What are the weaknesses in a resume? What shortcomings can be indicated in a resume: recommendations and examples

Are you looking for a job and want to find a great place? Then a well-written resume is indispensable. A smart approach is needed here. From the resume, the employer must find out all the useful information about the candidate, and the applicant is simply obliged to stand out from the general mass of competitors applying for a similar position. The qualities indicated in the resume are one of the steps to success, they play a decisive, one might say, decisive role. If you do not know what qualities to indicate, we will help with this, we will give helpful tips, recommendations.

The article will discuss what qualities to indicate in a resume, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate for a position, what is worth mentioning and what is silent.

So, we read carefully, remember and draw up a unique resume, having studied which, the employer simply will not be able to refuse the candidate and will definitely hire him.

What qualities to indicate in the resume of the applicant

Of course, it is necessary to praise yourself, but it is advisable to write the truth about yourself, otherwise misunderstandings may arise in the process of work, and you will have to blush and make excuses.

So, what the employer may like and what he will first of all pay attention to:

  • Increased sense of responsibility.
  • Discipline.
  • Punctuality.
  • Perseverance.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Sociability.
  • perseverance.
  • performance.

Remember, your task is to reveal as much as possible positive qualities about yourself to help you achieve your goals. If you wish, you can try to somehow tell about yourself in an original way, but you should not go too far (see). Otherwise, the employer may not believe that the specified information about himself is true.

In addition to the above qualities, if necessary, include in the resume a number of non-standard, but attractive character traits.

What kind strengths nature to include in the list of qualities attractive to the employer:

  • Initiative;
  • Creative mindset;
  • Speed, mobility, activity;
  • Increased resistance to stressful situations;
  • Grammatically correct speech;
  • Good diction;
  • Confidence in your strength.

If you have at least a couple of these qualities, be sure to include them in your resume. With such a list, the candidate has a very real chance of getting Good work and draw the attention of management (see). A successful presentation of oneself never hurts, because the competition for prestigious positions is always high.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume so that you are hired

Ideal people do not exist, therefore, in the resume, the applicant for a vacancy must certainly have shortcomings. It is important for management that a person is able to look at himself critically and evaluate himself quite adequately.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for weak qualities that will not be able to spoil the reputation of the candidate.

  1. Reliability.
  2. Inability to sit in one place for a long time.
  3. straightness.
  4. Fear of air travel.
  5. Excessive craving for formalism.
  6. Inability to deceive.
  7. Increased activity.
  8. Distrust.
  9. Unwillingness to compromise on controversial issues.
  10. Principle.
  11. Modesty.
  12. Demanding for oneself and others.

These examples can be taken as a basis, and at the interview, the main thing is to show that you are ready to work and do everything possible for the benefit of the company.

Men and women, what is the difference between their qualities in a resume

As it has already become clear, a resume is in some way a visiting card of a candidate for workplace, so it must be written concisely, to the point, but at the same time capaciously and informatively.

Basically, the resumes of men and women are no different, but still there are nuances. Let's talk about the strengths and some weaknesses of applicants of the opposite sex, which it is desirable to indicate in a resume.

Strong male sides:

  • Activity.
  • Strength of will.
  • Ability to get along with people.
  • Bringing what has been started to its logical end.
  • perseverance.
  • Conscientiousness.
  • Developed intellect.

What kind weak sides indicate in the resume of a strong male applicant:

  • Arrogance.
  • Selfishness.
  • Hotness.
  • Optional.
  • Disorder, carelessness.

Personal strengths of a woman:

  • Patience.
  • Determination.
  • Loyalty.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Willingness to find a compromise.

Weaknesses in a resume for women:

  • Nervousness.
  • Sharpness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Restlessness.
  • Emotionality.

We found out what qualities indicated in the resume will surely attract the attention of the employer. Now let's talk about little tricks, or rather about how and what not to do when compiling a characterization about yourself.

Minor nuances when writing a resume

  1. Information must be clear and not blurry. That is, the applicant talks about everything and nothing. Try to present information concisely. And most importantly, indicate why you should be hired, how you compare favorably with the rest.
  2. Tell the truth. If the lie is revealed immediately, it will deprive the candidate of the opportunity to get a job. If the deception is revealed after the person has been hired, this will be an excellent reason to fire him.
  3. Literacy. If the candidate indicated among his strengths attention to detail and the ability to write without errors, but at the same time make them in the resume, this will definitely cause bewilderment. Mistakes made indicate negligence, as well as inattention and disinterest in the workplace.

Now you know how to write a resume, and what qualities to indicate in it in order to become the first applicant for a tidbit, that is, for an attractive position.

How to compose correct resume to work?

Recently, most employers have begun to require resumes from job applicants. And if earlier this trend was observed only in large companies, now even small firms are asking future employees to present themselves correctly. Almost always, after receiving a resume, they carefully study it, trying to understand in absentia what kind of person wrote it.

That is why the preparation of this presentation document must be approached quite seriously. If you fail to make the right impression with it, then it is likely that you will not be invited to a personal meeting with the employer.

What qualities of an employee does an employer need?

Qualities that any employer will love

Almost all people who write resumes for the first time focus on skills related to the job they want to get. That is why most of all they try to show how competent they are in what they have to do. Of course, you can also indicate such data in your resume, but as practice shows, most employers pay attention to completely different qualities.

They do this because they understand that no matter how well a person learns, without practice his knowledge means nothing. That is why it is easier for them to take a person who takes the initiative and is ready to learn something new, rather than someone who is trying to prove his superiority without confirming it with any actions.

Qualities that any employer will like:

  • Initiative
  • performance
  • Attentiveness
  • Responsibility
  • Accuracy
  • Punctuality
  • Discipline
  • industriousness

Oh, and remember that a resume is first and foremost a good presentation, so if you want to get the right opinion about you, then try not to overpraise yourself. In no case do not allocate half of the resume to your positive qualities. It will be quite enough if you name 5-7 pieces and, of course, do not forget to mention the negative traits of your character. After all, as sad as it is to admit, each person has his own disadvantages. Therefore, if you do not say anything about them, then the employer will think that you are trying to look better than you really are.

Also, do not forget that the resume refers to official documents, so when compiling it, it is undesirable to use slang words and comic phrases. You should talk about yourself rather reservedly, but at the same time show that you are quite sociable and easily make contact. Believe me, if you take into account all these nuances, you can pleasantly surprise the most strict boss with your resume.

Universal personal qualities for a resume - positive and negative for men and women

Universal personal qualities for a resume

If you realize that you do not have some outstanding abilities, you can always list universal qualities in your resume that are suitable for all professions. Such a little trick will help you form the right opinion about yourself, and it is likely that the employer will not begin to focus on some specific professional qualities. And remember that the qualities that are most suitable for the position you want to get should be included in the resume.

After all, if you get a job as a loader, but at the same time indicate that you have good charisma, then this will only make the person who will read it laugh. If you describe yourself in just a few words, it will be quite clear to the employer what they can expect from you. As practice shows, resumes, in which it is written on 2 pages about what a good person is, employers simply refuse to read and immediately delete such individuals from the list of applicants for a place.

Positive qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Learnability (you can indicate that you are ready to attend additional courses and trainings)
  • Ability to work overtime (including weekends)
  • Complete absence bad habits(assuming you don't smoke or drink alcohol at all)
  • Stress resistance (you are not afraid of any difficulties)
  • Industriousness (willingness to devote oneself to the full for the sake of a common cause)

Negative qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Directness (prefer to tell a person everything you think about him)
  • Scrupulousness (do not like to do work quickly because you think that this worsens the result)
  • Demanding (always expecting more from people)
  • Pedantry (always meticulously follow some rules)
  • Self-esteem (think that in some cases you are head and shoulders above the rest)

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a man

Personal and personal qualities for a resume

As you probably already understood, a resume is a kind of visiting card of an applicant for a job, so it should be compiled as briefly and informatively as possible. If possible, you should make sure that all the information about you fits literally on one piece of paper. And this means that in addition to generally accepted professional qualities, you must also indicate personal ones. Usually, it is by them that the employer judges how ideally the applicant suits him.

But still, keep in mind, no matter how much you want to embellish yourself, you should not do this. If you write that very a kind person, but in reality it turns out that this is not at all the case, then in the end everyone will find out about it anyway and you will earn yourself a small minus that will prevent you from moving along career ladder. Therefore, it would be better if you immediately write the truth about yourself, and if your alleged bosses can initially accept your cons, then in the future you will not get into unpleasant situations.

Strengths of men:

  • Active
  • Contact
  • Conscientious
  • creative
  • Plodding

Weaknesses of men:

  • hot-tempered
  • careless
  • Optional
  • Arrogant
  • Selfish

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a girl, woman

Strengths and weaknesses for a girl, a woman in a resume

It so happened, but in our country to find a good high paying job it's very hard for a woman. As practice shows, most employers are afraid that the applicant has children and she will constantly go on sick leave or ask for time off in order to solve some problems associated with her children. In view of this, it would be better if you specify in your resume that you are ready to stay after work when it is needed, and then calmly move on to listing personal qualities.

At the same time, be sure to consider what you will be doing and indicate the qualities that are more suitable for the field you have chosen. That is, if you want to get a job, for example, as an economist, then it is best for you to clarify that you are very diligent, attentive and meticulous. If you wish, you can indicate that you already have experience in a similar field and draw up short story. Short means that it should consist of a maximum of 5 short sentences. Ideally, it should take approximately 2 minutes to read. If it takes longer, then the employer may think that you are trying to overpraise yourself.

Strengths of women and girls:

  • Patience
  • Responsibility
  • purposefulness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Determination

Weaknesses of women and girls:

  • Impulsiveness
  • Excessive emotionality
  • revenge
  • Touchiness
  • Intolerance

What to write about yourself in the column of additional information in the resume, personal qualities?

Information in the resume

Count Additional Information about yourself gives you the opportunity to talk about what you love and know how to more extensively. In this case, it is acceptable to make small descriptions instead of lists with enumerations of qualities. For example, if you want to tell your future employer that you are very sociable, then write that in any situation you will try to build your relationships in the team in such a way that all colleagues can trust you. Also in this column you can show how much you are in demand in society.

An idea of ​​this will help to give information about what professional useful contacts you have. In addition, you can indicate that you are volunteering or are a member of the parent committee. Such information will show you as a person who can spend his time for the benefit of others completely free of charge. If the job you are trying to get is related to traveling around the country or abroad, then be sure to check that you have rights and a passport.

Also be sure to indicate how much driving experience you have. At the very end, you can talk about what you like to do in life. Although very rare, employers still select employees who like the same things that they like. This makes it possible for two unfamiliar people to quickly understand each other, and sometimes even make friends.

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume for a manager

Positive qualities of a leader

If you were attentive, you probably realized that knowing some of the nuances, you can write the right resume in just 20 minutes. All that will be required from the applicant for the place is simply to tell about yourself as truthfully as possible and do it without any exaggeration. This is how all job seekers should act, including those who apply for a managerial position. True, in the case of a leader, some positive qualities are not enough.

It would be better if you indicate whether you have a similar work experience and, most importantly, what financial results achieved your unit while you were in charge. Also in this case, you need to clarify how well you know how to make plans for the development of employees, how well you understand financial reports, and, of course, whether you know foreign languages ​​(be sure to list which ones and specify at what level).

5 positive qualities for a leader:

  • mentally stable
  • Eloquent
  • Disciplined
  • Leader by nature
  • Responsible

5 negative qualities for a leader:

  • Hypocritical
  • Cunning
  • Arrogant
  • Aggressive
  • hot-tempered

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume to a manager

Positive qualities of a manager

At the moment, the vacancy of a manager is the most popular among job seekers. As a rule, in this case, people are attracted by the fact that they definitely do not have to work in the cold and do hard physical work. And although managers are recruited in different areas (sales, purchasing, advertising, recruitment), employers almost always expect one thing from them. Maximum activity, sociability and, of course, openness.

If you do not possess these three qualities, you are better off not trying to get a job as a manager at all. Indeed, as practice shows, if a person is too slow, lethargic and non-contact, then in most cases he cannot cope with the goals set for him.

5 positive qualities in the summary of the manager:

  • openness
  • Energy
  • Ability to think clearly in difficult situations
  • diligence
  • Decency

5 negative qualities in the manager's resume:

  • Conflict
  • inattention
  • Irritability
  • indecisiveness
  • envy

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in the resume to the secretary

Positive traits of a secretary

A fairly large number of people consider the work of a secretary to be very easy. That is why young girls who have mastered the simplest computer courses, begin to storm the offices large companies already imagining his future salary.

In fact, the modern secretary has many obligations. In addition to fast and competent typing, he should be well versed in the rules for compiling various documents, have basic Photoshop skills and, if possible, know at least one foreign language.

And only if you have all these skills, you can get a job in good company. But still remember that in addition to the above qualities, it is very important for the employer that his assistant be organized. Therefore, it will be better if, when writing a resume, you focus on your ability to organize business meetings and properly prepare documents for them.

5 positive qualities in the resume to the secretary:

  • Initiative
  • Punctuality
  • Responsibility
  • Awareness
  • Politeness

5 negative qualities in the resume to the secretary:

  • talkativeness
  • inattention
  • Rudeness
  • slovenliness

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume for an accountant?

Positive qualities of an accountant

An accountant is one of those professions that require maximum concentration and perseverance. Therefore, when creating a resume for this position, you should clarify that you are the most attentive person who is able to do monotonous work for hours. But still remember that in most cases, employers require from applicants for this place not only the ability to sum up the numbers for hours.

They seek to get an employee who will keep all the financial secrets of the company. In view of this, you are simply obliged to focus the attention of the future boss on the fact that you are not inclined to talk too much and know how to keep other people's secrets.

Another quality that must be mentioned in the resume is high responsibility. Like it or not, sometimes an accountant has to prepare financial statements just when everyone else is resting.

5 positive qualities in an accountant resume:

  • Ability to analyze
  • self-organization
  • Attentiveness
  • perseverance
  • trustworthiness

5 negative qualities in an accountant resume:

  • self-confidence
  • deceitfulness
  • Impudence
  • Suspicion
  • distraction

Non-conflict, high learning ability, no bad habits, sociability: how to prove their presence to the employer?

Example of a good resume

As practice shows, most job seekers slightly embellish their resume, so some employers try to understand how true it is in person. An applicant for a job is invited for an interview and asked leading questions that help to reveal the person as well as possible.

Most often, such questions are asked secretly, for example, an employer may, as it were, accidentally find out your opinion about some kind of conflict situation, and based on your answers, draw a conclusion about how truthfully you wrote in your resume about your attitude to scandals and squabbles.

In view of this, if you want to prove that your resume is true then:

  • Look the person in the eye while talking.
  • Don't look away if you don't like what you hear
  • Try to listen to the interlocutor's questions until the end.
  • Speak calmly, pronouncing all sounds clearly
  • Don't allow yourself to make snarky jokes.
  • Try to surprise the employer with knowledge related to the desired job

Video: How to write a SUMMARY - step by step instructions, tips, mistakes in a resume

When applying for a job, employers often require a resume. Some of them, in addition to work experience, general information and enumerations of virtues are asked to indicate the weaknesses of the character. And here a dilemma arises: how to correctly reveal your shortcomings in a resume? If you think that they do not need to be indicated at all and that it is enough just to put a dash in the corresponding column, then you are deeply mistaken. In order not to get into a mess when you find yourself in a similar situation, check out what HR specialists advise on this matter.

Features of writing a resume

On the one hand, writing a few words about yourself is an easy task and does not require special knowledge and skills. However, as practice shows, those who hold this point of view are often denied employment. Therefore, the more solid the company in which you want to get a job, the more important it is to write a resume correctly.

The length of the resume is not conducive to presentation a large number information. Usually it fits on 1-2 computer sheets. Therefore, it is especially important to summarize necessary information, which will emphasize your individuality and attract the attention of a HR specialist. When writing a text, weigh each word and correctly present your weaknesses.

For example, if you're worried about being in a certain age group, start by listing skills or work experience. Move your date of birth to the bottom of your resume. Or if your future job involves frequent business trips, and you have a small child growing up, be sure to indicate that you can leave him in the care of relatives or a nanny.

To correctly reflect your weaknesses in your resume, adopt a few basic rules.

  • Pay special attention to the style of presentation of information. The text must be written clearly and understandably. If during the interview you can convey information different ways, then what is written will be perceived unambiguously.
  • Never ignore the column in which you need to indicate your weaknesses and character traits. This can lead to the fact that you are either written down in the category of insecure and notorious people, or considered a person with too high self-esteem.
  • Don't be afraid to be honest. The truthful reflection of information, especially regarding your weaknesses, indicates how self-critical you are and adequately assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

Examples of Weaknesses

When filling in the column about the existing shortcomings, take your time, carefully consider each phrase. If you do not know what to indicate in it, look through the options below and choose the ones that characterize you. At the same time, try to select such character traits that, if desired, can be turned into virtues.

Among the weaknesses in the summary, indicate, for example, the habit of speaking everything directly and frankly; difficulties in establishing contacts with strangers; hyperactivity and restlessness; excessive emotionality, susceptibility and impressionability; a tendency to fatalism, etc.

Try to select such character traits that, if desired, can be wrapped in virtues.

However, there is no need to be too frank. Add to one or two professional traits and a few that do not play an important role in the work activity. For example, indicate that you are afraid of flying or are overweight. You can also point out such shortcomings as excessive gullibility, a tendency to reflection, or frequent self-digging and self-criticism.

From social weaknesses, you can write that you do not fit well into the work team, because you do not like gossip, or you cannot fight back in response to boorish behavior. With a skillful approach, each flaw can really be turned into a virtue. And if among the weak character traits you indicate reliability, then this is only in the hands of the employer himself, since he will see in you a person who can be entrusted with overtime tasks.

How to present the weaknesses of the character

Some weak traits can be directly correlated with the characteristics of the profession. So, for example, for an accountant or storekeeper, such shortcomings as distrust, pedantry, inability to lie, an increased sense of responsibility, lack of diplomacy and flexibility in labor issues, can become positive in work activities. But it is better for a manager or a realtor to indicate hyperactivity, self-confidence, impulsiveness, inability to take a word and a desire to double-check the information themselves.

It should be noted that often job seekers people go to the trick and present their strengths in the resume under the guise of weaknesses. Before doing so, it is worth carefully weighing the consequences of such actions. Of course, you can point out the desire for perfectionism or excessive hard work among the weaknesses, but keep in mind that the employer can easily suspect you of insincerity.

Important nuances

Honesty is good. However, some negative features are still not worth pointing out. In no case do not write that you like to be lazy, afraid to take responsibility or unable to make decisions, not punctual, often distracted, etc. There is no need to get too carried away when listing weaknesses. It is enough to name 2-3 negative qualities. Do not use vague language and do not indicate those features that will go against the requirements of the position.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" - this is a question you will most likely be asked at any interview. Yes, and in the column "Strengths and Weaknesses" is simply absent. But if you decide to write about it, then let's "serve everything in the best possible way." The universal rule is that even your weaknesses in the resume should be attractive to the employer. For clarity, let's look at a few examples.

Weaknesses in the resume (relative to the requirements of a particular vacancy):

  • No work experience at all (but there is a specialized education and a willingness to gain experience from “0”)
  • No specialized education (but there is work experience and a desire to develop in this profession)
  • No knowledge of special programs (but there is a desire and willingness to master them as soon as possible)
  • There is a small child (but there will be no more decree, grandparents help with the child)
  • Insufficient level of foreign language proficiency (but there is a desire and readiness to “pull up” it in the shortest possible time)

It is definitely not worth writing about the weaknesses of the character in the resume.

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Strengths in resume

Strengths in a resume are, in fact, your experience, education, knowledge and skills. It is not necessary to highlight any of this in the resume. It is better to emphasize during the interview that due to experience, education, knowledge, skills and your personal qualities, you are a suitable candidate for the vacancy.

The strengths of the character in the resume can be mentioned. Most often, all these are your personal qualities. Try to get away from the hackneyed “sociability”, “punctuality”, “responsibility”, “diligence”, “high efficiency”. Describe your qualities in simple phrases. For example, “I easily find a common language with strangers”, “I take a responsible approach to solving the tasks assigned to me”, “I always do the work efficiently and on time”.

Which section of your resume do you think is the most important?

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When applying for a job, your profile becomes the only link with your employer. It is difficult to get a good job without the right presentation of one's own capabilities. However, many serious ones require filling in an insidious item - weaknesses of character.

In a summary, every word written is important. Do not fill out this line in haste!

Weaknesses on your resume should be a mirror image of your strengths.

How to turn weaknesses into strengths on a resume

But you should not be too zealous in listing your shortcomings. Yes, and reproach yourself for your weaknesses of personality is not necessary. Remember what is good for one, not for another. For example, for someone you are wasteful, someone will consider you generous; some will see greed in you, others will say economical.

Present your negative character traits to the employer, wrapping them in a beautiful wrapper. For example, for an accountant, unsociableness is even useful in work, but a manager with this quality will have a hard time.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Find 2-3 traits of your character that will be considered a minus in everyday life, but from the point of view of the chosen profession, they turn into undeniable advantages.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume

This is where you need to think carefully. Sometimes writing a few words about yourself is much more difficult than you thought. After all, work in a reputable company is at stake, and the well-being of the whole family may depend on your ability to display weaknesses in the questionnaire.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the next employer will take you to their team. There is no doubt that the future boss will not only not put it aside, but will show his interest and will certainly want to meet. So what kind of trump cards will we save to beat the competition?

Be truthful

The habit of exaggerating will come in handy here. If the employer does not require dwelling on negative qualities, then you do not need to write anything. Then focus on your strengths as a specialist, mentioning your strengths. If the resume needs to be written in a free form, then focus on your positive aspects as a person and a specialist in the field.

But what shortcomings to indicate in the resume to become the first contender for the long-awaited position?

  1. Firstly, as we have already said, so that the employer does not get the impression of you as a person with a painfully high self-esteem, in no case do we ignore the paragraph on shortcomings.
  2. Secondly, do not deviate from the style of writing a resume. When talking with an interlocutor live, it is much easier to convey information to the listener: you can use gestures, facial expressions, and focus on his reaction. In the case of a resume, a special approach is needed, because the manager sees only what is written.
  3. Thirdly, the boss will not fail to note the honesty of the resume, where you briefly report your shortcomings, based on some important points.

Don't chase the standard

When considering a resume, each employer looks at the situation from his own angle. Sometimes the same character trait can be regarded in two ways. For some, it will turn out to be the positive side of the coin, and some may be blacklisted, having such character traits.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Each field of activity requires an individual approach.. In teamwork, leadership qualities will only interfere with the team, and for a manager, the ability to accept own solutions will come in handy.

Be intellectually mature

It is important that you are aware of your imperfection and do not take criticism with hostility. After all, only an intellectually formed person can calmly and fairly conduct a personal assessment of his positive and negative sides.

It is undeniably easier for an employer to give preference to a mature person than to educate an unbalanced person.

Show willingness to work on yourself

Presenting on general court your negative qualities, be sure to indicate that you are actively fighting the shortcoming you indicated. You can't let an employer think you're comfortable living with this negativity.

It could be shyness or impulsiveness. You can point to their manifestation in accordance with the situation, and make it clear that you are waging a stubborn struggle with the presence of these disadvantages: expanding your connections and striving to control your ardor.

Consider a simple example in a resume, where the weaknesses of the applicant turned into a positive side from a professional point of view.

"AT Everyday life you are unable to refuse people, and because of this you do not have your own personal life. However, the boss may find this quality more than beneficial for him. Having hired a trouble-free employee, the manager expects that he will always be able to rely on such an employee, no matter what issues the assignment concerns. This feature can become simply invaluable for personnel who work under someone's direct supervision.

Present your strengths as weaknesses

Psychology is a very interesting science. Of course, it is not worth filling the field for shortcomings with the phrases “increased responsibility” or “workaholism”. The leader will immediately convict you of dishonesty.

To take a highly paid position and with it the future boss you need:

  • credulity - you will be perceived as a person capable of concluding agreements exclusively with trusted partners;
  • self-confidence - they will see you as a leader who is inclined to move forward;
  • hyperactivity - they will bet on the speed of completing tasks commensurate with other employees;
  • slowness - they will find in your person a scrupulous worker who can see mistakes and notice important nuances;
  • increased anxiety - they will note a responsible approach to work and their duties;
  • straightforwardness – they will consider you a master of negotiation, who will confidently insist on the conditions and requirements of the company;
  • exactingness - they will think: if an employee is demanding of himself, then production processes you will be treated with no less responsibility;
  • pedantry - they will determine the ability to bring undertakings to the ideal through repeated checks;
  • restlessness - they will see you as an employee who is ready to perform new tasks and assignments, regardless of external factors;
  • modesty - will be credited to the number of employees who weigh what is said, which helps to prevent conflict situations and unnecessary misunderstandings.

For a summary of a future accountant, as an example of weaknesses, you can be guided by:

  • suspicion;
  • excessive pedantry;
  • increased anxiety;
  • straightness;
  • scrupulousness;
  • modesty;
  • inability to lie;
  • pride;
  • lack of complicity in working moments;
  • scrupulousness;
  • overestimated sense of responsibility;
  • inability to negotiate.

But for specialties that require direct communication with a wide audience, this list of qualities is extremely unsuitable.

For a manager, for example, you can indicate in your resume:

  • restlessness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • exactingness;
  • impudence;
  • stubbornness;
  • self-confidence;
  • straightness;
  • impulsiveness.

Why does the manager want to know about your shortcomings

If the future boss decided to include the “weak sides of character” column in the resume, then it cannot be ignored.

Stay yourself, believe in yourself and you will succeed, and finally the video