Equipment for summer cafes. Buy a summer cafe for a restaurant Equipment for a summer cafe

A summer cafe is a great seasonal business idea. However, in order for this enterprise to be profitable, one should carefully consider the concept of the future institution and take into account all the accompanying nuances. What equipment is needed for a summer cafe, and what can be discarded at first?

Choose the format of the institution

Summer cafes are different, and each of them is aimed at a certain category of visitors. Some are designed for a quick snack and relaxation, while others can organize a full-fledged feast or spend a romantic evening. Do not forget about the popular "cafe-evening disco" format. The menu is formed depending on the concept of the institution. It can contain only drinks and ready-made snacks or home-made dishes. Accordingly, the equipment for a summer cafe should be selected depending on the needs of the institution and the operations performed by the staff.

Required minimum

What menu items are most in demand in the warm season? That's right, it's ice cream and chilled drinks. Accordingly, refrigerators will be required for the operation of a summer cafe. Draft beer and low-alcohol drinks in original packaging are no less popular in the summer heat. Kegs and related equipment are offered for seasonal rental by many suppliers of foamy drink. Attention: for the sale of alcohol in a cafe, you will need to obtain a special permit. Beer is accompanied by ready-made snacks: a variety of crackers, chips, snacks. Such products usually do not require special storage conditions, but it would be useful to arrange a display case. In addition, the actual equipment for a summer cafe is an electric kettle and a microwave oven. If you want to offer guests several positions of coffee, a coffee machine will be a useful purchase.

Summer cafe kitchen equipment

Significantly expand the audience of visitors to the institution Catering You can increase the number of menu items. Even in a relatively small area of ​​​​a summer cafe, you can successfully equip a kitchen. Barbecue and other grilled dishes are very popular. What equipment for a summer cafe to choose for cooking such food? One stove and a large barbecue or electric grill will be enough. You will also need a separate refrigerator in which you can store food. An excellent purchase will be a deep fryer - this device will allow you to cook a large number of a variety of snacks and side dishes, in particular, the beloved by many “french fries”. Equipment for the summer areas of a summer cafe must ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. First of all, it is necessary to solve the issue of water supply for washing food and dishes, to equip the appropriate zones. It is also important to organize a toilet for staff and visitors. A good option is dry closet cabins, they are inexpensive and easy to transport.

Decoration of the "hall" of the summer cafe

A seasonal catering establishment can be opened on a landscaped veranda, an open area or under the dome of a special tent. If the cafe does not have a roof, be sure to think about protecting guests from the sun, purchase special large umbrellas in sufficient quantities or arrange a common canopy for the entire territory. It is also important to think about isolating the cooking area from the “hall”. It would also be useful to install a bar counter, but if visitors are served by waiters, this element of the interior can have a decorative function and hide the bar equipment from guests. What furniture for summer cafes is best suited? The most common are plastic or wooden tables, chairs and benches. The advantages are obvious - ease of care, mobility, ease of storage. Another important issue is the choice of dishes and accessories for serving dishes and drinks to guests. For establishments of the "bistro" category, the use of disposable cutlery, glasses and plates will be the best solution. If the cafe is positioned as a place for mental relaxation and long gatherings, it makes sense to purchase beautiful glass or plastic dishes designed for reusable use. As you can see, outdoor cafe equipment is not too expensive and you can start a business in this area with a small start-up capital.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

600 000 ₽

Starting investments

720 000 ₽

450 000 ₽

Net profit

2 months

Payback period

Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. Initial investment amount to about 600 thousand rubles - they can be paid back in 2-3 months and earn up to 2 million net profit per season.

The entertainment industry is actively developing every year. A culture of eating out is also growing. Especially high demand is observed in the warm season. This means that a summer cafe is a great opportunity to earn money. Such establishments are a favorite place for most citizens. Over the past eight years, the summer cafe market has increased by almost 20%, and the average check has grown by about 35%.

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When planning to open a summer cafe, an entrepreneur must understand that he does not have time to build up. Seasonal business requires careful preparation "before" and quick response during work. Open air establishments are open from May to September. In those cities where sunny warm weather does not last long, it is generally inappropriate to open such a format of catering establishments.

Pros and cons of a summer cafe

This type of establishment provides various opportunities in the field of design, recipes, menus, and marketing.

Organizing a summer cafe is much easier than a full-fledged restaurant. And the point is not only in the difference in starting investments, but also in business processes. Therefore, if you wanted to work in the field of catering, then a summer cafe is a great option for an aspiring entrepreneur who needs to gain experience.

In summer, people tend to spend as much time outdoors as possible. So the tables outside will be yours competitive advantage in front of closed establishments.

Pitfalls when opening a summer cafe

Business is seasonal and depends on the weather. If the summer turns out to be cold and rainy or, conversely, too hot, then attendance will be significantly lower than planned. Also, you will have to collect an impressive package of documents and obtain permission from the mayor's office to rent a land plot.

High competition is also one of the pitfalls of this business. The least difficulty with opening a summer cafe will be on private leased land. With the municipal territory, everything is more complicated. In addition to the problem with renting a land plot, other issues will have to be resolved: the administration makes demands on the improvement of the territory, the design of the facade, the interior and other parameters. In some cases, the fulfillment of all requirements may take several months. So if you want to enter the season with ready-made business, then first consult the local Business Support Center under the city administration.

Summer cafe formats

The initial stage of opening a summer cafe is the choice of the format of the establishment. The catering industry is developing and offers various formats, each of which has its own consumer. The most common formats:

    Street food. In fact, this is a prototype of fast food, which is organized on the street. The client can eat on the go. A street food cafe is a small trailer kiosk selling shawarma, pancakes, hamburgers, etc. Racks or a couple of tables are usually installed next to the kiosk for those who want to have a bite in more comfortable conditions. The average check of such cafes is 200 rubles. Materials on the discovery of popular types of street food can be found.

    Cafeteria- a small establishment where delicious drinks are served in combination with desserts. This also includes galateria with ice cream. This is a suitable option for families with children. The average check is 350 rubles.

    Terrace Cafe- an establishment that offers a wide range of dishes, comfortable conditions for pastime, good service. The average check of such establishments starts from 600 rubles.

    Cafe-barbecue- one of the most common formats of summer cafes. In order to open a barbecue, you need to find a place not only for tables, but also for the barbecue area. Not all areas are suitable for this purpose. Here the average check is already 800 rubles.

    Cafe on the beach- a mini-cafe that specializes in cooking beach food. There will be no gourmet dishes here, but you can have a bite to eat in comfortable conditions. Such establishments are opened on the territory or near the beaches. The format is very profitable, but the rent is quite expensive.

Place to open a summer cafe

The most profitable locations are park and tourist areas, embankments, central streets of the city, areas near attractions or a beautiful panorama of the city, crowded places, etc.

To place a summer cafe, you will need to resolve the issue of renting a land plot. If you have chosen a plot on a private territory, it will be easier for you: you sign a lease agreement and you can start working. But if the land plot belongs to the municipality, then you will have to deal with the local administration, namely, with the Committee for the Management of City (municipal) Property. You will need to obtain permission to install a cafe. And here certain difficulties may arise. You run the risk of getting involved in paperwork, which takes a lot of time. And for a seasonal business, time is very valuable.

A summer cafe will require a plot of 5 to 20 sq.m. – depending on the selected format. The approximate cost of renting such a site will be 40 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to place the kitchen somewhere. For the full cycle of cooking, there must be a separate room that meets all the requirements and standards. The difficulty lies in the fact that the kitchen should be next to the site for visitors. It will be enough 15 sq.m. to settle down. Thus, get ready to spend about 50 thousand rubles on rent.

Renting urban plots is usually cheaper than private ones. The rate provides only for the payment of tax. But here you can fall into a trap: in 70% of cases, places are unprofitable and will not bring profit. Therefore, carefully analyze the potential place: follow the pedestrian traffic, study what is in the neighborhood. Sign a lease only after you are sure that the place suits you. You will not have time to change your mind and change location.

When choosing a location, also consider the following factors:

    good visibility of the institution from different points;

    availability of parking;

    proximity to busy roads.

Immediately think about how your establishment will look like. A presentable appearance is very important for a summer cafe. Therefore, draw up a design project. It is not necessary to contact the designer. Just create a harmonious space for relaxation.

Business registration

One of the difficulties of the catering business is the collection of permits. This takes time and patience. Even a small summer cafe has serious requirements. It will take several months and about 15 thousand rubles to complete the full package of documents. So start preparing many months before the start in order to have time to prepare everything for the opening.

First you need to register a business. In this case, it is more profitable to issue an IP, because the cafe will only work from May to September. If you plan to sell alcohol in your cafe, then in order to obtain a license, you will have to register as an LLC.

As a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification, you can specify:

    56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service

    55.40 Bar activities (if there is alcohol on the menu).

The next step is to choose a system of taxation. For a summer cafe, the simplified tax system is suitable at a rate of 6% (of income), at a rate of 15% (income minus expenses) or UTII, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe establishment is less than 150 sq.m. Before making a decision, calculate each option in order to choose the most profitable one. Please note that UTII may not be valid in a particular region, so find out everything in advance.

Register a cash register with the tax office, and also register with the PFR and the FSS as an employer in order to transfer insurance premiums for employees.

The next stage is the most difficult - to get all the permissions. In order to open a summer cafe from scratch, it is necessary to coordinate with the SES, the fire inspectorate, and the land administration. A basic list of required documentation can be found in this article.

Summer cafe equipment

For a summer cafe, the same equipment is required as for a regular catering establishment. Refrigerators, stoves, kitchen utensils, crockery (ceramic or cardboard - depending on the cafe format), small kitchen appliances, etc. Other equipment may be added here if the cafe format requires it. For example, if you plan to open a barbecue, you will need to buy a brazier and all related tools.

In addition, you should take care of the comfort of your guests and purchase equipment to maintain a comfortable temperature, such as mobile irrigation-type air conditioners or fans with a humidifier.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It is also necessary to purchase furniture: tables and chairs. Keep in mind that the use of plastic garden furniture in outdoor cafes is prohibited in many cities, due to low environmental and aesthetic characteristics. The best solution is wicker or metal furniture with soft seats.

It will take about 300 thousand rubles to fully equip a summer cafe. But be sure to recalculate all costs, taking into account your conditions and price level.

Menu and sourcing

Menu development is a very important step. It must correspond to the format of the institution in all respects, and especially in terms of price. It is impossible to give any definite recommendations here. Each format has its own specifics. We can only highlight the key points:

    The menu should be varied, but not oversaturated. Too long a list of dishes is bad for both the client and you. It will be difficult for the client to decide, and for you to stock up on so many different ingredients (it’s good if all positions are in demand, otherwise you will suffer losses);

    For each dish, a technological map should be drawn up. It indicates the consumption of products per serving and its volume. These data will be useful for the cook and SES, as well as for calculating the necessary raw materials;

    Respect the principle of full and variable use of products. Make the menu so that you use the main products in different dishes. This will help to avoid food spoilage if some of the dishes are unclaimed;

    Consider consumer preferences. Be flexible when shaping the menu. Track the history of orders, ask visitors for their opinion, exclude unpopular dishes from the menu or, conversely, enter those that are often asked about.

After developing the menu, make a list necessary products. With this information, start your search for suppliers. The main requirement for them is timely delivery and quality of the products provided. It is important that all products meet the requirements of GOSTs and have quality certificates. With help technological map and sales forecast, calculate the number of products you need. Most likely, these calculations will be approximate.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The list of necessary products for purchase is individual for each institution. So you will have to deal with suppliers yourself. You can work with a comprehensive supplier who will guide you and provide you with everything you need in one delivery. But most often small cafes work with local small suppliers.

Before concluding a supply agreement, discuss all the conditions, voice your requirements or wishes, read the reviews on certain suppliers. Compare different offers. Make the first purchase small and from different suppliers. Compare the following criteria: delivery speed, additional service, product quality, product price, customer loyalty, etc. As you can see, the search for suppliers is a rather dreary business, so also start it in advance.

For a small establishment, the initial purchases of products will amount to approximately 40 thousand rubles. Although here everything is individual.

Summer cafe staff

A cafe is not complete without a chef and a waiter. In addition, if you work 7 days a week, you should organize a shift work schedule - and this is another cook and a waiter. The minimum staff for a summer cafe: 2 waiters, 2 cooks, administrator, cleaner, accountant. You can’t imagine anything with cooks and waiters - you need to look for good, qualified employees. As an administrator, you can try to handle it yourself. BUT accounting services can be outsourced.

Select staff that matches the format of the cafe. For example, if you are planning a galateria where ready-made ice cream is sold, then you can do without a cook and put one salesman-cashier. And if you are planning a cafe with your own kitchen, then you can’t do without a chef.

Please note that all employees must have medical books. This is a mandatory requirement. With a staff of 6 people, the payroll will be about 120 thousand rubles (including contributions to funds).

Advertising of a summer cafe is as specific as the activity itself. Expensive methods don't work here. It's better to focus on simple but effective advertising. Be prepared to spend about 20 thousand rubles on promotion.

    The location of the establishment is important. Often people on a walk choose a cafe spontaneously. They pass by a cozy establishment, see a sign with an attractive offer and decide to go in. So make sure your cafe looks presentable. You can set up a chalkboard nearby where you will write information about discounts or the dish of the day.

    Announce yourself in advance. While you are setting up the site, put up a notice stating what will be located here and when it is planned to open. Distribute leaflets with discount coupons and an invitation to the opening of the summer playground.

    Come up with your chip - something that will distinguish you from others. The competition in the market is very high. You have to fight for a place in the sun not only within a narrow segment, but also with most establishments in the city that have summer venues (and now many have them). Maybe you will turn on the music on the records, stylizing the cafe as retro; or you will show films through a projector; or arrange a show program ... There are many options. Look at what interesting things are coming up abroad - what if you want to repeat something?

Profit calculation

We pass to the most important stage - the calculation of profit. Be sure to plan the income and expenses of the project to make sure it is effective. Otherwise, there's no point in doing it.

Let's bring key indicators business:

    Initial investment: 600 thousand rubles

    Average check: from 300 to 1200 rubles (depending on the format)

    Number of visitors per month: 1200 people (or 40 people per day)

    Monthly turnover: ≈ 720 thousand rubles

    Monthly expenses: 270 thousand rubles

    Net profit: ≈ 450 thousand rubles

    Payback period: 2 months

These calculations are approximate and may vary depending on: region, institution format, price level, etc.

Some features of summer cafes

  • Rule of three "O": lighting, heating installations, insect repellers. If you take care of these three "O", then your visitors will not scatter in the evening, in damp and cool weather, in the first months of autumn.
  • Beer and meat. It is on them that the emphasis is most often placed in summer cafes. But according to the law, it is not allowed to sell alcohol in non-stationary objects (kiosk, stall, counter, tent). Regional authorities have the right to allow the sale of beer in summer cafes, but located only at stationary facilities.
  • White color. All restaurateurs strictly do not recommend using white accessories on tables in a summer outdoor cafe. Why? Everything is very simple: White color blinding eyes in the bright sun.
  • Playground + children's menu. Practically obligatory components of open cafes.
  • Zoning. Even for the so-called democratic segment, one rule must be remembered: the territory must be divided into several zones and create a feeling of isolation of the tables. “Architectural details” will help here, such as arches, arbors, walls, wattle fences, decorative forged gratings, fountains, waterfalls.


Summer cafe is a great way to make quick money. But the business is profitable only if everything is done according to plan and on time. Start preparing for the summer season is already in the winter. Investments at the start are low, and due to the huge margin on products for the season, it can earn as much as it has grocery store throughout the whole year.

Get up-to-date calculations for a business plan

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


The business activity of seasonal cafes is characterized by a short period of work, low costs, and a quick payback. A serious restaurant business may well start from a small summer cafe. What you need to know about opening a summer cafe from scratch? Where to organize a summer cafe? Business plan with calculations: costs and payback periods.

What kind of summer cafe can be organized: design options for summer cafes

Variations of summer cafes are very diverse in terms of design.

They can be of the following types:

  • A veranda attached to a stationary cafe or restaurant, furnished in the same style with different roofing (canopies, awnings, umbrellas). Perhaps this is the most costly business.
  • Temporary free-standing structure in the form of a real restaurant (also not cheap in terms of costs).
  • A small pavilion in which the seller and equipment are located, and tables are set up next to the platform under umbrellas.
  • You can cover the entire area of ​​​​the cafe with one awning (tent).
  • There are also more budgetary types of seasonal cafes - toners selling from wheels. Several tables nearby (can be without awnings) will complement the unpretentious food point.

As you can see, the entrepreneur has plenty to choose from. The range of costs for a particular design is 80,000-1,000,000 rubles.

List of documents required for registering a summer cafe

The documentary preparatory process for the new season begins immediately after the end of the old one. This is what experienced entrepreneurs who work in the seasonal catering sector do. It is important for a beginner to start - to become a businessman legally.

What package of documents ensures the legal operation of a summer-type cafe:

  1. Permissive paper from the municipal authorities, allowing you to temporarily place a catering facility.
  2. Agreement for the lease of land.
  3. Registration confirmation paper cash register(applies to pavilions and kiosks).
  4. Documentary coordination with the fire inspection. It is issued after providing the architectural plan of the cafe.
  5. You can’t do without permission from the SES either.

The list of documents does not end there.

A catering point must have not only permits, you need to acquire:

  • Complaints book.
  • Tests of consumer protection laws.
  • A technological type card explaining the sequence of preparation of each dish.
  • Certificates of conformity from suppliers.
  • Contract with a waste disposal company.
  • For implementation alcoholic products an appropriate license will be required (for each type of alcohol separate).
  • Needless to mention availability medical books at the staff.

The range is coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor. It is this structure that issues a document authorizing trade.

Features of the location of a summer cafe: where is it better to open a business?

A well-located facility is the key to success. Profit awaits a businessman in crowded places for recreation, walks or long stays.

What additional factors are important to be guided by when choosing a meta:

  1. Good visibility of the cafe from a long distance and from different points.
  2. Availability of parking spaces.
  3. The proximity of highways with a busy flow of cars.

Cafes located on embankments and beaches, in parks or squares, close to local attractions, on central streets and near train stations, always generate income.

An approximate project for the construction of a summer cafe: what should be taken into account when designing?

As in any other type of construction, it all starts with choosing the location of a seasonal cafe. If it has already been selected and all permits have been obtained, it is possible to erect a temporary structure and deal with the supply of communications.

catering facility in without fail you will need:

  • Lighting.
  • Water supply (cold and hot).
  • Sewerage.
  • Ventilation (at least kitchen hood).
  • Heating system (if the point starts work in the off-season).

The above nuances are taken into account when drawing up the project and provide comfortable conditions for customers. On average, the area of ​​summer cafes is 80-100 square meters. On this territory there is a hall for visitors, a bar counter, a kitchen (if it is provided) and other premises for staff.

How to decorate a summer cafe beautifully: interior design ideas

What attracts visitors to summer coffee houses in the first place? Of course, the design, which plays the role of a kind of business card. Meals and drinks are evaluated later. The owners of seasonal cafes “enliven” the interior with flowers, high-quality textiles, and original accessories. In small interior details, unobtrusiveness and memorability are important. For example, ashtrays, tablecloths, napkins with an unusual pattern.

Special attention should be paid to the creation of style. You may need to consult a professional designer.

The room is designed in accordance with the chosen concept - theme:

  1. Theatrical or musical.
  2. Maritime or national and so on.

Soft music is the final touch to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

What furniture do you need to buy for a summer cafe?

When choosing furniture, they are guided target audience and immediate prospects.

Of course, the plastic version at first glance is the most attractive:

  • Plastic is easy to wash and fold.
  • Financial costs are minimal.

However, a clear disadvantage is its fragility - such furniture breaks down too quickly.

More refined materials for furniture in street cafes include:

  1. Metal or wood.
  2. Rattan (artificial or natural).

Without soft seats, it is difficult for visitors to sit in one place long time. That is why this detail must be taken into account.

Arrangement of a summer cafe: what equipment is needed for operation?

About the furniture was written above. The number of tables depends on the size of the outdoor area - an average of 5-10 sets.

Approximate cost of one set:

  • Plastic - from 2,000 rubles.
  • Metal - from 5,300 rubles.
  • Rattan is much more expensive, but looks more sophisticated.

Often the functioning of the cafe is provided by a trailer equipped with the necessary kitchen appliances. Its price is from 200,000 rubles or more.

If another option is chosen - without a trailer, then the businessman needs to purchase the following list of equipment:

Do not forget about the cash register (20,000 rubles) and the urn (from 800 rubles). Still need a microwave and a kettle (cooler).

Note to entrepreneurs. To minimize costs, most of the equipment can be rented or leased. Ice cream suppliers provide products along with a refrigerator.

Attention . The absence of a toilet in the cafe or nearby entails the obligatory purchase of a dry closet. The cost of one cabin is from $800.

What is the best name for a summer cafe: interesting naming options

The name is usually selected based on three parameters:

  • Locations.
  • Suggested menu.
  • target audience.

Here are some examples:

  1. "Grandma's pancakes" and it's immediately clear what guests will be treated to.
  2. "Picnic in the woods" involves a meat assortment.
  3. "Youth" is appropriate for youth beer gatherings with fast food.
  4. "Kebab" does not need any explanation at all, and so on.

How long is the summer cafe season? Working mode

The season for outdoor cafes runs from May to September or October. The optimal operating mode for such establishments is from 9-10 am to 21-23 pm. Much depends on where the cafe is located. For example, it makes no sense to work on the beach until nightfall - for the majority, a beach holiday ends at 19.30. The embankment or history Center where a lot of walking until late in the evening. Working around the clock is impractical, although weekends may be an exception.

Attention . Residents of nearby houses may complain about the "noisy" cafe, which is open after 23.00. This fact must be taken into account.

We select the assortment and compose the menu of the summer cafe

As practice shows, in the fresh air, customers prefer beer, meat (mainly barbecue or grilled chicken), soft drinks (juices and gas water), ice cream, nuts, chips, fish snacks. This range is in high demand.

How can you diversify the menu:

  • Various salads with greens (preferably fresh seasonal vegetables).
  • Sandwiches with cheese or sausage, cheese plate.
  • Pies and pancakes with various fillings. They are mainly prepared from semi-finished products.
  • Of course, tea and coffee.

By the way, the supply of beer is negotiated with a specific manufacturer of this drink. It is better to choose a brand that is not available in neighboring cafes (tents), offer bottled and draft beer.

Personnel required for the functioning of the summer cafe

At first glance, all seasonal cafes are the same, and yet each works in its own format. Based on this, the staff is selected.

AT in general terms its composition is:

  1. You need a chef for your own kitchen.
  2. In the hall, general management is carried out by the administrator.
  3. The number of waiters depends on the number of tables. One person is able to serve 10 tables. If you take into account shift work, then you need 2 employees who perform the functions of waiters.
  4. Bartenders also need at least two.
  5. To additional staff include cleaners, dishwashers, security guards. All of them also work in shifts.

It turns out 12 people. This figure can be reduced to 8 if there is no need for a cook and an administrator, and the duties of a cleaner and dishwasher are combined by one person working on a shift.

Marketing and advertising of a summer cafe: how to promote a business?

  • Excellent cuisine.
  • Quality and fast service.
  • Nice atmosphere.

A cafe with a prominent sign and an unusual design is sure to attract people, and then it all depends on the level of service. It is the main advertisement. It is important to remember the axiom: dissatisfied customers share information much more willingly (with a large number of people) than satisfied ones.

How much does it cost to open a summer cafe: an approximate business plan with calculations

Initial data:

  1. The design of the institution is made in the form of a tent.
  2. The size of the cafe is 80 "squares".
  3. Number of tables - 8 pieces with four seats for each.
  4. There are no hot dishes on the menu.
  5. The equipment is rented.

Starting costs:

With summer approaching, many are starting to think about opening a cafe in the fresh air. The advantages of such a business are obvious - with proper organization, a large cross-country ability of people exhausted by boredom during the cold winter is ensured. And where a large crowd of people rest their souls, the organizers of the cafe get a solid profit. There are, however, pitfalls - the collection of the necessary documentation and obtaining permission from the mayor's office. The administration of the city (any) is rather ambivalent about newcomers to this business.

Investments in business

Any summer cafe needs the correct execution of all documents. After all, it is the cafe that is the place where many people eat ready-made meals every day. Firstly, the land where your institution will be located is state-owned. This means that it is necessary to regulate the issue only through the authorities (the mayor's office, the department of architecture, the committee for the improvement of the city, the committee for the commodity market). In addition, any catering point must comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor.

The best places in the city are those where the contingent aged 15 to 30 gathers. Young people visit open cafes with great desire, which means that they make the main proceeds in cafes. The ideal place is near lakes, streams, rivers (on a hot day, the largest part of urban residents gather there). Also suitable are parks, squares, playgrounds near shopping centers and big stores. Preparation of documents for the price depends only on how greedy officials work in the authorities. The term for preparing the entire package is from a couple of weeks to several months (as you are lucky).

Having dealt with the documents, it is worth thinking about how your project will look like. You can either order tents for a summer cafe (the production time to order is a month), or you can take them from brewing companies on special conditions. The last option involves providing you with a company branded tent for free. At the same time, your cafe does not have the right to distribute beer of another brand (only what the company produces). On the one hand, it is free, on the other hand, the assortment of beer cannot be expanded.

The decision is up to you. Required condition- it is necessary to apply for a tent only after all documents from the administration and other authorities have been received and are in hand. If you order a tent, then its cost can range from 25 to 45 thousand rubles (depending on design and size). The more unusual the design, the more expensive. A fully finished and installed tent will be in a month.

Furniture for a summer cafe should be chosen plastic, but durable. In addition, if the choice fell not on a tent, then it is advisable to purchase tables with umbrellas. So the sun won't bake visitors' heads. By the way, in hot weather, it is tables with umbrellas that are most popular.

Own business: summer cafe

It is sometimes quite stuffy in tents (in the event that air conditioning is not purchased, which is quite rare). The cost of plastic furniture depends on the manufacturer. Usually it is about 20 thousand rubles for 10 sets (set - 1 table and 4 chairs). In addition to plastic tables and chairs, you need to think about where the sale will come from. It can be either a stall or a folding mini-tent with a stand. The cost depends on the design that the entire cafe adheres to as a whole. On average, this is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Assortment is a special item of expenditure. It is clear that the main emphasis is on soft drinks (beer and kvass on tap, bottled water, soft drinks, juices, etc.). Every drink should have an appetizer. If this is a barbecue (popular in the summer season), then the purchase of grill equipment is a must. Also, if it is planned to serve a variety of semi-finished products to visitors, then the purchase of ovens, refrigerators and display cases will be necessary. Everything is quite individual. The price for equipment in a summer cafe will range from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Products should be purchased from good and trusted suppliers, and only those whose quality is not satisfactory. By the way, many suppliers carry out deferred payment (for a month, as a rule), which allows you to reduce costs in the first month.

In total, the business plan for expenses will include:

  1. preparation of documents,
  2. furniture,
  3. products.

You can spend money on advertising, or you can save money. Accommodation in in social networks information about the outdoor cafe with photos will help to attract visitors. Also successful advertising campaign you can do that by distributing flyers about the new cafe.

If your establishment is located in a very good place where many people rest every day, then only the symbols on the tent can serve as an advertisement (whether it be an original design move, or a brand name of a beer company).

Estimated Profit

Before you open your cafe, you should think about how much profit it can bring. No one can say specific numbers - everything is purely individual. If the place for the cafe is chosen well, the traffic of the people is large, and most importantly, the weather allows people to relax, then the average bill can range from 500 to 3000 rubles. On average, about 100 people can relax in a cafe per day. In total, daily revenue can reach 300,000 rubles. Of course, the numbers are quite relative. The experience of many cafe owners shows that such amounts are real. Especially if it's a weekend or holiday. Unfortunately, the summer season is not eternal, and, therefore, it is necessary to work out in a cafe to the maximum.

The profitability of such a business reaches 90%, which is quite profitable. But it is worth remembering that this enterprise is popular only in summer period. It is important from the first day of work to organize everything so that people fall in love with rest in your institution.

Business Features

If the tent is taken from a brewing company or its representative, then the sale of beer can only be carried out by this brand. You can cheat, but then you have to prepare for substantial fines. This is monitored by representatives of the company that provided the tent. A special trick is the mystery shopper. Therefore, if the contract with the company is drawn up, it should be carried out.

A summer cafe is the place where there should be sterility in cooking. If poisoning occurs in your institution, then notoriety cannot be avoided. Due to the negligence of sellers, you can lose a solid group of visitors. And sometimes, if cases of poisoning are not isolated, then completely lose the business - the administration will simply close it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a business are obvious - fabulous profits. Proper organization, good assortment, fast service (including table cleaning) is a guarantee that your establishment will be popular among city dwellers.

Disadvantages, of course, are also present. So, in case of bad weather, you should not expect an influx of visitors, and hence revenue. The fact that tents have been chosen as a cafe can save the situation a little. In rain or wind it is still comfortable to rest there. Another disadvantage is that the summer cafe is a seasonal business. With the popularity of your institution, it can work until mid-autumn, but no more. Sometimes you should think about opening a simple cafe, where there will be an outdoor seating area.

With the arrival of a warm season, more and more people prefer to relax in the fresh air, which means that summer cafes are popular. Quench your thirst, drink beer with friends or have a sandwich or pizza - all this can be done in a summer cafe, which is why demand in this segment always exceeds supply. Opening a summer cafe is not so difficult, but before that you need to research the market and take into account all the risks.

Even beginners can try their hand at the summer cafe business, since this project does not require any special knowledge or equipment.

Registration and clearance

First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and open a bank account. For outdoor cafes, a permit is required, which is obtained from the relevant department of local authorities. Such permission is taken precisely for the period when the cafe will work. Such a resolution will cost about 150-200 USD. per month.

After that, you need to visit the sanitary and epidemiological station for permission to open a cafe. Permission to operate will cost a certain amount of the receipt (about 100 USD) and a certain amount of "gratitude". All of the above actions require an already concluded lease agreement for a suitable premises.

To start the cafe in different instances, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Rental agreement for premises
  • Sanitary Permit
  • Characteristics of the object of trade
  • Shipping documents
  • Detailed product range
  • When selling stronger drinks, you will also need a special license.

It should be noted that the collection of all required documents it may take several months, so it is better to start this process in advance.

Location and premises

Judging by the purpose of the summer cafe, the best place for it is a lively park, places near attractions, embankments and beaches. In the sleeping areas there are also summer cafes, but the attendance in them is low.

For a summer cafe, you will need a pavilion and large tent umbrellas. Now everything you need can often be obtained from brewing companies and their distributors. Tents and umbrellas, furniture and even some equipment can be obtained free of charge, that is, for temporary use. It is necessary to search for a supplier in advance - already in winter or, as a last resort, in early spring. But you should go to the brewers only after you already have official permission from the authorities. In addition, it should be remembered that in this case the owner of a summer cafe cannot trade in competitors' beer.

If it was not possible to get a free pavilion, then you will have to pay about 700 USD for it. (for a standard design) and about a thousand conventional units when developing an individual design. It can take about a month to make a pavilion, so it is also necessary to deal with equipment in advance. Usually, when choosing a pavilion, they immediately choose furniture, a bar counter, shelving and other equipment made in the same style.

Since a summer cafe is a temporary type of trade, it is necessary to think over in advance the issue of storing tents and pavilions during the non-working period. If there is free space, you can leave it all with you, but since the equipment wears out by an average of 30% per year, you won’t be able to use all of the above for more than three years.


The approximate cost of equipment for a summer cafe is 7-12 thousand USD.

In addition to drinks in summer cafes, people also treat themselves to simple dishes, and for the selected menu, you must already select technological equipment. If you want to include fresh frozen puff pastry on the menu, you will need to purchase a convection oven, proofer, etc. For barbecue, you need a brazier or a barbecue grill, for storing ready-made meals you need a refrigerator or vice versa a heating cabinet.

The list of equipment for a cafe with drinks, several main courses and snacks looks like this:

  • fryer
  • Plate
  • Oven
  • Microwave
  • Cooling chamber.

Also, in addition to this equipment, you will need a cutting table made of stainless steel. You may need several of these tables. On average, they spend at least $300 on various kitchen utensils.

It is also necessary to equip a hall for visitors. Of course, you need tables and chairs. They can be plastic, aluminum, or a combination of metal and plastic. Depending on the material, their price also fluctuates. So, an aluminum table will cost about 60 USD, and a steel one and a half to two times more expensive. The economy option is plastic tables and chairs, but they are not very durable.

It is also necessary to purchase cutlery and crockery, and even unbreakable items are consumables. Many use disposable tableware, in which case it is necessary to provide large trash bags and tanks.

A separate item in the arrangement of the summer cafe is a toilet. If there is a capital building nearby with the right booth, then the issue is easier to solve. If this option is not available, then a dry closet will help. The price of such toilets starts from 100 USD.


After listing all the costs, you can begin to calculate the profitability of a summer cafe. For calculations, let's take, for example, a summer cafe with 8 tables or 32 seats, respectively. Such an institution can sell about 100 liters per day. draft beer, with an average price per liter of 2 c.u. You can also sell sugary drinks and snacks, and the average price in the price tag will be about 3 USD. When calculating, 32 seats are multiplied by the number of hours the cafe is open (despite the fact that usually a person spends about an hour at a cafe table, and 70% is subtracted from this figure - the standard form of loading). The result obtained must be multiplied by the average check amount.

So, as we can see, when all the necessary permits have been obtained, contacts have been established with suppliers, equipment has been purchased and goods have been found, a cafe can open and immediately begin to make a profit. It is also necessary to take into account such important point as commodity accounting. In the conditions of street trading, when there is no computer and cash register, it is rather difficult to establish this process. You can get out of the situation every day at the end of the working day by reconciling the balances or checking when changing sellers. You can ask friends to periodically make test purchases in a cafe that will help identify problems. Control over trade is necessary constantly, otherwise the proceeds will begin to settle in the pockets of the bartender, and the beer will be diluted. All this will lead to a loss of reputation, which will inevitably affect profits.