Types and types of country greenhouses. Types of greenhouses and their designs

On the modern market a wide variety of designs closed ground. Thanks to this, each owner of a personal plot will be able to build a greenhouse with their own hands for growing vegetables, herbs, flowers or even mushrooms.

To choose the right greenhouse design, you need to know what features each species has and what criteria it must meet. You will find all the necessary information about the types and forms of such buildings in this article.

All main types of greenhouses and their designs

There are a large number of greenhouses different types and forms. To do right choice, you must first decide for what purposes you need a room, whether you are going to use it in winter, what sizes will be optimal for you personally, and, finally, how automated it will be.

The author of the video talks about several types of buildings that you can build with your own hands on the site.


Ideal for areas with a small area, therefore they are rightfully included in the list of premises with high efficiency (Figure 1). Working in a building with a shed roof is quite comfortable.

Figure 1. Types of shed buildings

It can be attached to any side of the house, although it is still preferable that the roof slope is directed to the south. Among the minuses are the difficulties in covering the roof with a film: this should be done only in dry calm weather, otherwise you will not be able to pull it properly, and soon it will sag. It is easier to cover a pitched roof with glass or plastic.


These are the “houses” familiar to us, which can be easily built with our own hands. This building has a number of advantages. Firstly, it will not break under the weight of snow in winter. Secondly, the shape of the roof allows a wider choice of material for its covering - from glass to plastic bottles. Thirdly, there is the possibility of additional styling (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Photo and drawing of a gable greenhouse

However, the dual-slope design has its drawbacks. Since it is assembled with a large number fasteners, you will have to regularly check the frame for tightness and integrity of the anti-corrosion coating. It will not be possible to extend or expand such a room if necessary. In addition, it should be noted that due to the massiveness of the roof, you must take care of a reliable foundation.


Since arched buildings have a smaller reflective surface, more sunlight gets inside them than, for example, gable buildings (Figure 3). In addition, the design features allow crops to grow to greater heights than conventional buildings. However, caring for plants growing near the walls is much more complicated.

Note: The arched type is not suitable for growing seedlings for open ground, since the construction of the structure does not make it possible to harden the plants. It is easy to assemble, dismantle and transport. If necessary, you can easily add new sections to lengthen it.

Figure 3. Types of arched premises

However, in winter period Over time, deflections and breakdowns of the roof often occur, since snow does not have the opportunity to freely roll off its surface. In areas with strong winds, there is a risk of demolition of the building due to insufficient strength of the frame to the foundation.


Among the types stand out drip structures. They have an original shape, and the buildings themselves have many advantages (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Appearance of the teardrop building

So, thanks to the pointed roof, snow does not accumulate on it, which increases reliability to the maximum. For the same reason, the soil warms up more efficiently in spring.

Teardrop buildings are ideal for middle lane Russia and the northern regions of the country, characterized by snowy winters. After all, the roof can withstand up to 70 kg of snow per 1 sq.m. In addition, sunlight can easily penetrate into any corner of this structure. The only drawback of the drop-shaped design is the difficulty in its construction.


It is quite rare to find buildings with a polygonal design (Figure 5). Although they are quite practical, since each of the faces is illuminated by the sun in different time day, but maintaining a stable temperature inside it is quite problematic.

Figure 5. Features of polygonal greenhouses

In addition, they are among the most expensive, because they are made of wood (metal) in combination with glass (polycarbonate).

The Dutch type of room allows plants to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, because it is covered with special glass of a homogeneous structure (Figure 6). This design will not allow excess moisture to get inside during precipitation, as it is equipped with a special aluminum gutter that collects and drains rainwater. As you know, the droplet effect is extremely undesirable for plants, especially for flowers. In addition, the design of the gutter provides seals for glass and a drain for condensate. The entire drainage system is mounted on the roof ridge, which makes it resistant to strong winds.

Figure 6. External features of the Dutch greenhouse

Single glazing is complemented by a vertical screening system, which is a special screen with a trigger mechanism. Screens of this type are located around the perimeter. They allow you to adjust the level of penetration of sunlight inside. In addition, they are assigned the role of additional heaters.

Heating is arranged in such a way that the temperature in different parts of the room differs very slightly. The building can be connected to stationary sources of heating, such as a boiler room. The irrigation system is fully automated, which allows you to maintain a constant microclimate inside.

The difference between greenhouses and greenhouses

Many summer residents are wondering: what is the difference between greenhouses and greenhouses? Indeed, these structures are very similar to each other, but they have a number of distinctive features (Figure 7).

Figure 7. External differences between greenhouses (left) and greenhouses (right)

So, greenhouses include low structures (no more than 1.3 m), in which artificial heating is never used. They are heated by the sun's rays and due to the energy that is released during the decomposition of manure or humus, laid in the base of the greenhouse. Greenhouses do not have doors, therefore, in order to care for plants, it is enough to remove (open) its upper (side) part.

Note: Most often, greenhouses are used for growing seedlings; they are not suitable for adult plants. It is in the greenhouse that seedlings can wait out the spring cold before planting in open ground.

Unlike a greenhouse, a greenhouse is a structure of closed ground. Its height at home is most often up to 2.5 m. Heating, as a rule, occurs naturally, that is, from sunlight, although artificial light can also be used. Seedlings can be grown in a heated room all year round. At the same time, air and soil should be heated separately, in contrast to a greenhouse, where heated soil contributes to heating the air under the film.

Greenhouses by type of destination

Depending on the purpose, greenhouses are: vegetable, seedling, flower. Let's take a closer look at their features.


Buildings where they grow different kinds vegetables all year round are called vegetables. Their products are more environmentally friendly than those from open ground. This is due to the fact that vegetables are protected not only from adverse weather conditions, but also from various contaminants, both natural and chemical.

Figure 8. What the vegetable building looks like inside

When growing vegetables indoors, it is important to correctly combine different cultures. Therefore, if you have only one building at your disposal, you will have to stop at growing only a few crops. The most profitable is the cultivation of the following vegetables: tomatoes and sweet peppers, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, radishes.

When arranging a building for growing vegetables, you should consider some organizational conditions (picture 8):

  • The floor material must be reliable, and the design well thought out;
  • Be sure to have vents for ventilation;
  • Ability to shade some types of plants;
  • Sophisticated irrigation system, separately for each crop;
  • Creation of an optimal microclimate;
  • Heating the premises all year round (for central Russia).


To obtain seedlings, special seedling greenhouses are used (Figure 9). They must be equipped with special equipment for the regulation of air and soil temperature. They must comply with phytosanitary conditions, as well as carry out preventive, thermal and chemical treatments of the soil and building surfaces to prevent the introduction of infections.

Figure 9. Features of the seedling design

As a rule, the cultivation of seedlings is carried out in soil buildings, or in structures with sliding racks. It is strictly forbidden to grow forcing green crops in them, since various pests and diseases are introduced from the open ground along with them. It is better to use such a building after sampling seedlings for growing green crops by sowing seeds of lettuce, radish, dill, celery.


Some flowers are very sensitive to even the slightest fluctuations in temperature and humidity. environment Therefore, growing them in open ground is extremely difficult. For such purposes, a flower greenhouse is being built (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Arrangement of a flower greenhouse inside

You can build it yourself or buy ready-made. It is only important to choose the right model. Modern models come in a wide variety of designs: arched and wall-mounted, hipped and gable. To date, the most reliable facilities for growing flowers are called:

  • Greenhouses covered with polyethylene;
  • Heated film buildings;
  • Modern polycarbonate models;
  • Greenhouses.

Film tunnels are used for slow-growing and low-temperature sensitive flowers. In them, it is much easier and faster to adjust the ventilation and lighting. Under the film, Mediterranean bulbous plants will feel at home in dry, hot summers and mild winters.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are more comfortable and last longer, and flower greenhouses make it possible to cultivate plants without separate heating, as they keep the temperature well. It will be better if the greenhouse is a shed structure adjacent to the house on the south side. As a rule, greenhouses are heated using water or steam systems, as well as various electrical appliances.

When planning the construction of a building for growing flowers, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  1. To achieve unhindered penetration of the sun's rays inside, it is necessary that the building is located in a southerly direction.
  2. To protect the building from the wind, it is better to place it near buildings, fences and other objects that do not shade, but protect it.
  3. Lowlands are not the best place to build.
  4. Advantageous is the location of the structure near the water and power supply lines.
  5. The construction of the building should be carried out in the summer to exclude the possibility of deformation from shrinkage.

A well-thought-out lighting system contributes to accelerated flowering and energy savings.

Greenhouses by type of operation

Depending on the time and method of operation, greenhouses are divided into winter and summer. Consider them distinctive features, which determine the entire process of construction and internal arrangement.


Winter constructions are tempting because they make it possible to grow not only vegetables, flowers and some types of mushrooms familiar to us all year round, but also exotic species fruits. Capital (winter) buildings must be built on the foundation (Figure 11).

All winter buildings of this type are heated: by solar energy, technical means, biofuel. They can be both deepened into the ground and built on its surface. Their design is diverse: from shed to arched.

Figure 11. Construction of a winter greenhouse

Winter buildings can be built both from wood and brick, on a metal or PVC frame. They are glazed or covered with polycarbonate, less often - with a film. However, most often there are combined designs.

And yet, for any kind of winter buildings, it is extremely important to choose the right place for their location. It must meet the following requirements:

  • To ensure maximum penetration of sunlight, it is necessary that the building be oriented along the length in the direction from west to east.
  • Well-designed wind protection, especially in areas with frequent gusty cold winds, will significantly save heating costs. If there is no protected place on the site, it is necessary to build a fence in the form of a fence or hedge about 2 m high. In this case, the distance from the room to the fence should be equal to at least 3 times the height of the building.
  • Free and convenient access to the building will greatly facilitate its operation.

From the video you will learn more information about the features of winter greenhouses.


Summer greenhouses are operated in the warm season, that is, from spring to autumn. As a rule, they are used for growing seedlings or crops that require special care conditions.

They are heated in a natural way: from sunlight. Sometimes, with a sharp cold snap, artificial heating can be used in them. In addition, they often use the so-called biofuel: compost, manure, humus.

Figure 12. External characteristics of the summer greenhouse

Most often they are covered with a film, which makes them more economical than winter ones (Figure 12).

Drawings for greenhouses and greenhouses

Self-construction of such a building is not an easy task. It is important here not only to have construction skills, but also to have a competent project for the future structure. Below are drawings of buildings, the designs of which have been verified by many years of experience in growing plants (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Drawings of popular types of greenhouses

It is also important to choose the right type of polycarbonate for the coating and materials for the construction of the frame, since the life of the building will depend on their strength.

Types of polycarbonate greenhouses and their designs

Polycarbonate is a material that combines the advantages of glass and film. It far exceeds them in strength, conducts light well and retains heat, and also traps harmful sun rays. Due to its flexibility, it can be used in the manufacture of coatings for structures of any shape. Cellular polycarbonate is used to cover structures of closed ground (Figure 14).

There are different types of polycarbonate buildings depending on their design. The most common arched structures. They are easy to assemble, affordable, require a minimum amount of time to install.

Tent will be in demand for growing a wide range vegetables. For a gable tent construction, durable materials will be needed, and there will be much more of them than in the construction of an arched one.

Figure 14. Popular types of polycarbonate structures

A shed hipped model is much cheaper, since it is not an independent structure, but is adjacent to one of the walls of the building.

Greenhouses according to Mitlider are very interesting. They are slightly higher on the north side than on the south, and their northern slope is steeper. Therefore, the sides do not join at the level of the ridge, but create a kind of step, on the line of which there is a unique ventilation system.

Polycarbonate is ideal for covering polygonal structures as it can be molded into any desired shape. Polycarbonate polygonal buildings are stable and attractive. Their usable area is much larger than conventional ones, and the coating protects plants from overheating in the hot season.

Every gardener knows what a greenhouse is and why it is needed. But there are many types of these indispensable helpers in growing crops. Therefore, when choosing a greenhouse, questions inevitably arise about which one is more reliable and convenient.

Manufacturers offer different variants these structures, which differ in shape, material of manufacture, degree of light transmission. There are many nuances to consider when choosing. Knowing these subtleties will help you find the greenhouse that will serve flawlessly for many years.

Any greenhouse is a simple structure, which consists of two main elements - a frame and an awning. In most cases, they are sold separately, but there are options for ready-made designs in which the manufacturer provides literally every little thing.

In any case, the choice of a greenhouse is carried out according to two main parameters:

  • frame;
  • covering material.

First of all, you need to decide on the shape of the greenhouse. The market offers many models from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Distinguish the following types designs:

  • with vertical walls;
  • with sloping walls;
  • arched;
  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • with a mansard roof.

The choice is wide. You can find exactly the option that suits in all respects. One of the most important selection criteria is the convenience of the greenhouse. And here the summer resident is offered a lot of opportunities to minimize labor costs for growing crops. "Smart" greenhouse will perform most of the tasks of ventilation, watering, heating. You can choose a model with the set of functions that is necessary for a particular climate and site.

Types of coating for greenhouses

There are only three types of coating for greenhouses. All of them are able to qualitatively perform the main task - to protect plants from the harmful effects of the environment.

Coatings are made from:

  • polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • polyethylene film.

What is good polycarbonate

The most reliable material for greenhouses -. This is a light-transmitting multilayer material, the structure of which in the section resembles a honeycomb, which is why it is called honeycomb.

There is another type of this material - monolithic. But it is not used in the construction of greenhouses for the reason that it does not meet all the requirements for these structures.

Important! Monolithic has a much greater weight and does not have the light transmission capacity that is so necessary for growing crops. Therefore, it is never considered as a covering material for the greenhouse frame.

Cellular polycarbonate, due to its hollow structure, is able to retain heat well. The reason is that there is air in the space between the "honeycombs". It is he who is the best heat accumulator. Therefore, polycarbonate structures are the “warmest”. For gardeners living in regions with a harsh climate, this is a decisive factor when choosing a greenhouse.

Cellular polycarbonate is a sheet material, but it can be rolled into rolls, which are most convenient for transportation. Roll diameter depends on . The thinner it is, the easier it is to roll. However, even with a 4 mm thick web, the roll will be quite voluminous - with a diameter of 1.5 to 1.6 m. If the permissible bending radius is exceeded, the structure of the material can be damaged.

To cover the frames of greenhouses, polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 to 10 mm is suitable. It should be noted that the thicker the canvas, the greater their weight. Not every frame is able to withstand the load that a 10 mm polycarbonate coating will create. Given that in winter it is necessary to add snow load to this indicator, the requirements for the strength and stability of the frame increase many times over. The optimal choice for medium-sized greenhouses is 4- or 6-mm polycarbonate.

Table. Main specifications cellular polycarbonate, which must be considered when choosing.

Web thicknessWeight (kg/m2)light throughput white transparent cloth (%)Light transmittance of white matte canvas (%)Light transmittance of colored fabric (%)Thermal conductivity (W/m2 °C)
4 mm0,8 82 52 42 3,6
6 mm1,3 82 58 35 3,5
8 mm1,5 80 54 35 3,3
10 mm1,7 76 48 32 2,4

The average service life of polycarbonate greenhouses is 15 years. These are the most durable and reliable designs of all existing ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass greenhouses

Glass is an inflexible material, therefore it is only suitable for single-slope and dual-slope structures. - classics of the genre. You can easily assemble it yourself from used materials. Therefore, the main advantage of these structures is budget.

But glass has other advantages that gardeners have long appreciated. Greenhouses with such a coating are able to withstand significant weight loads. A cracked or broken part can be quickly replaced. The main advantage of glass is its transparency. Plants in such a greenhouse will not suffer from a lack of light.

Important! There are glass greenhouses and "cons". This is fragility, the need for careful handling, rather high requirements for the strength of the frame.

What is convenient polyethylene awning

The most popular material for covering greenhouses is polyethylene. If a earlier choice was unambiguous (dense polyethylene), today you can choose from several types of this material.

In any store for gardeners you can find such films:

  • light stabilized;
  • light scattering;
  • copolymer ethylene vinyl citate;
  • polyvinyl chloride (cellophane);
  • foamed.

Each of these materials can be used to build a greenhouse and a greenhouse. But when choosing, you need to pay attention to the characteristics. For regions with snowy winters, the best choice is reinforced film.

The Russian market offers products from Turkish, Korean and domestic manufacturers. How are these materials different? Foreign companies produce a film with polyethylene reinforcement, and Russian - from a high-strength polypropylene mesh. Therefore, domestic products are stronger and more durable.

Cellophane film has the highest light transmission. But this material has the least strength of all the others, therefore it is only suitable for temporary or one-year structures.

The stabilized film is able to reflect heat into the greenhouse or greenhouse. This property is taken into account when constructing shelters for seedlings. Antifog, which is part of the film, prevents the formation of condensation on the outer surface of the tent.

Light-diffusing film is capable of reflecting UV and IR rays. This ensures the maximum possible protection of plants from the negative effects of the environment. The phosphors included in the film make it possible to obtain uniform illumination of the internal space of the greenhouse.

The most durable of the films is copolymer. It flawlessly withstands winds of 18-20 m/s. Another advantage is frost resistance. The copolymer film does not crack at temperatures up to -80 ° C, so this material is chosen for the construction of greenhouses in areas with a cold and windy climate.

The foamed film is two-layer. One layer is dense and smooth, the second is porous. The space in the cells of the second layer is filled with air. Therefore, the foamed film has a rather low thermal conductivity. This is an important indicator for greenhouses. But this material also has its drawback: low light transmission. Therefore, the foam film is chosen for the construction of shelters in areas with a large number of sunny days.

Greenhouse frames

Frames for greenhouses are made of steel and aluminum. When constructing home-made structures, wooden bars are often used. What should you pay attention to when choosing the material from which the frame is made?

Many manufacturers offer greenhouses with frames painted with powder paints. it good decision to ensure the durability of the structure. Regardless of how the metal is processed, aluminum frames are almost twice as expensive as steel frames. This is due to the lighter weight of the former and their maximum resistance to corrosion.

However, aluminum frames have one significant drawback. Frames made of this material are unable to withstand significant weight loads from the severity of certain types of coatings, as well as from snow. Therefore, in the spring you can often see greenhouses that have overwintered on the site, the racks of which are curved. This suggests that the owner did not take into account the climatic features of his region when choosing a design.

An alternative option is a wooden frame for a greenhouse

Types of frame structures

There are two main types of greenhouse frame structures:

  • stationary;
  • collapsible.

The former are optimal for those who are often in the country, regardless of the season. Collapsible structures are chosen by those gardeners who visit their site only during the warm season. In this case, it makes sense to buy exactly those greenhouses that can be dismantled and stored before the start of the next season. Thus, you will not be afraid for the safety of your property.

Prices and quality

The most affordable are small greenhouses (up to 5 m 2) with a polyethylene awning and a frame made of steel painted with powder dye - 8-10 thousand rubles. The same structures, but with a polycarbonate coating, will cost about 50% more - up to 15 thousand rubles. The most expensive are glass greenhouses. These structures are mounted only on the basis of reliable steel frames. A glass greenhouse with an area of ​​​​up to 5 m 2 will cost a little more than 20 thousand rubles.

The price depends on various parameters - in particular, on:

  • the presence or absence of windows to ventilate the interior of the greenhouse;
  • number of doors
  • thickness and type of coating;
  • frame material;
  • construction forms.

They consider the most practical and high-quality. They are almost 200 times stronger and more reliable than glass ones. The smallest number of positive reviews about polyethylene greenhouses. They serve, as a rule, no more than 1-2 summer seasons.

Greenhouse forms

Greenhouses can be absolutely any shape, length and configuration. The frames of stationary structures are made as follows: steel profiles are welded together and the corners and joints are reinforced. All greenhouse manufacturers offer the service of manufacturing these products according to the dimensions and sketches of the customer. Therefore, it is not difficult to obtain a design of exactly the shape and size that is needed.

Arch type greenhouses

The arched form is the most successful for several reasons.

  1. It does not form a high layer of snow. This ensures the safety of the covering material.
  2. The arched shape implies a minimum number of seams and joints. This gives the design the greatest reliability in operation.
  3. Greenhouses of this form are resistant to winds.
  4. Finally, such structures are easy to install and can be easily extended in length.

But in spite of everything, arched structures cannot be called perfect. They also have their drawbacks. The main one is a smaller amount of internal space than rectangular greenhouses. Another disadvantage is that for structures with a height of more than 2 meters, the installation of reinforcing beams is required.

The most popular models of arched greenhouses:

  • "People's";
  • "Nurse";
  • "Sun";
  • "Rostock";
  • "Orange";
  • "Oasis".

Greenhouse "Alpha"

Shed greenhouses

This type of structures is classified as extension. Shed greenhouses are convenient in that they can be placed in close proximity to the walls of any country house - a house, a summer kitchen, a fold, a barn. This is the main advantage of this type of structure. But it is also the main drawback. The fact is that in such rooms only one-sided illumination is possible. Therefore, a significant part of the daylight hours the plants will be in the shade. However, this is not always bad. If a gardener grows shade-loving crops, a shed greenhouse for him is one of best picks. This design will save space on the site and perform the main work of shading the plants.

This type of structure can be covered with any material - polycarbonate, glass, polyethylene film. The frame can also be anything. For homemade structures, an excellent solution is wooden bars. But they will need to be covered with a moisture and bioprotective solution. You can choose any: "Senezh Ognebio" and "Senezh Ognebio Prof", "Neomid 450", "Pirilax".

Gable greenhouses

Gable greenhouses can be safely classified as universal and traditional.

There are two options for these structures:

  • with walls located at right angles to the surface of the earth;
  • with walls located at an obtuse angle to the surface of the earth.

The first option is classic. Summer residents call such greenhouses "houses".

These structures are built much more often for several reasons:

  • they are easy to install;
  • allow the use of any covering material;
  • on slopes, you can easily and simply mount vents for ventilation;
  • installation of the door will not cause difficulties;
  • you can choose any angle of the slope of the slopes and any height of the ridge;
  • there is no need for a snow protection device, since snow will not linger on a peaked roof;
  • wooden bars of any section are suitable for mounting the frame.

Important! If the greenhouse is small in size and weight, it can be installed directly on the ground without building a foundation.

But these structures also have their drawbacks. The first is that the gable greenhouse is stationary. In the case of redevelopment of the site, it is very difficult to transfer it to another place. The second drawback of these structures is that they have a significant number of joints both in the frame and in the skin. Therefore, the roof is not always airtight. If cellular polycarbonate is used, the thickness of the sheets must be at least 6 mm.

Another option is the Dachnaya-Strelka greenhouse.

Dome greenhouses

The main advantage of these greenhouses is the uniform distribution of the weight load. Therefore, for sheathing, you can use any, even the most heavy material. The frame consists of many segments of triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal shape. A significant number of joints provides maximum frame strength.

Dome greenhouses have ideal streamlining parameters, which guarantees maximum resistance to winds. These structures are not afraid of any precipitation. Snow will roll off the roof surface. This circumstance entails the need to install a sufficiently high foundation that will protect the interior from moisture penetration.

As a rule, planting is done in the spring, but you need to take care of the conditions, in particular, we are talking about protection from low temperatures. Especially when it comes to vegetables.

Greenhouses and greenhouses do an excellent job with this task. How to make it from almost improvised materials and see below.

How is a greenhouse different from a greenhouse?

Before delving into the question of how to make a greenhouse, let's decide what is the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse:

  • The greenhouse is used for growing seedlings and further planting in open beds, while plants can be in the greenhouse all year round;
  • The required temperature level in the greenhouse is maintained due to the presence of compost or manure in the soil, while in the greenhouse there is an additional, third-party heating source;
  • It is possible to grow trees in a greenhouse, but this cannot be done in a greenhouse.

What are greenhouses?

A greenhouse can be stationary or portable (a photo of a greenhouse in the country is presented below).

A stationary greenhouse can have all kinds of shapes, the most common model is a butterfly (it got its name due to the doors opening on both sides).

Portable more often in the form of a tunnel. The main material in both cases is a polymer film.

From all this it follows that it is quite possible to make a greenhouse with your own hands, this is the same creative process as growing cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Material selection

Before considering how to make a greenhouse with your own hands, let's deal with the issue of choosing a material.

When choosing a material, it must be borne in mind that it must meet the following requirements:

  • Good light transmission;
  • Resistance to various kinds of deformations, with strong gusts of wind, for example;
  • Easy to install and assemble the whole structure;
  • Durability.

As for the materials used, the cheapest, and most importantly practical, is the film, and here are its types:

  • polyethylene;
  • stabilized film;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Covering materials include:

  • agril;
  • lutrasil.

In order to finally decide and understand which material is preferable, it is necessary to compare them, and consider the pros and cons of each.


The advantages of glass include: it transmits approximately 94% of the light, serves for a long time, retains heat.

Cons: gets very hot summer period, heavy load on the main frame.


The advantages of this material include: low cost, low weight, no foundation is needed.


By cons: fragility, difficult to wash.


Pros: good light transmission, high level of thermal insulation, lightweight and durable.

What to use to make a frame for a greenhouse

The frame is a kind of basis for a greenhouse, most often it is made of wood or plastic, less often of metal pipes.

wooden frame

The main plus is its environmental friendliness. It is also worth noting that it is very simple in terms of installation.

For installation, you will need the following tools: a hammer, a screwdriver, a saw, nails, rubber as a sealing element, wooden bars, a ruler.


It is advisable to cover the wooden elements of the future structure with drying oil before the installation process.

Execution sequence

First of all, a beam is attached to the mortgage mount, which will then become the base. Then the main beam is placed around the perimeter of the foundation, and temporarily everything is fastened with nails.

Side and corner beams are fastened with a bar diagonally. The door frame is installed to the side pillars. The cornice is attached to the top of the side and corner beams.


In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe points where the vertical beams are fixed, it is necessary to remove a beam, the length of which is 2 m. The roof beams must be fixed at an angle equal to 30 degrees, they are connected to each other by a beam. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end points, they must be supported by vertical guides.

The final fixing of the roof frame is done with the help of corners and strips on self-tapping screws.



The door frame is attached first. Do not forget in the middle and upper part of the opening is fixed with special stiffeners.

Application of metal pipes

A greenhouse, as mentioned above, can be made from metal pipes, and also with your own hands. This design is more durable.

You will need: a welding machine, a hammer, a grinder, a special nozzle for working with metal (disk).

The pipe is divided into two identical parts. Tees are welded to the edges of the base pipe, crosses are welded every half a meter. The cut off elements must be welded to the crosses.

Special tees are attached to the arc to secure the door pillar.

Covering the greenhouse

After the frame is ready, you can start covering.


The easiest material to use is film. It is necessary to cover the entire structure, leaving a margin of 15 cm, and then cut off.


The front side of polycarbonate, the one where the picture is shown. First you need to cut the sheets. Seal the cuts from above with sealing tape, perforated from below.

First, polycarbonate is attached from above, then on the sides. Mounted on the frame with a special profile, as well as rubber gaskets.

At the end, a seal and door fittings are installed.


In greenhouses, in order to create ventilation (ventilation), you just need to open the doors, but it is advisable to do this in warm weather.

A greenhouse is an indispensable thing for a gardener who is going to harvest a large crop of tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables in the future, having approached the design wisely and following all the instructions, everything will definitely work out.

DIY greenhouse photo

let's consider modern views greenhouses for personal plots.

With the advent of polycarbonate on the market, almost all designs of modern greenhouses are focused on covering with this particular material.

This is justified by its performance and relatively low and ever decreasing price.

Advantages of polycarbonate:
Ultra-high impact strength (cellular polycarbonate with low weight is 200 times stronger than glass and 8 times stronger than acrylic plastics and PVC).

High temperature resistance

High fire resistance

Extreme lightness, small specific gravity(cellular polycarbonate weighs 16 times less than glass and 3 times less than acrylic of the same thickness)

High thermal insulation properties, low thermal conductivity

High light transmission (up to 86% transparency)

Good noise and sound insulation

High chemical resistance

Flexural and tensile strength

Excellent weather resistance

Durability, invariance of properties (warranty period of service of polycarbonate products is 10-12 years

Safety and ease of coating (polycarbonate does not break, does not crack, and therefore sharp fragments upon impact)

Protection against ultraviolet radiation (a special protective layer prevents the most harmful UV radiation from penetrating the interior)

Excellent structural possibilities, the lightness of the sheets allows you to create light, original and elegant designs.

Its disadvantages:

If the sheet is not positioned correctly (with UV protection inside), then its service life will be reduced from 10 to 2-3 years.

It also has a hollow structure, where dirt and water will very often get into. This leads to a deterioration in light transmission and a faster loss of heat, which is not desirable in our conditions. It also ruins the look. Agree when plastic near the ground has black-green color it's not very pretty. That's why .

Under polycarbonate, frames are also made and built, they differ in shape and in the use of material.

By shape: the most common are arched and tent (house), the rest are variations of these two.

Arched. These are mostly factory-made greenhouses.

Their advantages:
Ease of assembly;
Low cost;
Less consumption of polycarbonate.

Little functionality;
The small height of the extreme beds.

Good for low crops (pepper, eggplant)

Tent. This form of construction is often chosen for self-construction, but there are also factory options.

Their advantages:
Individuality of designs;
Non-standard sizes for any crops;
Good functionality.

The need to use a more durable material for the frame, taking into account the increased snow load;
higher cost;
Higher consumption of polycarbonate in terms of area.

The materials from which the frames are made:

Omega or as it is also called for its shape "hat" profile.


1. You can take it away in a car.
2. Reliable protection frame from corrosion. Usually galvanized sheet does not rust for about 6-8 years.
3. Low price due to streaming production and little use of manual labor.

Of the minuses:
1. It takes a very long time to collect. For example, for an 8 meter greenhouse, 1210 bolted connections must be tightened. You will understand how much time you will spend if you tighten 10 bolts, add 5 minutes to read the instructions and multiply the resulting time by 121. By the way, this may take more than one day.
2. Most frames of this type, according to the passport, can withstand up to 20 kg / m2 of snow. Those. in the event of a snowfall, it is necessary to remove the snow from the plastic cover almost immediately. The exception is the Volya company, which produces really strong frames, but also at a fairly high price, which exceeds the price of greenhouses from a profile pipe.
3. Due to streaming production, there are: mismatched holes, missing holes. There are frequent cases of incomplete equipment or equipment with unnecessary parts.

Profile pipe (square, rectangular).

Let's list the advantages:
1. Available as all-welded and collapsible, the ability to make it yourself.
2. Due to the presence of a minimum number of connections, the frame can be assembled in 1-2 hours. The entire greenhouse is assembled in 4-5 hours.
3. Withstands heavy snow loads. For example: Favorit, Novator, Grand, Kremlin have a reinforced frame that can withstand loads from 180 to 250 kg / sq. m. And each arc can withstand a load of 250 to 350 kg.
4. Installation both on the foundation and on the ground without any problems.

Of the minuses:
1. Higher cost.
2. The need for painting.
3. Large dimensions during transportation, especially all-welded ones, and they are the most durable.

They are made independently from linear timber.

1. The ability to build independently according to your drawings without having the skill of a welder.
2. Warmer due to low thermal conductivity.
3. Simplicity and reliability in fixing the roof.

1. High price.
2. Lack of factory blanks.
3. The need for protection with an antiseptic.
4. Complexity and duration in manufacturing.

Other materials, such as angle or round pipe, are rare and, in my opinion, are only reasonable if you already have this material in stock.

Based on this assessment, the following factors should be considered when choosing a greenhouse:
1. Place of residence, taking into account the snow load.
2. The culture you are going to grow.
3. Possibility of improvement if necessary (auto-ventilation, drip irrigation, etc.).
4. Availability of finance
5.Own craftsmanship.

Analyzing the types of polycarbonate greenhouses and their designs, you can choose from a wide range of options that are most suitable for the climatic conditions of the region. A variety of shapes and sizes allows you to calculate the predicted yield, taking into account the needs of the family.

Galvanized polycarbonate greenhouse

Greenhouses reliably protect garden crops from adverse weather conditions, which explains their popularity, especially in risky farming areas. Among modern structures, structures are considered the most reliable, for the frame of which a galvanized, corrosion-resistant profile is used, and polycarbonate, consisting of three layers, is used for coating.

Hollow cells between two solid polycarbonate planes determine the strength and low weight of this material, which greatly facilitates installation. Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a galvanized profile, the following advantages are additionally distinguished:

  • high thermal insulation characteristics that protect against sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • good light transmission, providing the necessary indicators of illumination inside the structure;
  • the ability to maintain integrity in the winter under the influence of cold weather and the severity of snow;
  • flexibility;
  • fire resistance;
  • safety, which consists in the absence of sharp fragments with the possible destruction of the material.

Among the shortcomings, the fragility of polycarbonate sheets is noted, which, with illiterate installation, can be deformed. This material is easily scratched, shows poor impact resistance, being destroyed by strong large hail.

The good quality characteristics of the materials used explain the advantages of the popular galvanized greenhouses covered with polycarbonate. Among them, in addition to strength, good protection against external negative influences, the possibility of self-assembly and durability of operation attracts.

Arched polycarbonate greenhouses

Semicircular arched greenhouses do not require special labor costs when carrying out installation work, because they do not need to build a foundation. Such structures do not have the risk of self-destruction from snow, which practically does not linger on a semicircular plane. Another advantage of such a streamlined shape is a good resistance to even strong gusts of wind.

An important advantage of the arched structure is the saving of material, which makes it a profitable purchase. The minimum number of joints increases the operational reliability of the structure.

The main disadvantage is the insufficient height from the sides of the greenhouse, which limits the range of grown plants and creates inconvenience in the organization of planting care. In an effort to increase the vertical space above two meters, it is necessary to install additional reinforcing beams.

cone-shaped greenhouses

In order to ensure sufficient height, greenhouses have been created on a solid frame, having the shape of a cone. This configuration is provided by a pointed central peak at the top with semicircular walls. Among the advantages of such a structural solution, the possibility of attaching nets, rope systems for tying grown plants is distinguished.

A greenhouse has amazing properties - a pyramid, a drawing of which can be developed independently, focusing on the dimensions of the polycarbonate sheets used. The edges of such a structure, converging at the top at one point, provide high wind resistance. Inside, thanks to the inclined edges, an optimal illumination mode is created. The exit when installed is oriented to the north. Among the disadvantages of cone-shaped varieties is a small area.

Butterfly greenhouse

For small areas, a polycarbonate butterfly greenhouse with a galvanized frame is an excellent option.

Such a greenhouse is distinguished by compact dimensions, easy installation, since it is installed directly on the ground. The operational life of this design is more than 10 years. After dismantling, the greenhouse can be moved to another location.

The polycarbonate butterfly greenhouse got its name due to the opening of the wings on both sides, which contributes to the comfortable carrying out of plant care activities. The covering made of cellular polycarbonate creates inside the necessary conditions for seedlings.

Positive feedback from the owners of such structures relates to the possibility of choosing the right size from the range offered by manufacturers. In addition to the frame with doors, the package includes cellular polycarbonate, which has double protection against ultraviolet radiation. Also includes locks, mounting materials, assembly drawing, wind hooks, handles.

Round greenhouse

Domed round greenhouse attracts not only original appearance. Its priority advantage is the uniform distribution of any external load over the coating plane. The frame is connected segments of a certain geometric shape - rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal. This enhances the strength properties.

The streamlined shape contributes to high resistance even to strong winds. The same circumstance explains the recommendations for the use of such varieties for summer cottages located in a seismically hazardous zone. Snow in winter does not accumulate on rounded planes. Since, due to this feature, snowdrifts quickly grow around the round structure, a high foundation is required to protect the soil inside from waterlogging.

Inside the beds, they also plan in a circle, planting higher crops in the center. All plants have enough light and heat, which are distributed evenly. The disadvantage of a round design is the complexity of arranging ventilation. Most often, several transoms that open if necessary are equipped at equal distances.


They build a shed greenhouse with their own hands next to existing buildings. This saves material, since one wall will be common. It is easy to bring communications to such a greenhouse, providing heating if necessary.

Developing a project of such a structure, determine the angle of inclination of the upper plane. It depends on how much snow will linger on it. It is advisable to use a reliable galvanized profile for the frame. Vertical racks are mounted in increments of no more than 1.2 m. To increase the strength of the walls, they provide for the installation of slopes.

When selecting the dimensions of the structure, the standard width of polycarbonate strips of 2.1 m must be taken into account. This will avoid unnecessary operations for cutting the material. The disadvantage of shed greenhouses is less illumination, which requires the selection of crops that are resistant to shading. .

Double polycarbonate greenhouse

A greenhouse in which you can grow vegetables and herbs all year round is the dream of many gardeners. It is possible to implement it with the help of modern materials and technological methods. The most popular is the updated winter greenhouse with double polycarbonate. The role of thermal protection is played by an air gap between the layers of this covering material.

For such a design, the preliminary equipment of the strip foundation is mandatory.

In the winter season, boxes filled with soil are installed for cucumbers and other crops. In order to maintain the desired temperature, infrared heaters are most often used. There are different designs of winter buildings.

For greater reliability in regions with a harsh climate on permafrost soils, it is recommended to build side walls from foam concrete with an additional heat-insulating layer. For the construction of the roof frame, galvanized profiles are used, on which transparent double polycarbonate is attached. It will be necessary to provide for the installation of additional lighting fixtures.

greenhouse house

The classic version of greenhouses is the construction of a house with a gable roof. Analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, pay attention to the following advantages:

  • simple installation;
  • convenient ventilation system;
  • the ability to design the required slope of the slopes and a convenient height for operation;
  • good snow protection.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of transferring such a design, if necessary. Due to the large number of joints, their depressurization is possible.

Equal-walled greenhouses

Spacious equal-walled greenhouses are most often used for growing vegetables on an industrial scale. Thanks to the presence of slopes, protection from snow is provided. The construction is reliable. At the same time, it does not require the installation of additional props.

Among the advantages, there is also a convenient planning of the internal space, which has sufficient height and width. You can plant tall plants. The disadvantage is considered to be difficult for self-installation and high price compared to arched counterparts.

prefabricated structures

The types of polycarbonate greenhouses offered by manufacturers and their designs surprise with a variety of shapes and sizes. Before choosing the right option, you should analyze all the pros and cons, focusing not only on the characteristics of the structure, but also on ease of use.

Greenhouse with opening top "SEZAM"

The frame of the greenhouse "SEZAM" is made of double arcs. Its feature is the installation of polycarbonate sheets in plastic grooves, which ensures their free movement up or down. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to open the top or the sides if ventilation or natural rainwater irrigation is required.

In the winter season, the open roof ensures the complete safety of the building from snow load. After installing a greenhouse with a polycarbonate sliding roof, you can, if necessary, purchase an additional section and build up the existing structure. The frame is made of galvanized profile, which does not corrode and does not require painting during operation.

With a width of 3 m and a height of 2.1 m, the manufacturer offers a minimum length of 4.2 m. You can purchase a frame with a length of 6.3 or 8.4 m, as well as 10.5 m and more.

Sliding versions are completed with plates (4 mm) of cellular polycarbonate, which are provided with an additional protective layer against ultraviolet rays. Also included are two doors and vents, fittings and fasteners.

Galvanized greenhouse "STANDARD REINFORCED" arch type

Arched types of greenhouses and their designs are more often found in summer cottages and backyard farmsteads. Their improved variety is designed to resist wind and snow loads. In order to increase the reliability of the "REINFORCED STANDARD" option, the step was reduced to 0.65 m between the arcs, which increased their number.

This makes it possible to maintain the integrity of the structure under the pressure of snow drifts weighing more than 200 kg per 1 m² and not be deformed by wind gusts of 20 m/s. The frame is made of galvanized pipe. Cellular polycarbonate acts as a coating, providing required degree illumination and temperature regime. There are two doors, there are vents for ventilation.

Galvanized greenhouse "STANDARD" arch type

The classic arched greenhouse is popular due to its reliable, durable frame made of a square galvanized pipe with a diameter of 25 × 25 mm.

The meter interval between the arcs allows you to maintain stability under a snow mass of about 120 kg per square meter. For reliability, the frame is equipped with upper guides with a section of 20 × 20 mm and a lower base of 25 × 25 mm.

The range includes varieties of greenhouses with a width of 2.5 or 3 m. The smallest length is 4 m. It increases in accordance with the allotted area. Height - 2.1 m. The frame, which, if desired, can be purchased separately without polycarbonate, has a 3-year warranty. The predicted operational period is 10 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "STANDARD HEAVY STRENGTH pipe 40×20" arch type

The use of a reliable profile pipe with a square cross section of 40 × 20 mm for the frame significantly increases the reliability of the STANDARD greenhouse from the range of arched structures. With a standard width (3 m), height (2.1 m), you can install a structure of the required length, starting from 4 meters. The interval between arcs is 0.65 m, which provides additional strength.

This variety is completed with sheets of cellular polycarbonate, two vents and doors, as well as fittings and fasteners. You can purchase additional side transoms that provide automatic opening and closing for ventilation, as well as a galvanized fastening tape for reliable fixation of polycarbonate. If necessary, you can purchase only the frame, the guarantee for which is 5 years. Service life 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "VIP" of arched type with truss arches

The use of double truss arcs from a galvanized profile with a square cross section of 20 × 20 mm for the manufacture of the frame determines the high strength of the VIP greenhouses of the arched type.

Due to the streamlined shape, the snow practically does not linger on the surface. A powerful frame with a step between the arcs of 1 meter determines the resistance to strong winds. Between themselves, the farms are connected by screeds with fasteners in the form of special crabs.

The lower base is made of a pipe with a section of 20×20 mm. Cellular polycarbonate allows you to create the necessary temperature conditions inside. The standard minimum length of 4 m can be easily increased by installing additional sections. The width is 2.5 or 3 m, the height is 2.1 m. The package includes: two vents and doors, Sellex cellular polycarbonate having a thickness of 4 mm, the necessary fittings and fasteners needed to assemble the greenhouse.

The manufacturer's warranty on the frame, which can be purchased separately, is up to 10 years. Operational period of 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "VIP reinforced" arch type with truss arches

Analyzing the most reliable arched types among greenhouses and their arrangement, one should pay attention to the “VIP reinforced” model, which perfectly protects plants from wind and cold. Additional reliability of the structure is provided by a decrease in the interval between truss arcs to 0.65 m.

Together with the screeds, a lattice structure is created, which exhibits increased resistance to adverse external influences. The galvanized pipes with a square section of 20 × 20 mm used for the manufacture of the frame are distinguished by reliability and durability.

The width of these varieties is standard - 2.5 or 3 m. Height - 2.1 m. The length is selected depending on the size of the site, starting from 4 m. When delivered, the package includes: 2 vents and doors, cellular modern Sellex polycarbonate ( 4 mm), fasteners and fittings. A frame with a guarantee of up to 10 years, if desired, is purchased separately. Service life 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "DOME reinforced" in the shape of a dome

Despite the difficult installation, dome-shaped greenhouses are in demand. Their design provides the best light performance and excellent wind resistance. It does not collapse under the mass of snow in winter, since it practically does not linger on the domed plane.

The arcs of the frame made of galvanized stainless steel pipes with a square section of 25×25 mm are arranged with a step of 0.65 m. They are connected by upper guides with a diameter of 20×20 mm, which enhances the reliability of the structure. The cellular polycarbonate used for covering well protects plants from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Ventilation windows are provided above the two end doors for ventilation.

It is possible to equip additional vents on the sides. Depending on the width, you can choose a frame of 2.5, 3 or 3.5 m. The minimum length is 4 m, the height can be 2.4 or 3 m. The guarantee period for the frame is up to 10 years. Projected service life of 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "HOUSE" in the shape of a house

The classic configuration with a gable roof of the greenhouse "DOMIK" ensures the creation of the necessary parameters of temperature and illumination inside.

For the frame, a profiled galvanized pipe is used with the installation of trusses every 1 meter. Guides with a square section of 20 × 20 mm, with crab fasteners, connect the racks, reinforcing the structure. The galvanized ridge mounted on top contributes to an increase in reliability.

The role of the coating is performed by fire-resistant polycarbonate, provided with a protective layer from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The width of the building is standard, it can be 2.5 or 3 m with a height of 2.4 m, the length is selected, starting from a minimum of 4 m. The kit includes two vents and doors, there are the necessary fasteners and accessories.

The frame with a guarantee of up to 10 years is also sold separately. Estimated service life is 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "HOUSE reinforced" in the form of a house

The house-shaped greenhouse option is deservedly considered one of the most convenient models. The gable roof provides uniform illumination. Snow does not accumulate on it, which increases operational durability.

With a height of 2.4 m and a width of 2.5 or 3 m, any vegetable crops are easily placed inside. The frame is additionally strengthened due to the arrangement of racks made of galvanized pipes with a square section of 20 × 20 mm every 0.65 m. They are connected from above with guides that provide additional reliability and stability.

Upon purchase, the frame is completed with two doors and vents, Sellex cellular polycarbonate (4 mm), necessary fittings and fasteners. If desired, you can purchase only the frame, on which a guarantee of up to 10 years is installed. Estimated service life is 20 years.

Galvanized greenhouse "MINI reinforced" arch type

A convenient little greenhouse is easily placed in any area. With compact dimensions, it is highly durable, thanks to a reinforced frame made of galvanized pipes 20 × 20 mm with an arc pitch of 0.5 m.

The cellular polycarbonate used for covering allows you to reliably protect plants from external adverse effects. This type of greenhouse is equipped with one door. For ventilation, two oppositely located vents are provided. With a width of 2 m, the height of the "MINI reinforced" greenhouse is 1.9 m. The length is selected at 3 or 4 m.

A frame with a guarantee of up to 10 years can be offered without a polycarbonate coating, which, however, does not make the purchase more profitable. Service life 20 years.

Thanks to an extensive range of greenhouses, the coating for which is made of modern UV-resistant cellular polycarbonate, you can choose an option for each site, taking into account climatic conditions and financial possibilities.