Who is a culturologist? Culturologist is a profession of true connoisseurs of culture

Who is a culturologist and what does he do? Understanding this is perhaps not so easy: most often on the Internet you can see only vague descriptions and poor definitions of the profession. But in fact, this is quite rare profession encompasses a whole sphere - the sphere of culture. So how exactly can you realize yourself in this direction?

Specialists in cultural studies, who experience an irresistible thirst for science, are enthusiastically engaged in scientific research, write articles for scientific and popular science publications, conduct teaching activities, work on the creation of educational and teaching aids. The training of such specialists (qualification "Culturologist-researcher. Lecturer") is successfully carried out in (specialty "Culturology. Fundamental Culturology") and in (specialty "Theory and History of Culture").

Specialties in which culturology is studied as an applied discipline are gaining great popularity today. In this case, the qualification "Cultural manager-manager" is awarded. The word "manager" itself comes from the English verb "manage", which means "manage". Such a specialist has the opportunity to get a job in various companies, publishing houses, media as a consultant on cultural issues. Communication skills and the ability to verbally express one's thoughts open up other opportunities, such as work in museums, archives, libraries, art galleries. Tours, implementation of innovative cultural projects (including international ones), organization of events and holidays, as well as other activities related to culture, are within the power of a culturologist-manager. Do not forget about the Ministry of Culture, where specialists in cultural studies at the highest level take care of the preservation and development national culture and traditions.

The qualification "Culturologist-manager" can be obtained in (specialty "Culturology. Applied Cultural Studies"), (specialty " Information Systems in Culture”, “Management of Advertising and Public Relations”, “Management of the Social and Cultural Sphere”, “Management of International Cultural Relations”) and (specialty “Culturology. Applied Culturology”).

In secondary special and vocational educational institutions there is an opportunity to obtain the qualification "Organizer of cultural and leisure activities", both on the basis of general secondary (11 classes) and on the basis of general basic education (9 classes). This qualification differs from the profession of a culturologist-manager in that it is tied to a specific type of art - music, choreography, etc. Such specialists are being trained all over Belarus.

I am a certified culturologist, moreover - a culturologist-teacher, with a specialization "Culture of Russia". Before entering the university, I went to preparatory courses, where teachers said that culturology belongs to the future, in time it will turn the life of mankind, and that soon there will be nothing - one continuous culturology.

18 years have passed since that moment, after graduating from the university I never worked specifically as a culturologist, but nevertheless, all the post-university time I worked in areas that were somehow connected with what I was taught at the department of culturology. First of all, this is journalism (and "type of journalism" with writing texts for websites, and such normal newspaper and magazine journalism in well-known publications), secondly, the field related to historical science: now I work in a company engaged in genealogical research, and this suggests the need for some kind of general historical and, in general, some kind of general factual background.

In my opinion, an important part of culturological education is not that you will be taught to understand art or culture in general, this is probably difficult to teach, but the fact that in five years you can gain that very general background, which then allows you to use at your discretion. You have five years to read, to learn how to structure information, to be able to express your thoughts more or less decently. By and large, all this sounds very impractical, but in fact it is not :)

There are many professions

The most beautiful of all - (...)

Who came into this world -

Forever happy.

Firstly, this, in my opinion, is the most interesting of the specialties (humanities), because, studying as a culturologist (and I was already convinced of this), you can touch on a lot of theories and stories that our other inhabitants will find boring (and by the way , according to these theories, you can trace the subtleties of society and culture that you have not noticed before). For example, cultural theory (masses, elites, typology of cultures - west, east, south, north; various concepts culture, etc.). Also history- here the choice is brighter - history of music, art, philosophy, literature, history of world culture in general and also etc. PS: although the curriculum is probably different for all universities, we teach cultural studies like this ...

Secondly, I will address directly to a subject of a question. The culturologist is a universal specialist.

- philologist (if literature is interesting);
- historian (understood, yes?);
- a social philosopher (this, in my opinion, is the most understandable and easy-to-understand area of ​​philosophy);
- an art historian (here there is already a synthesis of an office worker and an outside one).
I think everything is here.

- an archaeologist (or call himself an "archaeologist" to visit the excavation site where the past is resurrected);
- an ethnologist (here we describe different peoples, ethnic groups, ethnic groups, etc., i.e. a walker on the planet);
- an art critic in terms of foreign museums (in the first category one can interpret "art critic" in terms of domestic museums and galleries).

I think I clearly explained, although incompletely and with all sorts of inconsistencies (if an experienced reader reads this answer), but so far so :)

Or you can even put it this way - cultural studies are fun and educational :)


The concept of "culture" (from the Latin "culture") appeared in the Middle Ages: this was the name of the method of cultivating grain. By the 17th century, it took on a different meaning. They began to use it when they wanted to indicate an improvement, an improvement in something. So, since ancient times, a cultured person is one who is brought up and educated.

There are many definitions of culture today. First of all, it is understood as a set of values ​​created throughout the history of mankind. The science devoted to the study of culture is called cultural studies.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Culturologist is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession in the labor market. Culturologists have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

Culturologists are engaged scientific work. They explore various types of arts, folk traditions and social trends, determine the features of their formation and development. In cultural studies, several areas and areas can be distinguished, therefore, each representative of this profession has its own highly specialized topic for detailed study. Culturologists often work with archival documents, rare bibliographic sources, and works of art.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

rare profession

Representatives of the profession Culturologist really rare these days. Not everyone decides to be Culturologist. There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, so the profession Culturologist may be called a rare profession.

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What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work in the profession Culturologist you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Culturologist(adjacent or similar specialty). Medium vocational education not enough to be Culturologist.

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Job responsibilities

The main task of a culturologist is the implementation of research work. He is studying various items and cultural phenomena. To do this, the specialist analyzes data from various sources: from historical documents to the works of other culturologists. Departure on various business trips, ethnographic expeditions, participation in population surveys are not excluded. The results of his work are various publications, lectures. Many representatives of this profession are engaged in teaching activities. Some conduct a variety of excursions or become curators of exhibitions.

Type of labor

Exceptional mental work

Profession Culturologist refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Culturologists distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical mindset.

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Features of career growth

Culturologists can work in the most various areas professional activity. They are needed in museums, galleries, research centers, institutions and organizations focused on the protection of cultural monuments. Most culturologists become not only researchers, but also teachers. There is an opportunity to become a journalist and cover events and problems cultural life. Enterprising culturologists can make good organizers of various exhibitions.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Culturologists have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend on the person at all, just a profession Culturologist does not have a career path.

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The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university

Cultural studies is a discipline that appeared in our country only in the post-Soviet period and absorbed the world experience, the heritage of both our country and humanity as a whole. Due to the relatively short period of time in the development of science, professional research areas in this area remain mobile, and the range of interests of specialists in this area includes many different currents, ranging from historical semantics to the latest works of art in visual culture. Despite the recent development of domestic science, domestic cultural education is considered one of the most fundamental and promising in the world. Young, developing science attracts future applicants who know how to appreciate the beautiful, striving for enrichment cultural heritage their own country and humanity as a whole, ready to make efforts to raise the level of spiritual and material culture of the state.

Admission conditions

As already noted, the Russian school of cultural studies is one of the strongest in the world. The high level of preparation of future graduates is largely due to the fact that from the stage of enrolling in a university, the education of students is focused on understanding the values ​​of cultural and artistic heritage. As entrance exams, future students will have to pass history (or computer science), Russian language and social studies (profiling), a foreign language is taken at the choice of the university.

Future profession

In the field of prof. The activities of graduates include the analysis of cultural processes, forecasting their development, the preparation of creative, creative programs, organization, subsequent coordination of international cultural relations, art management, examination of artistic values.

The main task of the culturologist is the study of the processes of emergence, subsequent historical development certain types art, life and traditions of ethnic units, excursion activities. In recent years, culturologists have been actively involved in television projects. And since the profession of a culturologist is new to domestic market work before you open up prospects for career growth in any of the above areas of activity.

Where to apply

To date, the following universities of the country are engaged in the preparation of future culturologists:

Training period

The term of study (full-time) is 4 years, part-time - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The training program for future bachelors in cultural studies is an organic synthesis of the most important elements of world educational practice with the most important achievements of the Russian high school, focusing the student not only on obtaining theoretical knowledge, but also contributing to the assimilation of new information by future professionals, contributing to the development of creative and heuristic capabilities, forming the ability to synthesize disparate knowledge about the world.

Implementation educational program implies the acquisition of fundamental theoretical knowledge in such disciplines of the course as:

  • philosophy, theory of culture;
  • cultural history;
  • Mass culture;
  • culture of mass communications;
  • intercultural communications;
  • mythology of festive culture;
  • visual culture;
  • management of the socio-cultural sphere;
  • history of cultural studies;
  • history of domestic, foreign art, etc.

In the process of learning, students undergo museum, archaeological and research practices.

Acquired Skills

In the process of learning from a future specialist, the following prof. competencies, skills:

Employment prospects by profession

Graduates of the direction will be able to successfully work in the research, scientific, and teaching fields. Bachelors in cultural studies are in demand at research institutes, design organizations related to the study of culture, development, preservation of cultural heritage; state institutions, public organizations involved in the protection of historical and cultural monuments, carrying out cultural management processes. Cultural knowledge includes various industries humanities, which guarantees the future specialist social mobility, allows you to easily comprehend the specifics of related specialties, professions. Graduate culturologist can hold positions:

  • art historian;
  • theater critic;
  • television critic;
  • film criticism;
  • music criticism;
  • teacher;
  • museologist;
  • researcher;
  • art manager;
  • literary editor.

The prospects for the development of the direction suggest that the specified list of professions in the near future can be supplemented by specialties that are just beginning to take shape in the labor market today.

Minimum Threshold wages an employee of a research institute or a museum is 10,000 rubles. In turn, art managers, outstanding critics receive other amounts.

Prospects for professional development of graduates

A bachelor-culturologist can continue his own self-improvement in the magistracy in any profile of the humanitarian cycle. When choosing the direction of cultural studies, upon completion of the master's program, he will be awarded the title of master of cultural studies. The master's degree allows professional activity outside the country without passing recertification and additional procedures. Continuing your studies at the magistracy will allow you to continue the formation of scientific competence, deepen your knowledge of the chosen field, start teaching, writing and designing your own scientific publications. A master's thesis can be the first step for subsequent postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, and obtaining the honorary title of professor.

A culturologist is a scientific specialist who studies the features, history of development and formation various kinds art, architecture and life of various peoples.


RUB 25,000–40,000 (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Culturologists work in schools, research institutes, museums, reserves, universities.


The activities of a culturologist are conditionally divided into four areas: research work, teaching, excursion activities, writing popular science articles and books.

Scientific work is the main one. A culturologist studies the history of the formation and features of the life of various nationalities: conducts research, sets up experiments, records the results in scientific articles and books. Being an expert in all areas is almost impossible. Therefore, culturologists specialize in the study of certain problems in the field of world culture.

Additional duties of culturologists are: conducting excursions in museums and ancient buildings, lecturing at universities, writing books.

Important qualities

In the profession, one cannot do without such qualities as: an analytical mind, a penchant for desk research, accuracy, attentiveness and responsibility.

Reviews about the profession

“Culture is bigger, more important, more systemic — stronger than the institutions of the state, which, of course, is the largest player in all spheres of life. It has many features. It is a customer, an appraiser, a censor, a manager, a defender. It can speed up or slow down, help or hinder, support or spread rot. But in the great Time, the state is not able to win, to completely overcome cultural prescriptions.

Daniel Dondurei,

stereotypes, humor

Culturologists are often engaged as experts and consultants on the culture of various countries. Their task is to identify and assess humanitarian risks in engineering, social, economic and political projects. Therefore, the profession can hardly be called boring and monotonous.


To work as a culturologist, a higher specialized education is required. You can study, for example, at St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications, Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy.

Humanities universities in Moscow: Moscow Pedagogical State University, Institute for Humanitarian Education and information technologies, Lomonosov Moscow State University.