How to open a curtain shop? How to start your own curtain tailoring business.

The time for curtains on a string has irrevocably gone, and today everyone is very picky about the design of such an element as curtains. Now the main thing is not their direct function of protecting from sunlight, but the ability to make the interior attractive and charming, or to become a certain style accent. It turns out that tailoring of curtains at the moment is a fairly demanded business that brings high profits.

Firms that offer design services in general have begun to increasingly offer the production and design of curtains. However, if you decide to open a company providing such services on your own, then you should know that a properly drawn up curtain salon business plan, as well as a responsible approach to this business, will allow you to achieve excellent results. It is worth understanding all the nuances of this matter.

Basic moments

The business plan for a curtain salon should include a sewing workshop and a salon in which you can present various categories fabrics, as well finished products. Quite often, firms that are engaged in tailoring curtains also sell related products, namely: fabrics, cornices, all kinds of accessories for curtains.

Naturally, you will need a special room in which the whole process will take place. Sewing curtains does not require you to have huge areas. Here everything is calculated according to a simple formula: for each seamstress, 7 square meters area, and for each employee of a different qualification - 5 meters.

It turns out that at the initial stage your workshop for tailoring curtains will be able to fit in a room of 30 square meters. In addition, you will need to purchase professional equipment. You will need an overlocker, a professional sewing machine, a blind seam machine, a cutting table, an iron, an ironing table.

All this will cost you quite a lot of money, but if you are not ready to immediately pay a lot of money, then you can buy used devices, since the degree of wear resistance of such units is quite large. If necessary, then it will be possible to purchase additional equipment, for example, for laying lambrequins or shrinking fabric.

Issue price

So, we can say that before you open a curtain tailoring studio, you need to decide how much everything will cost. necessary equipment. A sewing machine can cost as little as $300, an overlocker will cost $1,800-2,000, and a blind stitch machine around $1,000. Of course, this is quite a lot. However, it is worth considering how much it costs to tailor curtains. Each client will leave in your salon from 500 dollars. Thanks to this, we can say that in 6-7 months all the money spent on equipment may well return, and even in excess.


You must understand that if you yourself do not have enough knowledge and skills to work on your own, then you will need to hire professional cutters and seamstresses. The quality of finished products depends entirely on their skills. It is very important that the finished result matches the picture proposed by the designer. Otherwise, customers will be dissatisfied, and you will not see the desired profit.

Store opening

The business plan for a curtain salon must necessarily provide for the opening of a store, which is necessary not only for the image. Showing samples of your products can be organized even in an apartment, and the more rooms, openings, niches and other elements, the more room for designer imagination - all this will be removed and draped with curtains of different styles.

And the more choice a client is given, the higher the chances of finding his client. The customer will not be content with traditional curtains, but will appreciate the quality, exclusivity and style. Therefore, the salon must work 100% and demonstrate absolutely everything that you can offer.

Virtual salon - an alternative to the real one in case of lack of funds

If you have drawn up a business plan for a curtain salon, and at the same time understand that your initial financial capabilities do not allow you to organize a showroom, then you can make it virtual. To do this, you will need to create your own website, where you will place a colorful catalog of materials used and design options. For the first time, this will be enough. And when sewing curtains begins to bring you tangible profits, you organize a salon where potential customers can see everything in person.

Subtleties and nuances of business

A rather important stage is in the process of developing a customer base. Here you must attract all the means that are only available to you: activate your contacts in the world of architects and designers, visit and participate in specialized exhibitions, use word of mouth and advertising. Thanks to all this, you will gradually become more and more famous, and while maintaining the quality of tailoring at the required level, you will not feel a lack of customers.

There are some other nuances associated with this business. It is clear that you will carry out the purchase of fabrics exclusively from large manufacturers or wholesalers. All fittings necessary for work in the form of brackets, cornices and other things will be purchased from the catalogs of well-known manufacturers in this segment, and the economy option can be bought at construction supermarkets.

Another important point is the following: all fabrics and accessories should be purchased exclusively for a specific order. Let the client pay, not you, otherwise you can go broke. If you are interested in how to name a curtain salon, then it’s worth saying that the name should be attractive, but not banal. You should study what names are popular with the inhabitants of your locality. You can even conduct a survey among your friends.

Related products

Although the blinds Russian consumers are not in high demand, as they are usually associated with the dusty streaks that can be seen on office windows, you can find allies in the companies that specialize in their production.

Any experienced sales specialist will be able to convince the client that he needs not only curtains that perform decorative and functional roles, but also blinds that can save expensive fabrics from fading. In addition, blinds can play in contrast with curtains, which will create a rather complex composition.

Or you can just make them a color accent in general style. So you will help the sellers of blinds, and in return they will recommend you to their customers. This cooperation will be mutually beneficial. You may also be interested in the production of roller blinds, in which case you will cover an even larger market segment.

Alternative options for organizing a business

Of course, the action plan outlined above is exemplary for achieving results in the described business. Various options are possible. For example, you can stop at the organization of an exclusively sewing workshop. Here you will be faced with the task of equipping it with the necessary equipment, hiring high-class cutters and seamstresses, as well as the proper organization of the workflow. You will not deal with picky customers, your task will only be to fulfill orders according to ready-made sketches. It is quite possible to do without a sewing workshop, but simply hire a few home-made seamstresses.

Another option can be called this: you will look for clients, the designer will create for them unique sketches of future curtains, and the direct work on tailoring products can be shifted to the shoulders of third-party specialists, whom you will attract to complete each order.

This option is suitable for a business at the opening stage, while there are not too many customers yet, and then it will be possible to organize your own workshop. Here the main role is assigned to the designer. It is on his shoulders that the duties of the measurer, as well as the sales manager, will fall. And you will need to open an exhibition salon where all the samples will be presented.


It is also worth mentioning the optimal location for opening a salon. It makes sense to organize it where there are shops selling building materials, furniture, as well as other goods related to the repair and interior design. In this case, you will involve the client as one of the important links in creating the unique style of his home. And being close to other important stores guarantees you a large influx of visitors, 20% of which will definitely become your customers.

It is important to choose a suitable organizational and legal form - it can be an individual enterprise or LLC. It is better to stop at the first option, since it will be easier for you to register, fewer documents will be required.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


It is difficult to imagine any house without curtains. For some, they are an element of luxury, for others - protection from prying eyes. Tailoring curtains is a great business that allows you to realize design ideas, help create home comfort and at the same time get good income. What are the nuances of opening a business for tailoring curtains? What are the features of organizing an atelier, shop, salon or work at home? How to write a business plan for tailoring curtains at home? What is required first. Let's try to sort out these issues.

Business organization options

The business of tailoring curtains has undoubted advantages, because it makes it possible to translate the most creative ideas into reality, and there is no limit to the flight of creative thought. The organization of such activities can have different scales.

Sewing curtains at home

Sewing curtains at home is the easiest business option . For many, it serves as a springboard to the subsequent development of their own business. All you need:

  • Work area or room.
  • Availability of a sewing machine.
  • Fabrics.
  • Accessories.
  • Sewing skills.

Clients can be acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances - "word of mouth" always works well. You can establish contacts with large studios and take work from them.

This type of activity good for women in maternity leave, when it is not possible to leave the child, but it is necessary to work. Essentially, this option is workplace for its creator, because employees, as a rule, are absent.

We open a tailoring studio

A higher level of business is to sew curtains to order in an atelier. Often, friends who know how to sew decide to take this step. What is needed for this? Rent a room in a central location in a residential area, on a busy street in the city center or in a shopping center. The room should not be too large, 30-40 squares is enough to accommodate sewing machines, tables and other equipment. The staff can consist of 4-5 people. One works with clients, three sew, one goes to the client's house for measurements.

Salon or shop for tailoring curtains

Opening a salon or curtain shop is a big-time approach. This is within the power of a person with. This will require a large room, preferably in a prestigious location - in the city center or an elite area. It needs to place a hall with finished products as samples and a sewing workshop. The staff will also increase: seamstresses, designer, administrator. It is necessary to establish relations with suppliers of fabrics and accessories, and much more. The costs, of course, are high, but the income will also increase if you approach the issues of advertising and organization of the production process correctly.

Where to begin? Required documents for starting a business

How to start a tailoring business? From the registration of legal relations with the state.

So what needs to be done:

  • Obtain a document from the tax authorities confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Choose the form of taxation (single tax or simplified system).
  • Register with the Pension Fund.
  • Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor to carry out activities in the premises chosen for the atelier or salon.

Such work does not require special licenses. To open a small business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Big fashion salons choose status joint-stock company, although this option increases the solidity of the company to a greater extent than required by law.

What is required to start a curtain tailoring business?

To organize a business for tailoring curtains, you need the availability of materials, equipment, staff and customers. That is, you need what to sew from, what to sew on, those who will do the work and those who need curtains. Everything is simple. Let's take a closer look at each component:

Necessary materials

Curtains are sewn from special textiles and it is the fabrics that will be required in the first place. An agreement is needed with curtain fabric suppliers who will provide their catalog. According to the samples, customers can easily make an order. The same recommendations apply to fittings (curtain rods, brackets, pipes).

Buying fabric and accessories for the future is not worth it. There is no guarantee that everything will be used. Curtain business experts recommend making purchases for a specific order.


What does the minimum list of equipment for an atelier or salon that sews curtains to order consist of:

  • From a sewing machine (you can opt for the middle class of equipment).
  • Overlock - the edges of the products should look perfect.
  • Cutting table.
  • Small tools: centimeters, scissors, needles and other things.
  • iron.

Over time, when the business goes uphill, you can purchase:

  • A machine capable of making hidden seams.
  • A technique that allows heat treatment of fabric to prevent deformation or shrinkage of the finished product.
  • Stand for laying lambrequins.
  • Furniture to equip the hall for receiving clients.

Sometimes it is very difficult for customers to imagine how the product will look like. That's why you need a computer to visualize the configuration and color. With it, you can create and demonstrate sketches of future curtains. How much to buy each type of equipment depends on the size of your enterprise.


The number of staff should be recruited based on the volume of work. At the beginning of the journey, you can only hire two people: one sews, the other cuts. For the installation of curtains and the installation of cornices, you can invite a team of specialists from among your friends. In the future, when the business develops, the staff may consist of:

  • Designer.
  • Cutter.
  • Two or five seamstresses.
  • Ironer.
  • Installers of curtains and cornices.
  • Cleaning ladies.

Who will deal with the processing of orders and bookkeeping is decided by the owner of the business. Perhaps these will be additional people or the hostess of the atelier will personally take care of these functions.

Advertising and marketing activities

  • Notify friends and acquaintances about opening your own business and invite them to become your first customers. Well-executed orders will launch word-of-mouth with positive recommendations.
  • Find out the schedule of specialized exhibitions and become their active visitor. There you can distribute flyers and business cards, make acquaintances with architects and designers, which in the future, at the expense of their customers, will join the ranks of customers of your curtain salon.
  • Post advertising in printed publications and transport.
  • Create a website. Take care of its attractive design and useful information- tell about the company, present photos of the work done, and so on.
  • Next step - website promotion. This issue will be dealt with by the company-developer of the site.
  • Can create your own group in social networks or a personal blog, where your works are exhibited, there are recommendations for choosing the color of fabrics for various interiors and much more regarding curtains.

Over time, a client base will form, with which you can also work successfully. Do not forget about the discount system for regular customers, then they definitely will not look for another studio.

A ready-made business plan for tailoring curtains at home - we will answer all questions in detail

To organize tailoring of curtains at home, a carefully designed business plan is not required. It is enough to determine the main expenses at the start:

  • equipment(if not available) will amount to 130,000 rubles, of which: a sewing machine - 60,000 rubles, overlock - 50,000 rubles, other equipment - 20,000 rubles.
  • Catalog with fabric samples costs an average of 4,000 rubles.
  • Registration of a package of documents- no more than 2000 rubles.

In total, it will take 136,000 rubles to start from scratch.

You don't have to pay for the rent. There are no employees yet. promotional activities can be done at no cost. Distributing business cards to friends and searching for clients using a personal page on social networks, that's where you need to start.

Hi all! Today we will deal with the issue of how to open a curtain shop and make a promising business on it.

Today's one, like no other, relates to the theme of home interior design and creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Strange as it may seem, but it is the curtains that are such an item that even a novice businessman can start selling.

At present, specialists in this field successfully mark up the purchase price by 100%.

Moreover, the consumer reacts extremely sluggishly to such prices, which makes the curtain store a very promising business that requires special attention.

Let's talk about the above idea in more detail and try to prepare a mini, understand all the nuances of organizing sales and purchases directly from suppliers.

How to open a curtain shop

Before starting the presentation of direct information, it is worth talking about how and where we can look for products for the store and where they are getting them now.

I would like to note the fact that the fastest and least expensive both in terms of strength and money will be to purchase curtains directly from wholesalers.

In this case good advice will establish contacts directly before organizing the opening of the store.

This will allow you to understand directly on the product what you will have to face and what it will cost.

The rest of the nuances of opening a curtain store will be set out point by point:

  1. Place for a curtain shop. The choice of area should be based on reasonable considerations. If you followed the above advice and purchased products in advance, then you should roughly imagine the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour future store. Professionals advise opening a curtain store in places close to home stores. For example, you can rent a place next to a furniture store or a wallpaper store. This will allow you to interest customers who have already attracted your neighboring store.
  2. Curtain shop interior. Layout and internal organization for a curtain store is almost the main point. The store should look like and pamper visitors not only with the presence of fresh products, but also with the presence of a huge amount of light. Please take care of this most acutely and arrange the interior of the room as it should be. In addition, it will not be a secret that the presence of a glazed showcase in your store will help to successfully attract customers from the streets. Therefore, if your trade area allows you to organize a window display, but I advise you to take the time to do this and subsequently display the best-selling types of curtains, standing in a prominent place next to the most expensive ones.
  3. curtain shop advertisement. This item is secondary and in one case or another you may not need it. Everything will be determined by your sales area. If your store is extremely far from the visibility of people or you want to notify yourself when you open, then advertising should help.

How to open a curtain shop and not go bankrupt

Statistics and observations of certain stores specializing in the sale of curtains leads to a very positive outcome.

This case, as already mentioned above, allows you to sell products with a 100% markup and the buyer will be extremely lazy to respond to such an extra charge.

In addition, the complexity of all stages, both at the stage of organization and at the stage of direct opening, can only please rather than repel with its conditions.

Judge for yourself, for a store (excluding paperwork) you only need to rent a room and purchase directly the curtains themselves, commercial furniture, at the same time organizing good lighting and that's it.

The experience of colleagues in the workshop makes us adhere to certain limits and try to comply with them at least for the first time:

  • First, do not overestimate the margin. In any case, not in every city and separately taken area the situation will correspond to the above. Therefore, it will be useful to carry out a careful and smooth increase in the margin, monitoring the behavior of customers.
  • Secondly, the solution to the question of how to open a curtain shop will make you seriously monitor the state of affairs of your direct competitors. Therefore, we can immediately say that if your curtain costs 3 rubles, and your competitor has 1 ruble, you should not wait for visitors. I hope you pay attention to this advice and will literally compare the price with your own. This will allow you not only to always stay up to date with your immediate business, but also to attract more and more new customers.

That's all. I hope the information was useful to you. Please leave any questions in the comments to the article.

Olga, head of textile design studio LaMiaCasa

I can say that this course was very helpful for me. At the time of my training, I already had great experience practical work in the field of textile design, but the process of business development started thanks to the information received on the course. I express my gratitude to the creator of the course! Absolutely all the information received on the course turned out to be necessary and useful. Everything is clear, concise and to the point, without water, everything is laid out on the shelves. Just take it and do it. So I took it and did it! Thank you, Maria!). Instagram studio @lamiacasa_official

Ovchinnikova Oksana

Designer / Pavlovsky Posad

To the course "Mobile sketches of curtains" Thank you very much, Maria, and everyone who worked on this course! I enjoyed this course as well as the previous one. I really liked the content of the courses and your teaching is very clear and pleasant. I wish you creative and commercial success.

Elena Javanyan

Hello, I am very pleased with the course. Video lessons are very instructive and interesting, nothing superfluous, easy to remember. I wanted to quickly study one topic in order to discover another, and learn something else new ... At the end of the training, two days later, I went to new job to the curtain salon, and to my surprise, I felt very confident. On the very first working day, having no experience, relying only on the knowledge gained in your course, I managed to work out my first order on my own: I picked up a fabric that met the requirements of the client, I was able to calculate it myself and put it to work .. I also want to say a special thank you for learning styles, I immediately wanted to change the interior of the house.

Olga Kovalenko


I am a newbie in this area. The course is very informative, good videos. Lots of examples, very detailed calculations. After the end, there is material about measurements, color schemes, terminology, and some other material that is indispensable in the work of a designer. Interesting material about styles in the interior. Thanks to this topic, I began to look further for more detailed information about their origin and development. The school has other courses useful for the designer, some of which I plan to take in the future. The material is selected and presented very competently, consistently, clearly. I'm very glad I found your site.

Thank you for the available information, the organization of online classes in an excellent format. When there is a time limit, this stimulates, and you liked the scale of the completed lesson - you see what% is completed)). All the information was received for the first time, and everything is sorted out, it remains to move on to practice and train the calculations! Thanks!

The course "Designer for curtains. Fabric and color in the interior" was a start for me in creative work. After the birth of two daughters, I realized that I did not want to return to my former legal profession. I was more and more drawn to the sewing machine, to interior design. I wanted to improve my skills in this area and make textile design in our new family nest by myself, putting a piece of my soul into each product. After all, what could be better for a woman than doing what she loves?! :))) Maria, the author of the course, spoke in great detail and intelligibly about many of the intricacies of the designer's work. I summarized most of the information. At the end of the course, having studied the notes, everything finally fell into place. I really liked that there was a video visualization, which allowed me to fix some technical subtleties different types curtains. I especially liked doing the final practical task, although it gave me a lot of surprises at first :))) but then I liked to analyze in detail all the subtleties of the interior to select the right version of the fabric, that I want to do it again and again! Special thanks to Maria for quick answers to my questions and a number of tips that she gave me when checking the final assignments. They helped me look at the situation from a different perspective and delve deeper into the course. I would also like to thank you for the course "Organization of curtain business". For me, it was very informative, I didn’t even know about many subtleties. After him, the profession of a textile decorator became even more interesting for me, I wanted to move further in this area! In general, I am very pleased that I chose you to start in new profession:))) Fortunately, there are ready-made interiors where you need to decide on textile design. This will allow me to go straight to practice. Thanks!

What gives the room a residential and cozy look? That's right - curtains. This seemingly simple element of decor can instantly transform a room, giving it individuality and chic. That is why the hostesses, and the owners, are very meticulous in choosing “clothes” for the windows.

And many at the same time would like to get the right advice and qualified assistance in choosing the right design. If you love to sew, and not just sew, but create, then you should try to turn your hobby into a business. Let's take a look at how to open a curtain salon.

Choosing the future format of the enterprise

Like any undertaking, the future enterprise must be considered comprehensively. First of all, you need to calculate the exact amount that you are willing to invest in the business. Next, you need to decide what you are ready to create at the first stage: a full-fledged salon or workshop.

In the second case, you do not have to rent a room, invest in the purchase of fabric samples, engage in promotion, hire additional staff. Sewing curtains as a business is not bad at all. You buy the necessary equipment, allocate a small corner in your house for a workshop and can immediately take orders from salons or private clients interested in your services. The main thing is to fulfill the obligations assumed on time and not to disappoint customers with the quality of performance.

In the future, based on the experience gained and the client base, you can open a full-fledged atelier or salon.

However, if you are ready to immediately invest to the maximum, you feel the strength to organize and manage the affairs of a small enterprise, then let's take a closer look at those points that you should pay attention to when starting it.

We are registering

Before you open a curtain salon, you need to register and get a status individual entrepreneur. Then go to tax office and register there. Usually, individual entrepreneurs choose for themselves simplified taxation or patent payment. No other permits or licenses are required.

Looking for a place

Now it's time to find a suitable location for your business. As a rule, such shops open either in shopping malls or in residential areas. This fact is explained quite simply. In shopping centers there is a high traffic of people, there is a chance that someone will drop in and then order the model they like or purchase fabric, accessories. And in the residential area you will be at your side with your direct clientele. Many people like to contact the masters that live nearby.

Even better, if there is a fabric store next door to you, or a window installation company, or a furniture store. People who are looking for a suitable design for windows, be sure to look into the fabric salon. Those who furnish the room usually think about changing the boring curtains. Well, for a new window, of course, you need to order a new “clothes”.


So, what size room will be just right for us? Here everything is individual. But, as a rule, 20 square meters is the necessary minimum. On them you can easily place samples with fabrics, racks with accessories, put an order table and place catalogs with a portfolio on it. Don't forget to show off a couple of beautiful draperies. You can even arrange a tiny exhibition corner where one of your design ideas will be realized. Just do not forget to periodically change the “interior” in the future.

And in advance, before you open a curtain salon, decide where exactly you will fulfill the received orders. If you plan to sew them right there in the salon, you will have to provide a place for the master.

But if you are thinking of separating the workshop from trading floor, then you will have to rent another room. The necessary equipment will already be installed in it. Here you can keep stocks of materials and accessories. But be aware that you will have to pay rent and settle all issues with the fire department, which will most likely present you with certain security requirements.

Another way out is to organize tailoring of curtains at home. This option is more economical in terms of costs. So you can agree not with one, but, say, with three or four seamstresses who will work at home, and you will only transfer orders to them and monitor the progress of the work.

Acquiring equipment

In order to fulfill your design ideas and customer orders with high quality, you need to take care of equipping your small business.

The minimum set includes:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • machine for making hidden seams;
  • ironing equipment.

And buy basic small tools. The same scissors, pins, needles.

Buy curtain salon equipment from trusted suppliers in order to be able to use after-sales service. And in this case, you do not have to look for spare parts or replacement parts on the side. The manufacturer, as a rule, offers his own - branded ones. In addition, you do not need to chase cheapness. Having taken an initially weak sewing machine, in a couple of months you will begin to take it in for repair. Many of the "home" models are simply not designed for production workloads.

Curtain shop name

Choose a name before opening. It's not as easy as it seems. First, do not repeat already existing titles. You are unlikely to like the situation when you will be constantly confused with someone. Even worse, if this someone is also engaged in the manufacture of curtains.

Secondly, do not call yourself a foreign word, it may seem refined and beautiful to you, but you never know how it is translated.

Thirdly, the name should be euphonious and easy to pronounce. Imagine that you have to introduce yourself to a client on the phone. How will you sound?

If you cannot solve this problem yourself, then try to contact professionals from advertising business. At the same time, they will help you develop a recognizable logo.

Features of the "curtain" business

The field you choose has its challenges. You must combine the talents of a manager, the ability of a designer, and - plus - you must understand what the curtain tailoring technology is. It's good if you know how to sew. Then the difference between making a Roman blind and creating a French pelmet will be clear to you.