What do you pay for in contextual advertising. Earnings on contextual advertising

We at Expecto are often asked: how much does contextual advertising cost?

We have prepared material on how the price for contextual advertising is formed and with what budgets to come to contextual advertising.

I want to start using contextual advertising to increase online sales. How much does it cost?

It all depends on your business and competition in the market. Different companies have budgets for contextual advertising that can start from 10,000 rubles and reach several million.

For referrals of potential customers to your site. "Potential customers" - because contextual advertising is shown only to those who have already shown interest in your product or service. “For clicks” - because contextual advertising uses the CPC payment model. CPC stands for Cost Per Click.

How much will I end up paying per click?

Nobody knows the exact number. The cost of a click is the amount of money that will be debited from your advertising balance as a result of a user's transition through contextual advertising to your site. This value is not fixed and is between the minimum cost per click (30 kopecks in Yandex Direct and 1 kopeck in Google Adwords) and the maximum cost per click, which you set yourself.

In everyday life, we are used to fixed prices and we know for sure that the cost of a carton of milk will not change as long as we carry it to the checkout. However, we are also used to the fact that the price of air tickets varies depending on the number of empty seats and other factors, and the price of a taxi ride depends on traffic jams and the number of drivers.

The same thing happens with the cost per click. The amount of money you pay per click depends on the quality of your ad and the results of the auction between advertisers.

What is an auction?

In a real auction with shouts like “Three hundred rubles - one, three hundred rubles - two, three hundred rubles - three, sold!” you don't have to participate. The auction runs between advertisers in real time and lasts 100ms - that's faster than your blink.

Your bid in the auction is the maximum CPC you are willing to pay and set by yourself.

What will the winner of the auction receive?

How is the auction going?

We do not think that at the initial stage it is necessary to thoroughly understand how the auction works. However, we provide an excerpt from the Yandex help so that you can make sure that the auction is set up fairly and is not aimed at robbing you.

According to Yandex help:

The main purpose of the auction is to the most effective ads received the most traffic.

I realized that the cost of a click is not fixed and depends on the auction. That is, the more I'm willing to pay, the higher my ad will be?

Not really. Technically, the more, the higher. However, whether or not your ad appears depends not only on your bid (the maximum CPC you set yourself), but also on the quality ratio and click-through rate (CTR) of your ads and those of your competitors.

Quality factor takes into account many factors, for example, the relevance of the ad to the search query and landing page. Therefore, it is so important to correctly compile a list of key phrases for which ads will be shown and carefully check where the links from the ad lead.

CTR (English click-through rate) is click-through rate, the ratio of clicks to impressions. If 100 people saw your ad and 10 people clicked on it, then the CTR would be 10%.

Where your ad appears depends not only on your bid, but also on the quality characteristics of the ad. Otherwise, contextual advertising would turn into a budget war, and not an opportunity to show a relevant ad to an interested user.

So how do you know how much money I should invest in contextual advertising, if its cost changes all the time and depends on many factors?

Option 1. Approximate

Use the budget forecast from Yandex. Make a list of keywords for which your ads will be shown, and find out the budget forecast for the selected keywords.

The cost of a click, which Yandex shows in the Budget Forecast, is too high and allows only a rough estimate of the budget. This is due to the fact that the data on which the forecast is based is taken from the previous 28 days, and the results of advertising campaigns are averaged. This "average hospital temperature" takes into account neither seasonality nor differences in advertiser performance.

The Yandex budget forecast will not give an exact answer to the question “how much money to invest in contextual advertising every month”, but it will help to orient in the order of amounts.

Option 2. Exact

Take "how much you don't mind" money and run a test campaign. By the way applications appear and money is withdrawn from the advertising balance, you will understand both the optimal amount of investment and your own capabilities for processing incoming applications.

A test ad campaign is a more accurate way to determine how much context budget you need. Don't let the word "test" scare you - first of all, you invest in attracting customers, and only then determine the optimal budget.

According to our experience, 10-25 thousand rubles a month will be enough for a small business to conduct a test advertising campaign.

Containing specific target information. Due to these blocks, earnings are made on contextual advertising. There are many such systems, but the most common are Google Adsense, Yandex Direct and Begun.

To start earning in this way, you need to place contextual advertising blocks of the selected system on your website (a code generated especially for you). You need to do this in good places. If a site visitor clicks on in a block, you will be paid a certain amount for this. The cost of a click determines Advertisers pay more for displaying ads in the most competitive topics, which means that you will earn good money.

Thus, the sites of contextual advertising systems are an intermediary between the advertiser and the one who places it. These services are responsible for finding customers, generating the necessary code, changing the provision of the ad block, tracking payment and clicking on contextual advertising is very convenient and excellent on the Internet. You are required to register in the system, place the ad block code, and comply with the rules of the system.

Contextual what to choose?

Now let's try to figure out which contextual advertising systems are more convenient to earn. This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since everywhere there are advantages and disadvantages.

Google Adsense

Very democratic service. Good CPC. Accepts almost all projects designed for people. Simple registration, responsiveness, powerful income tracking tools. But there is also a significant disadvantage - the money earned is inconvenient to withdraw. The money is sent in the form of a check, which can be cashed in a commercial bank.

Yandex Direct

The cost per click is the highest, just register and withdraw money. Disadvantages - resources with attendance of 300 people per day are accepted, sites undergo strict moderation, so making money on contextual advertising on Yandex Direct is not possible for everyone.


Good cost per click, easy to withdraw money, easy to register. The content (content) of the website is subject to high requirements, and therefore not all are allowed. If the site has not passed moderation, they do not explain the reason for the discrepancy.

Now let's figure out what depends on getting a decent income from displaying the context:

a) Traffic (number of visitors for a limited period of time). According to statistics, out of 100% of visitors, only 2-3% click on ads, thereby bringing income to the site owner. This indicator is called click-ratio. Thus, the first optimization principle says: the more traffic, the more clicks and money.

b) It is important where exactly you place the ad unit. The best results are placed in the center of the post and at the top of the page. You can place a horizontal block at the end of the text. For greater efficiency, place several different blocks on one page, if contextual advertising systems allow it. Best to integrate ad blocks on the menu. Maybe this is not very good in relation to the user of the site, but profitable enough. The following principle follows from this - place the context in a good place on the site page.

c) The similarity of topics. Google Adsense first analyzes the theme of the site and subsequently tries to place the appropriate type of ads for it. Principle 3: Topic matching helps drive impressions.

Let's summarize. Earnings on contextual advertising is a fairly reliable, proven, and therefore a real and profitable way to generate income on the Internet.

A detailed answer on how to earn money on contextual advertising and what services allow you to earn money.

Some get the opportunity to create a source of permanent income on the Internet, and the second - a specific target audience.

After all, according to statistics, unlike the bright and defiant banners of teaser advertising, contextual advertising inspires confidence in more than 40% of people.

That is, people make clicks on ads purposefully.

What exactly needs to be done so that users notice the placed blocks and the income on them grows, this article will tell.

What is the essence of the way to make money on contextual advertising?

If you have been an Internet user for more than a day, then you have definitely seen contextual advertising, because it is everywhere.

Ads designed in blocks with the inscription "Begun" or "Yandex.Direct" - this is it.

Part of these funds goes to the intermediary platform as a reward for its services.

That is, a well-tuned block, for example, with frying pans will not be in the middle of a car forum.

It is located at the very top, side or bottom of the results when the user is looking for something purposefully.

Thanks to numerous precise settings and algorithms, the "context" is displayed only in accordance with the content of the page.

Such a scheme is aimed at the fact that a visitor to a resource on a certain topic will be more interested in the proposed thematic product than someone random.

The system of operation of such programs is thoroughly known, perhaps, only to developers.

How much can you earn on contextual advertising?

It is impossible to name the exact amounts of how much you can earn on contextual advertising. But it can be clarified that on Russian intermediary sites, a click is estimated at 0.1-100 rubles.

And the total earnings per month can range from insignificant 500 rubles to tens of thousands!

This variation is influenced by the subject of the resource on which the advertisement is located, which user clicked on it, and so on.

Earnings on contextual advertising: where to start?

After all of the above, you should have been left with the main question: how to start making money on contextual advertising?

  1. Of course, the first and main step is the choice of topics and creation.
    There are some areas that are more in demand than others.
    This includes women's sites, business topics, finance, seasonal offers.
  2. For placement, choose exclusively paid hosting.
    With the free one, you can also try your hand at some resources.
    But only a paid one will pass any test and allow you to bring more income.
  3. Choose one or several systems for advertising at once.
    Experienced webmasters recommend starting with Runner (we will talk about it below), as with the simplest system.
    After it, you can switch to Yandex.Direct.
  4. Track statistics and experiment with the type, placement of contextual advertising to get better results and more earnings.

What services allow you to earn on contextual advertising?

When the site has already been created and promoted, you can proceed to the selection of a specific intermediary site for placing blocks.

There are three main ones:

  • Popular site for beginners.
    A special plus for them, there are no restrictions on the number of visitors to the resource.
    Literally anyone can start earning.
    And the system for withdrawing earned money is simple and familiar - to a WebMoney wallet.
    But it also has its limitations, of course.
    Users do not have such a variety of design options for ad units.
    And the cost of a click is somewhat less, although using the site is much easier and more convenient.
  • Yandex.Direct is more picky when choosing sites.
    And it is worth noting that it serves only the Russian-language category of sites.
    In addition, they must be located on a paid hosting.
    Before submitting your application for partnership here, you will need to work hard on promotion.
    At a minimum, the number of your daily visitors must exceed 300.
  • also, and even more attentive to the choice of sites for placing blocks.
    It puts forward certain requirements for the life of the resource, its content, quality and safety.

Different sites have different prices.

So YAN offers you 50%.

But if you pass Google's rigorous selection, you can already count on 68% (of each person's click).

How to earn more on contextual advertising?

As mentioned above, in order for a click to pay higher, you need to choose one of the most profitable topics.

After that, your efforts should be focused on developing the site and attracting new visitors.

Experienced users say that nothing leads to a resource better than the rise of its position in search engines.

This can be done using various website optimization techniques.

Oddly enough, in addition to generally accepted topics that gather a large audience, the method of concentration works well.

For this, sites of a certain narrow subject are created. There are usually fewer visitors.

But at the same time, the percentage of those who click on contextual advertising is higher. Altogether this gives best earnings on contextual advertising.

good example such a site are fan clubs of certain car brands and the like.

But in addition to choosing such a narrowly focused topic, do not forget about filling the site with quality content.

In general, for a stable and growing income from contextual advertising, it is important that you pay due attention to the site itself. Create it not for profit, but for people.

Then your business will go up.

Earnings on contextual advertising: how to place?

The indicator of 40% of attention from users is averaged. Of the people who came to the resource for a specific purpose, only 30% will pay attention to your contextual advertising.

But of those who got to the site by accident, already 50% will devote time to studying the placed blocks.

In any case, your goal is to ensure that the attention of those and others is not distracted by anything. Then the indicators will be kept at the specified level, and earnings will increase.

  1. It is believed that the user should not scroll the page of the site in order for the blocks to fall into his field of vision.
    Place them closer to the beginning.
  2. It is obvious that the excess of advertising is annoying and repulsive.
    But a single block will also attract fewer clicks.
    You need to choose the optimal number of blocks yourself, observing the "golden mean".
  3. Choose a size for your ad so that it doesn't take up too much space, but doesn't get lost.
    Pay attention to which arrangement will look better on the page - horizontal or vertical.
  4. You can use statistics that indicate the following: a person's gaze moves from left to right.
    Therefore, the information placed on the right is perceived by the brain more significantly.
  5. Please note that the placement of ad units on the main page and the rest should be different.
    In the same way, how the focus of users' attention on them differs. Where the main place is occupied by content, blocks will be better seen on the right. But on the main one, more views are directed to the upper part.

also explained in the video:

Briefly answer the question, how to make money on contextual advertising, is as follows: fit blocks into the content of the page organically, follow the rules for using the chosen advertising system and develop your site.

After all, the larger and better your audience will be, the more transitions there will be. Accordingly, your level of earnings will also increase.

And rumors about its effectiveness, both targeted in the form of PR, and unintentional, have accumulated a lot.

Today we want to dispel some of them.

“Payment from 30 kopecks”, or what budget is needed to start?

You can calculate the approximate budget in the advertising campaign interface. You can see the competition using the budget estimation tool by selecting a few, in your opinion, thematic queries.
Although we recommend paying more attention to this point, because the issue of targeted queries remains relevant even for business sharks who have been working on the Internet for more than a year.

The issues of optimizing advertising campaigns primarily concern selection / testing of target queries. In practice, it takes 4 to 12 weeks of keyword testing to create an effective keyword core. And the average budget for these purposes is 10,000 rubles.

Pay Per Click or Pay Only for Leads.

The offer really sounds tempting. We pay only for a click, which means only for targeted visitors, customers. After all, since a person clicked on your ad, it means that he is interested in the offer, which means he is yours. potential client.
And to hell with the selection of key phrases, because if the ad was not interested, then no one clicked anything, which means that the money was not debited from the account.

This is where the main mistake of many advertisers lies. In fact, you pay money for impressions, not for clicks.

If you delve deeper, after reading and working, you will understand that there is such an important parameter that affects the cost of a click as CTR.CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions. The less clicks on your ad, the lower the CTR. The lower the CTR, the higher the CPC. How not to twist you pay for impressions!

And it's in your best interest to think through each ad and craft it in such a way that it is targeted at your audience and exactly matches the needs.

Penalties for your advertising campaign.

Often advertisers face a problem when Contextual advertising does not work. The budget is big, but there were no clients, and no. 95% of inexperienced advertisers, having played enough with their advertising campaign, fall under the so-called invisible penalties. There is a situation when your cost per click becomes 2-10 times higher than that of your competitors.
Remember, there are times when you consider profitability and don’t understand how competitors can pay that kind of money per click? Why such prices, because it's commercially unprofitable! Familiar? Then we read on.

If the effectiveness of the average CTR for your company was low, Yandex will want to return their money.

And this is logical. Yandex showed your ad the same number of times as your competitor's ad, while you had fewer clicks than your competitor, that is, you paid Yandex less than your competitor paid. It is not profitable for Yandex to show your ad for less money. Just imagine how much money Yandex invests in all the various free services and services in order to attract more and more visitors to the search network, and it is absolutely not profitable for Yandex to give away impressions of its visitors left and right.

Therefore, Yandex adds an additional cost to the cost of a click, which will compensate for the “losses” from an inefficient advertising campaign in the past.
And this added value will last no less than 28 days.

This, by the way, is easy to check if you start a new advertising campaign and compare the cost per click. Please note that the ad campaign is tied to a domain name, so you will need to enter a different domain name for verification in order to get the new original CPC without additional cost. Compare the prices in the new campaign with yours and you'll see the difference.

Tender struggle for ad positions, or how not to spoil the CTR.

Regular day, morning 9:00.
Vasily Ivanovich, the director of the dairy plant, looks into Yandex to check if his Agency is not idle and if their ads are really hanging in their previous positions.
And what does he see?
Yesterday their ad was in 1st place in the search results, and today it moved down to 5th.
He calls the Agency and expresses everything he thinks about the quality of the Agency's work.
In response, he hears:

- “You see, competitors have changed rates and forced you out of positions, but if you want, we could also increase rates and return to our previous places if the budget allows.”
- “Allows, change.”
Positions are back.

And at this time...

Regular day, morning 9:45.
Irina Petrovna, CEO dairy plant number 37, opens Yandex, looks and does not understand. But yesterday the ads were at the top, and today they have already fallen down.
He calls his Agency and expresses ....
He hears in response:
- “You see, your competitor raised the cost of the bid and forced you out of the special placement ...”

This is how the competition for positions works.

What to do with it and how to close the circle?

The whole horror of your ads changing positions is that a potential client often visits the ads several times. Do you remember where you saw this red stroller for 12,750 rubles with a 30% discount?

It turns out that for an effective advertising campaign, you need to monitor/adjust query positions every hour?
Exactly so, otherwise some of the visitors will spend your clicks without buying your stroller, because only yesterday your ad was in 2nd place for the query “sale of strollers”, but today it is not there. And the client hatched the idea of ​​​​purchasing, waiting for a salary / bonus or when the neighbor repays the debt, and now he has matured, and you are no longer in the same place. Your store has moved!

How to choose the position on which your ad will hang?

“If we place an ad higher, accordingly, we will get more clicks, but the price will be higher. If we are lower, we will get less audience, but the click will be lower. ”

Every ordinary novice advertiser thinks so. And deeply mistaken. Actually it is not.
Remember about CTR, because if the top ads are more clickable, and the lower ones, the lower the price for placing them! It often happens that certain positions above are cheaper than those below, but not always!
There are a number of positions that are doomed to failure. Their CTR, no matter how hard the advertiser tries, will tend to go down, and the price of the advertising campaign will skyrocket until the advertiser screams "STOOP!" and say that all this is an ineffective method of advertising and we are stopping the advertising campaign.

“Better higher but more expensive, or lower but still more expensive?”

This is not a mistake in the title, this is a fact that is visible only to professionals in their field, and now we will reveal to you another secret of contextual advertising.

Choose the right ad spaces, test them, change them, strive to be in the selected positions, do not change places more than once a week, please note that in some inertial businesses it is undesirable to change positions more than once a month.

Let's make more money this season!

Selling season is coming up in your business, and you, like any normal businessman, are thinking that you need to make every effort to collect the maximum cream this year during the selling season. And what are you going to do? Of course, you need to increase the advertising budget by 2-3 times, because the money you earn in the season will feed you all year.
What does your competitor think?

In business, the businessman who thinks one step ahead is successful.

Simulate the situation. Almost always during the business season you spend 2-3 times on advertising more money than you usually pay for the same audience that you bought yesterday, since your competitor increases the bid by about the same amount that you are going to increase it, which means you will pay much more for the same position. In this case, it is necessary to use advertising tools that are not subject to low inertia and cannot provoke a tender war, for example, search promotion.

3 whales of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign:

  1. Query relevance - ad
  2. Query Relevance - Entry Page Title
  3. Query relevance - page content
  • Track your ad positions every hour and adjust your bids.
  • Work out the “Plan B” and “Plan C” algorithms, “if the rate becomes > 9999, then…”, etc.
  • Monitor the relevance of ads on a monthly basis. The deadlines have passed, the page has disappeared, etc.
  • Track CTR, track positions, track visitors by region, by phrase groups, ad groups.
  • Track ad performance. It is best to put tags on ads to control sales, then you will see what phrases are used to buy, what groups are called, etc.
  • Measure and compare efficiency weekly, adjust and so on in a circle...

Contextual advertising on the Internet is rightfully considered one of the best and most effective ways to attract targeted interested visitors to the site. Why? First of all, due to the fact that it is relevant in the context of search in Yandex and Google.

Placement of contextual advertising in Yandex or Google looks natural and is shown only to those who have shown their interest in a product or service with a specific search query. Therefore, it is clicked on more often than other types of advertising.

On this page you will find answers to the questions:

Contextual advertising in search engines is a type of online advertising that is displayed depending on the user's search query to a search engine (for example, in Yandex or Google) or depending on the meaning of a particular web page in the Yandex or Google advertising network that the user is watching Currently. Contextual advertising by placement can be search and network.

Where is search contextual advertising shown?

For example, you want to search Yandex for information about refrigerators and enter the query " new refrigerator". Along with the search results, you will see small text ads (they are located above and below the search results) that match your query and invite you to visit a site where you can find information about these refrigerators and buy them. In this case, the text in quotation marks “new refrigerator” is called the keyword for which the ad is shown.

Google and Yandex are striving to ensure that contextual advertising does not annoy the Internet user, does not “get into the eyes” like bright graphic banners, but really carries useful information, relevant to the visitor's query and was as similar as possible to the usual organic issue. Often this type of advertising is called search advertising (from the English. SEM - Search Engine Marketing).

Russia is in a rather unique and advantageous position compared to many global regions, as search demand is met by both a local player represented by Yandex and a global player represented by Google. This creates competition between search engines for traffic and advertisers, which reduces the cost of online search advertising for the end customer.

Contextual advertising can also be placed in the advertising networks of Yandex and Google, which contain hundreds of thousands of high-quality sites on various topics. Many sites on the Internet are not commercial and do not sell directly online. They can contain quality information on a particular topic in the form of white papers, blog post reviews, video review pages, and other formats.

Such sites collect on their pages a lot of users interested in this topic. The owners of such sites put a special code of an advertising network (for example, the Yandex Advertising Network or the Google Display Network) on the pages of the site and earn money by placing ads that the search engine automatically selects for them and which will be potentially interesting to their visitors.

In this case, a special software algorithm automatically determines the theme of each page of the site and selects an ad, the meaning of which corresponds to the information published on it. As a result, ads for the sale of cars are shown on pages about cars, ads for the sale or purchase of apartments - on pages about real estate, and so on by analogy.

To clarify the meaning, keywords are also used - along with an ad with a text like "Buy our refrigerators at a discount", you can specify the keywords "new refrigerator", "Super-Holodilnik refrigerator" and the like, so that the contextual advertising system better understands which pages need to show this ad.

Search retargeting in YAN and GMS

In some cases, a contextual advertising campaign on the Yandex and Google networks is placed for an audience with some sign of a prior visit to a particular site. For example, a user visits a site selling baby strollers and then ads for the pages that he viewed on the specified site follow him on the sites included in Yandex RS and Google Display Network. This type of advertising is called search retargeting or remarketing. Moreover, the types of remarketing can be much less straightforward, for example, you can show ads not to all site visitors, but only to those who visited product cards or put products in the basket, but did not place an order. Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords have flexible settings for retargeting audiences, which are made using web analytics systems: Yandex.Metrics and Google Analytics.

We measure the effectiveness of a contextual advertising campaign

It is also not uncommon to ask what types of contextual advertising are better: ads from the advertising network of sites or those that are shown in the search results in response to a visitor's query? After all, both campaigns do the same thing - they bring targeted visitors to the site.

Even more than 15 years after the advent of contextual advertising, many advertisers evaluate its effectiveness by click-through ratio (CTR) or cost per click (cost per click, CPC). It is more accurate to evaluate it in terms of the effectiveness of the target action of the site visitor. How to do it?

Visitors who completed the target action on the site (for example, bought or left their contacts for feedback), much more valuable than those who came through advertising, viewed one or more pages and closed the site. To understand which visitors are more useful, you need to use web analysis systems that monitor user behavior on the site and track the targeted actions of visitors and even offline events, such as phone calls on the site.

At iConText, we mainly use Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica, which can track any advertising campaigns both for websites and mobile applications. These are the most popular systems for analyzing Internet traffic, the effectiveness of sites and any advertising leading to the site. With their help, you can get very valuable information - for example, how many users who clicked on ads performed some useful action on the site (placed an order, filled out a form, downloaded a file, watched a video, or called a phone number).

Thus, we not only help our clients to increase the number of visitors to the site, but also monitor the quality and level of interest of visitors coming to it. Actually, this is the process of managing contextual advertising - we adjust the rates for those keywords that bring us more targeted actions at a lower cost. On the present stage development of contextual advertising, this is done not only by people, but also by predictive mathematical algorithms that are able to predict the likelihood of a targeted action based on “big data”.

How are contextual ads placed?

In Russia for 2019 the most popular are:

  • Yandex.Direct - Russian system, allowing you to place advertisements in the Yandex search engine and in the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) - on sites where ads are shown using automatic page meaning detection.
  • Google AdWords(since July 24, 2018 it has been called Google Ads) - a system for displaying contextual ads on the Google search engine, the second most popular in Russia, and on the Google Display Network (Google Display Network), where ads are also shown using automatic page theme detection .

There is simply no single answer about the cost of contextual advertising on the Internet. main feature contextual advertising in Yandex and Google is the absence of a fixed price for placement, since each advertiser is guided by its own principles when selecting keywords of interest, regional parameters, bid adjustments for types of mobile devices, age and gender of the potential audience. In this type of Internet advertising, the model of payment per click (transition to the site) of the user on the ad is adopted. The price of each purchased click is determined by a real-time auction between advertisers, which takes into account their bid - the maximum price an advertiser is willing to pay for a visit to their site.

As a result, the price of contextual advertising can constantly change depending on competitors' bids, geographic and socio-demographic targeting parameters, and other factors, such as usage. automatic systems by adjusting the cost per click. With these automation tools, you can keep your cost per click within specified limits and manage your campaign more precisely than with standard management interfaces. You can learn how iConText calculates the cost of contextual advertising campaigns in a special article - "How much does contextual advertising cost?" .

How are contextual advertising campaigns launched and managed after launch?

    Selection of keywords. We select keywords for which advertising will be shown in search engines and websites advertising networks. This is done using special tools available in contextual advertising placement systems, for example. Yandex.WordStat or Google Keyword Planner. They also help determine the estimated cost per click and calculate the total cost of an advertising campaign (as a rule, the calculation is done for one month for a certain amount of ad visibility). Keyword selection in iConText is also done using our own keyword database in an internal DMP (data management platform), which stores information about all campaigns conducted in the agency for more than 15 years. In addition to the composition of keywords, this database stores indicators of their historical performance, which help us predict campaigns with the highest return on an advertiser's investment.

    Creating ads (creatives). The creative part of running a contextual advertising campaign is writing the most clickable ad texts. Since they are quite short in terms of the number of characters, you need to fit in them the maximum information that should interest the user so that he pays attention to the ad text and clicks. iConText has many years of experience in writing ad texts, during which we have created best practices that make ads in any topic the most effective.

    We use all available parts of a contextual ad in order to increase its CTR: an attractive and capacious title, quick links to key sections of the client's website, text with communication to the consumer of a unique selling proposition and a call to action, clarifications with key differentiators of the offer on the market, contact information customer, show URL, business hours, web illustration, and other elements. The standard is to tag all ads and their individual parts with UTM tags, which allows us to analyze which ad elements are most attractive to consumers and adjust them based on the data.

    The choice of KPI (key performance indicator or key indicator efficiency)- preliminary determination of advertising campaign effectiveness indicators. To do this, we study the specifics of the client's business and its website or landing pages (landing pages or "landing pages"), which will be visited by visitors who click on contextual advertising. For the correct determination of the KPI system and its future permanent calculation, it is important that the site has installed and has a history of visits to the web analysis system Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica. KPI systems are based on various indicators, but the most common are:

    1. Cost per target action (conversion cost or CPA, cost per action);
    2. Return on advertising spend (ROAS);
    3. share advertising expenses(DRR);

    Of course, a contextual agency is not only based on these metrics, but also uses its own internal metrics that are not directly related to business metrics, such as bounce rate, average time on site, session depth, and more. We try to demonstrate to our clients only what really affects the business, and leave technical indicators for internal use.

    Targeting. Contextual advertising campaigns have flexible settings not only in terms of keywords, but also in other areas. For example, with the development mobile internet there was a need to separately lower or increase rates for this segment of visitors, which became possible in the interface of Yandex.Direct and Google Ads. The same bid adjustment options are available by user gender and age when advertisers want to prioritize or exclude specific gender and age groups. It is worth mentioning the geography of impressions, since contextual advertising already has the possibility of hyper-local targeting not only for cities, but also for their individual districts, which is becoming relevant for local businesses.

    Hyperlocal targeting in Yandex contextual advertising is configured through the Yandex.Audience service, in which you can direct ads to three audience segments: being at a specific point at the moment, regularly staying at a point, or staying for a certain time in the past.

    Loading into the interface and launching an advertising campaign. After the campaign is prepared, it needs to be uploaded to contextual advertising management systems: Yandex Direct, Google AdWords, or other automation systems that themselves upload campaigns to the site interfaces. Of course, you can manually transfer words, targetings and ads to advertising systems, but we at iConText deal with advertising campaigns with hundreds of thousands of keywords and ads, so we do these manipulations only automatically using special files or our own technical developments, allowing you to quickly create campaigns of any size. Our tools also include solutions for managing product feeds for advertising campaigns of the largest online services (for example, we run eBay advertising campaigns), which allows us to efficiently and quickly manage contextual advertising for hundreds of thousands of products.

    Analysis and correction. After the launch of contextual advertising, the process of its daily regular management begins. The procedures for monthly management of contextual advertising include such best practices as:

    • Viewing search queries that visitors came in and cutting off non-target ones using the negative keywords mechanism;
    • Cutting off sites with a low CTR/CR level for network campaigns in Yandex DS and Google Display Network;
    • Manage daily budgets and bids at the campaign or individual keyword level, where upward adjustments are made to the keywords with the highest target KPI (and vice versa for underperforming keywords);
    • Ad management, clipping text and image ads with low CTR and then improving them based on data;
    • Increasing the core of search queries, if some cases of high conversion appeared among the search phrases.

    We monitor the performance of each ad for individual keywords and based on this information we make decisions - add or remove keywords, raise or lower bids, change or leave the ad text. FROM Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics, we can literally see everything that a user does not only on the advertiser's website, but also analyze offline actions, such as calls and subsequent transaction conversions in CRM or ERP systems. If the client is able to open this data for the agency, we will organize a system of end-to-end analytics based on Microsoft power BI or Google Data Studio, in which we link data from various business systems, web analytics systems and contextual advertising systems, which makes the advertising management process much more transparent and efficient.

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