Social mobility in social science. Criteria of social stratification

Social science. Full course preparation for the exam Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3.1. Social stratification and mobility

Under social stratification (the concept was introduced by the sociologist P. A. Sorokin) is understood as the presence in society of many social formations, whose representatives differ among themselves in an unequal amount of power and material wealth, rights and obligations, privileges and prestige. The concept of "social differentiation" implies any social differences, including those not related to inequality, with stimulation (or repression) different forms activities.

Foundations of social stratification

Natural base: social connections of people, in accordance with which a hierarchy of statuses, roles, norms is built in any society. This basis makes it possible to single out economic, state, political and other structural units (classes, professional groups, social institutions, etc.) in the processes of stratification, to analyze their characteristics (social statuses, norms of activity, roles), as well as their interrelations, which differ between themselves in terms of stability, structural complexity.

Value-symbolic: associated with the understanding of social norms, endowing social roles one or another evaluative content and instrumental semantic meaning. This level of analysis is aimed at studying the values, preferences, symbols of different social strata.

Measure concept, i.e., boundaries in which ordering occurs social connections and value ideas. We are talking about a system of motivations that encourage some actions, relationships, and prohibitions that prevent others.

Anthropological foundations: gender, physical, psychological abilities, as well as signs mastered from the first days of life - family ties, ethno-national stereotypes, etc.

Systems of social stratification

a) Closed systems: assume the unconditional primacy of assigned status. Here it is almost impossible for an individual to change the status received by virtue of descent. Such systems are typical traditional societies especially in the past.

Slavery- a form of economic, social and legal enslavement of people. The key sign of inequality in these societies can be considered the possession of civil rights.

castes- closed social groups connected by a common origin and legal status. The caste system assumes a lifelong assignment of a person to a certain stratum on an ethnic-religious or economic basis, marriages between representatives of different castes are prohibited. Social differentiation was based on traditions sanctified by religion.

Estatessocial groups whose rights and obligations, enshrined in law and tradition, are inherited (nobility, clergy, merchants, peasantry, philistinism, etc.). Unlike the caste system, marriages between members of different classes are permissible. Membership in the estate was inherited, but as an exception it could be acquired for money or bestowed.

b) Open systems: the possibility for any member of society to rise (fall) on the social ladder in accordance with his abilities and efforts.

Classes- belonging to classes is determined, first of all, by the place in the system social production, ownership of property, as well as the availability of abilities, education, income level. K. Marx pointed out that an important criterion for distinguishing classes is the position of their members - oppressive or oppressed.

In modern sociology, among the main features contemporary inequality called: the amount of income, the amount of power, the level of education and the prestige of the profession. The bulk of the population in modern societies is divided into upper, middle and lower classes.

Upper class stands out for its wealth, corporatism and power (bankers, owners, presidents of companies, party leaders, movie stars, outstanding athletes).

Middle class- the middle class consists of people with an average level of consumption, which includes a separate house or apartment, a certain set of durable goods, insurance policies, education and medical care(doctors, lawyers, technical workers, medium and small entrepreneurs). The middle class plays an extremely important role in modern society: softens the conflict between the upper and lower classes; is the social basis of stability; provides stable demand in the market of goods and services; contributes to the creation of new information technologies and economic progress in general.

Part lower class includes persons engaged in manual physical or mechanized labor: skilled, as well as medium and low-skilled workers, lumpen and marginalized. Last layer - social bottom”, which includes criminal and semi-criminal elements (thieves, bandits, crooks, owners of brothels, drug dealers, alcoholics, vagrants, homeless people, etc.).

strata - groups of people with similar characteristics in the social space. This is the most universal concept that makes it possible to single out any fractional elements in the structure of society according to a combination of various socially significant criteria. For example, such strata are distinguished as elite specialists, professional entrepreneurs, government officials, office workers, skilled workers, unskilled workers, etc. Classes, estates and castes can be considered varieties of strata. Social stratification shows that strata exist in different conditions and people have unequal opportunities to meet their needs. Inequality (the source of stratification in society) reflects differences in the access of representatives of each layer to social benefits, and stratification is a sociological characteristic of the structure of society as a set of layers.

Stratification criteria

* Marxist school of sociology: inequality is based on property relations, the nature, degree and form of ownership of the means of production.

* Functionalists ( K. Davis, T. Parsons, W. Moore): the distribution of individuals according to social strata depends on the importance of their professional activity and the contribution they make through their work to the achievement of society's goals.

* M. Weber, in addition to the economic criterion (attitude to property and income level), he proposed such criteria as social prestige (inherited and acquired status) and belonging to certain political circles, hence power, authority and influence.

* P. Sorokin identified three types of stratification structures: economic (according to the criteria of income and wealth); political (according to the criteria of influence and power); professional (according to the criteria of mastery, professional skills, successful execution social roles).

* Modern sociology identifies the following main criteria for social stratification:

income- the number of cash receipts for a certain period (month, year);

wealth- accumulated income, i.e. the amount of cash or embodied money (in the second case, they act in the form of movable or immovable property);

power- the ability and opportunity to exercise one's will, to exert a decisive influence on the activities of other people through various means (authority, law, violence, etc.). Power is measured by the number of people it extends to;

education- a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process. The level of education is measured by the number of years of education;

prestige- public assessment of the attractiveness, significance of a particular profession, position, a certain type of occupation.

social mobility called the movement of individuals in the system of social stratification from one layer to another.

Forms of social mobility:

1) vertical- a change in the position of the individual, which causes an increase (upward mobility) or a decrease (downward mobility) of his social status.

2) Horizontal- a change in the position of an individual that does not lead to an increase or decrease in social status (moving from one city to another, changing religion, moving from one family to another after the breakup of marriage, changing citizenship, moving from one political party to another, changing jobs when transferring to approximately the same position).

3) Intergenerational is determined by comparing the social status of parents and their children at a certain point in the career of both (for example, by the rank of their profession at approximately the same age).

4) Intragenerational involves comparing the social status of an individual over a long period of time. Traveling short social distances is the rule, long distances are the exception.

In any society, there is at the same time individual(moving up the hierarchical ladder is done by an individual) and group mobility(occurs when the status of an entire class, estate, caste decreases or rises). The causes of group mobility can be social revolutions, foreign interventions, interstate wars, uprisings, changes in political regimes.

Between the strata there are certain channels that allow individuals to move from one stratum to another. P. Sorokin called them "membranes", "holes", "stairs", "elevators" or "paths". Among them, the most important role is army, church, school, political and professional organizations, institutions that produce and distribute value, family and marriage. The dynamics of social mobility reflects the degree of openness or closeness of society.

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SOCIAL MOBILITY is a concept that denotes the social movements of people in the direction of social positions, characterized by a higher (social ascent) or lower (social degradation) level of income, prestige and

Social stratification and mobility.

1. Social inequality is expressed in

  1. change in the social status of a person
  2. different access to social benefits
  3. variety of social norms
  4. characteristics of people's behavior

2. An example of vertical social mobility is

  1. moving a person to a new place of residence
  2. receiving the title of baronet by a nobleman
  3. obtaining a driver's license
  4. transfer of a bank employee to the same position in another bank

3. Anna was born in the countryside, after graduating from school, she came to Moscow and entered the Pedagogical University. After completing her studies at the university, she began working as a physics teacher and got married. What social process do the listed changes in Anna's life illustrate?

  1. social mobility 3) social differentiation
  2. social stratification 4) social adaptation

4. Social stratification is

  1. social difference, inequality in the position of people
  2. the result of interaction within a social group
  3. any change in personality status
  4. the development of social norms by the individual

5. Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?

A. Social change is one of the factors affecting social mobility.

B. Social mobility always involves only the voluntary movement of individuals or groups.

6. Pianist K. received a prize at a competition for young performers. That's an example

  1. social status 3) social norm
  2. social role 4) social sanction

7. Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?

A. In the process of social mobility, people move within social strata.

B. In the process of social mobility, there is a change in the status only of individuals and never of social groups.

  1. only A is true 3) both judgments are true
  2. only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

8. Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?

A. Social mobility refers to the movement of a person from one social group to another.

B. Social mobility is primarily understood as an increase in the level of a person's income.

  1. only A is true 3) both judgments are true
  2. only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


  1. vertical
  2. horizontal

9. Establish a correspondence between the types of social mobility and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) dismissal of an employee

B) transition from an Orthodox religious group

into the Catholic

C) a member of the parliamentary faction became its leader

D) international tourism

D) moving from one company to another

10. What example illustrates horizontal social mobility?

  1. citizen S. sold a 2-room apartment and moved to her country house
  2. Citizen O. worked as a teacher at a school, then became a deputy director, now he is a school director
  3. citizen B. moved from the post of chief physician of the district hospital to the post of head of the surgical department
  4. citizen P. was a senior researcher at the local museum of local lore, now she is its director
  1. Establish a correspondence between the forms of social stratification and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) hired workers 1) class

B) clergy 2) class

B) the bourgeoisie

D) nobility

D) merchants

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Establish a correspondence between the types of social statuses and their examples: for each
position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) king 1) prescribed (assigned)

B) disabled 2) mixed

B) world record holder

D) son

D) mother-in-law

13.Under social inequality is understood

  1. change in a person's status
  2. mastering different social roles by the individual
  3. allocation in society of various social groups
  4. differences in access to social benefits

14. An example of vertical social mobility is

  1. appointment of a district doctor as head of the therapy department in a polyclinic
  2. transfer of an official from one department to another
  3. transfer of a manager to work in another company
  4. transfer of a technologist from one enterprise to another

15. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) Social relations; 2) social structure; 3) social group; four) social institution; 5) social values ​​and norms.

16. And Russia in the XVIII century. The division of society into the nobility, the clergy, the merchants, the peasantry, and the bourgeoisie was established. This is an example of social stratification

1) by caste 3) by class

2) by estates 4) by layers

17. As a student at a medical university, citizen M. worked as a nurse. Having received a medical degree, he worked for two years as a local therapist in a rural clinic, and then, having moved to the city, he continued to engage in similar activities. Select from the list below the characteristics of social mobility that reflect this situation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. vertical downward 4) structural
  2. intergenerational 5) vertical ascending
  3. horizontal 6) customized

18. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) The middle class is formed by a very motley conglomerate of social groups - from medium-sized entrepreneurs to medium-paid engineers and clerks. (B) This class in modern Russia represents a relatively narrow segment of the population: within 15-25 million people. (B) According to a number of analysts, there will be no special prospects for the middle class in Russia. (D) From the point of view of others, despite the small number of "average" Russians today, they have a certain, albeit very distant, future. (E) Among Russian scientists there is no unity in determining not only quantitative, but also qualitative characteristics of the middle class.

Determine which positions of the text have

  1. actual character
  2. nature of value judgments
  3. nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.

19. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from

the proposed list of words to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The channels, or“ “(A), of social mobility include the following social (B): army, church, family, political and professional

organizations, funds mass media etc. They sort of filter and select
individuals, carrying out a kind of (B). The reasons for achieving success in moving up the stratification ________ (D), - social ____________ (D) families, level of education, nationality, advantageous

marriage, abilities, upbringing, place of residence. Social mobility means the movement of individuals and groups from one social strata, communities to others, which is associated with a change in the position of an individual or group in the social system ____________ (E)”.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

20. Read the text and complete tasks 1-4.

“The middle strata are the main element of civil society and the hallmark of a modern developed state. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Russian sociologists, political scientists and economists are interested in the middle class, who are discussing the very fact of its existence in Russia, its prospects, criteria and conditions necessary for its development.<...>

In general, the social structure Russian society is a former state socialist society in the process of stratification. It has the form of a low triangle with a wide base, most of which is occupied by the layer of workers, and the top - "people in power", between them is a small layer of the middle class. At the very bottom of this triangle are two new stable social groups of people - the unemployed and the underclass (beggars, homeless, persons without a certain occupation, alcoholics, drug addicts, criminal elements, etc.).<...>

The middle class in modern Russia is a relatively narrow stratum of the population. According to various estimates, its number ranges from 15-25 million people.<...>

Foreign analysts, when assessing belonging to the middle class, use the following parameters: social status(position, profession, and hence educational level); income level and consumption structure; the presence of social self-identification; worldview, value structure, living standards. Similar criteria in the methodological "portfolio" and domestic scientists" (V. N. Solovyov. The specific role of the middle class as an element of the emerging civil society // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2008. No. 4. pp. 89-91.).

  1. Based on the text, determine what is the reason for the interest of Russian social scientists in the phenomenon of the middle class?
  2. How does the author characterize social structure Russian society? What social groups make up it?
  3. The author notes that the middle class is "a relatively narrow stratum of the population." Based on the knowledge of the social science course, list any four social groups that are part of the middle class.
  4. The text provides several parameters that allow you to assess belonging to

the middle class. Can such parameters as “self-identification” and “income level” be considered universal? Provide justification for your point of view.

To grow up in society, as one sociologist noted, means to learn more and more about how people differ from each other, and not only as individuals (in temperament, appearance, etc.), but also how social types. In other words, with the recognition that there are janitors and doctors, bosses and subordinates, Orthodox and Muslims, etc., a person comes to understand that the differences between people are connected not only with their personal qualities, but also with belonging to one or another to another group.
The division of society into groups is called social differentiation. The word "differentiation" comes from a Latin root meaning "difference". Many researchers believe that differentiation is inherent in any society. Even in primitive tribes, groups were distinguished according to sex and age, with their inherent privileges and duties. There were also an influential and respected leader and his entourage, as well as outlaws living "outside the law". At subsequent stages of development, social stratification became more complicated and became more and more obvious.
From the above example, it can be seen that the difference between groups not only implies the presence of certain specific features, but is also expressed in their unequal access to the economic resources of society, political power, education and other social benefits. Depending on the possession of resources and benefits, groups of people line up along a certain scale of inequality. large group people, located at a certain position on this scale, was called a stratum (layer), and the totality of social strata located in a vertical order - social stratification.
The term "stratification" itself was borrowed by sociologists in geology, where it means the vertical arrangement of various rock layers. Some researchers believe that the "geological" image in this case is quite appropriate, since it reflects the very phenomenon of the social heterogeneity of society. In geology, in order to detect the organization of layers, they study the cut of rocks along the vertical, and in sociology, to study stratification, one has to spend a lot of time. preliminary work to identify the main social groups, the relationship between them. But not everyone believes that it is possible to draw an analogy between the structure of society and the structure of the rock. Critics of this point of view emphasize that the specifics of social stratification is that it reflects the principle of inequality.
From the history and social science course of the basic school, you know that scientists put forward various reasons for the emergence of inequality. (Recall the main ones.) Evaluations of the role of this phenomenon in the development of society also differ. From the point of view of critics, the uneven distribution of wealth among people, being the result of an unfair social structure, leads to an increase in social conflicts in society, to its destabilization. It generates a layer of idle, useless people for society. Proponents of a different point of view point out that inequality stimulates competition, increases the desire of the most capable people to advance to key positions in society and the state.
What is your position on this issue?
Can we fix inequality? The answers to this question also differ significantly. For example, the Marxist doctrine of society proceeds from the necessity and possibility of eliminating inequality as the most striking manifestation of social injustice. To solve this problem, it is necessary first of all to change the system of economic relations, to eliminate private ownership of the means of production. In other theories, social stratification is also regarded as evil, but people must accept such a situation as inevitable. Those who regard inequality as a positive phenomenon emphasize that its absence (social homogeneity) will lead society to death. At the same time, many researchers note that in most developed countries, under the influence of the current policy, there is a decrease in social polarization, an increase in the middle strata and a reduction in groups belonging to the extreme social poles. Consequently, the processes of social stratification are amenable to a certain regulation.
Reflect on the above points of view, try to correlate them with real socio-historical processes.
It is customary to distinguish between economic, political and professional stratification. Economic stratification is expressed in the difference in incomes, living standards, in the existence of rich, poor and middle strata of the population. The division of society into rulers and ruled, political leaders and the masses is a manifestation of political stratification. Occupational stratification can be attributed to the allocation in society various groups by the nature of their activities, occupations. At the same time, some professions are considered more prestigious than others.

Assignments on the topic "Social mobility, group, inequality, stratification".

25.1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social mobility"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of social mobility, and one sentence that breaks the essence of any type of social mobility.

25.2. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social group"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information on the criteria for classifying social groups, and one sentence breaking the meanings of a social group for a person.


25.3. Characterizing vertical social mobility, social scientists talk about the channels of social mobility. What meaning do social scientists invest in the concept of a “channel of social mobility”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the directions of movement, and one sentence naming the main channel of social mobility in the modern world.


25.4. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social inequality"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the causes social inequality, and one sentence indicating a specific manifestation of social inequality.

25.5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social stratification"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make up two sentences: one sentence containing information about the historical types of social stratification, and one sentence defining the main criteria for the stratification of modern society.


26.1. Name any three criteria for the social stratification of modern society and illustrate each of them with an example.


26.2. Use examples to reveal the variety of criteria for identifying social groups.


26.3. Name any three reasons why people form social groups.


26.4. Name any three "elevators" of vertical social mobility and illustrate each of them with an example.


27.1. One of the first sets of laws of Kievan Rus - Russkaya Pravda - provides for various punishments for murder. So, the fine for killing a tiun (steward) was huge: it was equal to the cost of a herd of 80 oxen or 400 rams. The life of a serf or a serf was valued many times cheaper. Make three possible conclusions about the social relations of the society of that time and how they were regulated.


27.2. In one of the North African countries, an armed conflict began between the authorities and the opposition. Many civilians, out of fear for their lives, left their homes and began to leave the country, replenishing refugee camps in neighboring countries, trying to get to Europe and find work in their specialty. What social phenomenon does this example represent? Give the specific name of the social phenomenon described in the problem. Specify two features (signs) that characterize it.


27.3. In any modern society, there are rich and poor, differing in income level and power in society. What social phenomenon do these differences illustrate? On the basis of social science knowledge, indicate any three social factors that define these differences.


27.4. The theater actress for a long time could not find a job in her specialty and was forced to become a waitress in a cafe. Here she was noticed by a famous director and invited to the main role in his new film, which later became very popular. What social process do the given facts testify to? What two types of this process are reflected in this example? Illustrate each of them with the facts given in the assignment.


27.5. The code of customary law of medieval France stated: “You should know that the people of our age are aware of three states. The first is significant. The second is the state of people who are free by origin, born by a free mother. The third is the serfdom of the people. Between the rights of nobles and other people there is big difference". What sphere of public life is reflected in these legal regulations? What historical type of stratification is fixed by these norms? Using social science knowledge, indicate any three criteria for the stratification of modern society.


28. 1. Compose complicated plan a detailed answer on the topic "Social Communities and Groups".


28. 2. Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Social stratification and its types."


28. 3. Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic "Social mobility".


Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) The middle class in modern Western societies is the most numerous part of society. (B) Apparently, it is impossible to single out a single, universal criterion for belonging to the middle class. (C) Both the level of income, and standards of consumption, and the level of education, and the ability to skilled work are used as criteria. (D) The middle class includes small entrepreneurs, highly skilled workers, service professionals, administrative staff, intelligentsia and other groups. (E) The middle class is seen as the basis for the stable development of society.

1) actual character



Proposal A is factual. Here is the fact that the largest part of Western society belongs to the middle class.

Sentence B, D are evaluative, as indicated by the words “apparently”, “it seems”.

C, D - a proposal of a theoretical nature, an abstract description of the middle class, definition criteria and composition.

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 3, 2.

Answer: 12332

Subject area: Social relations. Social stratification and mobility, Social relations. Social groups

(A) The exhibition of masterpieces "Holy Russia" was held in the Tretyakov Gallery. (B) Visitors could see historical evidence dating back to the 10th-19th centuries. (B) Among them are ancient icons, jewelry, painting and sewing. (D) In ​​terms of the uniqueness of the presented exhibits, the past exhibition is unprecedented.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



The provisions of the text are factual: (A) The Tretyakov Gallery hosted an exhibition of masterpieces "Holy Russia" (B) Visitors could see historical evidence dating back to the 10th-19th centuries, and (C) Among them - ancient icons, jewelry, painting and sewing .

The nature of value judgments are the following provisions: (D) In ​​terms of the uniqueness of the exhibits presented, the past exhibition is unprecedented.

Answer: 1, 1, 1, 2.

Answer: 1112

Subject area: Man and society. Art

(A A normal good is a good whose demand increases as the income of buyers increases. ( B) It is quite natural that the population strives to acquire more high-quality food, clothing, household appliances, cars. ( AT) Inferior goods are bought more if incomes of the population fall, and the population refuses to purchase them as incomes rise. ( G) So, with the growth of income, consumers repair clothes and shoes less often, preferring to buy new ones, refuse cheap and not very high-quality food products. ( D) This pattern was studied by the German economist Ernst Engel.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Fact - (from the Latin word factum done, accomplished). A synonym for the concepts of truth, event, result. Something concrete, singular as opposed to abstract and general. Factual sentences either express sense data or include the results of observation, specific events and situations. Knowledge in the form of statements, the validity of which is undeniable. Events that have already happened.

Theoretical statement - a statement derived from a general theory that does not contradict all other provisions of the theory. Theoretical provisions are abstract, based on the use of special terminology, declaring general scientific provisions. It can be a definition of a concept, a description of an idealized object.

Value judgments contain the author's assessment. A person who cognizes social facts develops a certain attitude towards them, expressed in agreement, censure, denial, approval, support, doubt, etc. As a rule, a value judgment in a text contains the following turns of phrase: “in our opinion”, “ in your opinion”, “from our point of view”, “apparently”, “it was believed”, “it seemed”, “as stated”, “as he said”, “as noted”, “bad”, “good”, “ obviously".

Proposals that are factual: DG

Evaluative proposals: B

Sentences that are in the nature of theoretical statements: A B

Answer: 3, 2, 3, 1, 1.

Answer: 32311

(A) In modern society, situations arise when a person consciously participates in various cultural traditions. (B) Obviously, they are connected with population migrations, modernization. (C) The consequence may be psychological splitting, the formation of a "split" type of personality. (D) Sociologists call the position of such a person marginal. (E) The danger of a marginal position is the impact on a person of conflicting norms and values.

1) actual character



Value judgments contain the author's assessment. A person who cognizes social facts develops a certain attitude towards them, expressed in agreement, censure, denial, affirmation, support, doubt, etc. As a rule, in the text a value judgment contains the following turns of phrase: “in our opinion”, “in your opinion”, “from our point of view”, “apparently”, “it was believed”, “it seemed”, “as he claimed”, “as he said”, “as noted”, “bad”, “good”, “obviously”.

Factual sentences: A D

Evaluative proposals: B C

Proposals that are in the nature of theoretical statements: D

Answer: 1, 2, 2, 1, 3.

Answer: 12213

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

No, this is a theoretical statement, it is based on the use of technical terminology, and also abstractly.

Alexey Motorov 06.06.2014 15:27

The proposal under the letter G is an estimate, not an actual one. Or I'm wrong?

Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) A group of scientists led by A. Pechetti organized the so-called Club of Rome - an international non-governmental organization whose goal is to study the problems of the modern world. (B) Uncontrolled population growth, environmental problems, modern advances in science and technology have posed the problem of assessing the quality of social progress. (B) The aggravation of global problems testifies, in our opinion, to the crisis of modern civilization. (D) At the same time, we admit that attempts to solve global problems strengthen the unity of countries and peoples. (E) Experts from different countries take part in the work of the Club of Rome.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Fact - (from the Latin word factum done, accomplished). A synonym for the concepts of truth, event, result. Something concrete, singular as opposed to abstract and general. Factual sentences either express sense data or include the results of observation, specific events and situations. Knowledge in the form of statements, the validity of which is undeniable. Events that have already happened.

Theoretical statement - a statement derived from general theory, which does not contradict all other provisions of the theory. Theoretical provisions are abstract, based on the use of special terminology, declaring general scientific provisions. It can be a definition of a concept, a description of an idealized object.

Value judgments contain the author's assessment. A person who cognizes social facts develops a certain attitude towards them, expressed in agreement, censure, denial, approval, support, doubt, etc. As a rule, a value judgment in a text contains the following turns of phrase: “in our opinion”, “ in your opinion”, “from our point of view”, “apparently”, “it was believed”, “it seemed”, “as stated”, “as he said”, “as noted”, “bad”, “good”, “ obviously".

Factual sentences: A D

Evaluative proposals: C D

Sentences that are in the nature of theoretical statements: B

Answer: 1, 3, 2, 2, 1.

Answer: 13221

Subject area: Man and society. Threats of the 21st century

(A) Sociologists identify several factors of social mobility. ( B) Some of them are objective - the state regime, the socio-economic and political situation in society, the processes of modernization. ( AT) Some factors are associated with the activity of the individual himself - the level of education, career, etc. ( G) But no matter how external circumstances develop, individual mobility is obviously determined by the level of claims and the activity of a person. ( D) In modern society, a person probably has every chance to realize himself and achieve a high social position.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Fact - (from the Latin word factum done, accomplished). A synonym for the concepts of truth, event, result. Something concrete, singular as opposed to abstract and general. Factual sentences either express sense data or include the results of observation, specific events and situations. Knowledge in the form of statements, the validity of which is undeniable. Events that have already happened.

Theoretical statement - a statement derived from a general theory that does not contradict all other provisions of the theory. Theoretical provisions are abstract, based on the use of special terminology, declaring general scientific provisions. It can be a definition of a concept, a description of an idealized object.

Value judgments contain the author's assessment. A person who cognizes social facts develops a certain attitude towards them, expressed in agreement, censure, denial, approval, support, doubt, etc. As a rule, a value judgment in a text contains the following turns of phrase: “in our opinion”, “ in your opinion”, “from our point of view”, “apparently”, “it was believed”, “it seemed”, “as stated”, “as he said”, “as noted”, “bad”, “good”, “ obviously".

Sentences that are factual: A

Evaluative proposals: D D

Sentences that are in the nature of theoretical statements: B C

Answer: 1, 3, 3, 2, 2.

Answer: 13322

Subject area: Social relations. Social stratification and mobility

(A) 210 million unemployed in the world counted international organization labor in 2010. (B) The number of unemployed rose by more than 30 million. (C) The historical maximum of world unemployment, apparently, has not yet been passed. (D) Taking into account the current situation, it seems appropriate to make significant changes to the Russian legislation in the field of regulation of employment of the population.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Offers 12 - actual. They indicate what has already been, or what is happening.

Answer: 1, 1, 2, 2.

Answer: 1122

Subject area: Economics. Labor market, unemployment

Guest 17.06.2012 10:33

The key word is "represents".

The main means of combating ________ (A) can be called legal liability. Let's name its main features. Legal liability is imposed only for the offense, only on behalf of ________(B) and involves the use of measures ________(C). Types of legal liability are classified in accordance with ________ (D) law. The most severe type of liability is ________ (D), as it comes for committing ________ (E).

List of terms:



Based on the context, the sequence 296438 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 2, 9, 6, 4, 3, 8.

Answer: 296438

Subject area: Law. The concept and types of legal liability

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

authorities executive power states.


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

A social state is one that serves _______(A). Such a state guarantees the fulfillment of constitutionally enshrined economic and social ________ (B) citizens. Social ________ (B) of the state is also guaranteed: labor protection and health of citizens; payment of the minimum wages; support for the family, the disabled, etc. Other ________ (D) social protections are also fixed. In modern society, ________ (D) is understood as equality of rights and opportunities. Organizational and legal status Russian Federation as a social state is enshrined in the current ________ (E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



Based on the context, the sequence 638592 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 6, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2.

Answer: 638592

(A) According to statistics, more than 50 thousand small businesses are liquidated annually in the country: shops, hairdressers, cafes, etc. (B) Obviously, the reasons are too much competition, the inability to attract a buyer, client with new consumer products, services. (C) Most people who open their own business do not know the true situation in the service market, they proceed only from their idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits profitability. (D) Misjudgment of the market is the most direct road to ruin.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

Write down under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Offers 1 are actual. They indicate what has already been, or what is happening.

Answer: 1, 2, 2, 2.

Answer: 1222

Subject area: Economics. Market and market mechanism, supply and demand

Guest 12.06.2012 09:51

"A misjudgment of the market is the most direct road to ruin." Explain why this is the nature of value judgments? I do not agree. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Anastasia Smirnova (St. Petersburg)

Petr Dmitrievich Sadovsky

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“In sociology, four main types of social ________ (A) slavery, castes, estates and classes are known. The first three characterize closed ________ (B), and the last type - open. Any social ________ (C) is a collection of all functioning social ________ (D). A person who occupies a certain ________ (D) in this structure has the opportunity to move from one ________ (E) to another, while raising or lowering his social status.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



Based on the context, the sequence 412783 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 4, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3.

Answer: 412783

Subject area: Social relations. Social stratification and mobility

(A) The rule of law is the greatest achievement of civilization. (B) True, there are no ideal legal states in the world today. (B) Already several centuries ago, in a number of countries, the legislature separated from the executive. (D) Gained independence and judicial power.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



Offers 34 - actual. They indicate what has already been, or what is happening. 12 - author's rating.

Answer: 2, 2, 1, 1.

Answer: 2211

Subject area: Politics. Civil society and the state

Anastasia Smirnova (St. Petersburg)

It is likely that there is such a legal state that the author does not know about. It is impossible to argue with the third sentence - this is a historical fact.

Guest 07.06.2013 10:11

Is the first offer an estimate? why is this not a fact?

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The Constitution of the Russian Federation laid the foundation for a new socio-political system. According to her Russian state is democratic, federal, legal.

Real ___________ (A) is declared, private ___________ (B) is under the protection of the state along with state, municipal and other types of property. The principle of separation of ___________ (C) is fixed. The provisions of the articles of Chapter 1 constitute the main characteristic of the Russian __________ (D). It enshrines the provision according to which the only source of power and the bearer of the sovereignty of the country is ___________ (D) of Russia. Chapter 2 of the Basic Law of Russia establishes the rights and obligations of ___________ (E) and the citizen. The people directly exercise their power with the help of free expression of will, participating in the elections of government bodies and in ___________ (F).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

The table below lists the letters that indicate the omission of a word. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



Based on the context, the sequence 1245879 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9.

Answer: 1245879

Subject area: Law. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the foundations of the constitutional order

(A) A normal good is a good whose demand increases as the income of buyers increases. (B) It is quite natural that the population seeks to acquire more high-quality food, clothing, household appliances, cars. (C) Inferior goods are bought more if household incomes fall, and people refuse to buy them as incomes rise. (D) Thus, as incomes rise, consumers repair clothes and shoes less often, preferring to buy new ones, and refuse cheap and not very high-quality food products. (E) This pattern was studied by the German economist Ernst Engel.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.



The nature of theoretical statements that are abstract, devoid of examples, are sentences A (definition), B.

The actual nature (confirm or refute theoretical provisions) are the provisions of the State Duma

The nature of value judgments is position B. The phrase “quite naturally” the author gives an assessment.

Answer: 3, 2, 3, 1, 1.

Answer: 32311

Subject area: Economics. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen

Petr Dmitrievich Sadovsky

So - this is just a bunch, the proposal is factual.

Guest 27.05.2014 20:21

Why does sentence B have the character of theoretical judgments? Thanks for the answer.

Petr Dmitrievich Sadovsky

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“People who are not involved in science themselves quite often believe that ___________ (A) always give absolutely reliable statements. These people believe that scientists make their ___________ (B) on the basis of undeniable ___________ (C) and impeccable reasoning and, therefore, confidently step forward, and the possibility of ___________ (D) or ___________ (E) back is excluded. However, the state of modern science, as well as ___________ (E) sciences in the past, prove that this is not at all the case.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

The table below lists the letters that indicate the omission of a word. Write in the table under each letter the number of your answer.