The best ways to monetize. How to make money on a blog? Creating blogs How to make money selling blogs

Welcome to my blog!

Making money on the Internet has long been a popular topic. Today we’ll talk about being a beginner and whether it’s even possible.

Let's look at monetization methods and which ones are most effective. We’ll also talk about how a newbie should act and why most bloggers quit at the very beginning without receiving any income.

By maintaining your blog on the Internet, you can make it a serious, or even the main, source of income, allowing you not only to feed yourself, but also to reach a completely different standard of living. After all, according to statistics, bloggers earn huge amounts of money, by the standards of the average Russian.

Recording events in a personal diary is a rather ancient habit. Previously, this was done on paper, now, with the advent of technology, on the Internet.

The term “blog” comes from the English. blog (web log- network event log). In the usual sense, this is a site where the author writes notes and articles from life.

How can a blogger make money from a blog on the Internet?

The principles of how bloggers make money remain unchanged. To better understand this topic, let’s figure out who a blogger is? A blogger is a person who tells the world some information, which can be of two types:

A certain audience gathers around a certain hobby. From an ordinary user, a blogger turns into the center of attention. They follow him and his content, they are interested in him and they believe him.

The main goal of most projects and companies on the Internet is to get the largest possible audience of viewers, readers, visitors, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, this is normal.

Having become the center of attention and gathering a large audience, the blogger has the opportunity to recommend and sell anything. That's why advertisers and bloggers turn to bloggers.

So, for example, for Instagram bloggers with 1 million subscribers, a post with advertising can cost up to ₽400 thousand. On sites with a large number of visitors, placing a banner on the main page can cost several hundred thousand.

There are many ways to monetize blogs, let's take a closer look at them.

Ways to make money on a blog

So, let's start in order!


This is the easiest way for beginners. You need to sell goods and services using . The essence of earning money is to recommend a product in your notes and place an affiliate link there. If a visitor clicks on it and buys a product, you will receive your percentage.

For example, you are writing an article about losing weight and in one paragraph you say, “try the paid course, it will help you lose weight easily.” If you have used this course yourself, you can further tell us about your experience. It's the same with goods.

The same principle works in network marketing. Products are sold through articles, and a team of referral partners is created. This is the best way for beginners who have little traffic on their blog. Other methods give worse results.

Selling goods and services

Another effective way to make money is by selling your own or other people's goods and services.

Whether you are an expert in a particular field or creating crafts to sell, a blog will allow you to search for clients and show them the product.

Specialists can sell not only consultations or sessions, but also create various information products. These could be courses, books, training, etc. By selling your experience and knowledge on the Internet, you can earn good money.

In the process of blog promotion, all types of work can be delegated to hired workers. You will pay them a salary, and you yourself will relax or do something else.


This money is only enough to maintain the site. with the same number of visitors, they will bring in up to ₽20 thousand per month. Agree, the difference is big.

contextual advertising

Most often you can see contextual advertising on websites. It looks like this:

From it you receive profit for clicks, that is, when a visitor clicks on an advertisement, you receive money from the advertising network.

The most popular are:

  • YAN - Yandex;
  • Google AdSense - Google network.

To start earning money, you need to register and undergo moderation in these networks. Then install a special code that displays advertising on the site.

Teaser advertising

This is practically the same as the contextual one, only the ads here are brighter. They attract visitors more strongly (more aggressively). “Teaser” from English. “teaser”, “enticement”.

The purpose of such an ad is to lure the visitor, which is why teaser ads look shocking.

Payment is charged for clicking on advertisements.

Popular teaser networks:

  • DirectAdvert;
  • TeaserNet;
  • Tizerlady;
  • redclick;
  • Bodyclick.

They also require you to register and receive a code to post ads on your blog. They also require you to register and receive a code to post ads on your blog.

Banner advertising and banner sales

You can earn money from banners in two ways:

  • Rotaban;
  • Advertur.

2. Sell banners directly. This method only works with high traffic. If placing a banner on your blog pays off your investment, then people will order them constantly.

You can draw and install banners yourself, or you can use special scripts and services.

You can also create banners yourself by placing affiliate links on them. This way you will draw the attention of your visitors to them, and it will be easier for you to earn income.

Advertising lines and link blocks

You can use a special service for this Nolix.


This type of advertising pays the most. It is installed on the background of the site and it is simply impossible not to see it. It is used quite rarely on blogs. Most often, such advertising can be found in large commercial projects. A striking example is

Direct advertising placement

Selling advertising space

If you have articles at the top of searches, you can sell banners or insert a couple of advertising paragraphs into these articles, for which advertisers will pay you.

Selling indexed links

There are bloggers who make money by selling outgoing links. If you don’t understand optimization and don’t know what link mass is, then it’s better not to use this method.

The bottom line is that the more resources link to a particular site, the more search engines consider it popular and authoritative, and rank it higher.

Owners are willing to pay money for posting links to their resource. There are special exchanges for this:

  • Checktrust;
  • Gogetlinks;
  • Rotapost;
  • Sape.

Newsletters and push notifications

On your blog, you will most likely collect a subscriber base via e-mail, push notifications, social networks, etc. These bases can be easily used and advertised for anything for money or through affiliate programs. You can even build passive income from this.

Earning money from advertising in videos

You can embed videos from various hosting sites (the most popular YouTube) into the articles you write and receive them in these videos.

You can also contact exchanges such as Viboom or SeedMotion, to insert videos from there and receive money for viewing them.

Selling the blog itself

A very interesting and unusual way to make money on a blog is to sell the blog itself. In 1-2 years, you can create a resource whose price will be up to ₽1 million. At the same time, you will need to devote no more than 2-3 hours a day to it.

How much can you earn?

Each project will generate different income. It depends on how much time and money is invested in its promotion and development.

Starting from scratch and without investing anything, in a year you can expand your blog to ₽10 - 15 thousand. The money you earn can be invested in further development.

Where to start without investment?

The phrase “no investment” is not entirely true. I'll have to buy it domain and hosting. They can be purchased cheaply, but still. Otherwise, you can get by with free tools.

At the initial stage, you will need about ₽2 thousand per year. Then you need to gradually develop, write different articles, promote them, etc. Little by little you will be able to achieve results and start making a profit.

Why don't many people succeed?

In fact, blogging is not a very easy task, especially in the initial stages. Achieving results consists not only of work, but also of constant study of a wide variety of information. There are several reasons why a blogging venture may fail.

  • High expectations. Give up hopes of making quick money. For a blog to start making its first profits, you need to work constantly for at least a year.
  • Lost interest. As in any business, you need to deal with your resource day after day. Yes, there will be failures, but only regular work will bear fruit. If you like to throw everything on the floor, then it’s better not to start, you’ll quickly get bored.
  • I can't write or express my thoughts. Don’t think that expressing your own thoughts is very simple or “given/not given.” This is a skill that needs to be learned. For some it will take a little longer, for others a little less.
  • The purpose of creating a blog. Many people say that they blog for themselves. They just want to share information and do not pursue selfish goals. You won't earn anything with this approach. You need to initially tune in to systematic work and hard work.
  • Laziness and lack of motivation. In such a situation it is very difficult to advise anything. If you don’t want to improve the quality of your life, then everything suits you. There is simply no other logical explanation for the fact that between increasing profits and laziness, you will choose the latter. Apparently, you will begin to take decisive action when the situation becomes very bad, but then it may already be too late.

From all this, you need to draw one simple conclusion - if you have set a goal for yourself and want to achieve it, then achieve it.

There is no need to blame it on the fact that you constantly don’t have enough time or it’s hard for you. Nothing will change on its own and you have to work all the time.


There are not many ways to monetize, but all together they can bring good income. In 1-2 years of work, you will not notice how you will start earning many times more than half of your friends. So go ahead, don’t stop there and remember that water doesn’t flow under a lying stone.

Sincerely, Alexander.

How much can you earn on a blog: earning schemes + 8 tips from successful bloggers + income of 3 famous bloggers in Russia.

Business on the Internet is a relatively new type of activity, and it is developing by leaps and bounds.

There are many different types of income emerging, and blogging is one of them. It attracts many with its “beautiful picture”: you sit in a restaurant with a laptop, post your news and selfies, and only have time.

But once you start getting acquainted with this business, you understand that everything is not so easy and simple.

You need to work hard on your blog, invest not only your heart and soul into it, but also money, study a lot of information, look for ways to increase your blog audience and make money. Just like in any other business.

To the question “How much can you earn on a blog,” the answer options are:

  • Nothing;
  • few;
  • enough;
  • so many.

You can choose the answer you like (we can even guess which one), and then coordinate your actions and contributions to your own blog with the selected option.

We will look into what is needed for this and what specific amounts we are talking about.

What types of blogs are there and how profitable are they?

First of all, let's divide blogs by purpose, that is:

  1. Blogs created for the soul and communication.
  2. Blogs are purely for making money.
  3. Blogs that are done for the soul and get big profits.

Actually, we will talk about the latest blogs throughout the article. And we will devote only a little time to the first two for general acquaintance.

1) Blogs are entertainment.

The first type of blogs is created by creative individuals and communication enthusiasts.

Typically, such blogs are created on free platforms or in . Although initially this option does not generate income, we note that blogging “for yourself” makes an excellent platform for blogs with very high profit margins.

Advice: if you are just thinking about creating a blog and are unsure of your abilities, you can start with a free platform.

This way you can determine:

  • Is this type of activity suitable for you?
  • Is your audience interested in your product and how does it react to it?
  • Gain basic knowledge and experience in attracting your target audience.
  • Learn to use tools for creating information products (articles, videos, etc.).

All this will allow you to save time in the future if you decide to take blogging seriously.

2) Blogs created to make money.

Blogs created solely for making money have another, not very unflattering name - “shit blogs”.

They are artificially inflated with popularity indicators due to the “low-quality” target audience and various other methods.

Typically, such blogs do not live long - on average, one year. Over their short life, they can bring in a profit of 30,000 - 40,000 rubles per month. But at the same time they consume a lot of labor and do not foresee a free schedule and large profits in the future.

3) Blogs for income and soul.

When it comes to the third option for creating a blog, we can say that harmony reigns in it.

It is very important here that the blogger does something he loves and is interested in, invests a lot of time and effort into it, studies the “material parts” and over time all efforts will pay off with a good stable income and the opportunity to work on the blog for just a few hours a day.

In addition to these main, in our opinion, types, blogs are divided according to lower-level goals:

  • personal blogs (about yourself);
  • image (about the brand);
  • thematic/general subject blogs;
  • blogs for business (promotion of goods and services).

Blogs by type of content:

  • text blogs;
  • photo blogs;
  • audio blogs (podcast).

Of course, no one says that creating a collective blog from scratch is not worth it. This is a good option if you are lucky enough to have like-minded people.

Of course, all these divisions are conditional and can be combined. This structure is presented in the article to make it easier for you to decide on the niche of your blog.

8 tips for creating a blog from successful webmasters to their young colleagues

    Don't be lazy, but work hard!

    At first (from two months to six months), you need to put maximum effort into your blog.

    Don't lose heart!

    Everything comes gradually, including the audience. A good result will be visible after several months of meticulous work on the blog.

    Do not expect profit for at least two to three months, or even a year.

    There is no need to rush to make money from a blog. A common mistake is to place advertising as soon as the audience has begun to grow.

    This is a slippery slope, and it would be better to gain experience and “power” first before actively treading it.

    Don't be greedy!

    Post at least once a day.

    And if a blog is focused on covering news and events, for example, then the minimum for it is 3-4 articles.

    Choose a highly specialized topic.

    Statistics show that general blogs are popular, but they are more difficult to support and retain an audience.

    In the face of growing competition, it is much easier for young blogs to capture their share of readers thanks to unique, narrowly targeted content.

  1. Know exactly what and for whom you are writing(shoot) on a personal blog, to be an expert in your field or gradually become one.
  2. Be ready to invest just like in any other type of business.

    For blogging, investment is minimal (usually 1,000-2,000 rubles per month for a young blog).

What methods can you use to make money from a blog?

When a lot of work has been invested and the blog has already been promoted (we will look at indicators that this is exactly the case a little later) and has a wide audience, you can begin the most enjoyable process.

Namely, setting up a blog to make money. And, ideally, on autopilot, that is, with minimal waste of your time.

What ways are there to “make” money from a blog?

1. Contextual advertising on a blog.

PS. There are also several companies that engage in contextual advertising and are not search engines. The most popular of them is Nolix.

Payment to a blogger is calculated depending on the number of clicks on contextual advertising from his blog. That is, he is primarily interested in ensuring that the subject matter of the advertisement meets the needs of his readers.


2. Make money on banners.

Also an advertising block with a picture. The “grandfather” of modern advertising.

Now it is losing popularity and is used mainly by bloggers to host affiliate programs.

3. Make money from teasers.

This is very tempting for the visitor, which does not always carry any semantic meaning or correspond to the content of the link, but has a bright, attractive picture and alluring text.

It is undesirable to use teasers, as this immediately reduces the “solidity” of the blog.

Teaser example:

4. Pop-up advertising.

This is the name for an advertisement that is not attached to the site, but is displayed on top of it and requires a mandatory response from the visitor: either follow the link or close the window.

For example, one of the many services that will help you make money is

5. Earn money from links (post links).

That is, the more you place other people’s links on your blog, the more you yourself will have to buy them for your site.

This is due to the system of search engines. For example, Yandex can impose sanctions on a blog if its AGS filter determines that the site is spammed with links. Google has such a tool as Panda.

With the help of such filters, search engines determine the quality of the site for users. And if they decide that the blog does not meet their quality criteria, all or some of the blog’s pages will be removed from the search engine.

  • rented;
  • eternal.

Advice: to earn good money, it is better to give preference to eternal links. But for this, your blog must have excellent performance. So before selling such links, you need to work hard on it.

6. Make money by posting articles.

On your blog, among your regular articles, you publish an article about your advertiser and his product with a review and recommendations.

Moreover, you are not obliged to sell anything to your readers, but can choose the product or service that you really like. But, again, only a good blogger can feel so at ease.

Where to look for customers who will post texts with you? If the blog is really good and promoted enough, they will write to you themselves.

...To speed up the process, you can look for potential customers yourself and write them letters offering to post a custom article.

7. Make money on the affiliate program.

A very popular way to make money among bloggers.

The system is this: you choose the partners you want to advertise (in accordance with the topic of the blog, of course) and post their offer on your website.

You receive commissions depending on how much benefit you bring to your partner. There are such options to earn money: for the number of clicks on advertising or the number of purchases, or for the number of users registered on the partner’s website using your link.

There are also multi-level affiliate programs. In them, you sell the affiliate program itself, and you receive profit from the actions of your referral (almost like in network marketing).

Affiliate programs can either bring very decent income or provide no income at all. How much you can earn depends on the right choice of partners and blog traffic.

8. Sale of goods and services.

You can make money by using your blog as a mini trading platform to promote your own products and services.

About how much you can earn on a blog - real numbers

Now I would like to summarize the results with specific amounts of how much you can earn.

Of course, this is difficult to do, since the spread of numbers is too wide. We took as an example several fairly successful blogs with good indicators and calculated their revenue.

But first you need to understand these success metrics:

So, how much can you earn on a blog with a traffic of 3,000 - 5,000 people per day, TIC level 600-800, PR 4-5:

  • Placement of contextual advertising on a blog – 30,000-40,000 rubles per month.
  • Banners – 15,000-20,000 rubles per month.
  • Placement of links – 20,000-30,000 rubles per month.
  • Affiliate program – 10,000-25,000 rubles per month.

Total: you will be able to earn 75,000 – 115,000 rubles per month.

Such results can be achieved after a year or two of intensive blog work.

How much do the most famous bloggers in Russia earn?

And finally, a portion of “sugar” for you - numbers that make your heart skip a beat. And they are very real.

This is the kind of money our compatriots, ordinary guys, manage to earn:

    Max +100500.

    It gained popularity a long time ago thanks to its unique video review. Until now, his blog is viewed by about 8,000,000 people.

    He can earn around $250,000 per year.

    Blog EeOneGuy from Ivan Rudsky.

    It belongs to general blogs and is very popular. Has about 11,000,000 subscribers.

    You can earn approximately $300,000 a year.

    TheKateClapp – Ekaterina Romanova’s blog about fashion.

    There are almost 5,500,000 subscribers. Can earn from $100,000 per year.

That's it... These guys are real stars and, of course, very charismatic.

Making money on a blog is real! But you will have to work hard.

Popular blogger Mila Demenkova shares her personal experience:

To summarize, I would like to note that the Russian blogger “market” is definitely not yet saturated.

This can be seen in comparison with the quantity and quality of Western English-language blogs, and this is evidenced by advertisers who do not always manage to find the required number of blogs suitable for the target audience.

Now you, knowing that how much can you earn from a blog and how to do this, gather your strength and go into battle...

Details on how people make money blogging online. We offer a lot of useful information for both beginners in making money on a blog and professional bloggers. Everything about the issues of promotion, filling and monetization of the content that will be located on the blog.

In this article, you will learn how to earn income from a personal blog, what tools to use for work, and what financial benefits a beginner can expect. For convenience, we will take a time period of 12 months in our calculations.

How to make money blogging?

If we talk about the most affordable way to earn money for a beginner on the Internet, the idea of ​​blogging immediately comes to mind. However, this is a difficult method. Not every network user has enough time and enthusiasm for such an activity. First of all, you will need to create and set up a personal blog. The owner must decide on its topic and work on the content. New content should be published regularly, not once a month. Otherwise, there is no point in hoping for rapid progress in the matter.

Setting up and starting a blog is not that difficult. Difficulties come precisely when you have to do this on an ongoing basis. Especially if the reader response is not great enough.

It will take time to gain an active audience. However, during this period you cannot expect a miracle by folding your arms. You need to constantly act. On average, it will take a blog owner (who does everything the right way) a year and a half to gain readers and high user traffic through search engines. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about beginners trying to realize their plans on their own.

Well, let's get back to the main thing. Do you have enough dedication and desire to finish what you started? Do you have enough time for this? If yes, let's move on to a brief action plan.

Choosing a blog topic

This may have its own difficulties:

  1. It is difficult to predict the tastes of readers. Even if the topic is interesting to you, this does not guarantee anything;
  2. A superficial interest in a topic will sooner or later lead to a dead end. You will have to write a lot and regularly. To do this you need inspiration and a desire to constantly learn something new. Otherwise, the topic will exhaust itself too quickly;
  3. The author must be able to motivate the reader based on the chosen topic;
  4. The chosen topic should be of interest to potential advertisers.

Use the service to understand whether the blog is relevant. In the search bar, enter sample topics for future articles. You will see how many people are searching for similar information online.

Also check the relevance of the blog for making money from advertising. Use any search engine (Yandex, Google) and type in the same topics one by one. See what ads appear in the first results for your query (and also on the right). If there is a correspondence with your chosen topic, then everything is fine. It won't be a problem with advertisers. Of course, the cost of advertising can vary greatly, but it’s too early to think about it. Thoughts about money at the very start of blog promotion can ruin even the most avid article writer.

Beginners were unable to make money quickly on blogs. This is not relevant for the first 6-12 months. The blog author must provide high-quality and interesting content, as well as apply methods to increase traffic to the resource. If you approach the matter wisely, everything will be fine. Let's say you have chosen a priority blog topic. What to do next?

What you need to learn to blog

Key points:

  1. How to create a blog for a beginner;
  2. How to create content correctly;
  3. How to attract a regular audience;
  4. How to increase attendance;
  5. How to promote a personal blog;
  6. How to analyze blog development.

At the very beginning, it is enough for a beginner to familiarize himself with the first two points in detail. But if you initially want to make money on your own blog, take the time to fully study all the points. A capable and learning person will achieve greater results. Master the theory and practice. Many nuances of effective blog promotion come with experience.

Tools for making money on a blog

Blog monetization becomes available with a minimum attendance of 100 readers per day. This is where beginners are often plagued by doubts. They think a lot about whether such income is possible in principle, and how to make it happen? The answer is simple: it is possible! And to put all this into practice, you will need tools for working with a blog.


  • Yandex advertising network;
  • Google AdSense advertising network;
  • Various affiliate programs similar to the chosen blog topic;
  • Referral system.

Additional tools:

  1. Banner advertising;
  2. Teaser networks;
  3. Advertising lines;
  4. Publishing guest content;
  5. Selling links;
  6. Donation;
  7. Consultations.

To effectively promote your blog, you can use only key tools. All the rest are optional. A new blog can easily do without the remaining “points”. We will talk about how to correctly use the available tools for working with a blog in the following articles. Now let's get back to the question of earning money.

Success in financial matters directly depends on two main factors: the topic of the blog and its traffic. Regarding the second point, everything is very clear: the more users a resource gets, the greater the chances of making money from advertising/selling services and goods.

The price per click on the advertisement depends on the topic of the blog. A blog owner must hit the mark when choosing a main topic if he wants to make good money from it. It's time to discuss how much a beginner can earn on a personal blog.

  • Attendance 500 readers per day
  • A young blog (if it was created less than two years ago) will bring in an income of about $50-70 per month.

  • Attendance 1000-2000 readers per day
  • Earnings will range from $300 to $1500 per month. Do not forget that the amount of income directly depends on the cost per click on the advertising banner. If you are using affiliate programs to increase your profits, it follows a similar rule. And if direct customers contact you, the chances of a decent profit will increase.

  • Attendance of more than 2000 people per day

Accordingly, the minimum income will be from $1,500 per month. In this matter, everything is individual. The more effort you put in, the better. Proper blogging will allow you to beat your competitors and get additional benefits from it.

Now you can get a rough picture of how it works. Be patient, weigh the pros and cons, study, and only after that start realizing your dream.


Hello! In this article we will talk about how bloggers can make money.

  • How much can you earn: from 3 - 4 thousand rubles per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: Basic knowledge of SEO and copywriting.
  • Is it worth it?: Yes .

General information about making money on a blog

Every person who has heard at least something about dreams. But behind this seemingly simple way of earning money hides a lot of work. Let's figure out how a beginner can make money on a blog, how much you can earn per month and what you will need for this.

Working with blogs is easier than with information sites. This is due to the fact that the language of blogs is somewhat simpler. That is, you can write more interesting and lively articles simply by communicating with readers on your own behalf. The blog format also removes unnecessary bureaucracy and officialdom, which can play into the hands of beginners.

In general, making money on a blog is similar to information sites. It’s just that the format of the site and the presentation of material will be different. Otherwise, the only differences are in the amount of earnings and ease of management. In most cases, blogs are easier to maintain, easier to create articles and share something useful. But the earnings on them will also be less than on large information sites.

How much can you earn from a blog?

This is a rather interesting question to which no definite answer can be given. In the initial stages of a blog’s existence, around 5–6 months, you are unlikely to start earning money at all. Especially if you are a beginner. Traffic will be small, search engines will not index all your articles, and readers will not yet know how cool your content is.

Over time, the number of materials will grow, and with them the traffic. This means that the more articles you publish, the more income you will earn. Regardless of how many views each of them gets, the number of visitors will still increase.

Let's try to come to some specific numbers. Of course, it all depends on the topic, but a blog with 1000 visitors per day brings in an average of 4 - 5 thousand per month with and. This is a small figure, but it can be achieved by having 100 average articles or 50 - 60 high-quality articles on your blog.

That is, every thousand unique visitors per day will add 4 - 5 thousand rubles in income per month. This figure is achieved after 50 - 100 articles written.

Who is suitable for making money on a blog?

Generally speaking, almost anyone can make money from a blog. If you don't know how to write, you can pay a copywriter. If there are difficulties with creation, then you can publish the project and pay for the programmer. But for a beginner this option will not be the best.

Just because you don’t know anything and don’t know how, the likelihood of making a mistake will be high. And it’s better to do everything yourself, spending only time on it, and use the money either to obtain information or for the subsequent implementation of other projects in which you will be more experienced.

And therefore, when creating your first blog, remember that you will have to spend from 2 to 6 hours creating, editing and publishing content, as well as collecting semantics and layout of articles. This is quite a lot of work that may or may not pay off. After all, running your own project is a real business, and it doesn’t exist without risks.

It's best to create a blog if you have experience in copywriting or . Either of the two directions will allow you to start faster and avoid beginner mistakes.

How to create your own blog

Now let's move on to the question of how to make a blog and make money from it. To create your own blog, you can use a website builder, CMS, or run it on one of the popular platforms. Let's look at each of the options.

Blogging on one of the popular platforms is the easiest option. You don't need to create, choose a design or worry about anything. You simply register on the service and start publishing posts on your behalf. A few years ago, earning money from livejournal was at the peak of popularity. Now the momentum has slowed down, but there are still quite a lot of useful articles there.

- quite a convenient thing for a beginner. If you don't know how to make websites, but want to create your own, there is no better option. In the designer, you can assemble a design using templates, choose how articles will look, and fill your portal with content immediately after its creation.

Most builders have a free period that you can spend testing the features. The price for one medium-sized blog is 100 - 300 rubles per month. Very democratic. If you add the cost to this, it comes out to about 4-5 thousand rubles per year.

An option for advanced webmasters is to create a blog yourself. The easiest way to do this is in the well-known CMS WordPress. In it, you don’t have to write code from scratch and do what professional programmers usually do. Creating blogs in this service is easy. There are many instructions on this matter on the Internet.

The main advantage of WordPress is that you can create a completely unique design and you won’t have to pay to create a blog. Yes, despite the fact that the fees in the constructors are also small, they still exist. Especially when you consider that at the initial stage you will not receive money for the first six months or a year, you will just have to invest your own funds.

To create your own blog, choose one of three options. The easiest one is a large site, especially if you don’t know where to start. A simple option, but with an additional payment - a designer. The most complex, interesting and profitable option is WordPress. These are all the available options where a beginner can create a blog to make money on it.

How to fill a blog

Creating a blog is just the first step to making money. You need to create unique and useful content that users will read. And if previously competent SEO optimization and unique texts were enough for this, now everything is somewhat different.

Now the CEO is gradually fading into the background. There are more and more articles in the top that rely not only on keywords and their location, but also on the presentation of the material and benefits for the reader. That is why, in order to promote a blog, you need to create useful materials first. And only after that think about optimization.

You need to choose the main topic of the blog. Highly specialized portals attract fewer users, but in such niches there are fewer and more opportunities for creating quality content. Then you need to study the topic as efficiently and deeply as possible: analyze open sources, attract experts, sort information. A regular rewrite won't help here.

In order to properly fill your blog, work on each topic as much as possible, but do not forget about SEO. Keys and basic optimization are still an important metric.

And also don’t forget about the niche. If you choose a topic with high competition, for example, you want to create a blog about making money, then you are much less likely to get to the TOP. If you choose a narrow topic like “leg diseases,” then your chances of winning the competition are much greater.

How can a blogger make money?

Like any website, blogs mainly make money from advertising. If you create your own blog, you can integrate advertising. You can use:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Banners.
  • Custom articles.
  • Own information products.

Let's talk about everything in order. Let's start with the two easiest ways to monetize blogs: contextual advertising and banners.

contextual advertising- these are advertising blocks from search engines that you see every day on different sites. They make money when the user clicks on them. The price of such a click can be 5 - 50 rubles. On average, 0.5 - 1% of users click on ads.

Banner advertising These are pop-up windows and advertising inserts in different parts of the pages. These are no longer search engines, but private companies. Working with them, you get paid not for clicks, but for impressions. If users do not have adblock, then he will be able to see them and bring you some money. The cost of 1000 impressions ranges from 15 to 50 rubles, depending on the topic.

If the blog is visited by 1000 unique visitors per day, you can earn from 4 thousand rubles per month on context and banners.

Next in complexity are affiliate programs. They pay you to attract clients. Here you are free to use any advertising materials to get the user to take some action. For beginners, this will be a rather difficult way to make money, because to do it correctly you will have to choose an affiliate program, product and advertising creative. But if you approach this issue wisely, then earnings on affiliate programs can reach 30 - 40 thousand rubles per month.

Custom articles is also one of the ways to work with partners. True, here you are no longer attracting clients, but simply posting an article on your portal for which you are paid. Advertisers come with such offers much less frequently, but on well-promoted blogs they pay from 1 to 2 thousand rubles for one such article.

And the most difficult way to monetize your own blog is to make money from your information product. This is suitable for those who can teach ordinary users something. These could be courses in programming, design, advertising settings, promotion, etc. Anything that may be useful to someone can be monetized and sold your knowledge. This method of making money on your blog is suitable only for specialists in their field.

Please note that it is not that simple. You must know what you are telling your clients. They are paying you real money, so the responsibility of helping them learn is yours.

This article will be of interest to people who are thinking about creating their own blog, website or. In this article, Trent Hamm, creator of the popular website The Simple Dollar, describes the difficulties that may arise along the way, and also tells how to achieve a constant and stable income.

Every day I am asked how exactly I managed to make money on The Simple Dollar project or how one can generally make money on the Internet - by blogging, posting videos on Youtube or writing e-books.
I’ll tell everyone about this in detail so that you know how things are in reality.

Only constantly generated content makes it possible to constantly make money online

First of all, let me note that the only way to create a constant source of income on the Internet is to create a large amount of content on a regular basis. And there is no other way! You can, of course, drop one single video on Youtube and suddenly gain millions of views, but such events are usually completely unexpected and for the most part based on a lucky coincidence of circumstances.

The only way to make money on a consistent basis is to create content every day - or at least several times a week - and do it over and over again. And again and again! You should treat it like a second job.
Please note that since you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to this, you are better off doing something that interests you, or being truly conscientious about your work. Ideally there should be both.

If you can't combine this, then all your online work will be as effective as playing the lottery. You can accidentally hit the bull's eye from time to time, but this will not give you a permanent income.

Secondly, if your goal is to start earning moneyalready within the first year, then you are better off spending your time doing simple tasks, For example, . There you can earn a few rubles per hour from the very start, so if you just want to earn money right now with a little mouse click, this is the best option for you.

Why can’t you start making money on the Internet right away?

Because there are several rules by which the entire process of making money online operates. These rules apply Total, how you can make money on the Internet.

Almost all profits from Internet content come fromeither through advertising or through the sale of the content itself

The Simple Dollar makes money from advertisements that appear on every page of the site, in emails, and so on. This is the reason why the project continues to exist at all. Content authors can also sell their books or charge subscription fees for online content.

The same is true for Youtube. Youtube takes a fee for advertising on its resource and divides it between itself and the video creators. As a rule, ad views are paid for. This means that whenever you see an ad on a site, the owner or the author of the video or article makes some money from you.

Whenever you post new content, it experiences a small spike in attention

It comes from your regular audience, which grows and changes over time. When a new article appears on The Simple Dollar, regular readers of the resource usually become familiar with it within the first few days or so. This traffic explosion grows over time as you grow your audience. This is why consistency and consistency are so important. People who like what you do are likely to come back to you again, but if they don't find anything new, you're unlikely to see them next time. To keep people coming back again and again, you need fresh content.

Don't forget to make sure other people have a chance to see your content too. This is usually done by posting it on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Reddit or on specific topic forums. This is how new readers are obtained to create the initial surge.

The second source of income is the so-called “long tail”

Your article or video gets indexed in Google and people come across it when they search for something. This process can continue for many years. Eventually, this long tail becomes your main source of income, no matter how popular you are.

Example: making money on sites according to the “long tail” concept

Imagine this situation: let's say for every 1000 views of your video or article you get $2. That's about what you can expect from most ad networks that newbies have a chance to get into. If you have an audience of 100 people reading each of your articles, the initial boost is $0.20 per article. Isn't it amazing? But let's assume that every day your old article gets 5 views. This is enough to earn one cent. So you write an article, earn $0.20 initially, and then $0.01 per day over a long period of time. Then you write another article, earn $0.20 initially, and then earn $0.01 per day over a long period of time.

Let's say you write articles every day. Let's see what happens over the course of the month.

Day one: You earn $0.20 on your initial article submission.
Day two: You earn $0.20 on the new article and $0.01 on the long tail of yesterday's article for a total of $0.21.
Day Three: You earn $0.20 on a new article and $0.02 on the “long tail” of previous articles for a total of $0.22.

Day Thirty: You earn $0.20 on a new article and $0.29 on the “long tail” of previous articles for a total of $0.49.
Do you understand how this works? There has been gradual growth, although it is still not impressive at this stage.

With timeall those “long tails” will become a little more significant

Lots of people just wander onto your site, some of whom stick around and start clicking on the links. The more content you have, the more time they will spend on the site. This means that all your old articles will get a little more attention... Then even more... And even more...

Each individual article will never make you rich on its own, but if you have a thousand such articles, and each earns $0.05 per day, your income from them is $50 per day. Ideally, the initial “spike of interest” should also grow. As you accumulate more and more content, you gradually attract more and more people to become regular visitors to your site. (Of course, there is a ceiling everywhere, some of them then go away.)

So, if you've been writing for three years and have produced a thousand articles, you have a chance of amassing an audience of 10,000 regular readers waiting for your next article. In addition, each article gets 25 views per day on the long tail. Next, I will describe what your month looks like at this stage.

On the first day you write article #1001, on which you earn $20 after an initial surge of interest, and the already existing 1000 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,000 views and thus brings you $50 from the “long tail” on total amount is $70.

On the second day you write article #1002, on which you earn $20 after the initial surge of interest, and the existing 1001 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,025 views and thus brings you $50.05 from the long tail ” for a total of $70.05.

On day thirty, you write article #1030, on which you earn $20 after the initial surge of interest, and the already existing 1029 articles get 25 views each, which totals 25,725 views and thus brings you $51.45 from the “long tail” ” for a total of $71.45.

This is already a little more than $2000 per month!

Naturally, it won't be that smooth. Bad days, ups and downs await you. Growth may slow down or speed up.

However, no matter what, the same principle is important: To start making money, you will have to consistently produce content over a period of time. long-term time period. And only when you have enough of it will it begin to generate constant and reliable income.

When I tell people about posting videos on Youtube or their own website to make money online, I suggest a very long terma business project that requires a small initial cash investment, but significant temporary investments. In the early stages, this side business has a tiny return and will remain so without your efforts, but once it gets going, it will begin to build itself thanks to the concept of the “long tail”.

My experience

This article describes my experience with The Simple Dollar almost perfectly. I have always produced one or more articles per day, and in the early stages also several short articles. However, for the first year or so I made very little money on The Simple Dollar. Only in the second year did the project begin to bring me enough money to feel confident and devote full time to it, and even at that time this was only explained by the presence of more than a thousand articles in stock, readiness for a significant temporary decline in income and faith in the best.

If forIf this prospect doesn’t look attractive to you, then making money from content is most likely not for you. I advise you to consider other opportunities, in particular those that provide faster money. For example, traditional side hustle options or something that directly turns your time into money, such as the above

Making money online by writing articles and creating videos is entirely possible, but it will take a lot of effort initially for relatively little reward. And only when you overcome this barrier will you see the real return on your time and effort.