Scenario for March 8 at home. round of the competition - Sports

In the middle of the evening the whole company will be divided into several groups. And people in each group will talk about something different: about work, about sports, about children, etc. Do you want to spend the holiday fun and interesting - so that all members of the company experience more than just drinks and snacks during the evening? We offer you a scenario for the celebration of March 8.
Using this scenario, it is easy to prepare and have a fun, interesting, reckless holiday - it will not require any special efforts and costs.

Scenario for March 8

Stage of the scenario for March 8 - preparatory

You need to stock up in advance:

  • Chips, you can cut them out of paper in the form of hearts. They will be awarded to those who won this or that competition, one chip - one point;
  • Inflatable balls - there should be at least three of them, in general, there should be as many of them as a person wants to participate in the "In Position" contest, and with adhesive tape;
  • “Hearts” cut out of cardboard, approximately 15 by 20 cm in size for the Wild Beach contest;
  • Artificial banknotes of money for the competition "Banking Operations";
  • Prizes-gifts for the first, second and third place.
  1. Only the facilitator should know the answers to the questions prepared in the script by March 8th.
  2. There is no need to divide the guests into teams, each of them will participate to some extent in all script competitions.
  3. Competitions can be held interspersed with toasts so that guests do not look at the table with hungry eyes.

Stage 1 of the script for March 8 - congratulatory

Dear women - there is no more beautiful you in the world!
We send you, men, our congratulations.
You are our reward, light, dream, destiny.
We appreciate and love you, we are always with you!

You are not only beautiful, but smart too,
And we cannot compare with your talents.
At work and at home - you have no equal anywhere,
We, for the fact that you are with us, are grateful to fate!

After this congratulations, you can give women flowers or gifts, if you have planned it.

So that you do not sit properly,
Stupidly did not look at the cups,
I will try now
Entertain you a little.

Let's raise a toast first
For us (you) women, for your loved ones.
And then we'll start playing
Let's have a great time!

Stage 2 of the scenario by March 8 - intellectual

- Now I will make comic riddles for you, riddles should be the same comic. For each correctly guessed riddle, I give a chip. According to the number of chips, first, second and third places will subsequently be awarded and prizes will be awarded.

  • Why doesn't the fish bite?

(she doesn't have a beak).

  • What happens if you cross a cucumber with an onion?

(cucumber will cry).

  • Which side of the road are you never on?


  • What's the difference between dragons and fleas, except that some are big and some are small?

(dragons can have fleas, but fleas can't have dragons).

  • What falls on you, but does not hurt?
  • What is the largest arc in the world?
  • What fur coat never warms?


  • Where does the carnival begin?

(with the letter K).

- And now I want to take you back a little to your childhood (do not be afraid - this is not what it means to “fall into childhood”) and find out if you remember fairy tales well. To my questions, you should name a fairy tale, a fairy tale character or some object from a fairy tale.

  • Seven wishes on one leg?


  • Fairy fool?



  • Details of a woman's dress in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed?
  • Residence of Baba Yaga?

(a hut on chicken legs).

  • The friendliest communal apartment?


  • An individual reusable flying machine?
  • A reliable means of orientation in fabulous situations?
  • A reward for a feat that is given in addition?

(half of the kingdom).

Stage 3 of the scenario for March 8 - warm-up and exciting

- You answered well
Already, the convolutions cracked.
Let's give the brain a rest
And let's move a little:

And hands and feet
And partly heads.
The main thing is to have fun
So that the noses do not weigh!

1st Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "In Position"

Several men are invited to the stage (or to open space) - at least 3, no more than 5, 6. They are invited to test themselves in the role of a woman in an “interesting position”. The presenter attaches large inflatable balls to the contestants with adhesive tape at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each. The task of the players is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible in the allotted time (two or three minutes), not forgetting about their “stomach”. God forbid, burst! The player who has collected more matches is given a chip.

2nd Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "Wild Beach"

Couples participate in this competition. There can be as many pairs as you like, but, of course, at least two. The host announces that there will now be dancing on the "wild beach". Players take cardboard hearts according to the number of places to be covered (men one heart each, women three hearts each) in order to "cover intimate places and not embarrass children on a wild beach." The host turns on the music, it sounds for 3 minutes. Couples dance, trying not to lose a single "heart". To do this, during the dance, they need to be as close as possible to each other. The tempo of the music should be fast. Those who drop "hearts" or even one "heart" are eliminated from the competition. The winning pair or pairs are given chips, one for each partner.

3rd Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "Banking Operations"

The host calls four people, two men and two women and divides them into pairs. The host says to the male players:
- You must open as many banks as possible in one minute, investing one piece of cash in each of them. I give you the initial capital (gives bills, at least 20 pieces). banks for your initial contributions there can be any places on your clothes - hide them more securely. The player who opens more pots wins. Get ready, let's get started!
Music plays for one minute, during which time the men must hide as many bills as possible. The music stops, the presenter counts the remaining money from each man. The one who has fewer bills left wins and accordingly receives a chip.

- And now women should withdraw deposits from the accounts of all banks as soon as possible.
In one minute of music, women must find and take as many banknotes from their partners as possible. That woman who in one minute "takes off more money from the accounts - wins. She is given a token.

At the end of the competitions, the hosts count the chips from the guests, and prizes are awarded for the first, second and third places. If your funds for the celebration allow, you can give incentive prizes to everyone who has at least one chip.

Scenario of the entertaining competitive program “Oh, beauty! You save the world" can be used on corporate holidays and parties dedicated to March 8 - International Women's Day, Beauty Day, Beautician Day, etc., anniversaries of specialized salons and shops.

The scenario of March 8 is perfect for any event thematically related to issues of femininity and beauty. Competitions are intended for an adult audience.

Beauty will save the world... and who will save beauty?!

The leader comes out, announces the beginning of the holiday and names the topic holiday program. After that, he recalls the famous phrase of Dostoevsky ("Beauty will save the world!") and asks the question - "who will save beauty." A competition of beauty rescuers is announced and guests are given certificates that they are all enrolled in the "Extraordinary Committee for the Rescue of Beauty".

A number of competitions are held, the participants of these competitions receive blue tokens prepared in advance, reminiscent of the symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. At the end of the competitive program, the tokens are counted, and the winner is revealed - the one who has accumulated the most tokens. The winner is awarded the title of "Beauty Savior" and is awarded the main prize - for example, a set of cosmetics.

The competition program script on March 8 begins with a warm-up, consisting of several stages:

1. The word is not a sparrow. Participants need to remember popular expressions and aphorisms in which the word "beauty" is present. Each expression or aphorism is rewarded with a token.

2. Gait, like a boat in the sea. Participants are invited to walk with a book on their heads, while they must simultaneously hold the newspaper between their knees. The task is to cover a certain distance faster than others without dropping either a newspaper or a book. If a book or newspaper has fallen, they must be quickly picked up, and, returning to their place, continue on their way. The winner receives a token.

3. The poet's dream (competition-raffle). Two participants are called - preferably men. They need to draw an ideal female figure on a piece of drawing paper blindfolded. When the participants are blindfolded, empty paper sheets are replaced by others. On these sheets, female figures are pre-drawn in a comical style - one, for example, is too thin, the other is too fat.

Participants receive markers (not writing) and draw with them on whatman paper. Having drawn, they take off the bandages and ... admire the fruits of "their creativity." You can joke a little on the participants - for example, they say - a Freudian slip, and our respected rescuers have a "outline" according to Freud. Now it's no secret to anyone - what figures you really like. Both participants receive tokens, and they are also given “their” drawings as a keepsake.

The warm-up scenario ends on March 8 and it is advisable to include a musical break, and then the main competitions begin

1. The art of being beautiful or face masks. Two participants are invited (preferably women). They have at their disposal a large flat dish, as well as a set of fruits and berries: you can use an apple, strawberry, banana, kiwi, etc. A small knife will also come in handy.

The host announces the task: imagine that the dish is a face. This face may soon grow old, it must be urgently saved and made a mask. It is necessary to lay out a “face” on a dish from improvised fruits, constructing a mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes (for example, three for an eye). Whoever makes this face faster, he becomes the winner, receiving a token.

2. A person needs to be made ... or Hairdressers - rescuers. Male volunteers are invited to wear long wigs.

You will need hairdresser's tools (comb, hairpins, hairpins, invisible, hairspray, etc.)

The host announces: The girls have gathered for a party, and on their heads they have the devil on the side of a bow. We need to get them some pretty hair.

Participants are called. They are given a hairdressing tool, as well as uncomfortable or large mittens. Hair must be done in these mittens. The competition is held for a while, at the end of which the audience votes for their favorite hairstyle. The “hairdresser” whose hairstyle is recognized as the best one receives two tokens, the other participants and models one by one.

3. The salvation of beauty is the work of beauty itself. Several life buoys (minimum two) are required for the competition - neutral in color.

The host announces: Beauty needs to be saved. It is necessary to prepare lifebuoys to save her. But the circles must be beautiful and your task is to decorate them.

Those who wish are called according to the available number of circles. Their task is to inflate the circle, wrap it with a shiny ribbon (preferably pink) and tie the ends of this ribbon. The one who does it first wins.

4. Beauty is a terrible force or save the figure. It is necessary to prepare in advance several silhouettes of a female figure cut out of wallpaper paper. The figures must be made "full", leaving excess throughout the figure. The host invites volunteers (preferably men) to try themselves as plastic surgeons and perform liposuction.

Participants are given medical masks and "bodies" (paper silhouettes). The leader announces the task to them - to carry out the operation, carefully removing the excess. Work only with your hands. Participants must, carefully tearing off the excess, make the figure more slender without tearing it. A surgeon who breaks a paper "figure" is disqualified.

Participants who coped with the task show the audience what they did. The audience chooses the winner by voting. The winner is awarded a token.

At the end of the competition program, you can hold a beauty quiz. Participants receive tokens for correct answers.

The scenario for holding March 8 in the house of culture is “Woman is the eighth wonder of the world!”.

In the garden, where the birch trees crowded,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
First, little by little, he put out a green leg,

Then he reached out with all his little strength
And quietly asked:
"I see the weather is warm and clear,
Tell me it's true
What is spring?

With the first snowdrops, we meet spring again, which means a wonderful holiday for all women on March 8! The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me heartily congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always Have a good mood! Today is our holiday for you!

Spring has come again!
She brought a holiday again
The holiday is joyful, bright and tender,
The holiday of all our dear women.
So that today we all smile,
Our children have tried for us,
Accept our congratulations,
Watch the performance of the children.


Vedas: What is happiness? So simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

In fact, happiness is simple!

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts. Booties and bib

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights ... Knocked down knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor ...

Happiness is soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles...

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...

Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on forehead...

It's a constant "What" and "Why? "...

Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...

A small candle on a huge cake...

This endless "Read me a story"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...

This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden…

What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

Everyone who has children has it!


Vedas: How tenderly, with love, your children speak and sing about you, mothers.

And what do your parents think about you, guys, now we will find out!

Comic game-roll call with parents:

Vedas: He gets up in the morning from bed:

"Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the boots? Where is the sock? »

I made the bed myself

And he watered the flowers,

Mom helped set the table ...

Do you have such a son? (Parents answer...)

Scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I'm tired!

I can't clean up, I'll help you tomorrow!

I don't want a point!

Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer...)

And the other daughters are amazing! Washed all the dishes

They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves are still crumbs,

They work, they try ... Do you like these? (Parents answer...)


Vedas: All mothers, as you know, know how to cook deliciously.
Sometimes mom needs help
And some children don't know what scrambled eggs are made of,
Not to mention other dishes.
Do you know what scrambled eggs are made of?
And whoever helps mom cook, raise your hands.
Now I'll check it out.
Who can correctly answer what dishes can be
to cook from the listed products?
I name the food and you name the dish.

Competition "Delicious recipes".

Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, vermicelli, salt, water, herbs. (Mushroom soup).
Minced meat, onion, eggs, bread, salt, pepper. (Cutlets)
Beets, green peas, onions, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes. (The vinaigrette)
Flour, yeast, eggs, butter. (Pies, buns)
Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper, water. (Shi)
8. Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, lamb. (Pilaf)
9. Water, berries or fruits, granulated sugar. (Compote)
10. Milk, butter, cereals, salt. (Porridge)
11. Eggs, milk, butter. (Omelette)

Vedas: I want to ask one question:
How can you describe spring?
You can call it spring
Who creates coolness for us in the heat.
Who warms the fierce winter,
Who brings the light of the sun at the hour of the eclipse,
Who is the most evil, rainy sometimes
Brings inspiration to our soul.
You can't call spring the time of year.
The flowering time will quickly disappear.
But nature created spring for us,
Which is already all year round blooms.
So this is the answer!
Everyone has their own spring!
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
How close is beloved Spring!
Yes, women! All this is just about you!
We are grateful for your warmth!
Because you love us!
For this eternal spring...


"There are no ugly women!" -
I declare to other skeptics
In a woman, a man opens
Something that others don't see.
Time is gaining momentum
Like a motor on the runway:
There are no ugly women
Too bad not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and are loved!
. Years! You have no power over a woman
And of course it's not a secret
For children, all mothers are beautiful,
So there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks

Let the snowflakes spin, teasing, -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.
A woman forgets in grief
Draw your line of love:
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.

Leading : March 8 - Women's Day,
And a holiday for men for everyone!
And now let's make way for a joke
We can't live without her
It's better with her in difficult times
Why don't we joke?

Fairy tale: The wolf and the seven kids

March 8 for all men
One hundred reasons to worry:
Was that gift given
Is the tea well brewed?
How long do soups cook?
How much flour is in the cake?
How should dishes be washed?
Just don't forget!
On this day nowhere lazy
Not found among men -
Cooking, washing, sweeping
All men are one!
Women - flower bouquets,
Respect and honor!
Maybe soon this holiday
It will last...
whole year!


You, good, gentle, sweet.
All the flowers on earth - only for you!
We want you to be happy
And happy liked us.
- We wish you the very best.
On this day and for days to come
Happiness to you, dear, huge!
And success, which is akin to happiness!
- And health, yes the strongest!
And on the faces - smiles flowers,
Peaceful sky to you, bright sky!
Let your dreams come true!
- To you, good, gentle, dear,
On this day and for days to come
We want to be loved
And they did not toil alone in life.
- Let the house fill with a cup of joy,
And let the trouble pass by.
We wish - and let everything come true
This life is not easy at all.


How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Thank you for the love, kindness, kindness,
I saw a fairy tale in my mother's eyes as a child.
And so I grew up, but I kept my memory,
Mom's eyes are warm, it kept me.
In my mother's eyes, the only one in the world,
In my mother's eyes, we are always only children,
Joy and sadness hid in the eyelashes,
Mother's eyes will always dream of us!
I will not forget forever, those wonderful moments,
When I looked for inspiration in the eyes of my relatives.
They cry to heaven, let the sun not go out!
And in my mother's eyes, the light of hope does not go out.


Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed

In Russian - "mama", in Georgian - "nana".
And in Avar - affectionately "woman".
From a thousand words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.
Becoming the first word of the year, our lullaby,
It sometimes entered the smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier at the hour of death
The last call was suddenly.
Shadows do not fall on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Words are different, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.
A spring, having rendered a service to a jug,
This word babbles because
What remembers the mountain peak -
She passed for his mother.
And the lightning will cut through the cloud again
And I will hear, following the rain,
Like, soaking into the ground, this word
Calling raindrops.
I will secretly sigh, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day,
Don't worry mom, I say
All is well, dear, with me.
Worries about son constantly
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"
And in Avar - affectionately "woman".

Dear grandmothers, dear mothers! Today is your day! Get ready for the holiday wave!

Correspondent 1. If the gingerbread man falls asleep under the tree, who will wake up in the morning?
a) prickly hedgehog
b) spiked ball
c) running cactus,
d) needle yolk.
Correspondent 2. If the cuckoo is “she”, then who is “he”?
a) cookie
b) cuckoo
c) kukets
d) kukun.
Correspondent 1. If you have pets and spend most of your time with them, then you ...
a) pissed off
b) revived
c) slumped
d) domesticated.
Correspondent 2. If you put a monkey behind the wheel, what will the car turn into?
a) in a can
b) in a flying saucer,
c) disabled person
d) in the Macaque Ford.
Correspondent 1. If a person has tamed a snake, then he ...
a) stung
b) awful
c) terrifying
d) constricted.
Correspondent 2. If a pest bug started up in a garden in a bed of beans, then this ...
a) a priest
b) nabob
c) a botanist
d) rogue.
Correspondent 1. If a fly sits on an ear, what will the ear be like?
a) muddled
b) fluffy
c) fluffy
d) fluffy.
Correspondent 2. What will you do if your salary is raised by 3 times by March 8?
a) roll out sponges,
b) throw up your hands
c) shed tears of happiness
d) faint
e) think it's a joke.

Our dear ladies, have you noticed that today the sun is shining in a special way, men are smiling at you in a special way, and on these festive spring days everyone wants to do only good, bright, good things for you?
In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in everything!
We want to wish you to always be! Judge for yourself, what would happen if all of a sudden, one day, all the women disappeared? Can you imagine this?
:Let's try to imagine. Uncut, unfed men in unironed trousers roam the streets .... Or even without them at all, because they could not find them. Barber shops are closed……..
On buses, as conductors, there are uncles with montages in their hands, who knock out the last money from the passengers - men ... ..
There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The dance of the "Little Swans" is performed by four hefty men.
Yes, friends, without women there really is no life and cannot be! And so today we praise you, our beloved, dear, desired and the most, most beautiful!


I would like in the days of spring,
Take away all adversity from you,
Sunny Mood Cup
Present to lovely women.
So that under the dome the sky is clear,
Where the frost is angry in the spring,
Your children grew up beautiful,
Without sadness and without resentment.
To fill your eyes with joy
New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than the rainbow
Blazed all over the world.

All dreams come true in it.

Today we will give to all women

Smiles, joy and flowers.

Leading Dear mothers, grandmothers, daughters, dear colleagues and honorable members of the jury!

I am glad to welcome you to our contest “Come on, Moms!”

1. Boys come in to the music, line up in a semicircle closer to the central wall, read poetry.

1. We are mischievous guys.

Have you already recognized us?

It's not the first time we've been on stage

But we're worried now.

2. Let's make speeches

We will give flowers

Let's sing and dance

Congratulations to moms!

3. Look out the window

It got a little warmer there.

The main holiday is coming

The sun welcomes him!

5. This holiday is the cutest,

The most kind and beautiful!

We congratulate our mothers -

All: It's so nice for us!

presenter: Boys, where are our girls? How can you start a competition without them? Maybe they took offense at you and left? Admit it, offended girls? Well, if not, then where are they, now let's try to find them.

presenter: (pulls out phone) Hello! Beauty saloon? You didn't have girls from kindergarten? Were? All are so dressy. Did you do hair? Do you know where they went? In the kindergarten? Well, finally, thanks!

presenter: Boys! Our girls seem to be coming back. Let's meet them as expected - with friendly applause!

The boys make a corridor in the center of the hall, the girls go through it, disperse into a semicircle, leaving windows for the boys. The result is a semi-circle.

Song "Song - drops"

presenter. Well, now all the guys have gathered, we can start our competition.

Let me introduce our jury.

1. Chief expert of educational sciences Matsueva E. A.

2. Master in all existing and non-existent languages ​​- Vinogradova E. A.

3. Scientist and professor of mathematical sciences - Solovieva N. A

And now we present to you our support group - our grandmothers.

At our competition we will see masterpieces various kinds arts. At the end of the competition, according to the results of the competition, the jury will name the best team. Competitions will be evaluated on a five-point system.

Competition No. 1 "Acquaintance" And so, we begin the intellectual warm-up.

The first competition "Acquaintance". Each participant stands up and introduces herself, whose mother she is and what her name is. Who is more original and expressive to introduce himself. 1 to 5 points

While the jury is counting the points, girls dance with flowers

The results of the competition are being summed up.

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round.

Answer: Flowers

Competition No. 2 "Guess the flower". All women love flowers. Children will guess riddles for you, and you guess them.

The sun is burning my head

Wants to make a rattle.

Answer: Mac

He grew up under the burning sun

Thick, juicy and prickly.

Answer: cactus

I am in the winter garden

I'll spend the whole day.

I'll take watercolors.

Answer: Pansies

beautiful flowers

Blossomed in the garden

splashed with colors,

And autumn is on the way.

Answer: Asters

In the flower bed by the window

Planted potatoes.

Its flowers are huge.

Both light and dark.

Answer: Dahlia

On the pole - flags,

Under the pole are swords.

Answer: Gladiolus.

Each correct answer is 1 point.

The jury sums up.

Chastushkas are performed by boys

Competition No. 3 The next competition is called “Mommies”. Once upon a time, all mothers learned to swaddle their babies for the first time. Let's remember how this is done. In the role of babies will be already grown up daughters and sons. One inconvenience is that our babies will be standing up as we didn't find a changing table that size. Participants receive sheets, ribbons, and complete the task. 1 to 5 points

The child is swaddled, it's time for bed. But the trouble is, the child does not fall asleep. What do mothers all over the world do in this case. That's right - they sing. Now we will hear some musical masterpieces.

Competition No. 4 "Sing a song." The teams sing the song "We Lived at Granny's" one in Japanese, the other in Chinese. 1 to 5 points

The jury sums up.

All parents and children sing in chorus song from " Goodnight, kids"

Mom is blindfolded. The child says "Wah, wah." Each correct answer is 1 point

Children read poetry

Competition No. 6 "Define the groats by touch" The child calmed down and fell asleep. While sleeping, you need to cook porridge. We will now check whether mothers recognize cereals by touch. Each correct answer -1 point

Game "Brook"

Competition number 7 "Cheer up your child." Teams depict animals, heroes of fairy tales with gestures. If children guess correctly - 5 points, if adults - 4 points.

Task 1. Animals are written on the leaves: a monkey, a kangaroo.

Task 2. --- fairy tales: bun, chicken Ryaba

Task 3 --- cartoon characters: Luntik, Smesharik.

Song "Grandma and Mom"

Competition No. 8 "Guess the melody." Teams guess songs about mom. Each guessed melody 1 point

Children and mothers sing song "About mammoth"

Competition No. 9 "Simquain". The teams make up a simquain about our competition.

General dance of adults and children.

Summing up, awarding.

basic school at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Madagascar

Vedas 1

Day of joy and beauty

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!!!

Vedas 2

In March, the eighth, a man hardly

A woman's whim will not take into account,

It can be seen that the attention is so indebted,

What do the calculations for the year!

Vedas 1

Good afternoon! We are glad to see all of you in this hall! Lovely ladies on behalf

All men, let me congratulate you on the upcoming international

Among the first days of spring

All over the earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike.

Vedas 2

As part of our evening, we are holding a contest"Lada"

Lada She is the goddess of beauty, grace and grace. Just like Aphrodite

Ancient Greeks and Venus among the ancient Romans.

(Exit of the participants, and the presenters read poetry to the music)


Beauty lives everywhere!

Lives not anywhere, but nearby,

Always open to our eyes

Always available and clean…


Beauty lives everywhere!

In any flower, any blade of grass,

And even a little dewdrop

What is dormant in the fold of the sheet ...


Beauty lives everywhere!

Our hearts are happy and warm,

And makes us all better

She's probably not easy...

Beauty lives everywhere!

Ved2. The competition program will be judged by our jury…

Ved1. Many different competitions have been prepared for our participants. But especially

We want to note for the jury and our guests. Throughout the evening our

The girls will have to submit several dances. And when summing up

The results of the entire competition program, we ask you to evaluate these dances and

Give them points

Ved2. Well, I think it's time to start. All participants would like to wish

Success, and the audience should not spare their hands.

What's in a name?

It will die like a sad noise

Waves splashing on the distant shore,

Like the sound of the night in a deaf forest ...

But on the day of sadness in silence,

Say it longingly

Tell me there is a memory of me

There is a heart in the world where I live.


There are many beautiful female names in the world. Dear girls, have you ever wondered

Are you talking about the origin and meaning of your name?


If not, now is the time to do it. So, the first challenge

"Who am I?" or a competition of legends: girls tell about themselves and their names.


(After the participants have introduced themselves, the facilitators can ask them some

Questions, for example, such: what kind of flowers do you like, your favorite dish, do you like

dance, sports, walk, etc.)


Which participants we have are all different, which are all wonderful and they are united by the most

wonderful property: they will all be the most important decoration in the future

our planet - women.


You are a woman and you are right about that.

From the century removed the crown of the stars,

You are in our abyss - the image of a deity!

We drag an iron yoke for you,

We serve you, crushing the mountains,

And we pray - from the ages for you!

Participant dance-


Our next competition will be called “Warm-up”, questions for our participants:

  1. Which of the notes is not needed for compote? (salt)
  2. Which composer's last name is similar to a hunter's shot (Bach)
  3. Can I bring water in a sieve? (maybe ice)
  4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)
  5. Who speaks all languages? (echo)
  6. What kind of fabric is not to sew a shirt for yourself? (from the railway)
  7. What will happen to the crow when it is 7 years old? (the eighth will go)
  8. How do day and night end? (s sign)


Beautiful words about women should always be said. This is a worthy sequel.

our classical traditions. If you follow them, then a woman is always, either

Vasilisa the Wise, or Elena the Beautiful. She and "My Fair Lady" and

"Sleeping Beauty", in other words: every woman is a fairy tale.


The old tale says

About magical things:

Lived - there were two sisters,

The third Cinderella was.

Two sisters - dandies

They had fun at the balls.

Third in soot, soot even

on her nose was


We all remember the story of Cinderella. Before Cinderella gets to the ball, she must

had so many things to do. In a fairy tale, salvation came to Cinderella in the form of a kind

fairies. And in our competition, all hope rests with you.

Competition ………


Vedas1 We continue our competitive program and our next contest

"Fashion Designers"

Girls, you now have to become famous fashion designers for a few minutes.

world, such as Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Valentin Yudashkin, Nina Ritchie, Pierre Cardin.

You are invited to present your homemade beautiful hats,

made by your own hands from all improvised means, old hats, newspapers, paper

Etc. "Everything was in your hands." Help our members

showcase your models to our little guys

(A hat and hat show competition is underway and each participant presents her own

model and then comments on it)

Participant dance-

  1. Love - burning like in the series!

Five series on each channel!

Trips not to the garden, but to the sea!

Cakes are delicious, but without calories!

  1. The cars are foreign, but the steering wheel is on the left!

Spirits - from "Dior"! Flowers - every day!

Intentions - different, but better serious!

Dwellings - five-room and five-star!

  1. Live life without regrets

Do not know resentment, loss.

May excellent health

It will be the best award ever!

  1. There are many holidays in the country,

But Women's Day is given to Spring,

After all, only women are subject to

Create a spring holiday - caress.

So be kind, simple,

Always with a smile on your face!

Well, in a word, be you

How spring should be!

  1. Happy March 8!

Happy spring holiday!

Let it pour everywhere

Sound fun!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go!

Let the winter drive away

Mimosa branch!


Our next competition can be called "The Most Resourceful" or the competition - "Situation". Now you are offered a situation, and you must find a “way out” of it.

  1. You gathered for a holiday: you combed your hair, put on your favorite dress, and on the way you were splashed by a car. Your outfit is ruined. What will you do?
  2. You suddenly quarreled with your beloved girlfriend, you know that your actions are wrong?
  3. You invited friends to visit and decided to win them over with your signature dish, but 5 minutes before the arrival of the guests, you realize that the “dish” failed. What are you going to do?


No wonder even proud men

They tell each other for many years:

In everything, first look for a woman

And then you will find the truth.

Participant dance-


The next competition is related to how cheerful and resourceful our girls are. AT

You will need help for this contest. Invite someone to help you -

any of the spectators.


The essence of the competition is as follows, to define the new and unusual most

Ordinary things. For example, what is it? (Treble clef)

Ved1. Like what? Everyone knows that this is a treble clef.

Ved2. And if you try and come up with something more fun ?! For example, a worm

Entered the conservatory or a key that does not open any door.

Ved1 So, I think our girls and their assistants understand everything. And we start our



They shine brightly for us all our lives,

And as the enthusiastic poet said,

Is it possible to live in the world without women?

You can't live in the world without women, no!

Participant dance-


We are entering the finish line. Having passed the difficult path of trials, the girls

Rightfully won the title of the most charming and attractive, and

They conquered everything.



Our evening in the land of charm and beauty is coming to an end. We congratulate

Our girls, we congratulate all women on the holiday of Spring, Beauty, Love!