Training in budgeting for a feast. Training course The procedure for determining the base price of design work



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Thus, the cost of developing 2 more options is

Zppo \u003d (Tsvl * 0.3 + Tsper * 0.5) * 0.02 * 2 \u003d (470.222 * 0.3 + 99.2 * 0.5) * 0.02 * 2 \u003d 7.627 thousand rubles.

Ccr \u003d (Cvl * 0.3 + Cper * 0.5) * 0.7 * 2 \u003d (470.222 * 0.3 + 99.2 * 0.5) * 0.7 * 2 \u003d 266.933 thousand rubles.

To assess technical and economic indicators, we accept 5% of this amount (estimate documentation)

Csm \u003d (Tsppo \u003d Tskr) * 0.05 \u003d (7.627 + 266.933) * 0.05 \u003d 13.71 thousand rubles.

Total Tsvar = 287.91 thousand rubles.

Power line entrances

In accordance with clause Directory, the cost of connection is determined in the amount of up to 0.15 of the cost of work according to tables 19 and 20.


Tsakh \u003d Tsvl * 0.15 \u003d 470.222 * 0.15 \u003d 70.533 thousand rubles. (PD / RD ratio - 30/70)

Ice melting device

The electrical calculation of the cost of devices for detecting and melting ice is determined according to clauses 1 (VL) and 4 (ground wire) of Table 24

Tsrgvl = 6.48 thousand rubles.

Tsrgt \u003d 3.39 thousand rubles.

Calculation of the design cost

Tsspg \u003d 18.5 thousand rubles. (PD / RD ratio - 30/70)

Total CPG = 18.5 + 6.48 + 3.39 = 28.37 thousand rubles.

This amount for the Design Documentation stage is 18.5 * 0.3 + 6.48 + 3.39 = 15.42 tr.

For the stage Working documentation - 18.5 * 0.7 = 12.95 tr.

- Organization of FOCL and HF communication channels

The cost of organizing high-frequency communications is determined according to table 35.

According to the terms of reference, 1 compacted simplex channel should be organized between the Biysk CHPP and the Biryuzovaya Katun substation. Branches from the designed overhead line are not provided.

Accordingly, we accept the development cost:

P. 1 High-frequency channel for telephone communication, teleinformation, signaling, relay protection, system and linear automation - 13.00 thousand rubles. (PD / RD ratio - 45/55)

P. 4 Sealing of communication channels with channels of teleinformation, signaling, telegraph, relay protection, system and linear emergency automatics - 4.00 thousand rubles. (PD / RD ratio - 45/55)

P. 9 Calculation of the electromagnetic compatibility of channel frequencies along power lines - 3.58 thousand rubles. (ratio PD / RD - 100/0).

Total Tsvch \u003d 13.00 + 4.00 + 3.58 \u003d 20.58 thousand rubles. including

Tsvchpd \u003d 13.00 * 0.45 + 4 * 0.45 + 3.58 \u003d 11.23 thousand rubles.

Tsvchrd \u003d 13.00 * 0.55 + 4 * 0.55 \u003d 9.35 thousand rubles.

The calculation of the cost of organizing FOCL is carried out according to the SBCP "Communication Objects" (2010) (Appendix 6 of the Manual).

According to table 4 of this SBTsP "Cable communication lines with a fiber-optic cable in the composition, linear structures" we determine:

Tsvols \u003d 178.74 + 150 * 3.15 \u003d 651.24 thousand rubles. (ratio PD / RD - 44/56).

- Metrological support of communication channels

An example of an estimate for metrological certification of measuring channels of information-measuring systems is given in Appendix 9 of the Handbook.

- Selection of land for construction

The calculation of the cost for the provision of services for the execution of the act of selection and survey of the land plot is made according to the Collection of prices and socially necessary labor costs (ONZT) for the manufacture of design and survey products of land management, land cadastre and land monitoring (Appendix 7 of the Handbook) according to table 185. It should be borne in mind that the prices in the Collection are given in non-dominated rubles and should be reduced by 1000 times on the basis of Letter No. 9-1-1/6 dated January 13, 1998.

30.4. Participation in the selection and approval of the location of the construction object

The content of the work. The study of survey materials and design developments necessary to resolve issues on the placement of the facility. Analysis of materials submitted by the interested party. Participation in the work of the commission for the selection of a site for the construction of an object (or clarification of the boundaries of a previously selected site), in the analysis of the conditions of placement, - preparation of relevant documents for the selection of a site, participation in the preparation of a draft decision and its coordination with the relevant organizations and administrative bodies.

End products: materials for the preliminary selection of the location of the construction object.

Unit of measurement:"a" - the organization (enterprise) for which the site is being selected; "in" - the object of construction.

Table 185

Notes: 1. Prices are calculated for the choice of a site for the construction of a building.
project of one type of destination. When choosing a site intended for accommodation
for construction objects of different purposes, in the indicator "c" enters the code
coefficient K \u003d 1.0 + 0.30 (n - 1), where "n" is the number of objects of different purposes
goods placed on the same site.

2. Prices are calculated for the choice of a site located on the lands of one
land use. Under other conditions, a coefficient is introduced into the indicator "c":

K = 1.0 + 0.40 (n - 1), where "n" is the number of land use (land holdings), on the lands of which the site for the construction of the facility is selected.

  1. The prices are calculated on the conditions under which the construction object is
    hangs in one area. For a different quantity, the coefficient is entered into the indicator "c"
    cient: K \u003d 1.0 + 0.20 (n - 1), where "n" is the number of isolated areas on which
    construction of the facility is envisaged.
  2. Prices are based on the design of drawings on a scale of 1:10000. Otherwise
    scale in the indicator "in" the coefficient is entered: 1.30 - M 1: 1000; 1.20 - M 1:2000;
    1.15 - M 1:5000; 0.90 - M 1:25000; 0.80 - M -1:50000.

10. The cost of preparing a draft resolution (order) of the head of the administration of the district (city) on the coordination of the location of the object is determined additionally by the indicator "a" using a coefficient of 0.10.

An example of an estimate for the execution of a land selection act is given in Appendix 8 (estimate 5) of the Guide.

- Environmental impact assessment

In accordance with paragraph 1.14 of the Handbook, the cost of developing an EIA section is 4% of the total design cost.

- Investment efficiency

The calculation of the cost of investment efficiency is carried out according to the form 3p MDS81-35.2004

- Cadastral work

The calculation of the cost of cadastral work is carried out according to the Collection of prices and socially necessary labor costs (ONZT) for the manufacture of design and survey products of land management, land cadastre and land monitoring (Appendix 7 of the Handbook) under Chapter 30.

- Carrying out of corners of turns in nature

The calculation of the cost for the removal of angles of turns of overhead lines in nature is carried out according to the Reference book at the base prices for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys during the construction and operation of buildings and structures Chapter 3.

- Boundary work

The calculation of the cost of surveying works is carried out according to the Collection of prices and socially necessary labor costs (ONZT) for the manufacture of design and survey products of land management, land cadastre and land monitoring (Appendix 7 of the Manual) according to tables 8 and 9.

Calculation of the cost of design work for the SBC PR "Energy Facilities" (2003)

This CBC (hereinafter referred to as the “Reference Book”) (Appendix 10 of the Manual) is a departmental reference book, because not included in the Register of current regulations of the Ministry of Regional Development. But it is actively used by various departments that are not funded from the budget. Examples of the use of this CBC are presented in Appendices 8 and 9 of the Handbook.

"Handbook" includes:

Basic provisions.

The procedure for determining the base price of design work and the table of base prices determined depending on the total cost of construction.

Tables of unit costs for the development of working documentation (RD) for buildings, structures and types of work, which simultaneously determine the composition of buildings, structures and types of work that form a complex of a power facility, for which base price tables have been developed, determined depending on the total cost of construction.

One of the purposes of the unit cost tables for the development of design documentation is to use them to determine the base prices of design work for the construction of reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment facilities.

The procedure for determining the base price and the table of base prices for certain types of design work that are not included in the base price of the design work of the above complex of the power facility and are determined depending on natural indicators (capacity, length, area, etc.).

Tables of the relative cost of developing project documentation for specialized sections of the project.

Base prices for design work are based on new construction. At the same time, the set of documents and provisions included in the Handbook also provides an opportunity to determine the base prices for design work for the construction of reconstruction and/or technical re-equipment facilities.

The "Reference Book" is designed to calculate the base prices of design work for the purpose of the subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of design documentation for the industrial construction of energy facilities.

Consider the technical part of the Handbook


1.1 The reference book of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference book") is intended to determine basic prices for the subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of project documentation for the industrial construction of energy facilities (thermal power, hydropower, electric grid construction, power supply to agriculture).

1.2 The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the total cost of construction of design objects (tables 1¸13) and depending on natural indicators: length, network, section, etc. (tables 15¸54) excluding value added tax.

10. Overhead power lines

11. Power lines, TP, RTP

12. Cable lines up to 35 kV

13. Cable lines with voltage of 110, 220 and 500 kV

1.3 The Directory can be used by organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to perform the relevant work and have the status of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4 The prices in the Directory take into account all costs included in the cost in accordance with the "Guidelines for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction and the formation of financial results", approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia on April 6, 1994 year, (except for the cost of business trips) and profit.

1.5 The Directory contains prices for individual design of new construction of energy facilities using standard and reusable economical individual projects of buildings and structures included in them, as well as drawings of standard building structures of products and assemblies.

1.6 The base prices for design work given in the Handbook are set in relation to the requirements contained in the Instructions on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 11-01-95), SNiP on organizations of construction production (SNiP 3.01.01-85) and in other regulatory documents for design.

Note. author. Currently, SNiP 11-01-95 has been canceled and should be guided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 8, art. 744).

Note. author. This applies not only to the cost of design, but also to the cost of construction. Often, the cost of construction is given in prices as of 01.01.2000. It is on this date that the cost of analogue objects can be transferred. In this case, we use the Guidelines for the CBC

2.2.4 To recalculate the cost of construction of objects from the price level as of 01/01/2000 to the price level as of 01/01/2001, a coefficient equal to 1.25 is taken.

1.7 The basic prices of the Directory do not include: (Author's note. Only items related to the design of power lines and general design issues will be considered)

1.7.1 Development of design solutions in several versions, with the exception of variant studies, which can, if necessary, be carried out to select the optimal solutions.

The development of additional (alternative) options for the project (working draft) or individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions is established in the design assignment, where sections (or parts of these sections) of the project should also be defined, for which the development of these options and initial data are required required for their development.

The degree of elaboration of additional (alternative) options is established in agreement with the Customer.

The price for the development of additional options is determined in the manner set out in clause 1.8.6.

1.7.2 Development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations when designing objects with particularly complex structures and methods for performing construction and installation works in accordance with the requirements established by SNiP 3.01.01-85. The base price for the development of working drawings of these structures, devices, devices and installations is determined in the manner established by construction organizations, or by calculating the cost in accordance with costing.

1.7.4 Making changes to the project documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents, the replacement of equipment with more advanced equipment and in other cases (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization). The performance of these works should be provided for by a separate design assignment or a separate order from the Customer and paid additionally.

1.7.5 Development of detailed drawings of metal structures and prefabricated technological pipelines (KMD): assembly diagrams of blocks and blocks of pipelines and dust and gas ducts, flumes, funnels, gas ducts, circulating water conduits, etc.

KMD are developed by manufacturers. In the case of entrusting these works to a design organization, the prices for the development of KMD are set according to departmental price lists or according to the price lists of manufacturers or on the basis of costing and are paid additionally.

1.7.6 Surveys and measurement works at facilities subject to expansion, reconstruction and/or technical re-equipment. The cost of such work should be determined according to the relevant Handbooks or by calculating the cost in accordance with the cost calculation.

1.7.7 Development of design documentation for custom-made equipment (tanks of any volume, conveyors, non-standard low-voltage electrical complete devices - NKU and control panels, etc.), in addition to drawing up the initial requirements necessary for the development of technical specifications for the implementation of this documentation.

The terms of reference for the implementation of the specified design documentation are developed by the manufacturer.

1.7.8 Costs for the production of demonstration models.

1.7.9 Author's supervision. Costs for the implementation of field supervision are determined at contractual prices in accordance with the scope of work established by the Customer. Architectural supervision is carried out on the basis of a separate agreement or an additional agreement to the main design agreement.

1.7.10 Research and experimental work necessary for the implementation of design technical solutions.

1.7.11 Marketing Services.

1.7.12 Costs for business trips, including those of administrative personnel, if the business trips of this personnel are directly related to the design of the facility.

1.7.13 Development of projects for the production of construction and installation works (PPR).

The base price of the PPR is determined by departmental price tags, and in their absence - by calculating the cost in accordance with costing. The above provision applies to all types and methods of construction (new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, contract, economic or mixed construction).

1.7.14 Designing at the stage of working documentation of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations. The cost of designing such buildings and structures is determined by the price tags for these works, developed by construction organizations, or in the manner established by them.

1.7.15 Development of automated systems, including process control systems (APCS), dispatching and technological control systems (ASDU, ASDTU, integrated APCS), enterprise management systems (APCS). The base price for the design of automated systems is determined by specialized reference books and price tags for the development of relevant technical documentation.

1.7.16 Development of EIA materials. In accordance with SP 11-101-95, the development of EIA materials is included in the pre-project work - Justifications for investments in construction. The need to perform these works as part of the project is specified in the design assignment and is paid in addition to the cost of the project.

Note. author. By analogy with the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Utility Engineering Networks and Structures", it is possible to determine their cost in the amount of 4% of the total design cost.

1.7.19 Justification of investment in construction, including the costs of design organizations associated with their participation in the selection of the site (route).

1.7.20 Survey work.

1.7.22 Engineering services not related to design work.

Engineering services:

- Maintenance of all stages of project creation (collection, processing and optimization of initial data, including STU, organization and control of design work).

- Full documentary support: coordination of project documentation, obtaining conclusions, building permits (reconstruction), etc.

- Maintenance of technical supervision.

- Organization of construction management.

- Gen. contracting services.

- Activities for the commissioning of facilities (obtaining acts and permits for commissioning).

1.7.23 Development of the Safety Declaration, including measures to prevent emergency situations.

1.7.24 Development of project documentation for the development and construction of railway lines and public access roads.

1.7.25 Costs for performing the functions of a general designer and supervising design work.

1.7.27 Collection of initial data for design.

1.7.28 Expenses for the examination of pre-project and project documentation.

1.7.29 Works related to the acquisition of construction equipment.

1.7.30 Costs of design organizations for additional approval of project documentation, executed in accordance with the established procedure, at the request of regional executive authorities, supervision and control, FAPRID, as well as with interested organizations. customs expenses.

1.7.31 Costs associated with payment for the work of local governments (administration), State supervision (control) and interested organizations upon their approval of the planned design solutions, including additional approvals under clause 1.7.30.

1.7.32 The cost of additional copies of project documentation issued to the Customer in excess of the established 4 copies.

1.7.33 Drawing up a Petition (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.

1.7.34 Development of projects for fire and security protection systems (with the exception of on-site networks of these systems).

The price of such projects is determined according to the “Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction. Fire and security protection systems”.

1.7.35 The cost of developing project documentation for the assimilation of production. If there is an assignment for the design of such production facilities, the price of design work is determined additionally at the prices of the Handbook for the design of the corresponding enterprise with a reduction factor established by the design organization in agreement with the Customer.

1.7.39 Development of measures and performance of work related to the preparation of the construction site.

1.7.40 The cost of design work on the allocation of launch complexes. Accepted at a rate of 10% of the project development price.

1.7.45 Postage for sending technical documentation to the customer.

1.7.46 Traffic management project.

1.7.47 Application of software for three-dimensional modeling of designed objects. A multiplying factor of up to 1.3 is introduced to the base price of design work.

1.8 Other general provisions for the use of the Handbook.

1.8.1 The cost of types of design work included in prices is determined according to the tables of relative cost given in the Directory, as well as according to the tables of the specific cost of working documentation for buildings, structures and types of work (when determining the price of design work from the total cost of construction) and can be specified by the design by the organization within the total cost for each design stage, both when performing work on its own, and when transferring part of the work to subcontracting design organizations in agreement with them.

1.8.2 The costs of design organizations located in areas where payments are made in accordance with the current legislation due to the district regulation of wages, including payments according to district coefficients and coefficients for work in desert, waterless and high-mountainous areas, as well as allowances for wages for continuous work experience and other benefits provided for by law in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, in regions of the European North and other regions with difficult natural and climatic conditions, are determined taking into account the indicated additional payments by introducing multiplying coefficients to the base price total established on the basis of the relevant justifying calculations performed by the organization itself.

1.8.3 If there are pre-project works that differ in composition, content and scope of work from the investment justification, the price of their development is determined by applying coefficients to the project price, the amount of which is agreed with the Customer when concluding a design contract.

1.8.4 The reference price of a typical project is determined by the prices of the Directory using the following coefficients:

without changes - 0.35;

with changes - up to 0.7.

1.8.5 The cost of developing design and estimate documentation for the construction of facilities for which the prices in the Directory are not given and cannot be taken by analogy is determined by calculating the cost based on labor costs.

1.8.6 The development of additional (alternative) design options or individual technological, structural and other solutions issued to the Customer is determined at the price for the development of design documentation for the relevant facility or part thereof (determined in accordance with its specific or relative cost) using a reduction factor, the size of which is set by the design organization in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the Customer.

1.8.7 When calculating the base price of design work, determined depending on the total cost of construction of a power facility (if it is calculated on the basis of specific indicators), as well as when determining the base price of design work depending on physical indicators, the use of imported main technological equipment should be taken into account. The cost of developing design and estimate documentation for the construction of power facilities, buildings and structures using imported main technological equipment used by the design organization for the first time is determined at the prices of the Directory. At the same time, a coefficient of 1.3 is applied to the cost of types of design work, the development of which is complicated due to the use of the specified equipment, as agreed with the Customer.

1.8.10 Factors that complicate the design are taken into account by a multiplying factor to the base price of design work, determined according to the tables of the Directory (see Appendices 1 and 2), in the manner specified in paragraphs. 2.8, 2.9, 2.17, 2.18.

When determining the base price for design work in the presence of several complicating factors and, in connection with this, several coefficients greater than one are used, the total multiplying coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one.

1.8.11 When determining the base price using several coefficients less than one, the overall reduction coefficient is determined by multiplying them.

In the case of applying simultaneously increasing and decreasing coefficients, first, in the indicated order, the total increasing and general decreasing coefficients are determined, which are then multiplied.

1.8.12 When determining the estimated cost of construction by the resource method, an increase in labor intensity and volume of project documentation is taken into account by introducing a multiplying factor to the price determined according to this Handbook, in the amount established by the design organization in agreement with the Customer.

1.8.13 The cost of design and estimate documentation, determined on the basis of the main indicators of the facility being designed, according to the indicators specified as a result of its development, is not recalculated.

(Compiled on the basis of the "Explanations * on the use of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction." SE "CENTRINVESTproject", M., 1999).

1.9.1 To paragraph 1.7.9. Designer supervision costs have increased disproportionately with the price index for capital investments. Therefore, before the release of new regulatory documents related to the implementation and determination of the cost of design work, when drawing up contracts for architectural supervision, the design organization and the customer must proceed from the actually necessary costs and take into account the compensation rates for workers distracted by architectural supervision (see also R. p. 4.2 ).

1.9.2 To paragraph 1.7.16. The cost of developing EIA materials can be up to 20% of the cost of the Investment Justification, (see R. p. 3.6 with the amendment of the 1st paragraph: “... the cost of developing which is up to 0.5 of the project price”).

1.9.3 To paragraph 1.7.19. The cost of developing the Investment Justification is up to 0.5 of the project price (see R. 3.2, taking into account the clarification specified in clause 1.9.2), for electric networks with voltage up to 35 kV - up to 0.25 of the price of the working project.

1.9.4 The cost of expenses of design organizations associated with their participation in the selection of a site (route).

The choice of a site (route) for construction is carried out, as a rule, in the Feasibility Study for Investments in the construction of an object. The costs of design organizations associated with their participation in the selection of a site (route) are taken into account by increasing the coefficient according to clause 1.9.3 by 0.05.

The scope of work on site (route) selection is determined by SP 11-101-95.

If it is necessary to select a site (route) at the stage of the project (detail project), the cost of this work is determined according to the Base Price Directory with a coefficient from 0.05 to 0.1 to the project price (see R. p. 3.2 - subject to the specified clarification the size of the coefficient for energy facilities).

1.9.5 To paragraph 1.7.25. The cost of the costs associated with the performance of the functions of the general designer is determined in the amount of up to 2% of the scope of work transferred to the subcontract.

In the case of subcontracting works involving specialized organizations (double subcontracting), the costs of supervising these specialized organizations are determined additionally in the same manner (as a percentage of the volume of sub/subcontracting work). (See R. p. 2.5).

1.9.6 To paragraph 1.7.26. Development of a business plan. The price of work related to the development of a business plan is not regulated by regulatory documents and can be determined depending on the complexity of the work as a share of the cost of developing the Investment Justification as agreed with the Customer (See R. Clause 3.4).

1.9.7 To paragraph 1.7.27. Collection of initial data for design. The initial data for designing in accordance with the list given in Appendix A of SNiP 11-01-95 is provided by the Customer of the project (detailed design).

In the case when the Customer entrusts the collection of initial data for the design of the design organization, the price of this work should be taken into account when setting the contract price for the design documentation in addition to the base price determined according to the Directory (See R. Clause 4.3).

1.9.8 To paragraph 1.7.28. The cost of work on the examination of pre-project and design documentation is determined as a percentage of the cost of design and survey work in accordance with the "Procedure for determining the cost of work on the examination of pre-project and design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation", approved by the Gosstroy of Russia by a resolution of August 18, 1997 g. No. 18-44.

1.9.9 To paragraph 1.7.29. Acquisition of construction sites with equipment is the function of the Customer.

In the event that the Customer entrusts the design organization with the execution of works related to the acquisition of buildings with equipment, their price is determined depending on the scope of work in the amount of up to 7% of the total construction cost, including the preparation of custom specifications - up to 10% of the total design cost ( see R. p. 4.5), paid additionally.

The cost of completing construction sites with equipment for hydroelectric power plants is determined by the design organization in agreement with the Customer.

1.9.10 To paragraph 1.7.30. Costs of design organizations for additional approval of project documentation.

Based on the provisions of par. 3.4 and 3.6 of SNiP 11-01-95, project documentation developed in accordance with state norms, rules and standards, as well as initial data, specifications and requirements issued by State supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations, is not subject to additional approval. In this regard, the costs of design organizations for the coordination of documentation at the request of regional executive authorities, supervision and control, as well as with interested organizations, are not taken into account by the prices of the Directory and are determined additionally in the prescribed manner (see R. p. 2.6).

1.9.11 To paragraph 1.7.31. Costs associated with payment for works (services) performed by self-government bodies (administrations), State supervision (control) and interested organizations that issue to the customer and design organization initial data, technical conditions and requirements for connecting the facility to engineering networks and public communications, and also carrying out coordination of design solutions provided for in SP 11-101-95 and SNiP 11-01-95, as a rule, are not subject to additional payment.

If these organizations are on full economic account, payment for the specified works (services) is made by the customer at contractual prices.

These clarifications are given in paragraph 11 of the Model Regulations on the procedure for issuing initial data and technical specifications for design, approval of construction documentation, as well as payment for these services, approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on February 6, 1996 and sent with a letter of February 13, 1996 No. BE-19-4 /9 (see R. Sec. 2.6).

1.9.12 To paragraph 1.7.32. Number of copies of project documentation.

The number of copies of project documentation SNiP 11-01-95 is not regulated and is determined by the contract for the performance of work.

The base price for design work, determined according to the reference books of base prices, takes into account the issuance of project documentation to the customer in the amount of 4 copies.

The cost of copies of project documentation issued to the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price, based on the prices of the developer organization for replication. (see R. p. 2.10).

1.9.13 To paragraph 1.7.33. The Application (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in accordance with SP 11-101-95 is made by the Customer. In the case of commissioning the preparation of the Application (Declaration) of intent to the design organization, the cost of this work can be determined as a percentage of the base price for the implementation of the Justifications for Investments in the construction of the facility in accordance with the labor intensity of the work (See R. p. 3.3).


A. Depending on the total construction cost

2.1 The base price for the development of project documentation (project + working documentation) is set from the total cost of construction based on the results of the Consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction and depending on the category of complexity of designing an energy facility, while the total cost of construction includes the cost of all buildings, structures and types of work on chapters 1¸12 of the Consolidated Estimate, including the cost of construction attributable to the work listed in clause 1.7.

2.2 The base price includes the cost of design work for the entire complex of buildings, structures and types of design work reflected in the Consolidated cost estimate for the construction of a power facility, with the exception of the cost of design work listed in clause 1.7 and the cost of design work, determined depending on natural indicators according to tables 15¸26 (for electric networks with voltage of 35¸1150 kV) and tables 27¸30 (for electric networks with voltage up to 20 kV).

2.3 The construction cost for determining the base price of the design work of the power facility is taken according to the duly approved estimated construction cost of the Justification of Investments, the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of the Construction Cost or for an analogue facility, taking into account its comparability with the power facility or according to specific indicators of estimated standards (per unit of capacity, productivity etc.), including "Progressive technical and economic indicators of thermal condensing power plants (CPPs), combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) and boiler houses for assessing the technical level and quality of project documentation", approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy on April 17, 1990 in agreement with the USSR Gosstroy (letter ACh-446-8/4 dated February 26, 1990).

The cost of construction to determine the base price of design work is determined taking into account the sectoral regional coefficients for the change in the estimated cost of construction and installation works according to the collection of sectoral coefficients of the Main Computing Center of the State Planning Committee of the USSR 1983.

Recommendations for calculating the cost of construction, taking into account sectoral regional coefficients of change in the estimated cost of construction and installation works for the purpose of determining the base price of design work, are given in Appendix 6.

2.4 The base price of design works (project + RD) in prices as of 01/01/2001, determined depending on the total cost of construction as of 01/01/2001, is presented in tables 1¸13.

The determination of the current prices of design work is carried out according to the formula:

Kstr is the index of change in the cost of energy construction (in terms of capital investments) in the current quarter in relation to prices as of January 1, 2001, according to the calculations of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (excluding VAT).

The marginal indicators of the cost of design work in tables 1-13 are calculated for the corresponding construction costs indicated in the columns "before" and "and more" of these tables. In the event that the cost of building an object (in prices as of 01.01.2001) is less or more than the extreme cost indicators given in the price tables, the base price of design work is determined by drawing up a proportion in the manner specified in paragraph 2 of Appendix 4.

For HPPs and PSPPs - see paragraph 3 of the Notes to Table 7.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2005)

2.5 The distribution of the base price of the project and working documentation is carried out, as a rule, according to Table 14 below and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer.

Note. author. Due to the fact that the distribution of the base price in the Directory is determined on the basis of the canceled SNiP 11-01-95, one should be guided in the distribution of the cost of PD and RD by the Methodological Guidelines, taking into account the requirements of Government Decree No. 87.

2.7 The base price of design work for the construction of a facility in difficult conditions (seismicity of 7 points or more; permafrost, subsidence, swelling, heaving, eluvial, silty, peaty soils; karst and landslide phenomena; location of the construction site above mine workings; in flooded areas; with taking into account hurricanes, tsunamis, shock waves, aircraft crashes, etc.) is determined by the prices of the Directory without applying any multiplying factors, if the approved Consolidated Estimate is taken as the basis for calculating the base price.

The increase in the complexity of design work for construction in difficult conditions is compensated in this case by an increase in the total cost of construction.

2.8 If the base price of design work for the construction of an object in difficult conditions is determined on the basis of specific indicators, then multiplying factors are introduced to the prices of design work, determined according to the tables of the Directory, in accordance with Appendix 1.

2.9 When designing facilities for construction abroad, the price of design work determined according to the tables of the Directory is subject to multiplying factors that take into account the influence of complicating factors, in accordance with Appendix 2 and Appendix 1 (taking into account clause 2.8).

2.10 When determining the cost of construction by specific indicators for the purpose of calculating the price of design work, climatic coefficients (minutes No. 51 of December 24, 1987 of the Gosstroy of the USSR) are not used.

2.11 The base price of design work for reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment is determined in accordance with paragraph 2.4 using a coefficient of up to 1.5, established by the design organization in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the Customer.

2.12 The procedure for determining the price of design work for the reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment of energy facilities is as follows:

a) The cost of a new construction of an energy facility is determined, which has similar key indicators with an object of reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment.

b) The price of design work for the new construction of an energy facility is determined.

c) According to the tables of the unit cost of developing working documentation for buildings, structures and types of work (tables B1-B18), the total unit cost of the design documentation for all reconstructed and / or technically re-equipped buildings and structures is determined. At the same time, if any buildings, structures are not fully reconstructed (including, for example, not in all specializations), then reduction factors less than 1.0 are introduced to their specific RC costs, determined according to tables B1–B18.

d) To the total cost of RD determined in this way for a reconstructed and / or technically re-equipped energy facility, a multiplying factor is introduced according to paragraph 2.11.

2.13 The relative cost of developing specialized sections of design estimates as a percentage of the price is given in tables A1 to A14.

2.14 A conditional example of determining the base price of design work depending on the total cost of construction is given in Appendix 3 Directory , and examples of calculating the base price of designing an object, the construction cost indicators of which are between the indicators given in the table, or in the extreme columns of the tables, see Appendix 4 Directory .

B. Depending on the natural indicators of design objects

2.15 The base price for the development of project documentation (project + working documentation) is determined by the formula:

C \u003d (a + in) x K ind

where: "a" and "c" - constant values ​​for a certain interval of the main indicator of the designed object, thousand rubles;

x - the main indicator of the designed object;

K ind - price index for design work to the level set on 01/01/2001 and reflecting inflationary processes at the time of determining the price of design work for the construction of the facility.

Note. Estimated level of base prices for design work for construction, determined depending on physical indicators, to the level of base prices for design work as of January 1, 1995 (see letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 13.01.98 No. 9-1-1/6) adopted in the Handbook as 10.0.

2.16 The base price of design work, depending on physical indicators, is determined according to tables 15-54 of the Directory. The relative cost of developing design and estimate documentation as a percentage of the price is given in the tables of relative cost to them.

2.17 The base price of design work for the construction of an object in difficult conditions is determined according to the tables of the Directory using multiplying factors in Appendix 1.

2.18 The base price of design work for the construction of facilities abroad is determined according to the tables of the Directory using multiplying factors in Appendix 2 and Appendix 1.

2.19 The base price of design work for reconstruction and / or technical re-equipment is determined according to the tables of the Directory using a coefficient of up to 1.5, set by the design organization in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the Customer.

2.20 Extrapolation and interpolation in pricing

In the case when the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicator given in the table of the Base Price Directory, the base price of the design is determined by extrapolation, while the price adjustment value is reduced by 40%, i.e. when calculating the indicator of the projected object X ass is taken with a coefficient of 0.6.

If the power indicator of the object is less than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:

C \u003d a + b ´ (0.4 ´ X min + 0.6 ´ X set), (1)

where: a, c - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the minimum value of the indicator;

X min - the minimum indicator given in the table;

If the indicator of the object is greater than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:

C \u003d a + b ´ (0.4 ´ X max + 0.6 ´ X ass), (2)

where: a, c - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the maximum value of the indicator;

X max - the maximum indicator given in the table;

X ass - an indicator of the designed object.

2.21 Conventional examples of calculating the base price of design work when determining it depending on natural indicators are given in Appendix 5.

Attachment 1

Coefficients to base prices for design work for construction

enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions

If there are two or more complicating factors under paragraph 1, the coefficients are applied for each factor.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2005)

Appendix 2

Coefficients to the base prices of project documentation, taking into account the impact

complicating factors in the design of facilities for construction abroad.

Complicating factors

Ratios to development cost:

working documentation, working draft

1. Translation of text materials of technical documentation, inscriptions on drawings into a foreign language

2. Translation of materials of a foreign customer into Russian

3. Double check of calculations, drawings and specifications, calculations of the scope of work, estimate documentation and other project materials, making duplicates of cripples, increased requirements for the design and packaging of project documentation

4. Other factors affecting the increase in the complexity of design work:

4.1. Current frequency and voltage, the difference in the permissible limits of fluctuations in current frequency, other than RF (to the cost of designing electrical equipment, power supply, low currents, instrumentation, and, if necessary, other sections)

4.2. Dry or humid tropical climate

4.3. Development of design and estimate documentation, taking into account the use of equipment and materials purchased in the customer's countries or supplied from third countries

4.4. Application of foreign norms and standards for materials and equipment, performance of structural calculations on them, etc., specified by the customer in the design assignment

4.5. Additional requirements for design and estimate documentation for the construction of facilities on a contract basis, including the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials for temporary import

Note. Increasing coefficients are applied to the cost of sections of design estimates or their parts related to the design solutions of individual workshops, buildings, structures.

In cases where the design organization performs an examination of project documentation developed by foreign firms, review and refinement of specifications for equipment and materials drawn up by foreign customers, preparation of specifications for materials, spare parts, assemblies and parts necessary for the operation of the facility, and other work on individual orders of the general supplier and general contractor, their cost is determined by labor costs.

Tables of basic prices for design depending on

of the total cost of construction

Overhead power lines with a voltage of 110 - 750 kV

Table 10

continuation of table 10

Cost of construction in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

1000 or more

Base price of design work in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

Power transmission lines with a voltage of 0.4-20 kV with a transformer substation with a voltage of 6-20 / 0.4 kV; Power line 35 kB;

transformer substations 35/6-20 kV, 6-35/0.4 kV; distribution

and sectioning points 6-20 kV.

Table 11

Cost of construction in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

10 or more

Power transmission line 0.4-20 kV

Power transmission line - 35 kV

TP-35/6-20 kV; TP 6-35/0.4 kV; RTP, RP 6-20 kV


1. The cost of designing electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV using self-supporting insulated wires (SIW) is accepted with a coefficient of 2.4.

2. The cost of designing overhead lines with a voltage of 6-20 kV using protected wires (VLZ) is accepted with a coefficient of 2.1.

3. When designing overhead lines with a voltage of 6-20 kV with the arrangement of supports along the longitudinal profile, the cost of design is determined by the prices of 35 kV overhead lines.

4. When designing electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4-35 kV in cities and areas of old buildings, as well as at existing enterprises, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to prices.

Cable lines up to 35 kV

Table 12

Design object

Cost of construction in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

10 or more

Base price of design work in prices as of 01.01.2001, thousand rubles

Cable lines up to 35 kV

Cable lines with a voltage of 110, 220 and 500 kV high and low

pressure and in plastic insulation

Table 13

Cost of construction in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

400 or more

Base price of design work in prices as of 01.01.2001, million rubles

Cable lines 110, 220 kV in plastic insulation

Cable lines 110, 220 and 500 kV high and low pressure

Determination of the cost of construction of overhead and cable

power lines

The cost of construction to determine the base price of the design work of the power facility is taken:

For an analogue object, taking into account its comparability with a power facility;

According to the aggregated indicators of the cost of construction.

The choice of an analogue object is a rather laborious process that requires the presence of an appropriate accumulated base. At the same time, the cost of an analogue object must be confirmed by a positive conclusion of the State Expertise.

More preferable is the calculation of the cost of construction on aggregated indicators.

For power lines, it is possible to use one of the estimated standards approved and entered in the register of the Ministry of Regional Development:

Collection "Enlarged cost indicators of power transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 35-1150 kV". Approved and put into effect by JSC FGC UES Order No. 385 dated July 9, 2012 (Appendix 11 of the Manual).

State enlarged construction price standards (NTsS). External electrical networks. Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of December 30, 2011 No. 263. The Ministry of Regional Development plans to reissue these standards annually, the price is set on January 1 of the current year.

Let's take a look at these collections.

Aggregated cost indicators of power transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 35-1150 kV

Aggregated cost indicators (USI) of electric networks with a voltage of 35 kV and above are designed to assess the estimated amount of investment in the construction of power transmission lines and substations (VL and SS) both in the implementation of new construction and in the reconstruction and expansion of existing VL and SS.

In the new edition of the USP collection, aggregated cost indicators have been developed both for open substations of 35 kV and above, and for closed substations of 110-500 kV, made according to standard electrical connection diagrams of switchgears. In this regard, the cost indicators of the fixed part of the costs of PS have been changed.

In accordance with the change and expansion of the range of technological equipment currently used in the construction of power grid facilities, changes and additions were made to the tables of cost indicators for circuit breakers, transformers, synchronous, asynchronous and static thyristor compensators, shunt capacitor banks, current-limiting reactors, cable lines.

The Appendixes of the USP collection provide reference materials on the components of the cost of construction of 1 km of overhead lines and substations as a whole, as well as cost and natural indicators of the resource components of the construction of overhead lines (metal, reinforced concrete, wire, ground wire, linear fittings) and the share of costs in the cost of individual basic elements PS: switch cells, outdoor switchgear, switchgear, transformer cells.

1. General part

1.1. Aggregated cost indicators (USP) of electrical networks with a voltage of 35 kV and above are intended for:

Estimates of the volume of investments in the planning of new construction (reconstruction) of power grid facilities;

Technical and economic calculations when comparing alternative solutions for choosing electrical network schemes (“circuit” design);

Enlarged calculations of the cost of construction as part of investment justifications and business plans;

Formation of the initial price in the preparation of tender documentation and general economic calculations in the investment sphere for electric grid construction facilities.

1.2. The basis for the definition of the USP is:

Materials summarizing estimates for projects of specific objects;

Requirements for the construction and mechanical part of electric grid facilities, determined by the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations" of the 7th edition;

- "Technological design standards for AC substations with higher voltage 35-750 kV (NTP PS)" (STO 56947007- Approved by order of JSC FGC UES dated April 13, 2009 No. 136;

- "Norms for the technological design of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35-750 kV" (STO 56947007- Approved by order of JSC FGC UES dated October 24, 2008 No. 460;

- “Principal diagrams of electrical switchgears of substations 35-750 kV. Standard solutions (STO 56947007-”. Approved by order of JSC FGC UES dated December 20, 2007 No. 441;

Prices for equipment and materials of factories-suppliers and investors. Prices for equipment include transport and procurement and storage costs, as well as the cost of packaging.

1.3. General requirements for the organization of design are reflected in the "Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87). Design documentation for linear capital construction facilities consists of 10 sections, the requirements for the content of which are established by paragraphs 34-42 of the said Regulations.

1.4. Design preparation of construction consists of three stages:

1st stage - determination of the purpose of investment, purpose and capacity of the construction object, product range, location (region) of the object, taking into account the fundamental requirements and conditions of the customer (investor). On the basis of the necessary studies and studies on the sources of financing, conditions and means of achieving the set goal, the customer evaluates investment opportunities;

2nd stage - development of justifications for investments in construction based on the information received, the requirements of state bodies and interested organizations, to the extent sufficient for the customer (investor) to make decisions on the advisability of further investment, obtaining from the relevant executive authority a preliminary selection of the location of the facility, on the development of project documentation;

3rd stage - development, coordination, examination and approval of project documentation, obtaining on its basis a decision on the allocation of a land plot for construction.

The main design document for the construction of an object is, as a rule, a project, part of which is the estimate documentation. Based on the approved construction project, working documentation for the facility is developed.

These USP are used in the implementation of the 1st and 2nd stages of design preparation for construction.

1.5. On the basis of the cost of construction of overhead lines and substations, determined by the USP, contractual prices for the development of project documentation can be formed. When determining the cost of construction at the expense of the federal budget, the list of documents recommended for determining the cost of design and engineering and survey work is determined by the order of Rosstroy dated 04.20.2007 No. survey works” (as amended by Rosstroy dated April 30, 2008 No. 143).

1.6. USPs are given at the base price level and do not include VAT. In accordance with the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated 08.04.2002 No. 16 “On measures to complete the transition to a new estimated and regulatory pricing base in construction”, the price level prevailing on 01.01.2000 was taken as the base level Determination of construction costs in the current (forecast) price level is carried out using indexes for recalculating the cost into the current (forecast) price level. Indices represent the ratio of the cost of products, works or resources at the current price level to the cost at the basic price level.

Price indices are published in:

Bulletin of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Industry of Building Materials);

Letters of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

It is recommended to determine the cost of construction according to the USP in the current (forecast) price level using the indices recommended for use by the Ministry of Regional Development, taking into account the cost structure determined from the tables given in Appendix 4 of this collection.

Determination of the cost of construction according to the USP in the forecast price level, taking into account the inflationary rise in the cost of construction of facilities, must be carried out taking into account the forecasts of inflation indicators and the price system published quarterly by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, taking into account the distribution of the planned volume of work by years of construction.

1.7. Basic USP take into account the cost indicators per 1 km of overhead and cable lines, as well as for the substation as a whole and for their main elements for normal construction conditions in the European part of the country.

1.8. USP take into account all costs for the construction of overhead lines and substations for industrial facilities (basic cost indicators). The costs associated with the construction of the RBC, housing construction, the use of helicopters, the production of special construction works (quicksands, rocky soils, etc.), the construction of large crossings through water barriers are not taken into account by the basic indicators of the cost of overhead lines and substations.

Costs not included in the baseline are determined by an individual calculation, or by an analogue project.

1.9. The basic indicators of the USP do not take into account the costs associated with the registration of a land plot (permanent and temporary acquisition, payment for land upon withdrawal (purchase), rent, payment of land tax during the construction period) and compensation payments during land acquisition. These costs must be added to the cost of facilities determined by the USP, based on calculations made in accordance with the current regulatory and legislative documents.

Funds for the payment of land tax (land rent) during the construction period are determined on the basis of concluded agreements or are determined according to a calculation made taking into account information on the cadastral value of land plots and the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.07.2009 No. 582 “On the basic principles for determining rent when renting state-owned land plots” and dated May 22, 2007 No. 310 “On the rates of payment per unit volume of forest resources and the rates of payment per unit area of ​​a forest plot that is in federal ownership”, regulatory legal acts of the bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

When buying out a land plot, its market value is established in accordance with the current regulatory and other documents (Law on appraisal activities dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ with subsequent amendments and additions, standards and rules of self-regulatory organizations).

2. Air lines

2.1. Aggregated cost indicators (USP) are compiled for 35-500 kV overhead lines on unified steel and reinforced concrete poles, 750 kV - on standard steel poles and 1150 kV - on steel poles of individual design. In the cost indicators of overhead lines, the suspension of the optical communication cable of the main FOCL - overhead lines is taken into account.

USP overhead lines are compiled taking into account ice and wind loads that meet the requirements of the 7th edition of the PUE.

2.2. USP overhead lines are made taking into account the use of steel-aluminum wires of grade AC according to GOST 839-80, taking into account subsequent additions.

2.3. Basic indicators of the cost of overhead lines (excluding VAT) of alternating current with a voltage of 35-1150 kV are given in Table. 1, and direct current - in table. 2. The baseline figures take into account all production costs provided for by the "Norms for the technological design of overhead power transmission lines with a voltage of 35-750 kV" (STO 56947007-, which are approved by order of JSC FGC UES dated October 24, 2008 No. 460 and correspond to average construction conditions and standard wind pressure up to 0.6 kPa. The conditions for the construction of overhead lines, taken into account in the basic cost indicators, are given in Table. 3. When passing overhead lines in more difficult conditions than those given in Table. 3, the costs for the construction of overhead lines are increasing (Table 6). In this case, individual complicating construction conditions are taken into account independently of each other.

In cases where there is no detailed information on the conditions for the passage of overhead lines, the baseline indicators can be used without adjustment.

The cost of permanent land acquisition is added to the basic cost indicators (clause 1.9), and, if necessary, the cost of clearing a clearing and laying roads (Table 5).

To obtain the full cost of overhead lines to the indicators of Table. 1 and 2 add the costs associated with the construction (Correspond to the list of costs in chapters 8, 9, 10, 12 of the consolidated estimate), which are:

3.3% - temporary buildings and structures (GSN 81-05-01-2001);

5.0-6.0% - other works and expenses;

2.6-3.18% - maintenance of the service of the customer-developer, construction control (Methodological recommendations for calculating the standard cost for the maintenance of the service of the customer-developer of JSC FGC UES);

7.5-8.5% - design and survey work, costs for the examination of project documentation and field supervision (for new construction - 8%).

Summing up all the costs and adding to the result obtained the cost of a permanent allotment of a land plot for construction, we obtain the necessary amount of capital investments for the construction of overhead lines.

The cost of permanent land acquisition is taken taking into account the area of ​​allocation for overhead lines and the cost of land. The areas of permanent land allotment for overhead line supports depend on the type and material of the supports, the use of the calculated span, etc. When using standard supports and the construction of overhead lines under normal conditions, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpermanent land allotment can be taken according to table. 4. For guyed supports, the area increases accordingly. The cost of the rest of the overhead line corridor is accepted taking into account clause 1.9.

2.4. For sections of overhead lines passing through the forest, the cost of clearing the clearing is determined for a forest of medium size and density, taking into account the uprooting of stumps under roads and support platforms. The costs of clearing and preparation of the clearing and the construction of lay roads along marshy sections of the route, in the absence of more detailed data, can be taken according to Table. 5.

2.5. Additional costs, taking into account the complicating construction conditions, can be taken for the corresponding sections of the route using multiplying factors in relation to the basic cost indicators (Table 6).

2.6. If it is necessary to build large overhead line crossings through navigable rivers, canals, straits, other water barriers and gorges, their cost is determined by a special calculation. For a preliminary assessment, the cost of the transition can be taken taking into account the data in Table 7.

2.7. The cost of a double-circuit overhead line with a temporary suspension of one circuit (the cost of hanging a second circuit during the construction of a double-circuit overhead line) can be determined as the cost of a double-circuit overhead line minus the costs shown in Table. eight.

2.8. The cost of linear cells at substations (power plants) for connecting overhead lines is recommended to be taken according to Table 15.

3. Cable lines

3.1. The basis for determining the aggregated cost indicators of cable lines (CL) 6-10 and 35 kV is the "Indicators of the cost of electric city networks" and "Increased indicators of the cost of construction" of the Giprokommunenergo Institute, as well as the cost indicators of a number of specific projects.

Aggregated cost indicators for 110-500 kV cable lines were adopted on the basis of estimates for the working documentation of specific facilities of Energosetproekt Institute OJSC.

3.2. The cost indicators of cable lines are highly dependent on the accepted route, the nature and number of crossed engineering communications, the number and designs of transition points and end devices, associated costs, and the method of laying cable lines. For small CL lengths, this determines a significant spread in the specific USP values. To the greatest extent, this applies to cable lines with a voltage of 110 kV and higher when they are laid in a tunnel. Given in table. 9 and 10 USP KL values ​​take into account the costs of the cable, route preparation, including its design and legal registration, construction and installation works, special crossings (railway junctions, main roads and central squares, etc.), dismantling and restoration of asphalt concrete pavements, export - import of soil for backfilling when laying CL 110 kV and above in trenches, as well as in tunnels. When laying underwater cable lines, the costs take into account the erosion of the trench and the surcharge of cable lines with sandbags.

When assessing the cost of cable lines in the central part of the largest cities, the cost of constructing a collector (tunnel) should be taken into account. The cost of constructing collectors and switching points is given in Table 11.

State enlarged construction price standards (NTsS).

External electrical networks.

According to this collection, it is possible to determine the cost of building overhead and cable transmission lines only with a voltage of 0.4-10 kV.

1. The state aggregated construction price standards (hereinafter referred to as NCS) given in this collection are intended for planning investments (capital investments), evaluating the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated for capital investments and preparing technical and economic indicators in the task for designing external electrical networks, construction which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds.

3. Aggregated standards represent the amount of funds necessary and sufficient for the construction of 1 km of external electrical networks.

4. The collection consists of two sections:

Department 1 - Indicators of the enlarged standard for the price of construction.

department 2 - Representative objects.

5. The NCS provides for aggregated standards for the following nomenclature of external electrical networks:

1. Underground laying of electrical networks.

2. Air laying of electrical networks.

3. Outdoor lighting networks.

4. Transition of the cable line through obstacles.

6. NCS provides for the following cost indicator:

1 km of track, 100 m of crossing.

7. Indicators of the construction price standard take into account the following costs:

a) earthworks for the construction of trenches and pits for supports, with backfilling and layer-by-layer compaction;

b) installation work on laying electrical cables and wires;

c) construction work on the installation of supports and lighting structures.

8. Enlarged estimated norms and prices for the installation of electrical networks are differentiated depending on the method of laying (underground and overhead), as well as on the brand of cable or wire.

9. When constructing street lighting networks, poles 11 meters high, RKU lamps with DRI lamps were used. The layout of the supports is single-row. When using supports with a height of 9.5 meters, a factor of 0.86 should be applied.

10. When laying underground electrical networks, it is provided: a trench depth of 1.0 meters, a sand bed for the cable and protection of the cable with a brick. When laying underground electrical networks, when changing design decisions from those adopted in the NCS collection, the coefficients should be applied:

With a trench depth of 1.5 m - 1.01;

Cable without protection against mechanical damage - 0.9;

When laying in a trench more than 3 cables for each subsequent - 1.49 to the norms of tables 12-01-07-12-01-11;

11. When crossing the cable line through the barriers for cable laying, the method of horizontal directional drilling and the method of pulling the pipe were used.

12. The laying of overhead electrical networks is carried out on reinforced concrete poles, the distance between the poles is taken to be 25 meters for 0.4 kV overhead lines, 50 meters for 6-10 kV overhead lines, the height of the poles is 11 meters. With a support height of 9.5 meters, coefficients of 0.86 should be applied.

13. The indicators take into account the entire range of costs that are provided for by the current regulatory documents in the field of pricing for the implementation of the main, auxiliary and related stages of work for the construction of external electrical networks in normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors.

When performing work in conditions that complicate the production of work, one should be guided by the coefficients given in table 1.

14. The given indicators provide for the costs of construction of facilities, including the cost of building materials, the cost of wages for workers and the operation of construction machines (mechanisms), overhead costs and estimated profit, as well as the costs of constructing temporary title buildings and structures and additional costs for the production of works in winter, the costs associated with obtaining by the customer and the design organization of the initial data, technical specifications for the design and carrying out the necessary approvals for design solutions, the cost of building risk insurance, the cost of design and survey work and project examination, the maintenance of the construction customer service and construction control, reserve funds for unforeseen work and costs.

15. The cost of materials takes into account all costs (sales prices, margins of supply and marketing organizations, costs for containers, packaging and props, transport, handling operations and procurement and storage costs) associated with the delivery of materials, products, structures from bases (warehouses ) contractor organizations or supplier organizations to the on-site construction warehouse.

16. The remuneration of labor of construction workers and workers operating construction machines includes all types of payments and remunerations included in the wage fund.

17. Aggregated standards do not take into account construction costs and, if necessary, may be taken into account additionally: other costs of contractors that are not related to construction and installation works (travel expenses, transportation of workers, costs of maintaining rotational camps), payment for land and land tax in construction period.

18. Compensation payments related to the preparation of the construction site (demolition of previously existing buildings, transfer of engineering networks, etc.) should be taken into account additionally.

19. Prices do not include work on cutting and backfilling soil during planning, dismantling and paving. The cost of these works is normalized according to the relevant norms of the collections GESN-2001-1 "Earthworks" and GESN-2001-27 "Highways", included in the federal register of estimated standards.

20. The figures are given without value added tax.

Calculation example.

Section 1 - 4.7 km under normal conditions;

2nd section - 2 km into the thaw and in the security zone of the overhead line;

Section 3 - 3.4 km through unfrozen swamps;

Section 4 - 14.3 km along clearings, bushes and shallow ravines;

Section 5 - 12 km along a plowed field;

6 section - 0.8 km in rocky soils;

Section 7 - 1.6 km in loose sands;

8 section - 1.2 km in the security zone of the overhead line.

C (overhead line construction cost) = C1 section + C2 section + C3 section + C4 section + C5 section + C6 section + C7 section + C8 section;

C1 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of 1 section of the route)

C1 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 4.7 km = 2960.671 thousand rubles

C2 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 2nd section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work tab. 1 p. 1, p. 8)

C2 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 2 km x 1.018 x 1.007 = 1291.515 thousand rubles.

C3 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 3rd section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1 p. 2)

C3 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 3.4 km x 1.029 = 2203.873 thousand rubles

C4 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of 4 sections of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1 p. 3)

C4 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 14.3 km x 1.007 = 9071.055 thousand rubles

C5 of the section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 5th section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1, clause 5)

C5 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 12 km x 1.003 = 7581.837 thousand rubles.

C6 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 6th section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1 p. 6)

C6 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 0.8 km x 1.011 = 509.487 thousand rubles.

C7 of the section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 7th section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1, clause 7)

C7 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 1.6 km x 1.011 = 1018.975 thousand rubles.

C8 section = C (price 12-02-002-1) x L (length of the 8th section of the route) x K (complicated conditions for the production of work, tab. 1, clause 8)

C8 plot = 629.93 thousand rubles. x 1.2 km x 1.007 = 761.207 thousand rubles

C \u003d 2960.671 + 1291.515 + 2203.873 + 9071.055 + 7581.837 + 509.487 + 1018.975 + 761.207 \u003d 25 398.62 thousand rubles.

The cost of construction of a 10 kV overhead line is 25,398.62 thousand rubles. excluding value added tax.

The course is designed for beginner estimators and allows you to master the theory and get the practice of compiling project estimates, which is called "from scratch". The course includes the practice of generating estimate documentation in the software package. After completing this course, you will receive a certificate or a certificate of the established form.

The price of the course is 17,900 rubles.

10% DISCOUNT - for individuals
DISCOUNT 10% - for legal entities when paying for 2 or more students
15% DISCOUNT - for the unemployed upon presentation of a copy of the work book
20% DISCOUNT - for students and pensioners upon presentation of a document
30% DISCOUNT - when purchasing the PIR System program

Course program Lesson 1. PIR. Theory. General provisions and regulations
  • The system of pricing and estimated rationing of the cost of design and survey work.
  • Regulatory documents required when calculating the cost of design and survey work.
  • Price levels. Concept, essence, application in practice.
  • Calculation of estimates in basic prices. Jump to the current level. Accounting for inflationary processes.
  • The main methods for calculating estimates for design and survey work.
  • Determination of the cost of design work, depending on the physical indicators of the designed object.
  • Calculation of the estimate as a percentage of the total cost of the design object.
Lesson 2. PIR. Theory. Features of budgeting in Moscow. Estimates for some types of work.
  • Features of the calculation of design estimates in Moscow.
  • Price levels, normative documents, methods of calculation.
  • Features of the preparation of estimate documentation for specialized reference books of base prices.
  • Pricing and complicating design factors.
  • Calculation of the cost of design work for reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment.
  • Drawing up estimates for work on the development of design documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures.
Lesson 3. PIR. Practice. Getting started with the program.
  • Work with the PIR complex.
  • Basic concepts. Program delivery options. Options for the supply of regulatory bases.
  • Program launch. The internal structure of the complex.
  • Presentation of information in the NSI database.
  • Work with the regulatory framework. Grouping directories. Displaying the type of quotation quotation in directories.
  • Methodical support. View collections, general and technical parts. Recalculation indexes.
  • Working with collections of resources. System tables, executors.
Lesson 4. PIR. Practice. Basic functions and program settings.
  • Working with project budget.
  • Table of local estimates. Operations with local estimates.
  • Work with local estimates. The "Structure" screen and the "Settings" screen .. Operations with lines of the Local estimate. Appointment of amendments. Breakdown by performers.
  • Estimated printing, printing setup. Working with endpoints.
  • Search and selection of rates.
  • Drawing up an estimate according to the method of calculation from natural indicators of the object.
  • Drawing up an estimate according to the calculation method from the total cost of construction.
Lesson 5. PIR. Practice. Additional accruals and features of the calculation of certain types of work.
  • Calculation of adjustments to prices.
  • Work with the composition of works, the calculation of amendments to the element of the composition.
  • Creation of multi-part estimates. Indexing with recalculations.
  • Drawing up an estimate according to the methodology for calculating the RFP (according to labor costs).
  • Features of budgeting for survey work.
  • Create and apply a custom work package
  • Features of working with MPP collections
  • Practical work.
  • Final testing

Effective work with the GRAND-Estimate program

The practical course is aimed at teaching the preparation of all types of estimate documentation to determine the cost of construction and installation and design and survey work in the GRAND-Estimate program, version 8.1.

Competent teachers of the TechnoProgress Vocational Education Center will talk about how to use the regulatory framework, how to create an object estimate in the GRAND-Estimate, what calculation methods exist, how estimates are reviewed, etc. In addition, the programs " GRANDStroyInfo" and "GRAND-Estimate PIR".

GRAND-Estimate training takes place taking into account all the latest changes in legislation (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 899 / pr dated 12/11/2015; Federal Law No. 44-FZ; Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 675 / pr dated 09/21/2015; Federal Law No. 402-FZ etc.).

The GRAND-Estimate courses are designed for small groups (no more than 10 people). This is how the best learning effect is achieved - each student is given maximum attention, and if he has any difficulties with the estimated forms drawn up in the course of work, the teacher will review them, point out errors, and tell you how to make the right option.

During the educational process, students will receive informative handouts: an example of calculating the coefficients for commissioning; NDP armored blocks; Indices of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (Q2) 2016, etc.

The practice of compiling estimate documentation in construction in and GRAND-Estimate

Specialists of the TechnoProgress Vocational Education Center have developed a training course to consolidate the practical skills of drawing up various types of estimates in the and GRAND-Estimate programs, and to use them most effectively in the professional activities of students.

Competent teachers will talk about changes in the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, and, in addition to popular ones, will consider the nuances of specific calculations: budgeting for commissioning; drawing up estimates for the reconstruction of buildings; preparation of estimates for the installation of fire safety systems, video surveillance; budgeting low-voltage systems, etc. The teacher will show all examples using two programs at once.

The course of budgeting for commissioning, as well as courses on other highly specialized calculations, are very relevant today. Our teachers will talk about typical mistakes and help you deal with the many subtleties when compiling such estimates using the and GRAND-Estimate programs. If students have questions about the territorial estimates that are used specifically in their region, experienced teachers will answer them in an accessible and detailed way.

All training, including the course on budgeting low-voltage systems, is conducted at a very intensive pace, more than 70% of the study time, students independently create an estimate

Effective work with the program ""

To automate the processes of building estimates, modern professionals use special software. One of the most common SMETA.RU programs, which increases the personal efficiency of employees and saves their working time in favor of the company.

For those professionals who understand the importance of advanced technologies, we have prepared a special course in which experienced experts tell you how to automate tasks related to estimates and planning using the latest version of the SMETA.RU program.

During the lectures, students learn the main functions and advanced features of the SMETA.RU program. They gain skills in analyzing and managing large data flows, learn how to operate calculations, draw up and check estimates.

The advanced training program is recommended for preparing for the certification of specialists in accordance with the professional standard "Specialist in the field of economic planning and construction production (registration number 267)", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 08, 2014. No. 983n.

There is a set for remote courses on budgeting for design and survey work! Hurry up to sign up!

The Estimate Center offers everyone to take advanced training courses for specialists in pricing and estimate regulation of design and survey work. The courses are devoted to mastering the principles and features of pricing and estimated rationing of design and survey work, studying the procedure for determining the cost of design work in construction and the formation of contractual prices for design and survey work, familiarization with modern trends in the field of pricing for design and survey work (R&D pricing). The courses are held in accordance with the approved program within 72 hours with the issuance of a certificate of advanced training of the state sample and can be useful for specialists of any skill level.

The training is carried out in two stages. The first stage, theoretical, includes the following topics:
  • Module #1. The main principles of pricing and estimated rationing of design and survey work:
    • Price as an economic category of the market. Concepts and methods of pricing. Regulated, free and world prices.
    • Modern legal and regulatory and methodological documentation used in determining the prices of design and survey work. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 No.
    • Modern requirements for the composition of sections of design and estimate documentation for pricing for design work and engineering surveys in construction.
    • Composition and content of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures
    • Module 2. The procedure for determining the cost of design work:
    • Costs taken into account and not taken into account when forming the cost of the main design work
    • The sequence of formation of the cost of design work
    • Calculation of the base price for the development of estimate documentation
    • Reference books of basic prices for design work for design stages and their application. Working and project documentation. Relative cost of project documentation sections, differences depending on the stage and in different collections. Determining the cost of special sections - fire safety, people with limited mobility, etc.
    • Calculation of the price of design work for the reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures. Restoration work.
    • Consideration of industry specifics (oil refining, energy, communications, etc.). Territorial planning, measurement and survey work. Specificity of collections ONZT, APCS.
    • Registration of estimates for design and survey work: forms 2P, 2P IR, 3P, act KS-2, forms KS-3, 1PS.
    • Estimates for surveys, calculation of field, cameral, laboratory work
    • Calculation of the cost of expertise
    • Author's supervision
    • Module number 3. Determining the cost of creating demo materials
    • The procedure for determining the cost of demonstration materials
    • The procedure for determining the cost of demonstration drawings
    • Contract price for creating demo materials
    • Module 4. Formation of contractual prices in the conditions of the investment and construction complex at the present stage:
    • Legal and economic foundations for the functioning of the investment and construction complex in modern conditions
    • Interaction of subjects of the investment and construction complex within the framework of the pricing policy for design and survey work
    • Types of costs. Evaluation of work efficiency.
    • Influence of scientific and technical progress on the implementation of design and survey work.

At the request of the students, it is possible to change the course program (for example, a more detailed consideration of the issues of using specific collections, a detailed study of individual issues, etc.)

Classes at the second stage of training include the study of the software package for drawing up estimates for design and survey work "PIR" and the application of the acquired knowledge in practice.

The same amount of knowledge can be obtained not only by being present at the place of the lesson (full-time courses), but also remotely (without leaving the place of the lesson). In this case, classes are held in the form of a webinar, when the listener only needs a computer with Internet access and speakers (headphones). The student also receives the course materials in electronic form. During the lesson, just like in full-time courses, the student sees on the monitor of the teacher, the various materials that he offers for review for clarity, hears him and has the opportunity to ask questions, both in the form of text messages and in audio format in the mode real time. And, of course, you'll get answers right away. This format is convenient, first of all, for students - it saves time for travel, the timing does not depend on the set of groups (both 2 and 3 students can study, not necessarily a large group), the content of the classes is more visual and understandable, and the amount of knowledge gained at the same time does not decrease. Practical classes are held in the same way (for the duration of the practice, access to the PIR software package is provided).

The benefits of manual exposure to the human body have been known since ancient times. With the help of special techniques, our ancestors accelerated the recovery of patients from serious illnesses. Now many modern techniques have been developed, many of which should be attributed to soft manual techniques - post-isometric relaxation.

These techniques help to improve blood circulation in the internal organs, accelerate metabolism, normalize muscle tone, correct the location of the vertebrae and joints and complete recovery. Therefore, our post-isometric relaxation courses are of interest to medical professionals of any specialization. You can also sign up for a training program at the MIRK Institute.

Who is the program for?

This course has been designed to train professionals already familiar with classical massage techniques. It is suitable for working rehabilitation therapists and massage therapists. During the training, students will learn how to use orthopedic methods for examining patients, give a clinical assessment and identify deviations in the state of health. They will study the functions and principles of movement of the joints and the spine, the anatomical and physiological impact of manual therapy on the patient's health, methods of influencing the human body and indications for their use. Also, our graduates will be able to successfully apply post-isometric relaxation techniques, the effectiveness of which exceeds the results of surgical intervention and drug therapy.