System "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" for high-intensity warehouses Sergey Manturov, AXELOT Consultant


Let's try to understand and try to answer two questions:
1. Is it possible to use 1C in a warehouse?
2. What to choose - buy a ready-made solution or develop your own product yourself?

Many people ask themselves the question "And if there is a choice from WMS based on 1C at all?"

At the moment, you can find the following commercial solutions for warehouse management systems developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform:

The pioneer can be considered the 1C:Logistics solution, which is the most mass-produced product. a boxed solution is distributed through the 1C network. Many bugs have been fixed in version 3.0 previous version, data storage methods have been optimized and work has been done to combat blocking when several users work at the same time. But there are limitations - because. the product is boxed and mass-produced, then the functionality of adaptation to a specific warehouse is not very developed, therefore, many projects require revision of the program code. Version 4.0 is already written for the 8.2 platform on managed forms and contains more parametric settings.
Based on the analysis of the first versions of this system, which did not differ in any powerful functionality, it was believed that WMS based on 1C is only for small warehouses and small firms. Many consultants of well-known WMS systems have compiled a whole list of restrictions that scare customers about the problems of systems on 1C

Other developers initially tried to get away from such accusations and went along the path of creating flexible systems in which the maximum number of settings was placed in the configuration, and the change in the program code was left for the specific requirements of customers. The result is an interesting combination - on the one hand, the degree of customization is not inferior to other systems, on the other hand, open source to implement the most complex requirements.

In other solutions, the 1C platform is used only as an interface, and its own core is used as data storage and processing. This approach is more likely due to some history of the company itself or the solutions they had at that time than the complexity of implementing the required specifics on the platform itself.

Choosing 1C as a platform for development.

But this article is not about choosing one or another solution, but about the possibility of implementing a full-fledged warehouse management system on the 1C platform.

Why exactly 1C? Everything is very simple - this platform allows you to quickly create a solution, has a very rich functionality "out of the box", a recognizable and convenient interface, low cost of the platform itself and maintenance, the presence of a large number of specialists in the labor market who will be able to continue developing the system after the dismissal of current employees .

So why did 1C deserve such a bad “fame” in the field of solving warehouse automation problems?

The thing is that the standard approach that we are used to seeing in typical configurations “Document - Movement - Register of accumulations” is not quite suitable for a warehouse that works in real time because:

  1. The accumulation register is redundant (stores balances by time periods) and is hidden from direct manipulation by the solution developer
  2. Posting mode for the tabular part of the document does not fit the requirements of the warehouse, where all actions are performed in real time and any request of the terminal user must be processed for no more than 1 second

Many commercial solution developers have identified these issues and have replaced tabular part to the list simple documents, referring to the "main" or information register list with the leading dimension, which is the original header document. This made it possible to parallelize the process of conducting large documents, or rather, allow the document to be processed line by line by different warehouse employees.

The second step to getting rid of the "sores" of 1C during implementation complex system warehouse management is to get rid of accumulation registers in favor of information registers and write your own movement execution engine.

As a result, it turned out that the 1C platform turned into a tool for manipulating simple tables, where all actions are controlled by the developer, and not by the platform.

The next important limiting factor is that the internal language of the platform is not too fast, so large calculations and data processing cycles in the internal language lead to a loss in performance.

And this problem can be solved completely in a simple way- build a database structure so that all calculations are performed in queries on the SQL server, and the platform itself is only concerned with displaying the result to the user.

And since the query language in version 8 of the platform repeats the SQL language, then we get a solution where the platform itself is no longer a limiting point and now everything depends on the qualifications of the system architect and programmers.

As a "gift" we receive a large number of mechanism that can be used in the solution - managed locks, background tasks, working with mail and ftp, setting access rights, client-server solution with the ability to use a server cluster, a powerful reporting tool, practice of working with commercial equipment etc. etc.

From this I want to draw a conclusion and answer the first question:
Creating a full-fledged WMS system based on 1C is possible!

But "maybe" does not mean that you can immediately set the task to your own development department and it will issue good decision that fully meet the needs of the current warehouse.

Now we face another challenge:

  1. Buy a turnkey solution along with customization and implementation services
  2. Buy a ready-made solution, but do all the work yourself
  3. Develop own solution

Let's try to consider all the options.

Purchase of a turnkey solution along with implementation services.

This option has the lowest risks, but possibly (probably) the most expensive price.
Before choosing a supplier, you can familiarize yourself with the solution in detail, see already automated warehouses, talk with warehouse managers and, as a result, buy not a "pig in a poke", but still a ready-made and working solution.

If the solution is not flexible enough, you can gradually refine it with the help of your own IT department, which significantly reduces the cost of support, but increases the risk of spoiling the working system with illiterate improvements.

What difficulties can we get? It may happen that for quite good money our warehouse will not work in the most optimal way and an attempt to put the squeeze on the developer will end or his resistance. the budget will already be exhausted, or additional investments and an increase in the implementation time that you cannot control.

Purchase of a ready-made solution with independent implementation.

This solution is much more budgetary, although it may turn out that the solution that you really liked is simply not sold separately as a boxed product.

In general, this approach can be applied if you are confident in the strength of your own specialists, are not ready to bear the costs of your own development and want to automate your own warehouse for minimal money and minimal time, and then quietly replicate this solution to other warehouses.

Development of your own solution.

This approach can only be applied if:

  1. You have simple warehouse processes and low functionality requirements.
  2. Or there are plans for the commercial promotion of the resulting development.
  3. At the same time, there is a staff of very high-class specialists who not only know the 1C platform well, but also have great experience in SQL query optimization and also understand the subject area.

In practice, there are both positive and negative experiences.
I've been in warehouses where a custom solution has met all the needs of the warehouse, although it was not some kind of flexible solution.
There is also the experience of observation, when the solution was constantly modified for 3 years, the company incurred high costs for its own development team, and the processes in the warehouse were far from what could be obtained by introducing even the simplest commercial WMS based on 1C .

But it is worth noting the fact that many of the solutions given at the top of the article were just born during independent development and brought to a ready-made solution went on a commercial footing. But are you sure that it is your team that will be lucky enough to develop a successful configuration and recoup the money spent on its development?

So how to develop the right WMS on 1C?!

If you still decide to develop your own warehouse automation system, then here are some tips:

  • Be patient - a working product will be released no earlier than a year from the start of development (subject to all other requirements)
  • Do not try to find logisticians who will set the task for programmers - the developer must understand what he automates, have experience working in a warehouse and know well known WMS, so as not to reinvent the wheel
  • Be very responsible in planning the architecture of the solution - it depends on "take off or not take off"
  • Do not use the standard approach - posting a document with an entry in accumulation registers
  • Use managed locks
  • Transfer all the logic of work to queries, the code is executed as much as possible on the server and minimize data processing in cycles.
  • Use background tasks, but do not try to solve with their help those issues that cannot be solved on the first try (such as every 5 minutes to check if something needs to be deleted)
  • Try to remove all the settings from the code - this will later allow you to make modifications faster, and also allow you to consider the product as a commercial solution.
  • Don't try to make the system flexible at the cost of significant performance degradation - plan your architecture wisely so that all possible external settings did not turn into a large number of database queries.
  • Be sure to analyze queries on the SQL server side to find errors in the system architecture at an early stage, when you can still avoid big errors.
  • If you were initially committed to the development of a commercial system, then the approach of gradually developing a particular function as needed is not suitable here - evaluate the needs of various warehouses and lay them down at the system design stage.
  • Write immediately a universal engine for working with data collection terminals. subsequently writing a separate form for each process is not at all practical.

The functionality of the "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" system allows you to optimize processes and solve the main problems that are relevant for warehouse complexes:

  • usage optimization warehouse space when placing and storing goods;
  • reduction of storage costs;
  • reducing the time and number of errors for processing warehouse operations;
  • increasing the accuracy and efficiency of accounting for goods;
  • exclusion of losses associated with the criticality of the timing of the sale of goods;
  • reducing the cost of wages warehouse workers.

"1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" is designed to manage the processes of warehouse cargo handling in real time, namely:

The functionality of the system "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" is designed to manage the processes of warehouse cargo handling in real time, namely:

  • receiving up-to-date information about the balance of goods in the warehouse in the "online" mode;
  • optimization of commodity flows in the warehouse;
  • management and optimization of acceptance, placement, movement, selection, shipment and other warehouse operations;
  • control of warehouse staff.

Real-time management of warehouse processes is achieved with the help of wireless technologies and the implementation of an appropriate warehouse process chain. Therefore, "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" is mainly aimed at using these technologies. The main functions for creating and processing warehouse tasks are performed by users with data collection radio terminals: storekeepers, assemblers, order pickers. The functions of the warehouse manager include control over the execution of tasks and the solution of non-standard situations.

The system can account for one physical warehouse. If it is necessary to operate the system in several physical or logical warehouses, it is necessary to create several information bases with the possible exchange of duplicated information. Separate accounting of balances in the warehouse by organizations is supported.

The warehouse is usually divided into physical areas where goods handling is subject to certain rules depending on the design of the racks, the equipment used, the layout of the premises, etc.

In practice, the following warehouse zones are allocated and can participate in warehouse accounting:

  • unloading zone. The zone is designed to accommodate incoming goods immediately after they are unloaded from Vehicle, for example - warehouse ramp.
  • Acceptance zone. The zone is intended for counting goods unloaded from vehicles and participating in the incoming control procedure.
  • Quarantine zone (quality control). The zone is intended for goods undergoing a quality control procedure, as well as for goods returned by customers before a decision is made on their further movement.
  • Main storage area. An area intended for the storage of goods mainly in whole pallets.
  • selection zone. The area intended for the selection of goods. Usually this is the lower tier of warehouse cells or a mezzanine.
  • Transit zone. Intermediate storage area. A transit zone can be allocated for temporary storage of goods when moving between zones.
  • Zone of inconsistency. The zone is intended for goods with a loss of presentation, with a violation of the integrity of the packaging, defective, with expired implementations, etc.
  • Build zone. The zone is intended for assembling kits from components.
  • Shipping area. The zone is intended for storage of shipped goods and cargo units until they are loaded into vehicles.
  • Loading Zone. The zone is intended for placement of shipped goods and cargo units before their direct loading into vehicles.

Management of basic warehouse tasks:

  • Accounting for goods in the address space of the warehouse: in the context of packages (including those with non-fixed weight), expiration dates, lots, serial numbers, excise stamps, quality; accounting of containers and control of dimensions of goods; ABC/XYZ analysis; work with transit cargoes; excise accounting; work with blocks of cells; kit accounting. In 3 sq. In 2019, it is planned to support warehouse operations for accounting for labeled products (accounting for labeling codes, aggregation / disaggregation of product packaging) with the transfer of actual labeling codes to the corporate information system, "1C: Integrated Automation, edition 2", or solutions based on them.
  • acceptance. Acceptance in confidential mode and on order (cross-docking), preliminary recalculation in places. Information about the goods necessary for carrying out routine measures to prepare the warehouse for delivery acceptance is entered in the "Expected acceptance" document. Based on this information, the warehouse may plan to attract additional employees to receive goods, prepare warehouse space for the placement of goods, both in the receiving area and in the main storage area. Possible sources of goods receipt can be suppliers (in case of goods receipt from the supplier), customers (in case of return of goods from the customer), other warehouses of the company (in case of movement between warehouses within the same company), production sites (in case of receipt finished products from production).

Newly arrived at the warehouse goods can be preliminarily counted by places when unloading from the vehicle. For correct recalculation and identification of arrived containers with goods, they are subject to labeling with labels containing identification numbers of containers. Container labels can be prepared in advance or printed during the counting process using a data collection terminal and a mobile label printer.

This process in the system is formalized by the document "Preliminary acceptance". "Preliminary acceptance" can be carried out on the basis of a plan - the document Expected acceptance, or after the fact. The delivery acceptance process is formalized by the "Acceptance" document. The procedure for receiving goods includes unloading goods in the receiving area, identifying and recalculating the goods received, bringing the goods to the standard warehousing etc. As a rule, the "Acceptance" document is drawn up on the basis of the planned delivery - "Expected acceptance". In exceptional cases, the goods may be accepted after the fact. "Acceptance" can be performed after a preliminary recalculation of the received goods in places or without it.

In the absence of a barcode on the incoming product, you can mark it. Marking can be performed at any stage of the goods movement. To do this, you need to draw up a "Marking" document, where bar codes for the goods will be generated and labels printed.

At the stage of creating an acceptance plan - the document "Expected acceptance", information about the numbers of containers expected to be received and their composition may be known. This feature is typical mainly for industrial warehouses. In this case, the acceptance can be performed in a "confidential" mode ("Confidential Acceptance"). The freight composition of such containers, as a rule, is not recalculated upon receipt at the warehouse, and acceptance is carried out by container.

With the use of radio terminals for data collection, when processing confidential acceptance, barcodes are scanned from container labels. The freight train, by default, corresponds to the plan reflected in the Expected Acceptance. If, upon acceptance of the goods, it is already known for which order from the buyer the received goods will be shipped, then it is possible to reserve this goods for this order.

Upon receipt of transit goods at the warehouse, an acceptance is made according to packages. Transit cargoes are accepted under a specific Shipment Order and are not subject to conversion by freight composition. If the received goods are taken into account in terms of expiration dates, then it is necessary to enter these parameters into the system upon acceptance. To implement the possibility of a guaranteed return of goods to the supplier, it is possible to fix the serial numbers of the received goods upon acceptance.

Goods received at the warehouse can be checked again and recalculated using the Incoming Inspection task. Control recalculation can be carried out to check the conformity of the received goods in terms of quantity, as well as to clarify additional parameters of the goods. So, for example, in the acceptance area at the gate, the goods can be counted only by quantity, and already at the acceptance control stage, its additional parameters are detailed, such as expiration date, serial numbers.

After acceptance of the goods is subject to placement. The goods can be placed in the warehouse upon completion of the recalculation of the entire delivery or upon completion of the acceptance of each container. If necessary, the final receiving cell may not be planned, and the placement can be carried out after the fact with the self-selection of the cell by the Storekeeper with the terminal. Rules for triggering automatic placement scheduling are configured using the event mechanism.

  • Accommodation. In the "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" system, you can implement various strategies for placing goods: automatic, placement through a buffer, placement closer to the picking zone; replenishment of the selection zone during placement.

Placement rules are configured at the level of placement strategies. The placement of goods in a warehouse is usually carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • ABC-classification of goods (goods with a high turnover are located closer to the picking area for finished orders to speed up the selection);
  • allocation of zones for placement and storage by commodity groups, manufacturers, bailors or other properties of the goods;
  • the possibility or prohibition of mixing different products or one product with different analytical properties in one cell (different expiration dates, batches, serial numbers, quality, etc.) when placing;
  • accounting for the types of racks used to store goods. For example, placement in narrow-aisle racks through the buffer zone;
  • accounting of placed goods by type of selection (piece storage and storage of containers);
  • checking the availability of a sufficient amount of goods in the picking area during placement, replenishing the picking area with the accepted goods (with the unpacking of the received pallets by box in the picking cells or placing the whole pallets);
  • accounting for the specifics of the goods (oversized goods, temperature features of storage, marriage, etc.).

All of the above principles can be configured in the "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" system in the "Strategies of placement" reference book. The result of testing the placement algorithms specified at the strategy level is the created tasks for the placement of goods.

  • Move. The process of internal movement of entire containers, goods between containers and cells in the system is formalized using movement tasks. Separate tasks are provided for the movement of entire containers and the freight train of containers. Movement tasks are used to process any movement of goods through the warehouse. Transfer tasks can be created automatically by an event in the warehouse or manually by the Warehouse Manager. So, for example, if a defective product is detected during the recalculation, a task can be automatically created to move this product to the defect zone. Or automatic movement of received preliminary containers to the temporary storage area. When manually creating transfer tasks, the warehouse manager can independently specify the product, container and source cell and recipient cell. Manually created movement tasks can be processed using a data acquisition radio terminal. Transfer tasks can be created in free mode directly from the terminal window, when the warehouse employee decides what needs to be moved, from where and where.

In operations for working with containers using TSD ("Move a container", "Place a container", "Feed by a container", "Free move a container") background information according to the composition of the current, processed container. The system provides a corresponding report for viewing the history of movement of goods in a container.

  • Barcoding of goods, cells, containers, personnel; generation, storage and printing of barcodes (supported by barcode generation "GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked"); support for working with non-unique barcodes.
    • Selection and shipment of goods. The system implements various selection strategies: cluster, group; consolidation of selections into waves according to time windows of shipment, into groups of similar goods, into flights along delivery routes. Shipment of goods from the warehouse is carried out on the basis of the shipment plan downloaded from the corporate information system. A plan of what is to be shipped from the warehouse is contained in the Shipment Order document.

Possible shipment directions can be shipping to the buyer (client), moving to other warehouses of the company, returning to the supplier, shipping goods (raw materials) to production. Based on the information about the planned shipments, it is possible to carry out routine measures to prepare for a faster picking of this order (for example, replenishment of the core cells). On the basis of the shipment shipment order, all further operations on this order are performed. "Shipping orders" can be combined into flights along shipping routes. Data on flights of the route of detour of vehicles is contained in the document "Flight". A trip can be created based on data received from a corporate accounting system, a delivery management system, or a warehouse manager in "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management". On the basis of the "Order for shipment", the selection of goods from the storage cells is performed. The search for cells in which the goods are located on the order is performed automatically by the system. Rules for launching automatic selection planning are configured using the event mechanism.

To reduce the time for assembling orders and the number of approaches of warehouse employees, when performing the selection, "Orders for shipment" can be combined into a wave.

Wave - grouping orders for joint selection into different containers corresponding to orders. Combining orders into waves is expedient for piece shipment, when several orders must be prepared for one shipment time, and piece goods for several orders are taken into container cargo.

Piece goods can be collected according to several "Shipping Orders" into one container, which will be sorted by order in a separately allocated area using a sorting task. In this case, "Shipping Orders" can be combined into a pick group. For the selection of piece goods for several orders, container loads can be prepared in advance for each order. Such selection is clustered. During the cluster selection of goods, the system gives hints in which container, which goods should be placed. When planning the selection of goods, the selection algorithms specified in the selection strategies are taken into account. Warehouse pick planning is usually carried out based on the following principles:

  • the presence of a dedicated selection zone. As a rule, the lower tier of racks is allocated for the selection of goods to speed up the selection process. The search for goods by orders is primarily carried out in this zone;
  • multiplicity of selection - what units it is necessary to carry out the selection of goods: whole pallets, boxes or pieces. For example, if the ordered quantity of goods corresponds to a whole pallet, then the selection can be made immediately with a whole pallet from the backup storage area;
  • accounting for the types of racks used to store goods. For example, picking from gravity racks is done according to the LIFO principle;
  • accounting for expiration dates when selecting goods. Analysis of shelf life stock requirements for the order counterparty.

To implement the possibility of a guaranteed return of goods from the buyer at the selection stage, you can fix the serial numbers of the selected goods.

At the stage of creating a "Shipping Order", information about the numbers of containers that need to be shipped and their composition may be known. In this case, picking is planned for a specific container specified in the order.

The selection task is performed using radio terminals for data collection. As a backup technology, the technology of working on "paper" media can be considered.

Based on the selection results, the goods can be moved to a dedicated control and packaging area. The control and packaging area can be equipped with workstations with connected barcode scanners, with the help of which the selected goods are scanned and checked for compliance with the order. The control procedure can also be carried out using radio terminals for data collection. In the process of performing the control procedure, the selected goods can be packed into transport places - containers with a seal of the packing list for transfer transport company, in own store or end customer.

Based on the results of selecting goods into one container for several orders combined into a group, the subsequent sorting procedure is performed. In the sorting process, the goods are laid out according to orders for subsequent shipment to customers.

Inspected and packaged goods can be counted again at the shipping gate or when loading into a truck. In this case, the recalculation is no longer made according to the freight composition, but according to the number of shipped packages.

  • Packing the selected goods in cargo places; templates for customizing the rules for packing on a pallet "for the client".
  • Flight planning for delivery routes during shipment.

  • Quality control of the received goods. Quality control of selected and packaged goods; control when loading into the car. The system provides several types of tasks for recalculation:
    • cell inventory. When conducting an inventory of a cell, all containers and goods located in the cell are subject to recount. When inventorying a cell, recalculation can be made both by the number of containers in the cell and by the commodity composition of the container;
    • container inventory. When carrying out an inventory of containers, the composition of a certain container is recalculated, according to which the task was created;
    • goods inventory. When conducting an inventory of goods, a recalculation is made specific product in all containers and cells in which this product located;
    • acceptance control. The task of control of acceptance is intended for recalculation of goods newly accepted to the warehouse;
    • shipment control. The shipment control task is designed to recalculate the goods shipped under the customer's order from the warehouse;
    • quality control. The quality control task is designed to recalculate and check the condition of the goods in the warehouse. Quality control can be carried out at any stage of product processing: in the acceptance area for incoming goods, during storage or shipment.

In large warehouses, operating mainly with pallet storage, inventory can be carried out "on the fly" with the conversion of pallets by the number located in the cells. In this case, the composition of the pallets may not be recalculated. To conduct such an inventory, a recalculation task with the Container Inventory type is used. To recalculate the inventory composition of cells, containers, or a specific product in a warehouse, a recounting task with the Inventory of container composition type is used. Goods received at the warehouse can be controlled in terms of quantity and quality using the task for "Acceptance control". The goods selected for the customer's order can also be controlled using the "Shipping control" task.

To check and control the quality of goods at any stage of warehouse handling, a Quality Control procedure can be carried out. Carrying out quality control of goods, as a rule, is typical for grocery warehouses, and is carried out by individual employees of the quality control department. The procedure for quality control and change in other warehouses is also applied when a defective product is found and it needs to be written off or disposed of. As a result of this operation, the status of the goods may change.

  • Make-up. If it is necessary to replenish the goods selection zone, the system performs the task of replenishing. Make-up is carried out according to the need of the "Order for shipment" or at any time according to the warehouse regulations. Make-up can be performed when the minimum number of containers (goods) is reached up to the maximum number of containers (goods) in the sampling area. Minimum and maximum balance levels are set for each item. Individual make-up parameters are configured at the level of the product and the selected zone or selection cells for the product. The sampling zone (fixed cells) can also be replenished in the main storage zone, the near buffer zone or the receiving zone. Feeding rules are defined in the feed strategies. Make-up tasks are performed using the data collection terminal. As a reserve, the technology of issuing tasks on paper can be used.
  • Inventory of an arbitrary warehouse area, empty cells, product / product group. Conducting an inventory using the system "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" does not require a complete stop of the warehouse, and can be carried out on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bcells (travel, rack, tier) or a certain commodity group. Blocking of the cell at the time of the recount is not performed, which allows you not to stop work on the inventory cell to perform other warehouse operations.
  • Optimization of the use of warehouse space - warehouse compression.

To save space in the racks in the warehouse, the procedure for compacting the goods is usually carried out. Compression (or compaction) - the movement of goods from several cells into one for the purpose of more effective use warehouse space. The compression strategy includes a list of compression algorithms and their execution conditions.

Possible compression algorithms:

  • Restoration of the ABC class: during execution, the ABC class is taken into account so that the goods of class A are in the cells of class A, and the goods of class C are in the cells of class C. In this case, only balances matched by the condition are analyzed;
  • Displacement to other zones: the system plans to move the balances selected according to the condition to the specified zones of the warehouse;
  • Exclusion from the selection zone: the system analyzes the pool of documents "Order for shipment" and their requirements for goods for a certain period. If there is no demand for the goods or the demand is less than the quantity of the goods in the zone, then the goods will be moved from the specified zone. In this case, only residuals selected according to the condition are analyzed;
  • Combination of identical stocks: it is planned to move the stocks of goods selected in the condition to any stocks of the same product in the specified zone;
  • Combination of various stocks: it is planned to move the stocks of goods selected in the condition to the stocks of another product, also selected in this condition.

The system provides a mechanism for scheduling automatic compression in accordance with a given schedule and the required frequency.

  • Calculation of custody services:
    • accounting of goods in the context of owners;
    • setting tariffs for warehouse operations for each owner;
    • calculation of the cost of services for each operation.
  • Yard management / Yard Management.

The functionality of "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" in addition to automating warehouse processing tasks allows you to manage the territory adjacent to the warehouse. This functionality allows you to manage the movement of vehicles entering the warehouse, namely:

  • control, registration of the fact of entry and exit of vehicles to the territory of the warehouse;
  • formation and issuance of passes;
  • determine parking spaces for different models of vehicles in automatic or manual modes;
  • loading/unloading gate schedule. Statement on the gate, taking into account the models of vehicles;
  • control of loading and unloading operations;
  • management of the movement of vehicles in the warehouse area;
  • accounting and analysis of schedules of arrival/departure of vehicles;
  • automatic appointment of a loading / unloading window by the time the vehicle arrives at the warehouse;
  • warehouse operation control;
  • warehouse manager monitor;
  • order and task monitor;
  • monitor of dispatchers of acceptance and shipment;
  • resource monitor;
  • Warehouse work analytics: occupancy, balance status, storage optimization.

  • Warehouse performance analysis.

Upon processing warehouse operations, the functionality of the "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" system allows you to perform:

  • monitoring the status of orders and tasks to be completed;
  • warehouse occupancy analysis by zones and storage cells;
  • analysis current state warehouse in the context of address storage;
  • plan-factual analysis of the goods expected for receipt and in fact taken to the warehouse;
  • plan-factual analysis of the ordered and shipped goods from the warehouse;
  • analysis of the development of warehouse personnel.

Monitoring of orders and tasks is carried out using the workplaces of dispatchers of acceptance, shipment and tasks. All analytical functions are implemented using reports that are developed using a data composition system and can be variably configured by users of the subsystem functionality. Reports are grouped depending on the purpose in the corresponding configuration subsystems.

  • Integration with corporate information system"1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2", "1C: Integrated Automation, edition 2", "1C: Trade Management, edition 11" or solutions based on them, as well as with:
    • Built-in data exchange capabilities in XML format;
    • Customizable communication frequency;
    • Possibility to change the scheme of exchange according to the specifics of the customer.
  • Technological advantages - the solution "1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" was developed on the modern technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", which allows:
    • ensure high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
    • organize work with the system via the Internet, in the thin client mode or web client (via a regular Internet browser), including in the "cloud" mode;
    • create mobile workplaces using tablets and other mobile devices;
    • customize the interface for a specific user or user group, taking into account the user's role, access rights and individual settings.

So, today, as promised, I will tell you about the features of this solution and the main differences from the 3rd version of the solution from this company.

Naturally, you should not expect that I will disassemble the inner side of the product, but I will tell you about two fundamental differences that are of great importance.

Third version.

An extremely important point is the exchange of data with the corporate information system (CIS).

In the third version, the exchange was implemented in the usual way - through uploading files, everyone got used to this for a long time, or you could use a COM connection.

When I was choosing a solution, I naturally talked with representatives of companies that had already implemented this solution, and it was quite natural for me to expect that the exchange in the 4th version would not be much different, but this turned out to be not the case and more on that later

The second important point is that data collection terminals (TSD) were connected to the base through a terminal connection, a long-standing and well-known and tested solution.

Fourth version.

And so the fourth version was chosen, which by the way is the only implementation option at the moment. It is clear that in any project, before it began, the main business requirements for the system were collected, and when demonstrating by integrators, companies placed emphasis on demonstrating solutions specifically for our tasks.

By the way, I note that Axelot has a large stand in their office, where they demonstrate their solutions live - in fact, a mini warehouse, Axelot's competitors have small stands at best, placed simply on desks, so Axelota's visibility is much higher.

We were shown options for solutions, everything was great, but unfortunately the limited time did not allow us to delve into the specifics of the technical implementation and therefore we could not catch important points, and this turned out to be a risk, which then complicated the implementation, so you will choose - select more time for visits to integrator companies.

As a result, having chosen an integrator in the person of Axelota, we, alas, did not immediately catch what tasks we would have to solve in the future.

So exchange:

  1. In the case of Axelot, the exchange now goes through a special Bus, this is actually a separate software(software) that controls the exchange. Moreover, connectors to the bus are written not on the side of the systems connected to it, but on the side of the bus itself, which uses its own programming language, very similar to 1C, but its own. At the same time, the Integration Solution is divided into two parts - connectors to WMS and connectors to CIS, and it is your specialists who will have to implement connectors to CIS, because for obvious reasons, it is you who know the features of the business processes of your CIS and the information storage system in it, Axelot naturally implements communication with WMS. So you have to be prepared that your programmer will have to learn Bus programming. it will take time to master.
  2. The second important point of working with the Bus is that you need to be able to install, configure and administer it, and these are tasks for administrators, so you need to take this into account in the project.

Now TSD:

  1. Now TSDs are connected not through a terminal connection, but through a special service that will run on your WMS server, which connects to the WMS database via IIS.
  2. Obviously, it and IIS also need to be administered, and administrators should also do this, which means you need to invest in their training.
  3. Another important point is the appeal of TSD to this service. To do this, a special client is installed on the TSD, which is programmed for your solution, Axelot is responsible for creating this client and modifying it, but you need to be able to install and configure it. And for good, this is the task of the WMS Administrator, but if this Administrator will work remotely from the office, then you should train the warehouse staff in the basic methods of working with TSD.
  4. TSDs also come with both volatile memory (it is in this case that the client is installed) and non-volatile memory. So, for the first case, I recommend that you pre-configure the restoration of volatile memory settings during a cold reboot of the RTD from non-volatile memory - and this is definitely the task of the WMS Administrator - you need to teach him this and Axelot can help with this, but you, as a RP, need to take this into account .
  5. And of course, it will be necessary to prepare an FAQ for users of the system in the warehouse, regarding this cold reboot.

Described important points necessarily must be included in the schedule and included in the budget.

In the next article, I will talk about some more important points which must be taken into account at the stage of formation of the schedule.

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 AXELOT Company 14 years in the IT market More than 150 employees Warehouse and transport logistics trading activities enterprises Financial accounting Corporate reporting Document flow Logistics Support Regulatory information IT-Consulting Support Design and optimization of high-load systems

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Prerequisites for development Market needs have changed Target customers: large high-intensity warehouses New requirements for WMS: Processing a large volume of orders High complexity of personnel and task management Presence of complex business processes (each operation can consist of several steps performed by different employees with different equipment) Task scheduling and management Changed approaches to development in new version platforms 8.2

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management 4.0 A new edition developed from scratch Developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 technological platform in the managed applications mode Designed to automate and manage tasks for processing incoming, outgoing and internal flows of goods in the warehouse Allows you to manage the warehouse in the mode in real time Focused mainly on the automation of large, high-intensity warehouses

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 The use of radio terminals The use of radio terminals allows you to: Increase the accuracy of tasks performed; Reduce time for processing warehouse tasks; Reduce errors; Manage warehouse operations online. The main regular mode of operation of the system is without warehouse operators Most operations are created and processed by warehouse workers from the terminal window Paper technology is used to a limited extent

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 "1C: WMS Logistics. Warehouse management. Task management The main concept is avoiding batch processing of operations (a document with a tabular section) The main essence of the system is single tasks Task is any action with a product Tasks can be grouped into a common stream (queue) of tasks Task streams are distributed among storekeepers Arbitrary grouping of tasks within a stream

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 "1C: WMS Logistics warehouse management". Mobile client for processing tasks WMSMobile4 mobile client for processing warehouse tasks Developed in C# Installed on a radio terminal (with Windows CE Windows Mobile) Connects to WMS via a web service Does not contain business logic - all algorithms are processed in 1C

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Organization of the warehouse topology Entering and storing data on the warehouse topology (zones, cells) Setting up the interaction of zones (buffer, transit zones) Hierarchy of zones and setting processing rules for the zone Setting the coordinates of storage places Working with stuffed racks

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Accounting for goods in the context of storage units Different types of packaging (pieces, boxes, boxes with non-fixed weight) Quality control of goods (condition, defective ...) Control of WHC when processing warehouse tasks Control of palletizing standards (number of layers, layer height) Division by classes turnover (A, B, C) Stock accounting

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Containers - identified carriers of goods Formed at the stage of acceptance and shipment Handled with the goods as a whole (placement, movement) Goods can be selected from the container by the piece Containers can be consolidated into master containers at the stage of selection or packaging Control of the status of containers (available, blocked) Accounting containers

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Incoming flow of goods. Receiving Defining the stages of receiving goods: creating a chain of movement of goods in the warehouse from the gate to the final location Automatic creation receipt plan Preliminary recalculation of incoming goods by places (marking, recalculation with TSD) Acceptance of actual receipt in terms of quantity and quality Input additional information(expiration dates, serial numbers) Identification and labeling of goods Acceptance in trust mode Reservation of accepted goods under the order (cross-docking) Acceptance control Plan-factual analysis of acceptance

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Incoming flow of goods. Placement Setting placement strategies in the user mode according to a variety of criteria for the User to choose Automatic placement planning according to the given strategies: Placement in the storage area, selection or near buffer; Placement in whole containers or with unfolding in the selection / storage area; Placement by ABC; … Planning placement at the moment when a pallet is taken for placement Planning placement in a cell (zone) located closer to the selection zone Placement through “transit” cells

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Outgoing flow of goods. Shipment stages Setting the stages of processing the outgoing flow of goods Creation of a shipment plan Possibility of scheduling the selection not in advance, but at the time of entering the zone Possibility of scheduling the selection without waiting for the replenishment operation; Consolidation of orders: In the selection waves according to the time windows of shipment; On flights on delivery routes; In selection groups - to reduce approaches to the same type of product; Packing and control of the selected goods; Sorting; Control of goods before shipment at the gate or when loading into a truck.

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Order processing Picking based on a sales order according to predefined picking strategies; Cluster selection - selection for several orders in a pre-prepared container for each order; Selection of containers in accordance with the dimensions of the goods; Group selection - selection for several orders is consolidated with subsequent sorting

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Order picking optimization Forecast of the planned time required to work on the Order; Calculation of the deadline for the Order; Forecasting the implementation of each stage of order preparation; Optimization of stacking of goods on a pallet (for network customers)

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Internal processes Movement of goods through the warehouse; Multi-step movements; Possibility to perform all moving operations through "transit" cells Refilling of the selection zone; Inventory of goods, containers, cells without stopping the processing of warehouse tasks; Control and change the quality of goods

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Product quality control Setting the remaining shelf life threshold for customers Checking the shelf life when receiving / shipping Setting time limits for each group of goods Notifying the system about a product whose shelf life is coming to an end

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Access rights management Workplaces for acceptance, shipment, task manager, TSD dispatcher Monitoring warehouse tasks Manual generation of tasks in case of deviations Service functions (printing labels, working with files, building additional reports and processing, etc.) Service capabilities

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Yard management Accounting for models and the list of vehicles Vehicle traffic control on the territory of the warehouse Registration of passes for the entry / exit of the vehicle; Distribution of vehicles by parking spaces, loading / unloading gates Management of loading and unloading operations Analysis of time indicators of loading and unloading operations

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Analytics Remains of goods: By storage addresses By containers By quality, additional parameters Movement of goods

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Resource management Monitoring the execution of warehouse tasks Maintaining work schedules for warehouse employees (shift, five days) Accounting for work time and downtime Calculation of employee output according to various indicators Rationing of warehouse tasks Analysis of the efficiency and productivity of work Forecast of the required number of personnel per shift

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management, ed. 4.0 Billing of warehouse operations List of charged services Setting tariffs for Counterparties Calculation of the cost of services rendered for the period by depositors Tariffing of storage services by goods - accounting for various storage conditions of goods in the cost Report on services rendered