How to organize a business forged products reviews. Cold forging as a business

Welcome to the website of earning Business Ideas. Today we will talk about organizing a small business for the manufacture of forged products, using the cold forging method.

Based on the name cold forging is the processing of metal without raising the temperature. This means that this method does not require expensive and costly forging furnaces, forges, the use of which is necessary for standard metal forging. Well, it’s clear that you don’t need to spend money on a pneumatic hammer or spend physical strength wielding a blacksmith’s hammer. Products made using cold forging are durable, which allows them to overtake stamping and casting.

Mostly units and machines for cold forging act on the material by mechanical force, bending the original material (rods, sheets, pipes, strips, fittings) and giving it the shape conceived by the manufacturer. The impact on the metal is carried out by manual effort using levers and turn signals or by means of a machine tool with an electric motor.

The machines are equipped with various equipment, which allows you to produce a large number of identical parts. From which one or another object will be assembled later. The range of possible products is directly related to the number of operations that the tooling is capable of. You can take this fact as negative, although with only imagination and this number of operations, it is enough to create a huge number of metal processing options.

An approximate list of areas where the use of cold forging and further implementation is possible:

  • Various fences, gates.
  • Decorations of residential buildings, namely lamp holders, railings for balconies, verandas, stairs.
  • Arbor decorations, garden furniture.
  • All kinds of grids.

When organizing your own business based on cold-rolled metal by hand, you should pay attention to some of the nuances that make cold forging a great start for an entrepreneur almost from scratch. To get up to speed on the above mentioned nuances, you need to have a specific idea of ​​what stages the production consists of and, of course, the required forging equipment.

do-it-yourself equipment for cold forging metal

Naturally, it is necessary to start from the imagination. In other words, you need to clearly present the finished product.

Building a sketch. If you have enough artistic skills, you can create a sketch yourself or ask an artist for help. Well, of course the Internet, at the moment you can find a huge variety of different sketches on the network.

Bringing the sketch to the natural dimensions of the product. This is done in order to calculate the number of required elements that will be used in further assembly.

Calculation of the spent material. Base material preparation, cutting and layout.

Before any manipulation, the metal must be cleaned of rust, if any.

Direct cutting and cutting of starting material.

The intended elements of the future product are produced by means of a cold forging machine.

Product assembly. This process can be carried out in stages or in one go. It depends on the previous sketch work.

At the end of the assembly, the welding spots are cleaned, and the assembled product is primed and painted.

At the end of the manipulations done, you simply need to install the product in its intended place.

To produce things through cold forging, you need to stock up on the necessary equipment, such as:

  • Gnutik. It is used in the case of bending a square, a circle, or turning a bar at an angle.
  • Wave rig. Based on the name, the material processed in this way takes the form of a wave.
  • The snail allows you to roll the rod into a spiral.
  • The twister turns the rod along the longitudinal axis, the distance for this can be adjusted.
  • A flashlight is essentially the same twister, only you can additionally twist several elements of the starting material at once.

Cold forging machines

Please note that the devices suggested above require physical effort. In this regard, the use of a square or pipe with a bark diameter exceeding 1.4 cm is a rather difficult process in terms of human physical strength.

The machines are not the only ones in the required equipment, you should definitely purchase add-ons:

  • Circular saw or grinder with a cutter. These tools are required when cutting pipes, rods, etc.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Tools for cleaning metal from rust and grinding welded seams.

Required financial injections

Six machines in the case of metal rolling by cold welding can be bought for approximately 100 thousand rubles. Additional tools have a cost of 50 thousand rubles. You can often find advice that to save money, you should place the production in your own garage. But this idea is not entirely successful. You just need to put yourself in the place of your neighbor, who constantly hears the sounds of working tools. In this case, conflicts cannot be avoided. A good option would be to place production in a rented warehouse somewhere in the industrial zone.

The size of the room must be at least 60 square meters. It is desirable to have a covered ramp, which will allow you to store stocks of metal, finished products. And it will not complicate the process of loading or unloading the products to be installed.

The workshop must be equipped with workbenches, slipways and work surfaces. The workshop should be well ventilated, that is, a high-quality ventilation system should be installed.

Cooking production premises approximately 60 thousand rubles. The result is 305 thousand rubles.

Expenses in the present

Approximately five people are required for production:

  • Two employees who will be employed in the production of individual components, with a salary of 20 thousand rubles a month each.
  • Welder with a salary of 30 thousand rubles.
  • Two auxiliary workers with a salary of 15 thousand rubles each.

Payment labor activity personnel will amount to 100 thousand rubles. Expenses for the purchase of electrodes, special clothing and payment for electricity spent - 15 thousand rubles.

The average estimate of the cost of the required material is 25 thousand rubles. The approximate weight of one span of the fence 2 by 2 meters is 30 kg. The shop has the capacity to produce 30 spans per day. In one day, 900 kg of material will be spent, and in a month - 27 tons. Based on these calculations, 675 thousand rubles a month will be spent on providing metal.

Profit and payback

The estimated price of a fairly simple span of a forged fence on the market is 8 thousand rubles. The workshop produces 30 flights per shift, that is, the income per day is 240 thousand rubles. As a result, the profit for the month is 720 thousand rubles. Net profit will be equal to 6409500 rubles. The initial investment will pay off in about a week. It may seem that expectations are too high, but the business will be profitable even if only 5 sections are sold per day. Naturally, payback periods increase.

The peculiarity of this type of entrepreneurship lies in the fact that if the product is complex, its artistic value increases, increasing the profit from the sale. There is a geometric progression in the growth of complexity and price.

It is easier for an enterprise to start with simple structures, but in the future it is imperative to grow professionally.

The same is true for machine tools. At the start of a business, you can also use homemade equipment. And the state is limited to two employees. It should not be forgotten that cold forging requires large physical costs, and the productivity relative to costs is not great. If production is fully automated, the costs will be 2 million rubles.

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  • Kind of activity: production of forged products
  • Capital investments from 230 320 rub.
  • Average monthly revenue from 429 000 rub. per month.
  • Net profit from 109 800 rub. per month.
  • Payback from 2 months.

Over the past two years, the demand for forged products has grown significantly in Russia. Every month, more than 300,000 people are interested in art forging items on the Internet, and this figure is growing by an average of 7%. The trend is explained by the fact that in the regions there is an active improvement of megacities and the construction of suburban settlements.

As a result, there is a high demand for all types of metal structures: from a small decor for a garden plot to massive fences in a cottage. In the next six months, the dynamics will be even more revealing. A blacksmith workshop, open during the “peak” spring-summer period, is an ideal option for a start and a quick payback.

Who is this business for?

Today, the blacksmith business is available to novice entrepreneurs. It does not require large investments, it is easy to organize and manufacture. The whole process is automated and carried out on modern machines. Producers willingly provide assistance in training and business organization. To purchase equipment that even one person can manage, just over 200 thousand rubles is enough.

At the same time, there is no need to go through licensing or certification, and production can be set up in any technical room, up to the garage. Making forged products is a great opportunity to expand an existing business. In Russia, construction and finishing companies, interior design studios, masters of furnace structures open their own blacksmith workshops.

Market competition

This niche is simply free. Unlike other business models with a low entry threshold, there is little competition here. In cities, the number of blacksmith shops is in the tens, while "popular start-ups" - trade enterprises, car washes, catering, tire fitting, are in the thousands.

Where to look for clients?

The first step in this direction is to create a website. To do this, you can turn to professionals or do the work yourself. Today, there are many free editors that will help you create it without programming knowledge. The site will attract the first customers within a month, and you can increase their flow with the help of contextual advertising. It is easily customizable and will allow you to attract target audience even with the smallest budgets.

The second possibility is cooperation with trade and service companies. Hardware stores, utilities, funeral service agencies, interior design studios - these and other organizations actively use forged products in their work.

Word of mouth is another effective way to attract customers. Finished projects - the best advertisement for the workshop, which means that beautifully executed work will attract new customers.

Additional channels for finding customers can also be the placement of information on sites with ads (Avito, "From hand to hand", etc.), the placement of an open workshop on the passage streets, or the opening own store finished products in shopping malls.

What can a blacksmith shop earn on:

  • fences
  • Gates
  • Chimneys
  • Fences (garden, balcony)
  • Lattices on windows
  • Braziers
  • Interior items, furniture (tables, flower stands, hangers in
    hallway, etc.)
  • Other metal structures
  • Welding

Business plan "ECONOMY"

Suitable for those who wish to open a blacksmith shop with a minimum investment. Having one universal forging machine "AZHUR-1M", you can arrange the production of: window bars, forged fences, gates, gazebos, forged furniture, canopies, stair railings and much more.

Specifications machine "AZHUR-1M".

The cost of the machine is 217,670 rubles. To expand the range of products, we recommend purchasing a set of rollers that allows you to make forged products from a profile pipe for 12,650 rubles. From additional equipment you will need to purchase welding machine and Bulgarian.

Calculation monthly profit blacksmith workshop. ECONOMY option.


Production cost

(per sq. m. rub.)

Market price of products

(per sq. m. rub.)

Sales per month

Profit, rub.

Window bars

Stair railings

In parentheses are the prices of products made of solid rolled metal products.

We subtract the costs of maintaining the workshop from the profit: rent, advertising, electricity, transportation costs, taxes.

Business plan "OPTIMAL"

Suitable for those who wish to organize a large-scale production of forged products. To extract maximum profit production is organized using a complex of machines. Some machines will give the blanks an exquisite expensive look, others will create forged elements from processed blanks. The resulting products will look expensive and sell faster.

Workshop equipment:

  • Machine "Openwork - 1M". Complete set No. 2, worth 307,160 rubles. Additional equipment in the amount of 28810 rubles. In this configuration, the machine allows you to produce the entire range of forged products. For more information, please contact our specialists.
  • Machine "Openwork -2" for 262,400 rubles. Additional equipment in the amount of 51,700 rubles. Covers the needs of the workshop in metal framing.
  • Hydraulic press "Azhur - 3M" for 335,000 rubles. A set of molds for the amount of 29,900 rubles. allows to produce forged products in large quantities.
  • Machine "Azhur-4" for 392,000 rubles. manufactures a decorative twisted pipe.
  • Cutting machine "OS - 7" for 71,000 rubles. designed to prepare blanks for production.

Total: investment in equipment will amount to 1,477,970 rubles.

Calculation of the monthly profit of the blacksmith shop. "Optimal" option.


Production cost

(per sq. m. rub.)

Market price of products

(per sq. m. rub.)

Sales per month

Profit, rub.

Stair railings

Window bars

Benches and swings

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
We are trusted by 700,000 entrepreneurs of the country

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Currently, blacksmithing has been replaced for the most part industrial production forged metal products. However, factories produce similar, non-unique products, and a consumer who wants to get an exclusive forged product often turns to craftsmen who, according to his individual order, produce the necessary products. The profession of a blacksmith today can also become an opportunity to earn money Money, while there are enough prospects in such an undertaking.

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The blacksmith no longer wields an anvil and a hammer, they have been replaced by modern equipment, which greatly simplifies the process of forging metal. However, the person who manufactures such products must have artistic taste and the ability to create really high-quality things, and it is especially important that the resulting product can serve for a long time and at the same time look aesthetically attractive. For some, the hobby of metal forging gradually becomes a business, while others immediately begin to master the profession of a blacksmith for the sake of earning money, but there are also entrepreneurs who do not get up at the machine themselves, but hire people and open an enterprise for the manufacture of forged products to order.

Artistic forging stands out in separate business, because it is in some way opposed to factory production, these are often more expensive products, but made by hand, which adds to their value. The art forging business can be attributed to small types of entrepreneurship, because the volumes will be small, and relatively little money is needed to start. At the same time, the level of competition in most cases is quite low, factories for the production of forged products are not direct competitors, although when entering the market their offers and positions also need to be studied and guided in their work by the fact that a certain percentage of consumers will choose between a factory product and handcrafted.

As for direct competitors, it can be said that not all cities have artisans' offers, and even in large settlements, more than 10 blacksmiths rarely work. In this regard, entering the market can be called quite simple, but it should be noted that at first you will have to work more on your reputation and attract new customers, forming your permanent customer base. Moreover, in many cases, the master receives a sufficient number of orders if he has his own style and an unusual artistic approach to the manufacture of forged products. In this case, customers will come to the blacksmith only because he makes certain and unique things.

To start your work, you need to register as a business entity. If an entrepreneur is a blacksmith himself, then it is easier for him to register as an individual entrepreneur, because this will not require him to big investments funds, the whole procedure will take a little time and take a little effort. In further work, if you register yourself as individual entrepreneur, you do not have to keep complex reporting, and taxes can be paid according to a simplified taxation system. This involves the transfer to the state of no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating activities. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a company with limited liability, because in this case you will not have to be liable with your own property for the debts of the enterprise, and a simplified taxation system will also be available. It makes sense to register a legal entity if the enterprise opens several people or a fairly large-scale expansion of activities is planned. The activity itself falls within the definitions (OKPD 2) 25.12 Doors and windows of metal, (OKPD 2) 25.62 Services for the processing of metal products using basic technological processes mechanical engineering, (OKPD 2) 25.99 Other finished metal products, not included in other groups. Any special permits for their activities will not be required, and given that the products will be manufactured according to individual orders of consumers, there is no need to comply with state standards.

For their work, they will need a room, while many blacksmiths work literally at home, because at the moment there is equipment that is not large in size, but allows you to produce a large number of forged products. However, everything also depends on the volume of production, so if there are a lot of orders, then you need to run several lines at once, behind which several people will work, and in this case the size of the room will increase significantly. However, this is more like organizing a full-fledged factory; 50-70 square meters of production space is enough for artistic forging.

However, in addition to this, you need to take care of organizing your warehouse for finished products, while artistic forging involves the manufacture of not only small products, but also sufficiently dimensional metal structures such as gates or fencing sections. If you don’t have to work with such products, then you can completely limit yourself to a small workshop, which can be located in a garage or a small room.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If it is not possible to work at home, then it is necessary to rent a room, while it is desirable to be located in the central areas of the city for the convenience of its consumers. The cost of renting a room is highly dependent on the city of work and location in it, as well as on many other factors. For the internal arrangement of the premises, not too much money will be required, because if it is a rented premises, it may just require cosmetic repairs, and in some cases the organization of your own office, but here you only need to buy office furniture and equipment. If the blacksmith works himself, then he usually negotiates with customers on his own, after which he gets to work; with a more complex business organization, negotiations are conducted between the company manager and the consumer himself, perhaps after that the client discusses the details and appearance of the product with the designer, and only after that the order is transferred to the masters. If a more complex scheme of work is organized, then it is necessary to allocate places of work for all employees.

Purchasing follows. necessary equipment for the production of artistic forged products. Currently, the most common methods of cold and hot processing of metal blanks, however, for full-fledged work, you will need to buy equipment for one, and for another processing method. It is in this case that it will be possible to offer its consumers a wide range of possible products and quality products that compare favorably with competitors' offerings. The cost of equipment can vary greatly depending on how technological and modern machines are purchased, from their performance, from the manufacturer's brand (Chinese ones are much cheaper than European ones), as well as from the characteristics in general and the available operations. For work, you will need a special forging machine for art forging, a hydraulic press, a rolling-forming machine, a bending-texturing machine, bending machines, rollers, cutting machines and sheet benders and profile benders. However, the exact list of equipment is selected depending on the chosen format of work and the catalog of products offered, in some cases you can get by with one or two machines for your work.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Some equipment suppliers offer already fully equipped workplace a blacksmith for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles, however, for such money you can get units only if artistic forging is a hobby, and the master is just starting to do it and does not plan to use it as an idea for a business. professional equipment it costs an order of magnitude more expensive, so you need to rely on the fact that a fully finished workplace will cost more than 500 thousand rubles, in some cases high-quality machines cost at least three hundred thousand rubles, while in addition to them you need to buy the rest of the equipment. In general, the amount of starting investment for a business based on artistic forging is usually at least one million rubles.

As already noted, similar business can be carried out alone if the entrepreneur himself is a blacksmith and manufactures products for individual orders. Many blacksmiths do this for a living, but in their work they focus on the production of unique products with excellent appearance. However, this idea can be developed, but in this case, additional specialists will be required to ensure the operation of the company.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the people in administrative and organizational positions, they will deal with simple questions and contact with clients, receive them in the office and answer their questions by phone. It is very important that the company offers its client design services, that is, the opportunity not only to manufacture a product according to a finished sketch, but also to develop this sketch on its own, based on the stated requirements of the customer. In this case, not every metal craftsman can be a good designer at the same time, everyone has to do their own thing, and usually a blacksmith simply fulfills an order according to the drawings, but a completely different person must create this drawing. That is why you need to think about attracting designers to your company who will act as a link between the consumer and the blacksmith.

If the production involves the manufacture of sufficiently large and dimensional metal structures, then you need to think about attracting people to perform simple work, which includes loading, unloading and transportation. If a large warehouse of finished products and raw materials is organized, it is also necessary to hire people for warehouse operations and maintenance of storage facilities. For work, blacksmiths need assistants who can perform simpler tasks, such as painting and priming.

Ready-made ideas for your business

All business processes that are not related to the organization's profit should be outsourced; this primarily includes bookkeeping, as well as advice on tax and legal issues, because in this type of business it is not so often necessary to turn to competent lawyers and tax consultants for help. Ensuring the safety and security of your enterprise, if really necessary, is best transferred to a private security organization.

Also, in their work, the organization of logistics and marketing departments may be required. The first is necessary only if there are a large number of orders, including from other cities, if you have to cooperate with large quantity customers and deliver products to them if the production process is sufficient complex system with several production lines if you have to work with many suppliers and partners. As for suppliers, here you can find a company that can wholesale rolled metal products. In the case of home or small production, you will have to cooperate with companies that supply metal products in small wholesale.

The cost of 1 ton is on average about thirty thousand rubles, but it must be borne in mind that in the process of its production it is necessary to use a variety of materials; the simplest example can be in steel, because if the products are planned to be used indoors, then you can limit yourself to cheap steel markings, because the structure will not be exposed to aggressive environments. If we are talking specifically about fences and gates or other structures that are located in the open air, it is advisable for anyone to use stainless steel or galvanized blanks of other metals to prevent corrosion. In addition to the metal itself, you will also have to purchase the amount of consumables, which include paint and primer, other types of materials for decoration, such as wood or even marble or granite.

A marketing department may be required when an enterprise wants to expand its field of activity and attract new customers for itself. Otherwise, you can get by with organizing a simple advertising campaign by giving information about yourself in local media mass media, as well as on thematic portals on the Internet. If possible, it is highly desirable to create your own website with information about yourself and the proposed product catalog. At the same time, previously completed orders are usually indicated in the catalog so that the client has the opportunity to evaluate the work of the company and, possibly, opt for a product from the catalog, which greatly simplifies the processing time of his application. However, creating a website may not be enough, and it will need to be optimized so that it appears first in the list of search queries. If there is no experience and knowledge in this area, then you can contact a company that creates and promotes websites.

Artistic forging involves the creation of a unique, and therefore more expensive product. In this regard, its customers are usually wealthy people who want to get a really high-quality product with an aesthetically attractive appearance. Some companies cater to more common people, so they offer slightly cheaper designs, but only according to standard drawings, perhaps with a little bit of their own modifications. In any case, there is a consumer in both areas; some entrepreneurs try to cover as much as possible potential consumers, therefore offer a large number of services a wide range of prices for their products.

In addition to the production of metal structures, the company can offer services for its delivery, repair and installation, in many cases the consumer also has the opportunity to order the installation of automation for their garage doors or gates. But if a company wants to offer such a service, then it needs to find an electronic automatic systems, as well as hiring specialists to install these systems, which in some cases may not be appropriate, for example, when the manufacture of fences and gates is not the main activity of the company. The company usually makes a discount when ordering a large number of metal structures, the customer will really appreciate the opportunity to save money on a large order.

The simplest designs cost about two thousand rubles per 1 square meter for the consumer, however, the cost of artistic forging and exclusive works, as well as replicas, sometimes exceeds 20 thousand rubles per 1 square meter. At the same time, the cost of production in the case of artistic forging is an order of magnitude less than the final cost of the products, because the reward for the skill of the blacksmith is invested in the final price. However, even here it can be noted that in some cases it is necessary to spend a sufficiently large amount of material to obtain a relatively small product.

  • What orders are most often made
  • Recruitment
  • financial calculation
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for registering a business on forging
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Art forging business has become quite widespread in our country, primarily due to the “cheap” start. You can open your own mini-enterprise with an amount of 1.0-1.5 million rubles. The main investment at the first stage is the purchase of equipment and materials for forging. After that, it remains only to find a "handy" blacksmith and you can start forging money ...

Due to the low entrance ticket, a large number of small firms and "handicraft industries" have divorced in the artistic forging market. Garage production does not greatly interfere with large manufacturers and the main activity is shown only during the construction season. The products of these manufacturers do not differ high quality Therefore, the demand for their products is supported only by low prices. Most of the products here are made by hand, so the result largely depends on the physical strength of the master and his skill. Meanwhile, about 60% of all orders are carried out by large firms, most often equipped with high-performance equipment. Their main client is rich, solvent people.

What orders are most often made

Orders are very different. The trend of the last few seasons is fireplace sets: poker, scoop, tongs. The classic products that are ordered traditionally are fences, awnings, visors, window bars, gates, monuments, gazebos, railings, benches and flower beds.

What it takes to run a successful business

According to experts, to open successful business it is necessary to have either rich experience or relevant education in the field of blacksmithing. Or better yet, both. Before starting a business, it’s a good idea to study the relevant literature, for example, Fedotov’s book “Metal”. Study drawings, diagrams, drawings, metal processing techniques. Then, if finances and time allow, special education should be obtained. The best of the best, real blacksmithing professionals are trained at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry. Baron A. L. Stieglitz.

You don't have to start with big investments. Blacksmithing is mostly based on the enthusiasm and efforts of the organizer. An example of this is Sergey Shevchenko, an aspiring businessman from the city of Omsk. It took the entrepreneur a little more than 300 thousand rubles to start fulfilling orders. “Having received a grant from the district administration in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, I bought gas and electric welding, a special table for work, and for the remaining amount I bought a tool for bending metal,” says the blacksmith. Such a set of equipment fits freely in "garage" conditions, on an area of ​​​​15-20m2.

How much money do you need to open a business, like art forging

Of course, if we talk about a serious matter, completely different investments will be required. At least 300 thousand rubles will be spent only on training production area. For the production of 200 sq. m. of finished forged products per month, you will need to rent a room of 60 - 80 square meters. m. Plus, some area (15-25 sq.m.) is allocated for warehouse space where finished products and raw materials for production are stored. It is desirable that the room has high electrical power (equipment consumes up to 7 kW), is connected to the water supply and has good supply and exhaust ventilation. The rent of such an area, depending on the region, will be from 70 thousand rubles per month.

What equipment is better to choose for the production of artistic forging

The next investment is the purchase of equipment. Experts advise to purchase only professional blacksmith equipment. Machines will be required: for bending, twisting, invoicing, punching, forming and straightening rolled metal. In addition, you need a welding machine, a straightener, an anvil, one or two welding posts for assembling products, a cutting machine, an angle grinder for cleaning welds, a compressor with a spray gun for painting finished forged products, and a workbench with a vise. total amount investments in such a set of equipment will be at least 1.5 million rubles.

In order not to be wasted on the delivery of raw materials and materials, it is advisable to acquire a personal truck. Boo. a van of the Gazelle type will cost 150 - 250 thousand rubles. On it, if necessary, it is possible to carry out the delivery of finished products to the customer.

The total investment in the business will ultimately amount to at least 2 million rubles. No one can say the exact payback period for such investments - everything is very individual and largely depends on the organization of the business. You can make a profit after six months of work. The average return on investment in blacksmithing is two to three years.


Now about the workers. You will need to employ at least three workers: a welder and a couple of locksmiths. Physically, one cannot master the whole manufacturing process, and you also need to take orders, pay off suppliers, ship products, keep accounts, etc. It is not easy to select qualified personnel, and most likely a person will have to complete their education on their own or be sent to appropriate courses. Wages are set as salary plus a percentage of the volume of manufactured products.

financial calculation

The main materials in artistic forging are rolled metal (square or circle 14x14) and paint (such as Akrem-metal). The price of rolled metal products averages 24 rubles/kg. The cost of the paint is approximately 60 rubles/kg. For 1 square m2, 18 kg of rolled metal (415 rubles) and 0.15 kg of paint (9 rubles) are required.

In addition, when calculating the cost of goods, material costs per 1 m2 should be taken into account: electrodes - 10 rubles. (or argon + additive), abrasive wheels - 8 rubles. and propane gas - about 5 rubles. The cost of electricity per shift is about 35 rubles. The salary of three masters is 200 rubles - based on 1 m2 of finished products. About 20% or 100 rubles - overhead.

The total cost of producing one square meter is about 800 rubles. The average selling price of forged products such as "goose foot" or faceted peak is 3000 rubles per 1 sq. km. m. Thus, the profit from one square. m. is equal to: 3000 (sales price) - 800 (cost) = 2200 rubles. By producing at least 100 m2 of forged gratings per month, you can make a profit of 220,000 rubles.

This calculation shows that one machine costing 350,000 rubles pays off when selling 170 square meters. m. forged products. If you produce at least 50 sq. m., then the machine will pay off in 3.5 months.

Video about artistic forging:

Step-by-step plan for starting a business: where to start

  1. Choose a room (rent a garage or hangar), consider heating in the winter.
  2. Calculate the initial investment.
  3. Find experienced blacksmiths (1-2 people).
  4. Register as a business entity.
  5. Purchase expensive equipment (rent).
  6. To advertise about yourself and produce the first samples of products.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

This type of activity belongs to section C "Manufacturing". In the application, we indicate 25.62 (mechanical processing of metal products).