Project about an apron on technology. Creative project "Young hostess" (apron and pot holder for cooking)

The sequence of the project: Justify the problem and need. Justify the problem and need. Choose a model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Select the model. Write a description of the appearance of the model. Choose a fabric. Choose a fabric. Choose necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment. Perform product design and simulation.Perform product design and simulation. Carry out the cutting of the product. Carry out the cutting of the product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Compose a technological sequence for manufacturing a product. Calculate the cost of the product. Calculate the cost of the product. Rate the work done. Rate the work done. Protect the project. Protect the project.

Model 4. Linen apron with one-piece bib and pockets in embossed seams. Appliqués are available as trim on the pockets and bib. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model 5. Printed cotton apron with soft pleats at the top, insert pockets in trim fabric. The upper section is processed with a stitched belt, the lower seam is folded with a closed section. The model is recommended for practical training in technology lessons

Model selection. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Select a model. From the models of aprons I drew, I chose model 5. This apron has roomy pockets, it will be convenient to work in it during practical classes in technology. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored. Choice of fabric. To make an apron, I chose chintz cotton fabric: as the main one with a printed pattern, as a finishing one-colored.

« creative project according to Apron technology Designer - Anastasia The Hague, 5th grade student of Kolominogrivskaya Secondary School Project Manager...»

MOU Kolominogrivskaya secondary school

Creative project on technology

Designer - Anastasia Gaag,

5th grade student

MOU Kolominogrivskaya secondary school

Project manager – Danchenko L.V.

technology teacher II category

1. Justification of the problem and need………………………………………………..3

2. The sequence of the project…………………………………………….4

3.Asterisk of deliberation………………………………………………………………...4

4.Historical reference ……………………………………………………………..…5-7

5.Bank of ideas and suggestions……………………………………………………….....8-9 6..Choice of fabric…………………………… ……………………………………………...ten

7.Rules of modeling and combination of colors………………………………………...11

8. Choice of equipment, tools and fixtures…………………………………………………………12

9. Manufacturing technology Construction of an apron pattern…………………………

10.Technological map…………………………………………………………...15-20

11. Labor protection …………………………………………………………………..21-22

12.Economic and environmental assessment ………………………………………...23


15. Literature………………………………………………………………………….25

2I. Justification of the problem and need In our house there is a room in which the whole family gathers every day - this is the kitchen. When my mother prepares breakfast, lunch or dinner, I try to help her.

Helping her, I can stain the clothes. An apron is needed to keep clothes clean. Mom has an apron, but I don’t have one yet, so I decided to sew it myself. I want to sew an apron correctly and neatly, and in the future I want to learn how to sew other clothes.

Knowledge of the subjects of the Russian language, mathematics, drawing, computer science, technology will help me to correctly fulfill my goal: to complete the Apron project. In the process, I will also use additional books on making an apron.

In order to sew an apron, I will need: fabric, thread, scissors, a needle and a sewing machine.

In the course of the project work, I set myself the following goals and objectives:

assess their capabilities in the field of project activities;

develop and implement a project;

1. What is an apron?

2. When did the first aprons appear?

3. what were they like before?

explore fabrics for sewing an apron;

describe the process of making an apron;

sew an apron;

evaluate the work done;

protect the project.

3II. Project execution sequence:

1. Justify the problem and need.

2.Select a model. Write a description of the appearance of the model.

3. Choose a fabric.

4. Select the necessary tools, fixtures and equipment.

5. Perform the design and modeling of the product.

6. Perform cutting of the product.

7. Draw up a technological sequence for manufacturing a product.

9. Evaluate the work done.

10. Protect the project III. Asterisk of Ponder

–  –  –

An apron (or apron) is a widespread and almost unchanged part of clothing from ancient times to the present day. Its history begins with ancient egypt. Already in the early period of the existence of this country, men, consisting of public service, and used primitive drapery.

It was attached in front to a belt, which was a narrow strip of leather or connected (woven) reed stems.

Over time, the apron has become a ubiquitous type of clothing. It was a piece of fabric, the middle part of which, gathered into folds, was applied to the body from the front, the rest was wrapped around the body and fastened with a free end tucked into the middle part. The apron was held with a belt. The middle part of it had a trapezoid, triangular or fan-shaped shape.

This piece of clothing played a very important role in the ceremonial attire of the rulers, as evidenced by numerous monuments.

The apron was also part of the clothing of other ancient Eastern peoples.

So, for example, it was widespread in Western Asia.

From the East, the apron "migrated" to Europe. In Crete and Mycenae in the Bronze Age (XIX-XVIII centuries BC), men wore a wide leather belt, with which an apron was attached around the hips. It was worn in such a way that it fell at an angle in front, and its vertical edge ran obliquely from the hip to the knee of the other leg. The fabric of the apron was decorated with a woven color pattern.

And it is also known that in ancient Greece, men at first also wore an apron tied around their hips, and over it they put on horseradish (a large woolen scarf). Later, the apron was tied over the tunic.

The apron was a characteristic accessory of men's clothing among the Etruscans.

In appearance, it resembled Cretan, but it was worn over a blouse with sleeves. And among the Romans, the apron is known only as part of the clothing of the priests, soldiers of some auxiliary types of troops and gladiators.

Since the Middle Ages, the apron has practically become an almost permanent accessory to work clothes. Casual dress during work should be covered with something. The apron was worn by blacksmiths, shoemakers, cooks... Workshop craftsmen considered the apron an integral part of their professional clothing.

The women's apron eventually became the accessory of a married woman's toilet. In the XVI century. two aprons made up a skirt. He also adorned the wives of eminent citizens. In Germany, burgher wives wore aprons (white or colored), sometimes even double (front and back).

The apron periodically comes into fashion among the upper strata of the population.

French women during the reign of Louis XIV (1660-1710) at home and on a walk tied a small apron with a rich trim around the edge. Sometimes,

True, wanting to pay tribute to fashion, women did not at all think about how comical it looks. Following the example of the city nobility, peasant girls began to embroider and decorate their aprons in every possible way. Cunning for fiction, European fashion invented several types of aprons for different occasions. So, for example, a self-respecting European woman, when she went to the table, was obliged to cover her dress with a large napkin. So there was a special apron - table (from the French word "table"). Another type of apron with a similar name is the tablion, but completely different in purpose.

This is an apron for special occasions, sewn to the front and back of the cloak. It was borrowed from ceremonial Byzantine clothing and for the emperor was made of silk brocade with a pattern, and for the courtiers it was made of smooth, one-color matter, but then he got used to the new role of a fashion accessory.

Over time, the apron became part of the festive folk costume. In some areas of Germany, a wide apron was worn only on especially solemn occasions. In Moldavia hallmark folk clothes were two aprons, covering the body in front and behind, not converging on the sides, with a rich color pattern.

The traditional Russian apron was made of checkered homespun fabric with trimmed edges and red ties. In the North, the apron was embroidered and could have sleeves.

An apron of the late 19th century is interesting. from the city of Kargopol, Olonets province.

The intricate patterns embroidered on it are nothing but ancient agricultural calendars. Six petals and six sprouts of the circle designate 12 months, and the conditional icons outside are the most important milestones of the annual circle of field work. Similar calendars were also embroidered on the hem of shirts and towels. You can understand how they valued these things, carefully passing them from generation to generation by inheritance. It is characteristic that in some regions of Russia (for example, in Transbaikalia), the traditional apron was preserved as part of the festive attire until the middle of the last century.

During the First World War, the apron proved to be an indispensable part of clothing. Many women had to do men's work: they became road workers, mechanics, and so on. At this time, the "maid's clothes" apron turns into a work women's clothing.

Perhaps it was from this time that he ceased to exist as a purely decorative element and becomes an accessory of household clothing for work at home, as well as industrial clothing.

However, nowadays the apron is gradually losing this function.

To protect against harmful production factors new special clothing is being developed - these are dressing gowns and overalls. The apron also disappears from the wardrobe of housewives.

6From an apron to an apron The names of aprons have been recorded in writing since the 17th century; older evidence refers only to the word leader. Most of the names originated on Russian soil. The meaning "apron" is combined with the meanings "veil, curtain", "a kind of clothing; detail of clothing", "belt".

From the common Slavic verb zapinati "to close, delay" the name zapon arose, which in the acts of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery since 1601

denotes a closed apron. Cufflinks were used in bakeries, fisheries, and forges. That is, they were working men's aprons.

Fishermen's aprons were also called curtains: "It was ordered to send 7 veal skins to fishermen in Sokolov for curtains" - noted in the account books of Moscow orders for 1673. The curtain was also later used in a number of folk dialects. Sometimes a leather work apron was called a curtain.

Other names: bib, leader and apron. The word peredovik was first noted in Belozersky writing and, judging by historical data, it was a local word. But the word apron is used only once in the text of 1675. Moreover, when describing the foreign dress of actors in the first Russian theater: “15 pairs of stockings of German rose-colored kindyak flowers, 10 pink aprons.” But already in the XVIII century. the word apron is gaining great popularity and crowding out the name zapon.

Since 1626, a bib - a kitchen apron - has been noted in writing. This meaning of the word is preserved in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod and Smolensk dialects to this day.

All other names of aprons are of foreign origin.

The apron has been mentioned in Russian texts since 1663, and has been known in Polish since 1498. Through Polish, this name came to us from the German language. Like all other names for aprons, an apron in the meaning of "veil" was occasionally used in Russian sources of the 16th century. The meaning of "apron" was noted initially in Western Russian texts. In Moscow, the word penetrates in the 80s of the XVII century. and is little used at first. Probably, the apron differed from the Russian zapon in its cut and was more often used in the clothes of foreigners. Since the 18th century the word apron is used everywhere, which indicates the spread of the subject itself.

In Belozersk, since ancient times, fishermen had special leather aprons - hamgla, hamla. The names are borrowed from Finnish. From the end of the 17th century in Voronezh places, the designation of the apron, which is Polish in origin, was fixed - the reserve. Reserves were also worn in Ukrainian and Belarusian villages.

In clothing, aprons were of secondary importance, so historical information about them is scarce. Among Russians, the type of apron itself appears late: almost all the names known to us are recorded in writing from the 17th century.

–  –  –

Model selection.

Of all the models of the apron considered, I chose model No. 5, because I liked this apron more. And I liked it because it will be sewn from cotton fabric with a printed pattern, so after each wash it will look like new. The cuts of the lower part of the apron and bib are finished with lace, which means that you can set a festive table and meet guests in it. For the manufacture of an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric is required.

9VI. Choice of fabric Aprons can be sewn from various fabrics: linen, silk, cotton.

Linen fabrics have a smooth, shiny surface, are distinguished by high strength and low stretch. They easily absorb moisture, wash well. Their disadvantage is that they quickly wrinkle, but just as quickly and smoothed out. These fabrics are hard to the touch.

Silk fabrics are soft and smooth to the touch, have a pleasant sheen, are hygroscopic and breathable, but they are highly stretched, crumbled, and have significant shrinkage. It is very difficult to sew from such fabrics without skills and experience.

According to historians and archaeologists, cotton fabrics were produced in distant India as early as the 11th century BC.

During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the Greeks were delighted with the art of the Hindus, who were able to obtain fabrics from "wool obtained from nuts"

(as they called cotton). Until the end of the 13th century, only finished cotton products were imported into Europe. In 1772, the production of cotton fabric began in England. It was distinguished by its peculiar texture and color.

The name "chintz" came to us in such a way that it is difficult to even immediately understand its source. Bengali name for colorful cotton fabric "chits"

was remade by the Dutch into "sits", and in our country it became known as calico.

Cotton fabrics have considerable strength and hygroscopicity, quickly get wet and dry. They are comfortable to wear, well tolerate washing and ironing.

For the manufacture of the apron, I chose cotton fabric, as it has considerable strength and hygroscopicity, quickly gets wet and dries, is comfortable to wear, and can be washed and ironed well.

10 VII. Modeling rules and color combinations Modeling is the process of modifying a pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model.

When choosing fabric and separating, you must remember the following rules:

If the apron is sewn from a colorful fabric, the trim should be made in one color, and it should match one of the colors of the fabric.

The brighter and larger the pattern of the main fabric, the less finishing should be.

Fabrics of bright colors are best combined with less bright or white, black, gray.

Pale, colorless fabrics are good to enliven with a bright finish.

11 VIII. Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures

1. Sewing machine with manual drive.

2. Ironing board, iron, spray gun.

3. Cotton threads No. 50 - for machine work, No. 60 - for handmade.

4. Hand needle No. 3, pins, scissors, thimble.

5.Metric tape, chalk.

6. Textbook, workbook.

Additional materials: pattern paper, fashion magazines.

–  –  –

Measurements serve as the initial data for constructing a drawing.

Measurements are the main dimensions of a human figure obtained by measuring it.

Measurements needed to build an apron drawing:

–  –  –

5. Processing the straps with a seam:

Fold the detail Details of the cut, straps in half, threads, needle, “face to face”, scissors Sweep the strap along the longitudinal and one transverse cut at a distance of 0.9 cm from the cut.

–  –  –

Fold the part of the belt in half "face to Belt, thread, face." Sweep the ends of the needle, scissors of the belt to the control points, the distance between which is equal to the measure of Art.

–  –  –

8. Connecting the belt and bib to the bottom of the apron

Sweep on the upper lower part, the cut of the lower part of the thread, needle, apron symmetrically scissors two folds. Iron the folds to the line of the middle of the bottom.

–  –  –

Bend the belt and Apron, threads, seam allowances up. needle, scissors Bend the second section of the belt inward and sweep, closing the stitching seam by 0.2 cm.

–  –  –

Safety regulations for manual work.

1. Dangers at work:

Injury to the fingers with a needle or pin; hand injury with scissors; eye injury.

2. Things to do before starting work:

Be attentive to work; put a thimble on the middle finger of the right hand so as not to prick it; stick needles and pins only into the needle bed; put the scissors on the right with closed blades pointing away from you; pass scissors only with closed blades and rings forward.

Safety regulations for the performance of machine work.

1. Dangers at work:

Needle injury to fingers getting hair or clothing ends into rotating parts of the sewing machine; electric shock.

2. What you need to do before starting work:

Button up sleeve cuffs; check the health of the machine; check before connecting the parts if there is a hand needle or pin left in them.

3. Things to do while working:

Installing the bobbin case, threading the upper thread should be done with the machine turned off; do not put scissors and other tools near the rotating parts of the machine; do not pass the scissors, product or parts when the machine is turned on.

4. What needs to be done at the end of work:

turn off the machine; remove the workplace.

Safety precautions when performing wet-heat treatment of fabric.

before starting work:

1. check the serviceability of the cord and plug, set the thermostat to the desired division;

during work:

1. turn on and off the iron with dry hands, hold the plug by the body;

2. put the iron on a stand, make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron;

3. do not leave the included iron unattended;

21 after work:

1. put the iron aside on the stand and turn it off.

Safety rules for working with a computer.

During operation, the ray tube of the monitor (display) operates under high voltage.

It is strictly prohibited:

2. Touch the connectors of the connecting cables;

3. Touch power wires and grounding devices;

4. Touch the screen and the back of the monitor, keyboard;

5. Put foreign objects on the keyboard and monitor;

6. Work in a humid environment and with wet hands;

7. Wipe the computer with a damp cloth.

Before starting work:

1. Make sure that there is no visible damage to the workplace;

2. Sit down so that the line of sight is in the center of the screen;

3. To use the keyboard without bending over and perceive the information transmitted on the monitor screen;

4. Observe the distance from the monitor to the eyes (60 - 70 cm);

5. Maintain a proper posture without slouching or stooping.

–  –  –

The cost of my product turned out to be small - 73 rubles 50 kopecks, since I sewed the apron myself, and the costs Money were only for materials.

Sewing an apron is an almost waste-free production, because from the remnants of the fabric I can sew a napkin using the patchwork technique.

Sewing an apron with your own hands is profitable production!

From an ecological point of view, the manufacturing process and the operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human activity, since my apron is sewn from environmentally friendly materials, and I will not throw away the remnants of the fabric, but will sew a small napkin.

The process of sewing an apron is an environmentally friendly production!

23XIII. Conclusion It was not difficult for me to complete design work- to sew an apron and write a project, as the knowledge that I received when sewing an apron in the classroom, the recommendations of a technology teacher and additional literature on this issue helped me in this.

General form apron: apron with bib, lower part with rounded corners. The edges of the lower part of the apron and bib are finished with lace.

I liked the finished apron. I believe that all the seams are done correctly and neatly.

In the course of the project work, I completed the following tasks:

learned what an apron is;

found out when aprons appeared, and what they were like before;

researched fabrics for sewing apron;

described the process of making an apron, drawing up a flow chart, in which she made a sequence of manufacturing a product that was more convenient for me;

sewed a neat and comfortable apron for receiving guests and culinary work.

Now I also have an apron, and I can help my mother in the kitchen, because I am the future hostess!

I liked sewing an apron because it is a very interesting activity. In the future, I really want to sew a more complex thing, but for this I will need to get the necessary skills and knowledge that I will acquire at school in technology lessons.

I believe that my project will help many girls learn how to sew aprons too.

In our studio you can order any model.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent quality of tailoring and high culture of service.

By our trademark you will always recognize our products.

The table shows the calculation of the cost of the apron.

XV. Literature 1 Illustrated dictionary Russian language. / V.I.Dal. – M.: Eksmo, 2006. – 896 p.: ill.

2 Makhmutova Kh.I. We design, we model, we sew. Book for students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1994.

"D. V. Khmyrov RUSSIAN CHURCH EMIGRATION IN CHINA IN HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL CONTEXT (1917–1945) For a long time, the topic of refugees from the Russian Empire to China was under an unspoken ban in Russian historiography. Not considered, or only in ... "

“UDK 159.99 Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Ser. 16. 2014. Issue. 1 T. G. Kuznetsova THE LIFE WAY OF P. K. DENISOV In this article, we aim to restore scientific and historical justice and pay tribute to the memory of a scientist forgotten in Russia - Petr Konstantinovich Denisov, the most talented follower of IP Pavlov. In the year of the 80th anniversary ... "

«1 Volkova Antonina Nikitichna, Professor of the Department of Advertising and Intercultural Communications, SUAI Youth as a social subject and target audience of PR work Youth is one of the most important target audiences modern...» PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION, MYTH M. M. Akulich, A. M. Kapalin RELIGION AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION The article analyzes religion as social institution, is given write to us, we will remove it within 1-2 working days.

Ufa - 2017

Introduction 4p.

Main part

Study of the problem 5-6pp.

Goals and objectives 7p.

Substantiation of the theme of the selected project 8-10pp.

Technological sequence of apron processing 10-12 pages.

The cost of the product 12-14str.

Conclusion page 14

Appendix 15p.

Literature 18p.


In our family, the kitchen is where we like to get together. We also have such a tradition - once a month each family member prepares his favorite dish. I'm in the experimentation phase and so my clothes get very dirty. An apron is needed to keep clothes clean. Mom and grandmother have an apron, but I don’t have one yet, and therefore, I decided to sew it myself. Knowledge of technology and the ability to sew on a sewing machine will help me to correctly fulfill my goal: to complete the project “Production of an apron garment”.

In the process, I will also use additional books on making an apron.

In order to sew an apron, I will need: fabric, thread, scissors, a needle and a sewing machine.

In the course of the project work, I set myself the following tasks:

    learn what an apron is;

    find out when the first aprons appeared, what they were before;

    explore fabrics for sewing an apron;

    describe the process of making an apron;

Sew a neat apron.

Main part

Problem Research

Apron(from Vortuch fartuch ) (or apron , zapon, sometimes hem ) - Designed to protect clothes from dirt during kitchen work. Invented in 1208.

An apron is a widespread and almost unchanged part of clothing from ancient times to the present day.

Its history begins with Ancient Egypt. Already in the early period of the existence of this country, men in the civil service used a primitive drapery attached in front to a belt, which was a narrow strip of leather or connected (woven) reed stems.

Over time, the apron has become a ubiquitous type of clothing. It was a piece of fabric, the middle part of which, gathered into folds, was applied to the body from the front, the rest was wrapped around the body and fastened with a free end tucked into the middle part. The apron was held with a belt. The middle part of it had a trapezoid, triangular or fan-shaped shape.

Since the Middle Ages, the apron has become an almost permanent fixture of work clothes. The apron was worn by blacksmiths, shoemakers, cooks ... Workshop craftsmen considered the apron an integral part of their professional clothing.

Women's apron eventually became the accessory of a married woman's toilet. In the 16th century, two aprons made up a skirt. In the 17th century, the apron certainly adorned the wives of eminent citizens. In Germany, burgher wives wore aprons (white or colored), sometimes even double (front and back).

The apron periodically came into fashion among the upper strata of the population.

French women at home and on a walk during the reign of Louis XIV (1660-1710) tied a small apron with rich trim around the edge.

It turns out that in the 18th century in Russia an apron was called an apron or a curtain, and only women wore it. The traditional Russian apron was made of checkered homespun fabric with trimmed edges and red ties.

V.I.Dal in his explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives the following definition of an apron: "Apron - apron, zapon."

Nowadays, aprons are worn by both women and men. Perhaps the apron was the first piece of clothing worn specifically for work. It is used by people of various professions, not only in order not to get dirty; they carried tools, fruits of the harvest and other necessary things in it.

During World War I, the apron proved to be an indispensable piece of clothing. Many women had to do men's work: they became road workers, mechanics, and so on. Thus, from the "clothes of the maids" the apron turns into work clothes.

Perhaps, from that time on, it ceased to exist as a purely decorative element and became an accessory for household clothing for work at home, also being industrial clothing.

Aprons can be sewn from various fabrics: linen, silk, cotton.

linen fabrics have a smooth, shiny surface, are distinguished by high strength and low extensibility. They easily absorb moisture, wash well. Their disadvantage is that they quickly wrinkle, but just as quickly and smoothed out. These fabrics are hard to the touch.

silk fabrics they are soft and smooth to the touch, have a pleasant sheen, are hygroscopic and breathable, but they are highly stretched, crumbled, and have significant shrinkage. It is very difficult to sew from such fabrics without skills and experience.

According to historians and archaeologists, fabrics from cotton were produced in distant India as early as the 11th century BC.

During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the Greeks were delighted with the art of the Hindus, who were able to obtain fabrics from "wool obtained from nuts"

(as they called cotton). Until the end of the 13th century, only finished cotton products were imported into Europe. In 1772, the production of cotton fabric began in England. It was distinguished by its peculiar texture and color.

Name " chintz” came to us in such a way that it is difficult to even immediately understand its source. The Bengali name for the colorful cotton fabric "chits" was changed by the Dutch to "sits", and in our country it began to be called calico.

Cotton fabrics have considerable strength and hygroscopicity, quickly get wet and dry. They are comfortable to wear, well tolerate washing and ironing.

Sewing an apron is an almost waste-free production, because from the remnants of the fabric I can sew a napkin using the patchwork technique.

Sewing an apron with your own hands is a profitable production! From an environmental point of view, the manufacturing process and the operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human life, since my apron is sewn from environmentally friendly materials, and I will not throw away the remnants of the fabric, but will sew a small napkin. Sewing process apron is an environmentally friendly production!

Functionally distinguish:

Targets and goals : to make an apron for culinary work in the kitchen, as well as in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in its implementation; improve skills and techniques with fabric, with a sewing machine, deepen knowledge of material processing technology, in the section "materials science"; develop creative initiative, a creative approach to work.

Sections of programs necessary for the implementation of the project.

    Materials Science.


    Artistic processing of fabric.



    Technological sequence.

    Economics, entrepreneurship.

Organization of project implementation.

    Justification of the problem and need.

    Model selection.

    Choice of fabric.

    Choice of equipment.

    Product design and modeling.

    Open products.

    Technological sequence of product manufacturing.

    Product cost.

    Evaluation of the quality and complexity of the project.

    Project protection.

    The main problems of project implementation

Substantiation of the theme of the selected project .

Since I love it very much, I need to cook an apron, but there is no store in my size. I got the idea to sew it with my own hands.

Model selection.

For the project, I will choose an apron from the following models that I found in fashion magazines:

Model No. 1.

Description of the appearance of the model:

Apron with bib, patch pockets. The lower part of the apron and pockets are rectangular. Fabric consumption.

The apron is made of cotton fabric.

Model number 2.

Apron - detachable along the waistline, with a bib, without pockets. The upper section of the bib of the apron is trimmed with lace.

Fabric consumption.

The apron is made of chintz fabric. Lace is required to finish the apron.

Model number 3.

The bib, the lower part of the apron is oval. The wide pocket has three compartments. The bib, pocket, towel, potholder are embroidered (instead of embroidery, you can make an appliqué by cutting out a finished pattern from a fabric with a printed pattern).

Model No. 4

Cooking set consisting of 2 aprons, towels and potholders. The lower part of the apron is a trapezoid. Made on a bib. The applique can be made from fabric of any color.

Model No. 5

Apron - detachable along the waistline, with a bib, patch pockets. The lower part of the apron is oval, the lower and side sections of the apron are trimmed with embroidery. Fabric consumption.

The apron is made of cotton fabric. To finish the apron, you need a floss.

My choice

From the models presented by me, I chose model number 5, because it suits my taste and work in the kitchen more. And all the other aprons are more for work in production. In addition to model No. 2;

Fabric choice .

White cotton fabric is suitable for the selected model of the project, as it is durable, lightweight, soft, has good hygienic properties: it easily absorbs moisture, dries quickly, passes air well, is easy to wash and iron. Cotton fabric is produced from cotton fiber - an environmentally friendly product.

Also, this apron can be made of linen, waffle fabric.

Selection of equipment, tools, accessories .

1. Sewing machine "Seagull".

2. Overlock 51-A class.

3. Iron with steam humidifier, ironing board, iron.

4. Cotton threads No. 40 - for machine work; No. 60 - for temporary manual work; No. 45-cotton with lavsan - for sewing applications.

5. Hand needle No. 3, machine needle No. 90, pins, scissors, thimble.

6. Ruler, measuring tape.

Auxiliary materials: pattern paper, album with drawings, floss, hoop. fashion magazine.

Apron design and modeling:

Calculation and construction according to the textbook Simonenko Grade 5, but according to their own standards.

Note: I looked at the modeling of the apron in the 5th grade technology textbook.

Apron cutting .

I will cut the apron taking into account the direction of the shared thread, the front side, allowances for seams, and the economical arrangement of cut details on the fabric.

Technological sequence of apron processing.

Preparing cutting details for processing .

1 Lay with straight stitches the lines of the middle of the bib, the bottom of the apron, belt, pockets.

2 Sew straight copy stitches at the locations of the pockets.

Embroidering on a pocket.

1. The cockerel can be made with a chain stitch.

2. Flower petals, leaves can be embroidered with a loop stitch.

3. The core of the flower can be decorated with beads or small beads or double-sided satin stitch.

Processing the bib .

1. Process the side cuts of the bib with a seam in the hem with a closed cut.

2. Put the finished straps on the wrong side of the bib (with seams to the middle), pin and tack to the wrong side of the bib. Over the straps, put the facing down. Equalize the upper cuts of the bib and facings.

Sweep the side cuts of the facing to the wrong side and iron, baste and stitch the facing with a seam width of 0.7 cm.

    Bend the facing to the front side of the bib and sweep the seam.

    Bend the lower edge of the facing by 0.5 - about 7 cm to the wrong side.

    Insert lace under the bottom edge of the facing. Baste and topstitch 0.2 - 0.3 cm from the folded edge of the facing.

    Hem the ends of the facing and lace with small oblique stitches.

Processing the bottom of the apron.

    Loosen the upper thread tension, set the maximum stitch length to 0.4 cm.

    Overcast the stitching seam, bend it towards the apron and secure it in this position with running stitches.

    Sew seam allowances to the apron on the front side by 0.1 - 0.2 mm from the fold.

Pocket processing.

    Fold the top edge of the pocket over to the front. Sweep along the line of the top edge of the pocket.

    Overstitch the top pocket allowance on the sides.

    Turn the hem to the wrong side, straighten the corners, iron.

    Lay a line for tightening along the rounded corners of the pocket, retreating slightly inward from the intended line.

    Sweep the seam allowances on the wrong side and iron.

Connection of pockets with the lower part of the apron with a patch seam.

    Overlay and pin pockets, lining up sides with copy stitches.

    Baste and stitch pockets. Fasten at the top corners.

The connection of the belt, bib with the lower part of the apron.

    Lay two parallel lines along the upper edge of the lower part of the apron to form gathers.

    Pull the lower threads at the same time, evenly distributing the assembly.

    Fold the bib with the bottom part wrong sides inward, aligning the middle of the parts, and, aligning the cuts, chop off.

    Put a belt on the bib with the front side to the front side of the bib, combining and equalizing the sections of the parts, baste, topstitch.

    Finish the ends of the waistband with a seam.

    Sweep out the belt.

    Bend the free section of the belt towards the front side of the lower part of the apron, iron the stitching seam towards the bib.

    Bend the free section of the belt 1 cm inward, baste and stitch the belt 1–2 mm from the folded edge.

    Remove running stitches, perform WTO.

Product cost.


Consumption of materials


floss threads

The cost of an apron for culinary work was 91 rubles. 00 kop. The cost of the product does not include the cost of tailoring, because the apron was made independently. Therefore, project work is economically feasible and brings savings to the family budget.

Quality control .

The apron produces a positive emotional effect, is made taking into account the direction of fashion and design, is reliable and easy to use. The project was of medium complexity, I did not experience any difficulties in its implementation and I think I did it perfectly. I got satisfaction from my work.


It was not difficult for us to complete the project work - to sew an apron and write a project, since the knowledge that I received when sewing an apron in the classroom, the recommendations of a technology teacher and additional literature on this issue helped me in this.

General view of the apron: an apron with a bib, the lower part with right angles, pockets are conveniently located on it. I liked the finished apron. We believe that all seams are made correctly and neatly.

In the course of the project work, I completed the following tasks:

    learned what an apron is;

    found out when aprons appeared, and what they were like before;

    studied fabrics for sewing an apron;

    described the process of making an apron, drawing up a flow chart, in which they made a sequence of manufacturing a product that was more convenient for me;

    sewed a neat and comfortable apron for working in the kitchen.

Now we also have an apron, and we can help mom in the kitchen, because we are future housewives!

I liked sewing an apron because it is a very interesting activity. In the future, I really want to sew a more complex thing, but for this I will need to get the necessary skills and knowledge that we will acquire at school in technology lessons. If in the future to engage in entrepreneurship, then subject to all the requirements for quality finished product, you can get a competitive product.


Model #1

Model #2


Model No. 4

Model No. 5


1 Illustrated explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. / V.I.Dal. – M.:

Eksmo, 2006. - 896 p.: ill.

2 Makhmutova Kh.I. We design, we model, we sew. Book for students. -

M.: Education, 1994.

3. Technology: a textbook for students in grade 5. secondary school./ Ed. V.D. Simonenko.- M.: "Ventana-Count", 1998 - 256p.

4. Chernyakova V.N. Fabric processing technology: Proc. for 5 cells. general education institutions. - M .: Education, 1997 - 160s.

Text available at ; in some cases, additional conditions may apply. For more details, see .
Wikipedia® - Registered trademark non-profit organization

Municipal educational institution

Medium comprehensive school

S. Susanino

creative project

Done by: 5th grade student

Nikiforova Yana

Leader: technology teacher

Gorina O.A.


Chapter 1 Organizational and preparatory stage…………………………………5

1.1. Justification for the choice of the project……………………………………………………...5

1.2. Justifications for the choice of model……………………………………………………….5

1.3. Justification for the choice of material …………………………...................................................6

1.5. Conclusion on the first chapter………………………………………………………………6

Chapter 2. Manufacturing technology of the product…………………………………………… 7

2.1. Designing an apron on a belt……………………………………………..7

2.2. Technological sequence of sewing an apron………………………8

2.3. Tools and fixtures………………………………………………...10

2.4. Safety precautions…………………………………………………………….12

2.5. Conclusion on the second chapter……………………………………………………………….13

Chapter 3 Economic justification project………………………………………14

3.1. Cost calculation…………………………………………………………….14

3.2.Economic assessment……………………………………………………………….14

Chapter 4 Environmental assessment project……………………………………………………15

Project introspection ………………………………………………………………… .15

List of used literature………………………………………………….. 16



An apron (or apron) is a widespread and almost unchanged part of clothing from ancient times to the present day. Its history begins with Ancient Egypt. Already in the early period of the existence of this country, men in the public service used primitive drapery. It was attached in front to a belt, which was a narrow strip of leather or connected (woven) reed stems. (Appendix 1. Fig. 1.)

Over time, the apron has become a ubiquitous type of clothing. It was a piece of fabric, the middle part of which, gathered into folds, was applied to the body from the front, the rest was wrapped around the body and fastened with a free end tucked into the middle part. The apron was held with a belt. The middle part of it had a trapezoid, triangular or fan-shaped shape.

This piece of clothing played a very important role in the ceremonial attire of the rulers, as evidenced by numerous monuments.

The apron was also part of the clothing of other ancient Eastern peoples. So, for example, it was widespread in Western Asia.

And it is also known that in ancient Greece, men at first also wore an apron tied around their hips, and over it they put on horseradish (a large woolen scarf). Later, the apron was tied over the chiton. (Appendix 1. Fig. 2.)

The apron was a characteristic accessory of men's clothing among the Etruscans. In appearance, it resembled Cretan, but it was worn over a blouse with sleeves. And among the Romans, the apron is known only as part of the clothing of the priests, soldiers of some auxiliary types of troops and gladiators. ( Attachment 1. Fig.3.)

Since the Middle Ages, the apron has become an almost permanent accessory to work clothes. Casual dress during work should be covered with something. The apron was worn by blacksmiths, shoemakers, cooks... Workshop craftsmen considered the apron an integral part of their professional clothing.

The women's apron eventually became the accessory of a married woman's toilet. In the XVI century. two aprons made up a skirt. He also adorned the wives of eminent citizens. The apron periodically comes into fashion among the upper strata of the population. French women during the reign of Louis XIV (1660-1710) at home and on a walk tied a small apron with a rich trim around the edge. Following the example of the city nobility, peasant girls began to embroider and decorate their aprons in every possible way. Cunning for fiction, European fashion invented several types of aprons for different occasions. So, for example, a self-respecting European woman, when she went to the table, was obliged to cover her dress with a large napkin. So there was a special apron - table (from the French word "table"). (Appendix 1. Fig. 4.)

Another type of apron with a similar name is the tablion, but completely different in purpose. This is an apron for special occasions, sewn to the front and back of the cloak. Over time, the apron became part of the festive folk costume.

(Appendix 1. Fig. 5.)

In Moldova, a distinctive feature of folk clothes were two aprons, covering the body in front and behind, not converging on the sides, with a rich color pattern.

The traditional Russian apron was made of checkered homespun fabric with trimmed edges and red ties. In the North, the apron was embroidered and could have sleeves. (Appendix 1. Fig. 6.)

An apron of the late 19th century is interesting. from the city of Kargopol, Olonets province. The intricate patterns embroidered on it are nothing but ancient agricultural calendars. Six petals and six sprouts of the circle designate 12 months, and the conditional icons outside are the most important milestones of the annual circle of field work. Similar calendars were also embroidered on the hem of shirts and towels. You can understand how they valued these things, carefully passing them from generation to generation by inheritance. It is characteristic that in some regions of Russia (for example, in Transbaikalia), the traditional apron was preserved as part of the festive attire until the middle of the last century. (Appendix 1. Fig. 7.)

During the First World War, the apron proved to be an indispensable part of clothing. (Appendix 1. Fig. 8.)

Many women had to do men's work: they became road workers, mechanics, and so on. At this time, the "maid's clothes" apron turns into women's work clothes. Perhaps, it was from this time that it ceased to exist as a purely decorative element and became an accessory for household clothing for work at home, as well as industrial clothing.

However, nowadays the apron is gradually losing this function. To protect against harmful production factors, new special clothing is being developed - these are dressing gowns and overalls. The apron also disappears from the wardrobe of housewives. (Appendix 1. Fig.9-12)

I. Organizational and preparatory stage

1.1 Rationale for project selection

In every house there is a room in which the whole family gathers every day - this is the kitchen. For a long time, people are in the kitchen when preparing food. When cooking, you can stain your clothes. An apron is needed to keep clothes clean. Therefore, it is in every home. Mom has an apron, but I don’t have one yet, so I decided to sew it myself.

The main thing in an apron for the kitchen is that it is not only beautiful, but also comfortable, functional, so as not to interfere with movements.

It is necessary to sew an apron correctly and accurately, and in the future to learn how to sew other clothes.

Knowledge of the subjects of the Russian language, mathematics, drawing, computer science, technology will help me to correctly fulfill my goal: to complete the project “Production of a garment “Apron on a belt”. In the process, I will use additional books on making an apron. The apron is subject to hygienic, operational and aesthetic requirements.

1. Hygienic requirements: a) protection from mechanical damage; b) creating a favorable microclimate; (determine convenience, the degree of adaptability of the apron to a person at rest and during movement, microclimate conditions and the state nervous system).

2. Operational requirements: a) preservation of the shape of the product; b) ease of use; c) must be well washed and retained appearance; (reliability indicators determine the degree of stability of maintaining the quality of the apron during operation).

3. Aesthetic requirements: a) harmonious combination with interior items; b) education of aesthetic taste; c) compliance with the direction of fashion; d) the product must be beautiful, decorative, decorated and neatly executed, (defined as a person's need for beauty and creativity according to the laws of beauty.

In order to sew an apron you will need: fabric, thread, scissors, a needle and a sewing machine.

In the course of the project work, I set myself the following tasks:

Learn what an apron is;

Find out when the first aprons appeared, what they were before;

Research fabrics for tailoring an apron;

Describe the process of making an apron;

Sew a neat apron.

1.2. Rationale for the choice of model

For the manufacture of an apron, various models were developed, areas of application were studied, sketches of models were developed (Appendix 2)

Of all the ideas, I chose model number 4. Because it is more practical for working in the kitchen. This apron has a roomy pocket. To make an apron of this model, a minimum amount of fabric and time is required. It will be sewn from cotton fabric, it does not have frills and lace. (Appendix 3.)

1.3 Rationale for the choice of materials

For the apron, I chose cotton fabric - chintz. This fabric has a beautiful appearance at a low cost. Good hygienic properties of this fabric (high hygroscopicity, medium dust capacity) provide a person with comfort in such clothes. In addition, chintz is quite durable and does not require any special conditions when washing. And the good technological properties of cotton fabrics (medium fraying, low slip, medium shrinkage) allow even a novice seamstress to sew neat and beautiful things.

The disadvantages of this fabric include strong wrinkling, low abrasion resistance, which leads to the fact that the fabrics lose their beautiful appearance when worn.

Fabric consumption: with a fabric width of 80 cm, 60 cm of printed cotton fabric will be required. (Appendix 4.)

As a decorative design, I cut out a light belt and a pocket with a dark stripe.

1.5. Conclusions on the first chapter

The kitchen apron will not only protect my clothes from stains, it will give the kitchen, in which I will prepare treats for the family, a warm and cozy look. Aprons are very different - with and without a bib, with pockets, simple and decorated with lace or embroidery. It all depends on the imagination of the creator.

Chapter 2. Product manufacturing technology

2.1. Designing an apron on a belt according to your own standards

Making an apron pattern, according to the developed technological map

(Annex 5)

Calculation according to my measurements



Draw a right angle at point T

bottom line

From the point T down, set aside the value of the measurement D and and put the point H

Apron width

Sat: 2+6= 29 cm

From points T and H, set aside the resulting value to the left. Set points T 1 and H 1

Location of the pocket


1. Set aside 6 cm from point H down and put point K.

2. draw a horizontal line from point K down.

3. from point K to the left set aside 7 cm and put point K 1

4. from point K1 down and to the left, set aside 15 cm and put points K 2 and K 3.

5. connect points K 1 and K 2 with a straight line.

6. from point K 2 to the left and from point K 3 down, set aside 15 cm and put K 4

Construct a square K1 K 2 K 4 K 3

belt width

Set aside 6 cm from the point P upwards. Put a point P 1

Belt length

C t x 2 + 20=93 cm

Set aside 80 cm from point P1 to the right. Construct a rectangle P P 1 P 2 P 3

2.2. Manufacturing technology

Open the apron.

Before cutting the details, you need to check whether the fabric is shedding,

determine the lobar thread, the presence of weaving defects.

Technological sequence of sewing an apron (Appendix 6, 7)

Preparing cut details for basting


Lay copy stitches along the side line and hem line of the main part of the apron

Transfer the location of the pocket to the other side of the part using copy stitches

Remove pins. Move the part so that the threads of the stitches are taut, cut them in the middle between the two cuts of the part

Mark with a chalk line the middle of the apron on the wrong side of the part

Lay straight running stitches along the middle line of the apron. Stitch length - 15-20 mm

Draw copy stitches along the side line, the hem line of the bottom of the pocket and along the fold line of the top allowance

Spread the pocket part so that the threads of the stitches are taut, and cut them in the middle between the two cuts of the part

On the wrong side of the pocket, mark with chalk the line of the middle of the pocket and lay straight running stitches along it. Stitch length - 10-15 mm

Patch pocket processing

Work sequence


Bend the allowance for processing the upper edge of the pocket along the marked line to the front side and iron

Tuck in the top seam allowance by 1 cm and iron

Sweep and turn the corners of the pocket to the size of the allowance along the side cuts of the pocket along the laid snares

Remove the threads of the running stitch, turn the processed allowance of the upper edge of the pocket to the wrong side, straighten the corners of the pocket with a peg

Baste and stitch the folded edge of the pocket at a distance of 2 mm from the edge

Remove the note stitch threads, iron the top edge of the pocket

Sweep the bottom and side cuts of the pocket along the marked lines

Iron the pocket from the wrong side

Connecting the pocket to the main part of the apron

Work sequence


Put the finished pocket on the main part of the apron along the laid copy lines, aligning the line of the middle of the apron with the line of the middle of the pocket. Pin pocket with pins

Baste pocket, remove pins

Sew the pocket onto the main piece with a finishing stitch at a distance of 2 mm from the edge. Machine backtack at the beginning and end of the finishing stitch

Remove temporary threads, iron pocket

On the upper cut of the apron, perform t machine assemblies. Assemblies are used as a way to create a shape for the bulge of the abdomen and as a finish for the product.

Processing the upper cut of the apron with a stitched belt

Work sequence


Lay the belt on the front side of the main part of the apron, aligning the middle of the belt with the middle of the upper cut of the apron. Pin one section of the belt with pins

Baste one section of the belt from the side of the main part of the apron at a distance of 8 mm from the sections. Remove the pins and stitch from the side of the belt along the marked line. Delete temporary threads

Fold the waistband and seam allowances up. Bend the second section of the belt to the wrong side by 8 mm and sweep, closing the stitching seam by 2 mm

Lay a machine line from the front side of the apron into the seam of attaching the belt. Remove the note stitch threads and iron the waistband

Iron the product

2.3.Tools and fixtures

For the manufacture of my product, I need equipment, with the help of which I achieved the result, i.e. sewed an apron this:

1. Sewing machine

2. Ironing board, iron with steam humidifier, iron.

3. Cotton threads No. 45 for machine work, No. 50-60 - for estimating work.

4. Hand needle for estimating works No. 3, machine needle No. 70.

5. Measuring tape.

6. Ruler

7. Paper for patterns.

8. Scissors.

2.4 Safety

Safety regulations when working on sewing machine

1. Before starting work, you must make sure that the sewing machine is in good condition. Remove hair under a scarf, fasten the cuffs of the sleeves.

2. It is necessary to remove foreign objects from the machine platform: thimble, scissors, etc. Check whether the needle and presser foot are firmly fixed.

3. Before grinding the product, check if there are any pins or needles left in it.

4. Do not lean low over the machine during operation.

5. Do not keep your fingers near the foot and needle, stitch thickened places at low speeds.

When using a hand needle

1. Store the needle in a specific place: needle bed, pad, etc.

2. Do not take the needle into your mouth and put it in your clothes. Sew only with a thimble.

3. Do not bite off the thread with your teeth.

Working with scissors

1. Store scissors in a specific place.

2. Do not leave scissors open.

3. Do not put the scissors near the rotating parts of the machine, pass the scissors with the sharp ends to your friend and hold them with the sharp ends up.

Iron safety rules:

1.Before connecting the iron to the mains, check the insulation of the cord and the position of the iron on the stand.

2. Turning the iron on and off is done by grabbing the plug body with your fingers, and not the cord.

3. When working with an iron, you must have a rubber mat under your feet.

4. At the end of the work, the power supply of the ironing tables must be turned off.

It is forbidden:

Allow the iron to fall, switch the wire with the formation of loops and knots, overheat the iron.

Cool the overheated iron by immersion in water or with a spray bottle.

Put the iron on the power cord.

Work with a defective iron and independently correct malfunctions of the iron and electrical wiring.

Check the heating of the iron with your fingers.

Conclusion on the second chapter

In the second chapter, I designed an apron on a belt according to my own measurements, made a drawing of an apron, the necessary fabric, studied the technological sequence of manufacturing, and repeated the safety precautions when sewing an apron.

Chapter 3 Project Business Case

3.1 Cost calculation

To be convinced of the economic feasibility of manufacturing an apron, it is necessary to calculate the required materials.

Calculation of the cost of an apron.

75 rub.

75 rub.


2 coils

50 rub.


125 rub.

3.2 Economic evaluation

Since I sewed an apron at school, I did not take into account the cost of electricity. So, the full calculation of the cost of the product amounted to 125 rubles. It follows that tailoring an apron cost me less than buying in a store

Chapter 4. Environmental Assessment of the Project

Nowadays, one of actual problems is an environmental problem. A person should use environmentally friendly products and materials for the safety of his life. Such materials should also be used to create clothes. Now there are many different materials

The apron is made of natural fabric - the raw material for production, which is cotton fibers, that is, the material is eternal due to its constant renewal.

Making an apron on a sewing machine is an environmentally friendly production, because:

The atmosphere is not polluted.

No emissions harmful substances for human health.

Virtually waste-free production.

Cotton during operation does not have a harmful effect on the human body and the environment. Therefore, the manufacture and further use of the apron does not entail changes and disturbances in human life.

Self-analysis of the work done

When preparing the production of an apron, I turned to historical information, learned how the apron has changed over the years. At this time, aprons protect clothes from various contaminants and are different in purpose, processing and design.

The apron is the first product that I sewed myself. In this I was helped by the knowledge that I received in the class, the recommendations and support of the technology teacher.

In the course of the project work, I performed the following tasks:

Apron functions;

History of the apron;

Apron fabrics

Apron making process

Product manufacturing sequence

Compliance with safety regulations at work

I think sewing is very interesting. In the future, I really want to sew a more complex thing, but for this I will need to get the necessary skills and knowledge that I will acquire at school in technology lessons.

List of used literature

    Technology. Service labor: Grade 5: a textbook for students of educational institutions / [Yu.V. Krupskaya, N.I. Lebedeva, L.V. Litikova and others]; ed. A.D. Simonenko. - 4th ed., revised, - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2009. - 192 p.: ill.

Internet resources:yandex. en

    Wikipedia. org.

    http :// technology . en

Attachment 1.

Fig.1. fig.2. fig.3.

Rice. 4 fig.5 fig.6

fig.7 fig.8 fig.9

Fig.10 Fig.11 Fig.12

Appendix 2

Model #1

Cotton apron

with a printed pattern, with gathers from the top cut and pockets in a figured undercut along the bottom line. The model is recommended for housework

Model #2

Apron in dyed cotton with ruffles at the top and patch pockets. The pockets and bib are trimmed with braid, which emphasizes their original shape.

Model #3

Apron in linen fabric with a one-piece bib and pockets in embossed seams. Appliqués are offered as trim on the pockets and bib.

M model no. 4

Apron in printed cotton weave with soft pleats at the top, insert pockets in trim fabric. The upper section is finished with a stitched belt, the lower section is finished with a hem seam with a closed section.

Model No. 5

Apron made of plain-dyed cotton fabric with patch pockets and a figure-shaped clip-on bib. As an apron finish, a frill is offered along the pockets, straps and bottom. The model is recommended for culinary work

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Materials used in the manufacture of the apron

Samples of thread for making an apron

Appendix 6

Progress Report

Making an apron on a belt

Step-by-step production of an apron on a belt

Prepare fabrics for cutting

Cut out the base of the apron, mark the middle, outline the folds

Carve out a pocket

Iron the edges of the pocket on the reverse side.

Sweep all pocket edges and sew machine stitch along the top edge of the pocket.

Sweep the sides of the apron with a closed-hem hem seam, then machine stitch

Sew a pocket onto the base of the apron

Baste the prepared belt to the upper cut of the apron and sew on the machine.

Remove all running stitches. Perform wet-heat treatment of the apron

The apron is ready!

Annex 7

The terminology of manual, machine stitches, WTO used in the manufacture of an apron,

Graphic image

Copy stitches - snares are used to transfer lines to identical, paired parts after cutting the product or to transfer from the right side to the left symmetrical lines changed when trying on.

tack or baste- connect two parts of the product with hand stitches, putting one part on top of the other, the stitches are removed after machine stitching

grind -

grind -connect two parts along the contour with a straight line

scribble- Lay a line, overlaying one part on another


Turn - Connecting two parts with a machine stitch along the edge, followed by

stitch up - lay a line along the folded edge of the part (stitch the bottom of the skirt);

Iron - process the stitching seam with a hot iron

Iron - treat a section of the product with a hot iron, aligning the parts and reducing the thickness of the seams;-

Iron -

work the seam with a hot iron, directing the seam allowances in one direction

Src="https://site/presentation/1/199580796_443764391.pdf-img/199580796_443764391.pdf-1.jpg" alt="(!LANG: Creative project on the topic >. Completed by: 5th grade student Aleksandra Kurakina Technology teacher :"> Творческий проект на тему >. Выполнила: Ученица 5 а класса Куракина Александра Преподаватель технологии: Шамшурина Любовь Геннадьевна 04. 02. 2018!}

Justification of the problem and need. I love cooking with my grandmother, sweeping the floor, washing dishes, dusting, and that's why I sometimes dirty my clothes so as not to get dirty, I made an apron.

Definition of a specific task and its formulation I want to make an apron in order to: 1. Cook food and not get dirty cooking. 2. Fit into the interior of the kitchen. 3. Was to my taste.

Identification of the main parameters and limitations. Must be: 1. Neat; 2. Original; 3. Handsome; 4. Quality made; 5. Convenient; 6. Practical.

Research, identification of traditions, history, trends. It is believed that the first aprons appeared among the men of Ancient Egypt, who were in the service, as well as among the pharaohs, in order to emphasize their status. The apron looked like a drapery of cloth attached to a leather belt. Later, the apron was made wider so that it could be wrapped around the body and fastened in front. The facade of this false skirt could be trapezoidal, fan-shaped or triangular. The ancient Greeks also wore an apron, fastening it over the bottom of the blouse - the chiton. Among the Cretan inhabitants, the apron was worn obliquely, covering the thigh of one leg to the knee, and was decorated with embroidered patterns. In ancient Rome, warriors, gladiators and priests wore an apron. In the Middle Ages, the apron began to spread throughout Europe. Worn as a uniform, it became an integral part of the clothing of blacksmiths, shoemakers, craftsmen, cooks and various kinds of artisans.

Src="https://website/presentation/1/199580796_443764391.pdf-img/199580796_443764391.pdf-6.jpg" alt="(!LANG:Composing >."> Составление >.!}

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option. I love all my apron ideas, but looking at them again, I liked this version of the apron the most:

The choice of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment. Fabric: 1. Chintz Devices: 1. Needles 2. Threads 3. measuring tape (centimeter) 4. Ruler 5. Scissors 6. Wallpaper or drawing paper (for patterns) Equipment: 1. Sewing machine.

Manufacturing sequence. 1. 2. Lay with straight stitches the lines of the middle of the bib, the bottom of the apron, belt, pockets. Sew straight copy stitches at pocket locations. Finish the side seams of the bib with a seam in the hem with a closed cut. 2. Put the finished straps on the wrong side of the bib (with seams to the middle), pin and tack to the wrong side of the bib. Over the straps, put the facing down. Equalize the upper cuts of the bib and facings. Sweep the side cuts of the facing to the wrong side and iron, baste and stitch the facing with a seam width of 0.7 cm. Bend the facing to the front side of the bib and sweep the seam. Bend the lower edge of the facing by 0.5 - 0.7 cm to the wrong side. Insert lace under the bottom edge of the facing. Baste and topstitch 0.2 - 0.3 cm from the folded edge of the facing. Hem the ends of the facing and lace with small oblique stitches. Processing the bottom of the apron Processing the side cuts with a hem seam with a closed cut: fold the side cuts of the bottom of the apron by 0.5 cm, and then by 1 cm and sweep. Stitch the sides of the apron 0.1-0.2 cm from the folded edge. Remove running stitches. Iron the sides of the apron.

Processing the bottom cut with a seam in the hem. Iron. a free cut of the belt towards the front side of the lower part of the apron, iron the stitching seam towards the bib. Bend the free section of the belt 1 cm inward, baste and stitch the belt 1-2 mm from the folded edge. Remove running stitches, perform WTO (wet heat treatment). Fold the top edge of the pocket over to the front. Sweep along the line of the upper edge of the pocket, insert lace, bast. Overstitch the top pocket allowance on the sides. Turn the hem to the wrong side, straighten the corners, iron. Lay a line for tightening along the rounded corners of the pocket, retreating slightly inward from the intended line. Sweep the seam allowances on the wrong side and iron. Connecting the pockets to the bottom of the apron with an overlay stitch Put on and pin the pockets, matching the sides with the copy stitches. Baste and stitch pockets. Fasten at the top corners. Connection of the belt, bib with the lower part of the apron Fold the bib with the lower part of the wrong sides inward, aligning the middle of the parts, and, aligning the cuts, chop off.

Put a belt on the bib with the front side to the front side of the bib, combining and equalizing the sections of the parts, baste, topstitch. Bend the free section of the belt towards the front side of the lower part of the apron, iron the stitching seam towards the bib. Bend the free section of the belt 1 cm inward, baste and stitch the belt 1-2 mm from the folded edge. Remove running stitches, perform WTO (wet heat treatment). Finish the ends of the waistband with a seam. Sweep out the belt.

Economic justification. Name Price Fabric 42 rubles Threads 62 rubles 98 kopecks Needle 71 rubles 3 kopecks Braid 105 rubles TOTAL: 181 rubles 1 kopecks

Quality control. 1. Combination of materials with color. 2. The element is made evenly and neatly, in accordance with the technology. 3. In general, the product makes a favorable impression.

Correction. It seems to me that I could make the seams smoother and a little neater. And as for the fabric, it is a little bit not cut evenly. In principle, I no longer see what needs to be corrected.

Control, test. The apron I sewed passed the test, it did the job and prevented my main problem in the kitchen. Didn't give an apron

Product manufacturing. The teacher taught me how to sew an apron. I sewed it under the guidance of a teacher and with diligence for the correct manufacture. It was not difficult for me to complete the project work - to sew an apron and write a project, since the knowledge that I received when sewing an apron in class helped me in this

Self-esteem. I think that I sewed the apron for the top five, for the quality, the correctness of the manufacture of the product itself