battery business. Business idea: recycling point for batteries and energy-saving lamps

Every car owner knows that a new battery can last for several years, and then you need to either restore it or buy a completely new one. As a rule, the restoration process costs two times cheaper, and due to the not very stable economic situation in our country, people try to save on everything, including maintenance of their car. This is what is built on this business idea - you will bring to life failed batteries.

To start this business, you do not need a huge capital investment. It will be enough to have your own garage and, most importantly, certain skills, without which you will not be able to make repairs. Let's talk a little about the essence of this business.

Another type of service that you can offer your customers right in your garage is the opening of a tire service. Of course, to start you will need to purchase some equipment, but it is easy to pay off after attracting regular customers.

Main types of breakdowns car batteries that you need to be able to deal with:

wear on the side plates of the battery. As a rule, with such a breakdown, the electrolyte has a black color.

plate sulfation- in which the machine battery accumulates electricity, but it does not give it away at all.

closing plates together.

frozen dead battery. The physical sign is swelling of the walls.

Now, knowing the main direction of work, you can find methods for solving them. I will briefly review the main points, but as they say, everything needs to be tried in practice. So let's get started.

Methods for restoring car batteries.

Plate closure. This is one of the most common problems. In order to make sure that the battery is recoverable, you need to drain the electrolyte and start flushing with distilled water. If after several washes you see that the water is getting cleaner, then this battery can still work. If the water is black and coal mass is released, most likely it will not be possible to restore it. To restore, use a desulfating impurity and add it to the electrolyte. Before repairing batteries, be sure to read the instructions for using this impurity. I will not describe this, since this topic is more for an automotive site, and we are painting a business idea.

charge by reverse currents.

recovery process using training cycles.

mechanical restoration(the first paragraph refers to this type).

recovery using pulsed currents.

with additives.

You can learn about all these methods from craftsmen, but, as a rule, they have a clear step-by-step sequence, so everyone can handle them.

Are you looking for a turnkey solution for your auto business? Read ready business plan of a used auto parts store - . You can find out what pitfalls await you when starting this business, and what is the return on investment. We think the material will be useful to you.

How do you make yourself known?

Everything is trite here. We take, print out flyers, go and paste them in the garage arrays. Also, you can advertise in newspapers or specialized magazines. You can create your own website, but that's only if you live in a big city. In a provincial town, if you do everything qualitatively, people will contact you themselves.

Pros of a business idea:

this service in any case will be popular;

- the course of European countries towards environmental cleanliness. As you know, discarded batteries lead to very strong pollution. environment.

— this service is in demand at any time of the year, especially in winter.

- little competition.


- in some brands of cars, batteries are not disassembled and, accordingly, cannot be repaired.

- it takes time to study all the points and acquire practical skills (but this is more likely not a minus, but a remark).

- if, nevertheless, service stations provide such a service in your region, it will be difficult for you to cooperate with them. In this case, you must provide services highest quality and in some cases lower the price, but again, this is all individual.


There are several ways to make money on batteries. The average car battery lasts from 1 to 3 years. It all depends on the intensity of use of the car and its operating conditions. High-quality and expensive batteries can last up to 5 years. Then, in most cases, the old battery is thrown away and a new one is purchased.

  • How to start a battery recycling business
  • What kind of room do you need?
  • How to make your battery recycling business more profitable
  • What documents are needed to start a business
  • Setting up a battery repair business
  • How to Start a Battery Recycling Business
  • What documents are needed to open a business
  • What taxation system to choose for business
  • Do I need a permit to dispose of batteries?

Considering life cycle of each battery, you can see at least three ideas with which you can make money: by recycling old batteries and by repairing and maintaining existing batteries.

How to start a battery recycling business

For start-up entrepreneurs, the idea may seem quite attractive, since, special knowledge or skills, equipment, and even hired personnel. All operations can be performed by only one person.

The business idea is to buy old batteries from private car owners and resell them to wholesale dealers, or even better, to a factory where they will be processed into new batteries.

It is most profitable to look for old batteries in large garage cooperatives, garage arrays. Most private car enthusiasts do not want to take 1-2 old batteries to a factory for recycling. Bypassing garages and offering everyone to sell old unnecessary batteries, you can purchase them at a price of 100-150 rubles apiece. At the factory, they can be resold for 300-500 rubles, depending on the mass.

Transportation of old batteries can be arranged by private car, bicycle or even a handcart. The tedious process of bypassing garages is replaced by sticking advertisements. Sometimes it is useful to look at the waste dumps that accumulate near garages and car companies. Some car owners simply throw out used batteries in the nearest trash heap.

A significant nuance: an enterprise that accepts old batteries for processing is not interested in working with small batches. We will have to accumulate goods until the minimum lot established by the enterprise is reached. Then wholesale transport this batch, which automatically leads to the need.

What kind of room do you need?

It is not recommended to store old batteries in large quantities at home. They release toxic substances that can seriously harm your health and even lead to problems with the law. To store batteries, a warehouse is needed that can be organized.

The garage itself can either be rented or purchased. The second is preferable, since not every lessor will agree that potentially dangerous goods are stored in his property. In addition, an owned garage is a valuable asset that can always be sold in hard times or if you want to leave this business.

How to make your battery recycling business more profitable

Have a desire to expand your business? No problem! It is possible to organize several points for receiving old batteries by opening them in the largest garage areas, on the sides of intensive highways, not far from servicing cars.

It is possible to offer services for the removal of used batteries to large car enterprises, car parks, service and technical centers. Many of them have to solve this problem themselves, while it is possible to outsource it.

What documents are needed to start a business

It is beneficial for the vast majority of legal entities to work not with private traders, but with the same legal entities. Therefore, you will have to register as a private entrepreneur, which leads to additional difficulties.

In addition to the mandatory registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur and the execution of relevant documents, a mandatory licensing of a battery-powered business is required. Given the fact that old batteries are hazard class 1-4 waste, obtaining a license will not be easy. Before obtaining a license, be sure to pass an inspection for the suitability of the premises from employees of the SES and fire supervision.

Setting up a battery repair business

Often, when a battery fails, the car owner throws out the old battery and buys a new one. Moreover, modern high-tech batteries are not serviced or repaired. But not everyone has such top-class batteries. Most car enthusiasts have simple lead-acid models that lend themselves well to repair and restoration. Moreover, after restoration, they can last for quite a long time.

The most common battery failures are:

  • short circuit of the plates is eliminated by replacing the electrolyte and repeatedly washing the battery;
  • wear of the side plates is treated by replacing them with a simultaneous renewal of the electrolyte;
  • sulfation of the plates is removed using a desulfating mixture, which is added to the battery.

The service of battery recovery using pulsed currents, training cycles, adding additives, charging batteries with reverse currents is in great demand. Such procedures give the old battery new life, and the quality performance of these procedures becomes an occasion to give the consumer a limited warranty on the remanufactured battery.

Special starting-charging and recovery equipment for batteries is not among the expensive and hard-to-find. By the way, at the time Soviet Union many craftsmen assembled such devices in their garage from improvised means. Of course, in the absence of extensive knowledge and skills in the installation of electronics desired device easier to buy.

You can also organize a service point and make money on batteries by performing all the operations yourself. It is only necessary to spend time and effort on learning all the processes and acquiring practical skills.

According to the experience of many service stations, this service is in stable demand among the population, especially in winter period. On the other hand, not all service centers are engaged in battery maintenance, so there is little competition in this area. The reason is the low prospects of the business in the long run. Nowadays, more and more batteries are not disassembled, not subject to repair and restoration.

How to Start a Battery Recycling Business

To start a business for the disposal of used batteries, it is necessary to register an "LLC" in state authorities. Organize advertising - create a business card site, as well as organize telephone communications hotline 8800.

The location of the battery storage and sorting point should be in an industrial area, away from the human factor. Can be rented warehouse space not less than 500 m². The room must be equipped with special equipment, grinding plants, etc. It is worth getting a car to transport raw materials. Next, you need to hire 10-15 employees. Employees must be highly qualified and have a specialized education. They must comply with all technical and hygienic standards, as well as observe safety rules in the process of recycling batteries.

If you have the opportunity and desire, in parallel, you can invest in cars. Car rental is profitable if you approach the organization of the business in the right way. See about profitable investment in cars maybe you want to make money this way too.

What documents are needed to open a business

To obtain a license to recycle used batteries, you must:

  • certificate of registration "LLC";
  • expert opinion, which confirms compliance with sanitary norms and rules;
  • SE conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • expert opinion on the equipment on which the disposal takes place;
  • license for the transportation, processing and disposal of hazardous waste of the 2nd class.

To receive all required documents and certificates, you can contact a special company or get them yourself.

What taxation system to choose for business

In accordance with the Tax Code, article 149, paragraph 25, subparagraph 2, if taxpayers have a license to transport, neutralize and dispose of hazardous waste, they are exempt from taxation.

Do I need a permit to dispose of batteries?

Disposal of used batteries requires a Class 2 Hazardous Waste Transportation, Treatment and Disposal License.

Are you interested in other niches and earning opportunities? If a yes, read the new Investing Territory book " Where is it profitable to invest money?« . And know that by investing money wisely, you can secure your future.

If you suddenly decide to implement a battery recycling business idea, then, frankly, this is a bad idea. Of course, a battery is a product that does not decompose in the environment, and if you throw it in the trash, then you will harm the environment. It makes sense for it to be recycled. But there are reasons why no one does it.

Why does the business idea of ​​recycling batteries not bode well?

If you try to take used batteries to a collection point, then you will have problems. You simply cannot find such items, because there are practically none. This is justified by the fact that battery recycling is an expensive activity that does not promise profits. It just so happens that making batteries from scratch is much cheaper than recycling already finished and used ones. Perhaps in the future they will come up with technologies that will allow you to quickly and cheaply use spent batteries to produce new ones, but this moment no such technology exists. Well-known manufacturers of these products speak about this. Therefore, you should switch to others that offer much greater prospects and break even. More detailed information you can find about this business idea in the following video material:

Chelyabinsk businessman Vladimir Matsyuk was one of the first in Russia to start recycling batteries, which are assembled for him by Media Markt and IKEA. Business is still scanty, but very promising

Chelyabinsk entrepreneur Vladimir Matsyuk (Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC)

Waste industry

Growing up in Soviet Kazakhstan, Matsyuk from personal experience knew how to be careful with resources. “There were often supply problems,” the entrepreneur recalls in an interview with RBC. - Therefore, from the skins of eaten oranges, my mother made candied fruits, and from the seeds of sea buckthorn, if they were insisted on sunflower oil, a disinfecting oil was obtained. For me, it was the natural course of things.”

In the late 1990s, Matsyuk graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the South Ural state university(Chelyabinsk) and began to combine teaching and work in commercial structures. In 2004, he decided to take his students' summer internships seriously for an organization theory course, proposing that they create a real firm. The students themselves came up with the name of the company - "Megapolisresurs", and then began to decide what it would do. Matsyuk already had experience in solving "environmental" issues for Chelyabinsk firms, so it was decided to focus on a clear topic (waste paper recycling). But the practice quickly ended, and Matsyuk felt a taste for business. “I decided to let there be waste, but with precious metal, we need to pull out valuable contents from them and lower the hazard class,” he recalls.

Matsyuk decided to start collecting fixer - a solution that is used to fix images on film or paper. Depending on the type of shooting (black and white, color, x-ray) when fixing up to 70% of the silver contained in photographic paper (from 5 to 40 g per 1 sq. m ), goes into solution, from which silver can be easily extracted. “The main thing was to correctly determine the purchase price of the spent solution, so that it would make sense for laboratories to store it and sell it to us,” recalls Matsyuk . According to the entrepreneur, a liter of fixer is purchased at a price of 40 to 70 rubles: “Up to 4 G silver." At current prices for silver (about 27 rubles per gram) per liter of fixer " Megapolis resource "can earn about 110 rubles. To start this business (mainly for the purchase of equipment) Matsyuk spent $ 20 thousand. In the profit came out after eight months. Profit was 25-30% of revenue. Silver obtained in the form of granules " Megapolis resource » sells to jewelers (clients include Veliky Ustyug plant "Northern black").

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

In 2008, the silver extraction business was added to the extraction of silver from photographic solutions. “At first they thought that silver could be washed off the films with the help of harsh chemicals, but these are people who manual labor, a high degree of danger, but I want to sleep peacefully, ”recalls Matsyuk. - We found a biological solution - special bacteria turn the film into gelatin, from which silver is then extracted. The whole procedure, in terms of danger, is close to cheese production.”

In 2009, Megapolisresurs began recycling chips and electronics (medical and office equipment), which, in addition to silver, contain gold and other rare metals. Recycling Requirements various equipment were introduced in 2002 federal law"On Environmental Protection", and for their violation, companies were threatened with a fine of 100 thousand to 250 thousand rubles. or suspension of activities for up to six months. “The first clients were consulates and foreign companies: they were terribly afraid of our laws, according to which we can’t just throw away computers,” recalls Matsyuk. Now Megapolisresurs actively serves government agencies on this topic - only in the last two years, according to the public procurement website, Matsyuk's company has won more than 40 tenders for the disposal of various equipment for total amount about 2.5 million rubles.

Batteries are also waste.

The idea to recycle batteries was thrown to Matsyuk “from the audience”. In 2013, when the entrepreneur was speaking at a conference, he was asked why he recycles circuit boards but does not recycle batteries. “I replied that we can also use batteries, but no one collects enough of them,” says Matsyuk. After the conference, one of the public organizations Petersburg, which collected 2 tons of used batteries. For Megapolisresurs, this was the first experience of working with batteries.

How batteries are recycled

For the processing of batteries, Megapolisresurs uses a production line where microcircuits are disposed of. First of all, the batteries are crushed and the iron elements are separated with a special magnetic tape. Manganese and zinc (in the form of salts), as well as graphite, are extracted from the resulting polymetallic mixture in several stages of leaching. In total, four removable cells account for 80% of the weight of the batteries. The production lines of Megapolisresurs allow processing up to 2 tons of batteries per day. Battery recycling takes about four days.

In 2013, the battery collection project decided to launch the Media Markt chain, which chose Megapolisresurs as a recycling partner (the companies had already collaborated on photo solutions). For a trading network, this social project(in Germany, more than half of the batteries sold are recycled). At the start of the project, it turned out that the batteries are not included in Russian classifier waste, Media Markt and Megapolisresurs spent almost half a year to correct this defect and other organizational measures. “The total weight of batteries sent for recycling in 2014 was about 18 tons,” a representative of Media Markt told RBC. “This is more than double what we planned when the project was launched (7 tons).” IKEA (three points in Moscow, about 6.5 tons collected), the VkusVill chain of stores (56 points in Moscow, 1.4 tons), as well as retail chains in several regions (several dozen points).

Garbage resource

565 million batteries was sold in Russia in 2013

30 tons of batteries redesigned Megapolisresurs in 2014

2 tons of batteries per hour can process "Megapolisresurs"

70 rub. — the cost of recycling 1 kg of batteries

1.5 million rubles the company gained from the recycling of batteries in 2014

100 million rubles — total revenue of Megapolisresurs

Sources: company data, Greenpeace Russia, RBC calculations

For "Megapolisresource" » battery recycling - small but promising business. Unlike fixer, films and computers for batteries Matsyuk not only does not pay, but also receives money - from the companies that collect them. “For the recycling of 1 kg of batteries, we pay 70 rubles,” the director of public relations told RBC. Vkusvill Evgeny Shchepin . “At the same time, we ourselves have to deliver the batteries to the warehouse.” Megapolisresource " in Moscow. They do not provide transportation services yet. Manager environmental project Media Markt Alena Yuzefovich in November 2014 told online edition of Recycle that the "initial price tag" Megapolisresource "for the transportation and processing of a kilogram of batteries - about 110 rubles." The company does not make money on partners, but takes from them only the cost of delivery and recycling of batteries: “70 rubles. - this is average cost recycling of 1 kg of batteries,” claims Matsyuk . According to him, the income from recycling batteries in 2014 amounted to 1.5 million rubles.

Most of this amount was contributed by battery collectors, so far Matsyuk is not very good at trading in recycling products. From 1 ton of batteries, you can get 288 kg of manganese, 240 kg of zinc, about 47 kg of graphite. “The content of manganese (28.8%) and zinc (24%) in batteries is higher than in the richest ores (up to 26%),” Matsyuk notes. “If we look at batteries as raw materials, and not as waste, we will see a unique deposit in which there is a lot of valuable raw materials.” But this is theoretical. And in practice, it turns out to sell only iron from batteries: it goes to the Mechel plant in Chelyabinsk. It is still difficult with sales of non-ferrous metal salts: “Volumes are small and of little interest wholesale buyers, and it's too labor-intensive for labs to retail."

According to RBC calculations, if Megapolisresurs sold chemically pure metal, then 1.4 tons of graphite, 8.6 tons of manganese and 7.2 tons of zinc extracted from 30 tons of batteries could bring the company about $ 50 thousand (about 1.9 million rubles at the average exchange rate of the ruble in 2014; based on market prices for metals). But to get manganese and zinc in the form of a metal, additional investments of $1.5 million are needed, says Matsyuk.

The crisis has failed

The main sources of income for Megapolisresurs are still the processing of office equipment and photo waste. In 2014, these areas, according to the entrepreneur, brought the company in the amount of 100 million rubles. (approximately equal). In 2013, according to Kontur.Focus, the company's revenue amounted to 49 million rubles, and net profit - 7.7 million rubles.

Matsyuk expects recycling volumes to increase. “In December 2014, amendments to the law “On production and consumption waste” were adopted, which oblige the manufacturer to pay either a recycling fee for their products, or to undertake obligations for its partial return collection,” says Matsyuk. “But while there are no relevant by-laws, it is not clear how this will all work.”

In the case of batteries, if at least 10% of what is sold is recycled (in 2014, according to Matsyuk, 8 thousand tons were sold), this will allow Megapolisresurs to earn over 100 million rubles annually.

In 2015, Matsyuk plans to earn 220 million rubles. for the disposal of office equipment and about 100 million rubles. - on the extraction of silver from films and solutions. How realistic are these plans? Last year, Megapolisresurs ended with a loss (Matsyuk did not disclose its size) due to a 20% fall in silver prices in the second half of the year (from $20 to $16 per troy ounce). As a result, the Megapolisresurs and Fractal companies (also owned by Matsyuk) did not fulfill the contracts concluded earlier both for the processing of scrap containing precious metals (for example, with the Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices - for 3.8 million rubles), and for the supply of silver (to the plant "Northern Chern" - by 427 thousand rubles, to the company "Yuvelirdragmetal" - by 3.6 million rubles). This, as follows from the file of arbitration cases of the system, forced the partners of the company to apply to the courts. “We took out loans and purchased equipment based on silver prices of $30-35 per troy ounce, and we were forced to sell the metal at prices almost half that,” Matsyuk notes. In January 2015, he registered a new company, Megapolisresurs, in Kurgan.

Moscow competitors

In Moscow, in addition to Megapolisresurs, several other companies accept batteries for recycling: Ecoprof LLC - 580 rubles each. for 1 kg, Megapolis-Group LLC - 100 rubles each. for 1 kg. Whether these companies have their own battery recycling facilities, their employees could not say by phone.

Why lead and sulfuric acid?

Often buyers ask the question - are there any more modern batteries for sale? Why do sellers offer only "traditional" lead-acid batteries, invented back in 1859? And why didn’t more modern nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion batteries come to replace them? They are more capacious, they do not contain toxic acid and lead.

The answer is simple - they have disadvantages that are unacceptable for car batteries. Nickel-cadmium has a high level of self-discharge, a “memory effect” that makes it difficult to recharge, and a greater toxicity of cadmium than lead. Nickel-metal hydride batteries have a higher self-discharge rate. Lithium-ion batteries are explosive, expensive and lose their charge at low temperatures. Charging a lithium-ion battery is not easy: you need a special charger that works according to a certain algorithm.

So "by the sum of indicators" it is lead-acid batteries that today remain the best option of all possible.

Calcium or "hybrid"?

Buyers are scared by the word "hybrid" on the battery label. And the seller cannot always explain what this “hybridity” is.

A standard battery consists of six battery "cans" connected in series in one case. In each jar, positive and negative electrode plates alternate, covered with a layer of active mass - the positive ones are made of lead dioxide, the negative ones are made of spongy lead. Electrodes (they are made in the form of gratings) are made of lead alloy. But pure lead is a fragile material, and therefore it is alloyed - small portions of antimony or calcium are added to the alloy.

There are practically no “pure” antimony batteries today - antimony is a catalyst for the electrolysis of water, and such a battery often “boils”. To solve the problem of boiling over, antimony was replaced with calcium.

So now on the market they sell either “hybrid” batteries (positive electrodes with antimony additive, and negative ones with calcium additive), or purely “calcium” ones (all electrodes are made of lead-calcium alloy). The "calcium" battery has its advantages - in particular, low self-discharge (loss of 50% capacity in 18-20 months) and minimal water consumption due to evaporation (1 g / Ah). However, they have a drawback - after two or three deep discharges, such a battery cannot be charged. The "hybrid" battery does not have such problems. But the water consumption in it is one and a half to two times more than that of the "calcium" - the presence of antimony affects. And the level of self-discharge is higher (loss of half the capacity in 12 months). But at the same time, “hybrid” batteries also do not require “maintenance”, that is, adding distilled water to the electrolyte.

Liquid or gel?

The battery electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, in a solution of sulfuric acid. Accordingly, there are two types of batteries: with liquid electrolyte and "non-liquid" electrolyte. The most common batteries with liquid electrolyte are simpler and, accordingly, cheaper. In addition, the energy reserve in them is enough for all consumers in a standard car.

As for batteries with a "non-liquid" electrolyte (sometimes they are all mistakenly called "gel" in a crowd), the question is more complicated. Batteries in which the electrolyte is really brought to the state of a gel using silica gels are currently used extremely rarely: only in motorcycles, and even then exclusive ones. In batteries with a "non-liquid" electrolyte, all the free space between the electrodes is filled with microporous material, which is impregnated with electrolyte. This is AGM (Absorbed Glass Material) technology, which provides an increase in the efficiency of the active mass due to better acid absorption, which gives higher starting current, deep discharge resistance, and durability. It is these batteries that are best suited for vehicles with a Start & Stop system and a brake energy recovery system. But they are not "gel" ...

On the market today, batteries with an "intermediate" technology - EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) are in demand. It is also called "wet electrode technology". In such a battery, a kind of microfiber “envelopes” are put on the electrodes. They also retain the electrolyte, which provides stability to cyclic discharge. But the battery itself is filled with liquid electrolyte.

Polarity - Asia or Europe?

Before offering the battery to the buyer, it is worth asking him in which country his car was assembled. Because Asian and European cars are designed for a different arrangement of terminals on the battery.

Simply put, “straight”, it is also “European”, polarity is when, with the battery position “terminals closer to you”, the positive terminal is on the left and the negative terminal is on the right. For a battery with a “reverse”, that is, “Asian”, polarity, everything is exactly the opposite. In addition, the diameter of the contact terminals may differ for "Europe" and "Asia". For example, on the Euro (Type 1) type, the “positive” terminal is 19.5 mm in diameter, and the “negative” terminal is 17.9 mm. And for the Asia type (Type 3), the “plus” has a diameter of 12.7 mm, and the “minus” has a diameter of 11.1 mm. Therefore, it is still possible to install a Japanese battery on a European car (by the way, this includes the “Koreans” assembled in Russia): there are adapters from thin terminals to “thick” European ones.

In addition, there are several types of batteries. And it may well be that the "Asian" simply will not take its regular place due to the fact that it is smaller or larger ...

What really matters

Sellers say: the buyer almost always does not know what he really needs. And because he has all these questions about "calcium", "gel", "lithium-ion", "Japanese" batteries. That is why it is important for the seller to explain to the buyer what he wants - and why he wants it!

So, the most important for the battery are three parameters.

1. Rated electrical capacity (Ah), it is determined by the energy output of a fully charged battery during a twenty-hour discharge. For example, the designation 6ST-60 means that the battery will deliver a current of 3 A for 20 hours and at the same time, at the end, the voltage at the terminals will not drop below 10.8 V. However, this does not mean a linear dependence of the discharge time on the discharge current. The battery will not be able to consistently give energy for a whole hour.

There is also an "unofficial" parameter - "reserve capacity". It is measured in minutes - how long the battery can work for itself and for the generator. For example, the reserve capacity of a passenger car battery with a load of 25 A and a voltage drop of up to 10.5 V should be at least 90 minutes.

2. Rated voltage - for a passenger car battery, it is 12 V. It can decrease when the battery is discharged and the current load is high. But experimenting by installing a battery with a higher voltage is not worth it ...

3. Cold cranking current (CCA - Cold Cranking Amperes). This parameter is especially important in Russia: it represents the amount of current that the battery is capable of delivering at a temperature of -18 ° C for 10 seconds, with a voltage of at least 7.5 V. The higher the cold scroll current, the easier the engine will start in winter.

All these parameters are in the marking on the battery case.

What to talk about with the buyer?

First of all, the seller must listen to the fact that the client does not shine well, spins weakly and for a short time, and not everyone has wires for “lighting up”. And then ask:

a) How old is the car?

b) Country of manufacture?

c) Does the buyer travel in winter or does he put him on a leash in cold weather?

d) Is the vehicle equipped with Start&Stop and Brake Energy Regeneration?

e) Is the car parked in the garage at night or “under the windows” in the yard?

f) Has the car been tuned, has additional electrical equipment been installed on it: heaters, emergency lighting equipment, etc.?

g) And the most main question- How much does the buyer expect?

If the buyer has an “older” or tuned car, then it is worth recommending a battery with a larger capacity, for example, instead of 50 Ah, take 55 Ah. But do not "overdo it" - generators have a strictly defined power and it is not recommended to overload them. Yes, and forcing the buyer to pay extra money is also not worth it.

If the car is an “SUV” or “SUV” and fans of country trips drive it, then they should recommend an AGM battery. These batteries have a fairly high, up to 135%, cold scroll current, higher cycling stability and a very high deep discharge capability.