Beautiful selfie poses for girls at home. Selfie Poses: Pros and Cons

How to make a selfie (selfie), which will gain the maximum number of likes and will be original and unique. Today, selfies are an integral part of social networks. What is a selfie and how to take it?

Selfie- First of all, this is a photo of yourself, taken on your own, mainly with the help of smartphones and cameras. Portrait selfies are very popular. To make a photo really bright, interesting and non-standard, it is necessary to take into account many nuances during shooting, for example, light, background, pose.


Secrets of a successful selfie

The “epidemic” of selfies has gripped almost everyone who has a camera phone or a small camera. Everyone, without exception, strives to capture themselves, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to make a selfie, because to create quality photo you need to know a few basic rules. The first and perhaps most important thing to pay attention to is proper lighting. The best option is natural lighting, which illuminates the subject as well as possible.

cute selfie with boyfriend

It is important to remember that light from behind will create a lot of shadows, visually making facial features fuzzy and rough. The ideal option is a light aimed at the face, which should be slightly above eye level.

with a friend

An important factor in creating an original selfie is the background. On the Internet, we see numerous pictures taken:

romantic selfie in paris
  • in nightclubs,
  • at parties,
  • in public toilets,
  • private bathrooms and bedrooms.

You won’t surprise anyone with such photographs, moreover, these pictures are considered bad manners.


Therefore, if you really want to surprise with an interesting photo, then you should take care of a high-quality background, because a selfie is not only a beautiful face. The most popular are selfies (selfie), where the main background is nature, because what could be more beautiful

family selfie
  • snowy mountains,
  • flower fields
  • bizarre rock formations.

Equally important is the posture you adopt, as well as facial expressions, especially when shooting portraits. As a rule, the pose and facial expression demonstrate the main idea of ​​the photo, create the atmosphere and mood.

How to take selfies for girls and boys

Selfies of guys and girls, although they differ, are insignificant, because the basic rules for a successful photo taken are the same for everyone. Guys it will not be superfluous to learn how to tie a tie () this video demonstrates the basic manipulations step by step. A selfie where a guy appears as a real and elegant gentleman can win almost any girl's heart.

cool selfie on the mountain

If a guy wants to show off his beefy torso, then it’s better to give up a photo in your own bathroom in favor of a selfie taken at the gym. Moreover, the background will be the best way to express the main idea of ​​the photo. Selfies will be relevant, where the guy takes a picture of himself during his favorite activity or hobby, for example:

selfie at the attraction
  • while skiing,
  • at the rehearsals of his rock band
  • on the top of the mountain.

beautiful selfie underwater

How to take a selfie girls When creating a photo, special attention should be paid to lighting. It is very important to choose the right makeup so that the photo is clear and the glare from pearly eye shadows and lip gloss does not create a blurry and tired effect. Selfies without makeup are becoming more and more popular among Hollywood stars. Photos of girls in the morning without makeup, with a slightly careless hairstyle in the rays of sunlight, are very cute and interesting. Also relevant are photos showing a fashionable bow, for example, completely from denim. The photo in which the girl can offer several ideas will be original. , What is the small pocket on jeans for?

There are times when you need or want to take a photo of yourself. Moreover, most mobile phones have cameras, and most people have them, spontaneous self-portraits are not only possible, but often necessary. There are some tricks to help you create images that make you happy and present to the world.

Selfies are not classified as any kind of art. It is considered most likely as a way to have fun, which is very popular, especially among young people. But there is one caveat - a small number of poses for selfies. The question immediately arises, why? The answer is simple - you can only take a selfie in front of a mirror or with your hand outstretched forward.

Habitual pictures of girls, where the lips look like a bow, bored and of the same type. Therefore, if you want to get beautiful and high quality photos just need to know about better ways photography and the rules for achieving such a result.

At the time when a selfie is taken, the person does it on an outstretched arm and the face and chest will be visible in the photo. Naturally, selfie poses should be chosen in such a way that the eyes of the person being photographed will be clearly expressed, and the rest of the face or body that fall into the frame is not distorted. Therefore, it is simply necessary that the head be tilted slightly to the side, the chin should be slightly raised.

But very often, when photographing a face, the nose is enlarged in the pictures. It will be possible to get rid of such distortion only if the camera is not in front of the face, but on top. The same angle helps to invent unusual selfie poses and, therefore, in the frame you can see both the face and some of the moments that are around you.

Smiling also helps when taking a good picture. It is clear that each person smiles in their own way. Therefore, it becomes possible to choose a smile that suits better for everyone who is photographed. The old adage is relevant here: a picture is worth a thousand words, and a beautiful smile is worth even more.

If there is a desire to show everyone a new thing or a figure that has acquired harmony after fitness or diet, you need to be photographed in front of a full-length mirror. It should be remembered that in such a photograph, attention will not be drawn to the face, but the figure will stand out. To make the figure look slimmer, an easy way is to lean slightly in the direction where the camera is located.

Selfie poses with friends

Young people prefer to be photographed by the company. To take a picture of several people, an outstretched hand will not help. The way out is to be photographed in front of a mirror, and the selfie poses can be as varied as the soul desires. You can jump, and hug, and even slightly grimace. And if there is not one, but several mirrors near you, then such an image will also be cool. An interesting option is when girls at home in front of a mirror memorize interesting poses, and then successfully use them in various places.

But with all the tricks, even the most amazing poses do not look beautiful if the lighting is not chosen correctly. Thanks to the light, you can highlight the bronze tan of the skin, professional makeup, lip gloss. If photographed in dim light, then dark spots can be noticed in the photographs. The original selfie poses involve sunlight.

After the advent of the social network Instagram, selfie photos have become a particularly popular direction in photography. More and more users are joining this network, millions of new photos are posted daily on personal pages. However, not everyone who owns a smartphone with a camera knows how to take a beautiful selfie, what poses and ideas to use to make this frame interesting for subscribers. This is a whole art and our today's review will help you figure out how to take photos that will collect the maximum number of likes on social networks.

How to do it right

Today, even world stars and presidents of states post pictures of their own faces on social networks.

In 2013, in the UK, the word "selfie" became so popular that it was included in the Oxford Dictionaries.

Although in Russia this art of photography has not gained such large-scale popularity, there are a lot of fans of snapping themselves on camera. Moreover, this passion for "selfies" is manifested not only in girls, but also in many guys. But making a beautiful selfie that will resonate with the audience is not so easy.

There are a few unspoken rules for taking a good selfie photo:

  1. Watch out for lighting. A picture taken in daylight will give shine to the hair, smooth skin, illuminate the iris of the eyes and make them brighter. When photographing in twilight, you are always at risk - it can both spoil the photo and make it mysterious and charming. Play with the light and you will definitely find your edge.
  2. Nothing ruins a selfie like having no background. Many people like to take selfies at home, but usually such pictures turn out to be boring and of the same type. It is much more interesting to go outside and take a picture against the blue sky or a painted wall. Even a photo in the shopping center mirror will look much more lively and interesting than a home selfie. However, a couple of shots hugging your favorite teddy bear, with a pet or buried in a blanket can be posted on Instagram with the hashtag #cute.
  3. Shoot your face from the right angle. It is known that the left and right sides of the face are slightly different from each other. Try taking a selfie by turning your head to the left and then to the right, and see which side you're more photogenic on. When shooting, it is recommended to lift the phone up, so the eyes visually appear wider. Experiment, turn your face in different directions, and you will definitely find the right angle.

To create a beautiful selfie with a large background capture, it is recommended to use a special selfie monopod.

By moving the phone further away from you, you can fit more people into the frame or capture some incredible natural backdrop. Another useful device for taking selfies is a silicone case with a sticky back. Everything is simple here - put a case on your phone, stick it to something (glass, mirror, wood, stone, etc.), and take pictures of yourself at least in full growth.

But what you should not do is take selfies at serious events, for example, at religious ceremonies, memorial services or funerals, this is considered bad form.


Typical sexy poses and “cute” duckface are, of course, good, but when there are millions of such photos, it’s very easy to get lost in the crowd. Only pictures with non-standard poses, bright accessories in the frame or incredible nature in the background make you draw attention to yourself.

For girls

There are not so many poses for creating a selfie, because when shooting on an outstretched arm, usually only the girl’s face and chest are visible in the photo. Therefore, the pose must be chosen so as not to distort the proportions of the body and emphasize the depth of the eyes. The best shots are obtained when shooting at an angle, the back must be straight, and the chin slightly raised to avoid the formation of wrinkles on the neck.

Full-face selfies are best avoided altogether, as the camera tends to enlarge the nose, and such shots are rarely successful.

A girl's selfie will look bright and unusual against the background of some sight.

To capture more of the background, raise the camera above you. Also don't be afraid to take funny selfies, girls with a sense of humor are especially attractive. For example, use oversized glasses or a funny hat for a selfie. Grimacing, fooling around, because these are the photos that look “alive” and are very successful. Selfies in the gym, where the girl shoots herself in the mirror and stands in a half-turned position, showing the relief of her figure, are very popular with the opposite sex.

For men

In order not to look like a narcissist, it is better for men not to excel in finding extraordinary poses. Take pictures of yourself against a beautiful background, in extreme or unusual situations, near sports cars, with celebrities, with animals, and likes and subscriptions are guaranteed. Well, to consolidate the result, do not forget to add brutal selfie photos with gym where you stand in the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger pose.


Running out of selfie ideas? Then read below, especially for you, we have prepared several ideas that will help you create beautiful and original "selfies".

For home

Home decor is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for selfies.

To create a beautiful, romantic shot, lie down on the bed, hang your head slightly over the edge, raise your hand with the camera up and back a little, and bend the other hand and bring it to your face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips. In the frame, the eyes will protrude in the foreground, then the lips with a playful hand, and then in the background, slightly blurred, the contours of your figure.
For a selfie at home, do not forget to use any attributes, be it a mug of tea, a book, a plush toy, a pillow, and so on. The pictures taken in the process of cooking look original, when the girl is standing in an apron, with a kitchen mitten and a ladle, and at the same time “conjures” over the pan.

For girlfriends

The best attribute for a selfie with girlfriends would be a mirror, because when shooting at arm's length it is quite difficult to fit two or three faces in the frame. Poses for such shooting can be anything. Seeing yourself in the mirror, try different options:

  • hug each other;
  • fool around;
  • bounce;
  • smile sweetly;
  • make funny faces;
  • eat ice cream;
  • drink a cocktail from a straw.

And do not forget about accessories, the pose of cool girls with glasses is still relevant. Hats, scarves, glasses, wigs, headbands with ears greatly affect the dynamics of the photo and make it much more interesting. You can experiment with mirrors, a doubled or even tripled selfie looks extraordinary.

For lovers

Taking a selfie of a couple in love is called "relfi", that is, a romantic selfie.

Classic selfies are shot in bed in an embrace with your soulmate. However, even such pictures can be original and interesting. For example, the two of you lie down exactly at the same height, press your heads tightly against each other and take a picture so that half of your partner's face and you are in the frame, visually you should be two halves of one whole. Original, symbolic and simple. By the way, you can still work on this photo - enlarge and crop to eye level. Then in the center of the frame there will be two eyes, but different people.

Another pose that causes bouts of love and tenderness in the audience is when the couple stands as close as possible opposite each other, slightly tilting their heads down, touching their foreheads and closing their eyes. Only the faces of lovers should be in the frame.

The selfie taken from the angle above the head of the couple will look original. The lovers stand embracing, look up, their eyes shine. But when setting up such a shot, take care of the background, as it will be visible. This pose can be the basis for many other ideas - lying on the grass, sitting on the bed, in the water, in the car, on the merry-go-rounds. The main thing is that there are two in the frame, and they are in love.

In conclusion, I would like to add that selfies are momentary entertainment.

You should not spend a lot of time creating "the same" frame.

If it doesn't come out now, then it will work out next time. Do not allow social networks become a source of your leisure. Remember that life is in full swing around you, where there should always be a place for entertainment, walks in the park, travel, live communication, sports, books, family, pets and much more.

Selfie is a kind of self-portrait, main feature which is that the author is holding a mobile phone or a camera. The first information about this word appeared on the Flickr network in 2004 as a hashtag. Today, the craze for photographing oneself has captured the whole world: even the leaders of countries and world stars have posted such photos on their personal pages on the network, or as they are also called selfies.

Selfie Rules

To get beautiful pictures, and, accordingly, likes for her on the network, because for them, in fact, everyone is trying, you need to follow certain rules, here they are:

Today, no one is surprised or touched by the usual and monotonous photos near the mirror, in the elevator (this craze even has a separate name - liftoluk). The coolest photos are obtained when a person is balancing on the edge and is one step away from death. The most dangerous selfies are those taken at a height of several hundred meters, for example, when jumping with a parachute or from a bridge on a fixed rubber cable. No less spectacular are the shots underwater next to predatory fish and other marine life, on the spire of skyscrapers or in close proximity to the crater of a volcano. The safest selfie can be taken at home, in a familiar environment, although here you can find a lot interesting ideas.

How to take a selfie

How to take a beautiful selfie? Experienced instagrammers claim that the first time is unlikely to get anything worthwhile, but the best
assistant in this matter is only experience. Therefore, it remains only to take the phone or camera in hand and look for it - the most successful angle. As already mentioned, it is better to tilt your head slightly or stand sideways. Shooting from above or below is not worth it: in the first case, you will only add age to yourself, and in the second, give yourself a second chin, and then you will frantically examine yourself in the mirror, wondering where it came from.

Selfie poses for girls are recommended as follows: raise the phone with an outstretched arm and try to capture the bust in the frame: the photo will turn out to be incredibly seductive with an advantageous emphasis on the chest. And it’s not always worth looking directly into the camera: it’s better to look away a little to the side. Try placing a sheet of paper just below your chin. It will reflect the light and the photo will be better. In any case, try to look as natural as possible: bounce, make faces, smile, squeeze, or just put your hand behind your head - such shots always turn out to be more successful than staged ones with forced smiles and fake emotions.

Today, there are so many ideas for selfies on the Internet that it is not possible to bring them all to life. Many have adopted the experience of the famous Norwegian artist Helen Meldal. The girl used to leave notes to her friend on the mirror with her own lipstick - she took this method as the basis for her selfies, and only then they were adopted by millions of users around the world. Most popular ideas for a selfie at home - with a pet or a teddy bear on the couch, in a beautiful dress or other outfit with a haircut, with a mug of coffee in an armchair under a cozy blanket, etc.

How to take a cool selfie? Go to a beautiful place. In any area you can find a view against which it will not be a shame to make yourself. Nature in general is just a storehouse of backgrounds for this activity. If you like to travel, then it will not be a problem for you to find a place where you can make a crossbow. Otherwise, always keep your camera handy when you go somewhere: the right moment can come at any moment. For example, when an unusual wedding cortege passes by, airborne troops bathe in a fountain, and an old granny drives a small goat across the field. However, you should not cross the line of what is permitted and all sorts of decency and take pictures of yourself at a funeral and against the backdrop of other events that are no less shocking to the public: the suicide of someone, emergency and dangerous situations that bring disaster and destruction, etc.

Unusual selfies

The most unusual selfies include a photo in which the author is wrapped in tape, or rather, his head and face are wrapped. This madness has received incredible popularity on
Facebook and is designed to cheer up friends and all visitors to the page. Many are still tied to their heads various items and paint the skin with incredible colors. Another Instagram celebrity is photographer Ahmad El Abi. He also emphasizes his head by attaching a wide variety of items to his hair - kitchen utensils, paper clips, matches, cards, spaghetti, a children's designer, etc.

According to statistics, more than a million selfies are taken every day in the world, a huge part of which are on vacation. Sea selfies are incredibly popular. Most vacationers start taking pictures of themselves as soon as they reach the beach. Selfies in the metro often end tragically, especially if the author does not follow safety precautions. The Internet space was shocked by footage of a couple capturing themselves on the subway rails in an unambiguous pose. They claim that they are not the first ones in the subway and captured this moment on camera. mobile phone. Well, what can I say. The law is not written for fools.

Retro-style selfies are gaining more and more attention from users all over the world, and now there are cameras on the market that make this idea a reality. It remains only to find the appropriate entourage, costume, accessories and other accessories of those times and forward, conquer new heights! And if you haven’t made a single self yet, try it, it’s so addictive!

Selfie is a real art that has conquered the world and has become an ideal way out in situations where there is no one to photograph you. This is a type of self-portrait, which consists in capturing oneself on a camera (most often on a mobile phone camera).

It would seem, what is so difficult? I took a camera and at arm's length photographed myself! But after the very first frame, you realize that either you are far from perfect, or there is trouble with the camera.

Actually the secret to the perfect selfie simple.

Here are the best life hacks to make the perfect selfie. Take a photo of yourself the best you can right now, and after reading the tricks for the perfect selfie, take another photo. Compare BEFORE and AFTER!

First of all, a couple of quick tips:

  • Pay attention to the light! The most beneficial is continuous daylight. Aim the light AT yourself, slightly above eye level. This will soften your facial features and get rid of unnecessary shadows.
  • Do not use the flash when shooting a face. This will distort your appearance, will create an unpleasant shine on the forehead and, most likely, the effect of red eyes.
  • Use rear camera phone. It has the best resolution, and therefore the quality of the photos will be better.
  • Use filters to improve photo quality and to remove flaws in selfies.
  • Learn about the latest in fashion and art and be in trend.
  • Surprise!

1. Correct angle.

This is the main rule and the basis of the foundations of all selfies. Find the correct angle of rotation of the head, neck and posture in general. Follow this. From different angles you look absolutely different - from a toon to a supermodel.

Find your "working side" - this is the side of your face that looks the most advantageous in the photo. To do this, take several photos with different head turns and determine which one you like best.

2. Show off beautifully.

If you want to show everyone your new earrings or, for example, a haircut you just made, make it so that the focus is on exactly what you want to show off.

3. Only positive.

Make your selfies radiate positivity. As you know (and this is true!) your smile is 80% of your success!

As they say, feel the difference!

4. Focus is very important!

If you're going to take a picture of your face, highlight the one strongest part of it. For example:

  • If you have a gorgeous smile that you are proud of, highlight it with bright lipstick without focusing on the rest.
  • If you have a stunning look, emphasize it with mascara and bright shadows, leaving the rest of the makeup more subtle.

5. Facial expressions make selfies different.

Be sure to try different facial expressions. It catches attention and diversifies your feed.

Even smile can be different. Try to catch yourself in times of strong emotions. Real. This is the coolest kind of photo!

6. Take a full-length selfie.

  • For example, you want to show off your new outfit. To do this, you will need a mirror and a very desirable neutral background that will not detract from you.
  • And, of course, poses. The posture must be selected and worked out. Don't be lazy to take 1000 test selfies to find your perfect mate.

    Here are some great angles:

7. Naturalness.

Try not to put too many filters on one photo to make the selfie look more natural. Posting your photo in a “natural form” will delight your subscribers, because naturalness is the main trend that will always be in fashion.

If your “just woke up” selfie looks like a face from a horror movie, it can still be corrected with very subtle light makeup. This will be especially welcome if your subscribers are used to seeing you in full "combat color". For example, apply a little highlighter to the middle of the face (forehead, nose, chin).

8. Background.

Pay close attention to the background you are photographing against. At a minimum, if this is a selfie at your place, put things in order.

And don't do this: