Slow Internet speed beeline on the phone. The Internet does not work well: why? Why does Beeline Internet work badly?

Many users face problems related to the operation of the Internet. Why might such situations arise? After all, there seemed to be no prerequisites. And suddenly you can neither watch a movie online, nor check your mail, nor sit in social network. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Internet Service Provider

The first likely cause of internet outages could be related to your ISP. Each company that provides Internet access services uses only the most advanced technologies to connect its customers. How effective are they? This question is hard to answer. Sometimes the quality of the services provided depends on the name of the provider. If you are constantly experiencing problems when using the Internet with your provider, then you may need to think about how to refuse their services. After all, there are still many suitable organizations around.

Bad weather conditions

No matter how strange it may sound, but even today in the century digital technologies The quality of the Internet connection directly depends on weather conditions. Sometimes, to understand why the Internet does not work, it is enough to look out the window. And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Quite often, the work of the Internet depends on the weather. Think about what will happen if suddenly the wires hanging on street poles are torn by a tree that has fallen due to strong gusts of wind.

Naturally, in this case, the signal from the Internet provider will stop coming to your computer. One more possible reason- abnormal heat. The server may fail due to high temperature. But if you notice that the Internet does not work well not only during bad weather, but also at any other time, then you should probably think about other reasons.

Geographical position

Suppose you are convinced of the efficiency of the Internet provider, and the weather conditions are favorable, but the Internet still works very poorly. With what it can be connected? Maybe it's all about geographic location. Depending on the location of the subscriber, the signal may reach better or worse.

Everything will depend on the location of the towers responsible for signal transmission. In one house, the Internet can work perfectly, while in the next house there may be no signal at all. If you suddenly find that the Internet has stopped working, try to check the rest of the equipment, for example, a television antenna. If other electronic devices also receive a bad signal, then the problem most likely lies precisely in the location.

Mobile Internet

Quite often, users experience interruptions in the mobile Internet. But there is nothing unusual about this. If you decide to use a mobile type of communication, then be prepared for failures. This is especially true in cases where the Internet provider is testing equipment or the next system upgrade.

Interruptions in the Internet are likely to occur when switching to the new kind connections. Conscientious operators usually warn their customers in advance about such work. But if you encounter problems when using the mobile Internet too often, it may be worth contacting the service technical support or go to the salon cellular communication. Perhaps they will explain to you what the matter is. Maybe there was an accident at the station, and you just need to wait until it is eliminated.

Perhaps your gadget has a virus that slows down the entire system. If you use Mobile Internet from Megafon, then you may not be surprised at interruptions in work. Among all other operators, this one is famous for its slow internet. But Megafon has very good tariff plans. Therefore, if you plan to use mobile Internet frequently, it is better to choose another provider.

Mini routers

Increasing development in modern world get mini-routers and USB modems. Thanks to this fast and convenient way, you can access the network at any time from your laptop or desktop computer. But unfortunately, very often such products refuse to work properly. Today, the most popular Internet provider that provides its customers with various tariffs and models of routers for accessing the network is MTS.

All products offered by the operator are characterized by durability and high speed. But from time to time, the MTS Internet can still work poorly. What is it connected with? The first reason may lie in a hardware malfunction. This could be damage due to misuse or a manufacturing defect.

In this case, you should contact the service center and check the equipment. If a factory malfunction is detected, you can exchange the router for a new one. If the problems in the operation of the router are associated with improper handling, then it will not be possible to exchange the router. In this case, you will have to purchase a new device.

Another reason for interruptions in the Internet is an accident at the station. This has already been said above. If you suddenly lost the Internet, try calling the service center and find out what happened. Perhaps you just have a bad signal from the network. To check this fact, just look at the identification light that is on your router.

If you carefully read the user manual, you can find information there that the color of the identifier depends on the signal level. In this case, you can simply try to move the router to another location. In some cases, this helps to resume stable operation.

Legacy equipment

If you often encounter the problem of poor Internet performance, then perhaps the answer lies in the life of the equipment you use. A good modem runs smoothly for about 5 years, and about 8 years if you turn it off from time to time. After this period, it may start to work intermittently.

That is, the reason for a poor Internet connection may lie in the wear of a router or modem. Try to give him a break at least once in a while. If you need the Internet around the clock, be prepared to buy new equipment after 5 years. It is advisable to buy the same models of routers. This will greatly facilitate the setup process, and you can quickly regain access to the World Wide Web.


Many ISPs face a large number of complaints from subscribers about poor connectivity. The large provider Rostelecom is very familiar with this problem. This company is bombarded with such calls very often. In some cases, interruptions in the Internet may be associated with the occurrence of emergencies at the stations.

Such situations usually occur due to bad weather conditions, poor quality equipment or inappropriate attitudes from employees. Not a single provider is immune from accidents. Such cases must be treated with understanding. First of all, try restarting the modem. If the signal does not appear after this, call the provider and try to clarify the situation.

Reset hardware settings

Another reason why the Internet stops working is the “gathering” of settings. Quite often, Megaline faces this problem. With this Internet provider, the equipment settings “fly off” regularly. Because of this, the signal inevitably deteriorates or disappears altogether. You will not even be able to open a search engine to look for a solution to this problem on the Internet.

If a factory reset occurs, try setting up your hardware again. There are also known situations in which the signal simply refuses to work with a certain browser. Such problems can occur due to crashes or virus activity. Try changing your internet browser and reconnecting to the internet. After that, restart your computer and try to connect to the Internet again. If that doesn't work, contact your ISP.

If there are no problems on the provider's side, and you are using new high-quality equipment, then the problem may be in a computer virus. It just blocks the signal. Try to check your computer for viruses, if any are found, get rid of them and restart the machine. After that, the problem should disappear.

The Beeline telecommunications company, along with high-quality voice communication services, provides subscribers with high-speed mobile Internet in Russia and abroad. But no one is immune from equipment failure. From time to time, subscribers have to deal with the fact that Beeline Internet does not work quite well on a phone or tablet and look for solutions to this problem.

In the article:

The mobile assistant will describe in detail the main reasons why the Internet does not work on the Beeline phone. It will take you just a few minutes to get the opportunity to comfortably access the global network without complex manipulations and long dialing to the operator's call center.

Please note that very cheap phones and Chinese "replicas" of famous brands can sometimes only make calls and send SMS. If you come across just such a model, there is a high probability that you will not be able to connect the Internet connection at all.

That is why pay due attention to the information about supported communication standards, which is indicated in the accompanying documentation of the device or on the packaging box.

Activation of the "Package of three services"

Owners of flashed and new devices, especially those purchased in online stores, where pre-sale checks and settings are often not carried out, often face a lack of traffic after installing a SIM card. The reason why the Internet does not work on the Beeline phone may be the disabled option "Package of three services", which allows you to use wireless data transfer protocols. If the service is inactive, the phone will not be able to work with GPRS, EDGE, WAP, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE technologies. The MMS multimedia messaging service will also be unavailable.

Understanding the importance of the issue, the operator takes on the problem of connecting the free "Package of three services" at the time of activation of the SIM card in the network. To do this, a service message containing automatic settings work with wireless data transfer protocols. If the SMS got into spam or was accidentally rejected by the user, access to the Internet will remain blocked.

To check the status of the package, you can use the USSD command * 110 * 09 # or call the service control center on 067409 . In response to this action, an SMS message with a list of all active options will be sent to the phone. If the “Package of three services” is not indicated in the list, then this is the obvious answer to the question of why the Beeline Internet does not work on the phone.

To remedy the situation, you will need to connect the “Pack of three services”. To do this, you can use:

  • USSD request * 110 * 181 # ;
  • call to number 0674 (use autoinformer hints);
  • contacting the customer service center by number 0611 ;
  • online self-service Personal Area on the operator's website;
  • visit to the nearest Beeline office (take your passport with you).

Authorization is required for the first login to the Personal Account. You can request a password and login via the USSD command * 110 * 9 # . After entering the service, you will need to open the section Service management, find in the list "Package of three services" and click the Connect button. Regardless of the service activation method, the operator will signal the success of the procedure by sending an information message to the subscriber's phone.

Enabling data transfer

Often, the simple answer to the question why the Internet does not work on a Beeline phone is incorrect device system settings. This primarily concerns the inactive data transfer function. You can use the device menu to check that your cellular network settings are correct and make changes if necessary. The algorithm of actions varies depending on the type operating system installed on a smartphone or tablet.

Enable data transfer for Windows Phone

Here you need to select the Settings menu by swiping your finger across the main screen in the direction from left to right. Next, you need to find the Data transfer item and check the position of the option switch. If it is disabled, activate.

Please note that on some Samsung, Nokia, HTC models with Windows Phone operating system, the Data transfer option is called Mobile networks.

Activate data transfer on Android

The variability of the Android operating system has led to the fact that in different versions and different manufacturers menu items with the same functionality differ in names. The Data Transfer option is no exception. In addition to the standard name Data transfer, it can be listed in the menu as, for example, Cellular network settings or data usage. In any case, the semantic load of the name is always preserved. To access the option and set the switch to the active position, it is enough to select the Settings icon on the application screen.

Turn on data transfer for iOS devices

The same "mess" in the names of menu sub-items is typical for iPhon and iPad of various versions. After entering the Settings section, the user needs to look for the Data transfer option under the name Cellular data, Cellular or Network. Some variations of IOS, especially earlier versions, provide a more complicated path: Settings , General , Network . In any case, it is important to set the option slider to the working position.

It is important to remember that even by connecting the "Pack of three services" and activating the option Data transfer, you may not get an active Internet connection until you reboot the device. Often, the changes you make take effect only after you restart the operating system.

Limit overrun

An important and very common reason why the Beeline Internet does not work on a phone or tablet is the early exhaustion of the traffic quota provided for tariff plan. To quickly control the current balance of a megabyte package, you can use:

  • USSD requests * 102 # or *107# ;
  • call to number 0697 ;
  • voice menu 06745 ;
  • Personal account on the site (section And you also have).

In a situation where there is early use of traffic, the subscriber has to wait for the start of a new reporting period or connect additional package Internet, for example, using the service Extend speed 1GB for 250 rub. per month. To activate, use the USSD command * 115 * 121 # or call a special number 067 40 93 221 .

Please note that the premature exhaustion of quotas is also relevant for subscribers who are interested in the question of why the Internet is slow on a Beeline phone with unlimited. The answer here is very simple.

In fact, the provider offers conditionally unlimited Internet on high speed. If a subscriber actively uses traffic for downloading applications, watching videos, online games, etc., he can very quickly use up the monthly quota preset for the tariff and use the Internet at a limited speed until the start of the new reporting period.

Why the Beeline Internet does not work well on the phone

There are a number of additional reasons that affect the speed or the ability to obtain a high-quality Internet connection:

  • heavy rainfall and wind;
  • dense building density with high-rise buildings;
  • infection of the operating system with viruses;
  • distribution of data through the included torrent client;
  • congestion of the OS registry or cache memory of the device;
  • excessive workload of Beeline transmitting stations in the evening;
  • technical work of the provider.

Pay attention to another important factor that directly affects the quality of the Beeline Internet. Modern devices automatically detect the type of available networks (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE) and try to connect to a more productive one. Such a constant search significantly accelerates the discharge of the battery. Often, sellers choose the type of connection that is optimal for their city, area, region and manually put it in the settings Network mode, thereby saving themselves from the need to constantly recharge the device. If a subscriber with such a phone leaves for a region with a different operator's coverage map, the phone's OS does not automatically reconfigure the network and Internet performance deteriorates significantly.


The site's online assistant hopes that our article on why the Internet is missing or slow on a Beeline phone was useful to you and helped you figure out this problem. Finally, we recall that you can always use the help of an operator specialist in social networks (Facebook, VK, Odnoklassniki) and by calling 0611 .

Be sure to check out the instructional video, which will provide additional answers and help organize the material read.

Video: why the Internet does not work on Beeline

If you still have questions, ask them in the comment line for the article, which is located at the bottom of the web page. We also welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Quite often there is a problem when the Internet does not work well. Why is it so? It seems that nothing foreshadowed trouble, but here you can’t sit on a social network or watch a movie. Let's figure it out.


The first likely problem that can "hit" your computer, and you wonder: "The Internet does not work well why?" is your Internet Service Provider. The thing is that each Internet access service provider uses different advanced technologies in order to "connect" their users. How good are they? Nobody knows. Nevertheless, it is possible to track how the quality of the services provided depends on the "name" of the provider. If your internet is often bad, why should you use your current provider? If the problems recur quite often, it is worth considering if there are any firms that are more suitable for you ...

Bad weather

Sometimes a person may ask the question: "The Internet does not work well why?", And get in response: "Look out the window. See what the weather is like?" And they will answer him quite logically. We are all dependent on the weather to some extent. In the same way, the operation of the Internet quite often depends on it. For example, some wires stretched over street poles will be torn by a tree that falls on them during a hurricane. The signal will stop coming to your computer, and the Internet itself will turn off altogether. Or, for example, in the summer, due to high temperatures, some servers simply "cannot withstand" overheating and begin to fail.

True, if you notice that your network does not work well not only during bad weather, but in general at any time, then you need to think about what else can cause such problems.

Geographical position

Do you have a good ISP and the weather is fine, but the Internet is not working well? Why does it come out like this? Maybe it's your geographic location?

The thing is that depending on where the subscriber is located, the signal is getting worse or better. It depends on where the towers are located, providing the "feed" of the Internet. So, for example, on one street the network can work perfectly and with enviable success, and across the road, on the contrary, as if you are in an open field in some village where you have not even heard of electricity.

If you are wondering why the Internet has become bad, take a good look at all your other equipment. For example, on a television antenna. If the other "gadgets" receive a bad signal, then most likely the problem lies precisely in your location.

Mobile Internet

Quite often you can hear the question: "Why does the Beeline Internet work poorly (MTS, Megafon, Tele2, and so on)?" The answer to it will be simple: because it is the mobile Internet.

If you are used to using a "portable" type of communication with the outside world, then be prepared for the fact that you may experience various failures and interruptions. Especially when the ISP decides to test its equipment or check some "innovation". Also, this can happen when a cellular operator connects a new type of communication. Fortunately, conscientious workers warn about such "gizmos" in advance.

Nevertheless, if you often wonder why the Beeline Internet does not work well, it makes sense to call support or go to the nearest mobile phone store and find out what's wrong. Maybe there was some kind of accident at the station, and you just need to wait a bit. Or maybe you "caught" a virus on your gadget, which slows down the entire system, including connecting to the network...

If you are wondering why the Megafon Internet does not work well, you may not be surprised. As a rule, among all operators, it is famous for slow Internet, but good tariffs for calls. If you plan to use the mobile Internet a lot and often, it is better to choose something else.

Mini routers

In the modern world, various USB modems and mini-routers are gaining more and more development. This is a fairly convenient way to always have access to the Internet from your computer or laptop. Unfortunately, such "things" sometimes do not work well.

The most popular provider providing various models and tariffs for portable routers, is MTS. All of their products have good speed, long and quality work. But why does MTS Internet work badly from time to time? There may be several reasons for this.

The first is hardware failure. This may be a manufacturing defect or a consequence of improper use. In this situation, it makes sense to go to a service center and "inspect" your equipment. If factory faults are found, you can exchange your router for a new one. In the event that poor performance is due to your mishandling, you will have to buy new equipment yourself.

The second reason is work and accidents at the station. We have already talked about them a little higher. Call the MTS service center and find out what happened. True, maybe the network signal is simply bad for you. To understand this, take a look at your router - there is a network identifier light there. If you look at the user manual, then you will find there what color of the "bulb" means good and bad signal. Try to move the router to another place - it also happens that the Internet suddenly appears and continues to work safely.

Old equipment

If you are wondering why the Internet is working very badly, and even with constant disconnections, just think about how long your equipment "serves" you to connect to the World Wide Web. As a rule, a good modem can only work smoothly for about 5 years. If you turn it off for at least 10 minutes from time to time, then the numbers can increase to 8 years.

Thus, the reason bad internet may be the wear of your modem or router. Try to give him a "rest". If you need the Internet 24 hours a day, be prepared for the fact that every 4-5 years you will have to buy new equipment. In addition, it is advisable to buy the same models - you will already be familiar with their settings. And this, of course, will “return” to you the long-awaited “window on the world” several times faster.


Many ISPs are literally flooded with calls and complaints, as well as questions about why the Internet does not work well. Rostelecom, like no one else, is familiar with this problem. After all, quite often it is them who are "sleeped" with such calls.

Poor internet connection can be caused by accidents at stations. This is usually the result of poor-quality equipment, bad weather (we talked about it earlier), or improper treatment of workers. Moreover, no one can avoid all sorts of accidents. Try to be understanding about the situation. First of all, restart your modem. Didn't get a signal? Call and find out from the provider what's the matter. The support team will definitely try to help you.

"Meeting" settings

A frequent question is asked by some users who have connected the Internet from one of the providers: "Why does the Internet work badly?" Megaline, as a rule, quite often faces similar questions from its customers.

Unfortunately, at given operator very often the equipment settings "fly off". Because of this, the signal begins to deteriorate or disappear altogether. Thus, you will not even be able to open a search engine to look for ways to solve a problem on the Internet. If your settings are reset, then reconfigure your equipment.

It may also happen that the signal is simply with one browser or another. Viruses and other failures can be the culprit. So try to change your Internet browser and try to connect to the Internet again. Restart your computer and repeat the steps. Did not help? Then call your ISP. They are also doing well, but do you have high-quality and new equipment? Then, most likely, you "caught" a computer virus that blocks the received signal. Check your computer for various "infections", then cure it and reboot the system. Everything must work.

The Internet on your mobile is more vulnerable to external conditions than laptops and computers. The signal largely depends on 2G and 3G coverage areas, Wi-Fi points, the power of broadcasters, weather conditions and your personal karma. Very often, mobile Internet slows down or even disappears at the most inopportune time. Unfortunate coincidence or should you have a serious talk with your mobile operator?

Let's figure it out!

The main reasons why your Internet may slow down or disappear:

1. Mobile traffic is over, the speed will be reduced until the end of the day.

If you are an active user of the mobile Internet, you have already encountered a similar nuisance.
What to do? There are several options: switch to expensive unlimited tariffs, buy more traffic. In general, the solution in this case is simple - pay money and command speed.

2. Weak Wi-Fi connection signal. You are far from the router or there are too many people using the channel.

What to do? Stop surfing the Internet under the windows of the institution, go inside and order something. And you will be blessed with Wi-Fi.

3. Weak cellular network signal - does not catch 2g / 3g network. Now the 3G coverage of mobile operators is quite small - Kyiv and several other regional centers (Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.).
What to do? Get out of the forest and move to those areas where there is definitely a good signal. For those who are especially patient and stubborn - stock up on groceries and wait until ubiquitous 3G coverage appears in Ukraine.

4. Too many applications. When you close an app, it stays in the background for faster access the next time you access it. Everything would be fine, but some applications also load your Internet channel and eat RAM.
Therefore, use programs that will shut down applications and delete temporary files. For Android - Du Speed ​​Booster, Advanced Task Manager/Killer. IOS closes and freezes background apps on its own. And in general, remove unnecessary applications. They may conflict with each other.

5. Browser "eats too much random access memory". As with apps, you may have installed too many widgets and extensions.
What to do? Remove extensions one by one and find the "saboteur". Or just remove all unnecessary extensions. And the browser will load faster.
Also try changing your browser.

6. Any operational errors, viruses or glitches. If the previous methods did not help, you may have picked up some kind of virus or glitch.
What to do? Take it to a service center or a specialist, they will help you.

7. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let's say you're trying to get online at lunchtime. IN mall. Sitting in the food court area. It's not like the mobile Internet, here even Wi-Fi is hidden and does not shine.
What to do? Remember that you just have to find a slightly less densely populated room. In general, get out of crowded places and pick up a signal.

Mobile traffic volumes are growing faster than operators have time to build networks.

Mobile traffic is generally consumed very unevenly. If you can reply to a message or check a map on the run, then watching a video or working with applications is much more convenient in a relaxed sitting state. On average, 70 to 80% of mobile traffic is generated indoors.

2 magical ways to get internet speed back
(in addition to the above)

1. Turn off your internet connection and then turn it back on. Doesn't help - restart your phone. This magical procedure has a calming effect on the body and really helps in some cases. If it doesn't help, breathe a sigh of relief - you did everything you could. The problem is not with you, but with technology or the injustice of the world.

2. Go to and check the speed of the Internet using the mobile version of the SpeedTest service. You will immediately understand where the problem is - no connection, problems in the network or inside your phone. If you are not satisfied with the speed obtained from the test, contact your ISP and ask for help or demand an explanation.
I wish you stable mobile Internet and good mood.

The article describes the reasons why the Internet may not work well on various devices.


In this review, we will explore the reasons why the Internet can be slow and unstable. All such causes can be both common and quite rare. We will also analyze why, with a fast Internet speed, it is slow to work via Wi-Fi on various devices (computers, phones, iPhones, tablets running " Android", iPad).

With a slow Internet speed (or its complete absence), users most often blame their provider for this, whether it be “ Megaphone», « Rostelecom», « Tele 2», « Beeline», « Yota», « MTS" and others. But providers, in turn, often put the blame on viruses, frayed cables, incorrect connections, and so on.

But slowing down the Internet speed can depend on very a large number reasons, most of which are not particularly difficult to identify and resolve.

For example, it is known that from seven to eleven in the evening, the speed of the Internet can be greatly reduced at any provider and on any device connected via Wi-Fi, modem or cable. Such a decrease is possible even when a fairly fast Internet is connected, and this is due to server overload, since at this time a huge number of users are concentrated on the Internet, especially those who like to watch videos or download large files.

Testing the speed of the Internet

To solve the described problem, let's start by trying to find out the speed of our Internet. You can determine the speed of the Internet on various resources, for example, for computers, for iPhones, for devices on " Android". Before doing this, you will need to restart your computer, iPhone, tablet, iPad, laptop or phone.

Why is it slow at good speed WiFi internet on an Android phone, tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

Then it will be very useful to upload torrent programs, download programs and other similar software. It's best to close everything open programs and browser windows. If you have Wi-Fi and a computer, it is advisable to connect the cable directly to the computer.

You need to check the speed several times and compare all the results. They should not differ much from each other. If you find that the Internet speed you have determined is much lower than declared by the provider, then resort to the instructions below.

Standard Solutions for Slow Internet Problems

We list the standard methods for eliminating the causes of slow Internet operation:

  • Reboot your device that you connect to the Internet (phone, laptop, tablet, iPhone, etc.). It really can solve the problem, and more than one.
  • Download all programs for downloading files from the Internet: torrents, " Download Master" etc. etc. If these programs are loaded when you turn on your device, then disable their autoload in the settings (for example, uncheck the box next to the item like " Enable with "Windows»).
  • If at fast internet its speed decreases when connected via Wi-Fi, then turn off and on the latter. This also solves the problem. Often it is even possible that the Internet does not work at all. But when you turn off Wi-Fi and turn it back on after a minute, the Internet starts working as usual.
  • By the way, it will not hurt you to also remember if you paid for the Internet this month.
  • When working with mobile operatorsMegaphone», « Rostelecom», « Tele 2», « Beeline», « Yota», « MTS”), you may encounter a phenomenon such as the termination of Internet traffic. In this case, the Internet speed is also greatly reduced. Extend your traffic, or switch to another more profitable one.
  • It also doesn't hurt to call your ISP and report your problem. The fact is that the provider may have an accident (maybe the Internet cable that was led to your apartment was cut off somewhere on the street, on the roof, etc.) or preventive work is being carried out. In any case, expert advice will not hurt you.
  • If you connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and have not set a password on it, then all neighbors can connect to your Internet, and who is not too lazy, and who lives in the coverage area of ​​​​your router. In this case, overloads are not excluded, and, consequently, the slow speed of the Internet. Always set a password to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

If all the above measures did not help you, then read the article further.

Internet slow due to incorrect network settings

It is possible that when connecting to the Internet, the network settings were configured incorrectly. To fix this problem on your computer, follow the steps shown in the screenshots:

  • Go to " Control Panel»

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Next, you will need to go to your network settings.

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Then in the left column, click on " Change adapter settings»

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • You will be taken to the folder where all your connections are located. By default it will be " Connection via local network ". Click on it with the right mouse button and then in the window that opens, click on the item " Properties».

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Then just follow the steps shown in the screenshots

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

Slow internet due to antivirus

Sometimes this or that antivirus program can interfere with the operation of the Internet. Antivirus can also block visits to many legal sites that you need. Also, the operation of two antiviruses simultaneously on one computer can affect the operation of the entire computer as a whole. You should either learn how to use your antivirus and understand its settings, or you should install a simpler antivirus.

Internet slowness due to browser cache overflow

When you use any browser, all the information from the Internet that you see on your monitor screen is first downloaded to the computer in the cache folder of this browser. The weight of the cache is gradually increasing, which can affect the operation of the Internet and reduce its speed. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clear the cache. Consider how this is done using the example of the two most popular browsers.

« Mozilla Firefox»:

  • Go to settings " Mozilla»

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Select the item " Additional” and further - in the subparagraph “ Net»

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Next, click on the button " Clear Now" as shown in the screenshot

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

« Google Chrome»:

  • We go to the browser settings and then in the window that opens, click on the item " Settings»

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Then in the section Settings» scroll down the page and click on « Show advanced settings».

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Again, scroll down the page a little and under the section " Personal data» press the button « Clear the history».

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

  • Next, in the window that opens, select all the necessary items (which files and for how long you need to delete) and click on " Clear the history».

Why does Wi-Fi Internet work slowly at a good speed on a phone, Android tablet, iPhone, iPad, computer Why the Internet has become slower to load reasons

Internet slow due to Wi-Fi issues

Several sub-items of our review were devoted to working with a computer, now let's talk about Internet problems that may arise if you connect your gadgets to the World Wide Web through a router.

We have already explained above that one of the solutions in this situation would be to turn off and WiFi connection. Also, one of the reasons for the low speed of the Internet here can be the connection to Wi-Fi at the same time of many different devices: iPhone, phone, iPad, tablet, computer. Maybe guests came to you and everyone rushed to the Internet.

In this case, try disconnecting all these gadgets from Wi-Fi and connecting them again only one at a time. It is possible that if one / two devices work with Wi-Fi, then the Internet speed will increase again.

But also communication problems are not ruled out here due to the fact that the router is located in the wrong place. Try to carefully move your Wi-Fi from place to place and test the speed of the Internet in the way indicated above.

Video: WiFi router not working well? Fixing it!