How to clean up your business. How to build a reliable system from unreliable elements

Mikhail Rybakov

How to clean up your business. How to build reliable system from unreliable elements. Workshop

© Rybakov M. Yu., 2010–2017

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Alexey Timonin, CEO online travel store

“The book seemed to me diverse and interesting. In reading it, you quite logically and consistently begin with the definition business systems go to description business processes and further through projects, get into the discussion organizational structures. Then, consideration roles of people in business and transition to processes business improvement. Chapter about consultants sustained at a decent level, various approaches and opinions are revealed. The last chapter is devoted (rather surprisingly to me) to reflections on dangers of corruption and roles politicians in life. However, the reflections are quite practical and unbanal.

Summing up, I would say that the result is a sincere and “not watery” book that makes you think, argue with the author’s statements, offer your own options instead, agree with the proposed ones, study the questions posed in depth, etc. All this allows me to assert that the author achieved his goal».

Lyubov Malyutina, marketing director, group Societe Generale– Rusfinance Bank; marketing consultant:

“I have known Mikhail for a long time, and his book is the same clear, clear and positive like himself. I am happy that in Russia there is already a business community of professionals without “show-offs”: simple and efficient. People like Mikhail make a significant contribution to its development.

And Michael is very good business partner. What struck me from our first meeting: a clear, professional and quick response to my email question. And in this he is all, and his book is the same. It incorporated the most advanced technologies, and at the same time the author managed to keep simplicity and clarity of presentation, omit unnecessary terminology and complex verbal turns, make reading the book easy. At the same time, there are exercises in the book that immediately help to convert what you have read into something useful.

Thank you! I am infinitely grateful to you for the exchange of experience, ideas, information and professional advice!”

Sergey Baguzin, Chief Operating Officer large IT company:

“Business and company management pose more and more new challenges for managers. Managers and owners in search of solutions to their problems turn to literature. Unfortunately, in translated books, figuratively speaking, we are talking about “fine settings”. This is due to the fact that in the West, regular management has been introduced almost everywhere. Therefore, it is being discussed how, on its basis, to “squeeze out” a few more percent of growth due to innovations. In Russia, the main problems are connected with the construction of the management system as such. This is what Mikhail Rybakov's book is dedicated to. I really liked the set of “bricks” that the author put into the basis of regular management.

Target– business cannot sail in the endless sea without bright landmarks.

Benchmarking- business does not exist by itself, but in a competitive environment.

Business processes They are the ones who create value for customers.

Projects– without changes, everything “swamps”; change management is project management.

Staff- whatever one may say, but success is accumulated not where the best materials or goods are, but where the best management and the best people are.

Quality- after all, we won't mind if we start working like the Japanese. Namely, this brick is the basis of their success!”

Sergey Ivanov, owner and manager of the Hermes company (production of treatment facilities):

“Michael, thank you for this book! For me, as the owner of a company that, according to your classification, is at the level of “Spontaneous Business” (company 6 years old), this book is a godsend.

I am currently studying at the International Institute of Management LINK at the 1st stage of the MBA course. What I liked about your book and what advantages I would like to highlight in relation to the academic course:

The book is written from a business owner's perspective and gives recommendations taking into account the difference in views on the processes of the owners and employees of the company;

Studying at LINK and learning new things for myself, I ran into a problem - how to apply the acquired knowledge, how to implement it. Where to start the changes, for me as a business owner who is not limited in his tasks and must solve everything and everyone, it was not clear. I liked the book consistent and clear recommendations on solving urgent problems and structuring business;

Tasks and examples are as close as possible to the realities of Russian small business.”

Anton Astafiev, owner of a cafe chain, Perm:

Michael, thank you so much for your hard work!

Basically, you wrote detailed instructions for doing business. Really - technology, the implementation of which will lead the entrepreneur and his team to success.

The main value is that you are talking not only about What do we have to do and, most importantly, how to do it so that the results are improved.

If this book had fallen into my hands 5 years ago, then I would have avoided those significant losses who had to pay for the absence necessary knowledge and business skills.

Fedor Khaliulin, head of the design and construction company GLASARD, Moscow:

“For those who are now thinking about starting their own business, this book conveys in a concise manner the clearest possible presentation about the rules of building a business, about the laws of its functioning and development.

For those who have already created their own business, survived the crisis and chose to stay, this book is guidance on what to do and what not to do. Code rules, methods and recommendations.

This book is useful for anyone who builds their own business.

I. L. Vikentiev, director consulting company"TRIZ-CHANCE", St. Petersburg:

“Russian business that respects itself must move faster than western. M. Yu. Rybakov's book - about domestic experience».

Igor Semenovich Popovich, General Director of the transport and logistics company "TRANTOR":

“I met Mikhail in 2008 at trainings at the International Institute of Management. I have been the owner for over 5 years. In the last year and a half, I have faced all the issues raised in the book of Michael. In the way of business development, such books and consultants, such as Michael, are a revelation and invaluable help!

I agree with Mikhail: you need to start with yourself - dear, beloved! After reading the book, it occurred to me analyze your own approaches and start with yourself: everything that you do personally in the company and beyond! I would recommend this book to all my friends (business owners). Looking forward to the release of the book!

Evgeny Pavlov, CEO of VekFort:

“Mikhail, I bought your book. Gorgeous purchase. Real guide to organizing and doing business. Among the board books at the present time № 1 and is unlikely to lose its positions soon. I read, I do tasks, and in my head it's getting brighter and brighter. Thank you for your work!


Everyone has long known that “Russia cannot be understood with the mind, cannot be measured with a common yardstick” - and it is not surprising that everything said by the great Russian poet applies entirely to young Russian business. Unfortunately, we have to admit that both academic translated literature on economics and numerous bestsellers of Western business consulting gurus hopelessly stall on impassable Russian roads. Repeated attempts to mechanically copy and "implant" Western models of organizing and doing business in the body of Russian business, which is in a pubertal crisis, have inevitably caused and will continue to cause rejection.

The book you now hold in your hands is unique in many ways. Written by an extremely interesting and extraordinary person - Mikhail Rybakov, business consultant, coach, this book is a vivid example of a new generation of Russian business literature. Clearly structured, engagingly and convincingly written, the book creates a clear frame of reference for professional consideration and solution of those “key” problems that have been a “headache” for domestic leaders and business owners for many years. Moreover, the author gives not just guidelines, he unfolds before the reader a map with the shortest route of this difficult path of building your own successful business. Hundreds of examples from the practice of Mikhail Rybakov make the book, in fact, a desktop methodological guide to organizing, structuring and doing business. In it you will find dozens of "inserts" with concrete examples from real leaders and owners of the most different types businesses from all over Russia. An excellent arsenal of repeatedly tested and effectively working algorithms for solving your business problems - from business goals and strategy, through description, standardization of business processes, project and personnel management - to an effective self-developing business system.

Personal information:

Advised more than 70 companies in the field of regular management: from 10 to 9,000 people (including: holdings, chain stores, factories, service companies, builders, civil servants, web agencies, online stores). Student of Alexander Friedman.

One of the co-authors of the book "Social technologies of the Tallinn School of Managers. Experience of successful use in business, management and private life":


Improvement is not required. Survival is voluntary.

Edward Deming

Mikhail Rybakov's book "How to put things in order in your business"

to whom: owner, top managers, executives

The consequence of "manual management" of the company - business turns into hard labor

How often do your leaders say the phrase “If it wasn’t for me, then everything would have collapsed in us in 3 days”? Reason for pride? By no means! As a rule, behind a harmless exclamation is the following:

  • Leader or owner forced to work hard for himself and his subordinates.
  • Without direct instructions from the head No one knows: what price to call potential clients; how to draw up a contract; what should he do today, this week, etc.
  • The company is waiting for a real disaster and bankruptcy if the owner leaves for 2 weeks with the phone turned off and, God forbid, goes to the hospital. Therefore, the entire vacation is spent at work, and all the “sores” are carried on the legs, because there is simply no time for treatment.

Who is to blame? Negligent subordinates? They can be sorted out endlessly: hire, fire, recruit new ones. People work exactly the way they are led. To verify this, read "".

If you recognize yourself - do not despair. To remedy the situation, you will need readiness for self-improvement, will, patience and Mikhail Rybakov's book "How to put things in order in your business." The book is invaluable for business owners and top managers, extremely useful for executives. So, let's create a system!

Important thoughts from the book "How to clean up your business"

I want to say right away that there are much more important ideas in the book. I am limited by the scope of the article, and there is no such purpose to retell the whole book. most zest- left for you in the book.

Bonus from Mikhail Rybakov - the book is also a wonderful coach! I would like to pay special attention to the well-composed practical exercises, which will allow you to translate theory immediately into practice, moreover, in relation to your business.

Owner or manager - choice of quality of life

The owner of the company must clearly separate the roles "owner" and "manager", otherwise he becomes a “slave of his business”, and business soon becomes an unbearable burden that he wants to get rid of.

Constant work in the "Ministry of Emergency Situations" mode, hands drop, and the owner "burns out"

Indeed, there is such a term: “owner burnout”. When the owner of the company is engaged in operational management instead of strategic development, sooner or later he gets tired of his business, there is a desire to start something new.

In my opinion this dead end. After all, the unsystematic work of the old business will migrate to the new one, and history will repeat itself in a few years. There is a chance to stay “with nothing” in old age.

How can the owner exclude operational work

Where to start getting rid of operational work? Record all things that you do during the week. The end result is a big list. Mark the tasks that you can delegate to employees.

If some things can't - perhaps you just need to find other or additional people? Make a list of activities to delegate these things (teach, show, tell, etc.). Do it. Is it really difficult?!

I told something about the manager in the article “”.

Comment by Mikhail Rybakov, - especially for the Open Studio blog

I constantly meet businessmen and executives who spend 10-14 hours a day at work, while earning little money, and sometimes “feeding” their business.

Many symptoms:
- Sales are unstable and much lower than desired.
- It is difficult to find qualified people.
- The staff does not work well, and at the same time they want to receive a lot of money.
- Employees are irresponsible and do not show initiative.
- Constantly it is necessary to sort out various "jambs".
- Etc.

If you deal with each of these symptoms separately, then life will not be enough. Especially since they have the same root. Every business goes through its development stages of maturity:

1) Spontaneous business- a young company: rests on the unique qualities and / or authoritative management of its creators. But as soon as they go on vacation or quit a couple of key employees, everything goes awry (LLC "Horns and Hooves").

2) System- the business system is built and working, and the results of its work are predictable and do not depend on specific individuals. Such a business can be replicated and transferred to management (McDonalds).

3) Perfection- the company has built mechanisms that allow it to constantly develop: to hear the "voice of the market", create and quickly launch new products on the market, delighting customers and increasing its market share, as well as regularly improve its processes, increasing their stability and reducing costs (Toyota ).

What stage is your business at? Just be honest.

The first level is like a car with a manual transmission, the second - with an automatic one. Which one is more fun to drive?

In my experience, most Russian companies are at the level of spontaneous business (mess). Such a business brings little money. It does not grow or grows for a short time, and shrinks again. It consumes all your time and energy.

In addition, high risks: in a spontaneous business, the technology of work is not prescribed and not optimal, only the owners and / or key employees know it. Often the customer base “belongs” to them, not to the company.

The rest of the staff works on a whim, the quality of work is low and unstable, the deadlines are long and constantly postponed. Clients are unhappy. The interchangeability of workers is very weak. In addition, "old" employees often suffer from "star disease" - they do not strain at work, blackmail management with their indispensability, and do not fulfill the requirements of the company.

So set yourself a goal for the coming years: clean up your business, build a clear system. Get out of the routine, engage in business development, and just live with pleasure.

Yes, it will take some effort. But they are worth it. The book will help you! And if you need help, get in touch.

Business Processes: Formalize It!

Buisness process is any repeated action with a given result. Starting from “How to wash a mug for a Client” to “Algorithm for selling goods / services” Most of the business processes are subject to formalization.

Mikhail Rybakov proposes to divide business processes into four types:

  • Main: those on which the company earns (which your Client is ready to pay)
  • Auxiliary: all other business processes that ensure the implementation of the main
  • Managerial: operational, tactical and strategic management company.
  • Improvements: business processes that are aimed at development (example: improving customer service quality standards, new technology production, etc.)

Mikhail in the book analyzes in great detail the intricacies of describing and optimizing business processes. Thanks to this, even “newcomers” will be able to gain the knowledge necessary to start work on systematizing and algorithmizing their business.

Internal projects as money eaters

Before reading the book (I read it for the first time 1.5 years ago), I paid very little attention to the costs of so-called “internal projects”.

Most Russian companies developed spontaneously. And if in the fodder years their results suited the owners and managers, now all the flaws in management come to light. If you want to save your business, it's time to clean up the mess that has accumulated in it.

Russian business very young, and most companies were created and developed quite spontaneously. And it was normal: everything grew along with the market and the price of oil.

Now the market has been greatly reduced, only the strongest companies survive. If you want to be among them, then it's time to clean up the mess that has accumulated over the years.

What is a mess? This is when people really do not know what they are responsible for. When the company does not have work standards and / or staff is not trained to work according to them. When a client is “sent” from department to department and not only, they are served for a long time and badly. When you do not want to contact the company again.
Do you recognize your business? Then this article is for you.

Business processes

This word has been so worn out in recent years that its meaning is lost under a touch of mysticism. In fact, everything is simple. A business process is the execution of a particular work in a company, for example, the fulfillment of a customer's order (from an incoming call to receiving payment and signing an act). And each job has some algorithm, which must be: a) described, b) optimal, and c) actually executed. It is on this that the results of the company's work, including financial ones, depend.

Processes flow from the company, regardless of whether you notice them or not. Now it is important for you to learn to look at your business through the prism of processes.

Think of a company as a customer pipeline. The more throughput, topics more successful business. If there are growths and blockages in the pipe, then few customers reach the “exit”.

How to improve the productivity and quality of your company? To begin with, to understand how it flows basic processes, that is, those from which your customers directly benefit and for which they pay you money. Other processes, such as inventory holding or accounting services, are ancillary and do not provide direct value to the customer.

In a company, the main process is either one or several. Examples:

· Wholesale

Repair of the customer's car

・Customer service in a restaurant

Please note that this figure does not contain the organizational structure that most managers like to draw so much. And rightly so: it is not so important. The client does not care who the waiters report to, and also which department is to blame for the fact that today there are no ingredients for some dish. It is important for him to get delicious food and quality service for reasonable money, and this depends on how the above process is designed and performed.

Now to practice. The trouble of modern people is not that they do not know something, but that they do not use the knowledge they have received. If you want my articles to become more than just a "tabloid novel" for you, then I recommend that you complete the tasks that I give. There will be questions - write: [email protected].

Practical tasks

· Highlight the main processes of your business.
It is better to do this in a team, including key people in your company. First, you will be surprised how differently they see work. Secondly, those decisions that you make together, everyone will be willing to implement: "After all, this is my decision." In addition, people will be delighted: “Finally, they heard me!” At the same time you will gain experience effective work in the team: it's really great! Then it will be easier for you to work together.

· Choose one process for detailed work. Be clear about its name and purpose. Determine the first and last steps.

· Draw a diagram of the selected process by analogy with the example.
The scheme should be simple and understandable to everyone. From the complex - there is practically no benefit - it only confuses.
There should be few steps (usually no more than 10-15): this is " circuit diagram» work of the company. Typical mistakes:
a) Draw too general (less than 5-7 steps)
b) Going too deep into details (everywhere or in places)

· Identify and sign a person responsible for each step of the process.

· Decide who is responsible for the entire process, from start to finish.
(He is called the owner or master of the process).
Sometimes this is very difficult. I would like to put a big boss here, often a director. However, is this correct? He must have other tasks. Perhaps your company simply does not have such a position. So, it's time to create such a role in the company. It is the role, not the position - there is no need to increase the staff in vain. In the future, such a person is responsible for ensuring that this process is carried out efficiently in the company, for which it is useful to give him some authority. For example, it can be an employee who is responsible to the client for fulfilling his order from start to finish, interacting with all participants in the process, even if they work in different departments.

· Find out what is the result (output) of each step and who (in the company or outside it) needs it. It can be both something material and information.
In other words, who is the "client" of this step. At the same time, ask him if he is satisfied with such an exit.

· Understand what you need to "input" to successfully complete this step and from whom you will receive it.
That is, who is the "supplier" of this step. Are you satisfied with what he "delivers" to you?

Why all this?

Do you already understand what all this is for? That's right, to put things in order. Because if you know exactly how the company works, that's good. But what's even better is that you can improve it. Already completing these tasks, you probably noticed somehow points that can be improved. Reduce unnecessary steps, simplify approvals, transfer some of the functions to a lower level, eliminate duplication of functions, etc.

And then optimize your organizational structure: so that business processes are "comfortable" in it. So that she helps them, and does not interfere, as is often the case when departments are at enmity with each other.

Who loses from bad business processes? Customer. And, losing, he “votes with his feet” against a company that loses profits or simply ceases to exist.

What we have just done is the foundation. It is with her that the very putting in order in the company begins. The next steps will be the definition of the goals and objectives of the units, the development of concise and sensible, rather than formal job descriptions. And it’s not the HR manager who should write them.

I want to emphasize that the organizational structure, job descriptions etc. are secondary, and at the heart of any company are business processes.

And this is just the beginning. This is clearing up the mess and restoring elementary order. Then they make an intelligent motivation system, develop work standards, regulations, etc. But more about that another time.

What is the result? And the fact that business is moving from the category of art to the field of craft. This means that the results of the work become predictable. You no longer depend on the whims and moods of individual employees. You can replicate your business and be sure of the results.

What is the owner to do now? Like what, create new businesses, of course! There is so much more to do in Russia...

It may seem that now is not the time to deal with such "distant" issues. “Crisis in the yard. Take more, throw further - this is the only way to survive.

Everything is like this: you need to “take and throw”. But sometimes it is important to stop and think about how to do it better. This question is by no means idle. Those few hours that you spend on this will bring you dividends that will far exceed your expectations.

I constantly meet businessmen and executives who spend 10-14 hours a day at work, while earning little money, and sometimes “feeding” their business. Many symptoms:

  • Sales are unstable and far below desired;
  • It is difficult to find qualified people;
  • The staff does not work well, and at the same time wants to receive a lot of money;
  • Employees are irresponsible and do not show initiative;
  • You constantly have to sort out all sorts of "jambs", etc.

If you deal with each of these symptoms separately, then life will not be enough. Especially since they have the same root. Each business goes through a stage of maturity in its development:

What stage is your business at? Just be honest! The first level is like a car with a manual transmission, the second - with an automatic one. Which one is more fun to drive? In my experience, most Russian companies are at the level of spontaneous business (mess). Such a business brings little money. It does not grow or grows for a short time, and shrinks again. It consumes all your time and energy. In addition, the risks are high: in a spontaneous business, the technology of work is not prescribed and not optimal, only the owners and / or key employees know it. Often the customer base is also "owned" by them, not by the company. The rest of the staff works on a whim, the quality of work is low and unstable, the deadlines are long and constantly postponed. Clients are unhappy. The interchangeability of workers is very weak. "Old" employees often suffer from "star disease" - they do not strain at work, blackmail management with their indispensability, and do not fulfill the requirements of the company.

What to do to go to the system level? To begin with, realize your business requirements (profit, time and nerves, desired lifestyle, etc. - see the beginning of the article). Then divide in your head and in practice two roles:

  • "Architect". Engaged in business design and optimization.
  • "Operational Manager". Manages the created system, solves current problems. In the Russian version, this is often a “fireman”, who constantly rakes up problems that have arisen here and there due to the curvature of the system or its absence. “The head is to blame, answers ...”

What percentage of your work time do you spend in each of these roles? If most of the time you work in your own business as a "fireman" - this is a road to nowhere. How to streamline your business, bring it to automatic mode? We go through this sequence all the time with my clients:

Strategic block:

1. First, you, as the owner, need to create a Vision, that is, a picture of what your business will be like in a few years. First of all, you need it. And also to your team to move in the agreed direction.

2. Then - set clear measurable goals broken down by periods;

3. Then - develop a business development strategy. That is, the route from its current state to the desired one.

Internal construction of your business system:

1. We describe and optimize business processes. The stability of the company's work and results increases, the transparency and manageability of the business increases, the quality grows, you get the opportunity to use cheaper staff, get rid of the "stars". Now you can open branches or create a franchise. Now in the business literature, at seminars, they talk a lot about business processes, but, alas, few people actually use the process approach. And if they do, they often use the approaches adopted in design information systems. As a result, the description of processes takes a lot of time, the schemes are not simple, and only complicate the work. In addition, such optimization projects are quite expensive. In our work we use very simple and visual means that are understandable to everyone - from the business owner to the worker;

2. We formalize and, if necessary, correct the organizational structure, clearly distribute powers and responsibilities. A competent structure is created on the basis of business processes, and not vice versa;

3. Implement management based on performance indicators. You get a "dashboard" that allows you to see the whole picture of the business and make informed decisions.

Creation of a personnel management system:

1. Determine who the company really needs (what kind of people and how many). Mistakes at this stage lead to "staff shortage", overpayments to employees, their low motivation, layoffs;

2. We hire high-quality candidates: as a rule, through competitions. An unsuitable person can no longer be corrected, therefore success largely depends on competent hiring;

3. Competently introduce them to the position and train them;

4. We create a system of material motivation from the results of labor, as well as non-material motivation;

5. Finally, we help the client to implement all this into a business. Because any system resists change, even the most positive. From active protests of the staff, to passive "going into the bushes" under various pretexts, references to employment, etc. Why is this happening? People are afraid of change, afraid of losing power, privileges, and sometimes even jobs. They are afraid that they will have to work harder, that certain abuses, gray schemes that allowed them to live in clover will be revealed.

An optimal business is only needed by its owner. Therefore, in small and medium-sized companies, it is you who will personally supervise the project for its formalization and optimization. And only your will will help the business move to a new level. The basic principle of transformation has been known since antiquity: "a steel hand in a velvet glove." If the hand is weak, the company will crush you under it, if the glove is rough, people will massively sabotage changes, quit. And this is a direct loss for business.

It's good if you have a helper along the way. This is the role of the consultant. A competent professional will not work for you - after all, he will then leave, and you will use the system that will be created. As a coach working with an athlete, a consultant will give methods, point out mistakes, cheer up in difficult times.

In this mode of operation, the transformations are really implemented: after all, all the key people from the client's team are involved in them. It is also more profitable in terms of money: the company does a significant part of the work on its own. Result good project on business optimization - indicators are growing, the owner spends less time and nerves on it, is engaged in strategic development and other key issues.

See also:

Don't be afraid to be happy !

How to clean up your business Mikhail Rybakov

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Title: How to clean up your business

About the book "How to put things in order in your business" Mikhail Rybakov

The book is written for owners of medium and small businesses, top managers - both "bison" and beginners. Having studied it, an experienced businessman will be able to sort out what he has intuitively done for many years, build a system - first in his head, and then in the company. Beginner - avoid many very painful mistakes, save years of "traveling the rake".

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