What does dti mean. Registered letter dti - what is it

An abbreviation is a complex abbreviated word or group of words and is used for the purpose of automation for processing notifications. Postal organizations use robotic machines to scan the postcodes on envelopes. And so the share is decreasing. manual labor, which essentially allows you to make fewer mistakes or avoid them completely.

In Moscow, there are a huge number of DTI post offices equipped with robotic machines and only employees are allowed access to them. Let's figure it out, after all, what does the eerily deduced abbreviation mean. The definition of "DTI Moscow registered letter" indicates that the letter follows from a government agency.

"DTI Moscow registered letter" can also be found with other abbreviations

  • code "ASC"- used on mail messages. This institution performs automatic selection of mail notifications.
  • abbreviation "GTSMPP"- this means that the correspondence passed through the main center of the main transportation.

Important! Correspondence processing machines automatically put a bar code. By this designation, you can determine the organization that sent the letter.

What kind of information is in the letter from DTI?

Payment of taxes, a subpoena are far from the only requirements contained in registered letters. Also it can be promotional offers from non-state pension funds.

From which addressee can you receive a letter?

  • traffic police- A summons to pay a fine. Here are attached photos from the commission of the offense and with a detailed designation of the time and place.
  • Bailiffs- a letter from this service is sent to individuals who do not pay alimony.
  • Tax authorities– the requirement to pay fees from citizens who are outstanding. Fiscal complaints are usually due to vehicle tax arrears.

How to find out who is the addressee?

Let's take a registered letter, and in the very center at the top we will see a barcode used as a determinant.

Then you can use it to find out the name of the department / body where this letter came from. To find out, go to the FSUE Russian Post website and enter a 14-digit code in the search bar, this service absolutely free. Then information about the addressee of the institution appears.

What should I do if I received a registered letter from DTI?

It is allowed to keep a letter 30 calendar days, therefore, it is imperative to take your passport and the notice itself with you in order to receive a letter. Unforeseen circumstances may arise (injuries, business trips) and it is possible to conclude a power of attorney for another person, your representative in a notary's office.

If a person does not pick up a registered letter, he faces a number of serious problems.

  • The message may contain information about the urgent need to pay fines

If you do not pay on time, pennies are charged from a citizen of the Russian Federation and there is a possibility of not obtaining approval when trying to fly abroad.

  • The violator is not exempt from paying taxes or fines in case of refusal of registered mail.
  • A citizen can receive registered letters from the judiciary, and not only from the tax authorities. And only the recipient is interested in picking up his registered letter as soon as possible to prepare for the defense.

The law of the Russian Federation in 2018 established that summonses to the army would be sent only by registered mail, now there is no need for military enlistment office workers to “catch” young people to get a signature.

Important! The maximum storage period for registered letters is 30 days.

How long are court letters kept?

Letters sent by the prosecutor's office or other bodies contain various kinds of resolutions, decisions and agendas. Little time is allocated for the storage of mail messages, since the urgency of notifying a citizen is important.

Within 7 days, the recipient must pick up the letter, if the deadline has expired, the letter will be sent back. The institution does not pay for resending the notice.

What is the reason for the lack of information about DTI?

Details are absent on mail messages and the opportunity to find out the address of the addressee is only after opening the envelope. This is done so as not to overburden post offices.

As we mentioned above, institutions have special robotic machines that put down a barcode and are produced automatically. Also to avoid errors, since the virtual technology index eliminates them.

Where can I get a letter from DTI?

Post offices are responsible for mail delivery. The person must present an identity card to the employee and sign the receipt.

What if the letter is addressed to another person?

If you received this receipt, in no case do not ignore it! If you find an error, you must contact and write a statement to the appropriate institution. A citizen of the Russian Federation must appeal this notice to the traffic police.


Thus, the DTI Moscow Registered Letter envelopes do not contain a notification or any information about the sender. These letters are sent from government agencies so that the messages are processed as soon as possible. Shelf life is not more than 30 days. A person's obligations are not removed in case of refusal to notify.

You came.
The sender's index, for example, 145102.
Information about the sender of the letter immediately causes a certain alertness and excitement. Who is the sender this letter? What is this letter? Why me? And here Mytishchi? How is DTI stands for?

DTI decoding

The first thing that comes to mind to most of those who receive such a registered letter is to decipher the abbreviation DTI how . And, accordingly, assuming that a receipt for payment of a fine for violating traffic rules awaits them at the post office.
In fact DTI stands for D additional T technological And index. Indices DTI are used to identify special senders when sending mail.
ACS-DTI stands for Automated Sorting Center - Additional Technology Index.

Additional technical indices (DTI) are created for sending mass correspondence by government agencies.

When are letters sent from DTI

Distribution of registered letters DTI has a pronounced annual frequency. This is due to the time of the mass DTI mailing to individuals of property tax calculations and receipts for their payment.
When the deadline for paying taxes was in October, the main flow of DTI letters is from March to October, with a pronounced peak in August and September. With the change in 2016 of the deadline for tax payments to November, the mass mailing period also shifted.
AT recent times The Federal Tax Service began to send out tax notices, not by registered DTI letters, but by ordinary letters. Sender's address (PK FM) - 141020, Mytishchi, Novomytishinsky prospect, 47A. Accordingly, the flow of tax DTI letters has been significantly reduced.

Reply to a letter from DTI

Letters coming from DTI cannot be answered by the sender using the DTI index. If the letter received concerns taxes, then the answer should be sent to the local tax office(according to the location of the property).
If your apartment is located in Moscow, then you need to contact one of the tax authorities of the city of Moscow, and if the house is in the Moscow region, then with the relevant inspection of the Moscow region. The specific IFTS number is indicated in the notice next to the object of taxation.

Post office index DTI in Mytishchi

There are no post offices with indexes 145102, 145101, 145104, 145107, 145106, 145110. No post office code starts with "145" at all.

Indices of Mytishchi post offices

The postal code consists of six digits.
By the first two digits of the index, you can determine the region where the letter was sent.
Indices of the Moscow region begin with "14". The senders' indices of the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region begin with "141". Indexes of post offices of the city of Mytishchi from 141000 to 141059.
The "largest" indices in the Moscow region are in the Balashikha region. The first three digits of the indices of this area are "143".
No post office zip code starts with "145".

So, 145101 Mytishchi-DTI; 145102 Mytishchi-DTI; 145104 Mytishchi-DTI; 145106 Mytishche-DTI; 145107 Mytishchi-DTI; 145110 Mytishchi-DTI - additional technology indices used government agencies to send correspondence.

DTI postal notice

Upon receipt of a registered DTI-letter at your post office, you will be sent a postal notice.
Registered letter is registered by mail. The recipient (or his legal representative) is given such a letter with a receipt of receipt upon presentation of a passport.

Moscow Road (Transport) Inspectorate

The Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI) appeared in Moscow under Luzhkov. At present, the traffic inspectorate, in addition to monitoring compliance with the requirements in the field of transportation by passenger taxis, has assumed the functions of the traffic police of fining for non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings that prohibit stopping or parking Vehicle, in the city of Moscow.
The fine for such a violation in federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) is three thousand rubles.
When paying fines for breaking the rules traffic you need to specify a unique identifier of the accrual. UIN consists of 25 digits. The first six digits of the UIN of MADI fines are “035604”. UIN fines for unpaid parking in Moscow start at "780" or "0355". The first three digits of the UIN of traffic police fines are “188”.

DTI (Road transport inspection) can be considered an unofficial abbreviated name or an interpretation of the name MADI.

Messages, for which the administration of the postal service is responsible, are called registered. Unlike a simple shipment, this type of correspondence is assigned a track number that allows you to track its path on the Russian Post website.

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In this case, it is guaranteed that the package will be handed over personally to the addressee or another person who has a power of attorney to receive it.

What does Moscow DTI registered letter mean

The abbreviation stands for an additional technological index. It is assigned federal organizations to send correspondence and parcels to customers.

These indexes are virtual and not assigned to any address. In fact, they are a sorting center serviced by robots.

Often the abbreviation DTI comes in combination with other abbreviations:

The mark with the address is affixed automatically at the place of processing of correspondence generated by numerous services, departments and executive authorities.
It is impossible to identify the sender by a notice marked DTI.

The form contains standard information:

  • type: letter, parcel, parcel post;
  • package weight;
  • with or without declared value;
  • the address of the post office where you can receive the envelope.

The senders hidden behind this abbreviation are public services, for example:

  1. traffic police.
  2. Bailiff Services.
  3. Insurance companies.
  4. Tax office.
  5. Housing and communal services enterprises.
  6. banking structures.

How to find out from whom

You can identify the sender by the barcode, which is applied to all registered letters and parcels.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the website of the Russian Post: pochta.ru.
  2. In the field marked "Track" enter 14 digits of the barcode.
  3. Activate the service.

As a result, a complete history will appear, which will indicate not only the author of the letter or package, but also its path with all the stops. To receive registered mail, you must personally visit the office indicated in the notice.

Departure is issued only upon presentation of an identity card. This may be a passport or other document that replaces it, and issued by a government agency.
Before sending the notice to the post office employee, it must be filled out.

On the reverse side form you need to write personal data:

  • signature with decryption;
  • name of the identity document;
  • number, series, date of issue of the passport;
  • the date the package was received.

You can fill out the notice at home or in the office. If it is not possible to pick it up in person, you can issue a power of attorney to a third party.

How much is stored in the mail

Correspondence, on which instead of the address and name of the sender, only mysterious letters are indicated - "DTI" became widespread. Many recipients do not pay attention to such letters, but in vain! Throwing a notification is not recommended, and why, we will tell in the article.

The abbreviation DTI means an additional technological index. It is assigned by the Russian Post to all government bodies that carry out mass mailings for Russian population. For such organizations or enterprises, the Russian Post allocates a separate virtual index, which is not assigned to any legal address.

Assigning a virtual address optimizes the workflow of the Russian Post. All letters under the DTI index go through specialized departments, bypassing the main ones, which contributes to a significant reduction in delivery time to the addressee.

In some cases, an additional technical index is supplemented with abbreviations:

  1. If there is a mark "ASC", then this means that the correspondence passed through an automated sorting center.
  2. If there is a mark "GTSMPP", then this means that the correspondence passed through the main center of mainline transportation.

Of course, it doesn’t matter to the recipient at all which center the letter went through, because what is contained in it is much more important!

Content options for DTI correspondence

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all state-oriented bodies are obliged to carry out an information function and inform citizens about all situations when their interests and rights are affected.

Therefore, a letter marked "DTI" is a signal that some kind of official procedure has been started in relation to a particular citizen.

  1. Enforcement proceedings were initiated or restrictive measures were imposed (informs the bailiff).
  2. Initiation of administrative proceedings due to a violation of traffic rules, which was recorded by a video camera (the letter contains a decision to impose a fine).
  3. Initiation of an audit by the Tax Service or a requirement to pay off tax debts.

What happens if you do not receive a registered letter

If the letter is sent to the address of your residence and registration, then this means that you are notified of the contents thereof. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you received the correspondence or not, the law interprets this unambiguously - the letter was sent, which means you received it.

And at the end it turns out that you didn’t follow the letter, in fact you don’t know what was in it, but in fact the state body fulfilled its information function, respectively, you are notified.

Therefore, after some period of time, not receiving a letter can lead to negative consequences.

Event development options:

  1. Arrest Money on a plastic card.
  2. Withdrawing money from a bank account / on a card.
  3. Ban on travel outside the Russian Federation, etc.

In other words, the mechanism of enforcement proceedings will be launched, which implies the forced collection of funds, since you voluntarily did nothing.

In order to respond in time to the requirements of state bodies, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contents of the letter.

Quite often it happens that the traffic police impose a fine for a violation that a person did not commit, or the Tax Service sent a notice demanding to pay property tax, and you sold it a long time ago.

From the moment the letter is received, the period begins to count down, which allows you to appeal against the actions of state bodies. At the same time, do not forget that within two weeks there are benefits for paying fines for traffic violations.

All registered mail is issued at the post office in your area. To receive a letter, you must provide a passport or other document that proves your identity. If there is no “personal delivery” mark on the letter, then any member of your family can receive the letter - a power of attorney is not needed.

Deciphering DTI on the example of the city of Mytishchi

The city of Mytishchi, Moscow region, has 19 DTIs that work to send correspondence to federal government agencies. Their indexes can be:

145101, 145102, 145104, 145106, 145107, 145110, 141024

For example, if the index is 141110 Mytishchi-DTI, then this letter from the Federal Tax Service is most likely a notice on land tax or property tax.

Increasingly, citizens of the Russian Federation meet with the mysterious postal code DTI. The received notification of the arrival of such a registered letter always raises many questions and significantly increases the anxiety of the recipients. Who could send such a message and why directly to you? What information can be contained in an envelope marked with the DTI stamp, and how is this abbreviation generally deciphered? Do I need to receive such letters or can I just ignore them? Some have already encountered echoes of information about DTI and begin to get nervous and sad in advance: after all, it is not for nothing that these messages have already been called “letters of happiness” by the people!

DTI decoding or registered letter DTI

Many citizens are fully confident that this abbreviation stands for "Road Transport Inspectorate" and expect a fine from the traffic police in advance. And some people start to get angry. Say, they not only don’t have a car, but they didn’t even manage to pass the license to drive a car, but here it is! Disturb, disturb the population and moreover in vain!

However, DTI is an acronym for Supplemental Technology Index. This index is often used by various government services of the Russian Federation (and not only) when they do not have the opportunity to clarify all the recipient's data, but we are talking about mass mailing of correspondence, and it is necessary to unload the work of existing post offices.

It should be noted that this index is often added to the name of the city, and already from this information it can be assumed which of the authorities remembered you. So, if the notice says Krasnoyarsk DTI, then it is quite logical to assume that the letter was sent to you by one of the state structures of this particular city. Though incidents still happen.

If the abbreviation ACS is also attached to the name of the city and the DTI index, then this indicates that the letter also passed through an automated sorting center. But the reduction of the GTSMPP will tell you that the main center of main mail transportation was also attached.

In addition, having received a notice of the arrival of a registered letter marked DTI, even before visiting the post office, you can collect the necessary data about it. Specialized websites and the corresponding hotline will help you with this. However, to fully understand the current situation, you should still receive a letter and then act according to the circumstances.

Why is there no information about DTI?

As you already understood, collecting information about DTI is not so simple. So, what is the reason for such difficulties in the search?

But the fact is that DTI is a kind of "virtual" index, which does not have signs of a regular post office. Namely:

  • this is not a real-life post office;
  • he has no address and phone number;
  • also there is no work schedule, staff and other properties, familiar to a regular post office.

And as already mentioned, such an index was created in order to unload the real-life official post office indexes. It is assigned to various federal clients who use it in mass mailing.

This type of address assignment is incredibly convenient for them, as it allows, in the absence of the correct address of the recipient, to send a registered letter, taking into account the data that is still available.

It is thanks to such automated system selection, public services can be absolutely sure that the message will reach the addressee and fall directly into his hands. In addition, we can also talk about a significant reduction in the delivery time of such mail.

Where do these letters come from?

It has already been repeatedly voiced that this index is used most often government bodies. However, other organizations may also use it. So if you received such a registered letter, then its sender may well be:

  • The Federal Tax Service(this is how she sends messages about the calculation / recalculation of land tax, on property individual And so on);
  • traffic police(quite likely a fine with attached photos obtained using a DVR);
  • Federal Bailiff Service of Russia;
  • police;
  • banking structures(thus, quite often, send credit cards their future owners):
  • mobile operators and other organizations.

In general, the range of possible senders is quite wide. Therefore, only by signing the receipt of such a registered letter, and opening the coveted envelope, you can find out what kind of organization remembered your existence.


Enough important point in all this, one should recognize the periodically occurring mistakes of the federal services. It is quite likely that a resident of Moscow receives a letter marked "Krasnoyarsk DTI" with a property tax calculation that the recipient has never had in this city. Or when a minor citizen suddenly receives a fine from the traffic police.

Unfortunately, certain errors cannot be avoided, and if you find yourself in the center of a similar situation, then do not despair. You can always dispute your disagreement with the requirements set out in the received registered letter by contacting the organization that sent the message.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The most common questions on the topic that can be encountered in various thematic forums can be reduced to a similar list:

1) Received a registered letter with the abbreviation DTI. What it is?

Fortunately, you can already quite clearly answer this question yourself, and you also realized that there is nothing wrong with such a letter.

2) Did you receive a notification of receipt of a letter marked DTI? How to proceed?

Of course, receive! Moreover, the news that came in this way is not always negative.

3) Is it possible to ignore such messages?

Everything is possible, because everyone is his own master. However, such a decision can hardly be called far-sighted, since it can lead to much more sad and frightening consequences. Alas, ignoring the problem does not solve it, but rather exacerbates it.

4) H what to do if an error occurs, and the data of the letter does not correspond to reality?

Dispute! You can always contact the authority that sent the registered letter and report an error. True, for this you still need to receive a mysterious message (by presenting an identity card and a notice at the post office), since you are required to attach a copy of the envelope from your registered letter with the date indicated on the stamp to the appeal statement.

It goes without saying that you have already got rid of the prejudices associated with such chain letters. And also clearly understood for themselves that fear and ignorance is just a way to form a further avalanche of problems.

And that is why I so want to believe that if you ever come across such a message on your way, then most likely it will not cause you anything but a smile.