EIS account. How to find the organization code in the consolidated register

What is a registry entry number

To the consolidated register of participants and non-participants budget process includes data from:

  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • consolidated list of customers;
  • RUBP - participants in the budget process;
  • RNUBP - non-participants of the budget process;
  • other classifiers.

For each organization registered on the websites bus.gov.ru, budget.gov.ru, a unique code is generated - a registry entry. You can find out this code by typing the TIN of the institution you are looking for in the search bar.

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the RUBP and NUBP is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 163n dated December 23, 2014, Order No. 42n dated May 28, 2014 controls the procedure for the formation of register entries.

It is formed on the basis of the following information contained in the basic (industry) lists:

  • the name of the state or municipal service, work with OKVED codes;
  • type of public legal entity of the institution;
  • data on the cost of the service, work or its free provision to the population;
  • the content of the public service;
  • conditions and form of performance of work or provision of public services;
  • type of economic economic activity organizations;
  • contingent - consumer categories;
  • quality and volume indicators;
  • data of the regulatory framework governing the performance of work and the provision of services.

Each RH has its own unique number. The register does not include information and documents that contain state secrets.

Unlike the twenty-digit unique RZ, the number of the contract registry entry on the public procurement website, which is assigned to each purchase or each individual lot in the order, consists of 36 digits and is automatically generated as a set of classification codes for a particular purchase. In order to find the desired contract or information about it, in the EIS, you need to go to the "Register of contracts" tab and drive in the RZ of the desired document.

How to form

The unique RP number is generated by authorized federal authorities executive power on the basis of all available information blocks and lists included in the consolidated RUBP and NUBP.

It happens like this:

  1. Categories from 1 to 8 - the territorial designation of the public legal entity that provides funding to the organization - UBP.
  2. 9 and 10 digits - cipher of the type of institution in accordance with a similar RZ of the Consolidated Register.
  3. 11 and 12 - budget level codes.
  4. Digits from 13 to 17 - the number of the institution in the RH of the Consolidated List.
  5. Number 18 - cipher of the sign of information belonging:
  • 1 - information and documents, if any, are similar and correspond separate division, endowed with the right to conduct accounting;
  • 0 - information does not match.
  1. 19 - control discharge, calculated in accordance with Appendix No. 6 of the Order of December 23, 2014 No. 163n.
  2. Digit 20 - encoding the status of the institution:
  • 1 - operating institution;
  • 2 - not active;
  • 3 - lack of legal relationship;
  • 4 - organization with special instructions.

Digits 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 is a unique code for each participant in the budget process in the SR.

Unique registry entry number public service"Education" can be seen in the example below.

UNRZ for other types of participants in the budget process:


We work with a consolidated register of customers

The Unified Information System provides for the maintenance of many registers, for example, such as unscrupulous suppliers (RNP) or contracts concluded by customers. One of these lists is the consolidated register of customers under 44-FZ. It is a structured list of organizations registered on the official website of the EIS as persons conducting procurement procedures, and from it you can get comprehensive data about the public customer and his public procurement.

Information from the registry

What kind of information can be gleaned from such a database. Registration information is, first of all, from the company's registration card.

So, in it you can find the following:

  • name (full and abbreviated);
  • date of registration and institution code (assigned by the system);
  • constituent data of a legal entity (TIN, KPP, PSRN, OKTMO, location of the company);
  • identification code and date of its assignment;
  • form of ownership and organizational and legal form;
  • codes according to OKVED2;
  • budget code and its type (for example, federal budget);
  • contact details (telephone, mailing address, Email and contact person).

Also, in addition to the data listed above, using this list, you can quickly find information about the purchases made, contracts and agreements concluded, as well as the procurement regulations.

How to find a list of organizations in the EIS

Let's walk through the steps of how to find the database and work with it.

In order to find the specified list of government customers, you need to go to the official website of the Unified Information System - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Thus, this kind of list is quite easy to find on the official website, and it also contains complete information about customers, useful for participants and suppliers, in the public domain.

How to get on the customer list

Perhaps this will be the shortest instruction on our portal. The only thing that needs to be done for the organization to be on this list is to go through the registration procedure in the EIS. No need to write statements asking for inclusion, everything will happen automatically.


Letter of the Federal Treasury dated February 13, 2017 No. 07-04-05 / 13-157 “On Information about the organization”

In order to ensure the possibility of execution by organizations, information about which, including information about the authority of the organization in the field of procurement, is included in the register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process, the procedure for maintaining which is approved by order of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation dated 23.12.2014 No. 163n (hereinafter, respectively - Order No. 163n, the Consolidated Register), the requirements of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" in part placement of information and documents by them in a unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter, respectively - Federal Law No. 44-FZ, UIS) Federal Treasury reports the following.

In accordance with the rules set section III The procedure for registration in the EIS, approved by Order of the Federal Treasury No. 27n of December 30, 2015 "On approval of the Procedure for registration in the unified information system in the field of procurement and invalidation of the order of the Federal Treasury of March 25, 2014 No. 4n" (hereinafter - Procedure No. 27n) , the registration of these organizations is carried out by the Federal Treasury automatically on the basis of information included in the Consolidated Register through information interaction between the State Integrated Information System for Public Finance Management "Electronic Budget" (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Budget" system) and the UIS.

At the same time, due to the difficulties encountered in the information interaction of the Electronic Budget system with the UIS, in order to update information about organizations in the UIS, the Federal Treasury considers it possible to form electronic document"Information about the organization" (hereinafter - Information about the organization) through the application software "SED" by the territorial body of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter - TOFC) at the location of the organization for organizations that, due to various difficulties, did not register (re-register) in the EIS according to Section III of Order No. 27n and, in the requisite composition of which, the UIS contains outdated information blocking work in the UIS, and sending Information about the organization to the Interregional Operational Department of Financial Management.

Interregional operational management The Federal Treasury ensures the unloading of Information about the organization in the EIS.

At the same time, the Federal Treasury pays special attention to the fact that the formation of Information about organizations that have been registered (re-registered) in the EIS in accordance with Section III of Order No. 27n is unacceptable.

The issuance of certificates for work in the EIS to organizations that have not been registered (re-registered) in the EIS in accordance with the provisions of Procedure No. of the Treasury dated July 25, 2016 No. 280). At the same time, at the stage of generating a Request for a certificate in the corresponding application software as the attribute “Account number of the organization in the UIS”, it is necessary to indicate the unique account number of the organization formed in the Consolidated list of customers - the SDR code, as the authority of the organization in the field of procurement, it is necessary to indicate the authority under which the user plans to work, as the authority of the authorized person of the organization, indicate the values the powers of the UIS user "administrator of the organization" and (or) "authorized specialist".

Additionally, the Federal Treasury sends recommendations to the TOFC on the problems of updating information in the UIS based on the data of the Consolidated Register.

Application: on l. in 1 copy.

Attachment 1
to the letter of the Federal Treasury
dated February 13, 2017 No. 07-04-05 / 13-157

for territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury on the problems of updating information in a unified information system in the field of procurement based on the data of the Consolidated Register

1. In the event that the organization does not have the opportunity to re-register in the unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) in accordance with Section III of the Procedure for registration in the UIS, approved by order of the Federal Treasury No. 27n dated December 30, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as Procedure No. 27n) and there is a need to update its details in accordance with the relevant changes in the register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process, the procedure for maintaining which is approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2014 No. 163n (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated Register), then the territorial body The Federal Treasury (hereinafter - TOFC), independently, on the basis of the organization's data in the Consolidated Register, generates Information about the organization in the PPO "SED" in accordance with the current implementation and sends them to the Interregional Operational UFK.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the fact that if the organization has been re-registered in the EIS in accordance with Section III of Order 27n, the formation of Information about the organization is unacceptable.

Responsibility for the negative consequences of uploading Information about an organization that has been re-registered in the UIS lies with the Pacific Fleet.

In addition, it should be noted that if the organization has not been re-registered in the EIS due to technical problems, the ability to exercise purchasing powers in its personal account is not blocked, and it is also possible to manually establish links in the Control Module in Part 5 Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” with such organizations.

2. If the organization in the Consolidated Register has changed the code according to the Consolidated Register (8 characters) in the appropriate order, while this information is not reflected in the EIS, then the TOFC send information to the Competence Centers in the field of procurement (UFK in the Saratov Region, UFK in the Novosibirsk Region) (hereinafter referred to as Competence Centers) no later than 17.00 on a business day (corresponding time zone of the Competence Center) in the following form:

3. If the organization has formed a second personal account in the EIS, then the TOFC must ensure the implementation of the following activities:

— if in the new (duplicate) personal account the users of the organization have generated and posted information (purchase plan for 2017-2019, procurement schedule for 2017, notices of procurement), users are recommended to continue working in such a personal account.

At the same time, the user has the ability to ensure the transfer of unfinished notices and contracts from the old personal account to the new personal account using regular means of the personal account.

The algorithm for transferring information and documents from the old personal account to the new personal account is contained in section 4.3.15 "Placing a notice of a change in the organization that carries out the placement" of the document "User Guide for the UIS" and section 4.7.6 "Changing the customer in the contract information for contracts, not related to the user's organization" of the document "User's Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of the register of contracts and the register of bank guarantees" posted in the section "Documents / Training materials / User Guides for 44-FZ" of the official website of the UIS;

- if the organization's users did not post information in the new (duplicate) personal account, users are not allowed to form and post information in the new (duplicate) personal account - users will continue to work in the old UIS personal account after updating the information.

- after determining the "working" personal account in the UIS Pacific Fleet in the manner similar to paragraph 2 of these recommendations, sends information to block the "non-working" personal account to the appropriate Competence Center in the form:

a) for those working in a new (duplicate) personal account, the old personal account is blocked.

b) for those who work in the old personal account, the new personal account is blocked.

Instructions for registering organizations and users in the UIS in accordance with the Order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n

Official website of the Unified Procurement Information System (EIS, zakupki.gov.ru)

Instructions for registering organizations and users in the Unified Information System in accordance with the Order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n

Terms and Definitions

Registration of an organization and a user of an organization in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ

Registration of an organization in the UIS, information about which is included in the Consolidated Register (in accordance with Section III of the Registration Procedure No. 27n)

No. 44-FZ, it is allowed to use only certificates of keys for checking qualified electronic signature issued by the certification center of the Federal Treasury in the name of individual. The certificate for the Head of the organization must contain the user's TIN.

Registration of an organization in the System is carried out automatically after receiving information from the Consolidated Register. If the organization is registered in the EIS in accordance with the registration procedure in force before the application of the Registration Procedure No. 27n, re-registration of the organization is required. If the re-registration of the organization and its users is not carried out in accordance with the Procedure for registration in the UIS before 01/01/2017, then the access of the organization's users to the UIS will be terminated from the specified date.

List of authorities of organizations registered through the Consolidated Register:

- customer; - authorized body; - an authorized institution; - specialized organization; — control body in the field of procurement; — a body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ; - organ internal control; — audit body in the field of procurement; - the body that places the rules of regulation; — a body that establishes requirements for certain types of goods, works, services and (or) standard costs; — a body that develops standard contracts and standard terms of contracts; — a customer making purchases in accordance with Part 5 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ; — an organization exercising the powers of the customer to make purchases on the basis of an agreement in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ; — a body authorized to maintain a library of model contracts, standard conditions contracts; — a body that monitors procurement; - regulatory body contract system in the area of ​​procurement.

Authorization of the Heads of the organization, information on which is transferred from the Consolidated Register for more than one organization

In the Personal Account of the organization in which the user plans to work in the future, authorization should be made after unlinking certificates from the accounts of organizations in whose Personal Account work is not planned.

It is also possible that the user was initially listed as the Head in the information about one organization and authorized in the Personal Account of this organization and, therefore, the certificate was linked to account, and later updated information about another organization, where he is also listed as the Head. If the Head needs to work in the Personal Account of the organization about which the updated information has been received, it is necessary to do the following: 1. Authorize in the Personal Account of the organization in which he was initially listed as the Head; 2. Register/re-register the Administrators of this organization (see clauses 2.1.3, 2.1.8); 3. Unbind your certificate from the account of the current organization (see section 2.1.6); 4. Authorize in the Personal Account of the organization for which the updated information was received.

We make changes to the Consolidated Register

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Institutions open personal accounts with the bodies of the Federal Treasury, if they are included in the Consolidated Register of Recipients of Federal Budget Funds. The data of such a register is changed only on the basis of statements by the main managers of funds. How to perform this operation, tells Elena Anatolyevna KOROL, Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 3rd class of the Office of the Federal Treasury for Khabarovsk Territory, k.e. n.

What is the Consolidated Register for?

The requirement to include in the Consolidated Register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds (hereinafter - the Consolidated Register) of all institutions that have accounts opened with the Federal Treasury (OFK) is established by the Instruction on the procedure for opening and maintaining personal accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2002 No. 142n.
Note that the documents submitted to the OFC for opening accounts are checked for compliance with the data of the Consolidated Register. The check is carried out in terms of the full name, short name, legal form and form of ownership. The procedure for maintaining the Consolidated Register was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 4, 2005 No. 83n (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). It should be reminded that the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 15, 2007 No. 86n approved amendments and additions to the Procedure for Maintaining the Consolidated Register.

How to make changes

The main administrators of the federal budget funds (hereinafter referred to as the main administrators) monitor changes in data for all budget recipients and, in accordance with this, submit applications for correcting the data indicated in the Consolidated Register.

Inclusion of institutions in the Consolidated Register

In order to add a new institution to the Consolidated Register, the chief administrators submit an application to the Federal Treasury. It is drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure.
The application number is a three-digit code of the main manager budget funds according to the List of direct recipients of federal budget funds, and through the fraction indicate the three-digit number of the application. For example, the number of the first application prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance will be: No. 092/001.
Please note: when an institution is added to the Consolidated Register, the Federal Treasury assigns it a so-called “budget recipient code”. At the same time, the main administrators, administrators and recipients, divisions carrying out enforcement proceedings are assigned one code, regardless of whether they open the corresponding personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury.
The institution will open personal accounts in the OFC only subject to the submission of all required documents. Only after that, the Federal Treasury enters into the Consolidated Register information about OFK codes, according to which the corresponding personal accounts are opened for the institution.

Changing registry details

Amendments are made to the Consolidated Register also on the basis of the application of the main managers of funds - to change the details. Its form is given in Appendix No. 4 to the Order. Based on this document, the Federal Treasury corrects the details of the institution in the Consolidated Register.
After the changes are made, the chief administrator receives a notification from the Federal Treasury about the change in the details of the institution in the register (see Appendix No. 7 to the Procedure). Remember, the Procedure provides for only one case when the Federal Treasury can make changes to the Consolidated Register without an application from the main manager of funds. This is possible when it is the OFC codes that are changed, when institutions are transferred from the department of one body of the Federal Treasury to another on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

Exclusion of an institution from the Consolidated Register

This procedure is performed on the basis of the “application for exclusion” of the institution from the Consolidated Register filed by the main manager (Appendix No. 3 to the Procedure).
The Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies close the corresponding personal accounts and exclude the institution from the register. The chief manager receives a corresponding notice from the OFC.
Note that the administrators and recipients of federal budget funds are also entitled to submit to the territorial OFC draft applications for inclusion, exclusion, change of details of the institution in the Consolidated Register. The forms of such applications are similar to those of the main manager of funds. After receiving the draft applications, the territorial OFCs transfer them to the Federal Treasury. And it, in turn, transfers them to the main manager of funds, who checks and approves the data of draft applications, and transfers them to the Federal Treasury.
Please note: applications for changing details in the Consolidated Register will be returned by the Federal Treasury to the main administrators without execution if they are executed with incomplete or incorrect details.

The exchange of information between the Federal Treasury, territorial OFCs and the main administrators (administrators, recipients and divisions carrying out enforcement proceedings) when maintaining the Consolidated Register is carried out in in electronic format using electronic digital signature(EDS).
If there is no technical possibility of information exchange using EDS, then the exchange of information is carried out on electronic and paper media.



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The abbreviation EIS is read as the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. This system was conceived to optimize the interaction between customers and performers of all types of ongoing tenders in order to bring clarity and transparency to transactions between state-owned companies and private commercial firms. The main website of the UIS system is zakupki.gov.ru.

By registering on it and receiving the Organization Account Number, the customer or contractor can start searching for tenders of interest to him, information about this will be fully reflected on the site and will be available for viewing and control by third parties from participating in the tender to signing the contract between the parties.

For those who are faced with the need to work with the Public Procurement website for the first time, its interface may seem incomprehensible, and some questions may be complicated. Most often, in the process of work, users do not know what the Account Number of the organization in the EIS is and do not know where to look at it. If your browser is configured correctly, we will show you how to do it.

Where to see the Account number of the EIS organization

As we have already said, information about bidders is transparent and anyone can find it. You will need to go to the site zakupki.gov.ru and click on the image of the house in the left menu so that the menu opens like this:

Next, select the points: Additional Information -> Register of organizations and enter the TIN of the company about which we want to find out information. You can also search by name, but it is easier to find information by TIN. Please note that the company must be a bidder, it must be registered on the site according to 44 or 223 FZ. For example, we will take the first organization that comes across with a TIN 3917045914.

Enter the TIN in the search bar, press Enter or the magnifying glass icon and look at the search results:

If the organization is registered under both 44 and 223 Federal Laws (this happens often), a sign will appear prompting you to choose which register to take information from. It is not important to us - let's try to look here and there. After the page with the organization's data opens, click on the "Additional Information" tab on the right. The unique account number of the organization is 10356000080. Now you know where and how to view the Account Number of the UIS organization.

The SDR number is an abbreviation for the phrase "consolidated list of customers". Another name for it is the SDR unique accounting code? You only need to enter the official public procurement website.

Method 1: through or TIN

How to find out the SDR code of an organization after you have entered the official resource of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement? Follow this algorithm:

  1. On the main page, you will see the line "Search". Enter in it the full official name of the desired organization. However, it is easier and faster to print the company's TIN.
  2. Press the Enter button or click on the magnifying glass in the search bar.
  3. If you wish, you can use the advanced search: print PSRN, KPP, location - address, region, federal district.
  4. Click on the "Find" button.
  5. If you enter the correct information in the next window, to the left of the company name, you will see the 11-character cipher of the organization.
  6. How to find out the SDR code yet? In the window from paragraph 5, click on the name of the company. In the first line of the window that opens, you will see this cipher.

Method 2: according to the consolidated register

And one more method that tells you how to find out the SDR code. You will again need to open the main page of the public procurement website. And then - see the algorithm:

  1. Click on the icon "house" - "Home page".
  2. In the menu that opens, find "Additional Information", and in it - "Registry of Organizations".
  3. Enter the TIN or OGRN of the company.
  4. The system can immediately give you the desired result. Or a window may appear where you need to select a registry. Stop at 44-FZ (93-FZ).
  5. Go to "Additional Information" on the company card.
  6. Among other things, you will find the line "Unique Account Number", where the 11-digit SDR cipher will be registered.

That's all simple and quick ways, suggesting how to find out the SDR code. To obtain the necessary information, you need to know very little about the company - the full name or the individual taxpayer code.

BIC - Bank Identification Code.

BIC - nine-digit unique code credit institution. It is designed to identify participants in settlements and is a mandatory element of the details of any bank. BIC is used in payment documents in Russia. It allows you to determine the name, correspondent account and regional location of the bank, as well as the division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation responsible for its registration and maintenance.
The code is assigned by the Bank of Russia, which maintains the corresponding BIC classifier. The structure of the code and the procedure for maintaining the directory are defined in the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 225-P dated May 6, 2003 "On the directory of bank identification codes of settlement participants making payments through the settlement network of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."
According to this document, the BIC has the following structure:
. the first two digits indicate the code of the Russian Federation ("04");
. the third and fourth - the code of the region of the Russian Federation according to the "All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division" OK 019-95 (OKATO), adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 No. 413. If these numbers are "00", then the bank's division is located outside Russia;
. the fifth and sixth are the conditional number of the subdivision of the settlement network of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, or the conditional number of the structural subdivision of the Bank of Russia. The code can take numeric values ​​from "00" to "99";
. from the seventh to the ninth - the conditional number of the credit institution in the subdivision of the settlement network of the Central Bank, in which its correspondent account is opened. Can take values ​​from "050" to "999".
For cash settlement centers within the Bank of Russia, these values ​​take the form "000". For the head cash settlement center and other divisions performing its functions - "001". For other units of the settlement network of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and structural divisions Bank of Russia, these values ​​correspond to "002".
A directory of bank identification codes can be found on the website of the Central Bank. On the main page in the section "Interregional Informatization Center" there is a distribution kit of the software complex "BIC Directory". In order to search for a bank by its BIC, this complex must be installed on your computer.

OKVED is used for the purposes state registration legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) households. OKVED is built on the basis of harmonization with the official version in Russian of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 1) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 1) by saving in OKVED from NACE Rev. 1. 1 codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the corresponding positions without changing the scope of concepts. Features that reflect the needs of the Russian economy in terms of detailing types of activities are taken into account in OKVED groupings with five- and six-digit codes.
OKVED replaced the All-Union Classifier of Industries of the National Economy (OKONKh) and Parts I and IV of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) relating to economic activity.
The current OKVED Classifier OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) was adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard N 454-st of November 6, 2001, entered into force on January 1, 2003.
Classification of types of economic activity in OKVED is carried out according to the features characterizing the field of activity, production process or technology. OKVED codes do not reflect the form of ownership, organizational and legal forms and departmental subordination of legal entities, no distinction is made between internal and foreign trade, commercial and non-commercial types economic activity.
The code for the type of economic activity according to OKVED has the form: XX.XX.XX, where XX. - class, XX.X - subclass, XX.XX - group, XX.XX.X - subgroup, XX.XX.XX - species.

The scope of OKDP is organizations, departments and enterprises of all forms of ownership operating in the domestic market.
Registration number: OK 004-93. Adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of August 6, 1993 N 17. Date of entry into force January 01, 1994.
In the context public procurement the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, products and services OK 004-93 (hereinafter referred to as OKDP) is used to determine the group of "the same name" according to the nomenclature of goods, works, services, an order for which (for an amount of more than 500 thousand rubles per quarter) must be placed in the form electronic auction, approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 7, 2011 No. 273.
Current (latest) edition of OKDP:
(As amended by Changes 1/94, 2/95, 3/96 OKDP; Decrees of the State Standard of Russia of 06.11.2001 N 454-st, Changes 4/2001 OKDP, approved by the State Standard of Russia on 01.02.2002, Changes 5/2011 OKDP, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated 22.11.2011 N 569-st, Amendments 6/2012 OKDP, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated 12.12.2012 N 1894-st)
Amendment 6/2012 OKDP (adopted and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2012 No. 1894-st).
When developing the OKDP, the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission were taken into account. The construction of the OKDP is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) - International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) and the international Central Products Classification (CPC).
OKDP uses a seven-digit code that displays the classification scheme.

All-Russian classifier bodies state power and management
OK 006-2011 adopted and put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 26, 2011 N 60-st. Introduction date 1 January 2012
OKOGU is used in solving the following main tasks:
coding information about public authorities, local self-government and information systems and resources;
conjugation of state information resources;
interdepartmental information exchange;
making comparisons of economic and statistical information;
meeting the needs for information about public authorities and administration.
OKOGU uses a hierarchical method of classifying objects and a serial-order coding method.
Structurally, the positions of the all-Russian classifier consist of a code and a name.
The structure of the classification object code in OKOGU is: XXXXXXX.
In OKOGU, the whole set of objects of classification is divided into five groups:

State power in the Russian Federation.
Other state bodies of the Russian Federation.
Central Bank of the Russian Federation
State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Other state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Local self-government in the Russian Federation. Electoral commissions municipalities
Organizations subject to federal statistical observation. Groupings of business entities and public associations used for official statistics
Interstate governing bodies

KLADR - Classifier of addresses of the Russian Federation. The departmental classifier of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, created for the distribution of territories between tax inspectorates and automated mailing. There are no addresses in KLADR that have any degree of secrecy. ZATOs list only their names. Currently, KLADR files are generated from the FIAS database and updated weekly.

OGRN- Main state registration number. State registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity or record on the first submission in accordance with federal law of the Russian Federation "On State Registration of Legal Entities" of information about a legal entity registered before the entry into force of the said Law (clause 8 of the Rules for Maintaining the Unified state register legal entities).


Acquainted with complete list codes can be found here

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD) OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002) OKPD entered into force on January 1, 2008 without canceling the All-Russian classifier of products (OKP), parts II and III of the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, products and services (OKDP), the All-Russian classifier of services to the population (OKUN) in order to generate statistical data on production and sales certain types goods, works and services. By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 30, 2010 No. 1151-st, the validity of the classifier was extended until January 1, 2013 (change 1/2010 OKPD) Classification objects in OKPD are products (services, works).

OKPD can be used in solving the following main tasks related to:

Classification and coding of products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics;

Preparation of statistical information for international comparisons.

OKTMO- The All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities (abbreviated as OKTMO) was approved on December 14, 2005. From January 1, 2014, a new version of the All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities is put into effect and introduced into statistical practice: OK 033-2013. Fundamental difference new version- the presence of the OKTMO code for settlements. From January 1, 2014, it is OKTMO that must be indicated in tax payment orders (instead of OKATO and in the same field as the last one).

OKFS- All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership

OKPO- The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (abbreviated OKPO), OK 007-93 - adopted in 1993, introduced on July 1, 1994 (Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of December 30, 1993 No. 297). Contains an eight- or ten-digit number of the legal entity indicated in the accounting documents. Changes to OKPO are made by Rosstat as part of the Statistical Register of Economic Entities using the information and computer network of Rosstat. The classifier is used to maintain a list of legal entities in all state classifiers and databases of the Russian Federation to facilitate the linking of data on legal entities and accounting statistics.

FIAS- Federal Information Address System of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The classifier contains address elements and the history of their change: regions, districts, cities, urban districts, settlements, streets, houses. The FIAS database is distributed free of charge and is available for download in the form of rar archives. FIAS databases are uploaded in DBF and XML formats. XSD schemas for unloading the FIAS database in XML format have also been published. Both full uploads on a specific date and changes from the previous full upload are available. Also, on the FIAS updates page, you can download the database upload in the KLADR format.

The main manager of budget funds (GRBS) is a public authority that distributes federal budget funds (budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local budget funds) to subordinate institutions. The main manager can also be the most significant state-financed organization science, education, culture, health and media.

Approves estimates of income and expenses of subordinate institutions, draws up a budget list, distributes limits on budget obligations and executes the corresponding part of the budget.

The chief administrator of federal budget funds submits reports on the execution of the federal budget to the Federal Treasury.

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From January 1, 1916, the Unified Information System (UIS) was introduced in our country. Thanks to modern technologies, the EIS collects, stores and processes information contained in various databases.

Through the official website provides access to unified information on the Internet.

The unified information system (UIS) in the field of procurement plays an important role in our country. You need to get acquainted with this system if your activity is in the slightest way connected with public procurement.

Everyone knows why a TIN, a checkpoint of an organization is needed, how to find them and for what purposes to use them. But few people know about the unique account number.

Today I will talk in detail about how to find out the account number of the EIS organization.

Why do we need a unified system

Unified Information System - collection of important information, which is stored in the database. It is necessary for processing, storing and providing important information. The unified information system was created in the form of a website - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Information in the system is free and available to every user. All processes are automated and public.

In the Unified Information System you will find the following important information:

  • Procurement plans, sales plans and schedules, and other information;
  • Data on the admission of goods;
  • Procurement data;
  • Contract registers;
  • Registers of unreliable suppliers and buyers;
  • Bank guarantees;
  • Model contracts;
  • Complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, instructions;
  • Regulations;
  • Catalogs;
  • Reporting.

How to find out the account number of the UIS organization, instructions

You can find out the account number of the organization on the new official website http://zakupki.gov.ru.

To do this, just enter the name, TIN or any other information about the organization in the "Search" line.

Please note that you can search for a company using any data known to you.

After that, click "From the register of organizations" (even if the search does not reflect the results). Will open before you short info about the organization. Be sure to indicate the new 44-FZ next to the phrase "Registered".

If 44-FZ is not indicated, contact the Federal Treasury Department.

Open company details by clicking on it. Then go to the "Additional Information" tab and in the organization registration data section

you will find the organization's unique account number and other important information. Each digit of the number is a digit that carries important information.

How to find out the account number of the UIS organization, total

As you can see, a unified information system is in demand by users. That is why developers are constantly improving it. With the help of the United Information System you can learn a lot, useful information about the organization, significantly save time searching for reliable suppliers or customers.

The Unified Information System allows the supplier to predict in advance the growing demand among customers for any goods, works or services and draw up long-term plans for participation in procurement.

The new official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement has a beautiful, intuitive and modern interface. Wide functionality is available to all users from the beginning of this year.

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The SDR number is an abbreviation for the phrase "consolidated list of customers". Its other name is a unique company account number. How to find out the SDR code? You only need to enter the official public procurement website.

Method 1: through or TIN

How to find out the SDR code of an organization after you have entered the official resource of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement? Follow this algorithm:

  1. On the main page, you will see the line "Search". Enter in it the full official name of the desired organization. However, it is easier and faster to print the company's TIN.
  2. Press the Enter button or click on the magnifying glass in the search bar.
  3. If you wish, you can use the advanced search: print PSRN, KPP, location - address, region, federal district.
  4. Click on the "Find" button.
  5. If you enter the correct information in the next window, to the left of the company name, you will see the 11-character cipher of the organization.
  6. How to find out the SDR code yet? In the window from paragraph 5, click on the name of the company. In the first line of the window that opens, you will see this cipher.

Method 2: according to the consolidated register

And one more method that tells you how to find out the SDR code. You will again need to open the main page of the public procurement website. And then - see the algorithm:

  1. Click on the icon "house" - "Home page".
  2. In the menu that opens, find "Additional Information", and in it - "Registry of Organizations".

When a customer registers with the EIS, he is assigned an organization account number. Why is it needed, how to find out these numbers and where to look, read the material.

Where to get the account number of the EIS organization

Consider how to find out the account number of an organization in the EIS. In the left side menu on the main page of the procurement site, find the tab "Additional Information", it has a link to the "Register of Organizations".

The registry is searchable by:

  • Law 44-FZ or 223-FZ;
  • ICO/IKUL code;
  • code according to the Consolidated Register;
  • OGRN;
  • organization level;
  • authority of the organization / type of legal entity;
  • codes by type of activity;
  • address / location;
  • federal district;
  • subject of the Russian Federation.

There is also a second way to see data from the register of organizations. On the main page of the portal, in the search bar, type the name of the organization. You can also search by TIN, PSRN, address, region, etc. The system will display the results. On the page that opens, select the last tab "Register of organizations". Find in search results desired organization and click on the "Details" link. You will be prompted to choose a law. Choose 223-FZ or 44-FZ.

  • company authority;
  • unique account number of the organization in the EIS;
  • company name;
  • date of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • type of organization;
  • budget level for financing;
  • classification codes;
  • contacts.

The account number of the organization in the EIS is needed to identify the customer. What he really is? The registration number of the organization according to 44-FZ is an 11-digit code that is automatically assigned to the customer. Do not confuse the account number of the organization and the number according to the consolidated register of customers - this is not the same thing.

Register of customers

You can view all information about the customer in the registry. To find the register of customer-organizations in the EIS, in the left side menu, find the "Additional Information" tab and click on the "Register of Organizations" link. Enter a name in the search bar. To get into the register of customers, you must register with the EIS.

The registration card contains data on the name, date of registration, constituent information, identification code and the date of its assignment, the budget code and its type, contacts. Here is what the organization card looks like in the register of customers:

IN additional information on the card you can find the unique account number of the organization: