Electronic cartographic basis. On the creation and maintenance of a unified electronic cartographic basis of the Moscow region

Rebriy A.V., Chief Engineer, email: [email protected]

Bildina E.E., Head of GIS Department, e-mail: [email protected]

State Research and Development Center for Geoinformation Systems and Technologies (FSUE GOSGISCENTER), Moscow, web: www.ggc.ru

Creation of Common digital Cartographic Base with use of ArcGIS Technology

The Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis (UEKO) is a universal information resource containing open spatial data of various scales and designed to solve a wide range of tasks.

Rice. one. Source materials in SXF format.

Order of the Ministry economic development Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 467 “On approval of the requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a unified electronic cartographic basis for federal, regional and municipal purposes” defines the following basic requirements for the EECS:

  • EEKO is created on the basis of state topographic maps at scales 1:2,000, 1:5,000, 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000, 1:200,000, 1:500,000, 1: 1,000,000;
  • EEKO is open and accessible;
  • EEKO is a federal state information resource.

As part of the implementation of the federal target program"Creation automated system maintenance of the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2008)”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2005 No. 560, and in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 1551-r (on approval of the Plan transition of federal executive bodies to the provision of public services in in electronic format) in Rosreestr during 2010, work was carried out to create a unified electronic cartographic basis. The work is being carried out by specialists from FSUE GOSGISCENTER and LLC DATA+.

AT said work EEKO is used for compiling and publishing cadastral maps and is posted on the Internet on the State Services portal of Rosreestr as a service that supports the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Server Interface (OGC WMS) standard.

Rice. 2. Fragment of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis (EEKO) scale 1:100000.

The basis for the creation of the EECS are digital topographic open-use maps (TsTK OP) contained in the Federal Cartographic and Geodetic Fund (FCGF). To create the EECS, the following scales of the TsTK OP in the SXF (Panorama) format were used: 1:1,000,000; 1:100,000; 1:50,000; Digital topographic plans of cities M 1:10 000.

In terms of content elements, EECS includes:

  • Settlements and building elements
    • settlements;
    • structure of the settlement (districts, quarters, territorial zones);
    • building;
    • road network settlements;
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Landscape
    • vegetation;
    • soils: sands, solonchaks, swamps;
    • relief elements: hillshade, model of the bottom of large reservoirs;
    • hydrography: rivers, seas, lakes, lagoons, reservoirs.

To publish on the Internet and ensure compatibility with popular mapping services (Google, Microsoft Bing Maps, etc.), the Web Mercator WGS 84 cylindrical projection was used in the process of creating the EEKO.

Due to the fact that the unit of creation and storage of the TsTK OP is the nomenclature sheet (NL), the specialists of the FSUE "GOSGISCENTRE" performed the following set of works on the preliminary preparation of data for the EECO:

  • unloading NL TsTK OP (together with metadata) in SXF format from the data bank;
  • summary and stitching of NL TsTK OP in the GIS "PANORAMA" environment.

Cross-linked NL TsTK OP are converted into ArcGIS formats and formatted according to the symbolic character set developed by DATA+ LLC.

When combining the EECS with the layers of cadastral division on the portal of the State Services of Rosreestr, the composition of the map, its color palette and symbols are reworked to improve the readability of the cartographic image.

Rice. 3. Unified electronic cartographic basis (EEKO) on the Rosreestr portal.

The last stage of processing cartographic information is caching. It is produced to optimize the process of providing a cartographic image to the user. Cache elements - fragments of the cartographic image, the so-called tiles - are prepared in advance, which significantly increases the speed of transferring the map to the user over the Internet.

As a result of this work, a cache was created for the territory of more than 30,000 NL TsTK OP, stored in the FCCF. This is perhaps the largest project for the processing of cartographic data for the purpose of their publication on the Internet. As data is tested and transferred to the technological platform of the State Services Portal of Rosreestr, EEKO will appear on the Internet: region by region, city by city. keep for updates!



In accordance with parts 4, 8 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2015 N 431-FZ "On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2016, N 1 , art.51; N 27, art.4294)

I order:

1. Approve the attached requirements for the composition of the information of the unified electronic cartographic basis and the requirements for the frequency of their updating.

2. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 24, 2008 N 467 "On approval of the requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a single electronic cartographic basis of federal, regional and municipal significance" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 28, 2009, registration N 13396).


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 14, 2017
registration N 45949

Requirements for the composition of information of a unified electronic cartographic basis and requirements for the frequency of their updating

1. The Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis (UEKO) is a systematized set of spatial data on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. EEKO information does not contain information related to state secrets and must be prepared for open publication in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

3. EEKO information is presented in state coordinate systems, in local coordinate systems used in the maintenance of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, as well as for use as an overview (reference) material in international systems coordinates.

4. The composition of the EEKO information should ensure the possibility of presenting the specified information in electronic form as:

scale orthophotomaps:

1:2000 and larger - to the territory of settlements;

1:10000, 1:25000 - in the territories included in the approved (hereinafter - territories with a high population density);
Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 23, art. 2318; N 37, art. 3760; N 45, art. 4463.

1:50000 - on territories not included in the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and certain regions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (within existing boundaries) belonging to territories with a high population density, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2004 N 707-r;

topographic maps and topographic plans of the following scales:

1:2000, 1:10000 - on parts of the territories of settlements for which it is impossible to make orthophotomaps for open use, as well as on other parts of the territories of settlements, if available;

1:10000, 1:25000 - in areas with high population density;

1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:1000000 - for the entire territory of the Russian Federation;

general geographic map at a scale of 1:2500000 for the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

5. Information of the EEKO should ensure the possibility of their use in the creation of state topographic maps and state topographic plans of the established scale range.

6. EECS information, presented in the form of orthophotomaps, is created on the basis of Earth remote sensing materials, as a rule, obtained by aerial photography.

7. The composition of the EEKO information should include information about the following types objects:

terrain with an accuracy corresponding to a scale smaller than 1:50000;

hydrography and hydraulic structures;


industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural facilities;

road network and road structures;

vegetation cover and soils (woody, shrubby, herbaceous vegetation, arable land, swamps, other lands (sands, stony placers, disturbed lands, etc.);

State border of the Russian Federation;

borders between subjects of the Russian Federation;

names of geographical objects;

other information that meets the requirements of part 3 of article 20 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2015 N 431-FZ "On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" .
Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2016, N 1, article 51; N 27, art. 4294.

8. EEKO information is subject to update no later than 6 months from the date of updating state topographic maps, state topographic plans and orthophotomaps contained in the federal spatial data fund, but at least once every ten years.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information
www.pravo.gov.ru, 03/16/2017,
N 0001201703160001

1. To provide organs state power, organs local government, individuals and legal entities with spatial data in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal executive body authorized to provide public services in the field of geodesy and cartography, or based on the decision of this body, the federal government agency ensures the creation and updating of a single electronic cartographic basis.

2. In order to ensure the provision of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis and their updating, the federal executive body authorized to provide state services in the field of geodesy and cartography, or on the basis of a decision of this body, a federal state institution subordinate to it organizes the creation, operation and modernization of the state information system maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis.

3. The unified electronic cartographic basis does not contain information constituting a state secret, and is a systematized set of spatial data on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. The requirements for the composition of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis are established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

5. The requirements for the technical and software means of the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis are determined by the federal executive body that exercises the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

6. Information of a unified electronic cartographic basis is provided to state authorities, local governments, subordinate state and municipal institutions using unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction, and other legal and individuals using the federal portal of spatial data.

7. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes:

1) the procedure and methods for providing interested persons with information on a unified electronic cartographic basis, including the procedure for sending an application for the provision of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis, including the form of such an application;

2) the procedure for determining the amount of payment for the use of information from a single electronic cartographic basis.

8. Information of the unified electronic cartographic base is subject to updating in accordance with the requirements for the frequency of their updating, established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography, but at least once every ten years .

9. In order to update the information of the unified electronic cartographic base, the information contained in the Unified state register real estate, which are subject to provision by the federal executive body maintaining the Unified State Real Estate Register, through the information interaction of the federal state information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate with the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis, carried out in accordance with the legislation on state cadastral registration and state registration rights.

10. The list of information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and used for the purposes of updating the unified electronic cartographic basis is determined by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

11. In order to update the information of the unified electronic cartographic basis, the information contained in information systems ensuring urban planning activities.

12. The procedure for the information interaction of the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis with information systems for ensuring urban planning activities in order to update the information of a unified electronic cartographic basis and the list of information contained in information systems for ensuring urban planning and used for the purpose of updating a unified electronic cartographic basis are established by the Government Russian Federation.

In accordance with part 7 of Article 20 federal law"On geodesy, cartography and spatial data and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. Information of the cartographic base is provided in the form of:

a) orthophotomaps and (or) orthophotomaps;

b) state digital topographic maps of open use and (or) state digital topographic plans of open use;

c) a general geographical map at a scale of 1:2500000;

d) spatial data contained in public digital topographic maps for open use and digital topographic plans for open use, grouped by a specific topic.

3. The Russian Federation shall be the owner of the information of the cartographic basis. On behalf of the Russian Federation, the powers of the owner of the cartographic base information are exercised Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography or on the basis of a decision of the said Service by the federal state budget institution(hereinafter referred to as the operator of the cartographic basis), providing information on the cartographic basis.

4. Information of the cartographic basis is provided to the applicants by the operator of the cartographic basis on the basis of an application in the form given in the present Rules.

Information of the cartographic base is provided only in electronic form.

The application form is posted on the federal portal of spatial data (hereinafter referred to as the portal) and in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

5. The application shall indicate one of the following conditions for the use of information from the cartographic basis:

a) production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof without the right to transfer to third parties;

b) production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic base or part thereof with the right to transfer to a limited circle of third parties;

c) production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof with the right to transfer to an unlimited circle of third parties;

d) processing (creation of derivatives) of information of the cartographic basis or part thereof without the right to transfer to third parties;

e) processing (creation of derivatives) of the information of the cartographic base or part thereof with the right to transfer to a limited circle of third parties;

f) processing (creation of derivatives) information of the cartographic basis or part thereof with the right to transfer to an unlimited circle of third parties;

g) bringing the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof to the public through the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

6. In the case of repeated use of information from the cartographic basis for a period not exceeding one calendar year, the application indicates the period of use of the provided information of the cartographic basis.

7. The application is signed by the applicant using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

If the application is signed by a person acting on behalf of the applicant by proxy, a copy of the document confirming the authority of such a person is attached to the application.

8. Bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them send applications to the operator of the cartographic basis by sending electronic document using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Individuals and legal entities send applications to the operator of the cartographic base by filling out an application in the form given in these Rules and posted on the portal.

9. The territory in respect of which the information of the cartographic basis is requested is determined in the application by indicating the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon in state system coordinates limiting this territory, a list of map sheets or the full name of the corresponding units of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation.

10. When submitting an application to the operator of the cartographic basis through the portal, the territory in respect of which the information of the cartographic basis is requested is indicated by determining it using software and technical means portal.

11. Not later than one working day following the day of receipt of the application, the operator of the cartographic base registers the application and sends it to the applicant at the address Email, indicated in the application, or to the subscriber number of the mobile radiotelephone communication device indicated in the application, with a short text message notification of the registration of the application.

12. If the operator of the cartographic basis has the requested information, the operator of the cartographic basis, simultaneously with sending a notice of registration of the application, sends the applicant to the e-mail address indicated in the application, or to the subscriber number of the mobile radiotelephone communication device indicated in the application, in a short text message a unique identifier charging fees.

13. In the absence of the requested information of the cartographic basis, the operator of the cartographic basis, not later than 2 working days following the day of registration of the application, sends a notification to the applicant's e-mail address indicated in the application about the absence of the requested information.

14. The amount of the fee for providing information on the cartographic basis is determined in accordance with the procedure provided for by Part 7 of Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

15. Payment for the provision of cartographic base information must be made no later than 10 business days from the date the applicant receives a unique identifier for charging the fee.

16. If the operator does not have a cartographic basis in deadlines information about the payment for providing information on the cartographic basis, the operator of the cartographic basis sends a notification to the applicant's e-mail address specified in the application about the absence of information about the payment.

17. The information of the cartographic base is provided to state authorities, local governments, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction connected to it.

Information of the cartographic base is provided to individuals and legal entities through:

b) web services in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

18. Information of the cartographic basis shall be provided to the applicant no later than the working day following the day of receipt by the operator of the cartographic basis of information about the payment for the provision of information of the cartographic basis.

19. The information of the cartographic basis provided to the operator of the cartographic base shall be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature cartographic basis operator.

20. In order to provide cartographic base information, the cartographic base operator provides the possibility of previewing the cartographic base information on the portal in raster form.

21. An application submitted in violation of the requirements of these Rules is not subject to consideration by the cartographic base operator. Notification of the non-compliance of the application with the requirements of these Rules shall be sent by the operator of the cartographic base to the applicant's e-mail address specified in the application within one business day following the day the application was submitted.

to provide
information to interested persons
unified electronic
cartographic basis

Sheet No. _____ Total sheets _____
The section is filled in by a specialist of the subdivision of the operator of the cartographic basis: request for the provision of information for use of the unified electronic cartographic basis (hereinafter referred to as the cartographic basis) in: ______________________________________________________________________________ (full name of the body of the subdivision of the operator of the cartographic basis) registration number _________________________ number of sheets of the request __________________ number of attached documents __________, in them __________ sheets signature _____________________________ date ____ _______________ _____
I. 1. Please provide information on the cartographic basis in the form of:
orthophotomaps and (or) orthophotomaps in the form: scale:
state topographic maps and (or) state topographic plans for open use: scale:
general geographical map at a scale of 1:2500000
spatial data contained in public digital topographic maps of open use and digital topographic plans of open use, grouped by a specific topic: scale:
Sheet No. _____ Total sheets _____
2. The territory in respect of which the information of the cartographic basis is requested:
3. Terms of use :
4. Period of use:
5. Method of obtaining information of the cartographic base: __________________ Sending a link to an electronic document by e-mail:
6. Information about the applicant - an individual: surname, name, patronymic: _____________________________________________ type of identity document: ___________________________ series and number of the identity document: _________________ who issued the identity document: _______________________ date of issue of the document "__" _________________________________ ____ telephone ____________________, postal address ______________________, email address ____________________________________________
7. Information about the applicant - a legal entity, public authority, local government, other body: full name _____________________________________________ OGRN ___________________________________________________________ date of state registration ____ ____________________ ______ city TIN ____________________________________________________________ country of registration _____________________________________________ date and number of registration "__" __________ ____ city No. _________________ telephone _____________________, postal address ______________________ e-mail address ____________________________________________
Sheet No. _____ Total sheets _____
8. Information about the representative of the applicant: surname, name, patronymic: _____________________________________________ type of identity document: ___________________________ series and number of the identity document: _________________ who issued the identity document: _______________________ date of issue of the document "__" _________________________ ____________. details of the document confirming the authority of the applicant's representative: _________________________________________________________________ telephone __________________________, postal address: _________________________________________________ e-mail address: ___________________________________________
II. I give my consent to participate in a survey to assess the quality of the public service provided to me by phone: + (_____) __________________________________
III. I confirm my consent, as well as the consent of the person I represent, to the processing of personal data (collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as other actions necessary for the processing of personal data as part of the provision by the operator of the cartographic basis, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, public services, including in an automated mode
__________________ (signature) _______________________ (initials, surname)
“__” __________ ____ (date) M.P.


(1) The name of the subdivision of the operator of the unified electronic cartographic basis, which provides the information of the cartographic basis for use, shall be indicated.

(2) To be filled in according to the book of registration of applications.

(3) The signature of the specialist of the subdivision of the operator of the cartographic basis, which provides information on the cartographic basis, who accepted and registered this application, his surname and initials, is affixed.

(4) Completed by the applicant manually or automatically using the metadatabase. Only one type of baseline information can be specified in one request.

(5) Specify the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon in the state coordinate system that limits the given territory, the list of map sheets or the full name of the corresponding units of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation.

(6) One of the following conditions for the use of cartographic basis information is indicated:

production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof without the right to transfer to third parties;

production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof with the right to transfer to a limited circle of third parties;

production of one or more copies of the information of the cartographic basis or part thereof with the right to transfer to an unlimited circle of third parties;

processing (creation of derivatives) information of the cartographic basis or part thereof without the right to transfer to third parties;

processing (creation of derivatives) of information of the cartographic basis or part thereof with the right to transfer to a limited circle of third parties;

processing (creation of derivatives) of the information of the cartographic base or part thereof with the right to transfer to an unlimited circle of third parties;

bringing the information of the cartographic base or part thereof to the public through the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

(7) In the case of repeated use of cartographic basis information within a period not exceeding one calendar year, the term for using the provided cartographic basis information shall be indicated.

(8) The middle name is indicated if available.

(9) Indicated for the Russian Federation - the Russian Federation, for the subject of the Russian Federation - the full name of the subject of the Russian Federation, for municipality- full name of the municipality (according to the charter of the municipality).

(10) To be completed by Russian legal entity. The body of state power, the body of local self-government is not filled.

(11) To be completed in relation to a foreign legal entity.

(12) The survey is conducted in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2012 No. 1284 "On the assessment by citizens of the effectiveness of the activities of heads of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies (their structural divisions) and territorial bodies of state off-budget funds(their regional branches), taking into account the quality of the provision of public services by them, as well as the application of the results of this assessment as the basis for making decisions on the early termination of the performance by the relevant managers of their official duties". Participation in the survey is voluntary. Sending response short text messages carried out free of charge. If the citizen agrees to the survey, a "V" sign is put in a specially designated column and a telephone number is indicated.

Document overview

In 2017, the Law on geodesy, cartography and spatial data will come into force, according to which a unified electronic cartographic basis is created to provide state authorities and local governments, individuals and legal entities with spatial data on the territory of Russia.

The rules for providing interested persons with the information contained in it have been established.

Information is provided in the form of orthophotomaps and/or orthophotomaps; state digital topographic maps and / or plans for open use; spatial data contained in such maps and plans, grouped under a specific theme; general geographic map at a scale of 1:2500000.

Information is provided only in electronic form by the operator of this cartographic basis upon application, the form of which is attached. The procedure for submitting an application has been determined.

The conditions for the use of information are listed, one of which must be indicated in the application.

Registration N 13396

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.29 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 437 , and paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2008 N 413-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 14, Art. 1436) and in order to ensure the unity of the electronic cartographic basis for federal, regional and municipal purposes, regulation of relations when maintaining and using order:

To approve the attached Requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a unified electronic cartographic basis for federal, regional and municipal purposes.


E. Nabiullina

Requirements for the composition, structure, order of conduct

and use of a unified electronic cartographic basis for federal, regional and municipal purposes

I. Requirements for composition and structure

unified electronic

cartographic basis

1. A unified electronic cartographic base (hereinafter referred to as EECS) of federal, regional, municipal purposes, consisting of layers of digital state topographic maps or plans in vector format or, in their absence, raster geocoded materials of Earth remote sensing, as well as metadata, is created in scales 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000.

2. EEKO must meet the following requirements:

b) to ensure the compatibility of EEKO spatial data of different scales.

II. Order of maintenance and use

unified electronic

cartographic basis

3. EEKO is a federal state information resource.

4. The EECS is maintained by the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography using geoinformation systems based on the principles of the unity of technology and standards for its maintenance throughout the Russian Federation, ensuring public accessibility and updating the information contained in the EECS.

5. When maintaining the EECS, a summary and stitching of nomenclature sheets of digital state topographic maps should be provided.

6. EECS is completed with metadata.

7. In order to bring the content of the EECS in line with the current state of the area, the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography ensures that it is updated no later than 3 months after updating the relevant state topographic maps.

8. EECS is subject to placement on a special official website of the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the spatial data portal).

9. The Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography ensures the public accessibility of the spatial data portal and the possibility for any person to view EEKO information free of charge using this portal.

10. The Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography provides federal authorities executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities of the EEKO information in the form of one or more data files containing information regarding the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality, in the manner determined by the conclusions between the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography and the indicated state or municipal authorities agreements on information exchange. For the provision of information to the EEKO, a fee is charged, which includes the costs only for the services of selecting materials and data and making copies of them, as well as for the delivery of these materials and data (copies) in the amount established by order of Roskartografii dated August 30, 2007 N 104- pr "On approval of the amount of payment for the use of materials and data of the federal cartographic and geodetic fund" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 9, 2007, registration number 10289).