Required professions. The people are eager to become orientalists and teachers

When choosing a profession, many young people are guided by the relevance of the direction, as well as the demand for the profession itself in a particular area.

When choosing a profession, many young people are guided by the relevance of the direction, as well as the demand for the profession itself in a particular area. Such an approach can be considered the most reasonable: if it does not guarantee 100% employment, then at least it can significantly increase the chances of getting a highly paid specialty. Where to go to study for students in 2017, which profession to choose and what is the ranking of professions in terms of pay and preferences this year.

But at the same time, it’s not bad if the chosen activity also brings joy and pleasure.

Top 10 most in-demand professions in 2017

This top rating includes the most demanded professions in Russia, which are in the highest demand among employers. This list is useful not only for those who are now deciding on the choice of profession. For some, this will be a good motivation to move forward. career ladder. For those who decide to change their field of activity, it will also be interesting and useful. The rating is built in the reverse order - from the 10th to the 1st position.

10. Hairdresser - manicurist

This "earthly" profession turns out to be one of the most needed for many years in a row. The Russians, despite the crisis, are still saving little on their appearance. Specialists of this profession earn from 30 to 45 thousand per month

9. Dentist

The specialty of a dentist is also relevant at all times. But job applicants should be aware that employers prioritize experience, as this job requires very specific skills and qualifications. The work of dentists is paid well, the salary depends on the region and in which clinic the specialist will work. On average, the monthly income of dentists is from 50 to 70 thousand rubles.

8. Personal driver

The applicant for this position must have not only work experience, but also the ability to combine driving duties with the skills of a personal security guard. At regular schedule work and duties, a personal driver can earn from 60 thousand rubles a month.

7. Chef

Newcomers to the cooking business are unlikely to qualify for this position. Employers prefer to hire professionals with extensive experience and good resume. The work of a good chef is paid from about 70 to 120 thousand rubles, it depends on the level of the institution.

6. Webmaster

Noticeable and needed in modern world profession. Even in the conditions of the economic crisis, the development and promotion of sites are now in great demand. Webmaster salary - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles

5. Programmer

For 15 years in a row, this profession has been considered one of the most sought after. In 2017, a qualified specialist can count on a salary of 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

4. Web designer

The pace of development of the Internet sphere is becoming more active, so that soon this profession has every chance of taking first place among the most prestigious. The work of these specialists is paid in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles.

3. Internet PR manager

2. Collector

Despite the ambiguous attitude of society towards this profession, it is in great demand among employers, and there are objective reasons for this: accounts payable individuals and small business only increases every month. It is not easy to motivate people to repay debts, so applicants for the vacancy of a collector can count on a monthly salary of 60-120 thousand rubles.

1. Arbitrator

Employers are looking for highly qualified specialists who deal with the bankruptcy of the enterprise. The activity of such a specialist is paid quite high - from 300 thousand rubles a month.
As you can see, the main trends in 2017 are the growing demand for professions that are related to information technology, as well as professions that are traditional and the right people regardless of the economic situation in the country.

This variable rating

2017 was marked by major changes in the labor market. The sanctions led to a sharp jump in import substitution of products in Russia. Sociologists predict that for this reason, professions in the manufacturing industry that are associated with innovation, the development of technologies, in particular nanotechnology and web design, will soon begin to enjoy an increased demand.
HR experts have compiled their rating list of professions, which will be a reality in 2017:

  1. IT specialist
  2. Design engineer
  3. teacher
  4. Lawyer
  5. Medic
  6. Marketer
  7. Personnel specialist
  8. professional worker
  9. Beauty industry specialist
  10. Ecologist

BUT recruiting agencies who analyze the situation on the job market and offer jobs, identify the following industries, the development of which will not stop in the next 5 years: - medicine and pharmaceuticals (doctors, pharmacists, pharmacists, etc.), - the IT sector (programmers, designers, webmasters, SEO -specialists), - accounting, - education (qualified teachers of any direction have not ceased to be in demand for thousands of years), - defense (military, law enforcement officers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), - instrumentation and engineering, - construction.

The most demanded professions are the main criterion according to which it is necessary to determine the future specialty. At the same time, it is important to focus on your own interests and moods. Many young people, in pursuit of prestige and financial well-being, choose areas in which they have no soul. Deciding on the future area professional activity, it is worth evaluating not only the size of the monthly salary, but also your own level of emotional comfort

Every year the labor market is replenished with new specialties, the world is developing, and the demand for personnel is growing every year. However, in such a financially difficult situation that has now developed in our country, it is quite difficult to predict which specialty will be more in demand in a few years. But we can at this stage study the list of those professions that will be especially popular next year. What professions are in demand in 2017 that the labor market offers to future graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Top 10 specialties in Russia

The summer of 2017 will be marked by graduations at universities and other educational institutions, the labor market will be replenished with tens of thousands of free personnel.

What professions will be the most in demand next year, in what area can future graduates try their luck?

  1. Sales and Customer Service Managers. In our country, a huge number of stores are opening and shopping centers, therefore, the specialty of a sales manager, sales assistant steadily ranks first among all professions in the Russian Federation.
  2. Engineer, architect, designer. In recent years, the housing construction market has been developing very actively, a large number of cultural, industrial and commercial facilities. Russia has a large number construction companies who require qualified personnel, as well as working "hands" (masons, roofers, carpenters, painters, etc.). It is working specialties that are among the most popular, so masters of their craft will always remain in demand.
  3. The list of the most "necessary" professions is headed by workers in the field of IT-technologies. The field of computer technology is developing with incredible force, which increases the demand for these specialties. According to many analysts, "IT specialists" will be in demand for more than a dozen years. Now the most popular areas are the development of websites, various computer programs, applications.
  4. Bank employees. There are a huge number of banks and other financial institutions in our country, which entails a demand for banking professions.
  5. In 2016, there was a real breakthrough in a previously rare specialty - an SMM worker. SMM activity involves the promotion of various goods and services in social networks. SMM specialists will also be in demand in 2017; every year this industry will develop more actively, respectively, earnings in this area will increase several times. What should a specialist know: thoroughly work in the social. networks, fully explore the functionality of each of the sites, must be able to create various communities (groups, events, etc.), buy advertising space from administrators of popular groups, and so on.
  6. medical specialties. Now in addition to public services in the field of medicine, paid medical care is actively developing, a large number of clinics and medical centers are opening. centers. Therefore, the specialty of a doctor has been on the list of popular professions for many years in a row. Doctors are considered the highest paid: dentists, surgeons, gynecologists, nutritionists, dermatologists. By example Western countries on the Russian market labor demanded medical specialties replenished psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.
  7. Marketers. With a lot of competition for various goods and services, this profession is very popular, Internet marketing and SEO promotion are especially actively developing.
  8. Risk manager. This specialty, new for our country, is gaining momentum more and more, employees of this industry most often work in the banking sector. Specialists assess risks in the financial sector, determine whether it is worth investing in a particular area of ​​business. These professions in Russia in 2017 will become even more popular.
  9. Service specialists (administrators, other service staff). Hotels, fitness centers, beauty salons, and so on - in each of the institutions, it is these workers who meet customers. Therefore, service specialists are also included in the category "Demanded professions in 2017".
  10. Translators, linguists. Now international cooperation of companies is actively developing, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required in almost any business area. And in recent years, the demand for translators of English and Chinese is especially high.

Popular specialties in the capital

Every year, thousands of people come to the capital of our Motherland in search of paid work, many believe that it is in Moscow that you can find the most sought-after specialty. Let's take a look at what the most demanded professions will be offered by the capital's labor market in 2017? The list is quite extensive, some of the highest paid are:

  • cosmetologist. There are a huge number of beauty salons and clinics of aesthetic medicine in the capital, cosmetology is one of the most common areas;
  • Cook. Moscow is a big city, where there are an incredible number of different cafes and restaurants, so the demand for cooking professions is very high;
  • brand manager. It was the highest competition in the field of goods and services that opened this profession. Every company that launches any product or service on the market needs an intelligent brand manager. It is the employees of this area who are engaged in the promotion of the brand, that it has become the most recognizable on the market;
  • real estate and construction professionals. Urban planning is developing very actively in Moscow, and due to the huge influx of visitors, the demand for realtors and other real estate professionals is growing;
  • consultant managers. There are no such number of stores in any city of our country, grocery and hardware stores, car dealerships, furniture stores, cellular communication and so on - personnel are required everywhere;
  • highly qualified personnel in the field of IT-technologies. It is in this area that you can earn a fortune, so all the most famous IT people work in the capital;
  • top managers. In most cases, all the head offices of companies are located in Moscow, respectively, smart managers will always be required;
  • orthopedic dentist. Nowadays, a beautiful "Hollywood" smile has become a symbol of prosperity, so many people invest a fortune in straight and snow-white teeth;
  • administrators, clerks. Any leaders dream of an intelligent assistant, so there will always be a demand for these professions;
  • nutritionist. Advanced metropolitan residents are simply obsessed with proper nutrition, so dietology is an especially popular direction in medicine;
  • marketing specialists. In Moscow, the professions of advertising managers are especially popular, contextual advertising. Wage workers in this area sometimes reaches up to 200 thousand rubles a month.

In this article, we have listed the most sought-after professions in 2017, as you can see that the demand for the previously popular specialties of lawyers and economists has long declined, so you need to master modern areas of activity. If you want to earn more, open up new ways of development for yourself.

Moscow University. M.V. Lomonosov (Photo: Andrey Makhonin / TASS)

The most popular among those entering universities in 2017 were economic programs, programs for training specialists in political and international relations, as well as specialties related to working in the media, RBC was told in the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science.

At the same time, the maximum competition for applicants for economic specialties was 21 people per place. Only a little less was the maximum competition for those who entered the specialties in the field of politics and international relations, — 20.5 people per seat. And the competition for specialties related to the training of personnel for the media was 19.4 people per budgetary place.

At the same time, on average in Russia, the competition for state-funded places amounted to 8.2 applications per place.

For engineering and technical areas in Russian universities, an average of 7.2 applications were submitted per place; for pedagogical specialties - 7.3 applications per place, and for state-funded places for training in medical specialties, the competition ranged from 8.5 to 16.1 people per place.

Among technical areas, the highest passing scores were recorded for areas that are related to computer science and information security - 69.9 points, vehicles- 56.8 points; construction - 64.9 points, mechanical engineering - 61.9 points.

The Ministry also reports that the average USE score of those enrolled in state-funded places in 2017 was 68.2 points. This is 1.6 points higher than last year.

Popular universities and passing scores

The highest competition for studying at universities in 2017 was recorded at universities located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions and the Republic of Tatarstan. The number of applications for one place in higher education institutions in these regions of Russia exceeds the national average by one and a half to four and a half times. ​

high school economy in St. Petersburg (Photo: Sergey Konkov / TASS)

According to the Ministry of Education, the highest average score of those enrolled in state-funded places was recorded in universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the universities of St. Petersburg, the average score of those enrolled in state-funded places was 75.8 points, and in Moscow - 76.2 points. At the same time, the first three places among universities with the largest enrollment for state-funded places were taken by the National research university Higher School of Economics (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

“The leading federal universities in this indicator are inferior to the leading metropolitan universities by about 11.6 points. Their average score is 68.3. The largest universities in the regions, on average, are inferior to the capital ones by 13 points in terms of budget admission. Their average score is 66.9,” the ministry said.

All winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, champions and prize-winners of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, who expressed a desire to enter higher educational institutions, entered universities, the ministry said. Their share of the total number of students enrolled in universities in 2017 was 2.2%, or 6202 people (2% in 2016).

Hello, dear readers blog site. A very interesting question is where to go in 2017, since it has a strong influence on the future, and on the present, and it is also related to the issue of passing. I would like to write a fairly large article in which to consider the question of where to go in 2017 from all sides, I hope that it will turn out and this article will be useful to you.

The article will cover the following:

  • Where to enter, to a university or to get a secondary special education;
  • Which USE exams to take in order to have a choice when you have already passed everything and once again start thinking about where to go to do;
  • What specialties are most in demand at the moment;
  • How do you yourself understand where to go in the 2017 class, so that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the time spent at the university.

So, let's put our thoughts together, but let's start slowly with the question of entering a university or college.

Where to enter in 2017, to the university or to get a specialized secondary education

Think about where to go

For many, this point will seem strange, but not for everyone. Most students enter college after 9th grade. It is understood that those who want to receive further education go to grade 11. higher education. But anything happens, someone changed his mind in 2 years, someone realized that a technical school is what he needs, etc. And technical schools and colleges have a lot of advantages over universities, for example, here they are:

There are very few college graduates, fewer than employers need. Therefore, there is a picture in which employers are practically fighting for college graduates. The consequence of the high demand for people with secondary specialized education is that employers offer them salaries not lower than those of university graduates, but at least the same, and sometimes higher, and even offer various pleasant bonuses, for example, extended medical insurance.

But enough about the future, in vocational secondary educational institution there is less competition than at a university, therefore, the passing score is lower. This can be a significant plus for many graduates who are bad, and as a result, the answer to the question of where to go in 2017 has acquired a completely logical answer - to a technical school or college.

And finally, the last plus, but although the last, perhaps it is the most important - the cost of studying in college is much lower than in a university. And the number of budget places is greater, so there are much more chances to enter the budget. But I remember such a strange moment, once, when the whole class of us entered various universities, there was one graduate who, for some reason, decided to go to college, but could not. But he managed to enter the university, the university does not differ in prestige, as well as the specialty for which he entered, but the very fact that you can not go to a technical school, but go to a university for budget education is somewhat surprising.

Which USE exams to take in order to have a choice upon admission

This issue is covered in more detail in the article, I advise you to follow the link and read it, there will also be a link to an article about changes in the USE in 2017. Here we will dwell on the issue of having a choice, which is very important for graduates, since few people know exactly what they want, and if they do, they may well be disappointed in the choice even before admission, or in the first semester.

To make right choice, you need to start from several things:

  1. your personal interests. It is simply difficult to make a student of the Faculty of Philology from a person who is close to mathematics and computer science, who will like everything. But also go to enroll in a university focused on Information Technology not worth it right away. First you need to decide on a specialty, yes it is difficult, but necessary. Then you need to choose a university, for sure, more than one university in the city can provide training in an area of ​​interest to you.
  2. Advice from seniors. And it can be anyone - parents, friends 2-4 years older, and in the end, a completely unfamiliar taxi driver. And do not laugh, I somehow got to the driver, who was "in the know" and told how the study at this university ended for his friends. In short, nothing good ended, no one managed to get a job in their specialty, my situation is not much better, 1 person out of 14 graduates works in the specialty. In general, I would have known earlier, I would never have gone there to enter, but it's too late, I have to get a second higher education.

And yes, let me remind you that it’s better to take more exams, suddenly you change your mind and you don’t need computer science, but social science or English language. Therefore, if there are subjects that you can pass well without much preparation, then it is worth taking them. Yes, and 5-6 exams - this is not so much, soon you will have 3-6 tests and 4-5 exams each semester, and there you will not be offered to choose.

What professions are most in demand at the moment

Let's try to choose what will always be in demand

Again we are told that there are too many lawyers and economists, but there are not enough engineers, more about this in the news, they even gathered, but only for engineers, IT specialists, etc., read more at the link.

However, in 2016, in addition to aviation engineers and surveyors, architects and visa support specialists, who seem to technical specialists do not apply at all, read more.

As a conclusion in this paragraph, we can say that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to predict who will be in demand in 4-6 years. Therefore, it is worth considering the specialties that will always be needed - doctors, teachers, etc., then you can find yourself with not the most prestigious, but necessary specialty. And thus, not to guess whether your specialty will be needed, or the last factory in the region where people of your specialty were needed will close, or you will still be able to work in your specialty.

How do you figure out where to go in 2017?

The best option was described above, to enter a university and receive a specialty that will always be needed. What other options are there? For example, something from oil and gas industry, as long as Russia is a raw materials appendage, these specialties will be in demand, but there is a risk that you will have to go to work to the north.

But if you strictly follow the subtitle of the paragraph of the article, discard all advice to listen to elders, choose an ever-in-demand specialty, then at least find out as much information as possible about the university and specialty you are interested in. The Internet will help you, and not only the Internet, but also social media, university groups can help you, read what students write, just don’t forget that they won’t write ALL the truth there, because teachers may also be present in the group, and if you write that teacher Ivanova is so and so and everything is generally bad, then it will take a very long and difficult time to hand over its subject.

Another important point. There are girls in IT universities, but there are no more than 5 beautiful girls, for the entire university. In economic universities, a huge number beautiful girls and quite a few guys, so there girls complain. This point can also be taken into account when thinking about where to go in 2017.

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