Which training to choose. How to choose the right training - the psychology of effective life - online magazine

One day you feel the need to grow up personally. Become faster, more collected, bolder. How and what kind of training to choose?

Going to the training makes sense if you are faced with a common problem that does not require a jewelry analysis of the causes, unraveling family history, digging into the subconscious. You just feel a certain lack in yourself that needs to be compensated. Uncertainty, stiffness, lack of communication skills. It is important to understand that trainings do not reveal the underlying causes of the problem, but only correct your behavior.

We choose

There are many training companies, in fact, all advertising is the same, they all promise the best. Therefore, you need to choose a training only on the recommendation of those people who personally went through it. And choose not so much a company as a specific specialist. The effectiveness of training in most cases does not depend on techniques or techniques, but on the trainer.
What else is important to consider? First, you need to understand that if a girlfriend two months ago excitedly talked about how she was taught to accept herself as she is, and a month later she also excitedly talks about the training that will make her better and slimmer, then, probably, it is too suggestible - it is better to listen to the opinion of someone else. Secondly, the effect of the training can be short-lived - it is worth focusing not on a person’s fresh impressions, but on distant reviews and results.

For memory

When you are at a training, everything seems simple and clear. Here you go and start using it. But in fact, implementing skills outside of training turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. Information disappears in blocks. Therefore, it is important to immediately, on the same evening, apply it in real life. You have to repeat each exercise many, many times before the skill becomes automatic.
Barriers and frames are removed inside the training, you become more relaxed, more confident, stronger. But as soon as you find yourself outside the established team, one on one with the boss, a young man, a stranger, all the skills you have acquired can immediately evaporate. Therefore, it is important to continue to communicate with those with whom you met at the training. Meet in a cafe, share experiences.

And if it doesn't help

There may be several reasons. It happens that a person does not perceive the group form of work. It happens that in order to achieve the effect, it is necessary to unearth the underlying causes of the problem, which is impossible to do at the training.
Sometimes you know what to do, but you can't force yourself. It's like a healthy diet: everyone knows everything, but only a few people eat right. You don't have to force yourself. Don't set big goals. Don't promise yourself to get better for the rest of your life. Decide that you will only live by the new rules for three days. Three days is not scary at all. And during these three days you will get a little involved, because according to the law of feedback, the world around you will react to your new behavior. And it’s much easier to get involved when you see the desired result even a little bit.

When a girl buys herself something to eat, she usually focuses on what she needs. When a girl buys a dress, "Fashionable - not fashionable" becomes an important guideline. Unfortunately, many people, choosing a training for themselves, think more not about what they really need, but are guided by what is in fashion this season.

There are seasons when people break into NLP. A year has passed - and the demand for the same trainings has disappeared almost completely. Fashion is gone...

Trainings are increasingly becoming a form of entertainment, a combination of pleasant and useful, where the importance of the moment of benefit decreases with each decade. And how to choose a training for yourself if you are not like everyone else, but a smart person? Solution: imagine that you are a leader, and an employee approaches you with a request to let him go to training - in working time and for your money. You are the leader. How will you do it?

I personally will be very happy with such a request: the initiative of an employee to improve their own qualifications is a great initiative! At the same time, naturally, I will ask questions: "What kind of training and who conducts it? For what purpose is the employee going to attend this training? What knowledge (specifically!) And skills (more specifically!) He expects to receive there and how soon, according to does he estimate that the money invested in training will return income to our company?"

Training training is different. Training can be both a joy, an easy bridge to bright prospects, and a dreary waste of time, or, God forbid, a source of spiritual infection. If you see bright advertising"personal growth training" and go to this training, it is not at all obvious that you will get to the training, and not to disgrace, and what will be offered to you there personal growth, and not a mixture of cheap advertising, empty appeals, light mysticism and heavy esotericism. Everything happens... Therefore, smart people, before making the decision "I'm going to training!", First collect information about the training, think, if necessary - consult with experienced and competent people. In order not to get into bad training and get into good personal growth training, you should pay attention to the following things.

The first is a clear description (transparency) of what is offered to you at the training

On the website or in the advertising booklet, the objectives of the training and its main topics should be clearly and in detail described. Read all this carefully, at least to be sure - this is the topic and the format that is interesting and suitable for you. If you see only promises and advertising enticements, you don't need to come here. “The choice is yours - to pass the training or remain a loser all your life! What do you choose? or “You can use this amount for good and take our personal growth training, or you can buy with this money ... bottles of vodka ...” Only narrow-minded people come across such cheap tricks. And here is a detailed presentation of the essence of the methodology that the coach uses - do not wait, experts do not load normal people with this. Another thing is if you approached the host and ask him personally - then look at the intelligibility and confidence of the answer.

The second is the experience and professionalism of the presenter

It is better to go to a training that is made by a well-known, experienced, authoritative leader. It is important if the leader has the appropriate professional education and profile certificates. Unfortunately. With the development of the information business, the Internet became overflowing with training offers, the presenters themselves did not undergo any trainings, except for sales trainings ... Probably, you should still go to real professionals.

Third - the reputation of the Training Center

Perhaps the leader is not very well known, but if this leader conducts training under the roof of a well-known, reputable Training Center, then at least the reasonable quality of the training is guaranteed by the authority of the Center. When evaluating a training center, consider the following factors:

  • Membership in a professional association. If the Training Center and its leaders are members of professional communities, this is an essential guarantee of quality. If not, then those are your risks. The best known are the Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the International Association of Personality Development Professionals.
  • How many years has the center been in existence? New centers may announce the most interesting programs, but, most likely, you will face considerable difficulties during the training - uncomfortable conditions, poor organization of the process, amateur quality of conduct .... In new centers, the enthusiasm of trainers is usually high, but the organization and material base are weak.
  • Does the Center have its own Mailing List and its own Forum? Read the newsletter archive - will it be interesting to you? Go to the forum of this center, look at what topics the participants of the trainings are talking about - evaluate whether you want to communicate with these people in the future?
  • In addition, it is very important to pay attention to how professionally you were answered on the phone when you called the training center. If some random intermediary on your home phone answered you, then don't wait High Quality services. If you sent an application to the site, how quickly did they answer you, did they call you back to clarify the application, were you reminded of the training on the eve of it - these elementary rules for any normal organization are often not followed in amateur associations of enthusiastic trainers who want to "save humanity" but bad management. Poor organization at the stage of group formation often speaks of the low quality of the services provided.

The largest and oldest training center in Russia -

How choose training?

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Life is the best training,

Just very expensive...

Today, a huge number of proposals for the provision of psychological services have appeared on the service market. In addition to individual counseling, there are many offers that are indicated as training.

How to understand this variety of proposals? What training? How choose precisely that one training which is right for you?

These are the questions I want to talk about in this article. I'll tell you what trainings exist, and I will try to help those who wish to go to training decide which training better meet their needs.

I'll start with a definition. training(psychological) (from the English train - to train, train) - in the most general sense, it is considered as a method, more precisely, a set of various techniques and methods aimed at developing certain skills and abilities in a person and acquiring special knowledge. training(T) is aimed at developing the skills of self-knowledge, self-regulation, communication, interpersonal and intergroup interaction, professional skills, to increase the general, cognitive competence of each member training groups.

Trainings are of different types:

1. Psychocorrective therapy is aimed at changing the psychology or behavior of a healthy person in need of psychological assistance, through methods of psychological influence on him, with the ultimate goal of improving self-awareness, behavior or professional activity people or groups."

2. Psychotherapeutic therapy is aimed at resolving intrapersonal conflicts and crisis states of a person (change in self-awareness). Compared to the psychotherapeutic group, this is a more active and more structured form of work, including a variety of exercises.

3. Teaching T. is aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in certain areas of a person's social and professional activity;

4. Organizational T. (business training), aimed primarily at improving joint activities teams, development professional competencies and obtaining an organizational effect (improving the structure, organization, improving the socio-psychological climate, increasing the professional competence of employees, etc.).

5. Methodical T. is aimed at training professional specialists in a particular field.

6. Children's T. - this group includes trainings aimed at working with children and adolescents. Since the intellectual, emotional and physical level can vary greatly in a child-teenage environment, it is customary to divide children's trainings by age categories (7-8 years old, 9-10 years old, 10-12 years old, etc.)

So there are different types trainings, I do not pretend to have described all the types here, I only highlighted the main ones and those that I spend myself. At the same time, I note that the content of each of these trainings determined by the specific goal and tasks facing the leader.

But how to figure out which training what does it carry? Which training will be useful to you, and which one can harm? What is the use training? And what needs to be done to effect training Was it long term? All this will be discussed.

First. If you are taking an individual course with a psychologist or psychotherapist, consult with him. Knowing your personal history, your individual psychological characteristics and needs, he will give sound advice. For example, if it’s difficult for you to refuse people something, you practically don’t know how to say “no” and suffer from this, then training, aimed at developing confidence - this is what will help you acquire the necessary skill. On the training, in group exercises, exactly the skill you want is worked out.

Of course, a psychologist or psychotherapist can help a person develop this skill during individual work, but, as experience shows, in a group process this happens faster and more efficiently.

Second. Assess the risk of falling into a sect or a destructive psycho-cult. It is difficult for a person who does not know the basics of psychology, the dynamics of the group process, methods of influencing a person to distinguish a good training from various kinds of destructive psycho-cults, sects, pyramids, etc. This ignorance is used by various "specialists", offering various seminars, spiritual practices, trainings leadership, etc.

Distinguish good training from destructive, it is possible to carry out the following analysis. Before passing training meet in person and chat with the host training. Ask what is the purpose training what he can give you personally. You can ask any clarifying questions, ask about the method of work, education and qualifications of a specialist. In addition, in a personal conversation, you can feel whether you have contact with a psychologist, whether he inspires confidence in you. If they begin to promise and convince you that this training is necessary like air, that it helps everyone, and from everything, then, at a minimum, you need to think about how a person who does not know you can guarantee the solution of your problems.

Also, if they begin to tell you that their training so good that everyone needs to go through it, become a member of one, big friendly family, this should also alert you, a good specialist will never involve training and even more so, to create a "family". It should be no less alarming if they begin to talk about what after training everyone becomes successful, leaders, talk about fabulous take-offs, etc.

Other warning signs: if the facilitator claims that his technique is the only one that "works". When asked which psychological school they belong to training activity, such "specialists", as a rule, cannot refer to any generally recognized psychological school, and are often covered by Eastern teachings or are said to be the American (English, Dutch, etc.) method. If they begin to rush you to sign up for a group, they don’t give you time to think, they offer to recruit for training a couple more participants - all this suggests that they are simply trying to lure you to achieve their goals. Participation in training- your free choice, and you yourself are able to make an informed decision.

professional specialist will never force and rush you, he is no less interested in a preliminary acquaintance, therefore, before training he always holds a personal meeting, or general meeting. At the meeting, the facilitator tries to understand, to see with whom he will work, so he will ask you questions to clarify your situation, make sure that he has enough qualifications for this, assess whether the proposed methodology is suitable for the participants. A good specialist is interested in the fact that the ball group is formed from people who respond adequately and have a common interest that matches the goal. training. He gives an account that it is the coach who is responsible for the effectiveness of the group, so a good coach will never recruit everyone indiscriminately. Remember psychological training only a person with a higher psychological education can lead. You have the right to receive from the organizers (before recording for training and payment for participation in it) information about vocational training leader. To reduce the risk of error, find out what the reputation is training organization, leader.

Separately, I would like to note the group trainings under common name "Trainings personal growth". First, you need to understand that personal development does not occur through training, but when a person explores himself, his inner world, reveals its resources, mechanisms for blocking them, and works through all this. Therefore, I think that trainings personal growth (development) is more correct to call psychological groups personal growth. At the same time, I note that during the thematic training a person experiences personal growth, but this is rather a "side" result, and the main one is the one that is stated in the goal training.

How to determine which training you need?

In a matter of choice training Your needs should play the main role. Deciding to go to training, determine what you want from training or what to get rid of. For example, if you are experiencing difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, then, accordingly, training, aimed at working out this issue - this is what suits you best. Or if you experience insecurity, see how it interferes with your life, then training aimed at developing confidence for you to be the right choice. Once again I want to note that the main criterion for choosing training are your needs, and from this you need to proceed. However, remember that the name does not always accurately reflect its content, and in order not to be disappointed, first get acquainted with the program, reviews of those who passed training. The more information you have, the better your understanding of training, which means it will be easier for you to make a choice.

training and psychotherapy.

Often people confuse classes with training with psychotherapy. I remind you training is an active form of learning certain skills, while psychotherapy is a deeper process aimed at exploring the various mechanisms by which a person does not allow himself to freely, naturally satisfy his needs, desires. At the same time, I note that there are psychotherapeutic trainings where the process is underway, both on the laying of new forms of behavior, and individual sessions are held, where participants are helped to realize the causes of their symptoms and work through them. The goal of any training is to enable, start the process of change in behavior. These changes, as a rule, very quickly begin to appear and are noticeable to others. The results of psychotherapy are not so fast, they appear gradually and they are deeper, i.e. concern not only changes in a certain pattern of behavior, but also life in general. Therefore, the process of psychotherapy is longer, but the effect is longer.

Main plus training.

The main advantage training is that a person gains knowledge through his experience. No book, no film, no theoretical material received by a person, but not lived, not felt by him, can give what gives own experience. No matter how much we tell the child that "Aya-yay, nizya", the child, until he gets burned (gets experience), acts in his own way. Similarly, adults, understanding everything perfectly with their minds, often cannot change something in their behavior. On the training opportunity to gain new experiences. training is a specially created favorable safe environment where everyone can try something that does not work in everyday life. Support, attention and good atmosphere training give participants strength and confidence. Doing something new, party training I am sure that no one will laugh at him, scold him, etc. regardless of the result. What can not be said about real life, where any experiments can lead to undesirable consequences. By learning a new behavior by experience, a person thereby appropriates a new behavior model. A model that he will polish in the future in a different environment, in life.

Long-term effect training.

Man passed training, has acquired a new experience, he begins to feel differently, respectively, and his behavior becomes different. It becomes more confident, free, in general, the way he formed it on training. This, of course, pleases a person, and he wants these changes to be long-term and become his usual state. But what is the long term? Will it not turn out that in a week or a month everything will return to its original place? First of all, long-term depends on how ready a person is for change and whether he is ready to further strengthen them. Pass the training- this is only the first step in changing what did not suit. Next, you will have to independently develop those skills that have been developed on training. It is important to understand that the old pattern of behavior was formed over many years, and in order for the new model to assimilate and become part of you, it takes not only time, but also systematic training.

Another point to be taken into account is that training a person not only acquired new experience, but also experienced various strong feelings and experiences for several days. The degree of feelings also depends on the topic, on the involvement of the participant. In one case, when the immersion in oneself occurs superficially, the degree is not so high, in the other, on the contrary, the immersion is deep and the degree of experiences is high. At the same time, it is important to remember that at work, at home, as well as in the whole environment around us, everything is the same (the same temperature). Therefore, when “returning” to society, it is important to understand that everything is still there, only the participants have changed training.

From here you need to follow certain safety rules. How do we take care of the large temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. When it's cold outside, we dress warmer so as not to freeze; when it's hot, we also think about how we feel comfortable. So after training it is worth considering the difference in the emotional state, so you should not pounce on your loved ones, friends and acquaintances with burning eyes, talking about how great you are, about the benefits training, and even more so, there is no need to "drag" anyone, saying that they need it.

I believe that within a month after training, as after a therapy group, it is better not to make important decisions in your life, and even more so not to try to change the lives of your loved ones. The emotional state during this period is unstable, there is an internal restructuring, so you should not immediately go to a new one either. training or to psychotherapeutic groups, to start studying serious psychological literature, all this will only complicate the process of "digesting" the experience and knowledge gained. It is better to give yourself the opportunity to more fully assimilate the acquired knowledge, skills and realize the changes that have occurred in you. And then the effect of the past training will be long term.

Why do we need to analyze the needs of the client's company? First of all, in order to find out the most problematic places in the current functioning of the company. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to offer exactly those training programs that will be most useful to this particular company. Conducting trainings without a needs analysis leads to the fact that not those people who especially need training are trained, but others; the choice of training is made incorrectly; the lack of detailed information about the needs of the client does not allow to adapt the training program to obtain the maximum result.

The analysis of the needs of the company begins from the moment when there is an awareness of the gap between the desired and actual level of performance of employees. For example, buyers leave a large number of complaints. Or the sales department does not fulfill the set plans, and the recorded telephone conversations with customers show an insufficiently high level of professionalism. Another situation is when employees from different departments, assembled into a project team, work together inefficiently.

Trainings are worth conducting if the gap has a significant effect on the work of employees and the organization as a whole. For example, one of the most important strategic goals of a company may be to provide exceptional service. Contact with 70% of buyers takes place by phone, but there are complaints from buyers about the poor quality of operator training. In this case, it is necessary to conduct trainings on telephone conversations, as they contribute to the implementation of the company's strategy.

This gap should then be discussed with the company's executives and key people. Top management of the company must understand the importance of solving the problem in order to provide support in conducting training programs. After that, three types of analysis are performed: organizational, task analysis and individual analysis.

How to choose a training

These recommendations apply specifically to open trainings - those that people go to, paying their own money. This is hardly suitable for corporate options, when the choice of training and the need to attend is determined by management.

Why do you need training

The first thing to decide is whether you need training at all? What do you want from him?
Many people go to training for a variety of reasons, although training is one of the main ones. The most common options are listed below.

  • learn new things- training gives new knowledge;
  • getting skills- trainings give skills, and books and films only knowledge, besides, at the trainings the trainer and other participants demonstrate skills, and in many respects the training takes place unconsciously, based on what you observe;
  • Feedback- on the training you can get high-quality feedback about how well you are doing;
  • make good use of time- training is also leisure, but with benefit;
  • interesting- many people are just interested in learning new things and meeting new people;
  • motivation- in order to get a skill, you need to train, at home it often somehow doesn’t work out, and once you come to the training, you need to practice;
  • new company- go to training quite a lot interesting people, with certain interests, because not every person wants to spend their own time and money on training;
  • solution of problems- at many trainings they teach to solve problems - both their own and others';
  • interesting communication- here you can chat on various topics, and what can be done as part of the exercises;
  • personal growth- many just like to "improve themselves";
  • expand the boundaries- training makes it possible to go beyond the usual limitations, even those that you do not know about;
  • creation- many trainings train creativity and help to express yourself.

This is only part of the reasons why and why people go to trainings. Wherein there may be several reasons- in fact, the trainings are just good because here you can simultaneously learn new things, and spend time, and communicate with interesting people.

But in what cases for training not worth walking. Here I will express my personal thoughts.

  • "You don't need to train me, I I don't want to exercise";
  • there is a specific problem, like "quit smoking" or "get rid of the fear of flying", and the person is not going to learn how to solve such problems "in general" - in this case it is better to contact a consultant, the result is likely to be achieved better and faster;
  • no desire to study in a group - in this case, you can either try to learn on your own, or hire a coach (individual trainer);
  • need knowledge, not skills- if only knowledge is interesting, but not skills, it is better to turn to books, teaching computer programs, video recordings;
  • mental illness- trainings are not focused on the treatment of such diseases, it is better to contact a specialist.

Criterias of choice

What should be considered when choosing a training:

  • topic- Are the skills you need trained in the training?
  • trainer- a lot depends on him, whether you like his style of conducting, presentation of information, charisma, etc.;
  • time- trainings are in the evening (2-4 hours in the evening), for the whole weekend (Saturday - Sunday entirely), intensive (5-20 days in a row);
  • place- if the trainings are held in the evening, you want to get there very quickly, and you can go to another city for an intensive course;
  • price- an important parameter;
  • people- what kind of people go to classes, do you feel comfortable next to them;
  • pleasure- and most importantly, whether you get satisfaction from the process.

What is more important for you is up to you. There are people for whom the topic is not so important, as long as it is interesting - an interesting coach and group is important. For another person, skills and a convenient time and place are more important.

What skills are needed

If you want to learn a specific skill, you should choose the right training. For example, there are general programs like "NLP Practitioner" or "NLP Master" that train general skill sets. There are trainings focused on more specialized skills (I am writing for our center):

  • effective communication - "Communication Mastery";
  • effective thinking and problem solving skills - "Successful Thinking";
  • the ability to speak in public - "Oratory";
  • methods of working with beliefs, both one's own and others' - "Changing Beliefs";
  • effective use of trance states - "Immersion".


"Better to see once than hear a hundred times". To accept the right decision well worth a try for yourself. Descriptions and impressions of other people are one thing, but your own experience is quite another. We have in the center of most trainings first lesson is free- so you can participate and decide how much you need it. People are different, and "one likes watermelon rind, and the other likes pork cartilage." Go to a free class, participate in the process, look at the trainer. Maybe you are satisfied with the coach and the group, but this is not exactly the topic that interests you. Or the topic is the same, but the style of conducting does not suit you too much. But in this training, everything is completely suitable. Try it and then decide.