What is adwords on youtube. Promoting YouTube Videos with Google AdWords

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YouTube video promotion with Google AdWords


Promoting YouTube videos with Google AdWords will allow a specific audience to see your content.

Do you want to know how to do it?

In this article, you'll learn about targeting options that can help you better deliver YouTube video ads to the right audience for you.

We understand.

# Times: Use location targeting to reach viewers of other channels

This is the best targeting option for AdWords video campaigns for YouTube video promotion.

For location targeting, you need to know your location very well. target audience.

To test, create a new ad group. Then copy and paste the video ads into the new ad group with the new location targeting.

Maybe your rate is not high enough. If you're targeting specific channels, it doesn't mean your ad will show, especially if that channel has high traffic. You may need to increase your bid to show your ad on a popular channel.

To see where your place-targeted video ads are showing, select a campaign, then click Locations on the sidebar on the left. On the screen that appears, go to the tab Target.

Now you can see how your ads perform across locations.

# Two: Video promotion with language and location targeting

Is your audience multilingual or do people speak the same language?

You need to set location and language at the campaign level, so if you want to run video ads with different location or language targeting, you'll need to create separate campaigns.

Clarifying these parameters is important if you want your YouTube videos to reach people who speak multiple languages.

If you've targeted Russian, your ads won't target English-speaking users, even if they speak both English and Russian. In most cases, targeting all languages ​​(default) is the best option.

Language targeting depends on the interface language, so it's best to focus on location settings to reach people who speak different languages.

To view the geographic data where your AdWords video ads are shown, select a campaign and click Locations on the left sidebar. Then go to the tab Geographic Performance Report.

The geo report shows the physical location. The User Location Report only displays location information, not objects of interest.

You can change the radius of the location or change the targeting from all over the country to a specific area.

#Three: Promoting Videos with Keyword Targeting to Reduce Ad Costs

When you target a video ad with keywords, it appears based on the words or phrases associated with the video or YouTube channel. Ads for a specific YouTube channel or video, usually , perform better, but keyword targeting can save time and ad budget.

To target keywords for your video promotion campaign, start by finding the best keywords for your product or service. Help with Keyword Planner.

To access the Keyword Planner in AdWords, clickSettingsin the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, find the sectionPlanning and choose Keyword Planner.

Another moment. Switch to the old version of Google AdWords if you are using the new one.

Keyword Planner will open in a new tab. Choose an optionSearch for new keywords by phrase, site or category.

Now you can enter data that will help Keyword Planner find useful suggestions. Enter your product or service, landing page, and product category.

Then go to section Targeting. To get the most relevant offers, enter the location and language settings you use in your campaign.

Add negative keywords to filter unwanted traffic and save money if needed.

Negative keywords are useful when a common phrase is related to your product. If you only sell children's pajamas, you can exclude women and men.

The default date range considers requests within the last 12 months. You can set the time. The date options include a handy comparison feature. Enable keyword searches for similar dates, such as this year versus the previous year.

In section Search options you can include the keyword parameter Show only variations closely related to keywords. The rest of the options can be left OFF.

To find options that work well for you, sort your data according to your average monthly search.

Click the button Add to plan next to any keyword and see the keyword's daily prediction based on the bid range. To refine your prediction, add a keyword to a specific ad group.

You can also change the keyword match type, which lets you control how closely searches must match keywords to trigger ads.

Then press the button Plan Overview to see a more detailed estimate of cost and performance based on bid and budget.

Based on this information, you may need more variations of the keywords used on a particular device.

Once you've decided which keyword to target, set it up in the relevant ad groups in your campaign.

To do this, select Keywords in the sidebar on the AdWords toolbar.

Then press the sign + in the blue circle and select the ad group you want to add the keywords to.

Follow the on-screen instructions to add keywords and click Save.

Conclusion about Google AdWords video promotion

With AdWords video ads, you can successfully market your YouTube videos to your ideal audience..

Of course, ads that target a YouTube channel or video tend to perform best. BUT it’s worth trying, it’s still worth it to do it in other ways ... which will help save the budget and time.

How do you think?

Do you have any chips?

TO What targeting options have worked well for you?

I hope it was healthy!


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Hello everyone!

Once upon a time, YouTube was the platform where the audience lived unspoiled by promotional videos, but since the purchase of this beloved video hosting by Google, everything has changed. Now not a single “video” can be viewed without advertising ... From the side of an ordinary user, this looks very sad.

But if you look from the other side, from the side of entrepreneurship, business, then Youtube is just a huge, almost endless source of traffic that you can get using Google Adwords (now Google Ads). Just imagine how many people go there every day, how many different audiences there are - almost everyone will find their target audience here.

As you may have guessed, in this tutorial we will set up YouTube video ads in Google Adwords. Let's go!

Learn more about the YouTube ad format

This site uses the TrueView format (true viewing) - this is when the advertiser pays solely for the fact that the user has viewed his ad. Thanks to this, Google managed to please both parties at once: site users see only the ads that are of interest to them, and the advertiser gets an interested audience.

These video ads appear in YouTube videos themselves, in Related Videos, and in search results. From here, several sub-formats of advertisements have appeared:

Each format is suitable for specific purposes. It's up to you which one to use, but first create a channel and upload a video there, and then link your YouTube and Google Adwords accounts (instructions).

Creating and setting up a YouTube campaign

I will work in - you still need to get used to it. Moreover, now it is not at all difficult to create a campaign on YouTube in it - almost everything is done on one page. So, let's begin.

  1. On the "All Campaigns" page, click on the blue "+" button and select the "New Campaign" item:
  2. Next, we are given several goals to choose from, but select "Create a campaign without specifying a goal":
  3. Select the campaign type "Video" and click on "Continue":
  4. Then we set up campaign parameters: give a name, specify a budget, select a display method (better, accelerated - ads will be shown more often). A little lower there is an item "Networks" - here we choose where our ads will be shown:
    Of greatest interest to us are:
    1. YouTube search results - ads appear above YouTube search results, which attracts more attention;
    2. YouTube video. There are already more display places, so both advertising formats are available: in-Stream and Video Discovery;
    3. Partner video resources and GCM. Video ads appear on various sites and mobile apps where this ad format is available.
  5. The next step is to set up targeting: language and display region. Choose what you need:
  6. Choose a bidding strategy. In my case, two strategies are available: maximum CPM and maximum CPM. To show in-stream and video-discovery ads, choose the first strategy. With "max CPM" we can only use the splash ad:
  7. Excluded content. This parameter is required in order to exclude impressions of your advertisement next to the content of "obscene", "delicate" categories. Sets of so-called inventories are available, which include certain categories of content, next to which you cannot be shown:
    Just below you can choose the categories and types of excluded content;
  8. In additional settings, you can select devices on which ads will be shown, limit the frequency of impressions, and schedule ads to be shown:
  9. The next step is to create an ad group. To get started, enter a title and assign a maximum CPV:
  10. Assign demographic settings and select the audience you need. Now technologies allow you to learn a lot about users, so we can say this tool will be very useful for you in attracting the target audience.
    In the audience settings, you can specify the areas of interest of the target audience, their life events (wedding, graduation, moving), what they plan in the future, and also select remarketing audiences if you have them:
  11. Next, specify other targeting settings: keywords, topics, or placements (specific YouTube channels, specific videos, sites, etc.):
    As you can see, there are a lot of targeting options here. You can target exactly the audience that will be of interest to you, and this is very important in marketing. The main thing is not to overdo it and then everything will be fine;
  12. And the last step is to create a video ad. As mentioned above, you need to create a channel in advance and upload your commercial there. Here we point a link to it and set up some parameters, namely the ad format, the final link (site URL), the displayed link: Click on the "Save and continue" button.

Do you want to attract more people to your website with contextual advertising? Then you can get acquainted with the training video lessons from the Google search engine. How to set up Google Adwords will help the author of the lessons Anton Petrochenkov.

Anton Petrochenkov is the director of the online marketing agency Convert Monster. They are also an official partner of Google and have a certificate of Google Adwords setup specialists. Educational videos will help you attract more visitors to your site and improve conversion, site traffic and sales statistics.

Lesson 1. Introduction to Google Adwords

In the first lesson, you will learn how contextual advertising works, how Google search works. Find out how there are requests, including by keywords. Learn how to register an account in Google Adwords and MCC account. See how Anton sets up payment data and establishes a connection between other Google accounts.

Lesson 2. Google Adwords Account Structure

The second lesson will help you understand the very structure of your Google Adwords account. Learn how to organize your workplace in Adwords. Andrey will tell and show you the difference between contextual and display search. Explains how to set up an account for an online store.

Lesson 3. Setting up a Google Adwords advertising campaign

How to set up Google Adwords, the third video lesson will help you with this. From it you can learn and understand how to carry out strategies and settings for advertising companies in Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct. And how to set up advertising in Google Adwords, expanding and adding ad groups, Anton Petrochenkov will tell you in more detail.

Lesson 4: Creating Google Adwords Ad Groups

And now the most important lesson from which you will learn how to create ad groups and find out what they are for. How to write the right texts and headlines for ads so that they can turn visitors into real buyers. Andrey will tell you in more detail how all this is done in the fourth video lesson.

Lesson 5

The fifth video lesson in the series on how to set up Google Adwords will help you learn how to optimize your ads, set up bids, columns, and add negative keywords.

Recommend these video tutorials "How to set up Google Adwords" to all your friends and acquaintances, as well as those who create websites and promote them in search engines. We will be very grateful if you support ours and join our social groups.

hallmark video advertising on the Internet is the dialogue in the interaction between the company that places the advertisement and the audience that has watched the advertising video. Due to the fact that video ads are often placed on popular video hosting sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc., the audience gets the opportunity to leave reviews and form their own video rating. Representatives of the company, in turn, receive information about the number of views of the record, geographic statistics - the place of residence of viewers, statistics of views by day. This data allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising activities, to make predictions about the conversion. Also, the popularity of video advertising on the Internet is due to the low price for placing a particular video.

Video ads in Google Adwords

Create your own with your brand name. The channel will bring not only fame, but also inspire confidence among potential clients. In the future, you will be able to target subscribers in remarketing lists.

Upload the video to YouTube. The video must meet the parameters and be in the TrueView format.

There are two main formats: In-Stream (displayed in front of other videos or on the GCM) and In-Display (YouTube search or GCM partner sites).

TrueView In-Stream ads work on the principle of Click-per-View. You pay not for a click, but for the view that a client makes. TrueView in-stream video ads appear on YouTube videos and on sites and apps on the Display Network. They can also be shown on other sites that have built-in YouTube players, the YouTube app for iOS or Android, and m.youtube.com (for iPad and Android).

Viewers can skip a TrueView In-Stream ad 5 seconds after it starts. TrueView in-stream ads are charged only if the user has viewed or interacted with the ad (or the entire video if shorter) for 30 seconds, i.e. clicked on a companion banner, tooltip, or call-to-action overlay. In cases where the number of views is important, it is recommended to use a video with a duration of at least 12 seconds. YouTube Analytics does not track views that are less than 10 seconds long.

TrueView In-Display ads work on a cost-per-click basis. That is, you are charged per click on the ad. Links lead to the channel or directly to the video itself, but not to your website.

TrueView In-Display ads can be shown on YouTube and the Google Display Network. So, they are placed on the search and view pages on youtube.com and m.youtube.com, as well as on the main page of the site and mobile applications YouTube. An in-display ad includes a video icon and no more than three lines of text. When a user clicks on an ad, the YouTube channel or video page opens. In the very ad block the video is not playing.

The appearance and functionality of TrueView In-Display ads varies by placement.

Setting up video campaigns in Google Adwords

So, in order to create a video campaign in Google AdWords, you need to do the following.

  1. Create a video campaign in the Campaigns tab.
  2. Set the name of the campaign and its budget. We leave the display method as standard (recommended), but you can also choose the accelerated one.
  3. Next, select a network. It is important that only TrueView-in-Display format is supported in YouTube search. Other networks support both formats.
  4. Location and languages ​​(similar to a regular search engine).
  5. Add a video (either through the search, or set the URL).
  6. The ad type is pre-configured for branding and conversions. If we are talking about mobile installations, put a tick. After adding the video, choose which format you want to use: In-Stream, In-Display, or both.
Rice. 42.1. Basic parameters of a video campaign in Google AdWords.

True View In-Stream

Once uploaded, you can preview how your ad will look.

Rice. 42.2. TrueView In-Stream ad.

Next, set the basic video ad settings: display URL, final URL (link to a website or channel). You can also use tracking templates here. Tracking visitors from YouTube is very important in order to further understand their behavior on the site.

Define an image that will appear with the ad (alternatively, you can upload your own image).

Rice. 42.3. In-stream ad settings.

True View In-Display

If you want to use both formats, then you can set up In-Display ads next. The preview shows how the ad will appear in YouTube search results:

Rice. 42.4. In-Display ad in YouTube search.

Next, we set up the main parameters of the ad. First of all, select the icon when displaying the video (4 options are presented for selection). Further, as in text ads, we set the title and description (two lines) and determine the target page.

You cannot set your site as a landing page.

Rice. 42.5. Set up in-display ads.

After that, you need to set the name and set up device targeting, as well as bids for mobile devices (reduce or increase as a percentage). If you do not want your ad to be viewed on mobile devices, set a bid of -100%.

Rice. 42.6. Device targeting settings.

On the this stage the main parameters of the campaign are configured. Next, you can work on advanced settings for video campaigns, for example, add a testing period, schedule ads to be shown by day and hour.

After that, the settings for ad impressions follow:

Rice. 42.7. Show YouTube ads.

This includes ad rotation and frequency of ad impressions per user. You can optimize ad rotation relative to clicks or conversions, as well as evenly alternate between in-stream and in-display ads. In the latter case, ads of a certain format will be displayed evenly.

Save and go to the settings for video ad targeting groups and bids. First of all, you need to set the maximum price per video view. Here you can also set a common bid or different bids for both formats. By setting bids, the system will determine the approximate number of views per day:

Rice. 42.8. AdWords video ad bids.

Next, we move on to targeting settings. This is probably the most important point, which is responsible for the success of your video campaign. You must define your target audience and potential customers. In this case, you can create unique user groups, as well as create combined groups by mixing targeting and creating new ad groups.

Rice. 42.9. Basic targeting settings for video campaigns in AdWords.

We try to define the target audience as accurately as possible. You may not use all the targeting methods, but the first thing you should pay attention to is topics and keywords. If properly targeted, video ads have a high CTR. Be sure to analyze how long users stay on the site. Often users get to the site "by mistake", trying to turn off ads.

Video advertising in Google Adwords is a great method of branding and increasing awareness of a brand or product. Do not forget that at the moment YouTube is the second most requested search engine worldwide. For sales purposes, this type of ad is less than ideal, not cheap, and brings few conversions, but it provides an opportunity to attract potential buyers and later target them in remarketing lists.

Case studies of advertising campaigns on YouTube

How to order advertising in Google AdWords

Do not want to delve into the basics of contextual advertising Google AdWords? Contact the professionals! We will perform preliminary analytics for you free of charge. To do this, you need to register with the Google AdWords account type. After 4-8 business hours, we will send the results, which will include information on the average cost of a click, audience size, budget forecast and instructions for further actions.

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