Gazprom regional sales Alexander Lvovich. Gazpromneft-regional sales

Forecasts of experts about the wide demand for a comprehensive service for wholesale supply oil products were confirmed. Gazpromneft-Regional Sales entered the market with a new offer for customers in August last year. Already today we can talk about the first results of this project: in 2014, the central branch of the enterprise sold 28.5 thousand tons of oil products, and the benefits systems approach appreciated by numerous partners.

"In the fuel market, a comprehensive service has proven itself to be a cost-effective tool. Our company takes on all the functions of providing customers with petroleum products. wholesale consumers, in turn, significantly reduce operating costs and are uninterruptedly supplied with high-quality fuel,” commented Valery Ledovskikh, Director of the Central Branch of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales.

Complex service - "know-how" for the Russian fuel market. The company performs a full chain of work on the delivery of fuel to wholesale customers, including the development and optimization of logistics schemes, dispatching, transportation, organization of technological flights.

Partners of the enterprise - owners of networks of filling stations, industrial, road, construction organizations– get the opportunity to completely abandon the maintenance of their own fleet of fuel trucks, payment for the services of third-party oil depots and concentrate all processes in the hands of one supplier. From the moment the contract is concluded, the concept of "downtime in work" ceases to exist for consumers of the service - the delivery of petroleum products that have been tested in an accredited laboratory is carried out around the clock.

"Comparing the costs incurred by our company for the outsourcing of fuel supply with the tariffs of a complex service, the advantages of the new offer became clear to us. With the transition to new scheme procurement, we have optimized many business processes, including inventory control and documentation support, - said Alexander Solovyov, CEO"Petroplast" is a company operating in the capital's public services market.

The high loyalty of users of the new offer is due not only to business calculations, but also to great confidence in the company. Partners are confident in invariably high quality supplied fuel that fully complies with the requirements of the Technical Regulations. A strict quality control system is in place at all stages of receiving, storing and dispensing petroleum products.

"Gazpromneft-Regional sales" - subsidiary, which is part of the structure of Gazprom Neft, is engaged in the wholesale of petroleum products. The wide geography of activity allows us to promptly supply fuel and lubricants to consumers throughout Russia. Branches of "Gazpromneft-Regional sales" are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk.

Oil”, created in 2013 as a result of the reorganization of the wholesale and retail sales companies.

Gazpromneft-Regional Sales sells small wholesale oil products produced by Gazprom Neft refineries - Moscow, Yaroslavl and Omsk. The enterprise supplies fuel to 35 regions of Russia, including hard-to-reach territories of the Far North. Consumers of oil products are construction, industrial, transport, agricultural, metallurgical, oil and gas companies, as well as networks of gas stations.

The network of gas stations "Gazpromneft" has about 1300 stations in Russia and the CIS countries. The wide geography of the Gazprom Neft filling station network and the favorable location of the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl oil refineries ensure Gazprom Neft's leading positions in the wholesale and retail markets of Western Siberia and central Russia.

History and Performance


Obtaining a HACCP certificate

Continuation of the program of renovation of the sales areas of gas stations

Renovation program trading floors Gas stations of the Gazprom Neft network continue. In 2019, it includes stations in the Central, Urals and Siberian Federal Districts.


Revenue from the sale of related products and services of the filling station network

According to the results of 2018, Gazprom Neft grew by 9.8% and amounted to more than 17 billion rubles. The most demanded product among customers is still coffee. Revenue from the sale of hot drinks in 2018 increased by 9% and amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. More than 29 million cups of coffee were sold at our own filling stations and partner network, which is 5% more than in 2017. On average, gas stations sold 75 cups of G-Drive branded hot drinks daily. A record for sales of hot drinks at one gas station per day was recorded - 1026 cups.

Renovation of trading floors of 97 gas stations was carried out

In 2018, the trading floors of almost a hundred gas stations of Gazprom Neft received an updated design. Their interior has been completely updated in accordance with the current corporate identity of the chain. At the same time, the stations were modernized commercial equipment, ventilation, air conditioning and power supply systems, sanitary zones.

Polls showed that motorists positively assess the updated appearance trading floors of stations. average rating changes was 4.7 points out of 5.0 possible, while 77% of respondents rate the past changes at 5 points. 78-81% of respondents agreed that such characteristics as “modern”, “comfortable”, “stylish”, “convenient” are fully suitable for filling stations after renovation. The share of customers giving the highest rating to petrol stations increased from 40% to 81%. 5% of respondents said that they would stop by to refuel at the renovated station more often than before.


According to the results of 2015, Gazpromneft-Regional Sales sold 14.3 million tons of oil products in small wholesale, which is 3% higher than in 2014.


In 2013, the Gazprom Neft filling station network sold 8.4 million tons of oil products in Russia and the CIS countries, which is 13% more than in 2012.

In Russia, average daily sales at filling stations increased by 8%, reaching a record figure for the domestic oil industry of 19 tons. Growth is due to the reconstruction and rebranding of the network, successful advertising campaign and development of the loyalty program. Number of participants bonus program"On Our Way" was 4.3 million motorists, up 34% from the end of 2012. Sales at filling stations to corporative clients fuel cards in Russia increased by 10%.

At the beginning of 2014, there were 1,339 stations in the Gazprom Neft gas station network in Russia and the CIS countries, including 1,111 in Russia and 228 in the CIS countries. In 2013, 50 stations were built and purchased, 110 stations were completely reconstructed, and 6 filling stations were rebranded. The total number of filling stations in operation increased by 6% year-on-year.

The implementation of projects for the sale of premium branded fuel at its own filling stations continued. In 2013, the Company began selling G-Drive 95 motor fuel in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Belarus. In February 2013, the Company's filling stations began selling G-Drive 98 premium motor fuel.

Related business demonstrated high results. Revenue from the sale of related goods and services at filling stations increased by 44%, and the number of filling stations with shops increased by 21% - from 758 to 914.

Much attention was paid to the development of the direction of gas motor fuel. CNG sold in 2013 is 10.7% more than in 2012.

Oil”, created in 2013 as a result of the reorganization of the company's wholesale and retail sales model.

Gazpromneft-Regional Sales sells small wholesale oil products produced by Gazprom Neft refineries - Moscow, Yaroslavl and Omsk. The enterprise supplies fuel to 35 regions of Russia, including hard-to-reach territories of the Far North. Consumers of oil products are construction, industrial, transport, agricultural, metallurgical, oil and gas companies, as well as networks of gas stations.

The network of gas stations "Gazpromneft" has about 1300 stations in Russia and the CIS countries. The wide geography of the Gazprom Neft filling station network and the favorable location of the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl oil refineries ensure Gazprom Neft's leading positions in the wholesale and retail markets of Western Siberia and central Russia.

History and Performance


Obtaining a HACCP certificate

Continuation of the program of renovation of the sales areas of gas stations

The program for the renovation of the sales areas of the filling stations of the Gazprom Neft network continues. In 2019, it includes stations in the Central, Urals and Siberian Federal Districts.


Revenue from the sale of related products and services of the filling station network

According to the results of 2018, Gazprom Neft grew by 9.8% and amounted to more than 17 billion rubles. The most demanded product among customers is still coffee. Revenue from the sale of hot drinks in 2018 increased by 9% and amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. More than 29 million cups of coffee were sold at our own filling stations and partner network, which is 5% more than in 2017. On average, gas stations sold 75 cups of G-Drive branded hot drinks daily. A record for sales of hot drinks at one gas station per day was recorded - 1026 cups.

Renovation of trading floors of 97 gas stations was carried out

In 2018, the trading floors of almost a hundred gas stations of Gazprom Neft received an updated design. Their interior has been completely updated in accordance with the current corporate identity of the chain. Simultaneously, the stations were upgraded commercial equipment, ventilation, air conditioning and power supply systems, sanitary areas.

Polls showed that motorists positively assess the updated appearance of the station trading floors. The average assessment of the changes was 4.7 points out of 5.0 possible, while 77% of respondents rate the past changes at 5 points. 78-81% of respondents agreed that such characteristics as “modern”, “comfortable”, “stylish”, “convenient” are fully suitable for filling stations after renovation. The share of customers giving the highest rating to petrol stations increased from 40% to 81%. 5% of respondents said that they would stop by to refuel at the renovated station more often than before.


According to the results of 2015, Gazpromneft-Regional Sales sold 14.3 million tons of oil products in small wholesale, which is 3% higher than in 2014.


In 2013, the Gazprom Neft filling station network sold 8.4 million tons of oil products in Russia and the CIS countries, which is 13% more than in 2012.

In Russia, average daily sales at filling stations increased by 8%, reaching a record figure for the domestic oil industry of 19 tons. The growth is due to the reconstruction and rebranding of the network, a successful advertising campaign and the development of a loyalty program. The number of participants in the On Our Way bonus program amounted to 4.3 million motorists, which is 34% more than at the end of 2012. Sales at gas stations to corporate customers using fuel cards in Russia increased by 10%.

At the beginning of 2014, there were 1,339 stations in the Gazprom Neft gas station network in Russia and the CIS countries, including 1,111 in Russia and 228 in the CIS countries. In 2013, 50 stations were built and purchased, 110 stations were completely reconstructed, and 6 filling stations were rebranded. The total number of filling stations in operation increased by 6% year-on-year.

The implementation of projects for the sale of premium branded fuel at its own filling stations continued. In 2013, the Company began selling G-Drive 95 motor fuel in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Belarus. In February 2013, the Company's filling stations began selling G-Drive 98 premium motor fuel.

Related business demonstrated high results. Revenue from the sale of related goods and services at filling stations increased by 44%, and the number of filling stations with shops increased by 21% - from 758 to 914.

Much attention was paid to the development of the direction of gas motor fuel. CNG sold in 2013 is 10.7% more than in 2012.

FAS has recently prepared new version bill "On the turnover of oil and petroleum products in the Russian Federation". The proposals provide for a ban on the combination of wholesale and retail business for oil companies within one legal entity, as well as on the purchase and construction of new filling stations for companies occupying a quarter or more regional market fuel. While the project is under consideration by the federal government, Gazprom Neft has already begun restructuring its own sales divisions and plans to complete the separation of the wholesale and retail segments by the end of the year. The reorganization of retail sales began with the consolidation of sales departments into clusters. The network of Gazpromneft gas stations in the central cluster will now be managed from St. Petersburg, in the Urals - from Yekaterinburg, and in Siberia - from Novosibirsk. Sales to small-scale wholesale customers of the West Siberian cluster are already being carried out by Gazpromneft-Regional Sales through a branch in Omsk.

Fuel quality control, oil depots, sales to corporate clients and logistics will be managed by separate subsidiaries of the oil company. The delivery of petroleum products to retail outlets will be handled by a new company, Gazpromneft-Transport, registered in Omsk. The head of the West-Siberian branch of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales told us about the details of the restructuring process Vladimir Mill.

- Vladimir Viktorovich, please tell us about the structure of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales.

For wholesales, a new entity- Gazpromneft-Regional Sales, which is solely responsible for small wholesale sales and regional logistics. It has four branches in its structure. The central one is the Moscow, Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg branches. Ural branch - Tyumen, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg branches. East Siberian - Kemerovo, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk. The West-Siberian branch, which included Omsk, Novosibirsk and Altai, began its operations on June 1.

- How will the new business system differ from the previously existing one at oil product supply enterprises (PNPO)?

After the division of the business, wholesale assumed full responsibility for the provision of fuel own network gas station. Now our retail is becoming the same client for Gazpromneft-Regional Sales, like other retail chains on the market. I emphasize, the largest client. Within the framework of interaction, relations will have a market character.

The newly created company Gazpromneft-Transport will be responsible for the delivery of petroleum products to the filling stations of the Gazprom Neft network. Now the chain of pricing for petroleum products will be more transparent.

- How will the functions of the branch operating throughout the territorial cluster and branches in each city be differentiated?

The main operational activity is carried out in the branches: they trade, carry, deliver, provide. The branch is responsible for finance, pricing, purchasing, and branch management.

The location of the branches was determined by the size and importance of the fuel wholesale markets. For example, our central enterprises located in the extremely important Moscow and St. Petersburg markets, form the largest central branch in terms of volume. Here, the enterprises are logistically tied to two of the company's plants - Moscow and Yaroslavl. Oil products are supplied to other regions by the Omsk Oil Refinery. The leading, guiding and controlling functions in the new wholesale sales structure are performed by the Gazprom Neft corporate center. It is he who implements the general methodology of the entire process, sets goals and controls their implementation.

- Why did Gazprom Neft decide to initiate the reorganization process even before the adoption of the law on the separation of wholesale and retail businesses, initiated by the Federal Antimonopoly Service?

There are two preconditions. The first is political. It is connected with the fact that there was a wave of FAS claims against oil companies for their incorrect behavior on the market. Gazprom Neft began to look for a constructive way out of the current situation. There was an idea to formulate the rules of the game that would regulate our behavior in the market. The company defined these rules in the form trade policy and agreed with the FAS. Thus, the first goal of the project was achieved - the introduction of more understandable rules of the game in the market and the formation of transparency in pricing. The separation helps show the market how the company makes money.

The second prerequisite is managerial, it is connected with the fact that each type of business should concentrate only on its type of activity: retail - on retail business, trading - on the trading business.

- How will the operation be carried out wholesale business after the reorganization?

The first step in the implementation of the business separation project was the spin-off of the Gazpromneft-Terminal company with the function of receiving, storing and transshipping petroleum products. The company is based in Novosibirsk, it started working last year. Now there is a division of retail and small wholesale. At the same time, the function of managing the fuel fleet is being allocated: a separate motor transport organization, Gazpromneft-Transport, is being created in Omsk.

In general, the process of providing oil products from the refinery to the gas station or to the small wholesale customer has not changed. The company has changed the very structure of managing this process. Fuel storage will be handled by Gazpromneft-Terminal, small wholesale and logistics management will become the area of ​​activity of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales, retail branches in clusters will be responsible for the filling station network. Gazpromneft-Transport will provide services for the transportation of petroleum products. All together, this will give transparency to each of the businesses and an understanding of how much money each of the distribution channels earns in this process. In addition, a very important function for quality control of petroleum products throughout the entire commodity chain will be allocated to a separate company, which will be called Gazpromneft-Laboratory, which will be located in Yekaterinburg.

Will your customers feel the change? Will wholesale buyers need to renegotiate contracts concluded earlier?

We will try to ensure that our customers do not feel any major changes. It will be necessary to renegotiate contracts due to the fact that the legal entity is changing. If earlier, for example, our partner worked with Gazprom Neft-Omsk or Gazprom Neft-Novosibirsk, now with the Gazprom Neft-Regional Sales branch.

Accompaniment of buyers is carried out by a whole group of specialized specialists: the department of wholesale sales, commercial accounting, departments of purchases, market analysis and pricing. In the sales department, a single operational center for customer service has been organized. The principle of "one window", observed in working with clients, makes it possible to obtain comprehensive information on all issues of wholesale sales. The common corporate center serves more than five thousand clients, for whom a special system of discounts and deferred payment has been developed. The system operates depending on the volume of purchases and the duration of partnerships.

- Will retail and wholesale prices for petroleum products change?

The project will not affect prices. The price, as before, will depend on market factors and the cost of transporting fuel to the region.

- When is the reorganization planned?

Gazpromneft-Regional Sales faces the task of organizing the work of all branches by the end of the year. launch operating activities- the first step, then we have to structure the business.

- Will the division of business affect the logistics of fuel supplies? Will the delivery of fuel to the regions, where only branches remain, be carried out according to the residual principle, which will create a shortage in the market?

The process of providing oil products from the refinery to the gas station or to the small wholesale customer will not change. We will only change the management structure of this process. This will not affect the quality and delivery time.