How to take pictures in nature. Wedding photo shoot in nature

Nature as a decoration is always a good choice for a photo shoot. Shooting in the open air makes it possible not only to realize the most daring ideas, but also to relax, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and recharge with positive energy for several days ahead. Such a photo shoot is a great opportunity for experimentation. You can try to shoot in different images at any time of the year and weather. If you think through the details to the smallest detail, you will get a lot of positive impressions and amazing photos.

Images for a photo shoot in nature

It will turn out well in a photo - this is a whole art associated with many tricks and secrets. No wonder professional models are specially trained in this.

As a rule, the most difficult part is choosing a pose. Of course, if he shoots professional photographer, this problem simply does not exist for you. He will always tell you how to stand up, lie down and in which direction to turn your head. If a non-professional acts as a photographer in your photo session, then try to think about choosing poses in advance.

Pledge good photos- practice. Look at the photo shoots made by professionals and try to replicate the model's poses. First, practice at home in front of a mirror, in which angles you look the most advantageous, ask your loved one or girlfriend to take a picture of you at home. In this way, you will get rid of stiffness in front of the camera, and you will already have a certain idea in which poses you look best.

Here are some options good poses They are elementary but effective.

Facial expression plays an important role, here you can’t do without practice at the mirror. Practice smiling correctly, choose a good head tilt and gaze direction.

In order for the photo shoot to be successful, you need perfect makeup. So, here are a few tips, following which you will look perfect at a photo shoot:

  • In the 72 hours before your shoot, try to eliminate alcohol, red meat, caffeine, and spicy foods from your diet. These foods can make the skin oilier and cause facial puffiness.
  • Take care of your eyebrows in advance, they must be of the correct shape and look well-groomed.
  • Get a manicure. Even the best photo can be ruined by peeling nail polish.
  • If you dye your hair, be sure to make sure that the hair color is uniform. The regrown roots in the photo will be very noticeable.
  • On the night before shooting, go to bed early and do not drink water at night so that there are no swelling and bags under the eyes in the morning.
  • If you are making your own make-up, take a magnifying mirror. Remember, professional cameras capture all the little things and facial defects.
  • Makeup for a photo shoot should be brighter and richer than usual.
  • Try to achieve the perfect face tone. In the process of shooting, always keep powder on hand to remove oily sheen from time to time.
  • Choose matte eyeshadows, in the photo they look more advantageous than mother-of-pearl.
  • It is better for owners of dark skin to abandon pink, purple and burgundy shades in makeup, but for blondes with fair skin, on the contrary, they are very suitable.

Ideas for a photo shoot in nature: seasons

Of course, shooting in the warm season, on bright and sunny days, brings the most comfort and joy. Do not reject rainy and frosty weather, dawns, night and twilight, it is at this time that you can take unique and unusual photos.

  • Photos during the period of golden autumn are bright and delight the eye with unique melancholy and longing for fading nature. These can be romantic shots with a touch of sadness. It is not for nothing that many poets loved this time of year. "It's a sad time! Eye charm!
  • Love stories against the backdrop of autumn nature are very touching and sincere, styles such as grunge, retro, hippie, classic, fantasy, beauty, naturel.
  • In a photo shoot against the background of bright nature, contrasting tones should prevail in clothes, because black, white, blue, purple, green and any other, the main thing is that it does not merge with red and yellow foliage. Prints and patterns on clothes look great. by the most winning options there will be a cage, a strip and a rough knit. Do not forget about accessories and bright makeup.

  • Be sure to bring various props with you, as a bright umbrella, a warm blanket, a scarf, a book, a mug, apples, etc., depending on what image you want to embody.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to take pictures on a rainy day, such weather will come in handy for the implementation of ideas in the style of erotic romance or retro drama. Nature itself dictates creepy and nostalgic ideas.

  • At this time of the year, especially in snowy weather, atmospheric styles look advantageous. Photos will turn out incredibly beautiful in gothic, dark, duck fashion, fantasy styles. Winter is the best suited for gloomy, mysterious plots: witches, vampires and other fairy-tale characters. Winter is a period of spleen and sadness, bright colors against the background of frozen nature look especially bewitching. The classics will also perfectly fit into the winter atmosphere: high hairstyles, strict makeup and natural furs. If you manage to get to the village, where log huts are still preserved, you can make a photo session in the style of Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas".
  • Makeup for a winter photo shoot should be thought out to the smallest detail. Perfectly even skin tone, well-defined eyes and eyebrows, bright lips.

  • On sunny and fine winter days, you can go for a photo shoot with the whole family and play snowballs, make a snowman, ride down an ice slide. Or grab New Year's paraphernalia, champagne, cocoa, sausages and warm blankets, light a fire and arrange a small family holiday. Such photos are very positive and cheerful.

  • For a spring photo shoot, by the way, it’s perfect light beauty styles, naturel, classic. You can play the role of a spring girl against the backdrop of awakening nature. Photos near flowering trees are always beautiful if you beat the plot in an original way and create a unique composition. Spring is considered the most romantic time of the year, and is a wonderful backdrop for various love stories.
  • The spring image should be light, muted tones, delicate colors and paints, airy textures. Makeup should echo the palette of shades of nature. Best Colors it is light lilac, pale pink, green. On the hair, it is recommended not to make tricky hairstyles, but to leave them loose.

  • The main task of the spring photo shoot is to convey the beauty of nature. Therefore, the model should look neutral, without drawing attention to itself.

  • There are so many ideas for a photo shoot in the summer that one may not even be enough. In addition to beautiful photos, you will also soak up the warm sun and get a lot of positive emotions. For shooting, it is better to choose the second half of the day, when the sun is not shining so brightly, then the photo will have a softer light. Since summer is a bright time, then the clothes should be appropriate.

  • The seashore, ponds, flowering fields, forests, lawns, haylofts, parks are great places to shoot in the summer. For the embodiment of various themes, historical directions of cosplay, hippies, grunge, etc. are suitable.

Bright summer days have come, the sun is hot, there is green grass, bushes and trees around, the weather is simply magnificent. What to do? Stay home? Work? Well, I do not! We go to the doctor, ask for a sick leave and go on vacation :) If you have time and want to sculpt something creative, I suggest holding a photo session in the summer. Judge for yourself, everything around is so fabulously beautiful, the daylight is very large, it is so warm outside that you can take pictures at night and in general all day long, until you exhaust yourself and fall asleep, standing with a camera in your hands. And with all this, the shooting process itself is a very exciting and interesting activity.
I hope I convinced you of the relevance of a photo shoot in the summer? Perhaps you do not know where to start, then I will try to help.

Think over the image for a photo shoot in the summer. It can be any of your fantasies that you can realize.
Choose a location for the photo session. It can be a flower field, a park, a sandy wasteland, a lake or sea shore, a forest, historical place with interesting architectural structures or any place that will emphasize your image.
Choose an outfit for your look. It can be a specially designed and tailored suit worth hundreds of thousands of euros or something from an old wardrobe, you decide. Looks great in the photo and the lack of outfit :) but this is a different genre - nude, we'll talk about this another time, if there is a desire :)
Makeup is also very important. Make it so that it matches the character and color scheme with the outfit or props and enhances and complements the image you have come up with.
Image props. What it is? Anything, but again, working on the image. A flower, an old clock, a sword, a cage, an umbrella, a book, a steering wheel from a moped, a kettle, a button accordion, a goat ... If it’s not yet clear what the button accordion is for a goat, don’t worry, everything will be described further with examples.
After all, I have been looking for all sorts of ideas for a photo shoot in the summer. Now I have grouped them and present them to your attention. I also tried to analyze and determine what exactly gives the photo originality and elegance and left my modest comments under each photo.

Wood nymphs can sleep in trees. For a photo shoot in the summer, you can take ideas and images from folk tales Let's exploit the image of a mermaid Mermaid Variations
An interesting idea for a photo shoot in the summer Dramatic pose in a girl Interesting photo in the city near the river. No strangers, photographed at sunset, against the sun, it looks like with a reflector
This dress trick can be easily recreated with the help of an assistant who lifts the hem of the dress and disappears from the frame on the count of three. The task of the photographer is to capture the moment. The piquancy adds a hint of nudity Can use furniture as props Petals as props. Notice how the coloring of the dress goes well with the petals on the bridge.
Beautiful airy dress, sunset, good angle and The girl is located according to the rule. Outfit is beaten. Good lighting Beautiful scenery and bare shoulders
With a boat, new horizons of a photo shoot open up in the summer Another provocation for men Pets are a whole warehouse of ideas for a photo shoot in the summer
Pets - a loose concept The horse is just cool Let's move on to the problem of proper nutrition :)
Apples are a healthy food and good props for photo shoots Strawberries are known to symbolize sexuality. Glamorous look. Deep shadows under the eyes can be hidden with glasses
Lush hair backlit by the sun creates a halo effect Wave your head Jump to health
Play the image of an Indian Good on the street, lying on a chic sofa in the shade, reading your favorite book In extreme cases, you can read on the grass
There are many cool props in the village Stairs can be in the room. The rule of thirds. The mirror, like a reflector, creates contour light Is it hard to find such a dandelion?
Girl with a bouquet of dandelions, contour light Remember main function dandelions On that ladder that was before, you can climb to the roof and get a cool photo
You can climb higher Arm yourself with a watering can and a swing The dream of Ostap Bender: a beauty and the 12th chair with treasures :)
Don't confuse salt with sugar The image of a homeless girl who spends the night and lives on the street :)
Cool bike for photo shoots Spyglass as props A simple but interesting look. Photographed against the light.
Take a photo in a convertible Such a background can be found, for example, in the botanical garden
Original pose and hair color Origami rule With a kite you can make a whole photo session
There are very beautiful places in the forest A hat can also be a good addition to the image. Flowers in the hair look very impressive
We have already blown dandelions, now let's play with freshly cut grass The girl's face is well highlighted Interesting costume and wonderful background
Interesting photos are obtained even in some abandoned and dilapidated premises She went through copper pipes!
Summer is the time to change windows. Can be supplemented with old ideas for a photo shoot in the summer Always remember balloons Fool around in a cafe
Do you have such a beautiful umbrella? When you wallow in the grass, remember something pleasant and go crazy It is good to fly a kite in the field
If you catch the right mood, photos will be obtained everywhere Specially made props - paper wings interesting hairstyle
Another image Don't Forget the Hay

A person can stop a moment. The shutter of the camera, as if by magic, captures a memorable moment of unforgettable emotions. How nice it is to sort through the pictures and mentally immerse yourself in that past day! Happy experiences and quivering feelings immediately come to life in my head. We need to make more cards-copies of emotionally colored events. After all, there will be many other days, but this one will never happen again. The summer period is considered the most successful for shooting outdoors.

Ideas for a photo shoot in summer

Before you go to be photographed, it is important to think over the concept of the event. Of course, everyone wants to get bright and beautiful shots. For the sake of this, it is recommended to think over several options for shooting in advance. It is important to carefully prepare so that the resulting cards are successful.

Lovers of spontaneous shots should also consider ideas for a photo shoot in the summer, as this is the time when you can get the most positive and colorful shots. Below we consider the main variations and locations of summer projects.

Squares and parks

The forested area in itself is an ideal background, pleasant for perception. Juicy colors will provide photos with the necessary flavor. Flowers and trees will play the role of an indispensable accent in setting the right frame. Photo shoot locations in summer are full of nature's energy, so it's worth taking advantage of this seasonal perk. Some parks have fountains. The energy of water will add a certain zest to the setting of the frame.

What can you do surrounded by a gorgeous landscape? That's right: enjoy nature and the environment, relax. The model in the frame should behave at ease and look peaceful, being in complete harmony with nature. Staged shots are best left for studio walls. Relaxation and peace - that is the success of successful shots in the summer silence.

Field with flowers, herbs or sunflowers

Bright colors just beg to stay in high-quality pictures. Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer necessarily include the option of shooting in flowering fields. To ensure the idea, it is necessary to take care of transport in order to travel outside the city and find the desired territory.

The flower idea is a classic outdoor shot. Juicy colors combined with a light romantic image will leave wonderful memories for a lifetime. The intention of the photographer should be to convey the emotions of the human face as accurately as possible. A photo shoot in nature in the summer is a unique chance to capture the incredible creations of the planet and touch them. It is these feelings that should be reflected in the pictures. If at the end of the project you see a beautiful background, a satisfied person and a wonderful atmosphere that beckons you to return to that day, then the idea was a success.

The correct posture should be relaxed. You can skillfully beat the situation with a bouquet of flowers in your hands, or weave a fragrant wreath and decorate your hair with it. A few shots of the model relaxing in the thick grass will be the perfect ending.


The forest is one of the most mysterious places for photography. The female figure looks very organic against the backdrop of majestic trees and shrubs. A photo shoot in nature in the summer involves careful thinking through the image. The plot from a fairy tale can be colorfully depicted using the appropriate props. The most interesting options are the images of "Alice in Wonderland", "Cinderella", the guardian of the forest.

The style of clothing is also important. There are two win-win moves: create a romantic entourage with the help of outfit and accessories, or emphasize independence and willpower. The wardrobe must be defined in a color scheme that is in harmony with green and yellow.

Marine theme

In hot weather family photo shoot in summer it can be arranged on the sea or river bank. This is the perfect combination of relaxation and creating new pictures for a memorable archive. The mission of the photographer is to capture relaxed emotions, it is advisable to choose good angles, since the body in a swimsuit does not always look in the best way. The option of transforming into mermaids can also be implemented within the framework of the chosen theme. A photo session in nature in the summer is a great chance to have fun and productively spend time.

Summer cafe

AT summer period many establishments are being transformed into cafes with open terraces, cozy balconies are beginning to function. A harmonious combination of the interior, good weather and properly selected wardrobe items will help create beautiful shots.

Return to childhood

Walking on a sunny day is a real pleasure. One of the options for entertainment during a walk can be a photo shoot on the street. In summer, it is easy to choose a suitable bright day for such an event. An important condition for success will be the selection of attributes: bubble, kites and balloons, balls and toys. In order for the photos to turn out beautiful, you need to abstract from all the problems and have fun. Vivid emotions of a positive mood will give warmth while viewing such summer pictures.

Dandelions in the meadow

Dandelions in summer are lovely flowers associated with warmth and sunshine. Both yellow and already fluffy white buds are perfect as an idea for a photo shoot in the summer. Especially for children. You can collect them, blow off the fluff beautifully and just wallow in the clearing. Models should be warned to be careful: dandelion stains can be difficult to wash off clothes, they can easily ruin their favorite dress, and a photo session of children in the summer can be overshadowed.

city ​​walk

The architectural buildings of the city are also worthy of being a backdrop for summer photos. The image for a city walk can be absolutely anything. It is important to choose interesting places that look decent in the frame. Good pictures can be obtained at an abandoned construction site or in a sparsely populated part of the city. Such an atmosphere cannot be achieved at other times of the year, so you need to use summer days for creative ideas.

country picnic

Everyone remembers those beautiful commercials when friendly company eating in nature. Any family can have such shots, it is enough to take everything you need for a picnic and go to an attractive lawn. You should choose bright dishes and simple products that will organically fit into the overall landscape. If you ignore the photographer and communicate nicely, you will get classic shots of a happy family.

The riot of colors of the hot season is easy and simple to capture in photographs if you properly prepare for the process. On long winter evenings, the heart will experience a joyful thrill from the experienced sensations and strive to repeat them again and again. Photography is an opportunity to stop time here and now. It is necessary to use this unique honor and make more good shots.

Summer is the season for filming outdoors. Many go on photo walks to take beautiful staged portraits. But how do you move from creating random everyday shots to conscious portrait photography?

This article is about shooting a staged portrait: one in which a person poses for you. But most of the above tips can be used when shooting reportage shots, without staging.

Where to start?

Of course, the best place to start is planning the shoot.

Arrange with the person you want to shoot. If a person is interesting and pleasant to you, then the shooting will be comfortable. Let's look at what questions should be discussed with the model in advance.

    photography concept. Discuss with the model what image you want to show in the photo (for example, romantic or fabulous). Think about the nature of the model.

    Shooting location. The selection of a location (a slang word from the English location - the place in which the shooting takes place) should be treated with special attention. After all, the area in which you shoot can help reveal the plot of the pictures, the image and character of the model.

We especially note that the selected location must meet a number of criteria. For example, there should not be a ban on filming. It is advisable to choose a time when the planned shooting location has the least number of passers-by. Good places for a photo shoot will be parks, estates (open to the public), streets in the city center.

Many photographers specifically select "secret" locations for shooting - those that are not known to other photographers. In our lessons, we have repeatedly touched on the topic of choosing locations for shooting. Programs also help in the search - with the help of them we can find out what a particular place looks like without coming there. Before shooting, it is recommended to conduct reconnaissance on the ground yourself.

Choose locations that are easy and convenient to get to.

  • We agree with the model. Immediately agree with the model on the timing and procedure for obtaining photos (even if the model is your close friend).

Quantity finished photos difficult to predict. It all depends on the circumstances: how lucky you are with the place and the weather, how smoothly you can work with the model. About some general rules it's hard to say, but most often they agree on 10-20 processed frames from a photo shoot, the delivery time does not exceed a month.

All frames from the shooting (source files) are usually not given to the models, because the selection the best photos the author must do. Picking the best shots is as hard a skill as taking a photo. The ability to select photographs needs to be improved in the same way as your creative vision.

When discussing future shooting, the most important thing is to establish contact with the model. It is a good psychological contact with your hero that will allow you to take expressive pictures.

  • When should you pay for filming? Of course, the decision is yours alone. I will describe my opinion on this matter. The money for shooting is taken by a specialist who provides services to a less experienced person. Let's say you are a professional photographer, and your model is just a girl from a neighboring entrance who has nothing to do with photography. Then you will not have to create with it, namely to work. And they take money for work. If your experience in photography is the same as that of your model, then it is quite possible to agree on the terms of TFP (Time For Prints - time for pictures).

The terms denoted by the abbreviation TFP mean not just “free” shooting, but the joint work of two equal specialists aimed at a qualitative result. If you don't make a living from photography, I recommend limiting yourself to shooting interesting, pleasant people in TFP - you will get not only pleasure, but also really good shots.

  • What time of day is best to take pictures? When photographing outdoors, we can only control the lighting to a very limited extent (using flashes and a reflector). To create beautiful shots, you need to adapt not to your circumstances, but to the sunlight mode.

It is best to take pictures during the regime time - in the morning or evening hours; when the Sun is low above the horizon and gives spectacular, voluminous lighting. But sunny afternoon is not the best time for shooting. The model will squint, hard dark shadows will appear on her face, and the lighting itself in the frame will look dull and flat. Cloudy days work well for portrait photography. When the sky is covered with clouds, you can take pictures all day - the light will be diffused, pleasing to the eye.

What photography equipment do you need?

Portrait photography is good because it requires a minimum of photographic equipment. Enough to have reflex camera and bright lens.

Why do you need a SLR? It is very easy to operate, it is convenient to hold it in your hand. And of course, it has a large-sized matrix, which will provide not only excellent image quality, but also allow you to beautifully blur the background in the picture. APS-C (cropped) DSLRs are affordable and easy to operate. These include Nikon D3200, Nikon D3300, Nikon D5300, Nikon D5500. Cameras with full-frame sensors are more expensive, they are designed for an advanced user. This class includes models Nikon D610, Nikon D750, Nikon D810, Nikon Df.

All reflex cameras have interchangeable lenses. It is important to choose the right optics for shooting a portrait. Of course, you can start with a universal "whale" lens. But many photographers are quickly moving to more specialized optics. First of all, this includes high-aperture fixed lenses. A classic choice for portraits is a 50mm lens (such as the Nikon AF-S 50mm f/1.8G Nikkor). It is relatively inexpensive, it is convenient to use it on both cropped and full-frame cameras. If you want to shoot full-length portraits with part of the landscape included in the frame, it is better to choose a wider-angle lens with a focal length of 28 (for crop) or 35mm (for full frame).

NIKON D810 / 35.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 64, F1.4, 1/200 s, 35.0 mm equiv.

Note that when shooting at close range, such lenses will distort the proportions of the face and body of a person.

Classic portrait lenses are considered lenses with a focal length of 85 mm (for example, Nikon AF-S 85mm f / 1.8G Nikkor). But they are more suitable for full-frame devices, and on the “crop” they will “zoom in” too much.

Everything except the camera and lens is optional and depends on the author's creative ideas and shooting style.

NIKON D810 / 50.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 31, F1.4, 1/320 s, 50.0 mm equiv.

    When shooting portraits, they usually photograph on open apertures- so it turns out to blur the background, separating our hero from him. In addition, with an open aperture, it will be possible to make better shots in low light conditions. Aperture can be conveniently adjusted in modes A and M.

    How to make a frame darker or lighter? Use exposure compensation. This is the easiest way to correctly change the brightness of the resulting photos.

    Learn to Focus Accurately. This is especially important when working with fast optics. If the aperture values ​​are F1.4-F2.8, then it is very easy to miss focusing. As a result, your character's face will be blurry. Learn how your camera selects focus points. With high-aperture optics, it is convenient to work in single-point focusing mode, focusing on the eyes of the model.

    It is also necessary to monitor exposure. At too long a shutter speed, the model will “smear” from its own movements, a “shake” will appear in the photo. The best thing take pictures at shutter speeds shorter than 1/125 s, this will insure against strong blurring of the image. If you are shooting with a telephoto lens, or if your character is in constant motion (running, jumping), it is better to use a shutter speed faster than 1/250 s.

    Portrait photography often involves the processing of photographs. It can be as simple as white balance correction, as well as retouching images, removing skin defects and serious color correction. Therefore, it is desirable take pictures in RAW format in order to provide yourself with greater freedom for creativity during processing.

    From what distance to take a portrait? Keep a distance so that the proportions of the face and body of the person in the frame are not distorted. Photographing is the best from a distance of at least 2-3 meters. The size of the plan can be changed by choosing the focal length.

    Many photographers are fanatically chasing beautifully blurred backgrounds (bokeh) and "unique lens patterns". But it must be remembered that the protagonist in the frame - a man. Pay less attention to technical refinements and leave more time to work with the model and the plot of the frame. This is the way to expressive photographs. Beautiful portraits can be made even with the simplest technique, if you approach shooting with soul.

    If you decide to use manual focus lenses, then keep in mind that it will be extremely difficult to accurately focus with them. If the model is relatively stationary, you can focus through the Live View screen. Shooting through it (with zoom) will allow you to focus more accurately.

NIKON D810 / 50.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 100, F2.8, 1/320 s, 50.0 mm equiv.

There are a lot of different approaches and styles of shooting staged portraits. We recently had a tutorial with basic creative tips for beginner photographers. These tips are quite relevant for shooting a portrait. And here are some more useful tips for creating expressive portraits:

    A portrait photographer should be able to win over people, interest them, inspire them. If there is mutual understanding between the photographer and his hero, during the photo shoot you will be able to take a lot of good shots.

    Explain the essence of the frames to the model, tell us what you want to see in the photo. It is possible not in words: show by your own example, make sketches on paper, offer an associative series. Perhaps you remember a suitable image from some famous movie or book. The ability to explain your intention is an important skill for a photographer. Of course, in order to be able to do this, you will first have to think carefully about the essence of what you are photographing.

    It's good when the result of portrait shooting is not one frame, but a small series of shots, united by a common idea, history, style.

    The staging does not cancel the life and emotions in the frame. It only determines the plot in which our hero lives. Talk to the model, try to evoke the right emotions in her. Offering clear, strictly defined poses for shooting is not the best option. Most likely, with this approach, the model in the picture will turn out to be clamped.

NIKON D810 / 85.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 900, F1.4, 1/160 s, 85.0 mm equiv.

    A similar tip for photographing children: don't expect children to be arranged like puppets. Come up with a plot, a general outline of the shooting and combine it with a child's game to keep them interested. Play, communicate with the child. Pick up funny accessories for the photo shoot: interesting clothes, toys, etc.

    Look for diffuse side lighting. If the shooting takes place during regime time, you can try backlighting.

  • A series of portrait photos (photoset) can be supplemented with other interesting pictures - for example, take a picture of the model's hands.

NIKON D810 / 35.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 64, F1.4, 1/400 s, 35.0 mm equiv.

    Praise the model! Do not forget to celebrate her successful actions. Point to what you like. This will help to find contact, to liberate your hero. If something doesn’t go the way you planned, then it’s better not to blame, but to talk in a friendly way about your vision of the frame.

    Use elementary layout rules. Compose the frame according to the rule of thirds, do not "cut off" the limbs of your hero at the joints, leave more space in the direction of the model's gaze. Of course, these rules can and should be broken sometimes. But it is important to understand that the one who knows and understands them well breaks the rules effectively.

    It is believed that it is most beneficial to photograph a person at the level of his eyes (yes, when shooting children, you will need to sit down). Let this be your starting point in choosing an angle. It is important to consider that people have different faces, so in each case, the shooting point can be taken lower or higher.

NIKON D810 / 85.0 mm f/1.4 SETTINGS: ISO 31, F1.4, 1/320 s, 85.0 mm equiv.

Tip that has become traditional - do not be afraid to experiment! All good photographers did not immediately come to their style of shooting. Think creatively, but don't forget theory! And you will certainly succeed.

Man is an integral part of nature. But scientific and technological progress, plants, factories, cars gradually made the human environment unsuitable for life. Therefore, people strive for nature to cleanse the lungs, calm the shattered nervous system, relax and unwind. And most of the outdoorsmen take photographs, which later, when the weather does not allow to get out of the city, remind of wonderful days.

But before you start the long-awaited outdoor photography, you should decide in what positions the models will be. If there is a lot of lush green grass in the resting place, then photos where the model lies on her stomach or on her side will be effective. A person sitting in a lotus position looks very provocatively and playfully. If the picture is a family one, then all of the above poses can be combined without problems. And the photo will turn out cheerful and cheerful.

If the models do not accept extravagant poses, then you can choose any standing position for a photo shoot. By the way, if the model is not just standing, but moving, then the pictures are very impressive and dynamic. The graceful dynamics of the movement of the model and the hair developing in the wind, for example, fascinate.

You can try to take a photo in the jump. According to experienced photographers, it is the jump that can reveal inner world a person, his true emotions, and therefore a jump is considered to be one of the most successful angles for a photo in nature. Be sure to use various tools at hand when photographing: beautiful fabric, umbrella, furniture, etc. All these items add variety to the shooting, and the photos are lighter, more interesting and sensual. If you didn’t have various improvised means at hand, then you can use everything that nature has: fallen leaves, flowers, tree branches.

What is good about the standing pose, that the emphasis can be placed on the scenery. For example, river floods or sprawling trees. In the frame of the model, a secondary role is assigned, and most of the frame (70 percent) is occupied by nature. And the model, which is placed on the side or in the center, takes up only 30 percent of the space. Or even less.

To achieve ease, the model should be installed near an object on which it can lean. For example, on a rock or a tree. In this case, you should cross your legs, put one hand on your thigh, and relax the other. In spring and summer, pictures with flowers, grass and other greenery are obtained with high quality. For example, the model can sit down in a field, taking the grass under her, and take a bouquet of wild flowers in her hands. As an option - a wreath of wildflowers on the head.