Style presentation. Presentation "Classification of clothing styles" presentation for the lesson (grade 8) on the topic

The number of styles and trends is huge, if not endless. The key feature by which works can be grouped by style is the unified principles of artistic thinking. The change of some ways of artistic thinking by others (alternating types of compositions, techniques of spatial constructions, features of color) is not accidental. Our perception of art is also historically changeable. Building a system of styles in a hierarchical order, we will adhere to the Eurocentric tradition. The largest in the history of art is the concept of an era. Each era is characterized by a certain “picture of the world”, which consists of philosophical, religious, political ideas, scientific ideas, psychological characteristics of the worldview, ethical and moral norms, aesthetic criteria of life, according to which they distinguish one era from another. These are the primitive era, the era ancient world, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, New time. Styles in art do not have clear boundaries, they smoothly pass one into another and are in continuous development, mixing and opposition. Within the framework of one historical artistic style, a new one is always born, and that, in turn, passes into the next. Many styles coexist at the same time and therefore there are no “pure styles” at all. Several styles can coexist in the same historical era. For example, Classicism, Academicism and Baroque in the 17th century, Rococo and Neoclassicism in the 18th century, Romanticism and Academicism in the 19th century. Such styles as, for example, classicism and baroque are called great styles, since they apply to all types of art: architecture, painting, arts and crafts, literature, music. It should be distinguished: artistic styles, trends, trends, schools and features of the individual styles of individual masters. Within one style, there can be several artistic directions. The artistic direction is made up of both signs typical of a given era and peculiar ways of artistic thinking. The Art Nouveau style, for example, includes a number of trends from the turn of the century: post-impressionism, symbolism, fauvism, and so on. On the other hand, the concept of symbolism as an artistic movement is well developed in literature, while in painting it is very vague and unites artists who are so different stylistically that it is often interpreted only as a worldview that unites them.

GOTHIC An artistic style that was formed in the countries of Western and Central Europe in the 12th-15th centuries. It was the result of the centuries-old evolution of medieval art, its highest stage and at the same time the first pan-European, international art style in history. He embraced all kinds of art - architecture, sculpture, painting, stained glass, book design, decorative and applied arts. The basis of the Gothic style was the architecture, which is characterized by lancet arches directed upwards, multi-colored stained-glass windows, visual dematerialization of the form. Elements of Gothic art can often be found in modern interior design, in particular, in wall painting, less often in easel painting. Since the end of the last century, there has been a gothic subculture, clearly manifested in music, poetry, and fashion design.

An era in the cultural and ideological development of a number of countries in Western and Central Europe, as well as some countries in Eastern Europe. Main distinctive features Renaissance culture: secular character, humanistic worldview, appeal to the ancient cultural heritage, a kind of "revival" of it (hence the name). The culture of the Renaissance has the specific features of the transitional era from the Middle Ages to the new time, in which the old and the new, intertwined, form a peculiar, qualitatively new alloy. The question of the chronological boundaries of the Renaissance (in Italy centuries, in other countries centuries), its territorial distribution and national characteristics. Elements of this style in modern art are often used in wall paintings, less often in easel painting. REVIVAL

Historical art style, which was originally distributed in Italy in the middle. XVI-XVII centuries, and then in France, Spain, Flanders and Germany XVII-XVIII centuries. More broadly, this term is used to define the ever-renewing tendencies of a restless, romantic worldview, thinking in expressive, dynamic forms. Finally, in every time, in almost every historical artistic style, one can find its own "baroque period" as a stage of the highest creative upsurge, tension of emotions, explosiveness of forms. BAROQUE

Artistic style in Western European art XVII - early. XIX century and in Russian XVIII - early. XIX, referring to the ancient heritage as an ideal to follow. It manifested itself in architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative and applied arts. Classicist artists considered antiquity to be the highest achievement and made it their standard in art, which they sought to imitate. Over time, it was reborn into academism. CLASSICISM

A trend in European and Russian art in the 1900s that replaced classicism. Romantics brought individuality to the forefront, opposing the ideal beauty of the classicists to "imperfect" reality. Artists were attracted by bright, rare, extraordinary phenomena, as well as images of a fantastic nature. In the art of romanticism big role plays a sharp individual perception and experience. Romanticism liberated art from abstract classicistic dogmas and turned it towards national history and images of folklore. ROMANTICISM

The direction of Western art of the second half of the XVIII., expressing disappointment in a civilization based on the ideals of reason (the ideology of the Enlightenment). S. proclaims feeling, solitary reflection, the simplicity of the rural life of a small person. J. J. Rousseau is considered to be the ideologist of S.. SENTIMENTAL LISM

A direction in art that strives to display both the external form and the essence of phenomena and things with the greatest truth and reliability. How a creative method combines individual and typical features when creating an image. The longest time of existence direction, developing from the primitive era to the present day. REALISM

Style in European and American art at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Art Nouveau rethought and stylized the features of the art of different epochs, and developed its own artistic techniques based on the principles of asymmetry, ornamentality and decorativeness. Natural forms also become the object of stylization of modernity. This explains not only the interest in vegetative ornaments in the works of Art Nouveau, but also their very compositional and plastic structure - an abundance of curvilinear outlines, floating, uneven fortyls, reminiscent of Closely connected with modernity is symbolism, which served as an aesthetic and philosophical basis for modernity, relying on modernity as a plastic implementation of its ideas. Modern had in different countries different names that are essentially synonymous: Art Nouveau - in France, Secession - in Austria, Jugendstil - in Germany, Liberty - in Italy. MODERN

The name, uniting the range of artistic movements, common x in the x years. (Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism, Dadaism). All these areas are united by the desire to renew the language of art, to rethink its tasks, to gain freedom of artistic expression. AVANT-GARDISM

A movement in literature, painting and cinema that arose in 1924 in France. It greatly contributed to the formation of the consciousness of modern man. The main figures of the movement are Andre Breton, Louis Aragon, Salvador Dali, Luis Bunuel, Juan Miro and many other artists from all over the world. Surrealism expressed the idea of ​​existence beyond the real, the absurdity, the unconscious, dreams, daydreams acquire an especially important role here. One of the characteristic methods of the surrealist artist is the removal of conscious creativity, which makes him a tool, different ways extracting bizarre images of the subconscious, akin to hallucinations. Surrealism survived several crises, survived the second world war and gradually, merging with mass culture, crossing countries with the avant-garde, entered as an integral part of postmodernism. SURREALISM

Literary and artistic trend in the art of the 1910s. Oтвoдя ceбe poль пpooбpaзa иcкyccтвa бyдyщeгo, фyтypизм в кaчecтвe ocновной пpoгpaммы выдвигал идею paзpyшeния кyльтypныx cтepeoтипoв и пpeдлaгaл взaмeн aпoлoгию тexники и ypбaнизмa как глaвныx пpизнакoв наcтoящeгo и гpядyщeгo. An important artistic idea of ​​futurism was the search for a plastic expression of the swiftness of movement as the main sign of the pace of modern life. The Russian version of futurism was called cubo-futurism and was based on a combination of the plastic principles of French cubism and European general aesthetic settings of futurism. FUTURISM

The direction of non-figurative art, which abandoned the representation of forms close to reality in painting and sculpture. One of the goals of abstractionism is to achieve "harmonization", the creation of certain color combinations and geometric shapes to evoke a variety of associations in the contemplator. The ultimate manifestation of modernism. ABSTRACTION NISM

Modernist trend in Western European art, mainly in Germany, in the first third of the 20th century, which took shape in a certain historical period - on the eve of the First World War. The ideological basis of expressionism was the individualistic protest against the ugly world, the growing alienation of man from the world, the feeling of homelessness, collapse, and the disintegration of those principles on which European culture seemed to rest so firmly. Expressionists tend to gravitate towards mysticism and pessimism. Artistic techniques characteristic of expressionism: the rejection of illusory space, the desire for a flat interpretation of objects, the deformation of objects, love for sharp colorful dissonances, a special color that embodies apocalyptic drama. Artists perceived creativity as a way to express emotions. EXPRESSIO NISM

Originated in the USA in the trans. floor. 60s Its origins are in constructivism, suprematism, dadaism, abstractionism, pop art. The immediate predecessor of minimalism is the American artist F. Stella, who presented in the years. a series of Black paintings, where orderly straight lines prevailed. The term belongs to R. Walheim, who introduces it in relation to the analysis of the work of M. Duchamp and pop artists, minimizing the artist's interference in environment. MINIMALISM

Completed by: student of Volgograd college of technology Deikalo Nadezhda Alekseevna
Volgograd 2017

When choosing a leadership style, the following factors should be taken into account: the situation (stressful, calm, uncertain). With a lack of time, in extreme situations, in market conditions justified authoritarian style; task (how clearly structured). When solving complex problems that require a plurality of solutions, theoretical analysis and high professionalism of execution, the most acceptable democratic (collegiate) style; group (its characteristics by gender, age, ethnicity, time of existence, personal characteristics). To unite a group interested in the success of an activity, solving a problem, a democratic style will be adequate, and in creative teams maybe even liberal.

When choosing a leadership style, one should also take into account the factors that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships: the dependence of people's perception of external influences on the difference in their psychological structures. Different people can respond qualitatively differently to the same influences; inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person and the inadequacy of self-esteem. Any person hides something about himself, ascribes something to himself, that is, he demonstrates himself the way he would like others to see him; preservation of personal status, self-esteem.

Contrary to common stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is practically independent of gender. (There is a misconception that female leaders are more gentle and focused primarily on maintaining good relationships with business partners, while male leaders are more aggressive and focused on final result). The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personality traits and temperament, rather than gender characteristics. Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of only one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite consciously combine various leadership strategies.

You have probably seen exciting ones that are simply impossible to tear yourself away from. However, most conferences are rarely as interesting. Presenters usually use pretty boring pre-installed PowerPoint themes in their presentations, lots of text and repetitive images.

If you also often have to speak in front of people, and at the same time you want to stand out from the crowd, but do not have sufficient skills to create your own presentation design, this article will be very useful to you. It contains 27 unique templates PowerPoint presentations which can be downloaded for free.

They are easy to edit, adapting to your content. Most sets include font, graphics, tables, icons, and maps. You can choose exactly what you need and save precious time in the process.

1.Christmas Theme Template

This template is made in the Christmas style, with images of wreaths and a predominance of red hues. There are 22 slide designs available.

2. Balthasar

Theme in green tones for speeches related to finance and other professional topics. There are 25 different slide designs available, for 16:9 screens.

3. Gold Keynote

The combination of gold, gray and white on a black and brown background is perfect for any professional presentation.


There are two options for this template: light and dark. It uses 6 colors and 50 slides for each color. You can easily find the perfect design.

5.Gold Template

With eye-catching golden hues, this template is perfect for a business presentation. You can choose for yourself a suitable design with a predominance of gold, white or gray.


A great template for an attention-grabbing personal brand presentation. There are two themes available: dark and light. This design has a perfect balance between text and images.

7. Macmorris

Dynamics, geometry and gradients have merged in this template. Looks stylish and fits any theme.

8. 3 Gorgeous Powerpoint/Keynote Templates

Three universal templates for Powerpoint and Keynote 09 for every taste.

9. Business by Graphic Panda

If you need a presentation with tables, graphs, maps, layouts, and infographics, then this template is perfect for you.

10. Titania

Made in light colors with bright elements, the presentation contains 25 slides for 16:9 screens.

11. Introduction to Dribbble

A collection of bright and memorable templates for any theme. You can easily find the design that suits you.

12. Warwick

Looking for a serious and professional template? Made in blue-green shades, it is suitable for a presentation on the topic of business or education.

13. Social Media

Modern and unusual template. Great for an SEO, analytics or SMM theme.


In this template, images and large photos tell the whole story. None of the 17 slides have two or three columns of text. Images for 16:9 screens take center stage here.

15. Vicentio

Featuring a two-tone gradient effect, this template is perfect for legal and legal themes. For 16:9 screens.


memorable, professional and contemporary theme, which will be appreciated by an audience that does not like frills.

17. Nathaniel

All 25 slides in this template feature an unusual design with thin lines, a sans-serif font, and a single color accent. Ideal for 4:3 screens.

18. Miranda

This template sets in a sentimental way, perfect for photo presentation. Designed for 4:3 screens, you will find 25 different slides in the set.

19. Viola

The template is made in a minimalist style with a focus on one color, it will look best on 16:9 screens. It consists of 25 slides. It's elegant and professional theme which will be a great addition to your collection.

20. Lady Mortimer

A trendy template made in bright colors will help you stand out at any conference.

21. Perdita

This set features 25 slides for 16:9 screens in vibrant orange. If it doesn't suit you, you can choose red, blue or green.