Annual statistical reporting. Reports to statistics

Let us consider in more detail how to find out which reports to submit to statistics in 2018 and what responsibility organizations bear for failure to submit information to Rosstat.

To find out what forms Rosstat expects from an organization, you need to use the service!/gs/statistic-codes. This site contains official information on how and what reports need to be submitted to the statistics for TIN and OKPO.

What statistical reports need to be submitted to Rosstat

The reporting forms used for monitoring are approved by Rosstat. For each enterprise, the number and composition of reporting is determined on an individual basis.

Statistical data are submitted to the Rosstat authorities in without fail , regardless of the categories of subjects. Information for statistics is collected according to the forms of federal and republican statistical observation. Each region will have its own list of forms.

Statistical reporting can be submitted:
- on paper (in person, through an authorized representative or by mail with a description of the attachment);
- via telecommunication channels...

To find out how and what reporting to submit according to the TIN, it is necessary to determine which category the business entity belongs to. All enterprises are divided according to the following criteria: small, medium, large.

Research is carried out by continuous and selective observations. The collection of information for continuous observations takes place once every five years. The frequency of reporting for sample surveys varies and depends on the form. For example, financial indicators are submitted to the statistical authorities on a monthly basis, financial statements and annexes to it are submitted to Rosstat once a year, information about wages workers by profession is granted once every two years.

Companies that belong to the middle and large level fill out the following forms:

  • P-1, monthly reporting, which is submitted before the 4th;
  • P-5m, quarterly reporting, submitted before the 30th day of the next month;
  • 1-Enterprise, annual reporting, shall be submitted before April 1;
  • , monthly or quarterly reporting, due by the 15th;
  • P-2, the annual form is submitted before February 8, quarterly reporting - before the 20th day of the next month.

How to view the list of reports on the site

In October 2018, the site for obtaining a list of statistical reports was updated. Now, when requested, you will see information about the legal entity and all divisions. If you wish, you can select a specific unit and view the list only for it.

Consider, how to find out what reporting to submit to statistics for TIN, OKPO or PSRN n and the official website of the Reporting Collection System!/gs/statistic-codes . The service can provide information on one of the parameters of the organization, for example, to find out that you can submit statistics only by TIN by entering a value in the required field.

This is how the data entry form looks like:

After entering the details, you will see the search results: data on statistics codes and a list of forms for delivery.

If there are several organizations at your request, then all data will be displayed. But you can choose a specific legal entity or a separate division:

For the selected organization, you will see data on statistics codes (click on the image to open it in full):

At the end of the table there is an "Export" button. On it you can download the Notice of OK TEI codes (xls) and Information about codes and forms (xls).

If the list of forms on the site is empty, then your organization does not need to submit statistical reports.

An alternative to obtaining information about the statistical reporting of a particular organization is a direct request to local authority state statistics.

Download the instruction and distribute it to the employees responsible for the submission of statistical reports:

Features of working with the service

The list of reports may change from year to year and it depends on how the statistics agency makes the selection. Therefore, it is better to clarify at the beginning of the year which reports will need to be filled out.

List of forms statistical observation It is formed at the end of the year, but it is updated monthly. Organizations operating for more than a year should receive information about the list of statistical reporting forms at the end of the year. Only established companies need to check such information every month during the first year of their incorporation.

If the list does not contain any form, then reporting is not required. An exception may be cases where a company has received a written notice of the need to submit one or another form of statistical reporting. If the organization is informed in writing that it is not necessary to submit a certain form, but on the website in the list given form listed, it is necessary to be guided written notice and not provide information to Rosstat. Penalties will not be charged in this case.

An organization can seek clarification from its territorial statistical office if the list published on the official website differs from what the organization received in writing.

Penalties for non-provision of statistical data

Failure by an organization to provide primary statistical data or provision of false information is considered an offense and entails the application of penalties.

For the initial failure to provide or late provision of data, fines are established in the amount of:

  • 10 - 20 thousand rubles. for officials;
  • 20 - 70 thousand rubles. for legal entities.

Repeated violation is punished by a more tangible amount of fines:

  • 30 - 50 thousand rubles. officials;
  • 100 - 150 thousand rubles. legal entities.

Increased fines are applied when the organization has repeatedly failed to submit reports or has violated the deadlines for submitting any form of statistical reporting.

The application of penalties to the organization does not eliminate the need to provide reporting data to the Rosstat authorities.

Most reporting forms and information territorial authority statistics requests independently. That is, it is transferred to the address of the institution (on purpose, by mail, in electronic request) a form to be completed and returned. The composition of the reporting to Rosstat in 2019 was corrected more than once.

So, for example, in public sector changed the frequency of reports "ZP" in terms of social and scientific fields activities. Note that earlier reports such as ZP-education, ZP-science and ZP-zdrav were submitted quarterly. Now they are monthly.

Due to the huge number of controlled entities, Russian statistics do not always have time to send requests to all recipients. However, the absence of an information request does not exempt the organization from the mandatory submission of reports to Rosstat in 2019. For this, the institution faces a large fine under 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In order to prevent an administrative penalty, Rosstat strongly recommends checking the TIN reporting. How to do this, we will tell further.

Rosstat - TIN reporting: verification algorithm

Revealing the full composition of statistical reporting will not take much time. To carry out Rosstat verification of TIN reporting, you only need a computer with access to the Internet and the TIN of your organization.

The first step is the transition to the official electronic portal: Rosstat - reporting of organizations by TIN. Appearance The portal page looks like this:

Step two - we enter the details of the organization in order to check on the Rosstat website what reporting to submit by TIN. If the TIN of the company is unknown, then information can be obtained from OKPO or OGRN.

Step three - click the "Get" button. It is located directly below the fields for entering the identification information of the subject. The system analyzes the entered details and generates search results almost instantly.

So, let's analyze the received information. The registration codes of the economic entity are placed in the first part of the generated search results. These ciphers are also contained in the Letter from Rosstat, which is sent to the organization upon initial registration. If the letter is lost, then the ciphers can be clarified here.

Please note that the list discloses information not only about the name and frequency of statistical reporting. In this section, you can download the current report formats for filling in in electronic format.

At the very end of the page, the export of the received information is available.

In simple words, an organization can upload a list of reports or re-prepare and print a letter with codes from Rosstat.

Rosstat: financial statements

The deadline for issuing accounting reports is no later than three calendar months from the end of the reporting period. That is, no later than March 31 of the year following the reporting year. You can submit accounting information on paper (in person or by mail) or fill out electronic form and send accounting reports via secure communication channels.

Reporting to statistics in 2017 depends on the size of the company and the type of activity. The table contains the deadlines for submission of common forms of statistical reporting. Suitable for companies and individuals.

What determines the set of reporting in statistics in 2017

Finally, the composition of the reporting depends on the type of observation within which it must be submitted:

  • continuous, that is, mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs for a particular group of research;
  • selective - mandatory for specially selected organizations and entrepreneurs.

The most common reporting to statistics in 2017 (delivery deadlines) is in the table below.

How to determine the composition of reporting in statistics in 2017

In order to accurately determine the composition of your statistical reporting, it is better to immediately contact the territorial division of Rosstat at the place of registration. Informing about what forms to submit and how to fill them out is the direct responsibility of the territorial divisions of Rosstat. This is established in paragraph 4 of the Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620. Moreover, they are obliged to both inform free of charge and submit the forms of statistical reporting forms themselves.

The necessary information can be found on the websites of the regional offices of Rosstat. All of them are presented in the form of an interactive map on the Rosstat portal. Such sites are organized according to a single principle. So, in the section "Reporting" the item "Statistical reporting" is specially provided. In it, you can view the current federal and regional statistical reports, find instructions for filling them out, and, most importantly, decide whether they need to be submitted.

Immediately on the website of the department there are tables of current statistical reporting forms and instructions for filling them out. Thus, you can decide on the composition of the statistical reporting of continuous observation.

For selective observation, there are forms. Lists of those who were included in the sample can be found on the websites of the territorial offices of Rosstat. To do this, go to the "List of reporting business entities" section.

In addition, you can use the service "What to hand over to Rosstat?". This site will help determine which forms of federal statistical observation you need to submit to Rosstat. Such recommendations are given, for example, by Mosgorstat.

Comprehensive information on all statistical forms yes - in the service

Reporting to statistics in 2017: deadlines, table

Who rents


In which order of Rosstat to look for the form and explanations for filling out

P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services"
Monthly no later than the 4th day of the month following the reporting
P-2 "Information on investments in non-financial assets"
All companies* Quarterly no later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 15, 2016 No. 427
P-3 "Information on the financial condition of the organization"
All companies with an average headcount of more than 15 people* Until the 28th day after the reporting month (inclusive);
Until the 30th day after the reporting quarter (inclusive)
Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 5, 2016 No. 390
P-4 "Information on the number and wages of employees"
All companies with an average headcount of more than 15 people* Monthly no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting
P-4 (NZ) "Information on part-time employment and movement of workers"
All companies with an average headcount of more than 15 people* Quarterly no later than the 8th day of the month following the reporting quarter Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 2, 2016 No. 379
1-enterprise "Basic information about the activities of the organization"
All companies* Form - in the order dated July 15, 2015 No. 320, instructions - in the order dated December 9, 2014 No. 691
P-5 (m) "Basic information about the activities of the organization"
All companies with an average headcount of less than 15* Quarterly no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 11, 2016 No. 414
PM "Information on the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise"
Small companies** Quarterly no later than the 29th day of the month following the reporting quarter Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 11, 2016 No. 414
1-IP (services) "Information on the volume of paid services provided to the population individual entrepreneur»
Entrepreneurs who provide paid services population Annually no later than March 2 of the following year Order of July 27, 2012 No. 422
No. 11 "Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) and other non-financial assets"
All companies* Annually no later than April 1 of the following year Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated June 15, 2016 No. 289
No. 11-NA "Information on the availability, movement and composition of contracts, lease agreements, licenses, marketing assets and goodwill ( business reputation organizations)"
All companies* Annually no later than June 30 of the following year Order of Rosstat dated July 3, 2015 No. 296
1-service "Information on the volume of paid services to the population"
All companies that provide paid services to the population** Annually no later than March 1 of the following year Order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2012 No. 422
3-TORG (PM) “Information on the turnover retail small business"
Small companies that sell retail** Quarterly no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter Form and instructions for filling out - in the order of Rosstat dated August 4, 2016 No. 388
1-TORG "Information on the sale of goods by wholesale and retail trade organizations"
All companies that sell wholesale or retail Annually no later than February 17 of the following year Order dated August 27, 2014 No. 536
* Excluding small companies.
** Excluding micro-enterprises.

Do all organizations have to submit reports to Rosstat? How to submit reports to organizations with branches? How can I submit a report? Galina Nikolaevna Gasanova, Deputy Head of Mosoblstat and Head of the Electronic Collection Working Group in Rosstat, answers these and other questions.

— Galina Nikolaevna, why are statistics collected at all? It is always easier for people to do something when there is an understanding of what it is for.

- To make decisions at the state level, it is necessary to have a complete picture of what is happening in the country. Statistics serve this purpose by aggregating thousands of indicators on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other processes. But not only the state is interested in statistics. This is a kind of "initial data" for solving any problem - whether it is a matter of regional or municipal planning or the business strategy of a private company.

- Many people are worried that the information submitted to the statistical authorities may be made public. How is it regulated by law?

- Official statistics are summary information. It is she and only she who is subject to publication. The primary statistical data contained in the respondents' reports are used only for the formation of official statistical information. They are not subject to disclosure or distribution (Article 9 of the Federal Law of October 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ).

— Do all organizations need to report to Rosstat? Are there concessions for IP?

- Everyone needs to report, but at different intervals and according to a different list of forms. For enterprises and organizations classified as small and medium-sized businesses, a simplified procedure for compiling statistical reporting has been established. For example, not all small enterprises report monthly and quarterly, but only those in the sample. All small enterprises report only once every five years - when conducting a complete survey of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Respondents will find an exhaustive answer to the question in brief instructions for filling out the forms, which are approved by orders of Rosstat simultaneously with the forms of these forms.

- By what criteria does the enterprise belong to small and medium-sized businesses?

— The criteria are established by Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 “On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation”. The law defines which companies cannot be classified as small and medium enterprises. These are legal entities authorized capital which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, foreign legal entities or citizens, as well as legal entities that are not small and medium-sized businesses, exceeds 25 percent.

Other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can be classified in this category depending on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year or proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services). The marginal values ​​of revenue for each category of small and medium-sized businesses are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 No. 556.

Let's consider a situation where entity has several separate divisions in different cities. How and where should the reports be submitted in this case?

- According to federal law dated November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ, such companies provide data both for legal entities and for separate divisions in the prescribed manner. And the order of submission for each form is established in the instructions for filling it out. There are several forms in which information is presented as a whole for a legal entity - for example, form 1-enterprise. Most of the forms are required to be filled out as for each separate division, and for a legal entity without these separate divisions. Accordingly, they must be submitted both at the location of the relevant separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions).

At the same time, the Regulation on the conditions for mandatory submission of primary statistical data, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620, gives the head of the company the right to oblige divisions to report independently.

— Are there penalties for failure to submit reports to Rosstat?

— Yes, there are. In accordance with the Regulations on the conditions for the mandatory submission of primary statistical data, statistical bodies have the right to fine the heads of enterprises not only for being late, but also for providing false information, i.e. submission of reports with violation of instructions for filling out forms, arithmetic or logical errors (clauses 6, 14 of the Regulations). The amount of the administrative fine imposed in this case can range from three thousand to five thousand rubles (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). At the same time, penalties are provided for each case of violation.

— How to find out the set of forms on which the organization needs to report?

- On the websites of Rosstat and territorial statistical bodies in the section "Metadata and reference information" you will find a list of all forms of federal statistical observation.

In addition, the site contains a calendar of statistical reporting for the current year. By selecting a specific date from the calendar, you will see the name of the form submitted on that day and a list of respondents who need to turn it in.

For all questions related to filling out or submitting reports, please contact the statistics authority at the location of your organization - we are always happy to help you.

- You can submit reports to the statistical authorities both on paper and in electronic form. Regardless of the method of presentation, the report must be signed official, if submitted in electronic form - a valid electronic digital signature official.

For respondents, of course, it is more convenient to submit reports in electronic form with an electronic digital signature. At the same time, respondents not only significantly save time that they would have spent on registration postal item or visiting an agency, but also reduce the risk of penalties. This is due to the fact that the software has the necessary control that allows you to check the data before sending the report to the statistical authorities.

You can prepare data in software tools that are provided free of charge by Rosstat or offered by special communications operators that have entered into an agreement with statistical authorities. Reporting is accepted with any legitimate electronic digital signature, i.e. the respondent does not incur additional financial costs when submitting reports in electronic form.

For all transfer inquiries electronic reporting you can contact the territorial statistics office or the hotline of the special operator with whom you work.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: the report that you submit to the statistics agency is a small but important piece of a large all-Russian information “map”. A lot depends on the accuracy and correctness of the information you provide. Maybe - the right course of the company in which you work yourself.

From the editor. How to submit statistical reports in electronic form, read "" and "".

What is Rosstat

Organizations are required to submit:

  • tax reporting,
  • accounting reports;
  • statistical reporting.

federal Service state statistics(Rosstat) is a body that generates official statistical information on the social, economic, demographic and environmental situation of the country.

Since April 3, 2017, Rosstat has been under the jurisdiction of the Ministry economic development Russian Federation. It is a very impressive service to match the tasks performed, approximately 18 departments, each of which has from 3 to 8 departments and services in the regions, for example, such units:

  • Department of Price and Finance Statistics (Department of Statistics public finance and Monetary System, Division of Organizational Finance Statistics, Division of Consumer Price Statistics, Division of Producer Price Statistics);
  • Department of Enterprise Statistics (Department of Complete Surveys of Small and Medium Enterprises, Department of Structural Statistics and Macroeconomic Calculations, Department of Current Statistics of Small Business, Department of Production Indices, Department of Energy Statistics, Summary Information Department, Department of Statistics of Production of Intermediate and Investment Goods, Department of Statistics of Production of Consumer goods).

The statistics service is designed to collect and analyze information. We are talking about the formation of an information base, on the basis of which it is possible to make reasonable management decisions. It is roughly comparable to information base enterprises, but nationwide. This information is needed by the authorities to improve the tax, customs, investment policy. According to statistics, one can understand how high the tax burden on enterprises is, what is the state of this or that industry, how the state is developing, how the situation is improving or worsening in certain areas of life.

Regulates the activities of Rosstat - Federal Law "On official statistical accounting and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" dated November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ.

Who should report to Rosstat

Statistical reports must be submitted (Article 5 No. 209-FZ):

  1. bodies state power and local government;
  2. legal entities of the Russian Federation;
  3. individual entrepreneurs;
  4. branches and representative offices of organizations of the Russian Federation.

Further, we are talking only about 2-4 categories of accountable persons. So, the law distinguishes small, medium and big business who is required to submit statistical reports. Who is a small business? The law defines the categories for classifying companies and individual entrepreneurs as small and medium-sized businesses (with v. 4 Categories). The main requirements are:

  • Participation share of other Russian legal entities in the authorized capital of LLC cannot be higher than 25%, and the share of foreign companies - 49%;
  • The number should not go beyond the limits defined by law: for micro-enterprises no more than 15 people, for small - the maximum allowable value is 100 people, for medium - no more than 250 people;
  • Annual income should not go beyond the limit values: micro-enterprises - 120 million rubles; small enterprises - 800 million rubles; medium-sized enterprises - 2 billion rubles (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2016 No. 265).

How to check if a company is a small business

Companies that do not belong to small and medium-sized businesses submit basic statistical reporting and additional, which depends on the direction of activity. To finally understand whether your organization belongs to a small business, use the service of the tax service "Registry of small businesses" . How to get into it, we wrote in a separate article - how to check the presence of a company in the small business registry.

How to find out by TIN about reporting to Rosstat

It is easy to get a list of reporting to Rosstat for your enterprise:

  1. Find out the TIN of the enterprise ();
  2. We go to the statistical parity service of Rosstat , enter your details and get a list of reporting on the organization.

The service has been operating since February 2017, it generates a list of statistical reporting forms that a specific legal entity must submit, indicating their name. Information on the website is updated monthly. If questions arise, the organization can contact the territorial body of Rosstat with an official written request for the reporting list (clause 2 of the Rosstat letter of 01/22/2018 No. 04-4-04-4/6-cm).

Examples of reporting to Rosstat

On the website of Rosstat, you can see a list of all forms of statistical observation, but it is rather difficult to disassemble it in relation to yourself. We do not present here full list forms, it changes regularly. There are many forms of statistical reporting. The popular ATP Consultant Plus tried to assess the scale of statistical reporting and created the Stat Calendar service. reporting.

For example, there is one of the many documents, Order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2018 No. 461, he talks about the need to submit such reports:

some annual reports from 2018:

  • 1-enterprise "Basic information about the activities of the organization";
  • MP (micro) - nature "Information on the production of products by a micro-enterprise";
  • MP (micro) "Information on the main performance indicators of a micro-enterprise"

monthly since January 2019 report:

  • 1-DAP "Examination business activity organizations of mining, manufacturing industries that provide electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning"

quarterly from the report for January - March 2019:

  • 1-NANO "Information on the shipment of goods, works and services related to nanotechnology";
  • PM "Information on the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise".

quarterly from the report for the 1st quarter of 2019:

  • DAP-PM "Survey of business activity of small enterprises of mining, manufacturing industries providing electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning";
  • 6-oil "Information on the cost of oil production, production of petroleum products";

weekly from the report for the 1st week of January 2019:
1-motor gasoline "Information on the production of petroleum products"

with a frequency of 1 time in 3 years for the report for 2018:
9-APK (meat) "Information on the processing of livestock and poultry and the output of meat products".

Penalties for failure to submit statistical reports

If one of their numerous statistical forms is not submitted to Rosstat or not submitted on time, a fine for the organization is 20-70 thousand rubles, for the head 10-20 thousand rubles. (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The statute of limitations is 2 months. Next, we give the answers of Rosstat on the operation of this service.

Official responses of Rosstat on the operation of the statistical reporting list service

The answers from the letters of Rosstat dated February 17, 2017 No. 04-04-4 / 29-SMI and dated 07.26.2016 N 04-04-4 / 92-SMI were used.

  • Does the resource contain official data? Yes, official data is posted in the statreg.gks.r resource.

  • How to find out exactly whether a company is required to submit a form or not? The list of forms of federal statistical observation is formed as of the end of the year preceding the reporting one, with monthly updating due to structural changes in economic entities (liquidation of enterprises, creation of new ones, reorganization, change in the status of an organization, etc.). Operating organizations should receive information about the list of forms of federal statistical observation at the end of the year preceding the reporting one, newly created organizations should check the information monthly during the first year of their creation. If the respondent is not on the list, no reporting is provided unless the organization has been notified in writing.
  • Do Rosstat employees themselves use this resource to find out who is required to submit what forms? Yes, employees of Rosstat and its territorial bodies use the above resource.
  • If the form is listed as mandatory on, and the statistics authority has confirmed in writing that it is not necessary to submit it, does this exclude a fine for not submitting the form?
    If the organization has been informed in writing that the form does not need to be submitted, no penalty will be imposed on it.
  • How to use the new service? The entrepreneur must enter his codes for OKPO and TIN, as well as the state registration number(OGRN or OGRNIP). After that, a list of mandatory reporting forms is downloaded to the user's computer in automatic mode. The same table shows the frequency and deadline for submitting reports, as well as links to the pages of Rosstat, where you can download their forms for free to fill out. The system works even if the user has entered only one of the above search parameters, however, in this case, the list of reports may be incorrect.
  • Why does the information on change: one day one, two days later another? Is it related to the update system? How does she update? The information retrieval system was developed in 2016 in order to promptly inform economic entities about the provision of statistical reporting forms by them. The list of forms of federal statistical observation, placed in the specified system for respondents, is formed as of the end of the year preceding the reporting one, with its monthly updating. Monthly updating of the lists of forms in the system is due to ongoing structural changes in economic entities (liquidation of enterprises, creation of new ones, reorganization, change in the status of an organization, etc.), as well as the frequency of submission of statistical reporting forms (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual). Operating organizations should receive information about the list of forms of federal statistical observation at the end of the year preceding the reporting one, newly created organizations should check the information monthly during the first year of their creation. Considering the importance of this service for respondents, in the first half of 2017, Rosstat will carry out significant improvements to the interface aimed at optimizing and increasing the stability of its operation.
  • Why do "unnecessary" forms get into the lists on How to be companies? Lists of forms of federal statistical observation to be submitted by respondents are formed on the basis of statistical methodology, taking into account the types of economic activity organizations, including all those declared at state registration. A number of forms of federal statistical observation, according to the instructions for filling them out, are provided only in the presence of an observed event. The provision of "zero" reports for the reporting period on such forms is not required, and the absence of a report is qualified as the absence of a phenomenon in the respondent. According to the forms of federal statistical observation, the instructions for filling out which do not contain a requirement to provide data only in the presence of a phenomenon, it is possible for respondents to inform the territorial bodies of Rosstat in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with an official letter about the absence of indicators for specific forms of statistical reporting instead of submitting "zero" reports (in in the absence of an event).
  • To which companies does Rosstat send letters with a list of reports? To those who were included in the sample? In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Regulations on the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to the subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620, the territorial bodies of Rosstat are obliged to inform (including in writing) respondents about carrying out in relation to their federal statistical observation. Respondents are informed by placing lists of reporting forms in the information retrieval system. Direction information letter on the conduct of federal statistical observation in relation to an economic entity, as a rule, is carried out by respondents included in sample surveys.
  • What to do for those who received a letter from statistics with a list of forms, but some of the reports from the list are not on the site? Submit a report or clarify information in the statistics agency? How to clarify? Organizations included in sample surveys may be notified in writing by the state statistics authorities about the provision of specific forms of federal statistical observation. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at differs from the one sent to the organization in writing, a written notification should be followed. If it is necessary to clarify questions about filling out and submitting forms of federal statistical observation, organizations can contact the territorial body of Rosstat in the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the organization.
  • What should companies do to avoid fines? Apply in writing to the statistics authority? How can we prove that we didn't miss the deadline and didn't know about the report because it wasn't on In the absence of an organization in the list published on, penalties under Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are not applied, unless the respondent, in accordance with the procedure provided for in paragraph 4 of the Regulations, was informed (including in writing) about carrying out federal statistical observation in relation to him on specific forms of federal statistical observation mandatory for submission. "Screenshots" are only proper evidence if they contain certain data, ie. they contain the date and time of receipt of information from the site on the Internet, contain data on the person who made it display on the screen and further printout, data on software and used computer technology, site name, belonging to the applicant. Thus, subject to these requirements, "screenshots" can serve as a source document.

Firmmaker, February 2017
Evgeny Morozov
When using the material reference is required