Pigeon business. Farming business: breeding and raising geese

A home poultry farm is a great help for the family budget. Among the many types of farms, pigeon breeding is very popular. It is generally accepted that such birds are raised as a hobby or for sporting purposes. However, pigeon meat is considered a valuable dietary product. It is easily absorbed in the body and is suitable even for babies. Poultry lovers should pay attention to pigeons of meat breeds. This article provides information for beginner pigeon breeders who decide to start breeding birds for sale.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to get more information about the birds, since pigeon breeding has its own nuances that should be taken into account. Some elite breeds, in their habits and living conditions, differ significantly from ordinary pigeons. Let's pay attention to General characteristics birds:

  • The dove is an independent bird, loves to fly and summer time able to provide itself with food.
  • The unpretentiousness of meat breeds frees the poultry breeder from unnecessary troubles when arranging a home for them.
  • The digestive system of pigeons is designed in such a way that their glands, located in the goiter area, are able to secrete the so-called bird's milk, which the birds feed their chicks with. Interestingly, not only females have this property, but also males.
  • Individuals are distinguished by fidelity towards each other, therefore they create monogamous pairs. The bird does not leave its partner until the moment of his death.

Individuals that are sources of dietary meat need separate mating boxes and a competent approach to feeding. In this regard, in front of the novice pigeon breeder there is a row mandatory tasks:

  • Prepare the room and stock up on material for the construction of future boxes.
  • Choosing the right breed, since the quality of the meat product and the income received will depend on this.
  • Seriously approach the care of young animals, as well as their feeding.
  • Timely send pigeons for slaughter.

Breed types

There is a considerable amount, but only some individual breeds are suitable for growing them for meat. Among them are gigantic, chicken and meat. Each of them has its own characteristics. Giant birds cannot fly and have a lot of weight. Chicken species in their structure are very similar to ordinary chickens. They have a wide short body and a small tail. Meat - typical birds of this family, only slightly larger. From pigeons meat breed the following features are expected:

  • rapid development and growth;
  • good fertility;
  • high endurance;
  • propensity to accelerate feeding.

Perhaps the description of meat pigeons presented in our article will help you make your choice. However, before acquiring productive birds, you need to prepare a comfortable home for them to live.

Arrangement of the premises

For the maintenance of pigeons of meat breeds, special nurseries, outbuildings or attic rooms are used. There are no special requirements for the design of the dovecote. The main thing is that in winter there should be no sub-zero temperature and the room should be equipped with ventilation and electric lighting. During construction, it should be noted that no more than 3 pairs of rare individuals can be settled per 1 m 2.

Pigeons are clean birds, so you should take care of the litter. For these purposes, straw, sawdust or shavings are used. They need to be changed depending on the degree of contamination. General cleaning of the premises is carried out twice a year.

It is obligatory to have an aviary with feeders and drinkers installed in it.

It is desirable that there is enough space in the room to accommodate boxes for mating pigeons. There should be more of them than the pairs themselves, so that each of them can independently find the nest they like and remember it. After the mating process is completed, the boxes can be used for nesting birds.


Although the maintenance and care of pigeons of meat breeds do not cause much trouble, they still have their own preferences in the diet. In order for the birds to bring the maximum amount of valuable product, they need to provide constant feeding and adjust the correct balance. Basically, pigeons feed on oats, millet, peas, corn, barley, and potatoes should be added to the feed, since it contains the necessary substances that are useful for birds. To insure pigeons against obesity, food should be constantly enriched with vitamin E. For 1 kg of the bulk of the feed, it is enough to include only 10 mg of the supplement.


Poultry farmers who raise pigeons for meat are always interested in quickly sending birds to slaughter. Undoubtedly, the meat of young animals has a delicate structure and excellent taste. Meat breeds of pigeons, in this respect, the most profitable individuals. They can please the poultry farmer with a return after their first flights. Subject to proper maintenance and care at the age of one month, the bird will be ready for slaughter.

To simplify the evisceration process, feeding must be stopped 24 hours before slaughter. It will also improve the taste of the meat. Experienced pigeon breeders recommend feeding pigeons with herbs for several days to give the product a piquant flavor.

The total period of keeping birds, in particular, depends on their variety. Elite individuals grow differently and have an individual size and weight. So, let's start our review of meat breeds with giant pigeons.

Roman giant

The giant bird reaches from 1.3 to 1.5 kg in weight. Individuals are inactive, do not seek to fly. The body is powerful, large, oblong (total length up to 50 cm). Impressive variety of colors. Giants are white, black, gray-blue, red, fawn and with a brownish coating. According to their size and habits, birds need a low aviary and large nests. Due to their inherent sluggishness, they have a predisposition to obesity. Birds are distinguished by strong immunity to infections. By their nature, they are too trusting, for this reason they should be protected from predators.


Representatives of chicken breeds bred in America. The advantage of king pigeons is their productivity and impressive mass. Unlike other meat pigeons, they grow more slowly. The time of keeping these individuals is at least 45 days. By this period, the birds weigh almost 800 g. Kings love freedom, so they must be periodically released from the cage, and the room for their maintenance should be built more spaciously. The speed of their weight gain will depend on the walking of the birds.

A female individual is able to reproduce up to 17 chicks per year. Since pigeons love to roam free and live in large buildings, they are more suitable for large farms. However, if the birds create optimal conditions, it will be possible to receive a considerable income from the sale of valuable dietary meat.


The breeding of meat pigeons of this species began during the progress of mechanized pigeon breeding. Breeding the Carnot breed involved keeping the birds in an aviary. For this reason, pigeons are not adapted to forage on their own. Karno is easier to keep in automated facilities. They do not need to be spacious, as pigeons respond well to crowding. Individuals are small, but productive and very rapidly gaining a certain mass (no more than 600 g). Plumage is different: black, yellow, white. There are no feathers on the legs.

The downside of the breed is that pigeons have an unprepossessing appearance and a disproportionate structure. They have an overly convex chest and a thickened neck. Against the background of a rounded body, the head looks too small. At the same time, it should be noted that these characteristics do not affect the value of the dietary product. Their meat is juicy and quite tender.


Distinctive feature of this breed is a rich plumage. The general background of the entire body of the bird casts in a variety of colors, and the wings may have a different color. Each individual feather on the wing is edged with a contrasting outline. There are two varieties: German and English modena. The first is medium-sized, it is not grown for culinary purposes. English is famous for its large size and bred for meat. The maximum weight of an adult pigeon reaches up to 900 g. The article provides photos of pigeons of meat breeds. On them you can see the exterior differences of birds.


Pretty foldable birds of a powerful build, with a broad back and a vertically located neck. Tightly pressed wings fold in the middle of the tail. The head is small, the chest is convex, the tail is slightly raised up. Reproductive ability is well developed. The female person at good conditions able to hatch more than 20 chicks. Texans have a calm disposition and are picky about food. They grow quickly, the average weight of an adult bird is 750 g. Since birds are not particularly demanding on the conditions of existence, they are suitable for busy people who cannot devote too much time to keeping birds.


The bird has a solid appearance. She has a rounded, proudly protruding chest, a large head and forehead. Broad, short back, fully covered by wings. The color varies from white and gray to black and white. Legs set wide apart, without plumage, red. Pigeons are considered the most fleshy breed. The mass of a male can reach up to 900 g, and females - and females up to 700-800 g. Strassers are non-flying birds, violent and often fight. Indicators of fertility and productivity in them are manifested, to a greater extent, with purebred breeding.


As you can see, breeding, caring for and keeping pigeons of meat breed is not such a complicated process. The choice of birds is not limited to the above list. In fact, there are many more. Poultry farmers distinguish a few more of the best varieties. These include: the Kuborg lark, the Hungarian giants, the Polish lynx and some of the chicken-like individuals. If you like this kind of activity, choose the right breed and get a useful product.

Meat pigeons are a type of domestic pigeon breed that is bred and raised for food. Even in ancient Greece and Egypt, people served dishes from the meat of pigeons to the table. To date, more than fifty different breeds of meat pigeons have been bred by pigeon breeders, and in the USA, France, Hungary, Germany, and Italy there are industrial farms that specialize in breeding these birds. We will talk about the most popular breeds of meat pigeons and the features of their content in this article.

Pigeon meat is considered a dietary delicacy, it is rich in protein, easy to digest, and tastes very similar to the meat of wild birds.

Giant pigeons or giants

Giants are heavy, powerful, large, stocky birds that are practically unable to fly. The most popular representatives of the group: Texans, Kings, Roman pigeons, Hungarian giants.


Pigeons of the king breed (from the English - king) were bred in the state of California in the USA as a result of complex breeding work by American pigeon breeders. This is one of the most popular breeds of domestic pigeons, not only on farms in America, but also in many other countries. It is worth noting that individuals of the king breed are grown not only for the purpose of obtaining dietary meat, but also as decorative birds.

The live weight of an average pigeon varies from 750 to 900 grams.

Kings are excellent parents and have a high rate of productivity, in one year a pair is able to reproduce up to 12-16 chicks.

Video - Meat pigeons of the king breed in the aviary


The second most popular breed of meat pigeons, the Texan, originated in the state of Texas in the United States.

Texans have a number of features, the first of which is autosex plumage. In other words, by the color of the feathers of newborn chicks, you can accurately determine the sex of the bird.

The second hallmark of the Texan breed is their high reproductive capacity. When creating a comfortable habitat and a good diet, the Texan dove can hatch up to 20-22 chicks per year.

The average live weight of a bird is about 700-950 grams.

Texans are unpretentious in care and have a reputation for non-confrontational calm birds.

Hungarian gigantic

Despite their name, Turkey is considered the birthplace of these birds, from where they were brought to Hungary and already there, in Europe, they were recognized by pigeon breeders.

Giants are enough large birds, their average weight is from 850 to 1200 grams.

For a year, a female Hungarian giant pigeon hatches offspring of 8-10 chicks.

But, despite this, most breeders grow giants as an ornamental bird, and only individuals that are rejected by external signs are eaten.


The history of this breed began in the north of France, but today Carnot pigeons are widely known outside of it. main feature carno is that this breed was created and grown in a limited space - an aviary.

Carnot pigeons are not the largest and fleshy, their average live weight is only 500-700 grams. But they quickly gain weight and bring up to 12-16 chicks per year, thanks to these qualities, carnots have become popular for growing in large automated farms.

Chicken pigeons or chicken pigeons

Chicken pigeons are distinguished by their fertility, large dimensions and large live weight. And outwardly they resemble chickens: a wide body, an elongated neck, a small tail, strong massive legs.

The most popular representatives of the chicken subgroup are English modens, Florentine and Maltese pigeons.

This breed of pigeons got its name in honor of the Italian city of Modena, where the history of its appearance began.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the diversity of the color palette of the plumage of birds. Pigeon breeders suggest that there are more than two hundred combinations of different patterns and colors on the body of these pigeons.

To date, there are two main varieties of pigeons descended from the Italian Modena: English and German.

English modena or Shitti (from Italian Schietti - simple) is a large massive bird, the average weight of which varies from 700 to 950 grams. The color of the Shitti is usually monochromatic with small color patches on the wings and head.

The German modena or Gazzi (from the Italian Gazzi - magpies) differ from the English Shitti in their smaller size and unusual color: the feathers on the wings, head and tail are decorated with patterns, and the body of the bird is white. Often, pigeon breeders grow German fashion not for cooking culinary delights, but as decorative birds.

meat pigeons

Among meat pigeons, a separate group of birds is distinguished - decorative pigeons, which have reached a sufficient mass to be served at the table. As a rule, such pigeons gain about 600-700 grams. In other words, any pigeon that is healthy, of sufficient weight for slaughter, and of no value for further breeding can be cooked. But, despite this, it is better to use the meat of chicken or giant pigeons for eating.

The most popular meat pigeon breeds are Strasser, Polish lynx, Benešov pigeon and others.


The country of origin of the Strasser breed is Germany. Due to the different pattern on the body and the color of the plumage, they distinguish: German, Czech and Austrian Strassers.

The birds are large in size and have a high live weight: 750-1200 grams.

Usually a pair of pigeons brings about 10-12 chicks per year.

Birds of this breed can be both meat and decorative.

The main methods of rearing and keeping meat pigeons

Intensive growing method

The intensive method of rearing pigeons involves regular feeding, aimed at a quick and high-quality increase in the weight of an individual up to 0.6-0.8 kg and above. To do this, choose young representatives of highly productive breeds, such as kings or texans, who are able to increase their weight to the desired level in just 30-38 days. In addition, these birds are highly prolific and, subject to the necessary rules for care and feeding, are able to reproduce up to 5-10 times a year, which is 10-20 chicks.

Three-week-old chicks are chosen for fattening for slaughter, because the meat of young animals has the best taste.

Selected individuals are placed in a dark room, where, using special equipment or a syringe without a needle, but with a soft rubber nozzle at the end, they are force-fed with a porridge-like mixture. The process of eating is carried out at a certain time, regularly, about 4 times a day.

To fatten the bird, breeders boil a mixture of cereals and grains with the addition of legumes and a small amount of mineral elements. Each individual eats about 50-60 grams of such porridge per day, which is washed down with warm water, respectively, 15-20 grams of the mixture is allocated for each meal.

It takes no more than two weeks to fatten young pigeons, and during this time the birds gain weight up to 800 grams.

Extensive method or free growing method

This method of cultivation does not require much effort and expense from the breeder, provided that you live in a favorable climate zone and have a spacious green area. Extensively bred birds forage for their own food during the warm season, and the breeder feeds the pigeons no more than once a day. It would seem that the free growing method is quite practical, it will help save the breeder's budget, because the amount of feed consumed by pigeons is minimal, and you do not need to spend a lot of money on arranging a dovecote, but this is not so. The extensive approach is convenient only in theory, but in reality it is quite difficult to organize a safe walking area for birds with a self-replenishing supply of natural food. There is a high probability of contact with wild birds and animals that can carry dangerous diseases. Pigeons also need 100% protection from predators, because even for a domestic cat, a well-fed bird without flight skills will become easy prey. In addition, there is no guarantee that the birds will have time to gain weight in the allotted amount of time.

Combined growing method or economic and decorative

The combined method is a combination of extensive and intensive approaches. It is especially popular with domestic ornamental pigeon breeders.

Features of keeping meat pigeons


In order to keep, breed and grow meat pigeons, it is necessary to equip a separate spacious room.

The air temperature in the dovecote should not fall below +5 and not rise above +20 degrees. To maintain a comfortable temperature regime it is recommended to carry out thermal insulation indoors, especially if there are large metal structures in the building, for example, sheets with which the roof is lined. The metal has a high thermal conductivity, which is why it will be unbearably stuffy in the dovecote in the warm season and too cold in winter. To avoid hypothermia, it is advisable to install an electric heater and additionally insulate the floor by spreading straw and large sawdust on it. Pigeons will carry away some of the materials for arranging their nests. As it gets dirty, the old straw on the floor of the dovecote should be replaced with a new batch of dry grass and shavings.

General cleaning of the dovecote should be carried out at least once, and preferably twice a year. While the process of disinfecting and cleaning the premises from dirt and debris is underway, relocate the birds to a quieter place or let them go for a walk in the aviary.

In the process of breeding pigeons, daylight hours play an important role. Thirteen to fourteen hours is the optimal amount for daylight hours in an artificial habitat. To do this, when building a dovecote, breeders glaze a part of the wall opposite the steam boxes and future pigeon nests, and also install additional sources of lighting. In addition, the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the growing pigeons.

Domestic pigeons do not tolerate dampness, and besides, bacteria and dangerous viruses quickly develop in conditions of high humidity, so ventilation in the habitat of birds is simply necessary.

The presence of an aviary for walking in the fresh air will have a positive effect on both young and adult birds.

Despite the fact that pigeons live in flocks, each couple needs to have their own personal space. That is why pigeon breeders do not advise placing more than two pairs of pigeons on one square meter.

Due to their size and structural features, meat pigeons have lost the ability to fly, so these birds often build and build nests on the floor. This nuance must be taken into account when planning the dovecote and, when placing steam boxes, cages, places for perches, you need to take care of bridges with which the bird can climb to a height.

Another important device for a comfortable life for birds will be a shallow container with high sides and water at room temperature. Pigeons love to swim, especially in the warm season.

The box for taking water procedures should be located at a sufficient distance from the perch, nests and feeders, the aviary will be the best solution in choosing a place. The breeder should regularly change the water in the font.

Video - Bathing domestic pigeons


In order for meat pigeons to be completely healthy and have strong immunity, it is necessary to vaccinate all individuals twice a year. To receive detailed information about the timing and preparation of birds for the procedure, contact veterinary clinic your city.

The diet of meat pigeons

One of the main roles in the development of domestic meat pigeons is played by their diet. The composition of a balanced complex for fattening pigeons and its detailed description are presented in the table below.

Feeding ration for meat pigeons, recommended percentage of intakeCompound
Cereal crops, 50-70%Barley, wheat, millet, corn, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
Legumes, 20-40%Green peas, beans, lentils, vetch.
Green feed, 10%-25%Spinach, cabbage, clover, nettle, lettuce, sprouted oats or barley.
Oilseeds, 1-5%Sunflower seed, linseed, rapeseed, aniseed.
Mineral mixtures, 1-5%Shell fragments, river sand, clay, small grains of slaked lime, table salt, eggshell, charcoal, fine gravel.
Vitamin supplements, 1-5%Glucose, fish oil, vitamins A, B, C, E and other groups.
Tubers and root crops, 1-5%Potato, carrot

When compiling a diet for pigeons, it is necessary to take into account the time of year, the age and breed of the bird, as well as its life processes for a given period of time (change of plumage, preparation for mating, laying eggs, hatching chicks). Table with the basis of the diet for meat pigeons

Meat pigeons consume about 50-55 grams of grain mixture per day, large grains are best suited for their diet.

Approximate diet of a young bird: corn (35%), peas (20%), barley (20%), oatmeal (15%), greens (5%) and mineral and vitamin supplements (5%).

If your yard has a green meadow for walking birds, then the pigeons will find some of the necessary food on their own.

The bird feeder should be fenced with sides so that they cannot step on food with their paws, but at the same time the height should be comfortable for eating. And also, such a design does not allow various debris to enter the diet of birds.

Domestic pigeons should always have free access to drinking water. It is recommended to install bird drinkers with a tray to prevent excessive moisture and dampness in the dovecote. It is necessary to change the water daily, in summer or in hot weather it is imperative to change the water at least twice a day.

Breeding meat pigeons

The breeding process of meat pigeons is similar to the breeding process of other domestic breeds of pigeons: mating dances, pairing, mating, nest arrangement, egg laying, incubation, hatching of chicks, feeding and caring for pigeons up to 30 days.

But there are slight differences for each individual breed. So, it is possible to mate meat pigeons starting from the age of eight months, when for other breeds one or two years is considered the best reproductive age.

The terms of parental care also differ: meat pigeon chicks become completely independent already upon reaching the age of one month, and the offspring of domestic pigeons only on the fortieth - forty-fifth day.

And also the Texan meat birds have a unique feature - by the color of their plumage, you can accurately determine the sex of an individual. Males hatch either completely “naked” or with light white down, while females have long yellow feathers.

Slaughter of meat pigeons

The optimal age for slaughtering poultry is 29-37 days. By this time, young individuals already, as a rule, have a carcass weight of 600-750 grams.

In order to give pigeon dishes a special flavor, three days before the end of fattening, fragrant seeds are mixed into the food. different cultures, not a large number of spices or berries. Also, a day before slaughter, it is recommended to give the birds warm milk with salt to drink, then the poultry meat will be whiter and juicier. But pigeons should not be fed on the last day before slaughter, which made it easier to gut the carcass.

You can get acquainted with the indicators of slaughter yield for different breeds of meat pigeons in the table below.

In recent years, amateur poultry farmers, in addition to traditional types of poultry, began to breed birds that are rarer for our regions - meat pigeons. The meat of pigeons is dietary: fine-fibered and easily digestible. Even the great ancient scientist Avicenna highly appreciated the dietary properties of pigeon meat and recommended it to patients. From one pair of pigeons per year, you can get 10-14 chicks. Fattened to a mass of 500-700 g each, they will give 5-7 kg of pigeon meat. There are about 50 in the world meat pigeon breeds, of which King, Roman and Strasser are the most common. Meat birds are distinguished by heaviness, fertility and the ability to quickly gain weight. The live weight of an adult bird reaches an average of 900-1400 g.

A novice poultry farmer should know that pigeons have several curious features, which distinguish them from other birds. Firstly, this bird is monogamous, that is, the resulting pairs are strong and do not collapse during any family troubles (the exception is the death of one of the spouses). Secondly, these birds are flocking, that is, they keep in groups, often of impressive size. Thirdly, the dove is the only representative of the birds that produces the so-called bird's milk, which feeds the chicks. In fact, "pigeon milk" is a kind of gruel, which is secreted by the epithelium of the walls of the goiter of adult pigeons. Unlike mammals, in them this substance is secreted not only by females, but also by males. Bird's milk is the main food for chicks in the first days of life.

In domestic pigeons, as well as in their wild relatives, there are no more than two eggs in a clutch. Their mass, depending on the breed, is 17-27 grams. Meat pigeons are rarely kept in the city, but in the country it is considered very profitable, because you can feed them not only with grain, but also with all kinds of greens, root crops, that is, with everything that is plenty in the backyard. Pigeons can be started at any time of the year, but keep in mind that the closer to spring, the more expensive they are. In autumn, since there are a lot of chicks at this time, you can buy a bird cheaply and even pick up high-bred individuals.

When choosing meat pigeons be sure to pay attention to her health. The dove should not be lethargic and apathetic, its eyes should not be watery, and the feathers should be even, not plucked. You should open the wing and look at the light: if there are holes in the feathers, then the bird is infected with a feather-eater, you should not take it. It is best to buy pigeons in pairs. To understand how paired two birds are, put them in a box and watch how they behave. When a dove cooes, and a dove bows its head to it, fluffs its feathers, then this is a couple. If the birds fight among themselves, then these are most likely individuals of the same sex.

You can also buy chicks(They start selling them when they know how to peck food on their own). In general, when choosing a pigeon, it is better to rely on the experience of a knowledgeable pigeon breeder. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you should seek advice from the club or at least visit a pigeon show and talk with experienced poultry farmers.

Reproduction of meat pigeons :
The male to female ratio should be 1:1. Pigeons are mated at 8 months of age. As a rule, a dove lays 2 eggs and usually makes 3 clutches during the year. With additional illumination of the dovecote in winter, with the length of daylight hours increased to 14 hours, 5-6 clutches are obtained per season. Pigeon mating is best done in late March - early April, in the south - 2-3 weeks earlier. The best producers are domestic pigeons at the age of 1-2 years, although they become capable of breeding at 5-6 months of age. Immature pigeons do not sit well on eggs, often carry unfertilized eggs (talkers), quickly lose their ability to reproduce.

The age of a pigeon can be determined on the wax and legs. After 5 months, the cere gradually acquires White color which indicates the onset of puberty. In the future, it increases more and more, which makes it possible to determine the age of a pigeon up to 3-4 years. After that, determining the age becomes difficult. Domestic pigeons can live up to 15-20 years, but they retain the ability to reproduce only up to 10 years. Old pigeons are not suitable as producers, as they are unproductive and give weak offspring. You can only mate completely healthy, strong and purebred pigeons.

Mating happens naturally, when the pigeon chooses a female for himself, and forced, when the poultry farmer selects producers from necessary qualities. When mating, pigeons are planted for some time in steam boxes, and when mating occurs, they are released into the common room. In active birds, the marriage union is concluded quite quickly. They sit closely clinging to each other, gently touching the partner's feathers with their beaks, kissing. This is a sure sign of the pigeons' affection for each other, and such a pair can be safely released into the common room of the dovecote, they will not disperse.

12-15 days after the first mating, the female domestic pigeon lays the first egg. An experienced amateur can foresee the start of egg laying in advance. The female in this state is less mobile, sits more in the nest, her wings are somewhat lowered. On the 5-6th day of incubation, you need to check whether the embryo develops in the egg or not. You need to take the egg carefully so as not to crush its thin shell. An egg taken on a plastic or dessert spoon is viewed through the light. When translucent fertilized egg you can see a small dark spot, from which reddish veins go in all directions. In addition, on the 7-8th day of incubation, the shell becomes pale matte, and then gradually takes on a gray-lead tint. An unfertilized egg retains its original transparency.

domestic meat pigeons sit firmly on the eggs, regularly replacing each other. Chicks are born on the 17th-19th day after the start of incubation, and in some breeds - on the 25th-30th day. They are completely blind and covered in down. The chick freed from the shell is heated by the parents, dries up after a few hours and is able to eat. Pigeons feed the chicks with goiter milk for 10-12 days, then gradually switch to a diet of grains softened into the goiter. The longer the pigeons feed the chicks with goiter, the better they grow and develop. On the 6-8th day, the chicks begin to open their eyes, and at the age of one month they switch to full self-service.

Slaughter pigeons usually at the age of 28-35 days. Before this, it is recommended to feed the bird with dill, anise, caraway seeds so that its meat acquires the taste of game meat.

In recent years in household and country farms pigeons are bred not only for the sake of the most tender meat. Becomes more and more popular breeding pigeons- sports (postal), decorative, ton (flight). The rental of pigeons for solemn occasions (wedding, anniversary, prom, children's holidays), when a pair or a flock of snow-white birds are released into the sky. Decorative pigeons, which are most often used in such events,

  • Keeping and feeding meat pigeons :

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Perhaps one of the most common birds in the world is pigeons. We meet them at every turn, and most of us do not even realize that you can earn money by breeding and selling these birds.

Pigeons were once used for postal communication. Due to their ability to navigate perfectly even in unfamiliar terrain and accurately find their way home, these birds are perfect for the role of postmen. Of course, they cannot carry heavy parcels and parcels, but they are quite able to deliver small notes and letters to the addressee. However, pigeon mail has long lost its relevance. And although good orientation in the area allows the use of pigeons for other purposes (for example, for wedding photo shoots when newlyweds symbolically release snow-white birds into the sky), yet this is not the main “field of application” of birds. The most relevant now is the breeding of pigeons ... for meat, unless, of course, you consider pigeon breeding as a business, and not as a hobby.

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It is widely believed that only the homeless eat pigeons. However, pigeon meat is a delicacy and is served in the most expensive restaurants. Back in the Middle Ages, the famous physician Avicenna recommended that patients include pigeon meat in their diet, which is dietary, contains a large amount of protein and consists of small fibers, so its taste and nutritional value are much higher than that of meat from other types of poultry.

But, of course, ordinary "city" pigeons are not suitable for eating. There are various meat breeds of birds (for example, Strasser, Monden, King, etc.), which are bred on special "pigeon farms" for slaughter. Pigeon meat with all necessary documents then implemented as in retail and directly to institutions Catering. One average carcass of a pigeon in retail costs about 250-300 rubles. One kilogram of meat at purchase prices will cost 1000-1500 rubles. (Here it is necessary to clarify that the weight of a processed pigeon carcass is on average two times less than an unprocessed one, so manufacturers set the price for their product both per kilogram and per whole carcass).

On the one hand, it seems that pigeons are too small birds, so these prices are quite justified and the profitability of the business for breeding them under big question. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that one pair of pigeons of meat breed can produce up to 7 kg of meat per year! Breeders are constantly working to improve meat breeds. The weight of one pigeon of this species reaches 1 kg, but there are breeds (King), whose representatives weigh up to 2 kg (see below).

So, the meat pigeon breeding business can be very profitable and promising. However, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances here. Let's try to figure them out.

Meat breeds of pigeons

The weight of meat pigeons directly depends on the breed. Among the most famous is the breed king which was released in the USA. Representatives of this breed are very prolific, quickly gaining weight (with proper maintenance and a balanced diet, the King pigeon can be fattened in 45 days to an average weight of 700 g). For a year, a female can bring up to 18 well-fed chicks. Adult birds weigh 650-800 g. However, exhibition representatives of this breed can weigh up to 1.5-2 kg. True, they are much more expensive. The slaughter weight of such pigeons is 60-68%. This indicator directly depends on the growing conditions of the king. For example, with a cellular content, the weight of a bird will be much lower than with a limited-range method of growing, or, moreover, an aviary. Beginning pigeon breeders prefer the cage content, which allows you to significantly increase the number of heads in the house. However, the benefit in this case is rather doubtful. Gutted pigeon carcass, which was kept in a cage, weighs up to 350-370 g, and the slaughter weight does not exceed 55-56%. However, no matter what conditions the representatives of this breed are kept in, “at the output” you will receive the following indicators - 50% meat, 16% fat and 5% offal. Everything else is recycled.

Pigeons are also large breeds. strasser. The weight of the male of this breed, bred in Western Europe from the Moravian pshtros and other local breeds of pigeons in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, can reach 1200 g. Although, on average, representatives of this variety of meat pigeons weigh about 1 kg. Unlike the Moravian pstros, which belongs to the productive types of pigeons, has a larger than average figure, but at the same time is mobile and has good flying qualities, the strassers are stocky and inactive. Already at the age of 30 days, the weight of a bird can reach 700 g. However, the Strassers themselves are significantly smaller than males and weigh up to 800 g in adulthood. It is noticed that the mass of offspring directly depends on the age of the parent pair. Therefore, in order to avoid weight loss of chicks, experts advise removing birds older than five years from the dovecote.

The body of the Strassers is large, massive (the length of the birds is 36-40 cm). The head is large, with a wide and convex forehead. The beak is medium, strong, the cere is whitish, small. The eyes are dark orange, the eyelids are narrow, light, but there are varieties of birds with red eyelids. The neck is of medium length, thick, slightly arched. The chest is wide, rounded, strongly protruding. The back is relatively short, wide, straight. The wings are medium, wide, cover the back and lie with their ends on the tail. Legs of medium length, featherless, strong, widely spaced, bright scarlet. The tail is of medium length, consists of twelve feathers, collected, narrow. There are pigeons with white or black scaly wing coverts, as well as white-belted pigeons with white tails and Bavarian pigeons with white wingtips.

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Strasser meat is thin-fibered. These birds are highly productive - from one pair to ten chicks can be obtained per season. As mentioned above, in a month the chicks gain a live weight of 600-700 g, so the slaughter yield of birds of this breed is on average 60%.

Roman pigeons, as the name of the breed implies, were bred in Italy, and then further breeding work was carried out in France. These birds are also among the largest representatives of their species and are successfully used as breeding material for the creation of other meat species. Representatives of the Roman breed have a large body, strong, oblong shape, plumage is thick, dense, flight feathers of the wing and tail are long. The head is large, roundly elongated, smooth, and the forehead is relatively high. The beak is long, powerful, slightly curved, dark in black and gray birds, light in other colored lines. The cere is long, white, smooth, heart-shaped, divided in the middle. The eyes are small, all colored - pearl, white - dark. The width of the eyelids is 2-4 mm, they are finely warty, red or dark in color, in young pigeons they are smooth and narrow. The neck is relatively short, thick, the throat is well defined, in some the throat fold is noticeable. The head is large, rounded, with a high forehead. The eyes are small, pearly, dark in birds with white plumage. The eyelids are red or dark, finely warty, 2-4 mm wide. The beak is large, slightly curved, dark in gray pigeons, light in other species. The neck is thick, short, with a well-defined throat. The chest is convex, wide, with a straight long keel. The back is relatively broad, oval and tapers towards the tail. The wings are large, with long flight feathers. Shields are missing. The belts of silver and gray individuals are black, those of beige and brown are gray. The limbs are strong, short, bright scarlet with long fingers and light claws. Birds of black and gray color have dark claws. There is no feathering on the legs. The tail is rather long, wide and rounded. Body weight is 1-1.3 kg, doves - 0.9-1.1 kg. Representatives of this breed do not fly very well. The plumage of such birds is silvery or gray, there are transverse black belts on the wings or a transverse stripe at the end of the tail, while the lower back is light in color. The plumage of Roman pigeons has a silvery or bluish hue with transverse black belts on the wings and a transverse stripe at the end of the tail. Their lower back is light. Roman pigeons of black color have white speckles on their heads, beige ones have dark (brown or gray) belts on the wings and the same stripe on the tail. There are birds and pure red, fawn, white. The neck of colored pigeons is darker, with a brilliant sheen. The largest representatives of this breed are gray-gray birds, the smallest are red-colored pigeons. The length of the bird from the beak to the end of the tail is 50-56 cm, the wingspan is 100-105 cm. The live weight of an adult pigeon is 1-1.3 kg, and doves - 0.9-1.1 kg. Individual specimens weigh 1.7 kg. The weight of young animals at the age of four weeks is 620-650 g.

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Roman pigeons are quite easy to keep: they move little, fly poorly and are trustful of people. Although it can’t do without flaws - they are pugnacious and not the best hens. Unfortunately, representatives of this breed are not distinguished by high fecundity - they bring up to 8 chicks per year, but they have good disease resistance. Representatives of this breed are used in breeding work when breeding meat breeds of high productivity. For this purpose, Roman pigeons are crossed with more prolific breeds bred by Russian breeders (for example, drummers).

Mondenskaya the pigeon breed was bred in the French city of Monde-Marsan. The weight of adult males of this breed is up to 1.1 kg. The smallest weight of its representatives is 850 g. In 30 days, a chick can be fattened up to a weight of 700 g. At the same time, the lethal meat yield of Monden pigeons is 61%. Representatives of this breed have the largest index of massiveness among other meat breeds. It is estimated at 28.7%. This indicator is primarily used in assessing the fleshiness of the bird. The main advantage of this breed is that its representatives can be eaten almost entirely, since Monden pigeons have the highest index of edible parts: in males it is estimated at 82.6%, and in females at 81.3%. Among gourmets, the meat of French and Swiss Monden chicks is most valued, weighing 550 and 600 g, respectively.

One of the earliest maturing breeds is the French breed. carnot, which is aviary. The weight of an adult pigeon of this breed ranges from 550 to 700 g. In a month, a pigeon can be fattened to a weight of 330-340 g. However, weight in this case is not a priority. The main thing is the taste of pigeon meat, which in representatives of this breed (at least at a young age) is much higher than a week in other meat breeds of pigeons. Although purely from the point of view of decorative breeding of pigeons, Monden birds are not the most attractive, due to their palatability, they are in the lead among meat breeds.

In general, there are not so many meat breeds of pigeons when compared, for example, with the number of breeds of chickens and other poultry. The main problem faced by domestic pigeon breeders is the difficulty in buying good producers. Although the business of raising pigeons for meat is profitable and promising (there is no doubt about this), nevertheless, there are very few farms in Russia that offer quality producers for sale. Pigeon breeders have to buy birds of rare breeds in our country in the countries of near and far abroad. Someone carries representatives of the most common breeds from Ukraine, someone from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. True, the prices for a pair are not at all humane - from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles. Not all farmers can afford this luxury. The issue of transportation is also very complicated. The road to Russia by train takes more than one week. It is highly likely that one of the pigeon couple simply will not live to see their destination.

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More simple and common breeds are sold at various exhibitions. If you're planning on getting one, it's worth a visit. thematic exhibitions in the Crimea, where the price for one bird is now from 500 rubles.

When breeding pigeons, it should be borne in mind that one female pigeon of a not very productive breed lays one or two eggs up to three times a year. Thus, in a year you can get from one bird to six chicks. Hatching masonry takes about a month. Moreover, unlike chickens, a pigeon pair incubates eggs alternately. In a month the young animals reach their maximum weight and are ready for sale. The weight of a pigeon of meat breed is, on average, 1 kg. In this case, we do not take into account show birds, which can weigh up to 2 kg. True, the weight of the processed (gutted) carcass in any case will be two times less than the weight of a live bird. But to process (gut) a pigeon is not so simple. It is for this reason that each producer decides for himself how it is more profitable for him to set prices - per kilogram or per carcass.

The age of a pigeon is determined by its legs and wax. When the bird is five months old, the cere gradually acquires a white color, which indicates the onset of puberty. In the future, the cere grows in size and becomes larger and larger over time, which makes it possible to determine the age of the bird up to three or four years. After that, it becomes difficult to accurately determine the age of the bird. Pigeons are long-lived. They live up to fifteen or twenty years, but are used for breeding (at least in meat breeds) only up to five or six years. Old individuals are not suitable as producers: they are not productive and bring very weak offspring. Therefore, only purebred and healthy birds are mated.

But even with these recommendations, it is far from always possible to determine the presence of problems “by eye”, especially if you have not had experience in keeping and breeding birds before. In this case, it is better for beginners to seek help from a more experienced pigeon breeder or read special literature in advance. Determining the presence of diseases in a bird is not so difficult. Do not forget to take contacts from the seller (an honest seller will definitely give them) in order to contact you in the future regarding the purchase of birds, their maintenance and breeding. Of course, you should not abuse the kindness of the seller, but rare calls once or twice a month are unlikely to cause him trouble.

Pigeons are extremely unpretentious birds in terms of keeping. If you have ever lived in private areas of a city (or, moreover, in a village), then most likely you have seen dovecotes more than once. Unlike chicken coops, a dovecote does not require a lot of space to equip. Someone uses their attic for this, where unnecessary rubbish was previously stored. Someone equips a separate superstructure on the roof for a dovecote. Ideally, of course, it is worth acquiring a separate room where pigeons will be kept. Large investments in its arrangement are not required. It can be either an aviary with a stretched chain-link mesh, or a “typical” dovecote house, where birds can hide from the rain and rest.

However, regardless of your financial capabilities, the main thing is that cats and various small predatory animals (from foxes to rats) cannot enter the territory of the dovecote. It is for this reason that dovecotes are often raised above the ground (although this also saves space). As for the area, then proceed from their calculation that a dovecote with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. meters can accommodate up to 50 pigeons. But with a limited area, the question of choosing breeds of pigeons becomes relevant. For example, representatives of the king breed are very bloodthirsty. As pigeon breeders themselves say, kings destroy other people's nests, throw other people's eggs out of the nest and kill chicks. Although doves are a universally recognized symbol of peace, these birds, regardless of breed, are not at all so friendly. Males often fight each other to the death, and females drive other members of the bird species from their nests. You can avoid conflicts between females if you provide them with a sufficient number of nests for incubating eggs.

The bottom of the dovecote is sprinkled with sand, which will make cleaning easier in the future. You can also use old newspapers, but this method is more expensive. Perches are made along the walls of the house. At the same time, special care for the dovecote is not required: regular cleaning of the premises is sufficient. Once a year (after winter period) experts advise to arrange a general cleaning and repair of the premises.

Birds also do not require special supervision. But when feeding, it is necessary to inspect all the inhabitants of the house and remove sick individuals. Pigeons are fed, as a rule, at the same time. The optimal frequency of feeding is twice a day. Accordingly, feeding is divided into morning and evening. Pigeons are fed with a grain mixture of cereals. This includes millet, millet, lentils, peas, barley, as well as seeds of oil plants (for example, sunflower, flax, etc.). It is also necessary to regularly give various vitamins. They are quite inexpensive, and you can buy them even in the most ordinary pet store. Chalk, sand, red clay and even ordinary crushed red brick are suitable as top dressing. Birds need pebbles: they grind food that enters the stomach, contributing to its better absorption. If you breed pigeons on an “industrial” scale, it is more profitable to purchase various vitamin supplements at wholesale bases.

One pigeon requires an average of 55 g of feed per day. It is also important to provide birds with access to fresh water. High-quality and balanced feed, fresh water and the absence of drafts are the main conditions for the success of your "pigeon" business.

Sales organization

Pigeon meat is especially in demand among the establishments of the HoReCa sector. If you can find a regular customer for your products among expensive restaurants or cafes, then you will not have a problem with selling the main volume. Of course, you will have to conclude everything necessary contracts with the veterinary service and obtain the relevant certificates. This applies to the sale of any bird, but especially pigeons, because they are carriers of various dangerous infections. Therefore, your customers must be confident in the complete safety of the products you offer.

Another area of ​​work is selective breeding of meat pigeons and selling them both to amateur poultry farmers (there are, however, not as many of them in Russia as we would like), and to breeders-farmers. Recall that pigeon breeding is a set of measures to improve the qualities of a particular breed or to breed a new breed with improved hereditary traits. The latter option seems to be very promising, but it requires considerable costs both for training and for the purchase of birds for breeding. On the other hand, with the almost complete absence of competition in some regions of our country, this line of work can bring good profits.

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Now it seems surprising, but earlier pigeons were used as postmen. Of course, a bird is not a super-technological quadrocopter drone for you, but pigeons easily delivered small letters to the addressee, as they are very well oriented on the ground. Fortunately, and for some it may be unfortunately, this type of mail is no longer relevant, however, pigeons are still in demand in other areas of our activity.

There is a misconception that only homeless people prefer pigeon meat, but this is not at all the case. The fact is that in terms of taste and usefulness, pigeons can give odds to other poultry. In restaurants, they are presented as an expensive delicacy. It is worth noting that ordinary yard pigeons are not suitable for food, since certain breeds are purchased for breeding, for example, Monden pigeon, king or strasser. An analogy can be drawn with Korea, where they practice eating dogs, but not ordinary, but special breeds.

A pigeon carcass is sold for 250 rubles, and an average of 1,200 rubles is asked per kg. A pair of pigeons can produce 7 kg of meat per year.

Pigeons meat breeds

The mass of a pigeon is more dependent on the breed, and the conditions of detention also matter. If the bird is kept in a cage, then its weight will be lower compared to a pigeon that is grown in limited-range conditions or aviaries. Most novice pigeon breeders who breed birds not for a hobby, but for meat, keep birds in cages, as this approach makes it possible to economically use the area. A gutted pigeon carcass weighs almost 2 times less than a live bird. “Output” is 50% meat, 15% fat and about 5% offal, everything else is thrown away.

→Breed king was released in the USA. In a month and a half, a bird can reach a weight of 700 g, however, at some exhibitions there are specimens up to 2 kg. For a year, the female brings up to 18 chicks.

Pigeons of breed King

→Breed Strasser also applies to meat, was bred in Europe. The average weight of a pigeon fluctuates around 1 kg, some reach a weight of 1.2 kg. Strasser looks very stocky, he is also inactive. Length 35-40 cm, dark orange eyes, legs strong and widely spaced. In a month, the bird grows up to 700 g. During the season, a couple can bring up to ten chicks. In order for the offspring to be large, it is recommended to get rid of parents whose age is more than five years.

Monden the breed of pigeons was bred in France, in the city of Monde-Marsan. Adult males reach a weight of 1.1 kg (after a month already 700 g). One of the main advantages of this breed is that the pigeon is eaten almost entirely (82% of the edible parts). The index of massiveness is the largest among other meat breeds and is equal to 28.7%. This indicator is used as an estimate of fleshiness.

There are not so many meat breeds of pigeons when compared with the same chickens. Pigeon breeders note that difficulties may arise already at the stage of acquiring high-quality birds. There are few farms in Russia where one could buy good parents for raising beef offspring. Often you have to go to Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia and even Germany. The issue of transportation is also acute, because a bird may not survive a bad road or hot weather, and the cost of a couple of pigeons reaches 15 thousand rubles. An alternative option is to buy pigeons at exhibitions, for example in the Crimea, where prices are much more democratic (500 rubles per individual).

Pigeon breeding and keeping conditions

The average productivity that a female can provide, being in not the most favorable conditions, will be 6 eggs per year. Hatching of eggs lasts a month. The interest of this process is that the male changes the female in shifts. Young animals gain weight within a month, after which it can already be sold. The average weight of a mature meat pigeon is 0.7-1 kg, but as mentioned earlier, a gutted carcass will weigh half as much.

To determine the age of pigeons, they look at the legs and cere (growth on the beak). At the age of five months, the cere begins to turn white and over time becomes whiter and larger. Pigeons can live up to 15 years, but age can only be determined up to 5 years.

When buying individuals, it is advisable to take the contact details from the seller, so that in case of problems you can get advice. A conscientious seller will agree to give his phone number.

Pigeons can hardly be called whimsical birds. They are kept in attics, in special street pigeon houses, but it is better to get a separate room for breeding for meat. An aviary with a stretched mesh can be attached to the room. The main thing is that cats, dogs, foxes and other predators could not penetrate the bird. It is not without reason that dovecotes are raised above the ground.

Despite the fact that the dove is considered a symbol of peace, according to pigeon breeders, Kings can be very aggressive towards their relatives. Males fight with each other, females throw other people's eggs out of their nests. Females will be calmer if everyone is provided with enough nests.

So that cleaning the room does not present big problems, you can pour sand on the floor. After winter, it is advisable to carry out general cleaning.

Breeding pigeons does not provide for close supervision, unlike the same rabbits, however, if a sick bird was nevertheless noticed, then it must be isolated in a separate cage so that it does not infect the rest, and also has the opportunity to eat normally. You need to feed the feed mixture 2 times a day. The composition of the feed should be: barley, millet, millet, peas, lentils, seeds. Various vitamins are sold in pet stores, it is advisable to add them to the feed from time to time, especially if the bird looks weak. Pigeons, like chickens, eat pebbles, shells, sand, clay. Coarse fractions are needed for grinding food, which contributes to better digestion. A pigeon consumes 55 g of feed per day. The water must be clean. Another important point is the absence of drafts.

You can create a special atmosphere of beauty and comfort on the site by using elements landscape design. The easiest option is to cover everything with a lawn (lawn grass seeds prices).

How to organize the sale of pigeon products

If you manage to negotiate with a restaurant or cafe, then this will solve the sales problem to a greater extent. For this you need to have veterinary certificates, besides, most likely you will have to register a peasant farm.

You can declare yourself on avito, taking a guideline for two categories of buyers, these are amateur poultry farmers and people who are ready to buy carcasses for cooking. Many diabetics, as well as those who have undergone surgery, are recommended dietary meat. Someone wants to buy a pigeon for barbecue.

The pigeon breeding business is sure to bring profit, as this bird is valued not only in the eyes of amateur pigeon breeders, but also gourmet eaters who love to eat deliciously.