Conspiracy to sell stale goods. Sell ​​stale goods - feel like a professional trader

Sales conspiracies help increase the flow of buyers, sell stale goods, and sell movable and immovable property. Such rituals are not recommended for major church holidays. Sacraments are performed only in complete solitude. Before reading the plot, it is useful to relax and calm the mind. To do this, you can read an Orthodox prayer or devote a few minutes to meditative practice.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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    How to read conspiracies and conduct sacraments

    In order for the sale ceremony to be effective, the following basic rules must be observed:

    • The words of the conspiracy are learned by heart.
    • Not a single word should be omitted from the text. Otherwise, the conspiracy will not work.
    • Witchcraft should be practiced only in good health and mood, without quarreling with anyone before.
    • For three days of the ceremony, you can not drink alcohol and smoke, attend entertainment events, swear, and even just get angry.
    • On the night before the reading of the sacrament, one should not indulge in love pleasures.
    • If a woman is conspiring, she should not have her period on that day.
    • It is useful to follow a vegetarian diet three days before the ceremony.
    • Avoid gossip, watching various shows, action movies, TV series on TV.

    Rites for good trade, sale of goods

    The following rituals help attract customers, speed up the process of selling a product. During the sacraments, it is useful to visualize how customers buy up the entire assortment, trying to feel the emotions of joy and satisfaction from good sales.

    per coin

    The ceremony is performed at home, preferably on the growing moon. They take a silver coin, drip a drop of tea tree oil on it. Then a conspiracy is pronounced on her:

    "(Product name) is on sale, and the money will be returned to me. I accept a generous gift, I give away my useful product. Amen."

    Then you should go to the store and spend the coin on the purchase of any product (remains of essential oil can be wiped off with a napkin beforehand). The product that was mentioned by the fortuneteller in the conspiracy will be sold within the next few days.

    On a key and a rag

    To get rid of an unsuccessful streak in trade, the following rite can be performed on the waning moon. They take a piece of an old rag and use it to wipe the dust off the counters. She can also wash the floor in the room.

    Then any old key is wrapped in a rag and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    "The burden is poor, untradeable! Don't touch me, the servant of the Lord (name), go away on the water, but don't call me anymore. never be a beggar. Sell goods quickly, count profits in the evening. The river wave will carry you away, and my trade is rich and full of money. I send poverty away, I lock the plot with a bolt. Amen."

    Then the bundle should be taken to any body of water and thrown into the water.

    For salt

    Before the beginning, the prayer "Our Father" is read three times. Then the words are pronounced on the salt and the ribbon:

    "The poor man walked with a handful of salt and looked for a better life. He beat silk rapids, walked along golden roads. Yes, a merchant followed him, a noble boyar, a good fellow. The merchant is wearing a red, satin dress, and he has a dime a dozen money. And the roads My gold and my silk thresholds. Silver chambers, gates of semi-precious stones, not to be found more beautiful and sweeter. I offer everything to a dear merchant. The poor man's salt is scattered, and my goods are bought by a dear merchant. The plot is locked, and the key is lost. Amen" .

    Then the product is sprinkled with salt and tied with a satin ribbon. If the thing is large, you can tie part of it (for example, if a table is sold, the ribbon is tied to the leg). So he must stand for a day, after which the conspiracy begins to operate.

    For poppy seeds

    To perform the ritual, you will need a poppy seed. On the growing moon they buy a package of poppies. It is poured into a faceted glass and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced seven times:

    "Whoever steps on this poppy will instantly fall in love with my product. Whoever puts his foot on it will leave money with me. Amen."

    After that, the poppy seed is scattered a little every day near the entrance to the store until the seed runs out.

    For a new thing

    If the goods are not sold for a long time, the next ceremony can be performed. They take any of their new things. Between it and themselves they put the stale goods and say the words to it:

    "In an open field there is an old hut. Maryana-beauty got up in the morning, baked pies and did not cook dinner. She took the paint, painted that hut, and sold it for a new one. The hut will stand for a century, please the new owner. So will my goods ( name) will serve the merchant faithfully. Amen."

    On honey

    They take a small amount of liquid honey and say the words to it:

    "Industrious bees flock to honey, and buyers flock to my goods. Sugar honey is sweet for bees, and merchants need my goods, there is no end. Amen."

    Then you should apply a little charmed honey behind your ears. After this ceremony, there will be no end to buyers.

    On patchouli

    For this ceremony, which helps to profitably and quickly sell the goods, you will need a stick of patchouli. Fumigating the goods, pronounce the words:

    "Go away, (name of the product), get out as soon as possible, and in my wallet turn around the ringing of coins. Amen."

    On the iron patch

    The plot is read on the growing moon. They take an iron penny and read the words on it:

    "Pyatak Pyatakovich, give me a growing fortune. And I will give you to a good person for change. Amen."

    Then the charmed coin is placed on the windowsill for the whole night. Take it with you in the morning. The first male customer who needs change is given this nickel.

    For the scent of incense

    To carry out this ritual, incense sticks should be purchased in advance. Burning the aroma around the trading room, they whisper the words:

    "I hear, I hear, the buyers are bringing me money. The smoke floats far away, the smell gives off. People stand in line, if only to make a purchase, to buy up my goods. Amen."

    On a pin

    The ceremony is performed on the full moon. The ordinance will require a new pin and a white handkerchief.

    By the light full moon you should put a pin on a scarf and say the words of the conspiracy three times on the objects:

    "Lord God, I stand before you, I ask you to protect me and guide me on the true path. Send all the holy army to help me: John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Luke, Alexander Svirsky and the Solovetsky saints. I will stand under their protection so that they protect me from evil and help me in business. I will quickly sell my goods and for good deeds to needy ladies. Amen."

    The pin is then wrapped in a handkerchief and secretly kept in the trading room. When the flow of customers begins to increase, you should visit seven churches (it is possible on different days) and give generous alms to the poor sitting at the entrance.

    For candles

    For the ceremony you will need:

    • three wax candles;
    • full daily income.

    “The eastern merchant Amirkhan, the kingdom of a distant khan, came to visit and walked along the roads. Altyn Amirkhan took and took all the goods from me. everything will be sold to me. Amen."

    Candles must be extinguished with wet fingers or with a spoon.

    Rites for the sale of a ready-made enterprise

    An entrepreneur who wants to quickly sell his business is recommended to first cleanse his own energy before conducting the sale ceremony itself. The seller should not have damage and the evil eye, and he himself should be physically healthy. In this case, the conspiracy to sell the enterprise will work most effectively.

    For sale business

    On the eve of the conclusion of the transaction, it is necessary to stand in front of a full-length mirror and, taking an open wallet in your hands, pronounce the words of the conspiracy on its reflection:

    “My flesh and blood, my veins, my labor. I sell you into new hands. You were always mine, and now you will become a stranger. to the joy of the laity. Amen."

    When pronouncing the word "Amen" the wallet is closed and placed on the windowsill. It should be taken with you to the meeting with the buyer, but not opened until the deal is closed.

    For sale shop

    Three candles are purchased in the church. Then they are placed in one of the corners of the store in the room where money is usually counted. There candles should lie for four days. After this time, left alone, the performer of the ritual lights them and pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

    "There was a store owner - I became a client. I sell the store, I clean up after myself, I clean all the corners. Visit good people called. The buyer did not wait for a long time, did not think, did not guess. And I quickly sold the blood business. Amen".

    Candles should burn out to the end.

    Ceremonies for the sale of real estate

    Before you perform the sacrament for the sale of a home, you should cleanse it of your energy, which has accumulated over the entire stay. To do this, you need to put things in order in all rooms. The ideal option is to make repairs, before which you need to take out all your things. The most successful days for conducting rituals for the sale of real estate are the 3rd, 7th and 9th days of the lunar calendar. The money that will be received from the sale of the premises cannot be spent earlier than in three days.

    On the water for the sale of an apartment or house

    To quickly sell a home, the following rite is suitable. For its implementation, it is necessary to conduct in the apartment wet cleaning. During the cleaning process, you should prepare a bucket of water, which did not change when moving from one room to another. Looking at the water, say the following words:

    “The owner, the brownie, I’m turning to you. We lived side by side for a long time, we didn’t offend each other. And now I ask: help me sell the house, attract a buyer. like me. Help him with cleaning and cooking, and help him with business, but don't scare him at night. Key, lock, tongue."

    Then the water is poured out, and the floorcloth is thrown away as far as possible from the house.

    On the key to sell the home

    A key is required for this ceremony. Suitable as a key to the housing for sale, as well as any old one that no one uses anymore. The object is dipped into boiling water and the words are pronounced three times on it:

    "Just as a person cannot live without an iron lock with a key, so he cannot live without seeing my house. Just as people cannot live without food and water, so they cannot live without (name of the dwelling for sale). Amen."

    The charmed water should cool down. Then it is poured into a clean bowl. Before communicating with the buyer, you must wash your hands in this water. When meeting with a client, you should shake his hand. To enhance the impact of the conspiracy, you can sprinkle the corners of the room with this water.

    This conspiracy is considered universal. It can be read on any item sold, ranging from land or housing to small household items. You can not use it only for the sale of pets or plants.

    On a broom for the sale of cottages

    This rite of white magic is performed at dawn. For the sacrament you will need:

    • a new broom that has never been used;
    • a bowl of spring water.

    The broom is sprinkled with water and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on it:

    "I sweep the rubbish from the hut, sweep it, and attract merchants to me. One will look, the second will look, and the third will appear, come and take it right away. Amen."

    Then, with a charmed broom, you should sweep all the rooms of the garden house. In the process of sweeping, this conspiracy should also be repeated.

    On honey, money and candles to sell the land

    To conduct the sacrament you will need:

    • several coins of gold color;
    • 7 church candles.

    The ceremony is performed at dawn as follows:

    1. 1. Church candles are arranged in the form of a circle.
    2. 2. Coins are placed in a bowl and poured with honey.
    3. 3. The container is installed in the center of the circle.
    4. 4. Light the candles clockwise.
    5. 5. Say the words of the conspiracy (see below).
    6. 6. Coins are taken out and buried on the site during the next trip.
    7. 7. Remains of honey should be anointed with the corner points of the site.

    Conspiracy words:

    "Golden coins stick to sweet honey, and my land attracts buyers. Whoever likes it, likes it, he will become the new owner. He will part with the money and take the land in favor. And the land will bring him good income. Amen."

    To well water for the sale of land

    For the ceremony, well water is required. If there is no well, you can draw water from a spring flowing on the ground. Turning to face the east, they say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    "I, the servant of the Lord (name), refuse this site. From the four corners of the world, merchants are fast coming, they will quickly take this land. Without bargaining and without supervision, they will leave satisfied and without looking back. Amen."

    Water is poured onto the ground, leaving a small amount. Before meeting with customers, you should wash yourself with this water. After reading this plot, the deal will be concluded quickly and without problems: the buyers themselves will do everything that is necessary to quickly complete the sale.

    On sugar for a quick deal

    The ceremony takes place at dawn. They take a piece of refined sugar and read the words on it:

    "As it is true that this sugar is sweet, so fortune be on my side. As true as this sugar is white, so there will be no obstacles on my path. The red sun rises, and luck comes into my hands. Amen" .

    Rafinade should be carried with you. It acts as an amulet that protects against delays with documents.

    Using a rooster to complete mishaps

    If the property has not been sold for a long time, you should purchase a young cockerel and bring it into the premises. This must be done strictly on Thursday at sunset. The rooster must crow the seal of bad luck for three nights. The following conspiracy is slandered on the millet that is given to him:

    “I, the servant of the Lord (name), came out of the gate. A rooster is walking towards me, pecking grains, walking, singing songs. "Peck the millet grain by grain, peck it, win back your home from bad luck. As sure as you will spend the night here for three nights, so it is also true that at dawn you will begin to bury your bad luck. I will sell you for a copper penny, and this dwelling of buyers ladies. The key and the lock, come, merchant, to the threshold. A strong word, a quick deed, buy yourself, home, boldly. Amen."

    On Sunday, before 12 noon, you should give the rooster, asking for a penny for it. Arriving again in the room, you should throw a penny on the floor with all your might. A buyer will be found soon.

    Sale of movable property, personal items

    In order to sell any thing as soon as possible, it is recommended to conduct the ceremony on the night from Saturday to Sunday. At this time, such conspiracies have a special power that allows you to find buyers in a short time.

    For car sale

    To sell a car, you should write on a blank sheet of paper the words:

    “You rolled and drove me, you did a good job. And now I’m going to sell you food. You will carry and roll a new person. The headlights are flashing, the steering wheel, turn, let the buyer come quickly. Amen».

    The note is placed under the driver's seat. There she must lie for seven days. After this period, of the interested buyers, there will be one who will close the deal.

    For sale of any item

    Before you advertise in a newspaper or other media, you should write a ready-made advertising text on a piece of paper. Then, for a while, you need to visualize a flurry of calls from customers. After that, a simple conspiracy is read on the ad:

    "What you have planned will come true, what you wish will come true quickly. My words are true, filled with truth. Amen."

    After that, you can safely submit an ad and wait for requests from buyers.

    For sale furniture

    If you need to sell furniture as soon as possible and get good money for it, the following conspiracy will do. Take a wax candle. Without lighting it, they tap on the object, and pronounce the words of the conspiracy seven times:

    “Messengers, ride on horseback, walk on foot. Yes, come to me, look after my good goods. Whoever (a piece of furniture) throws into your eyes, that peace will be forgotten. Yes, happy with (a piece of furniture) will leave. No sooner said than done. Amen."

    Then the candle should be lit and wait until it burns out to the end. A small piece of wax from the end of a candle should be discreetly attached in a secret place in the furniture. Buyers will be found soon.

    To sell coins

    The following conspiracy will help collectors who want to sell coins. To conduct the ceremony, you should purchase a new handkerchief. They wipe their sweat with them, and then utter the words of a conspiracy on him:

    “The stars in the sky cannot be counted, Mother Earth cannot be stretched with hands, and my word cannot be removed. There will be a merchant for these coins, let there be a crown. As bees fly for honey, everyone wants to buy them. Old coins are sold, but I need new money in return they flow like a river. Amen, amen, amen."

    The coins are then placed overnight on a handkerchief. In the morning it is folded up and carried around as a talisman for sale.

    Verbal rites for various needs

    Unlike previous rites, the following conspiracies will not require additional paraphernalia. They can be pronounced without special training in any lunar phase.

    Selling your own products

    To quickly sell your work, you should say the following words on the subject:

    "Evil angels are entangled in nets, struck by the Honorable Cross. The cross protects me, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The evil spirits are defeated forever by the words of Jesus Christ, and His apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You, Lord , protect me, hurry up and save me in business. Amen.

    After reading the plot, the thing will be sold in the near future.

    For the sale of food

    Before the start of the day, a spell is pronounced on food:

    "Who is walking along the road? - Father-priest. And what does he carry in his hands? - (name of the product). Go away from me, (name of the product), and return to me in cash. Amen, amen, amen."

    The plot is pronounced once. After that, you should cross the products. During the day, to strengthen the rite, you can pronounce the conspiracy 3-5 more times.

    For sale houses in the distance

    If you have to look for buyers far from the object, the following conspiracy to sell, acting at a distance, will do. Opening the window, you need to say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “Lord God, I turn to You, take care of my damned soul. The plowman plows, the reaper reaps, and the merchant sells his goods.

    For the sale of clothes

    The owner of a clothing store can use the following plot, which is read directly on the product:

    "Like a man is greedy for bread, so that the merchants would take apart these clothes, leave me a lot of money. I am a good fellow, an honest merchant. My goods are sorted out, noblemen offer money. No sooner said than done. Amen."

    The owner of the thing is too strongly attached to the subject. Subconsciously not wanting to part with him, he thereby blocks the impact of the conspiracy.
  • A thing, an apartment, a car still have to influence the fate of the owner. In the event that this is so, higher powers will certainly give a sign to the one who read the conspiracy. For example, it could be a call from a relative who wants to live in a property for sale as a tenant for a while.
  • The person conducting the ceremony is under the influence of the evil eye or corruption. Such a negative impact manifests itself in the form of physical ailment, failures pouring on the head, nightmares, and increased anxiety. In this case, it is first necessary to conduct a ceremony to remove damage and only then engage in rituals for the sale of things.

If after the first performance the sacrament did not work, do not lose heart. Conspiracies for sale can be repeated as many times as there is enough time and effort. After performing the ceremony 3, 5, 7 times, the fortuneteller significantly enhances its effect.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered a personal...

Conspiracies for good trade, sale (many).

Conspiracies for good trade, sale.

Girls who are engaged in needlework and want to sell their needlework, there is a good conspiracy)) I highlighted it in red.

Conspiracies for good trade

Each of us, one way or another, is involved in trade affairs: some have their own outlets, others work as sellers in state-owned stores, while others work as distributors for the “owner”. And of course, systematically we all act as buyers.

Despite the various “personalities” of the traders, they are united by one thing: the desire to sell as much goods as possible, and not just to sell, but with maximum profit. Apart from business qualities, honesty and commercial "vein", in trading, as, probably, in other areas, big role play luck and luck. I suggest you, dear trade workers, to adopt the conspiracies below, designed to increase trade, and, consequently, profits.

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves some part of the change to the seller. Basically, this, of course, is a trifle, but you will need it for a magical ritual, so do not use it in your work. Take the change home, and speak on it, holding in your left hand:

A month, a full month

Average month, young month.

Folk me a treasure from a penny.

How my mother gave birth to me, slave

(mother's name),

Swaddled in the first diaper.

I gird myself not with a belt,

A gold-silver tueskom.

My word is strong

the thing is tricky. Amen.

I hope you are friendly with the buyer, but so that no one leaves without buying at all, do this more often. Look at the buyer, smile and, rubbing your hands, say out loud:

Please take

cheap! And about myself:

You take mine, you give yours.


The ritual is performed on any day of the week, except for Saturday and the 13th, 22nd and 27th numbers. During it, you must be in the room alone. Take a paper bill, preferably 100 rubles, on a red woolen thread, measure its length 49 times. Cut the thread with scissors and wind it around the wrist of your left hand, tucking the ends under the wound thread. While wrapping it around your wrist, say seven times:

I have money, I have trade.

All for me.

And you - the goods and change. Amen.

Take a handful of salt to work; before you start trading, throw it backhand with your right hand over your left shoulder with the words:

Hikers, riders, come here:

Money for me, goods for you.


On a holy holiday, buy prosphora. Before going to trade, take it in your left hand, cross yourself and say twelve times:

Lord, Lord, help me.

Then bow to the front corner of the room and read:

King Herod had

twelve daughters,

And how true that they were

twelve not thirteen

So true and true

That I'm selling my product.

After that, eat the prosphora and go to the trading place.

Sell ​​"stale" goods

The following will help sell stale, slow-moving goods. Go to the forest and, after finding an ant pile there, take a handful of ants. In a bag or scarf, take them to workplace and pour on this product with the words:

Like ants in that house

many, many buyers

for my goods send me,

Lord. Amen.

The following conspiracy will help to realize the “difficult” thing:

I am a merchant, always well done.

We sell our goods to you.

Money to money.

We are your money -

You our product. Amen.

Speak on the water, which then sprinkle your product prepared for sale, especially for wholesalers:

Works, Lord

rivers thou with pure lips

With their own, as if without me

you can do nothing

My Lord, Lord, by faith

volume of our soul, help

me, a sinner, your servant

(name), this very life

trade, buying, selling,

change and everything. You,

Lord Lord,

do it yourself in the name

Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


Holy angel Michael

in Your holy name we trade,

save, save and bless

with your holy prayers<

Servant of God (name)

start and do

happy and prosperous

trade. In the name of the Father

and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a good deal

In order for the trade transaction and the trade itself to be successful, read over the financial document, over the goods in stock or just received for sale, over your wallet, etc.:

Gold, gold

Rush to me

Like peas in a bin, like

barley grains on the threshing floor,

Like rye on the current!

Gold, gold, stick to

to my hands,

What flies to honey

Butterflies to the light

Grass to the sun!

Gold, gold, pour into mine

countless pockets.

Without measure, handfuls,


Gold, gold

stick with me

Like ice and water

Like a nightingale with spring

Grass fish!

I'm not a huckster-morgash,

And the merchant is well done.

Selling for parts

I hang in excess

I measure with powder

I cut with an increase

Lew with the rest.

Be in my barn

Treasure yes okay

Yes, it's all ergot.

Without archers, without ruin,

Without fumes and without burnout,

All the days of my market.


This is a very powerful tool for successful trading, consisting of a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, a quick assistant to all those who ask, and a conspiracy.

First, read a prayer that will not interfere with your other requests, being one of the most important prayers of Orthodox believers:

About the Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great SarovMiracle worker!
To all who resort to You, a quick-obedient helper!
In the days of Your earthly life, no one is thin and inconsolable from You,
But all in sweetness was the vision of Your face and the divine voice of words.
To this, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of weak souls of healing is abundant in You appearing.<
When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly peace,
Thy fingers are dearer from us, and it is impossible to count Thy wonders,
Multiplied like the stars of heaven: Behold, to all the ends of our earth
Appear to the people of God and grant them healing. In the same way we cry out to you,
O quiet and meek Pleasant of God, Bold to pray to him,
Nicolizhe calling you off! Exalt for us Your pious
prayer to the Lord of strength, may grant us all that is good in this life
And everything is useful for spiritual salvation, May it protect us from the falls of sin
And may he teach us true repentance,
In the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, the Idea of ​​You is now in an impenetrable shining glory,
And there to sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

After reading the prayer, a conspiracy for successful trading follows:

the works of the Lord, His
pure lips
They will pray for me.
My Lord, Lord, by faith
help my soul,
Multiply all my deeds by
In change and purchase,
And in everything that lives
In Your Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Accepting the first bill from the buyer for the item sold, they immediately give change, and when the buyer leaves, they sweep over the goods with this bill with a slander:

The merchant took all the goods.
Bought one, saved the second,
Everything will come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The bill is placed in the cashier, in a wallet or other place where the proceeds are added up.

When you receive money for a product sold, say to yourself or quietly out loud:

In our wallet - yours
money. Your treasury
my treasury.

Speak to a small amount of honey:

How ardent bees swarm yes
flock, so to us,
merchants, merchants

Smear lightly with this honey, but, of course, so as not to create inconvenience for yourself: whiskey, chin, etc.

Sell ​​your handmade product

Selling a product made by one's own hands (a painting, embroidery, a book shelf) is not always easy. And it’s a pity for the work, and the time spent, but what to do, how to interest buyers? Before selling such an item, read above it:

Evil angels of darkness
we will entangle with hemp
nets and shackled in shackles!
Evil spirit! Are you coming out of
wood or water
Or air, do you rush
Are you from the sun or
Get away, so you still -
evil spirit!
I am protected by my cross
With me God the Father, God the Son,
God is the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Holy Trinity we
confuse evil spirits
And seal with words
Matthew, Mark
Luke, and John.
You, God, save and protect
Your merciful cross
the roof of my house.

Unfortunately, in trading, not every person has impeccable honesty. If you are in a team contract and noticed that they want to deceive you, then before handing over the shift, say:

Go, Judas, do not be cunning, Jesus,
save me
Give the head of a slave (name
trying to deceive you)
His tricks, his impudence -
fig. Hitri (name). Yes me
don't buy it. Amen.

If you, the owner of trading enterprises or even one stall, have noticed that your sellers are not entirely clean at hand, protect yourself and your income. On Sunday, buy a candle in the church and place it next to the icon of John the New Sochavsky, a former merchant involved in trading affairs. In the same place, in the church, take holy water and take it to your outlet, sprinkle it on all corners and doors and read on them 3 times:

My copper money, money
my gold,
Any money I have.
Come to my arms
to my wallets. Go to
Monday go to
tuesday go wednesday
go Thursday
Go Friday and Saturday
Go Sunday too.
Who will take my money?
Who will steal my money
He will lose his a hundred times.
Let every penny and ruble
they know me.
Not in the wrong hands
but to my wallets.
Key. Castle. Language. Amen.

As in any field, there is both envy and competition in trading. For example, you are more attractive and friendly to customers than your "goods" standing in the same row with you. As a result, your goods are sold well, and they are bypassed. You and I already know that there is only one step from envy to the evil eye, so try to protect yourself from such a phenomenon by making a charm. Speak on a handkerchief, pin, comb or something like that - the main thing is that no one knows about it and you yourself do not use this thing for its intended purpose, but simply carry it with you as a talisman that brings good luck and protects from the evil eye or, even worse, damage.

Oh my God,
I am in front of you
Please keep me
protect a talisman.
I ask all the holy army
save and protect:
Ivan the Theologian, Ivan
Ivan the Headless
Ivan the Baptist
Ivan Postitel,
Michael the Archangel
Archangel Gabriel,
Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love
and their mother Sophia. I get up
under your shield
who will protect me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In order not to jinx your income, you can do so.

Facing east, read the prayer ", which I do not give here, since each of us must know it by heart. After that - this conspiracy:

I'll go to the open field
I will pray to the Lord God.
There are three roads on the way
The holy Apostle is coming.
As an apostle evil is not
Neither to his body nor to his face
The enemy does not touch
Not to his cause, not to his word,
Not at his holy feet
So would my money
Wouldn't touch and wouldn't
Neither evil people nor
envious eyes,
Not eager people.
Don't ooh, don't gasp
did not ask, did not judge,
How are you, holy apostle,
Blessed by God.
By the power of the holy is strong,
So I have three holy powers:
One next, one behind
And the third force is ahead.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the product sold well, but then suddenly ceased to be in demand:

Find a knot in a birch board, take it out so that you get a ring that can be put on the little finger of your left hand. Every month, on the full moon, at 12 o'clock at night, put it on your little finger with the words of the conspiracy, then take it off and go to bed. In the morning, take it with you to work, and when you come, put it on the same finger again. Then swipe the ring crosswise over the product:

Who would the tributary take, but not
me. Who would trouble love
and bypassed me.
Take care of me, take care
Birch-mother, forest Goddess:
From damage, from harm,
from grief and shame.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
and forever and ever.

Also if you suspect the evil eye. Prepare pre-speaked water. Once a month, every full moon, after taking it to work, spray your place. Table, chair, goods, and if there are flowers, water them. The conspiracy is this:

Purgatory water,
Wash out, throw out
spit out:
Lessons, prizes,
hairstyles, cinnamon,
Evil man of speeches
clean eyes,
Marmot, marmot, marmot,
From the female evil eye
from the male.
Mother Friday
kind of peasant
Take this jinx:
From walls, from windows, from doors,
From me, from my affairs,
from my speeches
From my clear eyes
From blood, from relatives, from the head,
from the back,
From things, from a wallet,
from gold, from silver,
From windy, sham,
from the evil eye.
How my mother gave birth to me
The beard blessed.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not only envy and the evil eye can harm your trading business, but also racketeers and petty (but large too) thieves. To be on the safe side, before you leave the house, stand on the threshold and say:

Prayer of the Mother of God
mourner, deliver us
from troubles, deliver from sorrows,
get rid of evil people
from an evil spirit.
Saint Father Nicholas,
help us with your
petitions before
Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have to travel to other cities for goods, in order to avoid all sorts of troubles, use this conspiracy. It is read three times: the first before the trip, the second before buying, and the third before selling:

Like a mother church with a glance
don't break
You can't get sand from the ocean
Black eye, brown eye
blue and green
In my business, no
may interfere.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Often the goods are handed over “for sale”, and after some time they either take away the proceeds, or what remains unsold. But if the distributor is dishonest and you cannot get either one, do the following.

Like a splinter burns, so do you,
slave (name),
You will smolder and burn
You can't fill with holy water,
Until you give me back mine. Amen.

When buying various goods from private sellers, we, in accordance with the laws of the market, usually bargain, and now companies also offer various discounts. If you want to get a solid price concession, arm yourself with two such conspiracies.

After spitting on your palms, run your hands through your hair, as if licking it. As you do so, say quietly:

Oh, I'm a merchant
Oh, I'm good.
To every merchant, to every
well done,
To all merchants a merchant, to all<
well done well done.
I'm bargaining
with all sorts of merchants
Their first word
my second word.
Their word is copper
my word is golden.

When bargaining with the seller, say to yourself:

Break off, merchant
from your piece
half is enough for you.

For a good trade

They speak salt, pour with their right hand backwards over the left shoulder at the "workplace".

Walkers, riders, come here, here is your place, food and water.
Money for me, goods for you. Amen.

For the same

Washing before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, they take the handkerchief with them to trade.

For profitable trading

Look at the person (buyer), smile and rub your hands, say out loud:

"Please take it. Inexpensive!" And about myself: you take mine, you give yours. Amen.

To be successful in trading

If you have a store, which is not new now, take care of your success in trading. So that you always have a lot of buyers, do this. Take from nine horse feeders of oats, then from two canteens or cafes from the doors of the sor. Sprinkle this in your store in the corners while saying:

How many oats in nine decks, how much rubbish in two taverns, so many customers in my shop. Amen.

To have a profit

Take dirt from the place where there are livestock or animals. Get hot coals out of the oven, throw mud into it. The time should be around 12 noon, that is, the time when the service is going on in the church. Together with coal, go beyond the threshold of the house and immediately run back into the house. Having entered through the threshold, say three times:

As these animals walked and ran a lot, so I would have a lot of work and profit.

Fumigate all the rooms of your house with this smoke.

For a successful trade

As the bees swarm furiously, so all the merchants would come to me, the merchant, praise the goods, snatch the rich boxes from the hands, full of bins. Amen.

Strong conspiracy for bargaining (to give way in price)

This is necessary when buying a house, garden, goods, etc. Spit in the palm of your hand and run your hands over your head (as if licking). Speak softly:

Oh, yes, I am a merchant. Oh, well done to every merchant, to every good fellow. A merchant to all merchants, well done to all good fellows. I bargain with all sorts of merchants. Their word is first, and my word is second. Their word is copper, mine is golden. Amen.

So that the merchant gives you the price

Break off, merchant, from your piece, and half is enough for you. Amen.

Conspiracy "From trouble in trade and commerce"

From a letter to a personal email:

“I am disturbing you with my letter, because I no longer have any strength. A few years ago, my husband and I decided to go into trade, there are no plants or factories in our city, and everyone survives as best they can. We have two children, my husband’s mother is disabled I group, and you need to eat, drink and pay for the education of children.The mother-in-law needs expensive medicines.Requires clothes, pay for telephones, travel, electricity and gas.In addition, annual taxes for an apartment, car, roads, etc. Money there are not enough of them, they are not enough. They took a loan and almost lost their homes. So they took up a new and, as it turned out, very difficult business - for trade. Of course, we understood that this bread would not be easy, but still they didn’t expect what happened next. Firstly, wild competition, and, believe me, there is nothing worse than competitors in trade. People are crazy enough to take goods only from them, and not from other people, while taking forbidden measures.

There is also gossip harassment, damage to our property, threats, the use of connections in all sorts of structures, up to the Economic Crime Department, firefighters and tax. They come from all sides, impose fines, find fault and constantly harm.

I understand that everyone who organizes this wants to buy goods only from them. Well, what about us, how then can we survive and raise children? It’s sickening and scary to live, but they still sit in the Moscow Duma and invent more and more taxes .. It’s even somehow strange, if the motherland wants us to live with dignity, in good apartments and houses, drive decent cars, then why then is it good to impose unbearable taxes so that people get rid of the good and live in shit? And then, if, for example, parents were somehow able to earn money and build good housing for their children, will children be able to pay crazy taxes for what their parents created for them - this is still a big question! After all, in fact, the new generation, our children, have nowhere to work, which means they will have nothing to pay excessive taxes with! As soon as people get up from their knees, they are immediately leveled in the head. You work hard, but there is no joy, because you understand that everything goes down the drain.

We are writing to you with a big request, give us a good prayer so that the doctors do not interfere with our work.

gi. So that the inspectors do not torment us, with the sole purpose of extracting money from us, which is so hard to get and which is always in short supply. My son asked me: “Mom, why is something that belongs to all people, for example, natural gas, sold to us for such a lot of money, and the price is growing and growing, because the gas was inexpensive?” And what can I answer him right away? I remember the movie about Chippollino, where the authorities sold everything to vegetables, including air and rain!

Once a month, on a full moon, walk around your workroom, where you trade, from one corner to another (crosswise). Then, standing at the entrance, read the plot:

The stream runs with the stream,

Forest grows together with forest,

Color sticks to color.

So grow together my deeds,

Stick with deeds my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The mountain looks at the mountain, says nothing,

So all the auditors would be silent,

Enemies did not inflict prizes.

The sorcerers at my door would not whisper,

They would not spread lies.

No one would wish me harm

And my craft did not curse.

Officials would not scold me,

My treasury would not be taken away.

People would come to me to buy,

Give your money for my goods.


The most powerful prayer for trade that was passed from mouth to mouth and is able to sell any stale goods very quickly with the biggest profit for you. Conspiracy - a prayer for trade can be read as many times as needed (at least every day) and there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, after reading a prayer for sale, your business will only flourish and bring great profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, put a candle on any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray. After reading the following prayer for trading :

The works of the Lord, His pure lips
They will pray for me.
My Lord, Lord, help my soul with faith,
Multiply all my deeds for trade:
In change and purchase,
And in everything that the merchant lives with.
In Your Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayers for trading provides a quick sale of goods at the best price for the seller.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • For profit growth and good trading, every day you need to read a conspiracy for honey, which will lure buyers and the sale will go more fun, bringing more money (profit). Those who are constantly involved in sales know that some sellers sell bad goods better and buyers constantly stand in line, this is magic. A special rite of daring sellers has no consequences - this is not black magic, but a white magical rite for good trading. If, before selling, you do everything as they say in conspiracies and read a special conspiracy for good sales from a good merchant, then your product will be sold first, even if your neighbor has a much more attractive look and price, your sale will go faster! You need to read a plot for good trading on honey, a spoonful of natural honey is enough. Arriving at the place of trade, say to the honey the words of the trade conspiracy of the young merchant:

  • A strong white conspiracy to improve trade will help to remove the evil eye and damage from the trading place and improve trade, which does not have bad consequences. Read the plot - you need to pray for holy water when you come to your workplace. Having finished reading the prayer, take holy water into your mouth and sprinkle it over the workplace (counter). Pour the remaining water where people (buyers and potential customers) walk. Put a coin from a glass spelled on holy water in your left pocket, it will attract money buyers and avert the evil eye. For a ritual to attract a buyer and increase profits, you need to pour holy water into a clean glass of water and put any coin into the water to read a conspiracy for money for good trading:

  • Prayers for good and successful trading are read by sellers of services and goods. You can find out which of the prayers for trading to increase sales is the strongest, you can only read the prayers in turn. Only in this way can you figure out an effective prayer to attract buyers, customers, increasing sales with a profit suitable for your business. Orthodox prayer for good luck in work for luck in trade is a strong magical means of sinlessly increasing the sale of goods and attracting buyers. This method will help determine which patron saint for trading your goods will help in increasing sales and quickly selling goods. Vanga said that there are holy icons that help people on their life path. For business, you need to read prayers to the Saints who help in trade, these are Spiridon, Nikolai Ugodnik - the Miracle Worker, Seraphim of Sarov and John Sochavsky.

  • Conspiracies for excellent trade and business have always been read by successful people, but it’s not customary to talk about a rite that attracts buyers and customers for the quick sale of goods. Conspiracies will not tell a strong conspiracy that sends good luck in trading and good sales, you will not find in any books - Vanga told a conspiracy that improves trade only a few times! A conspiracy for good trading and good luck in business should be read on a poppy. A magical rite using poppy seeds is done independently at the counter where you trade. On any day of the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a new handkerchief to read a trade-improving spell.

  • Strong trade conspiracies need to be read for good luck in any business related to sales, Vanga said. The strongest conspiracy to improve trade told by Vanga should be read for sugar once a week, next week the conspiracy should be repeated. Salespeople large and small believe in the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck at work. Many people associated with sales use a conspiracy that will attract a buyer and raise income, while leaving the price stable. There are many traders, but without magic, it is not possible for many to sell their goods profitably. This conspiracy from Vanga's book on trade helps many sellers quickly and profitably sell goods and increase sales. You need to read the conspiracy for sugar at work. For a magical rite to attract a buyer and good luck in trading, you need red clothes (shirt, dress, scarf) in which you will trade. You probably remember that in many old pictures, merchants wear red shirts or boots! This color in clothes has a special magical meaning and conspiracies will not tell you what to do next. Vanga ordered merchants to lure luck for sugar and red clothes. Having chosen any red attribute of clothing (even a handkerchief), sew a piece of sugar into it with red threads and say a plot for a good and successful trade: