Sample commercial offer. Commercial offer: templates, samples and examples

In this article, we will consider the main types of commercial offers and give step-by-step recommendations, following which you can significantly increase customer interest in the product and make the CP more effective, we will also consider programs and services that will help in development.

A commercial offer is an essential document used by most companies, with which you can not only offer your products and services to both new companies and partners, but also motivate your customers to purchase a new product or service.

Purpose of the commercial offer

What would offer brought results, it must first of all be correctly compiled. For the correct development of the CP, it is very important to understand what main information load it should carry.

As a rule, among the main criteria that affect whether the recipient of a commercial offer will call the telephone number indicated in the commercial offer, there are several basic and many additional ones.

Why should a buyer call?

This question is very easy to answer, putting yourself in the client's shoes.

Main motivating factors

1. Price of a good or service

This applies to commercial offers whose main purpose is to sell. Everything is very simple here, the recipient (potential buyer), unless of course he is interested in buying, most likely looked at similar market products and will not buy a product or service more expensive than competitors, unless of course there are very significant reasons for this.

Most Internet users are familiar with the A liE xpress online store, which has become very popular in recent times. It is not difficult to guess that he owes his popularity to low prices for products that appear on the site.

Therefore, the indicated prices should be, if not lower, then at least at the level of competitors.

2. Terms of delivery of goods (provision of services)

This criterion is the second most important after the price, and may outweigh the choice in favor of your company, even if the price is slightly higher. There is a simple explanation for this, if the delivery time varies significantly (for example, by two weeks), and the cost does not differ significantly, the choice will be made in favor of a supplier that works more quickly.

3. Quality

Quality is a very important incentive that must be reflected in the commercial offer. Of course, a lot here depends on what exactly is being sold.

For example if it is a product, then it would not be superfluous to indicate that it is supplied directly from the manufacturer's factory and, for greater confidence, write the address of the factory.

If a service is being sold, then people's reviews about its quality will perfectly motivate the client to call your company. However, we will write about reviews in more detail later. It will be great if quality certificates are attached to the commercial offer.

4. Decoration

Definitely, the design of a commercial proposal affects the choice of the buyer. Surely you yourself have repeatedly received the same type of letters, consisting of only one sheet of Word or an Excel document listing all the goods or services of the company. In most cases, such a commercial offer is not only not read, but not even opened.

Compare two options for a CP: with registration and without

How can you be serious about a company that offers a product by writing just a few lines about it in a Word document, and attaching a few poor-quality photos to the letter. Definitely, it is impossible to send the received text without registration, even if they are expected after a personal conversation on the phone.

Additional motivating factors

1. Discounts, promotions and bonuses

Recently, discounts do not arouse much interest among customers, since by and large they do not carry significant advantages, but you should not forget about them, because they can play a decisive role in choosing a client.

Show people on the numbers, how much savings they will receive by ordering not 10, but 100 copies of the goods at once. Show them how much they can save.

Give a useful gift that the buyer will receive when ordering goods within a week.

2. Availability of additional service

Depending on what exactly is being sold, it will not be superfluous to indicate the presence of additional services that you can provide to the buyer when ordering from you.

To additional services can be attributed:

If we say this is a service, then a free visit of the master, free diagnostics, etc.

Not a small role can be played by reviews and recommendations from your partners who have used the services or are buyers of goods.

It is important to understand that the reviews left on your site will be less valuable than those that customers can find about the company on the Internet on third-party review sites or on the sites of your partners.

Imagine how a person’s trust will increase if, starting to look for reviews about your product or services, he will find only positive ones and not on your company’s website, but on a specialized review site like or

You don't have to include everything Thanksgiving letters, you can simply put links to the pages of your site, where they can be viewed by interested people.

4. Facts and research results

Do not underestimate your potential buyers and significantly embellish reality, but if the product is really good, it will not be superfluous to indicate true facts or, for example, research results that will help with the choice.

However, a strong distortion of reality can pass for deception and produce a negative effect.

5. Calculations are better than text

You can describe the benefits a thousand times, but one visual calculation will show the customer the benefits that he will receive as a result of using the product will be much better.

And the more transparent and understandable the calculation is, the more it motivates to call.

6. Photos or videos

Do not skimp on photos that should show the product from all sides. It will be easier for the client to make a choice if he can immediately see how the product will look.

If the product is complex or it is a service, you can give a link to a video that will show the whole process, and it can be very interesting for the buyer. The presence of photos and videos in the commercial offer will undoubtedly favorably influence the customer's decision in a positive direction.

7. Contacts

A call to the contact details will bring the desired result from the mailing, however, if among all the contacts the customer does not find the most suitable one for the call (say, there is no free 8 800 number), he may change his mind about calling and the possible deal will fail. So try indicate in the commercial offer the maximum ways to contact you.

If there are several people in the office, it is necessary to indicate in the commercial offer the full name of the employee who can answer the questions that the customer has. The big disadvantage would be if a person calling the company cannot receive Additional information most likely as a customer will be lost.

To make dialing your contact information easier, you can create QR code and place it on the contact page, using a special program on a smartphone, a person will recognize it and make a call. To create a QR code, there are free services that are easily searched through a search engine.

In contacts, next to the names of employees responsible for information about the product, you can place their photos, so the customer speaking on the phone will see who exactly he is talking to, which will positively affect the conversation as a whole.

If the purpose of the commercial offer is to visit the client to the office, then be sure to indicate the address, how to get there by car and public transport, and also add a photo of the facade of the building with the entrance through which you can go to your office.

What are commercial offers?

Commercial offers can be divided into three large groups , This:




Hot CPs

Such CPs, as a rule, are personalized, in other words, directed for reading certain person. In such proposals, the position and name of the person for whom it is sent are usually indicated. The most common example of a hot CP might be a sentence that sent to the client after a telephone conversation.

In most cases, a customer request for a price list or quotation is needed to compare prices. A person calls several companies, asks to send him a commercial offer and then compares prices and in most cases orders from a company where the price is more attractive.

When compiling and sending such an offer, it is important to understand that it must be sent as quickly as possible and at competitive prices. Such a CP can bring results.

Warm CPs

Offers called warm, as a rule, are sent after the call of the seller to the potential client, that is, the opposite of hot, when the client calls the seller.

The scheme of work is very simple: the manager of the seller's company selects the base of phones of companies that may be interested in the seller's service or product. If a sharp refusal is not immediately received, the manager either asks when to call back and find out about the need or ask for an email address to send a commercial offer.

Less response from warm CPs than from hot ones, and their distribution is more laborious, since before sending it is necessary to call the company and "test the waters".

Cold gearboxes

For these commercial offers, a database of email addresses of companies is collected that may be interested in a service or product, after which a letter is sent.

The response to cold CPs is very low, which may be due not only to poor selection of email addresses, but also to the lack of interest in the product from the client.

1. Structure

Header or title page- introduces the client to the essence of the matter and may contain contact information, a logo or a photo.

Introduction- briefly describes the essence of the proposal, with the maximum number of facts and figures that should emphasize the uniqueness of the product or service.

Price list- an obligatory component of any commercial offer are prices, which, as already mentioned above, should be lower than those of competitors. The price list can clearly reflect how much the client will save by buying a batch in bulk or ordering more than 10 pieces. at a time. Definitely don't list the whole price list, list the best prices.

Conclusion- it should describe all the advantages over competitors and tell all the facts that make your company more attractive.

Contacts- it is best to duplicate the main contacts on all pages (phone, website), however, on the last page, indicate all possible contacts (phone, email, website, fax, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp and groups in social networks) to give the client a more convenient communication method.

2. Minimum "water"

A commercial offer should contain a minimum of general information. Everything should be clear and to the point. You should not embellish or mislead customers, such information can rather give the effect of anti-advertising.

3. Write the right headlines

The first thing you pay attention to when reading a commercial proposal is the headings. The right headlines will whiten the essence and your uniqueness from the crowd and encourage the client to read it to the very end. The more catchy and intriguing the headlines are, the more likely it is that the client will call using the contact details.

Headings will be more readable if their font is different from the color of the body text, but not too different from the general color scheme of the document.

4. Visualize all possible data

Data visualization will not only provide a more understandable perception of information by your client, but also will focus on key aspects of the proposal. Information presented in the form tables, graphs, drawings and diagrams will attract attention and encourage the reader to study.

Currently, there are many online services on the Internet that allow you to visualize any data as simply and quickly as possible.

5. Correct design

Undoubtedly, the content has the main meaning, but in order to start reading the text, it must interest the client. That is why it is very important to consider the development of the design of a commercial proposal.

The main task of design should be to create a unique selling proposition that will stand out from hundreds of others. The presence of a beautiful header will not make the offer unique, you need to think over a complex design, which should at least include the design of the title page, the design of internal pages, buttons, numbered lists, footnotes and various pointers with which you can focus on the necessary information.

6. Format text correctly

Text design affects readability, so a lot of attention should be paid to the text:

    A large amount of information should be divided into paragraphs, and each paragraph should begin with a red line;

    Key phrases should be highlighted, for emphasis, either in bold or italics;

    Do not create a document with an "exotic" font, it is best to use standard fonts that are easy for everyone to read.

7. One commercial offer - one product

To achieve maximum efficiency from sending out a CP, you should make one commercial offer for each product, in which you write only about this product or service.

Thus, it will be possible to send it out more precisely, the audience of the mailing list will be more targeted, and the number of responses will be maximum.

This mistake is very common, as many sellers think that if they don’t call for one product, they will be interested in another, but this is not correct. The client simply may not find the necessary information and close this KP. Therefore, you should not list all the services that your company provides or write a complete list of goods.

8. Be original

Make your CP completely different from others, come up with something unique that others don't have yet. Come up with a unique service that will be useful to the target audience.

9. Push the customer to action

Very often, from the moment of the first reading to the call, a lot of time can pass, and during this period the client can either lose your contacts or find another company. That is why it is important to gently push the person to the call.

Motivating information can be both the validity period of the price and additional bonuses that the buyer will receive by calling the company today. For each product or service, it is important to choose exactly such attractive benefits that can motivate a call.

10. Electronic file format

The file format in which the commercial offer will be sent by email must be available for viewing on computers running any operating systems, as well as tablets and mobile phones.

The most viewable and ubiquitous is pdf format. In our opinion, it is in a pdf file that it is worth sending out a commercial offer. It will not be an error if the CP is sent in the form jpeg image file, although of course the convenience of viewing will suffer somewhat, but now users who do not have a pdf viewer installed will be able to view the CP using a standard image viewer installed on each computer with an operating system.

Sample commercial proposals

KP for the provision of advertising services by the city radio station
KP for the provision of laundry services
KP of the bank for the provision of acquiring services
KP for the provision of services of a consulting company
KP for the provision of services for the supply of original auto parts

How to deliver a commercial offer to a client

There are two ways to transfer the CP to the client: electronic and personal.

Recently, the most common is electronic way, however, it is not the most efficient.

Sending via email

by the most in a simple way to present your services or products is sending via e-mail. This method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

To the main benefits can be attributed to the fact that customers can be very far from you and convey information to them quickly, conveniently only using e-mail.

Bulk send a quotation to in electronic format much easier and cheaper (and if you do not use specialized services and generally free of charge).

The only downside before personal delivery, there is less interest of a person in reading or even viewing this letter by email.

Delivery of a printed copy in person

Often, a lot depends on whether the essence is conveyed to a potential client or partner, and we are not even talking about tens of thousands. In such cases, you can not be lazy and print out a commercial offer for its personal delivery to the addressee.

If there is no color printer, you can order a dozen copies at any printing house by printing on thick glossy sheets of paper, after which he made a beautiful binding.

It will not be a shame to hand a beautiful printed commercial offer personally to the head of the organization or leave it at the reception. Unlike checkpoints that are sent by e-mail, such an offer will certainly be studied and if it is drawn up correctly, it motivates the client and you will be contacted to conclude a contract or clarify the details.

What programs and services will help in the development of the CP?

After the text of your company's commercial offer is ready, it remains to arrange everything correctly by adding graphic elements, tables, photographs and motivating design.

The easiest to learn is the Publisher program, in which we recommend starting development. This is a specialized program for creating presentations from Microsoft, from which it will later be possible to export CP to pdf format.

To work with raster and vector graphics, of course, it is best to use the well-known programs from Adobe - Photoshop and Illustrator. Edited graphics from them are easy to move to Publisher.

The best way to visualize data is to use online services, among which almost all the best are in English. Among the best are and With their help, all data from dry numbers will take on a living form.

There are services that can help determine how many times your letters were opened and a certain addressee was busy reading it. Based on this data, you can make repeated mailings to interested emails if they did not receive a call. But this will be discussed in detail in another article.

Before submitting: what questions does a quotation answer?

1. How the product or service can really help the customer

Read the entire text that was compiled again and analyze whether the proposed product is really able to solve the problems of potential consumers, are the emphasis on strengths correct?

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes, you would have a desire to buy this product after reading.

2. Main differences from competitors

What real differences did you indicate in the text of the offer that can significantly distinguish the product in comparison with competitors? An advantage can be not only the characteristics of a product or service, but also Additional services provided only by your company.

3. Factors that can push you away from buying

Analyze the text and try to find facts that can negatively affect the customer's decision to buy. If such factors are found, try to correct them.

In other words, just put yourself out of the buyer's shoes or ask your friends and try to think about what should be added to the offer, so that it would be really interesting.


According to the received commercial offer, the client will make a conclusion not only about the services or products offered in it, but also about the whole company, with which he may have to cooperate for a long time.

That is why, having spent time on developing a CP today and doing everything as informatively, beautifully and correctly as possible, you will do profitable investment in the future of your company. After all, in most cases, the money spent on its development can pay off with the sale of just one unit of goods, and a good commercial offer can help to conclude profitable contracts and bring millions in profits.

Download template

Especially for those who want to create a commercial offer on their own, we have prepared a template for a commercial offer in .pub format in which you can enter your data - text, photos, price list, graphics and save it in .pdf format for later sending.

Today, a commercial offer is the face of the company and a kind of bait, on which managers so cleverly attract customers. Further fate any transaction depends on the correct preparation of the document and the competent presentation of the necessary material in it.

The trade offer contains a deep meaning: information about the company is provided, the list of services offered is described, the pricing policy is indicated, a system of discounts and a loyalty program are provided. In the article we will talk about the main points and give examples and samples. If you want more information on this topic, then read.

What is the right way to make a commercial offer?

When compiling a selling text, you should follow the rules for writing a unique selling proposition.

The most valuable thing in writing a commercial proposal is not the method and style of presentation, but its content. The main idea must be presented in such a way that even with a superficial reading, the essence of the content is clear to the client. It is advisable to focus on profitable cooperation, without delving into the list of services and product range.

Scheme for compiling a commercial offer:


Unique interesting start;

The essence of the proposal, a detailed idea of ​​the company, goods and servants;

Arguing benefits;

Call for cooperation;

Price policy;


Particularly important points:

1. Goods and services

The client must clearly understand what product or service they are trying to sell him, what specifications and the benefits offered. The text must provide a detailed explanation of the type of activity of the company.

2. Trademark

In most cases, positive responses are received by proposals indicating the logos of well-known companies. The leader on a subconscious level trusts more the one who is more famous.

3. Pricing policy

A prerequisite is the indication of prices for goods and services of the company. The figures given may be approximate and may vary depending on the service package purchased.

In addition to the price list, a trade offer may include a list of discounts for regular customers, a discount system, bonuses, and a graph of the price level of competitive firms.

Today, most companies provide assistance in compiling this kind of correspondence. But it is worth remembering that a good and selling commercial offer requires an individual approach.

How to make the right commercial offer?

If you decide to write a selling product offer yourself, then you should arm yourself necessary knowledge. It is better to break all subsequent work into several parts.

The first stage is the collection of information on the topic. Initially, it is worth considering a strategy for discounts and promotions, and determine the advantages of the company.

The second stage is practical novelty. Learn the style of competitors. Banal "We offer you ..." feel free to replace with "Do you want to save money ...?".

The third stage is the technique of persuasion. Specify and justify the benefits of working with you. A good incentive for cooperation is a positive feedback from a large famous company, the provision of a guarantee, the experience of the company or a stunning result. In this case, you can use the scheme to encourage the client.

The fourth stage is structuring the text. Remember that the heading always answers the main purpose of the entire document. The beginning of the offer should be intriguing and enticing for the potential client. You should not look on the Internet for template examples and commercial proposal samples. Be original!

The fifth stage is design. Pay special attention to spelling and appearance final work. Be sure to specify the addressee, his position and the name of the company. Choose a unique design, bring a touch of originality to a regular document. Think over a single style in the design of a commercial proposal. Try not to write too much. Laconically state your position, arguing for each step. Indicate the strengths of the proposed collaboration. And remember that brevity is the sister of talent!

Sample of a prepared commercial offer

Sample #1

Sample #2

Sample #3

Company "Office-Agent" - automated system accounting of working time.

How to make subordinates give all the best to 100% in a work shift?

Do you know, dear leader, what your employees are doing right now?!

According to statistics, 80% of Russians spend 1.5-3 hours of working time on the Internet. According to the Public Opinion Foundation, 8 out of 10 employees regularly visit social media, forums, online games and more.

Plus tea drinking, smoke breaks and the working day is reduced by several hours. Does this suit you?

No delay! Remuneration according to the employment of each employee!

A specially developed Office-Agent application automatically monitors the time spent by employees on the network. Every day reports are generated for accounting of working hours, a list of sites and applications that were used throughout the day.

Thanks to the "Office-agent" system, you save your energy and get the optimal scheme for motivating employees to complete urgent tasks in a timely manner.

Additional pluses:

Daily delays are reduced to zero! Understanding control motivates office staff to be on time at the workplace.

Increasing productivity! Now performers spend work time and their own ambitions not on virtual farms, but on achieving targets.

Time is money, payment calculation based on real data. The time tracking system automatically builds an appropriate incentive scheme for employees. The result - the incentive to work increases, the staff is able to give all the best at 100%!

According to the survey, the majority of firms using the Office-Agent system have reduced project delays from 70% to 15%. Application analysis allowed the manager to block third-party resources and make some personnel decisions.

Today, there are no introductions and preludes - only a dry squeeze on how to make a commercial proposal (Compromed, KP). We will consider the main approaches and principles with illustrative examples. Also, just below I will provide templates and samples of the structure and text of a commercial offer with links so that you can download and adapt them to your needs. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to develop a CP that, firstly, will be read. And secondly, after reading which, they will respond and agree to the proposed deal. Ready? Then let's get started.

By the way, if it’s more convenient for you to watch the video, or time is short, then I briefly talk about creating a CP in the 18th lesson of the course “Copywriting from scratch in 30 days”, see:

What is a commercial offer

Commercial offer- This marketing tool, which is sent to the addressee by regular mail or e-mail in order to receive a response. A response is a transfer of a potential client to the next stage of communication (meeting, presentation or signing a contract). Depending on the type of CP, the particular tasks of the tool, as well as its volume and content, may differ.

Types of commercial offers

There are three types of compreds: cold, hot and public offer. The first two types are used in marketing and sales. The third is in jurisprudence.

1. “Cold” commercial offer

“Cold” commercial offers are sent to an unprepared client (“cold”). Basically, it's spam. As practice shows, people do not particularly like spam, but if they are interested in it, then ... this becomes an exception to the rule. For this type of CP to work, you need a quality target list (list of recipients). The "cleaner" this list, the higher the response. If the target list contains general addresses of the form [email protected], then the efficiency of the compressor is a priori reduced by 80-90%.

Let's take a piquant situation as an example. Suppose the head of the sales department of company N has a plan on fire. Less than two weeks before the report, he's tearing his hair out, unsure of what to do, and receives an email with something like this: "5 Ways to Achieve a Monthly Sales Target in a Week." Tada-a-am! Here it is, saving the situation! And the person reads the main text, in which, among the ways, the service that we offer is hidden.

But this is only a special case. the main task a “cold” commercial offer is to force the recipient to read it to the end. It is worth making a mistake - and the letter flies into the trash.

This is why there are three main discard risks to consider when designing a “cold” BC:

  1. At the receiving stage. Gets attention. This can be a subject line if the offer is sent via email, or a custom envelope with a color or form factor if the delivery channel is physical, etc.
  2. At the opening stage. It manages with an attractive offer (it is also called an “offer”), we will talk about it a little lower.
  3. At the reading stage. Gets by using elements of persuasion and marketing chips. We will also talk about them below.

Please note: the volume of a “cold” commercial offer, as a rule, is 1-2 pages printed text, no more. This is due to the fact that the recipient is not initially configured to read the CP, and even more so he will not read it if the volume exceeds 10-20 pages.

The main advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass character, however, practice shows that when a CP is personalized, the response to it is an order of magnitude higher.

2. "Hot" commercial offer

Unlike the “cold” counterparts, the “hot” commercial offer is sent to a prepared client (a person who requested a quotation himself or whom the manager contacted in advance).

“Hot” CPs differ from “cold” ones both in volume (which can be 10-15 pages or slides) and in the approach to compilation. More than that, they give a person the information of interest for making a decision (price, availability, conditions, etc.). Recently, “hot” commercial offers, designed in the form of PowerPoint presentations or translated from PowerPoint to PDF format.

Read more about hot compreds in.

3. Offer

This is a special type of compreds made in the form of a public contract that does not require signing. It is used on the websites of various SaaS services or in online stores. As soon as a person fulfills the terms of the contract (for example, registers on the site), he automatically accepts the terms of the offer.

Quotation offer

Not to be confused with offer. This is completely different. To make a truly powerful commercial offer, you will need a killer offer - the "heart" of your offer (English offer - to offer). This is the point. In other words, a clear statement of what exactly you are offering. In this case, it is desirable to indicate the essence at the very beginning (this especially applies to “cold” CPs).

Please note: the offer is ALWAYS aimed at the benefit for the reader, and not at the goods or services! The easiest way is to make it according to the formula: we offer you (benefit) at the expense (product)

Every day I come across commercial offers whose authors step on the same rake again and again (do not repeat!):

  • We offer office furniture
  • We invite you to attend a seminar
  • We invite you to order website promotion from us
  • We offer you to wash your floors

And so on... This is a gross mistake. Look around: competitors offer the same. But most importantly, there is no benefit for the recipient here. Absolutely none. What will he get from this? What benefits will it get?

At the same time, these sentences can be flipped, made more personal and reader-oriented. For example:

  • I suggest you save up to $5,000 on furnishing your office with chic European furniture.
  • I suggest that you increase your company's turnover by 20-70% thanks to the information you will receive at the seminar.
  • I suggest you attract hundreds of new potential customers at a price of 1.5 rubles per person.
  • I suggest that you reduce the incidence of colds in your employees (and the number of sick days, respectively) through daily wet cleaning.

You got the idea. The main thing is to convey to the recipient the benefits that you offer him, and already goods and services are a way to get this benefit. More about the offer - in.

In its structure, a commercial offer is somewhat reminiscent of a selling text. And this is natural, since the CP is a special case of a commercial text. But there is one element that makes compreds stand out from the mass of other tools. This is an offer. However, let's talk about everything in order.

0. Footer

The footer most often contains a logo (so that the CP is identified with a specific company) and contact details with a mini-call. This is done to save time and space. One has only to look at the top of the document - he already knows what it is about and how to contact you. Very comfortably. The size of the footer, as a rule, does not exceed 2 cm. After all, for a cold compress of A4 format, every centimeter counts. See how I would put together a sales pitch for, say, my blog. In this case, I'm selling content in exchange for readers' time.

1. Title of commercial offer

Vital element. Especially for a “cold” gearbox. His task is to attract attention and immediately catch the benefit.

Note: when it comes to a “cold” compred, the heading “Commercial offer” is not the best option. If only because it is not informative, takes up space and is no different from dozens of others sent by your competitors. In addition, if a person does not expect letters from you and receives something so abstract, he reflexively makes several clicks: “highlight” and “spam”.

At the same time, for a “hot” commercial offer, such a heading is more than appropriate if the company name is indicated next.

In my practice, headings work best (not to be confused with the topic cover letter!) according to the 4U formula. I talk about them in detail. In today's sales pitch test case, the title is a combination of a title and a subtitle.

Lead (first paragraph)

The main task of a lead is to arouse interest in what you are saying. Otherwise, people just won't listen to you. Well, or if literally, then read your commercial offer. The lead always talks about what is important to the client. There are four approaches for this:

  1. From a problem (most often)
  2. From the solution (if there is no problem as such)
  3. From objections (if relevant)
  4. Emotions (very rare)

In my sample, I used the "from the problem" approach, take a look. Below I will show a few more samples with different approaches.

3. Offer

I have already talked about creating an offer a little higher. The offer should interest the recipient in the benefit so that he continues reading your commercial offer. Practice shows that if the offer is not interesting to the reader, the CP goes straight to the ballot box (the second wave of ejection).

For an offer, you can use either a general formula with a profit, or the so-called amplifier link:

  • Product + product at a bargain price
  • Product + service
  • Product + gift, etc.

At the end of the offer, I recommend making a graphic anchor (if space permits). It thins out the text mass and adds "air". In addition, it makes your commercial offer easy to scan. See what offer and graphic anchor I made in the sample offer for my blog. In your CP, you can use as an anchor the visualization of the supplied goods or the main directions of services, plus prices (if they are competitive for you).

4. Benefits for the customer

The next block is the benefits blog. In other words, this is a transfer that a person receives when he agrees to your commercial offer. It is important to be able to distinguish benefits from properties and characteristics. I wrote more in .

For example, in a sample CV for my blog readers, I can list the following benefits. Please note that the benefit block has a subtitle that is always directed towards the reader.

5. Handling objections

It is not always possible to insert all objection handlers into a quotation. But even so, the main ones can be closed by simply answering the questions: “Who are you?”, “Why can you be trusted?”, “Who already uses your services?”, “Geography of presence”, etc. Take a look at my sample CP for a blog. I handle the objection by answering the question "Who is the author and can he be trusted?".

Blocks with social proof or authority triggers are often used as objection handlers. Finally, another powerful persuasion technique in commercial proposals is warranties. At the same time, guarantees can be both expected (12 months for office equipment) and unexpected (if something breaks down, the company repairs it at its own expense, and provides a similar model of equipment for the duration of the repair).

To inspire even more trust, tell us about your company, without unnecessary praises - specifically and to the point. Only facts.

6. Call to action

Another essential attribute of a good commercial offer is an appeal. At the same time, there should be only one call (calling for one specific action): most often it is a call, but there may also be an application on the site or a visit to the sales department. Maximum - to the alternative: call or send Email.

Note: the call should be a strong verb, so the response will be higher.


  • Call me (strong verb)
  • You can call (weak verb, the effect will be lower)

And one more important point. You will be surprised, but sometimes people who develop commercial proposals forget to include contact information in them. It turns out a comical situation: the recipient of the CP wants to order a product or service, but physically cannot do this, because he does not know where to contact him.

In my sample, I put the call in the footer.

7. Postscript

The final, and at the same time one of the most important elements of all “killer” commercial proposals, is a postscript (P.S.). When used correctly, a postscript becomes a very powerful motivating lever. Practice shows that people read postscripts most often (after the captions under the pictures). That is why, if you want to strengthen your commercial offer, then the cherished letters P.S. desirable to adopt.

In addition, a restriction (deadline) can be inserted into the postscript. This point of structure is missed by many. And if in the case of sending a “hot” commercial offer, the manager can call and remind about himself, then in the case of a “cold” commercial offer, the absence of a restriction can deprive the company of more than half of the responses.

You can limit either in the context of time or in the context of the quantity of goods. For example:

  • There are only 5 fax machines left.
  • The offer is valid only until August 31, from September 1 the price will increase by 2 times.

It is worth mentioning that if you make a restriction, then you must fulfill your promises. And not like you promise to double the price tomorrow, but the next day you don’t do it, but promise the same thing.

Ready sample commercial offer

If we connect all the blocks, we will get such a sample of a commercial offer. He is universal. I adapted it for the sale of various goods and services: from logistics to rolled metal. Somewhere he worked better, somewhere worse. But everywhere he justified himself and paid off. The only thing to remember is the cleanliness of the target list.

Another one forte this sample is easy to scan. A person understands what we offer him in a matter of seconds.

You can download this sample to your Google Drive from this link to adapt it to your task. There you can also save it in RTF, MS Word or PDF formats. The compilation algorithm is slightly lower.

How to write a commercial offer (algorithm)

In order to properly prepare a commercial offer, you need to:

Step 1: Take as a basis the sample from the link above.

Step 2: Replace the logo, call and contacts with your own.

Step 3: develop a heading according to the 4U formula.

Step 4: Describe the client's real "pain" in the first paragraph.

Step 5: Make an offer with a solution for "pain".

Step 6: Make a graphic separator.

Step 7: Describe the additional benefits of your offer.

Step 8: Remove key objections or briefly describe yourself.

Step 9: Make a call to action, write P.S. with a deadline.

Other samples of commercial proposals

According to the above structure, it is possible to compose purely textual compreds. Let's look at sample commercial proposals for the supply of goods and on transport services. Despite the fact that they do not have graphic separators, the order of the blocks in them is identical. Notice the "If you already have a supplier" objection handler. This technique is called psychological adjustment and is described in detail in Susan Weinschenk's book Laws of Influence.

a) Sample commercial offer for transport services

Today, there are no introductions and preludes - only a dry squeeze on how to make a commercial proposal (Compromed, KP). We will consider the main approaches and principles with illustrative examples. Also, just below I will provide templates and samples of the structure and text of a commercial offer with links so that you can download and adapt them to your needs. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to develop a CP that, firstly, will be read. And secondly, after reading which, they will respond and agree to the proposed deal. Ready? Then let's get started.

By the way, if it’s more convenient for you to watch the video, or time is short, then I briefly talk about creating a CP in the 18th lesson of the course “Copywriting from scratch in 30 days”, see:

What is a commercial offer

Commercial offer is a marketing tool that is sent to the addressee by regular or e-mail in order to get a response. A response is a transfer of a potential client to the next stage of communication (meeting, presentation or signing a contract). Depending on the type of CP, the particular tasks of the tool, as well as its volume and content, may differ.

Types of commercial offers

There are three types of compreds: cold, hot and public offer. The first two types are used in marketing and sales. The third is in jurisprudence.

1. “Cold” commercial offer

“Cold” commercial offers are sent to an unprepared client (“cold”). Basically, it's spam. As practice shows, people do not particularly like spam, but if they are interested in it, then ... this becomes an exception to the rule. For this type of CP to work, you need a quality target list (list of recipients). The "cleaner" this list, the higher the response. If the target list contains general addresses of the form [email protected], then the efficiency of the compressor is a priori reduced by 80-90%.

Let's take a piquant situation as an example. Suppose the head of the sales department of company N has a plan on fire. Less than two weeks before the report, he's tearing his hair out, unsure of what to do, and receives an email with something like this: "5 Ways to Achieve a Monthly Sales Target in a Week." Tada-a-am! Here it is, saving the situation! And the person reads the main text, in which, among the ways, the service that we offer is hidden.

But this is only a special case. The main task of a “cold” commercial proposal is to get the recipient to read it to the end. It is worth making a mistake - and the letter flies into the trash.

This is why there are three main discard risks to consider when designing a “cold” BC:

  1. At the receiving stage. Gets attention. This can be a subject line if the offer is sent via email, or a custom envelope with a color or form factor if the delivery channel is physical, etc.
  2. At the opening stage. It manages with an attractive offer (it is also called an “offer”), we will talk about it a little lower.
  3. At the reading stage. Gets by using elements of persuasion and marketing chips. We will also talk about them below.

Please note: the volume of a “cold” commercial offer, as a rule, is 1-2 pages of printed text, no more. This is due to the fact that the recipient is not initially configured to read the CP, and even more so he will not read it if the volume exceeds 10-20 pages.

The main advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass character, however, practice shows that when a CP is personalized, the response to it is an order of magnitude higher.

2. "Hot" commercial offer

Unlike the “cold” counterparts, the “hot” commercial offer is sent to a prepared client (a person who requested a quotation himself or whom the manager contacted in advance).

“Hot” CPs differ from “cold” ones both in volume (which can be 10-15 pages or slides) and in the approach to compilation. More than that, they give a person the information of interest for making a decision (price, availability, conditions, etc.). Recently, “hot” commercial offers, designed as PowerPoint presentations or translated from PowerPoint into PDF format, have been especially popular.

Read more about hot compreds in.

3. Offer

This is a special type of compreds made in the form of a public contract that does not require signing. It is used on the websites of various SaaS services or in online stores. As soon as a person fulfills the terms of the contract (for example, registers on the site), he automatically accepts the terms of the offer.

Quotation offer

Not to be confused with offer. This is completely different. To make a truly powerful commercial offer, you will need a killer offer - the "heart" of your offer (English offer - to offer). This is the point. In other words, a clear statement of what exactly you are offering. In this case, it is desirable to indicate the essence at the very beginning (this especially applies to “cold” CPs).

Please note: the offer is ALWAYS aimed at the benefit for the reader, and not at the goods or services! The easiest way is to make it according to the formula: we offer you (benefit) at the expense (product)

Every day I come across commercial offers whose authors step on the same rake again and again (do not repeat!):

  • We offer office furniture
  • We invite you to attend a seminar
  • We invite you to order website promotion from us
  • We offer you to wash your floors

And so on... This is a gross mistake. Look around: competitors offer the same. But most importantly, there is no benefit for the recipient here. Absolutely none. What will he get from this? What benefits will it get?

At the same time, these sentences can be flipped, made more personal and reader-oriented. For example:

  • I suggest you save up to $5,000 on furnishing your office with chic European furniture.
  • I suggest that you increase your company's turnover by 20-70% thanks to the information you will receive at the seminar.
  • I suggest you attract hundreds of new potential customers at a price of 1.5 rubles per person.
  • I suggest that you reduce the incidence of colds in your employees (and the number of sick days, respectively) through daily wet cleaning.

You got the idea. The main thing is to convey to the recipient the benefits that you offer him, and already goods and services are a way to get this benefit. More about the offer - in.

In its structure, a commercial offer is somewhat reminiscent of a selling text. And this is natural, since the CP is a special case of a commercial text. But there is one element that makes compreds stand out from the mass of other tools. This is an offer. However, let's talk about everything in order.

0. Footer

The footer most often contains a logo (so that the CP is identified with a specific company) and contact details with a mini-call. This is done to save time and space. One has only to look at the top of the document - he already knows what it is about and how to contact you. Very comfortably. The size of the footer, as a rule, does not exceed 2 cm. After all, for a cold compress of A4 format, every centimeter counts. See how I would put together a sales pitch for, say, my blog. In this case, I'm selling content in exchange for readers' time.

1. Title of commercial offer

Vital element. Especially for a “cold” gearbox. His task is to attract attention and immediately catch the benefit.

Note: when it comes to a “cold” compred, the heading “Commercial offer” is not the best option. If only because it is not informative, takes up space and is no different from dozens of others sent by your competitors. In addition, if a person does not expect letters from you and receives something so abstract, he reflexively makes several clicks: “highlight” and “spam”.

At the same time, for a “hot” commercial offer, such a heading is more than appropriate if the company name is indicated next.

In my practice, headlines (not to be confused with the subject of a cover letter!) work best using the 4U formula. I talk about them in detail. In today's sales pitch test case, the title is a combination of a title and a subtitle.

Lead (first paragraph)

The main task of a lead is to arouse interest in what you are saying. Otherwise, people just won't listen to you. Well, or if literally, then read your commercial offer. The lead always talks about what is important to the client. There are four approaches for this:

  1. From a problem (most often)
  2. From the solution (if there is no problem as such)
  3. From objections (if relevant)
  4. Emotions (very rare)

In my sample, I used the "from the problem" approach, take a look. Below I will show a few more samples with different approaches.

3. Offer

I have already talked about creating an offer a little higher. The offer should interest the recipient in the benefit so that he continues reading your commercial offer. Practice shows that if the offer is not interesting to the reader, the CP goes straight to the ballot box (the second wave of ejection).

For an offer, you can use either a general formula with a profit, or the so-called amplifier link:

  • Product + product at a bargain price
  • Product + service
  • Product + gift, etc.

At the end of the offer, I recommend making a graphic anchor (if space permits). It thins out the text mass and adds "air". In addition, it makes your commercial offer easy to scan. See what offer and graphic anchor I made in the sample offer for my blog. In your CP, you can use as an anchor the visualization of the supplied goods or the main directions of services, plus prices (if they are competitive for you).

4. Benefits for the customer

The next block is the benefits blog. In other words, this is a transfer that a person receives when he agrees to your commercial offer. It is important to be able to distinguish benefits from properties and characteristics. I wrote more in .

For example, in a sample CV for my blog readers, I can list the following benefits. Please note that the benefit block has a subtitle that is always directed towards the reader.

5. Handling objections

It is not always possible to insert all objection handlers into a quotation. But even so, the main ones can be closed by simply answering the questions: “Who are you?”, “Why can you be trusted?”, “Who already uses your services?”, “Geography of presence”, etc. Take a look at my sample CP for a blog. I handle the objection by answering the question "Who is the author and can he be trusted?".

Blocks with social proof or authority triggers are often used as objection handlers. Finally, another powerful persuasion technique in commercial proposals is warranties. At the same time, guarantees can be both expected (12 months for office equipment) and unexpected (if something breaks down, the company repairs it at its own expense, and provides a similar model of equipment for the duration of the repair).

To inspire even more trust, tell us about your company, without unnecessary praises - specifically and to the point. Only facts.

6. Call to action

Another essential attribute of a good commercial offer is an appeal. At the same time, there should be only one call (calling for one specific action): most often it is a call, but there may also be an application on the site or a visit to the sales department. Maximum - to the alternative: call or send Email.

Note: the call should be a strong verb, so the response will be higher.


  • Call me (strong verb)
  • You can call (weak verb, the effect will be lower)

And one more important point. You will be surprised, but sometimes people who develop commercial proposals forget to include contact information in them. It turns out a comical situation: the recipient of the CP wants to order a product or service, but physically cannot do this, because he does not know where to contact him.

In my sample, I put the call in the footer.

7. Postscript

The final, and at the same time one of the most important elements of all “killer” commercial proposals, is a postscript (P.S.). When used correctly, a postscript becomes a very powerful motivating lever. Practice shows that people read postscripts most often (after the captions under the pictures). That is why, if you want to strengthen your commercial offer, then the cherished letters P.S. desirable to adopt.

In addition, a restriction (deadline) can be inserted into the postscript. This point of structure is missed by many. And if in the case of sending a “hot” commercial offer, the manager can call and remind about himself, then in the case of a “cold” commercial offer, the absence of a restriction can deprive the company of more than half of the responses.

You can limit either in the context of time or in the context of the quantity of goods. For example:

  • There are only 5 fax machines left.
  • The offer is valid only until August 31, from September 1 the price will increase by 2 times.

It is worth mentioning that if you make a restriction, then you must fulfill your promises. And not like you promise to double the price tomorrow, but the next day you don’t do it, but promise the same thing.

Ready sample commercial offer

If we connect all the blocks, we will get such a sample of a commercial offer. He is universal. I adapted it for the sale of various goods and services: from logistics to rolled metal. Somewhere he worked better, somewhere worse. But everywhere he justified himself and paid off. The only thing to remember is the cleanliness of the target list.

Another strength of this sample is that it is easy to scan. A person understands what we offer him in a matter of seconds.

You can download this sample to your Google Drive from this link to adapt it to your task. There you can also save it in RTF, MS Word or PDF formats. The compilation algorithm is slightly lower.

How to write a commercial offer (algorithm)

In order to properly prepare a commercial offer, you need to:

Step 1: Take as a basis the sample from the link above.

Step 2: Replace the logo, call and contacts with your own.

Step 3: develop a heading according to the 4U formula.

Step 4: Describe the client's real "pain" in the first paragraph.

Step 5: Make an offer with a solution for "pain".

Step 6: Make a graphic separator.

Step 7: Describe the additional benefits of your offer.

Step 8: Remove key objections or briefly describe yourself.

Step 9: Make a call to action, write P.S. with a deadline.

Other samples of commercial proposals

According to the above structure, it is possible to compose purely textual compreds. Let's look at sample commercial proposals for the supply of goods and transport services. Despite the fact that they do not have graphic separators, the order of the blocks in them is identical. Notice the "If you already have a supplier" objection handler. This technique is called psychological adjustment and is described in detail in Susan Weinschenk's book Laws of Influence.

a) Sample commercial offer for transport services

“Send your commercial, we will look and answer you…”. I heard this phrase at least once, but each of us, not to mention sales managers.

And very often, it is at this stage that their clients fall off. Because your offer didn’t hook them, didn’t like it, or even pushed them away.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary in our time to know how to make a commercial offer so that it is read and come to you.

It's a shame

A commercial offer is one of the most effective sales tools, so your profit directly depends on the quality of the text, structure and design.

But, unfortunately, many managers, and even leaders, do not pay due attention to compiling it.

Considering that the most important thing is to attract a client, and then he will buy himself if he needs to.

But as I wrote above, many are burned on this. And we can safely say this as business consultants, because in our practice we see shocking results. Most likely yours will be the same.

Namely, out of 10 applications, 30% (3 applications) buys from you in the best scenario, and if we take the general temperature in the hospital, it will drop to 15% (1.5 applications).

This suggests that you are wasting money on attracting customers. By improving this one stage, it will be possible to increase profit by 2? No, it's not a magic pill.

But even a 15-20% increase in sales will quickly pay off all investments in the KP and take the company to a new level.

Therefore, we return to our question: “How to make a selling commercial offer so that it brings the maximum response?”.



I would like to start with the fact that there are two main types of commercial proposals that have completely different goals.

Step 2. Formation of desire

Example: Good afternoon, Ivan Stepanovich. You study different offers every day and most often they go into the trash. But this is not the case. You can be sure.

And we, for our part, are ready to confirm this with a free gift - “Two tickets to the VIP-class cinema”, if you really think that you have wasted your time.

Brazenly or confidently?! You decide. The main thing is that it works. True, not always and not in all areas.

Your approach may be less provocative. But he must solve his problem - to cause a desire to read everything from cover to cover.

Step 3. Essence of the offer

The next step is your offer. This is what everyone is here for. Just like in the song “It's great that we are all here today!” (Did you read or sing?).

In this step, you talk about your product or your service. Remind me what you are talking about.

As a rule, these are 1-2 blocks in which you tell the main points of the proposal. It is not necessary to describe everything that is included here.

You write exactly as much as necessary for the client to make a positive decision to move on to the next stage.

The essence of the offer

Step 4. Persuasion

Be the solution to the customer's problem, not the description. Uncover the main benefits that he will receive from cooperation.

You can do this using different blocks, for example, through reasons to buy, through, through cases, through a guarantee or technical specifications.

Beliefs in a business proposal

To summarize, your task is to convince the client to buy from you with the help of several blocks. That is, “Persuasion”, this is not one “Why us” block, but a collection, each of which closes the necessary objection.

Step 5. Pricing

Since we are talking about a hot letter, it means that the client is already waiting for an offer with prices. Therefore, there is no need to hide anything at this step and be afraid to frighten him away, on the contrary, everything should be transparent and honest.

Up to the point that you tell what factors the entire cost consists of.


And yes, if you wide range of services, then send separately with your commercial offer.

And do not forget to write about it in the CP, otherwise it may simply not be noticed, since everything is studied very quickly.

Life hack. Do not use the word "Price", it carries a negative aftertaste. Use the words “Cost” or “Investment”, so it will be easier for the client to agree to the subconscious.

Step 6: Call to Action

Very often neglected, but this, in fact, is the closing of the sale. Clearly state what your potential client after reading - call, write, come to the office.

It is important to do this, since it is psychologically easier and more understandable for people to act when they are told what to do in order to get the desired result (even for the most strict director).

Call to action

And also the call helps to make the client want to do it immediately after reading. For example, with the help of an additional and free bonus that will be valuable to him.

Also, cautiously, you can use a time limit in this blog to encourage the client to take action right now, rather than postponing.

Example: Sign a contract with us until 24.12 and get a washing machine “Clean even the blood” as a gift

Step 7. Design

Even a short commercial offer may not be read if it is boring. Therefore, the correct design is no less important than the content. Here are the basic recommendations for the implementation of the visual component.

  1. Divide text into paragraphs. This makes it easier to read and study.
  2. Insert images. They will help create the mood of the material.
  3. Highlight important words and offer. So that the client does not miss them.
  4. Use infographics. It is easier to digest than text and images.
  5. Add a photo of the manager. Creates a more personal touch.
  6. Leave space between blocks. To visually separate everything.
  7. Use . This will make you stand out from the rest faster.

Everyone has a very different concept of beauty, so do not be lazy and show your offer to different people.

You need to make a really beautiful shell. After all, in Russia we are “greeted by clothes” and a commercial offer is no exception here.

Sample commercial offer

You are probably now waiting to see a sample commercial proposal here, but it will not be.

He left and told us not to look for him. And all because he will only spoil everything for you. Totally ruin it. And I have a thousand and one reasons for this.

Let's start with the fact that 99% of samples on the Internet are not correct. Therefore, if you navigate by them, then simply replenish their number and you will repeat to everyone that "KP does not work."

All good offers can only be obtained through “going to competitors”, because it is customary not to show good things in such a business, but rather hide them.

Also, the samples do not take into account idiosyncrasy. You will take as a basis something that does not fit your specifics at all.

And as a consequence, again, take as an example what will not work. Even if you try, your brain will still think in terms of the sentence that it saw.

And finally, they throw out empty templates on the Internet and call them “Example of a commercial offer”.

All this is done in order to collect more traffic to the site, and not in order to be useful. So for the third time, find good example this request will not work.

And yet, if you want to find some kind of sample or example, it’s better to study the websites of companies (like us) that do this professionally and periodically post work for their clients.

This is, at a minimum, an exactly working option (only again for the client, not for you).


You are only at the beginning of the journey. During development, you will have a lot of questions on the topic “Do I need to write this block or not?”, “Is this text to be disclosed in more detail or is it clear?” or “Is it really catchy or does it seem to me?”.

Therefore, get ready for the fact that the process of finishing is endless, because you can always do better.