Who draws up a procurement plan for 223 fz. Making changes to the annual procurement plan

The form of the procurement plan is established by Government Decree No. 932 of September 17, 2012 “On approval of the rules for the formation of a procurement plan for goods (works, services) and requirements for the form of such a plan.” AT procurement plan must contain the necessary information on procurement for the customer. So the procurement plan 223 FZ 2013 should contain a list of the following information:

  1. Customer details
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Plan serial number
  • Subject of the contract with OKDP and OKVED codes
  • Requirements for purchased goods (works, services)
  • Unit of measurement of goods (works, services) according to OKEI code
  • Volume of goods (works, services)
  • Region of receipt of goods, works, services by OKATO code
  • Lot price
  • Planned date of publication of the notice of purchase
  • Term of the contract
  • Purchasing method
  • Indicate whether the purchase belongs to the type of electronic trading
  • Not included in the procurement plan under 223 FZ:

    • Purchases determined by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation
    • Purchases constituting a state secret

    It is worth noting that purchases, the cost of which is up to 100 thousand rubles, may not be included in the plan. / 500 thousand rubles

    According to government decree No. 908 of September 10, 2012 “On approval of the Regulations on posting procurement information on the official website”, the procurement plan or information on plan adjustments is posted on the CAB within 10 days from the date of approval of the document. The procurement plan must be developed and posted by the customer to the OOC by December 31 of the following year.

    Procurement plan for 223 FZ

    The procurement plan should include a quarterly and monthly breakdown. The plan itself should not display the order of delivery, only information about the planned month for the conclusion of the contract is entered there, even if the delivery will be carried out within a year or several years. If the purchase is long-term, then the plan indicates the month in which the contract will be concluded, in the column duration of the contract, the corresponding period is entered. This is necessary in order for the work in matters of public procurement to be properly and clearly organized, well-established, moreover, such an approach will help to avoid possible mistakes and misunderstandings.

    Urgent purchases, for example, contract / subcontract agreements that cannot be planned, are a good basis for adjusting the purchase plan along with a change in the customer's need for goods (services, works), a change in the price of goods by more than 10% and others approved in the regulation about purchases. The plan can be adjusted as many times as necessary if there is no information on such actions in the procurement regulation itself. Absolutely any change in this area should be immediately reflected in the documentation. Otherwise, problems may again arise if the changes that have occurred are not pointed out in time.

    Features of the Procurement Plan for Law 223

    After the entry into force of Federal Law 223 on procurement, the maximum difficult question in the work of customers will be the formation, or rather, the subsequent change in the procurement plan, since all changes in procurement must be immediately made to the corresponding plan and added to the official website. Placing all the necessary information on the site is a way to make public tenders open, honest and accessible. And this, as you know, is the most important thing in this matter, since it is precisely the part of state trade that accounts for the largest number of all sorts of machinations.

    In turn, a change in the procurement plan (purchase plan 223 FZ 2013) must be agreed upon and also approved by the company's management. Since it is in the public sector that a huge number of procurement procedures are currently placed every day, the number of changes indicated in the procurement plan will be quite large. Otherwise, mistakes and misunderstandings cannot be avoided. Structure public procurement is a complex mechanism that includes a huge number of organizations and enterprises, and the outcome of the entire procedure depends on the work of each of them. Therefore, before starting cooperation with government customers, soberly assess your strengths, because you will have to work hard if you want to make a profit.


    Law N 223-FZ (part 2, article 4) provides for the obligation of the customer to place in the EIS a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services for a period of at least one year.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 N 932 approved the Rules for the formation of a plan for the procurement of goods (works, services) and the requirements for the form of such a plan.

    According to part 5.1 of Art. 3 of Law N 223-FZ, contracts based on the results of procurement are concluded by customers in accordance with the procurement plan, except for the following cases:

    — situations where procurement information should not be included in the procurement plan or may not be included in it;

    – cases when the need for purchase arises as a result of an accident, other emergencies natural and man-made nature, circumstances force majeure, including if it is necessary to carry out urgent medical intervention and prevent the threat of occurrence of all these situations.

    In addition to the specified procurement plan, customers are required to place in the EIS procurement plans for innovative products, high-tech products, medicines for a period of five to seven years (part 3 of article 4 of Law N 223-FZ).

    The criteria for classifying goods, works, services as innovative products and (or) high-tech products for the purposes of forming a procurement plan for these products are determined federal authorities executive power performing the functions of legal regulation in the established field of activity, as well as State Corporation for nuclear energy Rosatom, taking into account priority areas development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and a list of critical technologies Russian Federation(part 4 of article 4 of Law N 223-FZ).

    Currently, some executive authorities have approved such criteria for use in planning procurement related to activities in the following areas regulated by them:

    – education, science and scientific and technical activities;

    — industry, foreign and domestic trade;

    – civil defense and security fire safety;

    — healthcare;

    — communication and mass communications;

    — migration;


    - transport;

    - energy.

    Based on these criteria, customers compile lists of goods, works, services that meet the criteria for classifying innovative products, high-tech products, and also develop provisions on the procedure and rules for the application (implementation) of such goods, works, services (part 4.1, article 4 of Law N 223-FZ).

    For specific customers, the list of which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2016 N 475-r, additional requirements for the content of the plans are established:

    - plans for the purchase of innovative products, high-tech products, medicines of such customers should contain sections on the purchase from the SMSP (part 3.2 of article 4 of Law 223-FZ);

    - their plans for the purchase of goods, works, services should include a list of innovative products, high-tech products purchased from SMEs, as well as the ratio of the volume of purchases of these products to the annual volume (part 3.3 of article 4 of Law 223-FZ).


    The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has developed the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities”, which is supposed to introduce a system of rationing purchases, i.e. establish requirements for goods, works, services purchased by customers to meet their own needs.

    The text of the bill can also be found at the link: http://regulation.gov.ru/projects#npa=45149.

    Article 5.1 of Law N 223-FZ provides that, in relation to certain categories of customers, compliance monitoring and assessment of the compliance of procurement plans (as well as drafts of such plans, their amendments and draft amendments) and annual reports with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing for the participation in the procurement of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs).

    Such assessment and monitoring are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, as well as by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or organizations created by them for these purposes.

    A draft plan for the purchase of goods, works, services, a draft plan for the purchase of innovative, high-tech products, medicines, as well as draft amendments to such plans are subject to conformity assessment. Evaluation is carried out before projects are approved.

    Compliance monitoring is carried out in relation to approved procurement plans, changes made to such plans, and in relation to annual reports of customers in terms of procurement from SMSP.

    All of the above categories of customers should be included in the plans for the purchase of goods, works, services, as well as in the plans for the purchase of innovative products, high-tech products, medicines, sections on the purchase from the SMSP.

    Based on the results of the conformity assessment and monitoring of compliance, customers are issued a conclusion on the compliance of the documents being checked with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the participation of SMEs in the procurement, or a notification of their non-compliance with such requirements. If the customer does not eliminate the violations specified in the notification or does not place the protocol of disagreements to this notice in the EIS, the implementation of the procurement plans of such a customer may be partly an antimonopoly authority.

    Timing for the commencement of conformity assessment and conformity monitoring for various categories customers and documents are established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2015 N 1169.

    The order planning process within the framework of 223-FZ involves the timely notification of all participants in procurement activities about the needs of the customer.

    This information is displayed in the purchasing plan. Consider the peculiarities of compiling, amending and publishing this document in the public domain.


    The procurement plan under 223-FZ is a planned supply document that reflects the needs of the customer for a certain period in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, as well as the Procurement Regulations, taking into account the timing of the procedures. It must represent electronic document in a format that makes it possible to save, search and copy an arbitrary piece of text (scanned or graphic image picture is not allowed). The rules for the formation, as well as the requirements for its form, were approved by Resolution No. 932 of September 17, 2012.

    The term of the procurement plan under 223-FZ is at least 1 year (if the terms of a particular order provide for a longer period, the document is formed taking it into account, there are no restrictions on the maximum planning period). The specifics of orders for innovative, high-tech and medicinal products oblige to conduct for a period of 5 to 7 years (even if these types of goods are not purchased, an empty plan must be published).

    What to include in procurement plans under 223-FZ for 2018

    The customer must provide the following information:

    • name and contact details (address, phone number);
    • PP revision number, formed sequentially from the beginning of the year;
    • the name of the object, including: identification code according to OKVED-2 and OKPD-2, unit of measure according to OKEI, delivery address according to OKEI;
    • description of the object and its quantity;
    • initial price of the contract;
    • the expected date of publication of the order documentation and the deadline for its execution;
    • method of placing an order, indicating the type (electronic or not);
    • whether the order is carried out only among small and medium-sized businesses;
    • whether the order relates to the acquisition of innovative or high-tech products.

    Government purchases in the amount of less than 100,000 rubles. (if the customer's annual revenue is more than 5 billion rubles - in the amount of not more than 500,000 rubles), the customer may not reflect. Information constituting a state secret, as well as specific auctions determined by the Government, are also not subject to placement (orders dated December 24, 2015 No. 2662 - nuclear energy goods, dated September 27, 2016 No. 2015 No. 1247-r - space products, etc.).

    How to post and make changes

    The procedure for placement in the EIS is regulated by Resolution No. 908 of September 10, 2012. Chapter III indicates a ten-day period for placement from the date of approval of the plan, but no later than December 31 of the current calendar year.

    The customer must sign the document with an enhanced qualified signature before publishing it in the EIS. It is important that in the event of a discrepancy between the information reflected in the printed form and the electronic one created through the functionality of the EIS, the data of the unified information system will be the priority (part 9 of Resolution No. 908).

    Unlike the strictly regulated period for updating planning documents under 44-FZ, changes to the procurement plan 223-FZ are made within 10 days from the date of the decision to make changes, but no later than publication in the EIS.

    Changes to the procurement plan under 223-FZ are possible in the following cases:

    • changes in demand, including the timing of the acquisition of goods, works, services;
    • adjusting the method of determining the supplier;
    • volume change Money required for bidding, more than 10% of the estimated value;
    • other cases stipulated by the Regulations on the purchase of the customer.

    Procurement plan sample 223-FZ

    Consider in what cases the customer is faced with the need to create zero plan procurement, whether it is necessary to place it in the EIS, and whether sanctions are provided for its absence.

    When can I place a zero procurement plan under 44 FZ or 223 FZ

    In accordance with the requirements of the legislation on procurement activities, the customer is obliged to post information about tenders planned for next year in a timely manner. At the same time, it does not matter which federal law he works: No. 44 or No. 223.

    Procurement planning under Law No. 223-FZ

    Violation of the terms for the placement of PZ and schedules may entail administrative liability for the organization and officials.

    However, in practice there may be situations where orders are not scheduled. This situation may be, for example, in cases where:

    • the organization purchases in accordance with Law No. 223 from off-budget funds, grants, etc. (Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ), but there are no such funds in the planned year and, accordingly, procurement will not be carried out;
    • the customer plans only orders up to 100,000 rubles, which he has the right not to place in the EIS and not to enter into the PZ;
    • the customer was not brought financing for the next financial year.

    A similar situation also arises for customers who do not purchase innovative and high-tech products, but, in accordance with Art. 4 of Law No. 223-FZ are required to post a plan for such public procurement.

    So, is it necessary in these cases to place planning documents in the Unified information system?

    Non-placement can be qualified by the inspection bodies as a violation by the customer of the established procedure for planning and placing information. Responsibility for non-placement is provided for in Articles 7.29.3, 7.32.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The absence of this information in the EIS does not indicate the absence of public procurement. The way out of this situation will be the placement of the so-called zero PZ. Thus, it will be observed statutory planning procedure and formally communicated information to an indefinite circle of persons about the absence of tenders.

    Placement of a zero procurement plan under 223-FZ

    Consider step by step how to place a zero procurement plan for 223-FZ.

    Step 1. We draw up a document in paper form. We put dashes in the columns.

    Step 2. We approve the document from the head of the organization or an authorized person.

    Step 3. We place in the EIS. We select the type, enter information about the planning period, the date of approval by the manager.

    Step 4. If the system requires filling in information on public procurement, you can put dashes and zeros.

    Step 5. We attach a graphic form of the document - a prepared document in Excel or Word format (not a scan).

    Step 6. We sign with the help of EDS.

    Information must be posted in the EIS no later than 10 days from the date of approval by the head. It is necessary to have time to approve and place the document before December 31 of the current year.

    A sample of a zero procurement plan according to 223-FZ

    How to place a zero plan for the purchase of innovative products

    The PZ for innovative products is formed by customers working under Law No. 223-FZ for a period of 5 to 7 years. Information must be uploaded to the EIS by December 31 of the current year.

    The procedure for preparing and placing is similar to those for placing a PP:

    • we prepare a document in paper form, put dashes in the appropriate columns;
    • approve the document in paper form with the head of the organization;
    • in the column "Purchase plan type" select "Procurement plan for innovative products";

    • enter information about the planning period, the date of approval;
    • if necessary, fill out a structured form in the EIS (put dashes and zeros);
    • attach a graphical view of the document;
    • We sign with the help of EDS and place it in the EIS.

    Sample filling of zero PP of innovative products

    Law N 223-FZ provides for the obligation of customers to plan their purchases. Such planning should be carried out by customers by drawing up and approving procurement plans, the form, procedure and terms of placement on the official website of which are determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 N 932 “On approval of the Rules for the formation of a procurement plan for goods (works, services) and requirements to the form of such a plan.

    The procurement plan must include all procurements planned by the customer, with the exception of procurements, information about which constitutes a state secret (provided that such information is contained in the procurement notice, procurement documentation or in the draft contract), as well as procurements for which adopted a special decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Art.

    Procurement planning under 223-FZ

    4 of Law N 223-FZ. It should be noted that in relation to “small purchases”, the amount of which is 100,000 rubles or less (and if the customer’s annual revenue for the reporting financial year is more than 5 billion rubles - 500,000 rubles or less), the customer independently accepts decision on their inclusion or non-inclusion in the procurement plan.

    An important question remains about the need to include in the procurement plan those purchases whose amount exceeds 100 (500) thousand rubles, but at the same time carried out by the customer in accordance with the regulation on the purchase by the method "from a single supplier" (provided that information about such purchases is not constitute a state secret and no special decision has been made on them by the Government of the Russian Federation). According to the authors of this publication, information about such purchases is subject to mandatory inclusion in the procurement plan approved by the customer (note: preferably before the day the relevant agreements (contracts) are concluded with product suppliers).

    The purchase plan approved by the customer can be formed taking into account such information as exchange rates, stock indices and other information. When forming procurement plans, the customer can be based on the programs approved by him, for example:

    a) production program, which takes into account all purchases that form the cost estimate for the production and sale of goods (works, services);

    b) repair program (repair plan);

    c) an investment program that includes technical re-equipment and reconstruction, including in the area information technologies, New construction;

    d) other programs.

    According to Part 1 of Art. 4 of Law N 223-FZ, the procurement plan must be formed by the customer for one calendar year. However, there is one exception to this rule. It is established in relation to customers purchasing innovative or high-tech products, as well as medicines. Such customers should form separate long-term procurement plans (see Table 1).

    Table 1

    Formation of procurement plans for innovative or high-tech products, as well as medicines

    table 2

    Comparison of information included in procurement plans

    Procurement plan for regular products

    Procurement plan for high-tech, innovative products, medicines

    1. Name, location address, telephone and address Email customer.

    1. Same as column 1.

    2. Serial number, which is formed sequentially from the beginning of the year (for example, 1, 2, 3, etc.).

    2. Same as column 1.

    3. The subject of the contract indicating the identification code of the purchase in accordance with OKVED with the obligatory filling in of sections, subsections and the recommended filling in of classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups and types and OKDP with the obligatory filling in of sections, subsections and the recommended filling in of groups and subgroups of types economic activity, classes and subclasses of products and services, as well as types of products and services (for example, OKVED code - DA 15.11.1, OKDP code - D 1511010).

    3. The subject of the contract with the recommended indication of the procurement identification code, consisting of OKVED codes with filling in sections, subsections and OKDP with filling in sections, subsections (in relation to procurement plans for 2013-2016). Only the subject of the contract (in relation to procurement plans for 2017-2019).

    4. Minimum necessary requirements required for the purchased goods (works, services) provided for by the contract, including functional, technical, quality characteristics and performance characteristics of the subject of the contract, allowing to identify the subject of the contract (if necessary) (note: therefore, the procurement plan may not contain an indication of the minimum necessary requirements, but it is recommended to make a reference that such requirements will be established by the customer in the procurement documentation).

    4. Same as column 1.

    5. Units of measurement of purchased goods (works, services) and code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEI) (for example, meter, OKEI code 006).

    5. Not filled.

    6. Information on the quantity (volume) of purchased goods (works, services) in physical terms (note: if the customer purchases a specification within one lot various kinds goods that have different units of measurement, then, according to the authors of this publication, the customer has the right to indicate information about the quantity of purchased products in monosyllables, for example, 1 conventional unit. units).

    Not filled.

    7. Region for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and code according to the All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division (OKATO) (for example, the village of Altaiskoye, Altai Territory, OKATO code 01 202).

    7. Not filled.

    8. Information about the initial (maximum) contract price (lot price) (for example, 1,000,000 rubles).

    8. Not filled.

    9. Planned date or period for placement of a notice of purchase (year, month) (for example, 05.2013).

    9. Only the year in which the notice is planned to be placed is indicated.

    10. The term of the contract (year, month) (for example, 07.2015).

    10. Only the year in which the notice is planned to be placed is indicated.

    11. Procurement method (for example, open tender or other method provided for in the procurement regulations).

    11. Not filled.

    12. Purchase in electronic form(Not really).

    12. Not filled.

    The criteria for classifying purchased products as innovative and (or) high-tech for the purposes of forming a procurement plan are established by federal executive authorities (part 4 of article 4 of Law N 223-FZ). As of February 3, 2014, such criteria are established by the following regulatory legal acts:

    - Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 31, 2013 N 514n;

    - Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 14, 2012 N 768;

    - Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated November 1, 2012 N 1618;

    - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.11.2012 N 881.

    When planning the procurement of conventional products, as well as when planning the procurement of high-tech, innovative products, medicines, the customer must form two separate procurement plans, the content of each of which will be different (see Table 2).

    Each of these procurement plans must be formed in the form of a single (note: one) document in electronic format(for example, in doc format), which makes it possible to save it to technical means users and allowing the possibility of searching and copying an arbitrary piece of text using the appropriate viewer program (note: i.e., in other words, it is not allowed to generate a procurement plan in the form of a scanned document or a protected pdf file).

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2012 N 908 "On approval of the Regulations on the placement of procurement information on the official website", the procurement plan must be posted on the official website by the customer within 10 calendar days from the date of its approval, but no later than December 31 of the current calendar year. Organizations applying the provisions of Law N 223-FZ from January 1, 2014, as well as budget institutions who have adopted the procurement regulations before April 1, 2014, the procurement plan must also be posted within 10 calendar days from the date of its approval, but no later than the first procurement procedure carried out in the first year of application of the norms of Law N 223-FZ.

    To post a procurement plan on the official website, a customer representative in the closed part of the site must place a procurement plan generated in electronic format or a structured view of such a plan (note: a structured view means a procurement plan generated by means of the official website). This requirement will remain in effect until December 31, 2014. At the discretion of the customer, along with a structured view of the procurement plan, a graphical view of the procurement plan can be placed on the official website (for example, a scanned copy of the original procurement plan, displaying the signature, seal of the customer). The procurement plan is considered to be properly posted on the official website after the structured type of the procurement plan is posted in the public part of the official website and (or) electronic form procurement plan or a structured view of the procurement plan and a graphical view of such a plan.

    The fact that procurement plans must be approved for one year, and for innovative, high-tech products, medicines for a longer period, should not frighten the customer. According to the Rules for the formation of a procurement plan for goods (works, services), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 N 932, the procurement plan adopted by the customer may be adjusted. The procurement plan may be adjusted, among other things, in the following cases:

    a) changes in the need for goods (works, services), including the timing of their purchase, the method of procurement and the deadline for the execution of the contract;

    b) a change by more than 10 percent in the cost of goods (works, services) planned for purchase, identified as a result of preparation for the specific procurement procedure, as a result of which it is impossible to carry out the procurement in accordance with the planned amount of funds provided for by the procurement plan;

    c) in other cases established by the procurement regulations and other documents of the customer.

    Let us draw the reader's attention to the last of the above reasons for making changes to the schedule.

    They should not be neglected. In the absence of appropriate references in the procurement regulations, as well as in the documents of the customer, it will not be possible to make changes to the procurement plan already approved by the customer in terms of, for example, correcting the OKVED, OKDP codes of products planned for purchase, in terms of conducting purchases in electronic form and others.

    It should also be remembered that if the purchase of products is planned to be carried out through bidding (competition or auction), changes to the purchase plan must be made no later than the posting on the official website of the notice of purchase and purchase documentation or changes made to them.

    Planning issues, including the formation and approval of a procurement plan, should be reflected in the procurement regulation adopted by the customer. For example, as follows:

    “The procurement is carried out on the basis of the plan for the procurement of goods, works, services approved and posted on the official website.

    The formation of the procurement plan and its placement on the official website are carried out by the customer in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The procurement plan is the main planning document in the field of procurement and is approved by the customer for a period of at least one year.

    If you did not find the information you need on this page, try using the site search:

    Through procurement plans and schedules, customers determine the reasonable need for the purchase of goods, works or services (clauses 2, 4-6, part 2 of article 17 44-FZ) and the characteristic conditions of the planned order: object, price, quantitative indicators (clauses 2, 4, part 3 of article 21 44-FZ). The generated documents are placed in the EIS in without fail. How to make changes to the procurement plan or schedule , we will consider in the article.

    Change in the procurement plan under 44 Federal Law

    The regulatory framework allows for adjustment only in a number of cases (Government of the Russian Federation of 06/05/2015 No.

    No. 552 and No. 1043 dated November 21, 2013):

    • to bring in line with the intended purpose of procurement (Art. 13, 19 44-FZ);
    • for similar rationing with acts and budget regulations;
    • for the implementation of the standards of existing legislative and by-law resolutions and decisions;
    • to reflect by the customer the adjusted budgetary obligations, taking into account all movements in the current PFCD;
    • to comply with the decision on mandatory public comment;
    • to spend the savings generated from other procurement procedures;
    • to implement the conditions of the instructions of authorized regulatory bodies;
    • when unforeseen liabilities arise.

    Order to correct planning documents

    If it is necessary to make changes to the procurement plan under 44 FZ, the contract manager applies to the management (clause 1, part 4, article 38 44-FZ). The manager, in turn, creates an order in free form, which reflects all the necessary information regarding the adjustments to be made.

    Making changes to the procurement plan

    After three working days after signing the order, the responsible person must place the amended provisions in the EIS (part 9 of article 17 of the Federal Law No. 44).

    After the user has selected the “Make changes” item, a new document is created in the EIS, marked “In preparation”.

    6. How to develop a procurement plan?

    The new version copies data from the previous document. In the file itself, it becomes possible to correct each position, as well as to include a new order.

    User Guide for UIS dated 09/01/2017

    Changing the schedule according to 44 Federal Law

    Changes to the 2018 schedule are made upon cancellation of the planned procurement procedure, with a significant inversion of the order conditions (cost, bidding period, method of determining the supplier) or in pursuance of a mandatory public discussion decision (part 13 of article 21 of 44-FZ).

    Changes to the plan schedule in 2018 must be published within three working days after they are accepted and approved by the order. The adjustment procedure in the EIS is similar to the previous case.

    Making changes to the schedule implies that the term for the formation of a notice of procurement procedures will come no earlier than ten days after the publication of adjustments for a specific object of the order.

    Correction of planning documents according to Federal Law 223

    The introduction of amendments in accordance with the norms of 223 FZ is regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012. No. 132 and is allowed when correcting the list of goods, works and services planned for purchase, the planned timing of the order procedures, the method of its implementation, or the frequency of action contractual relations and fulfillment of the terms of the contract. Also, changes are allowed in case of adjustment by more than 10% of the cost indicator of the procurement object or on other grounds established in local regulations. regulations customer.

    When conducting such competitive methods as a contest or auction, it is recommended to observe strict time frames when forming improvements and publish the changes made in advance (before placing an order notice).

    The procurement plan in the new edition is signed with the key of the electronic digital signature the responsible executor of the institution acting as the customer, and is subject to publication in the EIS.

    The order planning process within the framework of 223-FZ involves the timely notification of all participants in procurement activities about the needs of the customer. This information is displayed in the purchasing plan. Consider the peculiarities of compiling, amending and publishing this document in the public domain.


    The procurement plan according to 223-FZ is a planned supply document that reflects the needs of the customer for a certain period in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, as well as taking into account the timing of the procedures. It must be an electronic document in a format that makes it possible to save, search and copy an arbitrary piece of text (scanned or graphic image as a picture is not allowed). The rules for the formation, as well as the requirements for its form, were approved by Resolution No. 932 of September 17, 2012.

    The term of the procurement plan under 223-FZ is at least 1 year (if the terms of a particular order provide for a longer period, the document is formed taking it into account, there are no restrictions on the maximum planning period). obliges to conduct for a period of 5 to 7 years (even if these types of goods are not purchased, an empty plan must be published).

    What to include in procurement plans under 223-FZ for 2019

    The customer must provide the following information:

    • name and contact details (address, phone number);
    • PP revision number, formed sequentially from the beginning of the year;
    • name of the object, including: identification code in accordance with OKVED-2 and OKPD-2, unit of measurement in accordance with OKEI, delivery address in accordance with OKEI;
    • description of the object and its quantity;
    • initial price of the contract;
    • the expected date of publication of the order documentation and the deadline for its execution;
    • method of placing an order, indicating the type (electronic or not);
    • whether the order is carried out only among small and medium-sized businesses;
    • whether the order relates to the acquisition of innovative or high-tech products.

    Government purchases in the amount of less than 100,000 rubles. (if the customer's annual revenue is more than 5 billion rubles - in the amount of not more than 500,000 rubles), the customer may not reflect. Information constituting a state secret, as well as specific auctions determined by the Government, are also not subject to placement (orders dated December 24, 2015 No. 2662 - nuclear energy goods, dated September 27, 2016 No. 2015 No. 1247-r - space products, etc.).

    How to post and make changes

    The procedure for placement in the EIS is regulated by Resolution No. 908 of September 10, 2012. Chapter III indicates a ten-day period for placement from the date of approval of the plan, but no later than December 31 of the current calendar year.

    The customer must sign the document with an enhanced qualified signature before publishing it in the EIS. It is important that in the event of a discrepancy between the information reflected in the printed form and the electronic one created through the functionality of the EIS, the data of the unified information system will be the priority (part 9 of Resolution No. 908).

    Unlike the strictly regulated period for updating planning documents under 44-FZ, changes to the procurement plan 223-FZ are made within 10 days from the date of the decision to make changes, but no later than publication in the EIS.

    Changes to the procurement plan under 223-FZ are possible in the following cases:

    • changes in demand, including the timing of the acquisition of goods, works, services;
    • adjusting the method of determining the supplier;
    • change in the amount of funds required for bidding by more than 10% of the estimated value;
    • other cases stipulated by the Regulations on the purchase of the customer.
    November 30, 2016 3:54 pm

    Or “Procurement plan for 223-FZ: how to prepare simply and easily”

    The result of procurement planning under 223-FZ is a procurement plan formed in a regulated form and placed in a unified information system (UIS) on time. But the law does not regulate how you will form it, so the customers themselves determine the order of the planning process and fix it in the Procurement Regulations developed at the enterprise.

    The formation of a procurement plan is a rather laborious process, since it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible the need of the entire enterprise for the purchase of goods, works, services for at least the next financial year, evaluate and agree on the need for each purchase, taking into account budget limits and stocks, if necessary, group the same type of needs, form , agree, approve and place the procurement plan in the EIS.

    If the goal of automating departments and services that carry out procurement for your company is not only the implementation of procedures regulated by law, but also the construction of an effective procurement planning system, in this case you should pay attention to the development of a planning methodology, choosing the best option and automating it.

    In this article, we will analyze several options for the formation of a procurement plan, but first we will define the terminology.

    Need is an application for the purchase of goods, works, services. The initiator of the need can be either an ordinary employee (for example, an application for the purchase of equipment to perform his work), or a manager, his deputy, or a specially allocated employee in a department (for example, to form needs for his department).

    Procurement plan item is a separate component of the procurement plan (separate line). In simple terms, one position is one purchase lot (see the figure below).

    Several requirements can be combined into one position. For example, requirements for the purchase of computers from different initiators can be included in one line item. In this case, we carry out one purchase, instead of several, reducing the workload of the department for organizing and conducting the purchase.

    The positions of the procurement plan are formed by employees of the organization involved in providing the enterprise with material resources or services, further responsible for the items of the procurement plan.

    Responsible for the positions of the procurement plan may be: head of the information and processing center - procurement computer science, specialists of the marketing department - the purchase of advertising and gift products, specialists of the administrative and economic service - the purchase of stationery, furniture, etc. Also, the role of the person responsible for the items of the procurement plan can be performed by the person responsible for the procurement plan.

    The use of a specialized system for the formation of a procurement plan simplifies the work for the person responsible for the procurement plan, as it is adapted for this task, there is no unnecessary information and allows the preparation and approval of the plan as efficiently as possible.

    Gathering information about needs

    Automation of the process of collecting needs and entering them into the system can be organized in one of the following ways:

    1. Directly in the relevant directory;

    2. Based on data from accounting systems;

    3. Based on memos;

    4. Based on the procurement plans of departments (in Excel tables).

    Consider options for building a planning process using an example of using technical solution"Procurement management" of the DIRECTUM system.

    1. Formation of needs by the initiators in the directory

    Need initiators create directory entries Needs within the terms determined by the regulations of the enterprise, coordinate with the immediate supervisors. Those responsible for the positions form, based on the needs of the procurement plan positions, checking the correctness of the entered data, supplementing with the information necessary to form the procurement plan in accordance with legal requirements. For example, the method of procurement, e-procurement or not, the date of placement, participants can only be SMP, etc.

    The needs formed by the initiators, as we discussed earlier, are grouped by the person responsible for the positions if necessary. can group by all-Russian classifier products by type of economic activity, taking into account the dates by which time it is necessary to fulfill each need.

    The obvious advantages of this scheme include the distribution of the load on departments, increased responsibility of the initiators for planning, increased transparency of the process, maximum structured information (increased tools for analysis - analytical reports, KPI), the possibility of automatic and manual grouping of needs.

    2. Formation of needs based on data from accounting systems

    Needs are initially formed by initiators in accounting systems. For example, 1C or others:

    ● production program (with cost estimates for production);

    ● repair program;

    ● investment program;

    The option is applicable when the enterprise has a high degree of automation of the enterprise's activities in terms of accounting tasks, in this case, creating a procurement plan becomes a less time-consuming process.

    You can consider the option of uploading information to the directory Needs or directly to the directory Procurement plan items without using the needs directory. It depends on how the information in the accounting programs corresponds to the procurement plan format, whether there is a need to group needs.

    3. Formation of needs by initiators in the format of memos

    In this case, on the basis of the received paper memos, those responsible for the positions or those responsible for the procurement plan form the positions themselves.

    This option occurs when:

    ● A limited number of users work in the system, for example, the procurement department, who coordinate and approve the procurement plan and documents for the procurement procedure itself. The initiators in the system are not working.

    ● The organization is not yet ready for fundamental changes in the process (there is no desire or ability to abandon memos).

    When choosing this option, you should understand that:

    ● the workload on the specialists of the tender department/purchasing department/responsible for positions will increase;

    ● the risk of errors from the human factor when entering information into the system will increase;

    ● there are no convenient tools for combining needs.

    4. Formation of needs based on the procurement plans of departments

    The organization can use the option when the heads of departments fix the needs of the department in the acquisition of goods, works, services in the format Excel tables, reflect what, in which volume and in what terms.

    This option of work is used in the same cases as in the case of the option of generating needs by the initiators in the format of memos.

    Coordination of procurement plans

    As noted above, it is important not only to collect information from the initiators, but to ensure the validity of the procurement plan. This is also ensured by the coordination of the plan with stakeholders and the manager.

    After you have decided on the option for collecting requirements and generating positions, you need to decide on the option for reconciling planning results.



    Customers working under the Law on Procurement by Certain Types of Legal Entities must plan their procurement activities. See this article step by step instructions for the preparation and placement of the procurement plan for 223-FZ for 2019.

    Procurement plan for 223-FZ for 2019: instructions

    How to fill out the procurement plan under 223-FZ is stated in the Government Decree of September 17, 2012 No. 932. This regulatory legal act contains the requirements for plans, the necessary items that should be included in them, as well as the approved form of these documents .

    Include in your plan:

    • customer data - name, address, contacts;
    • a serial number that is sequentially assigned to each purchase in chronological order;
    • subject of the contract;
    • procurement code indicating the section, class and subclass in accordance with OKVED 2 and OKPD 2;
    • requirements for the product that the customer has set (functional, technical and quality characteristics can be indicated here);
    • data on the quantity of products and units of its measurement;
    • the region in which deliveries are made, work is performed or services are provided;
    • contract price;
    • date of publication of the procurement documentation in the EIS;
    • contract time;
    • purchase method;
    • an indication of the form in which the procurement is carried out (electronic or not).

    In addition, data are entered on purchases from small and medium-sized businesses, as well as on purchases of innovative, high-tech products and medicines.

    To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select social network for quick authorization on the portal:

    How to create a procurement plan for 223-FZ: step by step instructions

    To view information about purchasing plans in personal account EIS, log in and in the "Purchase Planning" section, select "Purchase Plans". Next, we will give instructions on creating a procurement plan for 223-FZ for 2019.

    In the registry, click on the hyperlink "Create Purchase Plan", it is located under the search block. In the "Type" field, check the box depending on the type of procurement plan: "Procurement plan for goods, works, services" or "Procurement plan for innovative products, high-tech products, medicines." Also select the period for which the document is being created.

    Verify that the customer information in the Customer Organization Information field is correct. It loads automatically. The "Planning period" field is also filled in automatically. Fill in the required "Approval Date" tab. Click on the "Next" button. The system will check the data and report if it finds errors.

    You can add procedures on the "Procurement plan items" tab. To do this, click on the hyperlink "Add Position". It is important to know that if you have an original hosted purchase plan (for example, for 2018) with a long-term position (for example, with a contract year of 2020), when you create a document for 2019, the long-term position from the original hosted plan is automatically copied to it.

    Question from practice

    Should a newly established autonomous institution post a 2019 procurement plan at the end of 2018 if the original procurement plan was posted for April 2018 to April 2019?

    There is no obligation. Neither Law No. 223-FZ, nor Government Decree No. 932 dated September 17, 2012 contain a requirement to draw up a procurement plan within a calendar or financial year.
    At the same time, the term for preparing the procurement plan, as well as the procedure for preparing the draft plan, the customer determines independently. Therefore, the customer can create a purchase plan in 2019 until December 31, 2020, and then switch to the plan within the calendar year. The conclusion follows from part 2 of article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ, paragraph 10 of the Rules from resolution No. 932.

    See more recommendations and answers to questions in the article "Planning for 223-FZ: how to create and place procurement plans in the EIS"

    We proceed to fill in the information about each purchase. The "Customer" field is filled in automatically. In the "Purchase type" field, check the box: "Planned" or "Actually placed". For the "Actually placed" value, the "Notification" field is additionally displayed. Only notifications with the status "Placed" and the stages "Submission of applications", "Commission work", "Purchase completed" are available for selection, in which the organization specified in the "Customer" field appears as a customer or participant in the joint purchase of the notification lot. After selecting a purchase release, the "Lot" field is displayed. From the drop-down list, select the required lot of the notice selected in the "Notice" field. To continue forming a procurement plan item, click the "Continue" button.

    The tab "Information about the position of the procurement plan" is filled in automatically by the system. In the fields "Date of placement of the notice" and "Due date for the execution of the contract", set the required periods. In field "Purchasing method" select the type of procedure from the drop-down list. If necessary, check the boxes "Purchase, the participants of which are only small and medium-sized businesses", "Purchase of goods, works, services that meet the criteria for classifying innovative products, high-tech products".

    Next, fill in the fields in the "Information about the subject of the contract" section. In the "Information on purchased goods, works, services" block, in the "Method of specifying the region of delivery" field, check one of the two fields: "Uniform for all goods, works, services" or "Separate for each product, work, service" in depending on how you want to specify the delivery region method.

    In the "Adding position" block in the fields "OKPD 2" and "OKVED 2" select the required codes from the directories. You must enter at least the first three digits of the OKPD2 code or at least four characters of the OKPD2 position name to start searching the database. Select the required value and click on the "Add" hyperlink located to the right of the field. The selected value is displayed in the OKPD2 field.

    Fill in the fields "Quantity (volume)" and "Unit of measurement". If necessary, check the box "Unable to determine the quantity (volume)".

    After filling in the fields of the "Add position" block, click on the "Add position to the table" hyperlink. The added information is displayed in the Goods, works, services table.

    After adding the required number of plan items on the "Purchase plan items" tab, click the "Next" button. You will be transferred to the "Documents" tab.

    To attach a document, click on the "Browse" button, select the document, enter a description of the file in the appropriate input field, and click on the "Attach" button.

    If you need to cancel unsaved data, click the "Cancel" button. last changes". To complete the formation of the procurement plan, click on the button "To complete". The created purchase plan item is displayed in the list registry entries Purchasing Plans page.

    How to publish a procurement plan under 223-FZ on the EIS website: instructions

    Let's move on to the placement of the procurement plan for 223-FZ for 2019. Before publication, the document must be prepared. To do this, select the "Prepare for placement" item in the context menu. The system checks the data and warns the user if any errors are found. If there are no problems, you will be transferred to the "In Placement" tab, the status "Ready for Placement" will appear there.

    If any violations are detected, the procurement plan goes to the "In Placement" tab in the "Preparing for Placement" status. To confirm the publication of the plan, click on the "Post" button. The system displays printed form purchase plan information. Click on the "Subscribe" button, after which all information will be successfully posted. The placement status will change to "Placed".

    How to make changes to the procurement plan under 223-FZ: step by step instructions

    To make changes, select the procurement plan and click on the "Create change project" tab in the menu. Make changes and provide justification for the change. The further procedure is similar to that described above. In the required field "Reason for making changes", check the current reason.

    When you select the line "Other case established by the procurement regulations and other documents of the customer", the mandatory field "Justification for making changes" is additionally displayed, which must be filled in. After making changes, click on the "Finish" button. The position will change to the "Changed" status.

    Procurement plan under 223-FZ: terms of placement for 2019

    The customer determines the term for preparing the procurement plan independently, taking into account the requirements of his position, as well as regulatory legal acts. It is important to observe the periods established by law: to place the plan in the EIS within 10 days from the date of approval by the management, but no later than December 31.

    Attached files

    • Procurement plan form according to 223-FZ.docx