What is transcription. How to translate audio sound or video clip into printed text

Hello fellow freelancers!

With that, I think, from yesterday's article you completely figured it out. We move on.

Today I want to tell you what programs will help greatly facilitate the entire transcription process. There is not one transcription program that you can use, and there are several options on how to easily translate audio and video to text with them.

But about how to do transkibation and in what ways, I will be in detail. Today, only a detailed review of these programs with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Download Express Scribe(official site)

Unfortunately, there is no version of this program in Russian, but it is very simple, intuitive and free.

Main advantages:

  • Convenient field for typing. No need to switch between player and text document.
  • Change the playback speed of the audio track to keep up with dictation.
  • Customizable hotkeys that allow you to play, stop and rewind the recording.
  • Adapted to work with Word.
  • Arrangement of time codes.


  • On the English language. Although this does not interfere with the work in the slightest.

In the next article, I will analyze in detail how to work in it and what hotkeys to use.

LossPlay program

Download the program LossPlay

A simple and also free decryption player.

Main advantages:

  • Customizable hotkeys.
  • Playback of audio and video files.
  • Change the playback speed of the recording.
  • Arrangement of time codes.
  • Customizable rollback after a pause.
  • Adapted to work in Microsoft Word.


  • Sometimes I have to switch between windows.

3 video lessons on working with LossPlay

Lesson 1

Getting to know the player, how it is installed and how it works.

Lesson 2

Inserting timecode into the text to be decoded.

Lesson 3

How to increase the productivity of transcribers by fine-tuning the program.

Speechpad online service

A very simple online service for speech recognition. With it, you can dictate text with your voice and then edit it by saving or copying it to a text document.

In fact this service can replace regular Google docs that have a voice typing feature.

These programs exist to facilitate the work of transcribers. You can write your opinion in the comments below or leave a review about what you use. I wish you all good luck and see you in the next article.

Not so long ago, I promised that I would tell how to convert youtube videos to text. I delayed with a promise, because grief happened to me, and there was no time for a blog. I didn't even go online for about a month. Okay, let's go.

In fact, you can translate into text not only videos from Youtube, but in general from any other site. It can be not only video, but also any audio on the Internet, or on your computer. You don't even have to download the media file to your computer in order to translate it into text later.

I learned about this method not so long ago, and used it only twice, that is, I wrote only two blog articles - this, and.

You might think: wow! Now you can get tons of unique text without much effort ... But in reality this is not the case - you have to work. A big plus in transcription is that you do not need to invent a text - everything has already been invented for you. All you have to do is translate audio into text. After the translation, you will have to divide the text into paragraphs, put punctuation marks, correct inaccurate translation, and so on.

I also want to give you a little advice. Write down a small part of the text, and then check it for uniqueness. We are not the only smart ones in Runet, you see. Perhaps this audio has already been translated by someone before you. And in order not to do extra work, it is worth checking part of the text for uniqueness.

What else is worth considering. It is better if the audio is free of extraneous noise: music, some background conversations, and so on. But I translated videos from Youtube of far from the best quality, and it seems to be normal. Cars were heard driving, and indeed the conversation was recorded on the street.

Transcription tools and preparation for translation

For transcription, we need, which I wrote about in the article, you can read. We also need a program Virtual Audio Cable. You can easily find it on the Internet.

You need to download and install this program on your computer, then make some settings. I'm not an expert on settings, but there is nothing complicated there. In the video, I show how to set it up, but I'll show you in the screenshots here.

Virtual Audio Cable settings for transcription

So, find this program on the Internet, download it, and then install it on your computer. The installation is normal, so I even missed this moment in the video. After installation, you will have three shortcuts: Audio Repeater (MME), Control panel And Audio Repeater (KS). We need the first two labels

Launching the shortcut control panel, and install 2 virtual cables, as in the screenshot below:

Here, I think everything is clear. We have closed this window. Now we launch Audio Repeater (MME) 2 times, i.e. this shortcut needs to be run 2 times so that 2 identical windows appear. Here we will configure the sound: inputs and outputs. See screenshot:

In the first window, we set up the audio for transcription: the audio is fed into the cable (line 1) and out through the cable (line 2). Set buffer = 200 and press start. Everything, we figured out the first settings.

In the second window, we need to adjust the sound so that it comes out through the speakers, otherwise we will see how the translation is going on, but we will not hear anything. We also set the input to wave in (line 1), but the output (wave out) is already set to external source, for example, headphones, speakers, speakers, or whatever you have. Here we also set the buffer to 200 and press start.

Since our input goes to line 1, here we also install a cable (line 1) instead of a microphone, and leave it by default. Then go to the playback settings, and install the cable (line 2).

Here you need to set the output to cable 2, and then click " default". OK, it is not necessary to press.

So let's watch the video how to translate youtube videos to text

What is transcription, how to translate audio and video files into text, is it possible to make money on it? Such search queries are increasingly appearing on the Internet. This topic is interesting both to my subscribers and to everyone who earns through the Internet. Therefore, it makes sense to provide an explanation on this issue.

What is transcription

Hello friends and colleagues! The question of what transcription is is of interest to many Internet users today. This newfangled word appeared in the lexicon not so long ago, as they say, a phenomenon of time.

So, transcription is the translation of an audio file into text. And not just a retelling in your own words, but a literal translation. It can be an audio or video file, an interview or a video conference. In other words, this is the name of the creation of a well-formed text that literally conveys the meaning of an audio or video recording.

It is no secret that the video format has taken a worthy first place both in educational materials, and in trainings, and in business education. But, nevertheless, there is a certain percentage of people who perceive video or audio format worse than text. And, of course, if you are a blogger or an info businessman, an online consultant or an MLM entrepreneur, then you most likely conduct webinars, Skype consultations, online trainings. You must have video or audio recordings of these events.

And when you post these materials on your website, blog or page in in social networks, It is desirable for you to have a detailed textual accompaniment of this video or audio recording.

This practice will significantly increase the flow of visitors to your resource, which means the number of subscribers and customers will increase.

I myself am one of those people who first read and then watch.

Many authors prefer to speak the desired material into a microphone, record an audio file, listen, and then translate it into text. And this is often more convenient and faster than typing material immediately in hard copy. This is often done by those who conduct various trainings.

The combination of video audio formats with text accompaniment makes the content multi-formatted and interesting.

Transcribe audio and video to text

Converting audio to text format is no different than creating a text file from a video. After all, we are recording speech, and whether there is an image or not is not important.

Anyone who has a computer, the Internet and the ability to type on a keyboard can be a transcriber. In order to learn how to translate speech into text format, start recording video reviews, audio presentations and make text accompaniment to them.

You can do transcription of video lessons or trainings you like. To do this, you need to install a media player and any text editor e.g. MS Word.

Transcribing, so to speak, for oneself, is a very useful thing. You significantly increase the speed of typing on the keyboard and train your memory. After all, you have to keep a certain amount of information in memory. Unwittingly, typing a lot by ear, you become more attentive and literate. This work teaches patience and perseverance.

And most importantly, having learned to deal with the "decoding" of audio and video, you can always earn money through the Internet.

Earn money from transcriptionthrough the Internet

How much can you earn from transcription. On average, 8 - 15 rubles per minute of audio or video recording. If the text needs to be edited, then twice as much.

“Deciphering” 1 hour of video or audio every day, you earn about 25,000 rubles a month. And this without leaving home, without spending money on the road and eight hours for work.

Your earnings directly depend on the speed of printing. To help transcribers, there are special programs such as ExpressScribe or LossPlay. The programs are in English, but the interface is intuitive and anyone who is familiar with computer software can figure it out. The programs are completely free.


So, we figured out what transcription is, how to convert video and audio files into text format, how and how much you can earn by providing such a service. This is quite valuable information for those who are taking their first steps in the field of earning money via the Internet. After all, no special knowledge is needed. Find orders and do the "decoding" of the speech. In parallel, you can create a blog or website, create your own information products, write articles. You have money here and now. This gives you the opportunity to set the stage for making money online in your niche. Good luck!

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There are many professions that only a few have heard of. Few can tell what a transcriber does. This gap can be filled in the article below. It will be of interest to anyone who wants to find an easy remote job.

What it is?

Transcription is the translation of speech from an audio or video format into text. In other words, this is the name of the creation of a printed, logically connected text suitable for subsequent editing from an audio or video recording. By the way, everyone is familiar with transcription examples. Surely everyone at least once saw the video, accompanied by subtitles.

The main thing that is required for those who decide to make money by transcription is a good ear, which allows you to clearly understand Russian or foreign speech. In addition, you need the ability to type text on a computer keyboard. Thus, in order to engage in the provision of services for "transcribing" audio or video files, no special skills and knowledge are required, especially when it comes to working with material in the native language.

The only thing that can prevent you from making money by providing transcription services is slow typing. Remember that speed and skill come with practice quickly.

Audio to Text Transcription: Benefits

This occupation is chosen if there is a need to earn extra money, but there is no way to get a job suitable job and lack of education. In addition, transcription helps:

  • learn to type faster on the keyboard blindly;
  • develop memory, as you have to memorize large audio fragments for a short time;
  • become more attentive, more diligent, more patient;
  • learn to write well.

Another plus that is inherent in transcription is the ability to work remotely, that is, at a time convenient for you and without the need to travel to work every day, spending money and time on the road. It is the latter circumstance that makes this occupation extremely attractive for mothers on maternity leave and for full-time students.


The main disadvantage of working as a transcriber is the relatively low cost of the service. However, in any case, with a serious approach, you can get good money, given that you do not have to work outside the home.

The disadvantages include the need to sit in one place for a long time and the fact that there is no place for creativity in such an occupation.

Who orders

Transcription of audio to text is usually chosen by those who take interviews, organize conferences, call clients, info business, and so on. At the same time, the quality of audio or video recording by the customer can be both good and very poor quality.

Transcription is required for audio recordings made during:

  • telephone conversations;
  • seminars/webinars;
  • interview;
  • audio podcasts;
  • TV shows.

In addition, there are many people different professions for whom it is easier to record thoughts on a voice recorder, and then ask the transcriber to make an article or book out of the audio.

What do customers want?

Those who need to transcribe conversations, lectures or other audio into text may have different requirements, depending on the tasks assigned to them.

In the simplest case, you need to print the phrases you hear, breaking the text into sentences, and correctly punctuate.

If a dialogue or conversation of several people is being transcribed, it will be necessary to indicate who is speaking. Usually this is done by putting marks like "first (second) vote", "man", "woman" and others.

If you are interested in making money on transcription, then freelance exchanges are the best place to find work. Almost daily there are orders for translating video and audio files into text.

And a novice freelancer can place ads on the Internet about his services on thematic sites. It's not the best fast way, but perhaps this way you will be able to get clients for permanent work. The most important thing is not to write in the ad that you work at a negotiated price. It is better to clearly indicate what services you are ready to provide and their cost.

Over time, you can contact special companies and offer them your services. If you fit them, you will no longer need to look for orders. In addition, in such companies, the rates are usually even higher than the cost of services ordered through freelance exchanges.

How much can you earn?

Without straining, you can transcribe 2 hours of audio per day, even if it is of the poorest quality. At the moment, in the freelance services market, the average price of 1 minute of sound-to-text translation is about 10 rubles.

For large order volumes, experienced transcribers are advised to agree to a lower rate. Eight rubles for 1 minute of audio processing with permanent job- quite acceptable. However, orders below this price level should not be taken, since the amount received will not be able to recoup the time spent.

Suppose you have found a regular customer. Then your earnings, even at a price of 8 rubles per minute of transcription, are about 1000 rubles a day if you work only 2 hours. And this is not bad at all, especially for the inhabitants of the province.

What does the price depend on

The cost of an audio transcription order will be higher than usual if:

  • very poor recording quality and interference;
  • you need to "decipher" the conversation of several people, and it is difficult to understand who is speaking;
  • phrases are long and there are terms that are difficult to understand for an uninitiated person;
  • need to decipher the text foreign language without or simultaneously with its transfer (in the latter case, the payment is quite high);
  • it is required to arrange the text in a special way (arrange time codes, do other things);
  • need to do the job urgently.

How to avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous customers

The main risk of transcribing is unscrupulous customers.

Unfortunately, at all times there have been swindlers who want to take advantage of the fruits of someone else's labor for free. Especially a lot of them are divorced on the Internet, where it is easy to “get lost” as soon as a freelancer sends an order.

It is quite difficult to identify such fraudulent customers, as they are extremely courteous and do not make excessive demands. The main sign of a “freeloader” is a high price and a recent registration on a freelance exchange.

The fact is that unfortunate customers like to create accounts for 1-2 fraudulent orders that are never used again. What to do? Work only with those clients who have been on the freelance exchange for a long time, do not hesitate to ask for an advance payment. You can also send the order in parts, with a separate payment for each of them. In some cases, it is better to do the following: the transcriber first sends the customer a screenshot of the resulting text, and the text itself only after receiving payment.

Who suits

First of all, transcription is a good option for beginner freelancers. This type of online earnings is ideal for students and schoolchildren who have nothing else yet. It does not require investments and allows you to quickly start earning.

Transcription programs

Of course, you can get started as a transcriber using any media player and Word text editor. However, as already mentioned, your income will be directly related to the speed of order fulfillment, so it is recommended to use special programs, such as Express Scribe. Although it does not have a Russian-language version, anyone who has the most primitive skills in working with computer software can deal with the interface.

Key benefits of Express Scribe include:

  • the presence of a field for typing, which eliminates the need to constantly switch between the player window and a text document;
  • the ability to change the speed of playing an audio file;
  • the presence of customizable hot keys that allow you to stop, play and rewind the audio recording.
  • adaptability to work with the Word office editor.

Good results can be achieved using LossPlay. This program, like the previous transcription software, can be downloaded for free. Its advantages are almost the same as those of Express Scribe, but sometimes you have to switch between windows, which is not always convenient.

Now you know what transcription is and understand the features of this

Transcription is the transcribing of audiovisual information into text. That is, you must listen to what the announcer says and type it on the computer keyboard.

There is no fundamental difference between working with audio and video, since, as a rule, it is not necessary to look at the screen. However, sometimes customers also require a full transcript, which suggests an indication of changes in intonation, gestures, and some other actions of people on the video.

As a rule, payment for transcription is per minute, although sometimes they pay for the amount of typed text. Most often, this approach is practiced when changes need to be made to the text - to convert colloquial speech into literary, or vice versa, to remove all complex terminology and make the article more accessible to an unprepared reader.

The most important skill needed to work in this area is typing speed.. The faster you are, the more you can do, and, accordingly, you will earn more in the same period of time. Experienced typesetters can transcribe text at the same speed as an announcer.

What is required for work

It takes a few things to work:

  1. PC with Internet connection;
  2. comfortable keyboard;
  3. special software.


Despite the fact that there is a program for transcribing audio to text in automatic mode, and not one, you should not use them - they are too imperfect, and the quality of voice recognition is low. As a result, you will spend more time bringing the text into the proper state after automatic processing than if you immediately transcribed it yourself.

However, there are applications that will be very useful, especially for beginners who have not yet mastered the ten-finger “blind” typing method - special players that allow you to slow down the audio recording to a comfortable speed, so you do not have to pause it all the time. Also, such players will be useful in case of poor recording quality.

One of the best such programs is Express Scribe, which can be downloaded for free from the official website: www.nch.com.au/scribe. The program also has a paid version with advanced functionality, but for most tasks, the free version will be enough for you.

Where to find a job

Translation of video and audio recordings into text is required both on the Internet, for example, for filling websites or processing educational materials, and outside of it - the services of stenographers are in demand in a variety of areas. In any case, the easiest way to find vacancies in this area is online..

By transcription in the following forums:

  • searchengines.guru;
  • webmasters.ru;
  • maultalk.com;
  • talkwebber.ru;
  • talk.pr-cy.ru.

You can also search for orders for transcription and offer your services on the following sites:

  • freelance.com;
  • weblancer.net
  • free-lance.ru

Sometimes orders can be found on content exchanges:

  • advego.ru;
  • workzilla.com.

Well, if you want, you need to search on sites with vacancies:

  • job.ru;
  • hh.ru;
  • worka.ru.

How much can you earn

On average, decoding one minute of a recording costs 10-15 rubles, and if the text needs to be edited, then twice as much. Thus, deciphering an hour of recording in two or three hours of real time, you can earn about 25-40 thousand rubles per month.

As you can see, transcription is good and fairly simple, requiring neither investments nor specific skills.

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