-component products - you need to additionally buy hardeners, two-component materials for them. The latter include two bottles - resin and hardener.

Material characteristics

Saturated polyester resins look like a honey-like liquid of dark brown, yellow color. As a rule, it is transparent, does not have foreign inclusions. After mixing with the hardener, the material thickens, passes into a jelly-like state, then becomes like rubber, and finally hardens. The finally hardened material can be stained - paint and varnish fit well.

Polyester resins have the following properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • long service life of finished products;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, UV radiation and mechanical stress;
  • counteracting the influence of chemicals;
  • versatility, broad scope applications;
  • excellent adhesion to fiberglass, fiberglass, paper, metal;
  • electrical insulating properties.

The disadvantages of the material include a large, compared with epoxy resin, shrinkage, a high class of danger to humans. The material is toxic, work requires caution.

Modern polyester resins without styrene are now being produced. Unlike inorganic mixtures, they do not contain hazardous components. As part of resin, vegetable oils (rapeseed, soybean, castor). From oils, environmentally friendly polyols are extracted - the basic components for the manufacture of two-component polyester resins. Polyurethane foam is prepared from polyols.

Scope of application

What can be done with polyester resins? The scope of their application is very wide. In combination with fiberglass, they allow you to get fiberglass of the desired degree of transparency. Products from it are in any plumbing store, for example, shower cabins. Resins are part of paints and varnishes, adhesive mixtures, compounds - polymers for the manufacture of radio components, electrical equipment. They are introduced into mastics, putties, compositions for self-leveling floors, for podiums.

Fiberglass is used in the casting of figurines, haberdashery. Porous materials are impregnated with polyester to seal them, for example, to stabilize wood. Polyester resin can be used in the manufacturing process of honeycomb plastics, other plastics, wood fiber boards, and asbestos-cement boards.

In shipbuilding, resins can be used for:

  • connections of parts of ships, boats;
  • giving tightness to boats;
  • porthole seals;
  • hull processing.

Polyester resin is used to repair car bumpers, plastic based on it serves as the basis for the manufacture of car parts. With the addition of polyesters, automotive primers and putties are made. Fiberglass, coupled with dyes, is used for casting lighting fixtures, window sills, cornices, and roofs. The casting method is used to create an artificial stone.

Brands and manufacturers

A variety of polyester resins of domestic and foreign manufacturers are produced. The packages of most resins are from 1 kilogram or more.

Neon S-1

Neon S-1 from Rempolymer is a pre-accelerated thixotropic resin that has a low viscosity, medium level of reactivity. The composition contains styrene, high quality fillers. The tool is considered one of the best for the repair of boats, boats, auto tuning. Gives minimal shrinkage, after dilution it must be applied within 15 minutes. Polymerization time - 45 minutes.


Reoflex Repair Resin or Reflex polyester resin is a laminating agent with an orthophthalic base and a reduced amount of styrene. The description states that the resin has high adhesion to metal, paint and varnish coatings, wood, laminate, primers.

The resulting coating has a high resistance to mechanical damage, vibration, resistant to temperature extremes, the influence of lubricants, gasoline, oils. The addition of special components allows the material to be plasticized and used for repairing bumpers, filling gaps in metal.

Casting resin Norsodyne O-12335 AL

NorsodyneO-12335 AL is a pre-accelerated clear resin with high UV resistance. It has a rather long gelatinization time - 16 - 22 minutes. It must be diluted with Butanox hardener in the amount of 0.03% of the total mass. It is used for processing porous materials, such as glue for rubber boats, car repairs. Application at a temperature from +15 degrees is allowed.

Novol Plus 720

Novol Plus 720 (Novol Plus 720) is another popular tool that can be used to glue rubber products, seal holes, holes, and reinforce plastic structures. With its help, camping trailers, yachts, car bodies are repaired.

As a hardener, Butanox is used, it can be replaced with 50% benzoyl peroxide paste. Polyester resin has high strength, excellent sanding, can be coated with polyester fillers. The consumption of 1 m2 when used as an adhesive is small, the product can be used with glass mat.

Other brands

It is possible to glue various surfaces, to carry out their lamination with the help of polyester resin Eskim ES-1060. The composition is less viscous than most materials, therefore it is easy to apply.

A special property is low sensitivity to the amount of solvent and temperature for curing. It is easy to add any do-it-yourself tinting to the resin, the resin is combined with most pigments. Cement, talc, gypsum can be added to the product and used for the manufacture of self-leveling floors.

Polipol 3401-A polyester resin is an orthophthalic material with low shrinkage, practically does not deform after curing. It is widely used for the production of chemically resistant containers, parts of boats, attractions, swimming pools. How long does the product dry? Gelation time - 30 minutes, further hardening depends on the room temperature.

Features of unsaturated polyester resins

Main difference unsaturated resins from saturated - in the composition, more precisely, in the amount of certain components. Unsaturated products are more popular, because their polymerization does not require high temperature, the compositions harden even at +23 degrees. A plus can be called less harm to health - there is no release of by-products.

The material is used for the manufacture of reinforced plastic, molded insulation, fiberglass coating, radio devices, electrical appliances. Suitable for hulls of boats, boats, yachts, used in auto repair and the automotive industry.

Solvents, accelerators and inhibitors

An obligatory component of the resin is a solvent-monomer. Needed for dilution, viscosity reduction (polyester itself is very thick), as a participant in copolymerization. To transfer the material from a liquid state to a solid state, catalysts are used, for example, hydroperoxide (allows the polyester to acquire its final properties).

The accelerator is introduced into the composition immediately or added to stabilize the mass during operation. Usually, cobalt salts act as an accelerator. Without the consistent application of such substances, the curing process will be slow or premature, and the finished product will be spoiled.

Working with polyester resin

First, you should accurately measure the volume of resin and accelerator, the proportions are always indicated in the instructions. It is recommended to start work with a minimum amount of materials - no more than 0.5 - 1 liter. The accelerator is added gradually, after which the resin is thoroughly stirred. Fast movements are unacceptable - so a lot of air will get into the mass.

With the introduction of the solution, a change in the shade of the liquid is possible (it becomes blue), strong heating. If the temperature of the polyester has increased, this means the beginning of the polymerization process.

When you want to slow down the curing, you can put the container with the mass in a bowl of cold water. The transition of the liquid to a gelatinous state means the end of the period of its use. This process usually takes 20-60 minutes. It is necessary to glue products or apply resin on the surface earlier; after gelatinization, it is no longer possible to move the material. Next, you need to wait for complete polymerization - from several hours to 2 days, but polyester will acquire its final properties in 1 - 2 weeks.

Polyester resins and glass mats

Glass mats - fiberglass chopped into small pieces (up to 5 cm). They are interconnected and used like fiberglass. Polyester is used for the manufacture of glass mats. Their strength is lower than that of fiberglass due to shorter fibers, but they are much easier to work with.

After impregnation with resin, the material becomes like a sponge, bends well and takes on the desired shape. There are thin glass mats (glass veil) and very thick ones, like a blanket.

Production of artificial stone

In addition to its intended purpose, polyester is widely used for the manufacture of artificial stone. To do this, the resin is mixed with fillers, mineral chips, dyes, polymers, glass.

To make large products (countertops, cornices), the casting method is used - the filler is placed in a mold, poured with polyester resin. This is how marble products are made with their own hands - they mix polyester and chips of artificial marble, pour them into the desired shape. Dry the product in a drying cabinet under the action of hot air.

Danger and harm to humans

Harmful components are present in the composition of almost all materials of inorganic origin. Styrene is especially toxic, this substance is very flammable. Polyester should always be handled with proper precautions. The eyes are protected from vapors and splashes with special glasses, the respiratory organs are protected by a respirator.

How to wash the material if the composition gets on the skin? It is necessary to immediately thoroughly wash this place with soap, but it is better to use a special composition for cleaning polyesters. The room should be well ventilated, work near sources of fire is excluded. Extinguishing in case of fire is prohibited with water, it is necessary to use a fire extinguisher or sand.