Psychological exercises in the group. List of psychological trainings, psychological seminars, psychotherapeutic groups

To work on yourself, you do not always need to contact a psychologist. In some cases, it is enough to use special exercises. They are effective if you need to restore faith in your own strength. Not to give in to despondency in a difficult situation can be difficult. The goal may be to restore mental form, mental clarity. Such classes are quite simple, interesting and effective. Therefore, a good psychological exercise allows you to very quickly set yourself in the right direction.

How to get rid of stress

Quite interesting and simple is the exercise "Balloon". The task is done mentally. It consists in imagining a balloon that inflates with each breath. After increasing it, you should hold your breath for 30 seconds. This psychological exercise should be repeated 5-6 times.

You can put your hands on your knees. After that, you should relax by closing your eyes. In the right hand, you need to imagine a lemon, and then squeeze the juice out of it completely. The same must be done for the left hand. Moreover, it is not difficult to imagine it at all. Then you should repeat the movement simultaneously with both hands.

The psychological exercise "Seven Candles" is performed while sitting. You should sit comfortably with your eyes closed. After that, you need to imagine seven burning candles. You should take a deep breath. Then, imagining a candle, blow it out. The same steps must be repeated with the remaining candles.

Exercise "Fly" will help get rid of facial tension. To do this, you need to close your eyes and imagine that now a fly will sit on your face. It is annoying and constantly falls on different parts of the skin. That is, the insect has to be driven away. You should not open your eyes.

If you imagine a lamp at chest level, this also improves well-being. If the lighting is directed downwards, this is associated with a comfortable feeling. Then the lamp begins to shine upwards, blinding the eyes. You should direct it downward in your thoughts.

Increase self-esteem

With the help of simple exercises, it is easy to raise self-esteem. These can be psychological exercises for trainings and those that you can do on your own. It is necessary to identify the qualities on which work will be carried out. To this end, it is preferable to take an ordinary piece of paper and list on it the positive character traits that need to be strengthened. You should refer to this list daily, working on these traits.

But in the evening you do not need to be sad or engage in self-flagellation. You should make a list of even small victories. The list should include even minor achievements. Here every victory has great value. This task is very effective for

Exercise can be done as daily work with affirmations. It is necessary to single out a positive attitude for yourself and engage in reading it in the morning. This approach helps a lot to improve the situation during the day. If something does not work out, then you just need to remember the morning setting and repeat it. You should also read books written by successful people. For example, "The richest man in Babylon" by J. Clason, "The subconscious mind can do everything" by J. Kehoe and others.

Do not assume that the use of such exercises will allow you to quickly achieve clear results. It all depends on perseverance and faith in one's own strength. If you move in stages, then gradually it will get better.

Psychological exercises for the group

Classes in a team, which can be formed from several people, are quite effective. Psychological exercises (group) are aimed at simultaneous work with several participants. Best of all, such classes help to establish communication difficulties.

A rather popular problem is the following: a person feels different from everyone else. Because of this, a feeling of inner discomfort develops in him. He also begins to experience loneliness, believes that others do not understand him. In this case, a certain psychological exercise helps.

Its purpose is to show the individuality of each of those present. To do this, distribute a napkin to all participants. Then a series of actions should be carried out on the remaining participants:

  • Fold the sheet in half.
  • Open top right corner.
  • Fold the paper in half again.
  • Repeat the action with the corner.
  • Do the same for the third time.
  • Repeat all 4 times.

After that, each participant needs to unfold the sheet and show a snowflake. Participants compare the images obtained by bending with each other. And what is remarkable here is that the same instruction was originally used. In this case, different snowflakes were obtained. This is how the best psychological exercises work. They are unobtrusive and revealing. The considered training clearly demonstrates the manifestation of the individuality of each participant.

Improving family relationships

A family in which there is no mutual understanding between children and parents is not happy. You should be able to agree, explain and defend your point of view. At the same time, it is extremely important to act tactfully and not offend anyone with your behavior. In order to understand each other as best as possible, you should also pay attention to psychological exercises for children and adults.

One of good examples is the glass door exercise. For its implementation, you need to imagine a subway car. As if one participant managed to enter it, and the other did not. Between them arose glass doors, which prevent hearing, but retain visibility. And now the person who remained on the platform wants to tell his comrade about where the next meeting will take place. Time to talk - 15 seconds, because after that the train leaves.

During the exercise, participants should position themselves at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After that, they need to spend 15 seconds to agree on a meeting place and time. Then the train leaves, and the man left on the platform talks about whether he understood his partner.

Psychological exercises for training at home can involve more people than in a couple. Thus, the father could stay on the platform, and the mother and son could leave. Or the daughter is alone in the car, and mom and dad agree with her about the meeting place. This exercise should be repeated several times. The more options you come up with, the better.

Exercises for the little ones

Children like to search for a hidden object by doing the appropriate psychological exercise. To do this, place something in the room and blindfold the child. Then commands should be given aloud as to how to move around the room. They can sound like this: "Take a step to the right, turn around, sit down." And after finding the item, it's good to change the roles.

As a debriefing, you should discuss with the child the complexity of the exercise. What was easier to do - listen to orders or command?

The game "Crocodile" is very popular. One participant, using facial expressions and gestures, explains a word to everyone. It can be any noun or set expression. It can be abstract or concrete. The solver of the riddle correctly asks next question.

Sociability exercises

If you have problems with communication skills, you also need to turn to a number of exercises. This is not at all difficult to do at home, but it is best to do it in a group. When conducting various kinds of trainings, various socio-psychological exercises are used. The success of the training group is to improve the ability of the individual to interpersonal interaction.

These exercises are designed to:

  1. Learn to accept yourself and others.
  2. Get a number of socio-psychological knowledge.
  3. Understand each other's messages better.
  4. Feel your own involvement in situations that arise.
  5. Understand the characteristics of interpersonal communication.

Examples of exercises for training

The “Snowball” exercise helps a little to defuse the situation at the beginning of any training. It consists in the fact that each of the participants alternately called his name and an epithet to it. But the adjective must begin with the first letter of the name. It can be Andrey Adequate, Sergey Serious, Daria Dobraya and others. Thus, those present get the first impression of new acquaintances. And, importantly, the psychological exercise allows you to defuse the atmosphere and form the first contacts between the participants. 10 minutes are allotted for the exercise.

There is another exercise called "Compliment". For its implementation, you need to divide into pairs of all those present. After that, each of them should introduce themselves to the partner, saying a compliment to him. The other person repeats this action. Then the couples should switch. But already another partner should name the last compliment he heard. The game should be continued until the participants are fully acquainted with each other. The exercise takes 7 minutes.

Options for Parents

Every adult is faced with large quantity issues that need to be resolved. This applies to work activities, problems in personal life, difficulties with raising children, material issues.

To improve life, you need to take responsibility for everything that happens around you. It is not anyone who is to blame, but the person with whom events that do not suit him occur. Therefore, you need to realize the importance of your influence on what is happening. After that, you can do simple psychological exercises for parents.

You have to imagine that the whole family is a very small company. And for its success it is necessary to behave by analogy with entrepreneurs. It is necessary to set goals, engage in planning, manage employees, analyze activities, distribute responsibilities. But you should not equate the family with something productive, for example, an enterprise engaged in raising children.

Now you need to describe the ideal family in your mind. You should reflect on the general state of family affairs. It is necessary to identify and record the moments in which parents manage to manage what is happening. All force majeure situations should also be noted. Thus, all weaknesses of the company become revealed.

Another exercise for parents

During the day, you should write down all the complaints that arise. You also need to pay attention to the accusations of other people. Such psychological exercises are very effective. Often we do not even suspect how much energy we spend on blaming others for our troubles.

After something similar arises in your head, you need to pay attention to this thought. All inferences like “It happened because he did it this way” should be replaced with “What can I do to make the situation better?”. You need to work on yourself for three weeks. The reward will be the habit of taking responsibility for everything that happens in your own life.

If the difficulty in solving life problems continues to be felt, then you need to perceive everything as new task for creativity. It should be realized that everything that happens is an experiment. It is also necessary to work on finding new solutions, to use your imagination. After all, such an approach to business is very interesting in comparison with the one that involves going with the flow.

An exercise to improve family relationships

Now you need to decide on dreams and desires. Perhaps the wife believes that first of all, you need to take care of acquiring good home. The husband, however, may believe that education for children is of great importance. Practical psychological exercises also include a discussion of the material side of the issue. The qualities that you want to see in your family are also essential. Moreover, it is very important that spouses respect each other.

At this stage, you need to arrange an evening of dreams. It consists in telling each other your ideas about the ideal family. In this case, the husband and wife must be mutually frank. It is very important here to think about personal growth, giving importance to children. How do you see your relationship with them in years to come? As reference periods, you can choose 5, 10, 20 years.

Simple psychological exercises can often achieve significant results. To do this, you need to make quite a bit of effort and patience. Perhaps a stress-free life is an achievable goal. So why do we often ignore ordinary techniques that do not require additional costs to implement? After all better situation to foresee or address the problem at the very beginning than to subsequently seek the help of a specialist.

Many do not know or do not understand the very meaning of the word training. So what is training? Translated from English, it means education, teaching, and in the classroom, training takes place as a training of knowledge and skills. Training is a kind of active learning, during which certain knowledge and skills are developed not only in theory, but also supported by practical exercises and games.

There are a lot of exercises, and each simulates a real life situation. They can be divided into types: communicative - for teamwork; correctional - aimed at correcting behavior, envy, greed, fears; psychotechnical - the direction of psychology; pedagogical - for teachers; developing - for the development of memory, imagination, attention, and others personal qualities; games and entertainment - for primary school age and teenagers.

Trainings are individual, group and corporate, their final result aimed at solving a problem and achieving a goal. The very first founder of training was Dale Carnegie. Now they become a part modern society, especially actively they are carried out for their employees by different companies.

Not a single training session is complete without training exercises, and especially psychological exercises stand out which help to understand oneself, identify one's strengths and weaknesses, and also teach to understand others, to become more successful, happier. These exercises are varied and aimed at developing different qualities, so the specialists of the training portal have developed the main psychological exercises:

These are the main and well-known psychological exercises for training, but there are also some fun exercises:

training games

In addition to psychological and interesting exercises, there are also training games. Games are mainly intended for children of primary school age to make it easier for the child to survive the transition from kindergarten to school. Training games will teach communication skills, sociability, how to behave in different situations prepare for a more adult life. There are also warm-up games that should be held at the beginning of the training, so that it would be easier for the participants to tune in to the main lesson. There are quite a few warm-up games, but the main ones can be singled out: “acquaintance” - a game for getting to know the group with each other; team building games; role-playing games; psychological games; business games.

The choice of exercises, or games, training methods depends on the goal set before the lesson. For example, if this group gathered in order to learn how to work as a team, then both exercises and games will develop for team building. The correct selection of the teaching method contributes to the rapid memorization of the material, and its use in a life situation. In general, anyone who wants to achieve personal growth, develop different qualities, achieve certain goals in life, should be engaged in training.

Cotton on the knees


Participants, sitting in a circle, put their hands on the knees of their neighbors so that the right hand of each is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After that, they are invited to count in a circle clockwise in such a way that the numbers are pronounced in the order corresponding to the location of the hands on their knees: the one who starts says “one”, the neighbor on the right says “two” (since his hand lies in the order of the next ), the neighbor on the left is “three”, and “four” is again the one who started the count, etc. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game. The counting continues until about half of the players are out of the game. As a complication, you can invite participants to count backwards or add or subtract one from each subsequent number.

The meaning of the exercise

The exercise serves as a good intellectual warm-up, develops mindfulness, creates conditions for observing communication partners.


A long discussion is not required, a short exchange of impressions is enough.

rock climber


Participants stand in a tight line, creating a "rock" on which protrusions ("snags") stick out, formed from the exposed arms and legs of the participants, bodies tilted forward. The driver’s task is to walk along this “rock” without falling into the “chasm”, that is, without putting his foot outside the line formed by the feet of the other participants. The driver himself chooses a way to solve this problem. You can't talk. It is most convenient to organize the exercise in the form of a chain - participants from one end of the "rock" alternately make their way to the other, where they again "embed" into it.

The meaning of the exercise

Formation of trust, breaking of spatial and psychological barriers between participants. In addition, the exercise works to develop non-verbal communication skills (communication without the help of words through gestures, facial expressions, etc.) and coordination of joint actions. Physical and emotional warm-up.


Exchange of emotions that have arisen during the game. What feelings did the leaders and the components of the “rock” have when performing this exercise? What helped and what hindered the task?

living mirror


Participants are grouped into threes. The music turns on, and one person from each trio begins to make any movements that he wants to it. Two other participants act as a "living mirror" - they repeat all his movements (1.5-2 minutes).

Then the roles change, so that each of the participants has been in an active position.

The meaning of the exercise

Warm-up, rallying, creating conditions for a more complete understanding and getting feedback- the ability to look at your movements "from the outside", through the eyes of other people.


What emotions and feelings arose during the exercise? What new did you manage to learn about yourself and about those with whom you were in the top three?

magic key


For the exercise you will need a lock key and a long thin rope (the length is determined at the rate of 1.5 m per participant).


Participants sitting in a circle are given a lock key to which a long rope is tied, and it is proposed to pass this rope under the clothes of each of the participants so that it enters under the clothes from above, at the level of the collar, and exits from below, at the level of the belt. Thus, the whole group is connected. Then you can invite the participants to collectively perform several simple exercise(get up, lean forward, sit down, etc.).

When the exercise is completed, it is advisable to leave the key in the field of view of the participants as a kind of symbol of the group: “With the help of this key, we were connected by one thread. Let it hang in a conspicuous place and remind us that now we are one team.

The meaning of the exercise

Team building, which is largely symbolic (“we are now connected by one thread”). Removal of spatial and psychological barriers between participants.


The exchange of emotions that arose during the exercise, and also considerations in which life situations the participants dig in "connected by one thread."

Effective Communication Exercises

relay race with balls


Four inflated balloons(better if there are also a few spares).


Participants are divided into 3-4 equal teams, including an even number of participants (for the possibility of working in pairs). A relay race is held between them according to the following rules: the first pair from each team receives a balloon, with which they must travel the distance (6-10 m), hit the intended target (approximately 50 x 50 cm) and return back. At the same time, you cannot take the ball in your hands, it must be in the air all the time, and partners are allowed to touch it strictly alternately. Then the ball is passed to the next pair from his team, and so on, until he visits each pair. The team that completes the relay faster wins. As a variant of the exercise, the ball is clamped by two participants between themselves in any way, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. The pair that dropped the ball starts from the beginning of the race.

The meaning of the exercise

Establishing mutual understanding in pairs. Developing the ability to act in a coordinated manner with partners, quickly, decisively and deftly.


What emotions arose during the game? What qualities, besides dexterity, are required to achieve victory in such a relay race? Where else are these qualities needed?



Each participant receives a sheet of paper and writes on it the answer to the presenter's question, after which he folds the sheet so that his answer is not visible, and passes it on to his right neighbor. He answers the next question of the presenter in writing, folds the sheet again, passes it on, etc. When the questions are over, each participant unfolds the sheet that is in his hands and reads the answers written on it aloud, like a coherent text.

Sample list of questions:



With whom?

What did you do?

How did it happen?

What do you remember?

And what happened in the end?

The meaning of the exercise

Outwardly, the exercise resembles a joke, but the resulting texts sometimes turn out to be quite unexpected and make you think about the problems that are significant for the participants.


There is usually no need to discuss this procedure in detail. It is enough to ask the participants to express which of the resulting texts seemed to them the most interesting and why.

Group Spmpathy


Each of the participants gets a minute of time to speak to the group. The performance is carried out in any form - it can be oral speech, a small acting role, a demonstration of any sports skills, etc. There is only one task - to arouse the sympathy of the group with the help of this performance. Then each participant evaluates the performances with points from 1 to 5, describing how much the participant aroused his sympathy.

This is done in writing, on small pieces of paper. When all performances are completed, the facilitator collects these sheets and calculates the sum of points scored by each speaker, and names 3-5 participants who scored the highest score. It is not recommended to fully voice the list, as this may be uncomfortable; for participants who scored insufficiently high scores.

The meaning of the exercise

Training of self-presentation skills, development of speech competence, training of quick wit. Material for discussion, what are our likes and dislikes in a relationship.


What is the meaning of the word "sympathy"? What do the most highly rated performances have in common?

Guess the rhyme


The participants are divided into two teams. The host pronounces a word from among the common ones in Russian, to which it is easy to pick up a lot of rhymes (for example, you can use: house, nose, day, soup, ice, goal, may). One team comes up with three rhymes for him.

Their task is to demonstrate these rhymes to the other team in such a way that they can guess them. At the same time, it is impossible to speak or point at surrounding objects, you need to demonstrate words only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Then the leader pronounces the next word, the teams change roles, and the game is repeated (total duration 4-6 rounds). There is no formal definition of winners in this game, but the players can be explained that the team that spends less time choosing rhymes and inventing how to demonstrate them, as well as those whose rhymes are more quickly guessed by rivals, is more effective.

The meaning of the exercise

Non-verbal expression develops (the ability to express one's thoughts and states through facial expressions and gestures, without the help of words), observation and the ability to understand interlocutors based on their facial expressions and gestures. Training fluency and flexibility in speaking (the ability to quickly select rhymes is closely related to these qualities).


Who liked the role of inventing and demonstrating rhymes more, and who guessed why? What variants of the proposed rhymes and ways of demonstrating them were remembered, seemed the most interesting, what exactly? Why is it important to be able to convey certain information without the help of words, and also to understand such information transmitted by other people?

On our website, we tried to collect (and this work has just begun!) All the most interesting psychological trainings and psychological games, all psychological exercises that are sold to people for money by certified (and not very))) trainers.

Of course, there are such complex psychological exercises that are best done in a team with experienced psychologists who lead good psychological trainings proven and really beneficial.

But there are such trainings in psychology that everyone can do on their own. You are required (in rare cases) only to assemble a team of like-minded people. Because a round dance, for example, alone, whatever one may say, cannot be performed.

Our materials will be especially useful for teachers and social workers, in the event that they work with an adequate, motivated audience.

Indeed, people spend a lot of money for psychological trainings, so when they come to them and receive the task to perform this or that psychological exercise or play a psychological game, they work seriously.

What about pupils and students? It is not always possible to explain to them that "this is for their own good." After all, they did not pay huge money to get to a three-day seminar that would not come to their city for another five years.

Only that which is valuable is valued. Therefore, it is possible to conduct psychological games, psychological trainings and psychological exercises only in the group that does not need to be explained why it has gathered here ...

If you have the opportunity to play in such an atmosphere, then I congratulate you. Not? So it's not time yet. Perform those psychological exercises that are designed for pair or individual work.

I have already said that our site will be updated with fresh materials dedicated to scenarios and explanations of various kinds of psychological games, psychological trainings and psychological exercises.

These are the psychological exercises and games that have already appeared on our website.

Each of us has several memories of ourselves - very happy. We present them as an excerpt from a movie, with all the details, and we see ourselves in them as if from the outside.

Living memories of certain moments of life are called in psychology - "a resource of happiness."

You can and should travel to these resources of happiness. painted - how and why. Difficult at first glance. But it turns out great when it does. The forgotten path to happiness is returning. You understand at what point you lost your way and you return exactly to that moment.

If you have never done visualization, then start at least with this psychological exercise:. Then the first one will be easier.

And this is a psychological exercise from body-oriented therapy "?". Recomend for everybody.

For those who are giving a lecture on what PROJECTION is, this exercise is ideal as an introduction to this lecture.

And this psychological game is also suitable for those who want to engage in an intellectual game a small group of friendly-minded people who are not alien to intellectual pastime. (The game is simple, don't let the expression "mind games" scare you!)

Psychological exercise for working in pairs "". One of my favorite psychological games, much more useful than sea ​​battle or tic-tac-toe, but it looks similar ...

Training for the formation of communicative skills and abilities. Formation corporate culture. The program of preparation of children for school. Conflict training program. Achievement motivation training program. The program of a fairly popular team building training, consisting of psychophysical exercises. List of literature on the theme of psychological trainings. Providing an opportunity for training participants to gain experience in constructive conflict resolution. The purpose of the course is to help a teenager to understand the problem of drug addiction and to develop in him the skills of protective behavior. School preparation program: general development, the ability to voluntarily manage oneself, the formation of motives that encourage learning. Teaching knowledge, skills and self-presentation skills. Help participants to overcome feelings of loneliness, teaching ways to resist it. Creation of conditions for personal growth of teenagers. Achieving a steady increase in the level of motivation to achieve success and a decrease in the level of motivation to avoid failure among the participants of the training. Development of skills of confident behavior and self-regulation. Comprehensive analysis of strengths and weaknesses participant's identity. Mastering psychotechnical techniques aimed at creating a positive image of "I". Formation and development of the attitude towards self-knowledge and self-development. Mastering the skills of practical self-knowledge. Development of personally significant qualities: professional reflection, empathy, criticality and flexibility of attitudes. Overcoming psychological barriers that prevent full self-expression. Expanding the possibilities of establishing contact in various situations of communication. Developing the skills of understanding other people. Mastering the skills of effective listening. Activation of the process of self-knowledge and self-actualization. Expanding the range of creativity. Definition of the mission of the organization, basic values. Formulation of standards of conduct for members of the organization. Formation of traditions of the organization. Development of symbols.