Greenhouse business plan for growing tomatoes. How to make money growing cherry tomatoes

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I present to your attention a three-month work on the study of the Russian sales training market. The objective of this study was to identify domestic sales gurus, consultants and trainers who are the most competent in sales and related topics - negotiations, persuasion, working with objections, sales management, building sales motivation systems, etc. Oddly enough, until now such a rating did not exist. The last to investigate this topic were journalists from the salespro publication, which, as far as I know, “safely” rested in Bose a few years ago from lack of money (and, apparently, hopelessness that the sales magazine was not for sale).

Each of the people in this study is a unique individual, so whoever you choose for your next training, your company will not go wrong either way. Hire any of them and you will get the most out of what is available on the market. These people know sales brilliantly, have tremendous experience and can help not only the sellers themselves, but also the heads of sales departments, commercial directors and senior managers.

I know some of them in person, others in absentia, and others I have heard a lot about or read their books. By the way, there are those on this list with whom my experience of communication can be called more negative than inspiring. However, this fact did not affect the rating and the position of the coach in it. All these people are well known in Russian market and made a name for themselves in sales training, and not just in “everything” trainings. Whether I like them or not is the tenth thing. There is no doubt about their vast experience and qualifications. I know little about some of them, but by studying their websites, reviews and videos, I can draw fairly accurate conclusions about their competencies and level of expertise in the subject area.

I think that the professionals of this market will pay attention to the fact that many titled coaches of Russia, who (quite deservedly) are used to being in the first places in any such ratings, did not make it into the rating. The reason is obvious - this is the "TOP-20 Sales Coaches". And only for them. I have included here only those trainers and consultants who specialize exclusively in sales training and refuse other topics.

For example, you and I know such well-deserved, and even legendary, coaches as Mikhail Molokanov, Mark Kukushkin, Radislav Gandapas, Leonid Krol, Igor Mann and many others. Of course, in another case, they could also be in this rating, since they clearly deserve the right to be among the best coaches in Russia. And they certainly know how to teach sales. But you need to understand that although they can conduct training on any "selling topic", for them sales trainings, and the topic of sales itself, is no longer the main one. Almost all of them have long “outgrown” the level of simple coaching and have become “gurus” in some area, having “staken out” separate topics for themselves (marketing - Igor Mann, strategy - Radislav Gandapas, time management - Gleb Arkhangelsky, etc. ). And others have greatly expanded the range of training to reach more clients and, thus, left the "pure sales". This automatically excluded them from this list.

On what basis are the coaches placed? To be honest, it's subjective. I did not compare the cost of a training day for each of them, did not consider the average number of paid training days per year or the turnover of their companies. I didn't even look at their price lists. This rating is purely subjective. comparative evaluation one man. I evaluated the totality of my knowledge and the information received through various channels. For example, I have been to Radmilo Lukic's trainings many times, but not so many times to Sergei Azimov's. This was one of the reasons why I ranked SaleCraft's founder a little higher. However, this does not mean that higher is better. I rate almost everyone on this list approximately the same, and it would be extremely wrong to say (and understand) that one of them is better simply because he is higher. It is impossible to compare real pros in their field “directly” - everyone has very different temperaments, approaches and methods of conducting. But what I can say for 100 percent is that all the personalities of this rating are sales professionals of the highest category.

Slightly deviating from the topic, I want to note that it is very difficult to be a “pure sales coach” (sounds funny, right?) in Russia and the CIS countries. Before becoming CEO In the company where I work now, I have conducted many sales trainings and I perfectly understand those who, after three to five years of winding around the country and neighboring countries, go to another business. Teaching sales is an interesting, but extremely difficult and not the most profitable job. average cost a good sales coach is now 20-30 thousand per training / day. A good coach deserves to receive at least 60-100 thousand a day, but clients who are willing to pay decently for high quality, not so much. When choosing between a rate of 20 and 60, most companies still choose the former. This list is a warning and a tool for these managers. A good sales coach should cost a lot! Remember this and do not compare the "incomparable".

The dream of any coach is to have at least 15 paid personal trainings per month year-round, but in reality it is difficult to achieve. Sometimes, it happens, of course, more, but more often - less. Having gained a rich practice, some trainers open their own companies, others expand their own specialization towards general management or personal effectiveness. At the same time, the companies they created have a new name and thus “blur” the trainer’s personal brand that has already gained momentum. In this case, he has to start all over again.

Therefore, many nominees (such as Dmitry Norka or Asya Barysheva) build a brand around their own name. Western examples (the same Jeffrey Gitomer) clearly confirm the success of this approach. Wherever and however I work, my brand will work for me. However, it is clear that a brand built around the founder's name is short-lived. With his departure (unfortunately inevitable), in most cases, his company also disappears. If the brand is strong enough to serve itself without exploiting the name of an individual, it may be more durable and serve children or even grandchildren. However, it happens differently. For example, Arkady Mizernyuk, whose training I admire, is a very successful and wealthy businessman. He could have long ago relaxed on some island under the southern sun and received dividends from a successful youth, however, he, nevertheless, still conducts trainings with pleasure and considers that this is one of his two life missions. In my opinion, this approach deserves all respect.

I admit, calling this rating "Russian TOP-20", I am a little sinning against the truth. Since the list includes not only trainers who live in Russia, but also all those who often come here and can conduct training in any Russian city at any time. I considered this approach justified, since most often Russian (and any other) companies ordering training absolutely do not care where the trainer lives permanently. If we discard his experience and specifics, it is usually important for customers that the trainer be:

  1. Affordable(in terms of money and in terms of a quick appearance on the horizon)
  2. Russian speakers(or Russian speakers, which, in general, is the same thing)
  3. Hassle-free in the sense of drawing up contracts, cash and non-cash payments, flights, accommodations and preparation of all necessary accounting documents that are required by the intricate Russian legislation.

All participants in this rating, therefore, were classified by me as " Russian coaches". So, for example, it would be foolish to exclude from the list the highly respected and charismatic Mr. Derevitsky, who, although he lives in Kyiv, has conducted a huge number of trainings in Russia. Alexander has found 1000 ways to deal with objections, and is undoubtedly a guru in this rather narrow and, at the same time, such a huge topic. Therefore, his books are still chased throughout the CIS. And Ekke is one of the most famous coaches in Estonia, but is also absolutely accessible throughout the former Soviet Union and speaks excellent Russian.

Another logical question that you can ask is: “Why are there not 20 people on the list, but 18?”.


  1. I didn't want to add people to the list just because I absolutely have to list 20 people. (If this is important to you, add Pavel Bukov from RQ Lab to the list - he specializes not only in sales, but knows this topic brilliantly - and, for example, Vadim Dozortsev, whose team improves efficiency precisely through professional audit and modernization of the sales system, who how does he not see sales in the complex?).
  2. There are some other great trainers that are potentially suitable, but I don't have enough data to check yet, I'll add them later.

Perhaps I missed someone (in this case, I ask you to indicate in the comments those who deserve to get into the pantheon of Russian sales glory), but so far 3 places in the ranking are still vacant. Hurry up, as they say. ;) But, I repeat, only those who have connected their business career with sales, and only with them, can get into the rating.

As you can see, there is a nomination in which two people go at once. Coaches Maxim Gorbachev and Dmitry Tkachenko use the power of dual charisma and train together. Therefore, I did not begin to divide them in half (suddenly, without each other, they will not be able to conduct trainings as effectively?). Unfortunately, only one woman got on the list, this is Asya Barysheva, whose book “How to Sell an Elephant” was read by all professional salespeople. Among the nominees was also Tatyana Sokolova, who recently wrote Upgrade Sales, but for certain reasons, she did not make it to our rating.

I guess that's all I wanted to say as a comment. Of course, I did not want to offend, offend or upset anyone. If I forgot someone, I will gladly include it. I will be glad if this rating is useful to you personally and your organizations. As always, I look forward to your corrections, additions, criticism and comments.

Mikhail Lyufanov

So, I present to you a list of the best Russian business coaches in the field of sales

1. Dmitry Norka,
2. Radmilo Lukic
3. Konstantin Baksht
4. Alexander Derevitsky
5. Arkady Mizernyuk
6. Boris Zhalilo
7. Sergey Azimov
8. Sergey Zharikov
9. Nikolay Rysev
10. Sergey Rebrik
11. Asya Barysheva
12. Maxim Gorbachev and Dmitry Tkachenko
13. Alexey Urvantsev
14. Evgeny Kolotilov
15. Dmitry Semin
16. Alexey Zozon
17. Ekke Lainsalu

The sales department constantly needs to improve the skills of its staff. Sales training is a necessity for every company.

Today the market is oversaturated with offers of sales trainers. They look alike. And it is very difficult to choose a candidate who will really make a qualitative change in the work of the department.

How to find your sales coach:

  1. Decide what results you want to get from it and how you will measure this result.
  2. Describe your requirements in the vacancy in as much detail as possible when selecting candidates.
  3. Prepare for the interview. Create a list of required questions. In particular, how and where the results that you expect from the candidate have already been achieved.
  4. Examine the resume, check the achievements and track record of the coach.
  5. Evaluate candidate reviews.

Remember that the main value of the coach's work is the ability to form sales skills among employees. As well as monitoring the effectiveness of the application of this skill by each employee.

Qualification types

Coaches are not trained in universities, but at the same time higher education plays an important role in the selection of a candidate for this position.

Trainers are of two types:

  1. Coaches who have a humanitarian education in the field of psychology. At best, this is a higher education, at worst, optional courses.
  2. Coaches who graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Polytechnic or Economics.

Neither the first nor the second have a special focus on sales, but the second category of trainers has a completely different vision and approach to training.

Coaches with a psychological background are not the best choice for a company. This is a category of theorists who, in the realities of business, are not able to show by their own example how the whole process takes place.

Their coaching abilities are based on the ability to imitate circumstances and teach in a game format. But at the same time, the coach uses an abstract language of concepts. There are no scripts or cases with customer objections in the structure of his program.

Trainers with technical backgrounds speak to your employees in the language of numbers. For them, sales are clear numbers, schemes, methods, step by step guides. Their undeniable advantage is additional education in the field of sales.

The most ideal option is when the trainer has several years of experience. Finding such a person is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Sales Coach: Performance Evaluation

What should be an effective "teacher" who is able to bring results to the company?

  1. To be able to form the necessary skills for sales staff.
  2. By your own example, be able to show how to close a deal.
  3. Be in a state of constant professional growth.

It is desirable that the candidate demonstrates to you his ability to conduct a training program. At least a 30 minute workout.

A good option is to conduct such demo versions of trainings once a week, get feedback employees and make minimal measurements of the effectiveness of employees after such meetings.

A sales coach must have the following skills:

Coach motivation

The material motivation of a coach depends on his experience and past achievements. It is very important to evaluate the value for money.

The motivation system should include:

  • Salary
  • quarterly percentage

He should be paid for his work based on the financial achievements of the sales department. Constantly take performance measurements and compare them with the results of the previous period.

Teaching "corps"

You need a good external sales coach at regular intervals when a breakthrough is needed. If you did everything correctly in accordance with what is stated above, then you have no problems with this. A fresh perspective is always helpful. But this does not mean that the company should not have an internal learning process.

The functions of an internal coach can only be performed by line managers (heads of departments) and the best managers. This is quite acceptable until the sales team has grown and does not exceed 4 people.

As soon as the company becomes larger, then, in addition to managers and top sellers that train employees in the background, the company will need a trainer as a separate staff unit. This usually happens when the number of employees in a commercial structure exceeds 50.

Performing ABC XYZ analysis

The first thing a sales coach should offer when providing a consulting service to a company is to conduct an ABCXYZ analysis of the current client base. He will make it clear which buyers to focus on for revenue growth, and which ones it is better to refuse to interact with - the total amount of the transaction with them is not worth the time spent.

ABCXYZ analysis will divide the current customer base into several categories:

A - counterparties with the largest volumes of purchases,

B - buyers with an average volume of purchases,

С - buyers with a small volume of purchases.

X - those who most often apply to the company and purchase for the same amount,

Y - those who apply to the company irregularly, and with unpredictable amounts of transactions,

Z - those who make single purchases.

Arrange buyers on the ABC axis by revenue, along the XYZ axis - by the frequency of transactions. When these categories intersect, 9 client groups are formed: AX, AY, AZ, BX, BY, BZ, CX, CY, CZ.

Buyers from categories A and B provide the main inflow of funds into the company - focus on them. Stimulate the transition of buyers from categories BX, AY, BY to category AX. Don't spray on those who fall into category C - they will not bring a significant amount of revenue to the company.

We measure the penetrationYu

Penetration in the client is the share of your company's products in the total volume of partner purchases. It reflects the true purchasing power of the company. A qualified trainer who provides you with consulting services should be able not only to identify it, but also to show opportunities for stimulating the counterparty to more frequent purchases and for large amounts (up-sale and cross-sale).

You can do this with a survey. Find out:

  • What are the volumes of purchases of the same product in other companies?
  • What are the volumes of purchases of another type of product from competitors?
  • What are the benefits of working with competitors?
  • What products do they buy from others when they could buy from you?
  • What can you do to make your counterparty buy 15-20% more from you?

On average, about 70% of current buyers will be ready for such a survey. Oy-li trainers then set up sessions with industry leaders to show you how to get more customers to buy from you. And now there are 4 areas of work to expand the share of the company's trainers.

The Village continues to talk about how people different professions plan your budget. In the new issue - a business coach who conducts public speaking classes. Now various trainers and coaches offer to learn how to properly manage your time, effectively sell goods and services, run a company or speak in front of any audience. In addition to the skills needed for running a business, trainings can teach, for example, how to get married successfully or make wishes correctly. There is no certification in this area, so almost anyone can declare themselves a coach. We learned from a young man who teaches politicians and entrepreneurs how to speak in public how to spot a charlatan, not be afraid to go on stage and save money on travel.


Public speaking and public speaking coach


300,000 rubles on average


50 000 rubles

Rental of property

40,000–50,000 rubles

1 000 rubles

1,000–7,000 rubles

10,000–50,000 rubles

2,000–3,000 rubles


50 000 rubles

Help for parents

10,000–30,000 rubles

1,000–2,000 rubles

Personal care

20,000–30,000 rubles


How to become a business coach

I have been performing on stage since childhood. In my school and student years, I played in KVN, after studying for some time I worked on the radio, and then I was involved in organizing and holding events. When I had a need for personal development, I began to study psychology and sometimes give free trainings. It was my social work, I taught classes for volunteers, shared knowledge on student forums. Once I was asked to conduct a training on public speaking, already for money. I collected theoretical information and realized that I know it all - how to grab the attention of the audience, how to speak correctly, how to make people hear you. But no one taught me this, I mastered it all in practice.

For the first training I was paid nine thousand rubles. It was nothing compared to how much I was earning doing events. I could receive several times more, but I did not experience strong job satisfaction. Then I began to study the market, I saw that there is a demand for the services of business coaches. I once worked with a man who produces artists and he became my business partner. I needed his investment and opportunities to reach out to people who are potentially interested in my services, including those from show business. I don't do documentation myself. All paperwork - the conclusion of contracts, the payment of taxes - was taken over by the partner.

Proper Marketing

When I started working, I watched trainings and realized that my competencies were higher than those of recognized and practicing business coaches. At the same time, the range of prices for their services was very large. For one coach, the service costs two thousand, and for another - a hundred. At first I thought that it depends on the level of knowledge, skills, efficiency. But the money you earn depends more on the marketing you build: how often you appear in the media, whether you work with media personalities, how many subscribers you have.

It is already known that customers do not go for content, no matter how unique and working it may be, but for a person. Information can be found on the Internet and books, often for free. But few people go to read and understand on their own, it is better to turn to a business coach. You can give a simple analogy: everyone knows how to properly pump up the body, what exercises to do, but in the gym they turn to professionals in the same way.

I'm lucky that my partner works in show business. He has employees who are engaged in the promotion of artists, maintaining their social networks. If I myself knocked on television or radio, then there would be much less confidence in me.

Submission of information

I have several formats of classes: personal consultation, corporate training and online course. I also post a lot of information in social networks and on the site. A common mistake novice coaches make is not to post anything for free. There is such a rule: if two people went to a restaurant, and one treats the other, then the second subconsciously feels that he owes the first. On the total account of the relationship, one put a little more than the other. It works the same way in coaching. A person has already received something from you for free, he begins to trust you more.

Now I blog on YouTube, where I talk about my technique. On Instagram, you can just write posts, but video content comes in better, so we decided to make humorous vines on our subject. I still played so much in KVN and I know how to joke. Even now we will try the formats of training-performance and training-stand-up, because it is easier to convey something through humor.

At one time, clients often asked why I shouldn't write a book. I outlined the main theses, my partner and I hired an agent who communicated with the publisher. If I was known throughout the country, then they would offer me a fee, and so we paid half, and the publishing house paid half. We spent about 250 thousand rubles on the book - editing, cover design, illustrations, agent fees, proofreading, layout, printing and distribution to bookstores.

Trusted Clients

I don't like the word "client", that's why I usually call the people with whom I work wards. Mostly entrepreneurs, top managers of companies, politicians and people who are just going to go into politics come to me. There are also quite famous personalities - governors, businessmen, athletes, people from show business. They usually take private lessons, and very different people enroll in an online course, not always rich and famous. After classes, my students and I remain on friendly terms, you can always call me and ask a question.

I thought I was lucky that I deal with cool entrepreneurs with the right values. Then at some point a girl turned to me, she herself conducts trainings, but on a completely different topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. I began to communicate with her and realized that she herself was divorced, that is, she was teaching others what she herself had not succeeded in. We are generally at different poles. I just didn't know what to do with her. I considered it wrong to refuse, because it is still my job. In the end, the girl herself left.

I have not yet been in situations where my ethical standards they would be offended, for example, if a politician whose program I do not support applied to me. But I am not such a moralist as to assure that honor is dearer than life. I would not want to work with a large state structure, but there are very worthy individuals there, and I am ready to train them. They write reports well, can collect data and prepare material, but they do not know how to speak.

Professionals and charlatans

The profession of a business coach is heavily criticized, and rightly so. A person comes and sees that you can take a lot of money for trainings, while you just need to chat. It seems to people: “I’ll read a couple of books on the topic, but I know how to talk like that. So I'm now a business coach." I wrote in social networks that you are holding seminars and classes - and let's hit the road! In this profession, there is no entry threshold at all. Some courses of trainers have already appeared, but they are created only on the basis of the ideas of some individuals. So the market turned out to be a large number of incompetent people. They know how to talk, but do not put the skills into practice. Sales coaching is done by mid-level salespeople with a good tongue, but they can't build and manage a 100-person sales force. I am ready to prove my skills at any moment. If I need to go on stage in front of hundreds of people, in front of adults and children, no problem.

When choosing a coach, you need to look at what he posts on social networks in the public domain. You can find real reviews, contact people who attended his classes, what he writes, with whom he worked, are there any results. So far, I have only one guarantee that I am not cheating people for money: if someone bought my online course or paid for individual lessons, and he just didn’t like it, I will return the money to him, and we will say goodbye.

How to beat stage fright

I have been exclusively coaching for about three years, but before any performance I still get worried. Fear of the stage and the public is normal. Actor Oleg Menshikov said that he played the same performance thousands of times and every time he was nervous before going on stage. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. You can’t be ready for absolutely everything, a lot of factors can affect the performance - in what mood people came, how many of them, how they will react to your words. But when you are not nervous, most likely you do not care, and this is very bad.

If an athlete begins to lift a barbell weighing 100 kilograms without preparation, then most likely he will damage the muscles. Because before exercise definitely need a workout. Same thing with public speaking, you need to prepare, tune in to relieve excitement. This is important, first of all, because any fears give rise to bodily blocks - sudden movements, tight postures, trembling in the voice. This is immediately noticeable on stage and the audience does not like it. I advise you to create your own preparatory ritual. It can be physical, breathing or mental exercises, for example, visualization of a performance.


My personal consultation costs 15 thousand rubles, Skype consultation - 10 thousand, one-day training - 100 thousand, two-day - 150 thousand, performance at the event - 50 thousand, online course from 9,900 to 30 thousand.

The work of a business coach is seasonal. For example, January falls in full, and in summer period fewer orders. My partner and I share the profit: I get 60%, and he gets 40%. Costs are deducted from the earned, and the net profit is already divided. My partner has managers, they also take care of me, but I don’t pay them anything out of my own pocket - I don’t even know how much they get. My monthly income ceiling was about half a million rubles, in not very productive months I get 150 thousand. The average is about 300 thousand.


For renting an apartment in the center of Moscow, I pay about 50 thousand. This is not an elite, but an ordinary house, and I managed to find a good deal. I move around the city either by taxi or take a car sharing, and in the summer I generally ride a bike. Another thousand rubles a month I put on the phone. I have breakfast at home, lunch at the office, and dinner usually in a cafe or restaurant. In the store, I buy products for a couple of days: fruits, yogurts, water, something for tea - I spend a thousand and a half. Recently we went to the cinema with a company, then we all had dinner together, and I paid most of the bill, especially since there were girls with us. I do not eat meat, and I often go to the vegetarian cafes "Juice", "Moscow-Delhi" on the Patriarchs. I can spend 40-50 thousand on food.

When you train specific audience, you need to come in a suit, but I don't dress like that in Everyday life. I already have suits and shirts, and I don’t spend money on them now. Recently I spent 30 thousand on clothes, bought sneakers, t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts. These are not the most expensive brands - Massimo Dutti, US Polo Assn, Henderson, Converse. I can spend about a thousand to two thousand on a haircut, sometimes I do a manicure, although many do not understand this. I have expenses for filming and social media promotion. You can spend 50 thousand on a video for YouTube. For Instagram, we shoot a video for 3 thousand, we release one a week. But spending on video and social networks depends on the needs, it can be 10 or 50 thousand.

I do triathlon, for this I now need few things: running shoes, T-shirt, shorts, swimwear. So I spend a little on sports - from a thousand to seven. In August, we are going to Lake Baikal with friends, air tickets cost me around 30 thousand. I will also spend 25 thousand on everything else. Back in September, my friends are flying to Spain, I am going to come to them for a few days. I regularly travel to my native St. Petersburg. And if I go to conduct a training or an event in another city, then they pay for my travel and accommodation. We can say that I want to stay for a couple more days and relax in a new place. I'm saving money, but now I'm not investing anywhere. A month usually comes out about 20-30 thousand. I invest almost all free money in the development of my brand: it is more promising. I also help my parents: I spend about 50 thousand rubles a month to help my family.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables eaten. Cucumbers can compare with it in popularity. But man began to grow tomatoes relatively recently, if we take Western culture, of course. Tomatoes, along with potatoes and chocolate, were adopted by Europeans from the Indians, in particular from the Aztecs, who for a long time cultivated those plants that were known in Europe, but were not used in cooking. The word tomato itself is Aztec, showing the origin of this juicy red fruit. The word tomato used in colloquial speech refers to the fruit of the tomato plant (and is translated from Italian as "golden apple"). In general, calling a tomato a vegetable is not entirely correct; from a botanical point of view, its fruits are berries.

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This crop is a perennial plant (although there are also annual varieties) of the Solánum lycopérsicum species, which is actually grown only for its fruits. Tomatoes used to be considered generally poisonous, but today they are considered an important part of the diet. But people eat them primarily due to their taste, so a quality tomato should be not only healthy, but also tasty. To establish the production cultivation of huge quantities of tomatoes, you need to build special greenhouses that are set up to maximize the yield of the plant (often to the detriment of quality characteristics), but first you can organize a business for growing tomatoes in your backyard. If a farmer is already working with several crops, then tomatoes will fit perfectly into a diversified farm and become a small source of income. The advantage is that it is not difficult to find distribution channels, tomatoes are not only an ingredient in many dishes, but also the basis of many products, such as: juices, ketchups, sauces.

A good product will always be sold, and today it is especially important to offer the consumer directly good product, because most of the agronomists are engaged in increasing productivity. Nitrogen fertilizers have a good effect on the growth of tomatoes, they increase the size of the fruits and their number. But at the same time, nitrates accumulate in them, which people do not want to eat with tomatoes. If you can grow tasty and non-toxic tomatoes, you can get competitive advantage to many manufacturers. The main thing in this case will be to convince the consumer that the grown tomato is really safe.

If tomatoes become the first cultivated crop, then for their sale in large quantities registration of a business entity is required. Tomatoes in small batches can be sold without taxation by registering your personal subsidiary plot (PSP). But this is not an entrepreneurial activity and has significant restrictions on the volume of goods sold and profits. In fact, even when running a personal subsidiary farm, you can make significant profits, because registering a peasant farming, which is already a subject of entrepreneurial activity, is mandatory only in case of exceeding the use of one hectare of agricultural land. And on one hectare you can grow a very large number of tomatoes. And even get a good income. At the same time, there are no significant differences between industrial and subsidiary cultivation of tomatoes; areas, capacities, amounts of investments and, accordingly, profits are increasing. The code of activity, surprisingly, is not exactly indicated in the classifier, it is best suited (OKPD 2) 01.13.3 Other vegetable fruit crops. Thus, the tomato is considered precisely as a vegetable crop, without taking into account its botanical features.

Usually summer residents grow tomatoes on several acres, but several hectares should be used as industrial farming. Together with a tomato, radishes are sometimes planted on the same land at the same time in order to increase income from one meter of land. If you don’t have your own land, then you can rent it, the highest price is 3.5 thousand rubles a year for one hectare with black soil. If you do not take the southern regions, then the cost of an annual lease can be only 2 thousand rubles, or maybe even less. If intensive cultivation of tomatoes with high yields is planned, then very fertile soil is needed, which in a few years will be very depleted.

It has already been noted that today it is better to bet on a quality product, losing in the number of fruits. There are two types of growing tomatoes: outdoors and indoors, that is, in greenhouses and hotbeds. For doing business, greenhouse cultivation is preferable, although in summer and during the warm season it is generally better to temporarily dismantle greenhouses. You can simply grow part of the crop in the open field, but only at the right time of the year, doing the rest of the plants year-round and in greenhouses.

Thus, your plot can be divided into two parts, one of which is allocated for the construction of greenhouses and growing crops at any time of the year, and the second (smaller) for summer cultivation of tomatoes and seasonal sales. The fact is that it is relatively cheap to grow tomatoes outdoors, so in the summer you should not miss the chance to get a little more profit. It is also important to decide on plant varieties, since tomatoes have a huge variety of them, and each variety is adapted to certain climatic conditions. You can also highlight some "elite" varieties that give either good yields, or fruits with excellent taste, or both. But the seeds of such plants cost the corresponding money, while selling a huge amount of expensive tomatoes may not always work out. It is much easier to sell fruits that are simple, familiar to use and have a democratic price.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Important criteria for choosing seeds are the type of growth of the bush, the time of ripening and the way the fruits are consumed. Thus, deterministic and indeterminate plants are distinguished, the former are limited in their growth, the latter grow without restrictions; fruit can ripen different time up to late autumn (in the case of greenhouse plants, everything, of course, is different); and they use tomatoes not only as fresh fruits, but also subject them to conservation or processing. All this is important to know and, based on known data about the intended distribution channels and the climatic conditions of your region, you can choose the best tomato variety.

The soil for these plants is prepared a year before planting. In order for the plant not to accumulate nitrates, you need to use only organic fertilizers. The technologies of such cultivation are already known to experienced agronomists, so you can consult a knowledgeable farmer who will tell you the right care. An excess of nitrogen is also bad because it is the green parts of the plant that begin to grow first, and not the fruits, that is, in order to get really many large beautiful and juicy fruits from one bush, you need to apply huge amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. That is why a large number of its compounds (nitrates in the first place) accumulate in the plant. This does not mean that nitrogen must be completely excluded when fertilizing the soil, it is necessary during certain periods of the plant's vegetation (like phosphorus and potassium, they are also needed in different amounts at different times). The tomato has a fibrous root system that goes deep into the ground, while it is sufficiently branched to effectively absorb the substances the plant needs. In this regard, the tomato is quite unpretentious to soil conditions, but it is best to sow it after onions, corn or cucumber.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Since the tomato belongs to the nightshade, it cannot be cultivated on land previously occupied by plants of this genus - diseases and pests specific to such plants can clearly appear. Also, the tomato survives very poorly in the event of weeds being added to it, so they need to be constantly destroyed. But for good growth, this crop needs a lot of sun, but at the same time, the absence of drought. The tomato loves sunlight, but not heat, and therefore there should be relatively much moisture. This plant should be watered regularly to avoid drying out. It cannot be called very whimsical, the tomato will yield a crop even in case of poor care for it, but it will be an order of magnitude smaller than with proper cultivation.

In order to sow the plot with tomatoes, you will need a special seeder. It can be rented for the duration of the work or purchased as a property - depending on the available budget. In a diversified economy, as a rule, it is available. Tomatoes are very often planted in seedlings, that is, young seedlings are preliminarily prepared in warm places (for example, in greenhouses) even in the cold season, in order to subsequently transfer them to the soil when climatic conditions improve. This method is practiced almost everywhere, and only in the south-west of Russia is it possible to grow tomatoes not by seedlings, but by sowing. Preparing seedlings is a rather time-consuming task, but it can significantly reduce the consumption of seeds, because seedlings during seedlings give a much larger number of them. Savings can sometimes be more than double. So, for seedlings, on average, about 300 grams of seeds per hectare are needed, for sowing - 600 grams. Farmers are forced to grow seedlings, as tomatoes ripen for a long time and in open ground conditions they may not complete the fruit formation process due to the onset of cold weather. Seedlings are also sown in greenhouses, optimally choosing the time for transferring the plant to the soil. In general, about 40 thousand plants should eventually fit on one hectare. The price of one kilogram of seeds varies greatly depending on the variety (ranging from 500 rubles to several thousand). The average price can be called 4 thousand rubles per kilogram. Vegetable growers have to spend much less money on the purchase of seeds than cereal farmers.

And if there are no particular difficulties with growing tomatoes in the open field, then when organizing the cultivation of plants in greenhouses, many parameters must be taken into account. It is very important that gas, electricity and water are supplied to the site. This is necessary for the correct and productive functioning of the greenhouse complex. Tomatoes need water all the time, light should also be in abundance, and gas serves as a fuel for space heating.

Today, greenhouses with a metal frame with a film stretched over it are already considered inefficient. Such greenhouses not only do not provide normal conditions for plants, but also have an increased vulnerability to bad weather, for example, a film is not able to protect the crop from hail. Today, more and more farmers are buying polycarbonate greenhouses, which cost no more than classic designs, but provide better plant care. The cost of a greenhouse with dimensions of 625 square meters (25x25) is 60 thousand rubles. One hectare will require exactly 16 such greenhouses. These are practically the largest standard greenhouses manufactured, but they can be made independently or made to order. But you need to remember that in a huge room it is more difficult to maintain a microclimate, so it is better to make several greenhouse complexes.

Ready-made ideas for your business

960 thousand rubles will be required for 16 greenhouses, but this is not the whole amount for improvement. We need heaters for each greenhouse at the rate of one heater per 40 m 2 worth 4 thousand rubles each. Ready-made foundations for greenhouses, vents for regulating air intake, irrigation systems and phytolamps are also sold. All this is purchased at the personal request of the farmer, but all possible additional devices not only make life easier for the vegetable grower, but also increase productivity by obtaining good conditions in a greenhouse. Seedlings for the greenhouse are prepared already in winter, so that after the plants grow up, transplant them into it.

Reports of the activities of some vegetable growing enterprises indicate a yield of up to 40 kilograms per square meter. Hypothetically, this is possible if you follow only the idea of ​​a large number of fruits, introducing any fertilizers for this, including harmful ones. You also need to remember that such figures can be obtained in the case of several harvests per year, but in many regions of Russia it is very difficult to achieve this even in greenhouses. Therefore, a yield of 5 kilograms per square meter will be considered quite normal. The main thing is that the tomatoes are of high quality. To confirm this, you can contact the phytosanitary service (Rosselkhoznadzor) to obtain a certificate of low content of harmful substances in grown fruits. This will allow, when selling, to convince the buyer that the tomato he buys is not harmful to health.

It turns out that from one hectare you can harvest up to 50 tons of crops. The price of a kilogram of tomato fruits is very different in summer and winter (which is natural), and therefore, in the warm season, tomatoes can be sold at 30 rubles per kilogram, and in winter - at 200 rubles. Of course, for good varieties and simply very tasty fruits, this price is much higher. But even if we take into account only the "summer" price, the income will be about one and a half million rubles. But in the first year, this amount will be fully used to cover the costs associated with organizing the entire business, primarily for the construction of greenhouses.

In subsequent years, spending will be much less due to the absence of not only the need to build greenhouse complexes, but also due to the presence of our own seed fund. A large number of greenhouses will allow growing different varieties, and if successful, even start breeding new varieties. All this will significantly increase profits and turn your farm into a source of considerable income.

We can say that the cultivation of tomatoes in this country is quite profitable and perspective view agriculture. Aspiring entrepreneurs can first learn how to cultivate this plant on small personal subsidiary plots, so that later, having registered in the manner prescribed by law, they can begin to conduct a full-scale entrepreneurial activity. Tomatoes are consumed by people in large quantities, and the absence of a large number of competitors who care about the quality of their products makes it possible to enter this market with less risk. You can sell tomatoes not only through intermediaries (and thus losing a significant percentage of income), but also by opening your own outlet in the nearest market.

If this type of sales is not suitable, then it is quite possible to establish partnerships with grocery stores who will buy goods in large quantities and at the best price. Finally, you can go to large chains grocery minimarkets and supermarkets, but for them, as a rule, it is the presentation of the fruit and the presence of packaging that are important. On the other hand, if the tomatoes are beautifully packaged, then with insignificant expenses for this, you can get a significant increase in price, that is, make a larger markup on the cost. Therefore, there should be no problems with the sale, especially if tasty and healthy fruits were grown.

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Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a great solution for aspiring entrepreneurs with experience in agriculture. The greenhouse makes it possible to harvest even in winter, when the markup on fresh vegetables increases significantly. If the business is properly organized, the investment will pay off in 1.5-2 years, after which the business will begin to bring stable income.

  • Pros and cons of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse business
  • How to start a business growing tomatoes in a greenhouse
  • How much can you earn growing tomatoes?
  • Start-up Capital Needed to Start a Greenhouse Tomato Growing Business
  • Materials and equipment for the construction of a greenhouse
  • Important questions related to registering a business
  • What varieties to choose?
  • Technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale

Pros and cons of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse business

Before you start building greenhouses and growing tomatoes, it is important to weigh all its pros and cons, realistically assessing your own strengths.

Among the main advantages of the tomato business:

  • high demand for tomatoes;
  • in a year-round greenhouse, you can grow any, even the most capricious varieties;
  • it is possible to harvest all year round;
  • greenhouse tomatoes can be sold in winter and spring, when the demand for them is especially high;
  • in the greenhouse, tomato yields are higher, even the latest ovaries develop.
  • business is profitable.

Despite the obvious advantages, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse has some disadvantages:

  • high costs for the construction of a greenhouse, electricity and water;
  • in regions with a cold climate, the cost of fruits is too high;
  • good profitability can only be achieved in a large greenhouse economy, the creation of which requires large one-time investments;
  • agricultural skills are required to be successful;
  • high competition, especially in the autumn-summer period.

How to start a business growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Choose a plot for greenhouses. The ideal option is the territory of the former vegetable-growing state farms, which have prepared sites. Land can be bought, but it is better to arrange a long-term lease for a start.

Register a legal entity. You can choose the form of IP or LLC. Highly profitable option- a farm that allows you to pay a single agricultural tax.

Registration legal entity necessary if you plan to sell tomatoes in Retail Stores or in catering establishments.

Write a detailed business plan that takes into account upcoming expenses and plans for future income. A business plan is necessary if you plan to attract a partner-co-investor, take a subsidy or get a preferential bank loan.

Start building a greenhouse. To begin with, one structure with an area of ​​​​80 to 100 m² is enough. Subsequently, the farm can be expanded, increasing its own profit. The best option for year-round cultivation is a greenhouse on a metal frame with anti-corrosion impregnation, covered with cellular polycarbonate. A high cinder block foundation, ventilation windows and a vestibule with double doors are required. The greenhouse can be given an arc or pitched shape. For irrigation it is worth equipping automatic system allowing to save water and own forces.

Decide how you will grow tomatoes. The most delicious tomatoes are ground tomatoes, the markup is higher, and demand always exceeds supply. However, the hydroponic technique often used by greenhouse growers is significantly less expensive. It is worth considering that tomatoes grown in a nutrient solution have a characteristic watery taste, which is not very popular with customers. An alternative option is rack growing. In this case, the seedlings are planted on racks covered with soil, which saves the scarce internal space of the greenhouse.

Buy seed material, fertilizers, tools. Tomatoes are best grown in seedlings, this will speed up the harvest. Seedlings are placed at home; in a large heated greenhouse, a separate place can be allocated for the permanent cultivation of seedlings. This approach will make the harvest uninterrupted.