An original and beautiful name for a cafe is the best option. Name for the cafe

Heart Coffee Roasters, Portland, Oregon

Why: Affogato. This is not only a dish with a beautiful name, but also a melt-in-your-mouth perfect combination of espresso and homemade coconut ice cream. The smell of freshly roasted coffee will add joy, as will the opportunity to discuss world coffee news with the barista.

Kaffeine, London

Why: a coffee journey will captivate you and you will “fly away” beyond the boundaries of this world. Don't drink coffee before going to this place, as the "flight" consists of espresso, cappuccino and a refreshing cascara drink. The baristas at this coffee shop must train for at least three years before getting this job. The level of craftsmanship is truly excellent.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Portland, OR

Why: This coffee shop hand-brews its punch for 12 hours before serving. Today, punch is the most caffeinated drink, but not as sour as hot coffee. It also has a pleasant chocolate taste. This is the perfect hot drink for summer.

Blue Bottle Coffee, Auckland

Why: If you're craving a delicious, sweet iced coffee, this is your place. This cold brew is brewed here for half a day with roasted endive and organic cane sugar.

Coffee Supreme, Auckland, New Zealand

Why: This is the only place in the world where you can enjoy coffee mixed with soda syrup. You can add sparkling water or milk for complete happiness) It is also recommended to try the delicious local buns.

Cafe Craft, Paris

Why: This coffee shop tends to be packed, but if you're lucky enough to find a seat, order a NOISETTE or espresso with milk and enjoy the craftsmanship of coffee in Paris.

Analog Coffee, Calgary, Canada

Why: The coffee shop offers a large selection of delicious drinks. This is, for example, coffee in a Japanese-style drip coffee maker. Locals love to talk to the baristas about roasting and brewing methods, which the coffee shop masters know a lot about.

The Coffee Academics, Hong Kong

Why: The coffee shop isn't as pretentious as its name suggests. In a funny, reminiscent chemical flasks and measuring cups, they serve some of the best coffee in the world. You can also try a latte with agave nectar and a spicy version with ground black pepper.

Cielito Querido Café, Mexico City

Why: This is one of the cutest coffee shops that you should try primarily for the atmosphere. The photo shows freshly baked conchitas to be dipped in a hot Mexican rompope cappuccino.

Dreamy Camera Cafe, Yangpyeong, South Korea

Why: Imagine walking into a huge chamber that is actually a coffee shop. Order a cold Americano and feel like a boss while sipping your drink over ice.

Workshop Coffee, London

Why: This is one of the best coffee roasts in the world, and the best coffee in London. Don't take this lightly. The art of preparation here is so admirable that you don’t want to drink the coffee so as not to spoil its appearance.

Coffee Collective, Copenhagen

Why: This is a super cute coffee shop with a world champion barista. The best traditional order is espresso with whipped cream.

Rosetta Roastery, Cape Town, South Africa

Why: minimalist black and white interior in an antique style. There is no rush in the coffee shop; communication and leisurely conversations and discussions about the coffee of the day are welcome. Most popular drink: Japanese slow brew iced coffee.

Forty Ninth Parallel, Vancouver

Why: espresso and donuts. Think about it. There's no better coffee flavor than pairing it with a freshly baked donut. Enjoy a treat and look at the streets of Vancouver...

3FE, Dublin

Why: The service here is so great that you won't leave until you order another cup of coffee. It’s quiet and calm here, it’s very addictive to watch the barista prepare coffee. You can first order a coffee trio (espresso, espresso with milk and filter coffee) or a tasting (2 types of filter coffee).

Addison & Steele, Perth, Australia

Why: Have you ever tried coffee brewed in a siphon? Here you can enjoy your “cup of Joe” in a special way, and the interior of the coffee shop will provide you with many interesting details to explore.

Drop Coffee Roasters, Stockholm

Why: This friendly Swedish store always greets you with a smile. Baristas spend a lot of time working on beautiful latte designs. Be careful! You risk wanting to stay in Sweden by visiting this place)

Small Batch Coffee, Brighton, UK

Why: Enjoy quiet moments at this picturesque coffee shop. Order an iced coffee and admire the city views.

Bonanza Coffee, Berlin

Why: A small coffee shop with a big heart will instantly win you over. Locals are not afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers because there is very little space here and coffee serves in a simple way meet new people in a foreign city. Plus, you can tell your friends that you drank coffee brewed using ~wave~Kalita.

Mind the Cup, Athens

Why: The heart of the latte will immediately win you over, and after five minutes in this coffee shop, you will want to change your plans so that you can stay longer in this cute place that looks “just like in the movie.”

Cafe Grumpy, New York

Why: You have to see barista Lena Dunham. The coffee shop roasts beans and the sweet aroma will definitely lure you there. Plus, macaron with coffee is a classic.

Da Matteo, Gothenburg, Sweden

Why: There's coffee from every part of the world. The smell drives you crazy as soon as you walk in the door. You can't miss the signature espresso, which is known for its fruity flavor and goes well with the coffee shop's fresh baked goods.

Stragan Kawiarnia, Poznan, Poland.

Why: The coffee shop's philosophy is to make freshly brewed coffee. Here you can also learn about all the coffee making devices for free and try to make it while standing next to the professionals.

Screaming Beans, Amsterdam

Why: the coffee shop literally makes you “shout with happiness.” Imagine enjoying a croissant with the perfect amount of sweet and juicy jam and finishing it all off with a cup of espresso.

Kronotrop, Istanbul

Why: You haven't enjoyed coffee without visiting Kronotrop. Here you can try it with all possible alternative ways brewing. It is very interesting to choose coffee beans from the wide variety of types presented in the coffee shop.

How is a name born? Whether it will be laconic or detailed, bright and memorable or deep, very personal. The process of getting a name for an establishment Catering– a restaurant, bar or small coffee shop – is no less difficult than creating a brand name. In fact, a coffee shop is the same brand, the face of a buyer, barista or roaster who stands at the helm of his own project, sometimes risking everything for the desire to offer the visitor his vision of quality beans from seed to cup.

The name should sound, should intrigue and be no less tasty than the coffee you order in this establishment. Soyuz Coffee Roasting talked to the directors, owners and creators of Russian coffee shops, and they told us the stories behind the names of their coffee creations.

Anna Tsfasman, CEO coffee chain "Doubleby"

It was not easy to come up with a name; as usual, there were more than fifty options, each more banal than the other, but I wanted it to have character. As a worker, they decided to call themselves “Grandma Batman,” which is how the children nicknamed my mother for her ability to appear in in the right place, as soon as they are up to something stupid. And, as often happens, the working name stuck, and they began to call us “grandmothers.”

The plans included active development and construction of a chain of coffee and tea stores, so it became important to be able to register the brand, and the word “Batman” in the name made it vulnerable. Our art director suggested shortening the name to BB, i.e. Doubleby. This is how we live. On the plus side, the name is easy to read and pronounce in most foreign languages.

Artem Temirov, co-founder of the “Cooperative Cherny” coffee shop

Despite the fact that the cooperative is part of the name today, the cooperative is our form of organization. All people working in a cooperative are its co-owners.

The name “Black” came to all of us. There were 5 of us then. We met almost every day for two weeks to develop naming. We read a lot of different methods and did this for a long, long time. At first we had three other options. We sent them to a large list of friends to collect feedback. After that we realized that all three options were not suitable. We decided to take a break for a few days and start all over again. And after a break during one of the first brainstorming sessions, this name appeared in the air. That is, almost everyone literally voiced him at the same time and immediately fell in love with him.

Alexander Vinogradov, co-owner of cafe Luigi

Luigi Cafe is named after the grandfather of one of the founders of our coffee shop. Luigi Ceresi devoted his entire life to the kitchen, cooking in own cafe. We approach our work with the same love, diligence and desire to do only the best.

Stanislav Bokov, General Director of Coffee 3

The project logo is an image of a royal woodpecker, fixed by an associative series of the third level:

Level I – “Coffee 3” is tied to the associative consonance with “Coffee Tree” (coffee tree), which is reflected in its use when decorating premises large quantity elements made of wood.

Level II – using the visual image of a woodpecker on a subconscious level also leads to association with a tree.

Level III – the number “3” used in the name has been a close, on a spiritual level, symbol for Russian people since time immemorial (three horses, the holy trinity), which allows you to consolidate the image in the mind with a positive emotional connotation.

coffee house"Caffe del Parco"

Our name Caffe del Parco means “Coffee shop in the park” in Italian. The name appeared due to the fact that initially Caffe del Parco was in the Muzeon art park, but then the network grew, and now we have 4 coffee shops (2 in the park, one on Krasny Oktyabr, and another on Komsomolsky Prospekt). The Italians came up with the design and concept for us, and a coffee tree grows from a cup.

Coffee house "LES"

LES is the Latin spelling of the Russian word LES. Our concept even before opening implied the use of wood in the interior, environmental friendliness, healthy image life, the freshness of the forest - this is what we were inspired by when we called our project LES.

Sergey Chumin, co-owner of the Good Enough coffee shop

The history of the name Good Enough is divided into two parts, each of which is both self-sufficient and complements the other. So, there is a book by Tonino Benaquista (and a movie based on it) - “Malavita”. There is a short passage with a wonderful Russian-English play on words: “You wouldn’t like it, Don Mimino, they”re showing Boris Godunov; it"s by a Russian." “Boris Godunov? If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me.” And immediately everything came together. Firstly, with Nastya Godunova - the best coffee partner in the world. Secondly, with our approach to work.

We cannot claim that what we do is the best. But in our opinion, what we do is done quite well. And knowing our excessive demands on ourselves, this will definitely be good for our guests, many of whom have already become our good friends. The best is a reason to stop in development, in search. Good things are a constant reason to develop, find new things, and share them with guests. Over the past year, we have had occasion to make sure that both stories resonated with our guests. We are good. Good enough for us. And good enough for our guests.

Viktor Kuznetsov, co-founder of the Buna Coffee coffee shop

Buna in many East African languages ​​is coffee, hospitality, coffee ceremony, family. Coffee, coffee, it turns out. This is our proclamation of the highest value of grains, drinks, phenomena and everything that stands behind them - hard work, perseverance, beauty, spiritual openness, history, life.

Nikolay Danyushkin, co-founder of the Impress coffee shop

For the first time as Impress, we opened in the format of a pop-up coffee shop for the summer “Restaurant Day” last year, 2014. This event was preceded by long discussions about the format, menu and, of course, the name of our project. And when we were once again brainstorming while sitting in the coffee shop where we once worked, I suggested “Impress,” an option that just popped into my head. Both my colleague Andrey and I liked him immediately.

“Impress” - translated as “impression” or “to make an impression.” Which, in principle, characterizes us well; we really do everything to make our coffee impressive. But also, if you break it down, you get “I"m press”, such a play on words that refers to one of our favorite alternative brewing methods - the Aeropress. Our name is not only simple and concise, but also says a lot about us, about our approach to bean quality and coffee preparation, as well as our love for alternative brewing methods in general.

Stanislav Smirnov, co-founder of the Setter's coffee shop

The name did not appear out of nowhere and on its own. Coming up with a name is a task, and there are ways to solve it. In this case, a legend was needed, fictional or real. As usually happens, everything is in front of your nose, you just need to open your eyes and look. I have a dog - Ram, breed - Irish Setter. Setter's - at the setter, here is the name, and the legend, and future news feeds and support, and the face of the company. Everything came together quickly and beautifully, I voiced it to family and friends: someone, as always, expressed skepticism, someone frowned thoughtfully and pronounced “sounding” or “interesting.”

I absolutely didn’t want to interfere with the word coffee - in my opinion, it is impersonal, and since we are on the crest of the third wave of coffee, where individuality is valued, then the name should be “personal”, with a face.

Maxim Plyushchik, barista at ANDY Coffee

With our name everything is quite simple! The name of the coffee shop ANDY COFFEE has nothing to do with any of the famous people named Andy: neither Andy Warhal, nor Andy Gramer, nor the actor Andy Garcia. ANDY is nothing more than an acronym made up of the first letters of the names of two friends and co-owners Natalia Maleva and Dina Gustakhina. Natasha and Dina did a crazy job and completely, without a trace, invested themselves in our coffee shop.

Photos taken from coffee shop resources

The most in great demand coffee shops with an original name are used. But how to come up with it? How can you make your establishment stand out from the rest? Experienced businessmen For whom this is just another project, they turn to professionals for help: marketers and advertising agency employees. But what if you are an ordinary enterprising young guy who took out a bank loan for a small business and want to come up with an interesting name for your coffee shop?

Help from a friend

Often people close to us turn out to be much smarter and more creative than we think. Often in our environment there is a contingent that can be safely called the creative layer of the population. These could be editors, journalists, musicians and simply extraordinary people. Such individuals love brain puzzles, so we can confidently say that your friend will be happy to come up with a name for the coffee shop.

Peep an idea

There is no need to reinvent the wheel - all beautiful and even more or less original names have already been invented! You can easily spot the beautiful names of coffee shops on the nearest city streets. Your task is to look at anything you like and borrow it. It is quite possible that an interesting name will lead you to your original idea. It is important that the name you like does not turn out to be a well-known network, the owner of which can easily sue you. But if you liked the name of a coffee shop in Murmansk, and you live, say, in Voronezh, then why not?

Signs are everywhere

When you are obsessed with an idea, everything around you takes on a different meaning. Every word someone says, every sign on a billboard, every life event helps us look at things differently. own life. Look around carefully. What do you see? Perhaps a casual phrase thrown by someone or a new track on the radio is one of the options for a name for a coffee shop? After all, even the name of the famous Russian social network “VKontakte” was invented by Pavel Durov by chance when he heard the phrase “in full contact with information” on the radio. Even more interesting is the history of the name Apple. Its creator Steve Jobs, got tired of the long deliberations of the board of founders over the original name and simply named the company in honor of his favorite fruit.

Advertising agency

If finances allow you, then you can turn to marketing professionals. It is important - at the initial stage it is necessary to correctly and clearly convey your idea to the performer, to indicate exactly what you want. If you need an original and memorable name (you focus on creativity), then indicate this in advance advertising agency, so that you don’t end up with just a cute and beautiful name, which is the majority on the market now. If you still decide to turn to the services of professionals, then it is better not to save money. You may spend more than planned, but the result will not disappoint you. They will competently come up with a name suitable specifically for your establishment, explain in detail its advantages and answer all your questions. Agree, this is much better than saving money and getting a bad and low-quality result.

Fast and free

If you have neither money nor imagination, then there is one good option. Today's century makes it possible to access programs that allow you to create an original name, including for your coffee shop, according to given parameters. The user adjusts parameters such as the company's field of activity, the number and sequence of letters. And voila - you have short term a ready-made name. The only negative is that what a person can cope with without much difficulty, artificial intelligence is not yet able to fully master. These names are unlikely to differ in originality and euphony, but as another option for creating a name, it’s quite good. There are many services for coming up with a name for your business, which are freely available on the World Wide Web. Most of them will not only come up with an original name for your brand, but also check it for uniqueness and match the invented name with a free domain address and nickname in social networks. One of the programs offers not only the provision of naming services, but even a free book “How to name your business” in case the services do not satisfy the customer’s demanding requirements.

We remember funny and meaningless advertising for years, and especially original ones for decades. The same system applies to the name for a coffee shop. Sometimes we see completely crazy names of catering establishments that only make us laugh. But you must admit, for some reason they are the ones that stick in your memory and make you tell your friends about them. This is exactly what marketers and the owner of the establishment were counting on when they came up with funny name. Agree, about coffee shops with names like "Mr. Who", Bro. We, “Give Two”, “Uncle”, “Kolobok”, “Luxury”, Maman, “Not a Buloshnaya”, “Welcome”, you will be happy to tell your friends and maybe even go for a cup of coffee. But not everyone wants an original and eye-catching name. Such names as “Coffee Courtyard”, “Coffeeman”, “Coffeemania”, “CoffeeNero”, “Coffeeoni”, “Coffeechino”, “Parisian”, “Foam”, “Drink Coffee”, “Prokofy”, “San- Cafe", "Old Italy", "Tochka", "Corner", "ChaiKofsky", "Chao-Cocoa", "Chocolate", "Choco-Mocha". Different names - different contingent. Representatives of extraordinary youth will probably come to “Mr. Who”, and young girls will go to “Coffee Courtyard”. When coming up with a name, focus on your target audience.

What makes a coffee shop famous?

Making coffee is enough profitable business, because everyone drinks it. But not all coffee shops have become famous throughout the world for their service and quality products, as did, for example, Kaffeine in London, Heart Coffee Roasters and Stumptown Coffee Roasters in Portland, The Coffee Academics in Hong Kong and some others. These places are famous for their original interior, excellent service and interesting concept. For example, to get a job at Kaffeine, a barista must train for 3 years, The Coffee Academics makes coffee with guava juice, and Stumptown Coffee Roasters brews aromatic punch for 12 hours before opening, which attracts Portland residents and visitors. Any world-famous coffee shop has 4 distinctive signs, without which any feature or zest is meaningless - excellent service, cleanliness in the hall and bar, original interior and a name, memorable and original, which is sure to attract attention.

Good raw materials - why is this so important?

Even if you came up with best name coffee shops in the world, hired professionals and carefully thought out the concept and interior of the establishment, you need to remember the important role high-quality raw materials play in this business. As practice shows, it is not necessary to take the most expensive raw materials, but you should not save too much either. The price of cocoa beans depends on their rarity, difficulty of cultivation and size customs duty. So many good reviews about inexpensive which has an ideal price-quality ratio. True connoisseurs varieties such as Kopi Luwak and Jamaica Blue Mountain are praised. This is a premium class, but it also costs several times more than the Colombian one. However, everyone’s taste is different - some like exclusively premium varieties of coffee, while others do not care about status and prefer budget, inexpensive varieties. In any case, the main thing is a competent barista who can find an approach to guests and properly prepare delicious coffee.

The popularity of coffee is growing these days, with more and more fans of this strong, invigorating drink. It is quite possible that your business will flourish, whether it is a coffee shop or a coffee-to-go format. But in order for this to happen, many nuances must be observed, one of which is an original, beautiful and memorable name. If you approach this issue responsibly using one of the above methods, then you, that is, the future entrepreneur, will succeed, and your business will bring you not only good income, but also the realization that people need your work.

In a highly competitive business environment, branding plays a special role. Residents of large cities are spoiled by an abundance of coffee shops. A bright name is one of the trump cards in the hands of a beginning restaurateur. “” talked to experts about how to come up with a name for a coffee shop that can attract an audience and create a favorable image of a new company.

Alexandra Glamazda, Marketing Specialist at Communications Group "AUTHOR"

Coming up with a name for a coffee shop is not an easy task, given the current market conditions, high degree its saturation and high barriers to entry.

It is important to consider the following number of factors:

uniqueness of the name;
ease of memorization for the target audience;
compliance of the name with the market in general and the selected price segment in particular;
no legal restrictions.

Sources of ideas for a name could include the location of the coffee shop, key benefits for guests, the technology used, or even the names of the founders of the establishment.

It is important to take into account that the emotional connotation of a brand is given not only by the name, but also by the logo, slogan, font style, as well as the corporate color scheme.

Among the successful projects I can name Surf Coffee, Coffee Brain and “Black Cooperative”.

When developing a creative coffee shop name, you should understand the values ​​that you plan to introduce into the lives of consumers. Your goal is to get people to take selfies in front of the coffee shop sign and write positive reviews.

Alexey Zagumennov, Manager of the Avira group of companies

The public tasted the coffee in every sense. Only in provincial Perm there are now about 250 outlets; in Moscow, from Solnechnogorsk to Kolomna, there are almost 10 times more of them. “Espressium”, “Coffee you”, “Coffee like”, “Coffee2GO” - it seems that entrepreneurs have already gone through all possible creative names for a coffee shop.

The essence of naming is good name should reflect the essence of the conceptual content. When an entrepreneur first invents a word and then “pulls” it onto a coffee shop, nothing good, as a rule, comes of it. Let's take Coffee In, for example. It seems to sound good and witty. But this name seems completely empty to me. “Coffee Inn” would sound good if there was a hotel operating within the coffee shop. But “Florista-Barista” is already better. The name itself shows the originality of the approach; the combination of colors and coffee is still new to the public.

First the idea, and then the name that suits it. This is the only way today to create something truly original and bring a stable profit.

Arseniy Kutovoy, Branding agency Dotorg

Good name - The best way quickly explain to the consumer the essence of your offer.

What does the brand name influence? Firstly, on the price segment in which the brand can operate. For example, a brand with the name “Zabegayka” will never be able to become a brand in the pure luxury segment. And a brand with the name “Emperor” will raise doubts among consumers in the lower price segment.

Secondly, on the semantic associative field of the brand - what associations and images will arise in the minds of audience groups when they hear the name of the brand.

Thirdly, on the visual identity of the brand. Color scheme, symbols and shapes, font solutions and others graphic elements depend on how the brand name sounds.

Want to create a name that reflects the essence of your brand? You need to formulate a value proposition, describe what and to whom you offer in your category. And after that, find a brand metaphor - a figurative expression of your idea.

For example, if your audience is students and office workers running past, then your metaphor could be related to the time of day (Brisk morning, Workday afternoon, Quiet evening etc.), consumption situation and state (wake up quickly, relax comfortably, have a tasty snack, etc.).

Elena Medvedeva, Head of Image Communications Department at FarosMedia Agency

Just as theater begins with a hanger, business begins with naming. There are no rules for it, but there are recommendations.

1. If you have the means, feel free to contact agencies providing naming services.

2. Do not try to exploit titles already existing on the market - just study and compare.

3. Analyze: competitors, target audience, positioning trends, etc.

4. Don’t be disdainful of cliches: often the buyer has an instinctive trust in a product just because it is “General”, “Homemade”, “Saint”, “Nourishing”, etc.

5. Check. Gather a focus group and test potential naming options on it: let them talk about their impressions, associations with each of the options, how they see the image of the establishment with each of the names.

If you're shortlisted with multiple titles and can't decide, work through each one. Create a unique logo, slogan and guidelines for each of the options - perhaps it is in the visual that you will find the same, already packaged brand.

You have worked out the concept, decided on the essence of the brand and target audience- but you still don’t like all the name options for the coffee shop? The answer to the question of how to come up with a name for a coffee shop or coffee-to-go outlet can be found in the field of neurocopywriting.

This is a type of selling copywriting that uses psycholinguistic techniques, for example, the use of certain sound combinations. Below are some tips for implementing neurocopywriting into your branding.

Do you dream of trying yourself in restaurant business but don't have enough time? Try to “free up” your hands for experiments by outsourcing some of the paperwork using the service

Roman Vakunov, editor of the site

Solving branding problems can be entrusted to professionals. This is a normal practice - not everyone can be born creative.

Here are some popular naming services:

You can place a competition on freelance exchanges, for example - Here you set your own budget, but the more you are willing to pay, the more naming options you will get.

The main problem is how to choose the best one from a dozen proposed ideas. Here it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Visual and auditory perception. For example, in words you can use letters whose elements are projected down or up (“u”, “f”, “r”, “b”, “d”) - such words are perceived visually much better. In terms of sounds, you can add softness to the name by using the letter “o”.