What education should be an administrator. Profession Administrator

But this does not mean that such work is available to everyone and has low requirements. Having a higher education does not hurt in any way, and it is desirable that it be something related to the work of clubs. You can safely apply for the vacancy of an administrator by graduating from such faculties as:

  • economic;
  • psychological;
  • faculty of foreign languages;
  • any faculty of a pedagogical university.

Administrator vacancy Everything is clear about the economy: the administrator is almost always vested with the authority to decide financial questions, and as for getting an education at other faculties, this need is justified by the fact that the administrator must first of all be able to communicate with people, feel them and try to make visitors feel as comfortable as possible.

How to Interview: Asking the Right Questions

The article above contains several options for similar questions. Do not ask the employer about his personal life, do not invade his personal space. Nobody will like it. From your side, questions about career growth, work schedule, vacation, weekends are possible.

A question about bonuses and a direct question about salary will not be correct. Employment interview test Employment testing is done quite often by employers.


Especially in cases where the company is interested in hiring the most suitable employee for the position, and not a person from the street. Tests are of two types:

Tests to test your professional knowledge contain questions directly about your profession and related areas.

How to become a club administrator

Question - Answer QUESTION: How to write a resume for the vacancy of a beauty salon administrator? ( FAQ in search engine Yandex and Google) ANSWER: Writing a resume is an important part of finding your dream job. Even if you have no work experience, even if you lack confidence at the beginning of an interview with a potential employer, a well-written resume can play a positive role in making a decision about your employment.

The basic rules are described on many sites dedicated to finding a job. I will focus on one of them - the professional skills of the applicant.

In this section, you describe what you learned while working or at the university. Unlike other professions, the salon administrator is a specialist who combines the qualities and skills of several professions.

Frequently asked questions and answers for the course beauty salon administrator

Knowledge gained from an experienced teacher gives confidence in an interview with a potential employer. 2. Classes in the courses provide an opportunity to be in the center of all the important news in the field of legal and regulatory aspects of doing business; materials and technical equipment used in the salon.

3. Practical exercises prepare for the solution difficult questions arising in work with staff or a client. 4. Psychological preparation for work, trainings, lectures and practice prepare the student for quick adaptation in the team and successful work.
Why do we go to the dentist if we have a toothache? Correctly. He is a professional and SHOULD know his business perfectly.
An employee in any company MUST be a professional! That is why successful employers will not hire a person without proper education or recommendation letter from a previous job.

20 interview questions


If the cleaner washed the floors poorly, he needs to make a remark. If the waiters work slowly, the administrator is obliged to take appropriate measures.

If musicians or a DJ encounter some problems during their work, these problems should be fixed by the administrator. But control is not the most important thing. In the event of an emergency, an emergency, or if one of the employees did not come to work for some reason, the administrator must be ready to replace the out-of-service employee.
This does not mean that the administrator must complete a bartending course or clean the toilet with his own hands.

In addition to all the above functions of the enikey manager, the system administrator is engaged in archiving all databases, purchasing digital equipment organization of the entire IT infrastructure system. Higher education is not required. If possible, it is better to grow out of an assistant.

Head of department - he is needed when the company has a large number of servers, the number of computers approaching 150 units and branches in other places. At this level, you need to higher education, organizational skills, knowledge of English and work experience of 4 years.

The leader can be an elevated sysadmin. It will be even better if he turns out to be a part-time ENI student who grew up and developed in an existing company.
name them

  • “Why should I (the employer) hire you?” - One of the most provocative questions. Talk about sales, about your successes in this area. Prove Yourself Administrator Interview Questions
  • The administrator must be able to talk with people and resolve emerging disputes. His main qualities: sociability and the ability to quickly find the right solution. The employer has the right to ask you about communication skills. He is not interested in any sales, because the main thing for you is consultation in matters of service and control over the activities of employees. Questions at the interview to the employer Oddly enough, but ask questions potential employer possible and even necessary. The main thing is to understand at what point you need to do it.

Well, if he expresses a desire to get maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is also the most important necessary condition high labor productivity, the most reliable guarantee against mistakes, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main guarantee of the prosperity of the company. 10. How well have you been interviewed in other places? It is important to find out for what reasons did not pass the interview in some places and successfully passed in others. If he convinces that your competitors are interested, then you try to keep him. 11. Will your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours, long or distant business trips, constant traveling)? This question is often asked to women.
What attracts you to work with us in this position? It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I am attracted by growth prospects, interesting job, a solid company ... ". I must give serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply my qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals. 4. Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates? This is the best question for a candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to convince, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and gives his formal biographical characteristics. 5.
It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Who to hire?
  • System administrator levels
  • Summary
  • Interview

Who to hire? In order to hire someone, you need to clearly imagine what will be included in his duties. Main work tasks system administrator is the setup, debugging and maintenance of digital equipment. Despite the rapid development of technology and the increase in computer savvy among ordinary users, many still confuse the professions of a programmer and a system administrator. The programmer is an applied mathematician whose goal, using the existing knowledge of the programming language, is to create an application that can calculate the necessary practical data for subsequent use in production.

What parts of the system unit can cause this?

  • Main differences between FAT and NTFS?
  • What is RAID?
  • How to fix a failed driver update?
  • The most important thing is that they concern the existing or planned equipment, and not an abstract test of knowledge for diversified development. The latter is best checked in the form of the ability to quickly understand information that is unfamiliar to the applicant.

    An interview for an IT administrator requires careful preparation by both parties. To do this, you need to take some topic unknown to the candidate, explain it to him, and then ask him to retell everything that he understood on the sheet. If the attempt is successful, he knows how to learn quickly. Such an employee should be adopted even if at the moment his knowledge is rather scarce.

Administrator... quite a common concept in today's society... but what is it really? Who can rightly be called an administrator?

So, the first thing that comes to mind when remembering the profession of an administrator is that many will say that this is a person who stands behind the counter of a hotel or fitness club, for example, and simply smiles at incoming customers.

For some, this is a person who must control the work of staff in cafes and restaurants, a person who will undoubtedly replace a salad that they did not like during a romantic dinner.

And you can also say that the administrator is the one who will help you decide on the choice of services in a beauty salon or massage parlor.

You can hear hundreds of such opinions, and it is important to note that each of them carries true information about this profession. And at the same time, none of these opinions reveals the essence of the administrator's profession.

Features of the administrator profession

  • The first thing to mention is the fact that an administrator is a position. A person holding such a position in a particular institution is a manager.
  • It is the administrator who is responsible for the work of this institution, for the coherence and teamwork of the team and work with clients.
  • This list of duties involves a lot of communication and interaction with people, which is why the administrator must have a highly developed degree of communication skills, have a strong personal core and a high level of self-control.
  • This person should create a certain atmosphere in the institution and harmony in the team.
  • It is important to say that a lot of work and end result depends on the human factor, which is why the administrator often encounters unexpected situations in which you need to make decisions very quickly and take responsibility.
  • It should be noted the need to maintain calmness and sound thinking in critical situations.
  • An important point is customer service. When interacting with customers, you need to maintain your point of view and at the same time support the desires of the client.
  • It is necessary to competently fulfill their duties and create comfortable conditions for cooperation for each client. It is important to understand the needs of the client and correlate them with the real possibilities of the institution entrusted to you.
  • Wherein, prerequisite is compliance corporate ethics and rules of conduct.
  • Another important function of the administrator is to maintain and maintain databases and information systems. This will require computer skills.

Requirements for the profession of an administrator

The profession of administrator, of course, requires:

  • patience
  • excerpts,
  • confidence in yourself and your actions,
  • decisiveness and, in many situations, flexibility,

but it is this profession that makes it possible to grow and improve, to develop in oneself such qualities as leadership, organization and self-control.

Pros and cons of being an administrator

One beautiful bright and sunny day, one of my interns approached me, his name is Andrey, and asked:

Dim, tell me, what is it like?

What exactly?” I asked with a smile.

Well, you are an experienced administrator, - Andrei answered, - do you like what you do?

This simple question, frankly, puzzled me. Yes I
I love my job, and in my profession, of course, there are more pluses than
cons. My task is to fulfill certain work with
given quality just in time.
And the trick is that the result can be
get only by influencing people. And all my skills as an ordinary performer
are completely irrelevant here. Typically, this position is
award for Good work. And this is the next level.
. Result i
I receive through people and with the help of people. Here is the first plus - the possibility
to see the results of my influence bearing ripe and juicy fruits in
achieving the most ambitious goals.
It looks like work
farmer - first you plant the seeds, take care of them, water them,
protect from the weather, and after some time of maturation,
reap a rich harvest.

The second plus is a great opportunity to constantly
"sharpen the saw" - develop your communication skills.
Most of
working time (not less than 70%) is used, just for
direct interaction with people. And in order to achieve
success in this field, as well as in any other, it is necessary
constantly learn.

And here we come to the third plus - the need to constantly
develop, read, attend trainings, engage in self-education.

Because, as you know, "you can't stand still - you can only either
go forward or roll back. "If you work in a large, but also
better in a large foreign company, then you can consider yourself lucky
- companies of this kind are very interested in developing their
employees and will be taken care of, as one famous
advertising, "about you and your health." If you're not so lucky, then
You will have to study at your own expense. But remember that each
the ruble spent on self-development will pay for itself 2 times. And then three.

I also thought about the cons. I. to be honest, I couldn't find them.
Because when you work, you work enthusiastically and with desire, then
don't think about the cons. Do you think about people, their needs,
preferences. You take care of them. You solve their questions. help them to be
it is better. And the reward .. As the Australian psychologist Andrew says
Matthews - "do more than you should for your salary and one day
one day you will be paid more than you should have for your work."


Relatively recently, a person who, according to his work, is supposed to dispose of and control the actions of a team, was called the head. Today, such specialists are called administrators. This word came to us from in English and literally means "manager, steward".

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession administrator are in high demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Administrators.

All statistics

Description of activity

Administrators are most often required in those establishments social sphere which are visited by a large number of people: catering, sports clubs, theaters, large stores other.

These specialists control the work of the rest of the team, coordinate the actions of visitors to the establishment, and keep order. The administrator must be well acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of his company in order to be able to answer any questions from customers. In addition, in most cases, administrators work with databases (for example, with a client database).


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession administrator can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession administrator despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

How users rated this criterion:
All statistics

What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work in the profession administrator you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work administrator(adjacent or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become administrator.

How users rated this criterion:
All statistics

Job responsibilities

The duties of an administrator depend on the scope of his activity. If a specialist is engaged in maintaining databases in computer systems, then he needs to monitor the safety of information, make changes at the request of users, consult and determine the usefulness of databases. Such, for example, are duties.

Well, if a specialist is engaged in administrative and managerial activities, then his duties include solving administrative issues, filling out official documentation and providing the necessary information to visitors and employees.

As a rule, the administrator is the first person met by visitors to the establishment. Therefore, he must answer all their questions regarding the work of the company, current promotions and other features. The administrator also gives the clients the necessary things: keys, towels, etc.

Type of labor

Mostly mental work

Profession administrator- this is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work administrator the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

How users rated this criterion:
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Features of career growth

The profession of administrator refers to leadership positions. Therefore, it is unlikely that this specialist will be able to advance on career ladder in your company, especially if it is small. This specialist can, how to work in one position with the prospect of increasing wages, and one day take a leadership position or open your own business.

Career Opportunities

Opportunities Enough

The vast majority of the profession administrator believe that they have enough opportunities to move up the career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite realistic for him to take a leadership position in this area.

How users rated this criterion:

The administrator must fully comply with his own, since the success and prosperity of the company depends on this.

First, you must remember that an administrator must be able to manage people, which is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To organize the process, you must set goals and formulate the tasks that accompany it. In addition, it is the administrator who develops special mechanisms, in other ways, that will help to achieve the previously set goal as quickly as possible. The goal should be clear, achievable, realistic, specific, and also imply the achievement of a certain result. Tasks should be some steps that help to achieve the final result.

Secondly, you need to follow the principles of management that will help you carry out your activities most effectively. Japan is famous for its ancient and rich history, as well as the wisdom of local thinkers. One of the principles of management, which were developed in ancient times, is the so-called “principle of non-action”. What is its essence? Surely many bosses will like it, because it says that a leader should never work on his own. It is paradoxical, but true, indeed, the correct organization of the work of subordinates provides the administrator with the opportunity to engage in more responsible and important things, for example, draw up an action plan, take time to plan and develop a strategy. If the administrator cannot properly organize the staff, then he will have to do some of the work on his own, and planning and goal setting will be deprived of attention, which may affect the final result.

Thirdly, do not forget that you need to constantly improve your professional level, since it depends not only on the degree of effectiveness of the fulfillment of powers as a manager, but also on the possibility of promotion up the career ladder.

Following these rules will help you become an administrator and perform your duties successfully and efficiently.

Finding a good administrator is a challenge for many store owners. Hiring from another enterprise is a good option, but it is better not to do this. Experience is always good, but reshaping a person for yourself is not so easy. In this case it is better to resort to independent search.

You will need

  • - recruitment agency;
  • - a computer with internet.


As you know, the store administrator must be aware of everything that happens in the enterprise. He should be characterized by such qualities as versatility and mobility, sociability and excellent communication skills on the phone. In addition, he must maintain documentation, so additional skills in working with information (be able to analyze and compare data) will be required. Responsibilities also include various monetary transactions - making settlements with suppliers, ordering new goods. This will require responsibility. Leadership skills and quickly finding a common language with people (sellers, merchandisers) are also required.

If possible, talk to the former management of the company where the candidate worked. vacant position in your store.

Invite a potential employee to come to you probation. If within two to four weeks everything suits you and nothing causes complaints, feel free to take such an employee.

Go to specialized sites on the Internet. There, too, you can find a good worker with experience, only not through, but directly. Place your ad, specify the working conditions, responsibilities and salary (often, this is the determining indicator for the applicant). Be sure to include an address Email and the nature of the information you would like to know (for example, ask for a resume). Next, proceed with the usual pattern- select candidates, schedule an interview, arrange a meeting.

Advice 3: Social media administrator: duties and features of the profession

Many people think that being an administrator is a great start to a career. In a sense, it is. But what should an administrator do? Keep an eye on everyone like a warden? Look nice?




entry barrier



Functionally, the profession of an administrator appeared a very long time ago. In those days, bars and restaurants were called taverns, taverns, in Ukraine - taverns, roadside hotels - inns and taverns. In such institutions, the duties of the administrator were completely taken over by the owners, occasionally using the help of assistants (the most prosperous could hire clerks, like landowners). The hosts welcomed guests, managed the staff, set the rules and made sure they were followed. Later, the position of people with similar responsibilities was called "manager".

Directly, the word "administrator" first appeared in the Russian Federation in an official document in 1995. It was used in the text of the all-Russian classifier professions".


Administrator trading floor(the same applies to administrators in restaurants) organize the work service personnel: sellers, waiters, bartenders and so on. Administrators of this type supervise the performance of official duties by the staff in accordance with all standards.

There is another branch - administrators - "business executives". Their powers are very broad, but the tasks before them are an order of magnitude more difficult. "Business executives" manage the work of merchandisers, on behalf of the enterprise conclude contracts with various companies for the provision of BTL services (presentations, tastings, promotions, etc.).

Often, administrators also control the delivery and acceptance of goods - this can be written in official duties, but in reality, this work is usually done by storekeepers for them.

What specialty do you need

It can be any specialty related to enterprise management: hotel business, restaurant business management, socio-cultural service, almost any specialty of any management faculty in any university (the higher the level of accreditation, the more reliable). You can get a specialty suitable for holding the position of administrator in hundreds of institutes and dozens of universities throughout the Russian Federation - from MGIMO and Moscow State University to the Russian New University and Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Who suits

It is noticed that women cope with this work much better than men. It would seem that men are stricter and better in the role of managers - who, if not a former military man, will be able to organize truly iron discipline and perfect order at your enterprise (up to picking empty boxes in a warehouse filigree evenly, "by a thread"). An, no. Former officers usually know a lot about inventing useless activities for their subordinates. But administrators have to communicate with people who are not subordinate to them (this is, in fact, the main part of the work): suppliers, the same promotional enterprises and, of course, customers. And here the female charm is an indispensable tool. Women (when they really need it) - perfectly find a common language with anyone. Yes, and men are much more pleasant to communicate with women - young and attractive.


Of course, the size of the administrator's salary depends on how "solid" and large the trading network is, but not only on this. It should be noted that the administrators of enterprises created "for the image" (restaurants, luxury hotels, hotels from 4 stars) receive much more. That is, if we assume that the businessman has large network food super- and mega-markets, which are the main source of its income and at the same time, has several chic restaurants that serve as the "face of the business", then the administrators of its restaurants will earn at least 1.5-2 times more. Therefore, the "expansion" of the approximate average salary of administrators in the Russian Federation is quite wide - 12,000-20,000 rubles. Although, as usual, the farther from the capital, the lower the income. Somewhere in the “deaf province”, the administrator can receive 7,000 rubles.


In 2014, the moeobrazovanie.ru resource conducted an online vote among users. Presumably, this vote affected mainly the segment of the audience, whose representatives have already worked as administrators for some time. The question was posed something like this: “How wide are the career opportunities for administrators?”

  1. Opportunities enough - 55% of respondents.
  2. The minimum of opportunities is 34%.
  3. Good, almost optimal conditions - 11%.

You can not trust the statistics, but here is what Anton Konkov (the administrator of the trading floor in a hypermarket specializing in the sale of household appliances) says:

“Having received a manager’s diploma, I immediately “rushed” to St. Petersburg, at random. It would not be easy to get a job if my classmate's brother was not a director in this store. Of course, who needs a "man from the street" without experience? But I got lucky. Now I have stable at least 19,000, plus, regularly - a bonus. And there are career prospects: when the director is promoted, he promised to put me in my place.

In general, the situation is understandable. Of course, the administrator is a good position. But there is a small problem - in recent years, many people wanted to become leaders. Due to the overabundance of graduates, the demand of employers for such specialties has decreased significantly. However, if you, having a diploma, work for at least a couple of years as a seller in one trading network, your chances of getting a promotion will be very high.