Hat contests for kids. Hat party: for lovely brave ladies! Mobile game "Hat"

Our calendar is full of holidays, and every holiday is a great occasion for fun. However, in order to get an interesting and bright holiday, a red date on the calendar or the onset of a personal event is not necessary, sometimes a day off or an idea for a party that has appeared is already an excuse. For example, a wonderful author and presenter A. Zaitsev comes up with a theme or occasion for a holiday, having only one object in his hands: a cube, an umbrella, balloon or even a broom. This time we bring to your attention Scenario game program"In the bag", which can be useful for holding a friendly party, relaxation, and any calendar or professional holiday: Teacher's Day, Builder's Day, Student's Day or an evening meeting with classmates.

Scenario "It's in the Hat"

Track 1 sounds. The presenter comes out, a hat is on his head.

Leading: I welcome everyone in this room.

Track 2 sounds. The presenter takes off his hat and bows his head to greet the audience against the background of an instrumental melody

Comic acquaintance with the guests "Greeting with a hat"

Leading: I am glad to greet those who put on trousers today,

Who is in a dress or skirt,

Who is in red

Who has the keys with them

Who has a watch

Who has rings on their hands

Who has a lighter

Greetings to those in socks

Who has a chain around his neck

Who has lipstick in their make-up bag.

Auction "Destiny hats"

Leading: You noticed that I greeted you with a wave of my hat. This headdress consists of a crown, fields protruding beyond the edges of the crown and piping. A hat that protects us from the scorching sun and heavy rain can sometimes be used for other than its intended purpose. For example, as a basket for berries and mushrooms or as a temporary vessel for water. Any other suggestions for using this item?

(Spectators offer their own options: a nest, a fan, a trap for beetles ...)

Game - draw "Trick with a hat"

Leading: That's right, and it's also a wonderful prop for the famous candy trick!

The host takes a candy out of his pocket. Track 3 sounds. Shows it to the audience, puts it on the table, covers it with a hat.

Leading: I suggest that one of you take the candy for yourself without touching the hat with your hands. Whoever dares to participate in this trick, let him name three relatives of the hat - three headdresses.

There is a selection of participants in the game.

(Hat relatives: cap, helmet, beret, kubanka, bonnet, helmet, triukh, turban, earflaps, kerchief, bowler hat, cap, cap-hood, cap, cap, panama hat, hat, scarf, earflaps, cap, cap, top hat, kippah, peakless cap, skullcap).

The essence of the game: The one who named three hats tries to take the candy without touching the hat with his hands. Most often, the audience fails to complete the task.

Tracks 3, 4 sound in the background.

Leading: Now I will reveal the secret of this "cool" trick: I will pick up a candy without touching the hat. It's all about the hat. There is no candy under the hat for a long time. Don't believe? (Turns to one of the players.) See for yourself! The player raises his hat, and the host freely takes the candy.)

Game episode "The hat is a circus prop"

Leading: Now you have witnessed how I took a candy without touching my hat! Of course, this is a circus reprise, clowning. The hat becomes the main object of attention for clowns and jugglers. Let's try to catch the hat on the head together, as they do in the circus.

Track 5 sounds. The host tosses his hat, the audience tries to catch it on his head.

Game episode "Target Hat"

Leading: Also, a hat can be a great target. If any of you have coins, you can try to hit the hat with them.

The leader catches coins with a hat. Track 6 plays in the background.

Leading: Those of you whose coins ended up in the hat, come to me and collect your coins to continue the sniper competition.

The players take the coins.

Leading: I propose to hit the hat from a distance of 5 meters. The one who hits last takes all the money as a prize.

Track 7 sounds. The competition is underway. The winner takes the change.

Leading: We often hear that money should be kept in a bank. That's why I'm giving you this item.

(The host's assistant takes out the jar, which the host hands over to the winner)

Fun game "Dance hat"

(The assistant brings out four chairs, each with a hat.)

Leading: Fashion changes, the style of the hat changes. Yesterday there was a fashionable hat with a veil, today - with feathers, and tomorrow - a hat with wide brim is considered stylish. Ah, fashion, fashion! This headdress dictates to us its manner of behavior, its own style, even sometimes, movements in the dance.

The facilitator addresses one of the participants

Leading: Approximately, what kind of hat did we see in the clips on the head of Michael Jackson?

The player chooses.

Leading: Try to try it on and take a "moon" walk, as the world-famous artist did.

A fragment of a song from the repertoire of M. Jackson sounds. The player shows the dance moves.

Leading: I think you deserve a big round of applause.

The audience applauds. The leader continues the game.

Leading: Please, choose among these three hats one that, in your opinion, is closer to the "Bavarian" style.

The player completes the task.

Leading: Thanks to. Which of the men here would suit this hat?

The player chooses another participant in the program.

Leading: Thank you. Sit on a chair.

The host turns to the second player.

Leading: Do you know what "Bavarian" style is? (Player's answer.) I ask you to try on this hat and demonstrate some dance steps in this style.

A dance melody sounds - track 9. Activation is underway.

Leading: And applause sounds again, this time in your honor.

The audience applauds. The host turns to the second player.

Leading: Have you ever seen movies about Indians? Among these two headdresses, is there anything suitable for the Indians? No. What about cowboys? (Player answers.) Of course, this wide-brimmed hat. Let's choose together a man who will look like a western star in this hat.

Choose a third player, hand him a hat. The host turns to the second player.

Leading: Please return to your seat.

The host turns to the third player.

Leading: And I will ask you to demonstrate this hat in a dance, in the style of "country".

Track 10 sounds. The player is dancing.

Leading: Do you hear what applause the grateful audience gave you?

The audience applauds. The host shows the third player a Mexican hat.

Leading: In the film "The Mask" the main character performs an eccentric dance, approximately in the same hat. Who do you think among the supermen present here will do it as well as Jim Carrey?

Choose the fourth player, hand him a hat. The host turns to the third player.

Leading: I am grateful to you and admire your talent, sit on a chair.

The host addresses the fourth player.

Leading: How do you like this headpiece? Feeling macho? (Player answers.) Shake charisma?

Sounds like a melody from the movie "Mask". The player is dancing.

Leading: Since the Phoenicians invented money, many artists have ceased to be interested in applause. Our artist likes both.

The audience applauds.

(The assistant hands the players a fake cigar)

The host puts a chair for himself, sits on it, takes a cigar in his mouth, puts on a hat.

Leading: I ask you to do the same.

The players complete the task.

Leading: And now do everything with precision - on the contrary. I sat on a chair - you get up, I put on my hat - you take it off, I took a cigar in my mouth - you take it out. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. But first, let's practice.

Track 12 plays. A trial version of the game passes, then the game goes to the elimination. The winner receives a prize. The musical beat sounds - track 13.

(The assistant brings out a tray with a hat on it.)

Joke auction "It's in the hat"

Leading: Lord! We bring to your attention an auction. It is called Under the hat is an item that can be bought. The starting price will be symbolic. Whoever gives a large amount takes what is under the hat.

Lot #1. For sale is the item most necessary for meeting guests!

Starting price - one ruble! Who is bigger?

This lot is used to test friendship for strength.

Has to do with music.

In general, the thing is universal. (Salt)

An auction is underway. The winner pays and takes a pack of salt. The musical beat sounds - track 13. The assistant takes out the next lot under the hat.

Lot #2. This item is multifaceted. Has to do with football.

The starting price is one ruble.

Has to do with opera.

Without it, life becomes gray. (Soap)

An auction is underway. The winner pays and takes the soap. The musical beat sounds - track 13. The assistant takes out the next lot under the hat.

Lot #3. This item is known all over the world, its homeland is Russia.

The starting price is ten rubles.

Often mentioned in songs and jokes.

Relieves stress.

Warms the soul and body.

No holiday event is complete without it. (Vodka)

An auction is underway. The winner pays and takes a bottle of vodka.

Leading: Today you have repeatedly seen how a person is transformed if he has a hat. Indeed, it's in the bag!

Game moment "Competition of detectives"

The melody from the movie "The Pink Panther" sounds - track 14. The presenter puts on Sunglasses and a hat.

Leading: I think that no one needs to be convinced that now I'm trying to play the role of a detective. And I'm not the only one in this room.

The host chooses two players from the audience, gives them hats and glasses.

Leading: The meeting point is the stage. Follow me. Meeting place can not be Changed.

The host and players take the stage. The leader looks around, looks around.

Leading: Now my assistant will take you off the stage to the appointed place. Without losing your composure, follow him. See you later.

The players leave the hall with an assistant, the melody from the movie "The Pink Panther" sounds - track 14. The host takes out a phone from his pocket, sets up the camera.

Leading: Now I will take some pictures in the hall, do not panic and do not resist. The angles will not be standard. Don't let this shock you.

The presenter approaches one of the spectators and takes a picture close-up his knee, the back of his head, his ear. The host invites "detectives" to the hall. The players take the stage.

Sounds like a melody from the movie "The Pink Panther" - track 14.

Leading: Dear colleagues, now you have to solve a riddle with one unknown. Take a close look at these photos. (Shows the players photos). And try to find the person I photographed in the hall.

The game is running. Music sounds in the background - track 15. The host helps the players with his tips. For example, this person has black in his clothes or he is in the third row, etc. "Detectives" find "unknown" in the hall, bring him to the stage. The winner is the one who did it first. The host gives them souvenirs, the assistant takes the props.

Hat dance game

Leading: We can safely say that three people took part in this game. So I ask each of them to bring five more people to the center of our playground.

A rhythmic melody sounds - track 16. The host puts a hat on his head.

Leading: I invite everyone to the general circle. Repeat the movements after me.

The leader shows the movements, everyone repeats.

Leading: To whom I put a hat on my head, he goes to the center of the circle and shows his movements, everyone repeats them, then passes it to another, etc.

There is a game - dance. In the final, the host again takes the hat for himself.

Leading: I ask everyone to stand one after another in a chain, as we do during the Lambada dance.

The participants of the game perform the task. A dance melody sounds - track 17. Everyone follows the leader, who takes the players to their places.

Leading: Everything! It's all about the hat! That was the name of ours, which had just ended. Thank you all for your attention! Bye Bye!

The final melody sounds - track 18. The host leaves.

(P.S. Perhaps the ideas of Blazhina V.V.’s script will also come in handy for organizing such a thematic holiday)

to download the document - click on the file below

Idea: to organize a birthday, where the main attribute will be a hat.
If your birthday girl loves various caps and hats, then arrange a birthday party for her according to the scenario of the birthday " hat party».

  • Make a guest list. Send each guest an invitation in the form of a hat with the time, date and location of the party. Also indicate that the party pass will be a hat.
  • All guests must be dressed according to the style of the holiday according to the scenario of the Birthday "Hat Party". That is, each guest must have a hat. What exactly it will be is a matter of taste. For example, you can wear a cap, you can wear a headscarf, or you can wear a crown.
  • You also need to choose the appropriate gift. Anything that looks like a headdress or is needed in the care of a headdress will do. For example, it can be a hat-shaped jewelry stand, a fashionable cap. You can choose gifts in the "Gifts for Her" section.

  • Decorate the room with all kinds of hats and pictures with their image. The table should also be decorated according to the style of the holiday according to the scenario of the Birthday "Hat Party". For example, for each guest, you can fold a napkin in the shape of a hat. You can also make sandwiches in the shape of a hat.
  • Divide all guests into groups according to the headdress worn on them. For example, you will get three groups of Caps, Hats, Scarves. But if a group is too small, then you can give the opportunity to move from it to another group, but you will need to wear the appropriate headgear.
  • The party according to the scenario of the birthday "Hat Party" will be aimed at identifying the best headdress. To do this, teams named according to their headgear will participate in competitions and defend the right to call their headgear the best. The birthday girl participates on an equal basis with everyone.

  • All competitions on this holiday must be with the participation of headdresses. First, you can hold a general entertainment, in which all teams participate at the same time. For example, it could be a "Hat of Touches". For fun, you need a hat. All guests participate in the competition. Participants stand in a circle around the hat, alternating boy - girl - boy - girl. Each participant in the entertainment writes the name of a body part on 5 pieces of paper, for example, ear, arm, leg, etc. Then everyone puts their papers in a hat. The host shuffles the papers. Then the participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and touching with their right hand the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper. Then everyone takes out another piece of paper and touches with their left hand that part of the body that they got. In the third circle, they again touch with the right hand, in the fourth - with the left, and so on, until the pieces of paper run out.
  • Further, the “Live Hat” game is played between the teams. For the game you will need hats (according to the number of teams) and a stopwatch. All teams line up. The leader puts on the hats for the first team members. The task of the participants is to pass the hat to the last participant without touching it with their hands, but at the same time, each participant must put the hat on his head. If a member of one of the teams touches the cap with his hands, then this team is given a penalty point. Each penalty point when summing up will be calculated as additional time spent (about 30 seconds). At the end of the task execution, each command fixes the execution time. The team with the best result wins.
  • Then the competition "Tear off the hat" is held. Each team is given a hat. One representative per team is called to the battlefield. Each representative puts a hat on his head. The participants must keep their left hand pressed to their side, and with their right hand they must rip off the opponent's hat, while not allowing their hat to be torn off. After the hat is torn off, the fight continues between the next two representatives. And so the competition continues until all the representatives take part in the battles. The team that rips off the opponent's hats the most wins the competition.

  • After that, several more competitions are held according to the theme of the holiday. Contests can be found in the "Games and Contests" section. After all competitions are over, the results are summed up. If the "Cap" team wins, then the cap is declared the main headdress, and everyone must wear caps for the rest of the party.
  • After determining the main headdress, distribute such a headdress to those who do not have it. After that, invite everyone to the table, and after the feast, continue the party, dancing to the incendiary rhythms.

This is a theme party dedicated to all celebrities in hats and just hat lovers. If you have an entire closet full of caps, caps, hats, this is the best way to demonstrate the presence of your wardrobe.

Various competitions and events hat party interesting and unusual - not a single event takes place without the participation of hats!

On the hat party you can give free rein to your associations and imagine yourself in the role of your favorite character who wore hats.

And main feature hat party lies in the fact that people usually take off their hats when entering a room, but with us it’s quite the opposite!

Images of the participants of the Hat Party

Napoleon, Sherlock Homes, Jack Sparrow, Mary Poppins, Captain Vrungel, Puss in Boots, Indiana Jones, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Boyarsky, d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, Michael Jackson, etc.

Hat party program

  • Dress code - entrance only with a hat,
  • Greetings from the host of the party,
  • Distribution of party participants into hat teams,
  • Hat durability test,
  • Game "Hit in the hat"
  • Parody show of famous characters in hats,
  • Karaoke with a collection of money in a hat,
  • hat dance,
  • art competition for hat decoration,
  • hat quiz,
  • tricks with hats
  • Dinner - all dishes in hats,
  • Competition for the most creative hat of the evening,
  • Summing up the results of competitions,
  • Awarding the winning team with a cake in the form of a hat,
  • hat photo shoot,
  • Disco with hats.

What to wear to a hat party

Costume of your favorite character with a hat or any costume with a bright hat on the head, for example:

  • Sombrero,
  • Panama,
  • Cap,
  • bowler hat,
  • Cylinder,
  • straw hat,
  • Cocked hat,
  • confederate,
  • sailor,
  • Cap,
  • Sherlock Homes hat,
  • Homburg,
  • Cloche, etc.

Hat party music

Modern Russian and foreign pop and hip-hop artists:

  • arash,
  • lady gaga,
  • Beyonce
  • Maxim,
  • Morandi,
  • Viagra,
  • Potap and Nastya Kamenskih,
  • Dima Bilan,
  • Banderos,
  • Verka Serdyuchka, etc.

types of hats

akubra- Australian men's cascade hat. There is another species - Tobaraneteli

Galero- a very large, flat, wide-brimmed red hat, from which 15 tassels hang down on the sides, is also the heraldic distinction of the dignity of a cardinal.

bowler hat- a man's hat with a round crown without kinks and usually folded up brim.

Felt hat (fedora)- men's hat, popular in the first half of the 20th century.

Boater(from French canotier - "rower") - a low cylindrical straw hat with a flat top, narrow hard fields and a black ribbon.

Cowboy hat- a high men's hat made of felt or leather, with fields turned up on the sides. Sometimes supplied with a whip.

Cylinder- a high hat with a top in the form of a cylinder.

Shapoklyak- a folding hat-cylinder, now used only by circus artists.

Shute- women's hat-cylinder. There is a Japanese keratana hat.

Bolivar (hat)- wide-brimmed hat-cylinder.

Panama- a soft hat made of light fabric or straw, protecting the head from the sun's rays.

Cocked hat- a hat with a triangular brim turned up.

Confederate- square brimless hat with tassel.

Where to spend, celebrate the Hat Party

  • At home (apartment, cottage)
  • water park, sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Canteen
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Underground
  • Club ( night club)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (in nature)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten

Adult characters:

Queen of Hats



Festival participants: Children of different age groups

Attributes for games: Sports skittles (10 pcs), small multi-colored cardboard hats (10 pcs), 2 balls of medium diameter, 1 ball of small diameter, large hat box (with sweet prizes)

Holiday progress:

(Children, to the cheerful song “We are together”, performer K. Sitnik enter the hall, showing each other their hats, take their seats)

Leading. Hello guys!

Hello dear adults!

You came to the holiday for a reason!

We will reveal the secret of beauty without melting.

An unusual collection will be shown now.

We hold the Hat Festival for you!

And I am glad to inform you that the Queen of Hats herself came to our holiday today with her retinue. Meet!

(Slow, mysterious music sounds, the Queen of Hats enters, girls in hats (5 girls preparatory group) - retinue perform a slow dance with hats)

Hat Queen: I greet you my friends! I am in awe of your outfits, and especially the amazing hats and hats. There is no such splendor and variety even in my hat kingdom. It's all so wonderful!

Guys, do you know that the hat was invented for warmth, i.e. covering the head from cold, wind, snow and rain. The first hats were made from animal skins. Then, in the process of development of society, the hat began to mean - power and strength, belonging to the upper class. All kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princesses, kings and nobles wore headdresses - crowns, tiaras, all kinds of hats, which were considered luxury items and were decorated with feathers, precious stones, diamonds. The common people walked around with their heads uncovered.

Time passed, images changed, modern woman stopped wearing hats, preferring scarves, scarves or nothing at all. Now the hat in all its glory can be seen on the catwalks, in magazines. Although the hat is so beautiful and spectacular ...

Let's start the holiday soon!

But, before we start our holiday, I want to know which guys came to us today. I will ask, and you will answer "YES" or "NO". Begin:

- Did the guys come to us friendly?

— Strong?

— Bold?

Are elders respected?

- Do they bully kids?

- Do you like nature?

Are the trees ruining?

- Do they shoot from slingshots?

Do they drag cats by their tails?

Do they scream in class?

- Are they silent on holidays?

Well done! friendly guys came to the holiday, attentive!

Leading: Queen of Hats, please listen to how our guys can read poetry!

(POETERS are read by children of the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten)


1. June has come - the beginning of summer.

All the meadows turned golden.

It has so much sun

So much light

That snow seems to us a dream.

2. We forgot about snowstorms

About winter cold and frost.

The trees are all green

And the garden of scarlet roses came to life.

3. June has come.

"June! June!" —

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.


The berries ripened in the orchards.

In a bright red sky

The sun is walking in the clouds.

5. And in the nests, lumpy chicks

They opened their beaks, they are scared.

Sleep will not be given day or night

They are their parents.

6. Haymaking goes in July,

Somewhere, thunder grumbles at times.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

7. Summer is a ray of sunshine,

Warm rain from under the clouds.

8. Summer - bright flowers

unusual beauty,

9. Summer is a warm river,

A flock of clouds in the sky.

10. Summer! Summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings!

Leading: Dear Queen of Hats, but these are not all surprises for you, look how our little guys will sing a song for you - the game "That's how the sun rises"

Hat Queen: Well done boys! They delighted us with their poems and cheerful dance.

Oh what is it? My magic hat notifies us that a fabulous guest from the hat kingdom has arrived. Let's greet him with loud, friendly applause!

(The “Dunno Hymn” sounds, Dunno runs out)

Dunno: Hi friends! From all the shorties of the Sunny City, a big hello to you!

Hat Queen: Guys, did you recognize our guest? (Yes) Who is he? (Dunno)

Dunno, I want to compliment you - among all the hats of the fairy kingdom, yours is the largest and brightest!

Dunno: Yes! Thank you! I don't just love my hat, I'm very proud of it! But I see the guys are dressed up too. Everyone has such different hats...

Leading: Yes, Dunno, you correctly drew attention to the fact that our guys have different hats, but there are such modern, athletic ones, and they are called “baseball caps”. And for you, Dunno, the guys have prepared a surprise - the modern dance “Road to the Sun”.

(The song "Road to the Sun" sounds (Spanish: "Magicians of the Yard") children middle group. perform modern dance

Dunno: Oh what a nice dance, thank you guys!

Well, since you love hats, baseball caps and panamas so much, I suggest you play with me. I taught this game to almost all the shorties of the Sunny City. Do you want me to teach you?

GAME "Catch the ball with a hat"

Hat Queen: Thank you, Dunno, for an interesting game.

Dunno: And thank you! Have fun playing! But riddles, guys, can you guess? (Yes!)

1. “I am sitting on horseback, I don’t know on whom. I’ll meet a friend, I’ll jump off and bring him.” (A cap)

Well, this was an easy riddle, but the next one ....

She will cover the hairs of any girl, she will also cover the short haircuts of the boy. Protection from the sun. That's what it was made for. (Panama)

Hat Queen: Now it's my turn! Here listen:

I wear fields on my head, but this is not land at all. (Hat).

Well done!

Dunno: And we have a surprise for you guys - a dance with hats

Sounds foxtrot, children senior group(4 couples) together with Dunno dance with hats.

Hat Queen: Thank you guys! Wonderful dance! Dunno and I consulted here and decided to hold an attraction with you called "Knock off your hat."

Game - "Knock off the hat" (with skittles and hats)

Dunno: These guys are great, dexterous, skillful, wow, and they played great ...!

Hat Queen: We can’t do without hats, they will cut off an important person. A hat will help us to hide from the scorching sun in the summer heat and even with the help of a hat you can express your mood.

Tell me guys, how are you feeling today? (Merry! Good!)

Well, then I suggest that we all perform together dance to the song, which is called "GOOD MOOD". (lyrics by N. Ososhnik, music by V. Ososhnik)

Hat Queen:

There were many different hats here,

So funny and beautiful

All in hats were good,

I tell you from the bottom of my heart

I have one like this

magic chest,

It has a surprise ready for you.

Sweet prize for all the kids!


Come on guys, don't be shy

Everyone eat from the chest.

(distribution of treats to the cheerful song “We are together” by K. Sitnik)

Hat Queen:

Everything was wonderful and beautiful

We'll tell hats to everyone.

All: Thank you!

music director MBDOU Kindergarten № 47

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia

The hat theme is very popular for both children's and adult events. Hat parties are organized for kids, and for adults and high school students - hat parties. This concept allows you to make the celebration fun and colorful without much effort and expense. After all, the main condition is that all participants be in hats. Moreover, their choice, as a rule, is not limited to anything. Some come in the hats of fairy-tale characters, others in national headdresses, others in uniform caps, and so on. This diversity in itself endows the event with brightness and originality.

But hats alone are not enough. You need something to entertain the participants. Moreover, it is desirable that these entertainments be, as they say, in the subject. Both intellectual contests and outdoor games are suitable. We bring to your attention several "hat" entertainment that may be of interest to both children and adults.

1. Hat Quiz

It can be carried out among teenagers, high school students and adults.

1. This is both a headdress and a country in America (Panama).
2. This is both a headdress and camping utensils (a bowler hat).
3. This is both a headdress and a geometric body (cylinder).
4. This is both part of the headdress and a canopy over the entrance to the building (visor).
5. This is the name of both a brimless hat and a dosage form (tablet).
6. This is both by the sea and by the hat (bottom).
7. Headdress of Murzilka (takes).
8. Headdress of the postman Pechkin (cap with earflaps).
9. The original headdress of the Scattered from Basseinaya Street (frying pan).
10. The headdress of a Red Army soldier, similar to the helmet of a hero (Budenovka).
11. A stranger has a cap and boots, ours has a hat and boots. What is our name? (Father Frost)
12. The headdress of this fairy-tale character was made from a striped sock (Pinocchio).
13. Wide-brimmed hat from Latin America(sombrero).
14. Sailor's cap (peakless cap).
15. Flat headdress of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples (skullcap).
16. A flattened cap, which can be seen on soldiers, pioneers and stewardesses (cap).
17. Previously, this headdress was worn by women and children, but now only babies (cap or bonnet).
18. A hat from which the magician takes out a rabbit (top hat).
19. A jester has bells, and a doctor has a red cross (cap).
20. Headdress sewn or fastened to clothes (hood).
21. If there is chain mail on the body, then on the head ... what? (helmet)
22. A curtain for a woman's face attached to a hat (veil).
23. An old Russian headdress, which got its name because of its resemblance to the comb on the head of a chicken (kokoshnik).
24. Father + grin = headdress of the Cossacks (papakha).
25. European commander in a bicorne (Napoleon).

2. Whose hat (hat)?

This is another quiz, but this time - by pictures. It is equally interesting for both children and adults (for small children, some pictures should be excluded, because they most likely will not be able to identify the character).

You will need images of hats associated with literary and film characters. Pictures can be printed, sketched in pencil or displayed on the screen.

You can show the hats of the following heroes:
- Shapoklyak
- The Mad Hatter
- D'Artagnan
- Dr. Aibolit
- Jack Sparrow
- Sherlock Holmes
- Pinocchio
- Tin Woodman (funnel)
- Robin Hood
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Dunno
- Maleficents
- Willy Wonka

3. Intellectual competition for children: riddles

Riddles are suitable in which the names of headgear (hats, caps) are found.

1. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped.
(Puss in Boots)

2. All Antoshka -
Hat and leg.
It will rain -
He will grow up.

3. Four brothers
Belted with one sash,
They are under the same hat.

4. All of me is made of iron,
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit my hat into the board,
And for me it's all here and there.

5. Look what a flower!
How to weave it into a wreath?
Standing in a white hat
And you blow - fly away.

7. We made a snowball.
They made a hat on him.
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out ...

8. They put on white hats at home,
It's cold for them - it has come ...

9. The pillars are white,
They have green caps.

10. The woman wears a snow hat,
The stone sides are wrapped in clouds.
(High mountain)

4. Guess what's under the hat

Put some object (new, necessary) on the tray and cover it with a big hat. Participants must guess what is under it.

It is possible (and desirable) to make the task easier. For example, use an item that, like the word "hat", begins with the letter "Sh". This hint should be voiced. Participants take turns calling options. Whoever guesses the item hidden under the hat in the end will get it as a prize.

The prize can be, for example, a ballpoint pen, chocolate, shampoo, a corkscrew, a sewing kit, skewers, mini-checkers, a labyrinth ball, pop (candy), drawing stamps, a set of balloons, a chocolate egg, a jewelry box, etc. It all depends from audience and budget.

Of course, you can guess a prize for any other letter. Let's say the same one with which the name of the birthday man begins, in honor of whose birthday a hat party is arranged.

5. Hit the hat

This is the simplest, but very exciting hat contest. An inverted hat is placed on the floor or on a chair. The participant receives a set of items (including, for example, candy, a coin, a tennis ball and a playing card). Standing at some distance, the participant alternately throws objects, trying to hit the hat. The number of hits is scored and recorded. Then the second participant throws, then the third. When everyone is discarded, the results are summed up. If several participants have an equal number of hits, a final match is held between them. The winner gets a prize.

6. Relay "Hat on a stick"

You will need two hats and two gymnastic sticks. Hats should not be high, otherwise it will be easy to keep them on a stick. We also need the participants to try not to drop the item.

So, the teams line up in two columns. At the signal of the leader, the first participants make a race, trying to keep the hat on a stick. Having run around the landmark, they return to their teams and pass the item to the second participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. Relay "Namusoril - clean"

Participants are divided into two teams, a relay race is held between them.

Teams are arranged in two columns. The reference point is a hoop on the floor or a circle drawn in chalk. The first participants hold hats or caps filled with various subjects(their number must be the same for both teams).

At the signal of the host, the first participants begin the relay. They run to their landmarks-circles and dump objects from the hat into them (litter). Then they come back and give empty hats to the second participants. Those run to the landmarks and collect the scattered "garbage" in hats. Returning to the teams, they pass the baton to the third participants, whose task is to litter again. The competition continues until all team members have entered. If the teams are small, you can do 2 or 3 circles.

8. Team game "Catching with a hat"

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them chooses one catcher.

The catcher, holding his hat in his hands, stands at a certain distance from his team. The participants take turns throwing several balls to the catcher, and he tries to catch them with his hat. How many times the ball is in the hat - so many points the team earns. At the end, the results are summed up, the winning team is awarded.

9. Musical hat

Participants stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music. Having accepted a hat from a neighbor on one side, you need to put it on your head, take it off and give it to a neighbor on the other side. The music suddenly stops. Whoever had a hat at that moment should make an elegant bow using a headdress and leave the circle. The game continues until the last remaining player.

10. Hat tongue twister

Participants try to pronounce a tongue twister related to the topic of headwear without hesitation. For example:

  • The cap is sewn, but not in a cap style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
  • Sasha sewed a hat to Sashka, Sasha knocked a bump off with a hat.

11. Knock off your hat

Several hats (real or miniature ones made of paper) are placed on the table. The participant stands at the opposite edge of the table and rolls a heavy ball along it, trying to knock the hat to the floor. How many hats on the table - the same number of attempts to launch the ball. For each knocked down hat - 1 point. Whoever gets the most points is the winner.

12. I twist, I twist, I want to confuse

This is an analogue of the gambling game "Thimble". You will need a table, 3 identical hats and a small balloon. Couples participate. First, one tries to confuse, and the other - to unravel. Then they change places. If both guessed correctly or, conversely, did not guess, no one gets anything. If only one guesses correctly, he gets a prize.

The essence of the game: the ball is placed under one of the hats. The host (the one who is thinking at this moment) quickly swaps hats, saying: “I twist, I twist, I want to confuse.” As soon as the phrase is over, the movement of the hats stops. The player (the one who guesses at this moment) must indicate the hat under which, in his opinion, the ball is located.

13. Game for children "Guess by touch"

This game can be played if the children came to the event in different hats.

First, the facilitator invites the participants to examine each other's hats and try to remember them. The first volunteer is then blindfolded. He is brought in turn to five participants. He feels their headgear and tries to guess who is in front of him. For the correct answer - 1 point. Then others are involved. Those who scored large quantity points are awarded.