GOST 1692 85 lime chloride specifications. Lime chloride


GOST 1692-85


Lime chloride. Specifications

Lost force in the Russian Federation

Introduction date:

Text GOST 1692-85 Chlorine lime. Specifications

GOST 1692-85




Official edition





Chlorinated lime. Specifications

MKS 11.080.20 71.060.50 OKP 21 4712

Introduction date 01.01.87

This standard applies to bleach, which is a mixture of the dibasic salt of calcium hypochlorite, calcium oxychloride, chloride and calcium hydroxide.

Chlorine lime is used for degassing, bleaching, disinfection drinking water and disinfection.


1.1. Chloric lime must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Depending on the method of production, bleach is produced in two grades: A and B. Bleach grade A is obtained by chlorinating fluff in a fluidized bed, grade B -

chlorination of fluff in Backman apparatus.

1.3. OKP codes for bleach, depending on the brand, grade, packaging, are indicated in Table. one.

Table 1

1.4. According to physico-chemical parameters, bleach must comply with the standards indicated in Table. 2.

Official publication Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1985 © Standartinform, 2006

Note. It is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of active chlorine in bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades within three years by 8%, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B within 1 year - by 10%.

Determination of the indicator "Thermal stability coefficient" is mandatory in each batch to collect statistics for the product of the 2nd grade of brand B and the third grades of both brands.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).


2.1. Bleach dust and released chlorine irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin.

2.2. The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of chlorine in the air of the working area is 1 mg / m 3 (2nd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007). The determination method is based on a color reaction with iodides (starch iodine reaction). To determine and record the chlorine content in the air of industrial premises, stationary automatic or portable gas analyzers are used.

2.3. Chloric lime is non-combustible, but being a strong oxidizing agent, it can ignite when in contact with organic products.

2.4. Industrial premises must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring the content of chlorine in them within the MPC.

2.5. Production personnel must be equipped with special clothing in accordance with industry standards.

2.6. For respiratory and eye protection, personnel must use individual funds protection, filtering gas mask brand B or BKF according to GOST 12.4.121.

2.7. Production facilities and storage facilities must be equipped with fire extinguishing agents: water, sandboxes and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

2.8. In case of heating of bleach due to decomposition, urgent measures must be taken to disperse it.

2.9. In case of chlorine poisoning, the victim should be removed from the contaminated atmosphere, provide peace, warmth and call a doctor. If the product gets on the skin and eyes, they should be rinsed with water for 15-20 minutes. If necessary, the victim is sent to the first-aid post.

2.10. Vacuum cleaning. In the absence of a vacuum system, wet cleaning is allowed.


3.1. Bleach is taken in batches. A batch is considered a quantity of a product that is homogeneous in terms of quality, weighing no more than 60 tons, accompanied by one quality document. The quality document must contain:

name or trademark manufacturer; name, brand and grade of the product;

lot number;

date of manufacture;

gross and net weight (for bags - only net weight);

the number of packaging units in the lot;

results of analyzes or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;

inscriptions: "Corrosive", "Store in a dry place";

confirmation of the application of danger signs on the packaging in accordance with GOST 19433;

designation of this standard.

3.2. To control the quality of bleach for compliance with its performance to the requirements of this standard, a sample of 1% of packaging units is selected from the batch, but not less than three for small batches.

3.3. To control the quality of bleach intended for retail, from the sample, 2 bags weighing 0.5 kg and 1 bag weighing 2 kg are taken from each bag or box.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.4. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a reanalysis is carried out for all indicators on a doubled sample.

The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


4.1. Sample selection

4.1.1. Point samples of bleach are taken with a probe according to GOST 6732.2 from titanium, vinyl plastic, immersing it to 3/4 of the depth of the package.

From packages weighing 0.5-2.0 kg, sampling with a scoop is allowed.

After sampling from plastic bags, the sampling site should be sealed with welding or tight tying to prevent spillage of bleach.

With mechanized packaging, sampling from the flow is allowed.

The mass of a spot sample is not less than 100 g.

4.1.2. The selected point samples are combined in a plastic bag or on a clean dry sheet of silicate or organic glass, or vinyl plastic, thoroughly mixed and a combined sample is obtained.

4.1.3. The combined sample is reduced by sampling or quartering to obtain an average sample weighing about 300 g and placed in a clean, dry, tightly closed glass jar or plastic bag. Plastic bag boil or tie. The sample is stored in a dry dark place.

A label is attached to the jar or package indicating the name of the product, lot number, brand, date of sampling, the inscription "Beware of burns", the name of the sampler.

4.1.1-4.1.3. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.2a. During the analysis, the requirements of GOST 27025 must be observed.

It is allowed to use similar equipment with technical and metrological characteristics, as well as reagents in quality not lower than those specified in the standard.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 1).

4.2. Appearance product is determined visually.

4.3. Determination of the mass fraction of active chlorine

4.3.1. Equipment, reagents, solutions

Burette according to NTD version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm 3.

Volumetric flask according to GOST 1770 version 1 or 2 with a capacity of 500 cm 3.

Conical flask according to GOST 25336 type Kn, version 1 or 2, with a capacity of 500 cm 3.

Pipette according to NTD version 2 with a capacity of 50 cm 3.

Porcelain mortar according to GOST 9147 No. 3 or 4.

Measuring cylinder according to GOST 1770 version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm 3.

General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104 * with the maximum weighing limit of 200 g.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709 or water of equivalent purity.

Potassium iodide according to GOST 4232, solution with a mass fraction of 10%.

Soluble starch according to GOST 10163, solution with a mass fraction of 1%.

Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204, concentration solution c (V 2 H 2 S0 4) = 0.1 mol / dm 3 (0.1 i.).

Sodium sulphate (sodium thiosulfate) according to GOST 27068, analytical grade, concentration solution c (Na 2 S 2 0 3 -5H 2 0) = 0.1 mol / dm 3 (0.1 i.).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.3.2. Conducting an analysis

2.2-2.8 g of bleach is weighed, recording the weighing result in grams with four decimal places, transferred to a porcelain mortar, 30-40 cm 3 of water are added and rubbed with a pestle until a homogeneous mass is formed. After settling, the aqueous layer is decanted into a volumetric flask. About 20 cm 3 of water are added to the residue in a mortar, thoroughly triturated, and the entire mass is transferred to the same flask. The volume of liquid in the flask was adjusted to the mark with water and mixed thoroughly. Without allowing the precipitate to settle, the solution is taken with a pipette into a conical flask, 10 cm 3 of potassium iodide solution are added, mixed, 50 cm 3 of sulfuric acid solution are added, the flask is closed with a stopper, mixed again and placed in a dark place.

After 5 minutes, the released iodine is titrated with a solution of sodium sulphate to a straw-yellow color, 1-2 cm 3 of a starch solution are added and titration is continued until the solution becomes colorless.

At the same time, a control experiment is carried out under the same conditions, with the same volumes of reagents.

4.3.3. Results processing

The mass fraction of active chlorine (X) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

(V-V,) ■ 0.003546 500 100

where V is the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm 3 used for titration of the analyzed sample, cm 3;

Fj is the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol/dm 3 used for titration in the control experiment, cm 3 ;

0.003546 - the mass of chlorine corresponding to 1 cm 3 of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm 3; t is the mass of a sample of bleach, g.

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.5%.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.4. Determination of thermal stability coefficient

4.4.1. Equipment

Test tube according to GOST 25336, type P1, 25 mm in diameter, 200 mm high.

General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104 with the highest weighing limit of 200 g, or the 3rd accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 500 g.

The thermostat providing temperature (85+1) °C.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.4.2. Conducting an analysis

14-16 g of the product are weighed in a glass test tube, recording the weighing result in grams with two decimal places. The tube is closed with a rubber stopper with a glass tube inserted into it (length 380 mm, inner diameter 6 mm). The end of the tube should be 5-10 mm above the surface of the product.

The test tube with the product is placed in a thermostat so that the entire product is immersed in water, and kept at a temperature of (85+1) °C for 2 hours.

After that, the tube is removed from the thermostat bath, closed with a solid stopper and cooled to room temperature. The contents of the test tube are mixed and the mass fraction of active chlorine (Xj) is determined by u. 4.3.

4.4.3. Results processing

Thermal stability coefficient (X 2) is calculated by the formula

where Xj - mass fraction active chlorine in bleach after heating, %;

X is the mass fraction of active chlorine in the original bleach, determined according to clause 4.3,%. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.01.


5.1. Chlorine lime is packaged:

in bags weighing 0.5-2.0 kg from a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm or from a polyvinyl chloride film according to GOST 16272 with a thickness of 0.18-0.23 mm, or from sack paper according to GOST 2228 grade P -20, laminated with polyethylene;

in plastic bags M 10-0.220 according to GOST 17811, enclosed in bags of chlorine fabric;

into steel drums according to GOST 5044 types I or III, versions B 15 V x, V 2, V 4, with a capacity of not more than 100 dm 3, painted inside and out with chemically resistant paint, or into unpainted drums made of carbon steel of the specified types and designs, equipped with inserts made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm.

Chloric lime for retail trade is packed in bags weighing 0.5-2.0 kg with a tolerance of ±5% from the nominal weight of the bag. The packages are placed in plastic bags according to GOST 17811 or in wooden boxes according to GOST 18573 type II-1 or III-1, or in boxes made of sheet wood materials according to GOST 5959 type II-1. The gross weight of one package must not exceed 30 kg.

Bleach intended for shipment to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is packed according to GOST 15846 in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777 with a capacity of 100 dm 3 with polyethylene film liners according to GOST 10354 0.06-0.100 mm thick, bleach, manufactured according to normative and technical documentation.

Chlorine lime for long-term storage is packed in steel drums, painted inside and out, or in polyethylene bags enclosed in bags of chlorine fabric. In this case, in the upper bottom of the drums of execution B, there must additionally be an opening of execution A x.

Bleach for export is packed in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777 with a capacity of 100 dm 3 with polyethylene film liners; in wooden barrels for bleach, made according to regulatory and technical documentation; plywood drums according to GOST 9338 with polyethylene film liners; steel drums according to GOST 5044, painted inside and outside, or painted outside and with liners made of polyethylene film.

The temperature of bleach loaded into containers should not exceed 40 °C.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5.2. Plastic bags and bags are sealed or tied with chlorine-resistant twine or a metal ring. Packages can be tied with a rubber ring. Sack paper bags are brewed. Bags made of chlorine fabric are sewn up without piercing the polyethylene liner, or tied with chlorine-resistant twine.

5.3. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 indicating the following data: the name of the manufacturer and its trademark; manipulation signs: "Sealed packaging", "Keep away from heat"; gross and net weights (for bags - only net weights);

danger sign according to GOST 19433 (class 5, subclass 5.1, group code 5152, UN serial number 2208).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

5.4. The marking characterizing the packaged products must contain the following data:

name, brand, product grade; batch number, date of manufacture; designation of this standard.

5.5. Labeling of consumer packaging with bleach intended for retail trade must contain the following data:

name of the manufacturer;

Product name;

purpose of the product, method of its application;

precautions and means of protection;

expiration date (1 year), month and year of issue;

designation of this standard;

inscriptions: "Corrosive" and "Keep in a dry place";

Product labeling for retail is applied to consumer packaging. It is allowed to mark on a paper label, which is placed in a plastic bag and attached to the neck of the bag.

5.6. Chlorine should be transported in packages. Chlorine lime in bags should be transported in metal box pallets made according to normative and technical documentation, in drums, boxes and barrels - on flat wooden pallets in accordance with GOST 9557.

Means for fastening drums, boxes and barrels on pallets - according to GOST 21650. The gross weight of the package should not exceed 1 ton.

5.7. The marking is applied directly to each package and to box pallets installed at the doors of the car, but not less than 10 box pallets. It is allowed to mark box pallets on the labels attached to them.

5.8. Chloric lime is transported by all means of transport, except for air, in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods in force for this type of transport.

Bleach packed in plastic bags is transported only by carload shipments by railway or by car.

It is allowed to transport bleach packed in containers by road in unpackaged form.

5.5-5.8. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5.9. Chlorine lime packed in plastic bags must be kept in packaging in the warehouse of the manufacturer for 72 hours on pallets. In this case, the bags are stacked on pallets up to 1 m high with a stack width of up to 2 m. The passage between the stacks is at least 0.5 m.

5.10. Chloric lime is stored in closed storage unheated, darkened and well-ventilated areas.

Floors should be asphalt, brick or concrete.

Chloric lime in bags is stored in stacks up to 2.5 m high and up to 1.2 m wide, in drums, boxes and barrels - vertically, up to five tiers high, with a stop of boards between tiers or horizontally up to 4 m high.

Between the stacks leave a passage with a width of at least 1 m.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5.11. It is not allowed to store explosives, flammable goods and cylinders with compressed gases in the same room with bleach.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the quality of bleach with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. Warranty period of storage of bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades is 3 years from the date of manufacture, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B is 1 year from the date of manufacture.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards No. 3506 dated October 30, 1985

3. REPLACE GOST 1692-58


Item number

Item number

GOST 12.1.007-76

GOST 10163-76

GOST 12.4.121-83

GOST 10354-82

GOST 1770-74

GOST 14192-96

GOST 2228-81

GOST 15846-2002

GOST 4204-77

GOST 16272-79

GOST 4232-74

GOST 17811-78

GOST 5044-79

GOST 18573-86

GSOT 5959-80

GOST 19433-88

GOST 6709-72

GOST 21650-76

GOST 6732.2-89

GOST 24104-88

GOST 8777-80

GOST 25336-82

GOST 9147-80

GOST 27025-86

GOST 9338-80

GOST 27068-86

GOST 9557-87

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed according to protocol No. 7-95 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (NUS 11-95)

6. EDITION (July 2006) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1988 and July 1989 (IUS 1-89, 11-89)

Editor M.I. Maksimova Technical editor N.S. Grishanova Proofreader V.E. Nesterova Computer layout A.N. Zolotareva

Signed for publication on 27.07.2006. Format 60x84V8 - Offset paper. Headset Times. Offset printing. Conditions.print.l. 0.93. Uch.-ed.l. 0.80. Circulation 43 copies. Zach. 549. C 3133.

FSUE "Standartinform", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed in FSUE "Standartinform" on a PC.

Printed in the branch of FSUE "Standartinform" - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

GOST 14192-77

GOST 20292-74

4.3.1; 4.4.1

5. The validity period was extended until 01.01.97 by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of 11.07.89 N 2369

6. REPUBLICATION (April 1991) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1988 and July 1989 (IUS 1-89, 11-89)

This standard applies to bleach, which is a mixture of the dibasic salt of calcium hypochlorite, calcium oxychloride, chloride and calcium hydroxide.

Chlorine lime is used for degassing, bleaching, disinfection of drinking water and disinfection.



1.1. Chloric lime must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Depending on the method of obtaining bleach, two grades are produced: A and B.

Bleach grade A is obtained by chlorination of fluff in a fluidized bed, grade B - by chlorination of fluff in Backman apparatuses.

1.3. OKP codes for bleach, depending on the brand, grade, packaging, are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Brand name, grade

Chlorine brand A:

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

Chlorine grade B:

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

Chlorine lime for retail sale, packaged:

bags of 500 g

packages for 2000

1.4. In terms of physico-chemical parameters, bleach must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

1. Appearance

Powder white color or faintly colored
with lumps

2. Mass fraction of active chlorine, %, not less than

3. Thermal stability coefficient, not less than

Note. It is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of active chlorine in bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades within three years by 8%, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B within 1 year - by 10%.

Determination of the indicator "Thermal stability coefficient" is obligatory in each batch for collecting statistics for the product of the 2nd grade of brand B and the third grades of both brands.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).


2.1. Bleach dust and released chlorine irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin.

2.2. The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of chlorine in the air of the working area is 1 mg/m (2nd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76). The determination method is based on a color reaction with iodides (starch iodine reaction). To determine and record the chlorine content in the air of industrial premises, stationary automatic or portable gas analyzers are used.

2.3. Chloric lime is non-combustible, but being a strong oxidizing agent, it can ignite when in contact with organic products.

2.4. Industrial premises must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring the content of chlorine in them within the MPC.

2.5. Production personnel must be provided with special clothing in accordance with industry standards.

2.6. To protect the respiratory and vision organs, personnel must use individual protective equipment, a filtering gas mask of brand B or BFK in accordance with GOST 12.4.121-83.

2.7. Production facilities and storage facilities must be equipped with fire extinguishing agents: water, sandboxes and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

2.8. In case of heating of bleach due to decomposition, urgent measures must be taken to disperse it.

2.9. In case of chlorine poisoning, the victim should be removed from the contaminated atmosphere, provide peace, warmth and call a doctor. If the product gets on the skin and eyes, they should be rinsed with water for 15-20 minutes. If necessary, the victim is sent to the first-aid post.

2.10. Vacuum cleaning. In the absence of a vacuum system, wet cleaning is allowed.


3.1. Bleach is taken in batches. A batch is considered a quantity of a product that is homogeneous in terms of quality, weighing no more than 60 tons, accompanied by one quality document.

The quality document must contain:

name or trademark of the manufacturer;

name, brand and grade of the product;

lot number;

date of manufacture;

gross and net weight (for bags - only net weight);

the number of packaging units in the lot;

results of analyzes or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;

inscriptions: "Corrosive", "Keep in a dry place";

confirmation of the application of danger signs on the packaging in accordance with GOST 19433-88;

3.2. To control the quality of bleach for compliance with the requirements of this standard, a sample of 1% of packaging units is selected from the batch, but not less than three for small batches.

3.3. To control the quality of bleach intended for retail trade, 2 bags of 0.5 kg each and 1 bag of 2 kg are taken from the sample from each bag or box.

3.4. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a reanalysis is carried out for all indicators on a doubled sample.

The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


4.1. Sample selection

4.1.1. Point samples of bleach are taken with a probe according to GOST 6732.2-89 from titanium, vinyl plastic, immersing it to 3/4 of the depth of the package.

From packages weighing 0.5-2.0 kg, sampling with a scoop is allowed.

After sampling from plastic bags, the sampling site should be sealed with welding or tight tying to prevent spillage of bleach.

With mechanized packaging, sampling from the flow is allowed.

The mass of a spot sample is not less than 100 g.

4.1.2. The selected point samples are combined in a plastic bag or on a clean, dry sheet of silicate or organic glass or vinyl plastic, mixed thoroughly and a combined sample is obtained.

4.1.3. The combined sample is reduced by sampling or quartering to obtain an average sample weighing about 300 g and placed in a clean, dry, tightly closed glass jar or plastic bag. The plastic bag is sealed or tied. The sample is stored in a dry dark place.

A label is attached to the jar or package indicating the name of the product, lot number, brand, date of sampling, the inscription "Beware of burns", the name of the sampler.

4.1.1-4.1.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.2a. When conducting an analysis, the requirements of GOST 27025-86 must be observed.

It is allowed to use similar equipment with technical and metrological characteristics, as well as reagents in quality not lower than those specified in the standard.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

4.2. The appearance of the product is determined visually.

4.3. Determination of the mass fraction of active chlorine

4.3.1. Equipment, reagents, solutions

Burette according to GOST 20292-74 version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm.

Volumetric flask according to GOST 1770-74 version 1 or 2 with a capacity of 500 ml.

Conical flask in accordance with GOST 25336-82 type Kn, execution 1 or 2, with a capacity of 500 ml.

Pipette according to GOST 20292-74 version 2 with a capacity of 50 cm.

Porcelain mortar according to GOST 9147-80 N 3 or 4.

Measuring cylinder according to GOST 1770-74 version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm.

GOST 24104-88 * with the highest weighing limit of 200 g.
* Within the territory of Russian Federation valid GOST 24104-2001, hereinafter in the text. - Note "CODE".

Distilled water according to GOST 6709-72 or water of equivalent purity.

Potassium iodide according to GOST 4232-74, solution with a mass fraction of 10%.

Soluble starch according to GOST 10163-76, solution with a mass fraction of 1%.

Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204-77, concentration solution (1/2 HSO) = mol / dm (0.1 N).

Sodium sulphate (sodium thiosulfate) according to GOST 27068-86, analytical grade, concentration solution (NaSO 5HO) = 0.1 mol / dm (0.1 N).

(Revised edition, Rev.

4.3.2. Conducting an analysis

2.2-2.8 g of bleach is weighed, recording the weighing result in grams with four decimal places, transferred to a porcelain mortar, 30-40 cm3 of water are added and rubbed with a pestle until a homogeneous mass is formed. After settling, the aqueous layer is decanted into a volumetric flask. About 20 cm3 of water is added to the residue in the mortar, thoroughly ground and the whole mass is transferred to the same flask. The volume of liquid in the flask was adjusted to the mark with water and mixed thoroughly. Without allowing the precipitate to settle, the solution is pipetted into a conical flask, 10 ml of potassium iodide solution is added, mixed, 50 ml of sulfuric acid solution are added, the flask is closed with a cork, mixed again and placed in a dark place.

After 5 minutes, the released iodine is titrated with a solution of sodium sulphate to a straw-yellow color, 1-2 ml of starch solution are added and titration is continued until the solution becomes colorless.

At the same time, a control experiment is carried out under the same conditions with the same volumes of reagents.

4.3.3. Results processing

The mass fraction of active chlorine () in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm, used for titration of the analyzed sample, cm;

- the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm3, used for titration in the control experiment, cm;

0.003546 - the mass of chlorine corresponding to 1 cm3 of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm;

- mass of a sample of bleach, g.

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.5%.

(Revised edition, Rev. N

4.4. Determination of thermal stability coefficient

4.4.1. Equipment

Test tube according to GOST 25336-82 type P1, 25 mm in diameter, 200 mm high.

General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104-88 with the highest weighing limit of 200 g, or the 3rd accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 500 g.

The thermostat providing temperature (85±1) °C.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.2. Conducting an analysis

14-16 g of the product are weighed in a glass test tube, recording the weighing result in grams with two decimal places. The tube is closed with a rubber stopper with a glass tube inserted into it (length 380 mm, inner diameter 6 mm). The end of the tube should be 5-10 mm above the surface of the product.

The test tube with the product is placed in a thermostat so that the entire product is immersed in water, and kept at a temperature of (85±1)°C for 2 hours.

After that, the tube is removed from the thermostat bath, closed with a solid stopper and cooled to room temperature. The contents of the tube are mixed and the mass fraction of active chlorine () is determined according to clause 4.3.

4.4.3. Results processing

Thermal stability coefficient () is calculated by the formula

where is the mass fraction of active chlorine in bleach after heating,%;

- mass fraction of active chlorine in the original bleach, determined according to clause 4.3,%.

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.01.

in steel drums according to GOST 5044-79 types I or III, versions B, C, C, C, with a capacity of not more than 100 dm3, painted inside and out with chemically resistant paint, or in unpainted carbon steel drums of the indicated types and versions, equipped with liners from a polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354-82 GOST 10354-82 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm, into wooden barrels for bleach, made according to regulatory and technical documentation.
* GOST 15846-2002 is valid. - Note "CODE".

Chlorine lime for long-term storage is packed in steel drums, painted inside and out, or in polyethylene bags enclosed in bags of chlorine fabric. In this case, in the upper bottom of the drums of execution B, there must additionally be an opening of execution A.

Bleach for export is packed in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777-80 with a capacity of 100 dm3 with polyethylene film liners; in wooden barrels for bleach, made according to regulatory and technical documentation; plywood drums according to GOST 9338-80 with polyethylene film liners; steel drums according to GOST 5044-79, painted inside and outside, or painted outside and with liners made of polyethylene film.

The temperature of bleach loaded into containers should not exceed 40°C.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.2. Plastic bags and bags are sealed or tied with chlorine-resistant twine or a metal ring. Packages can be tied with a rubber ring. Sack paper bags are brewed. Bags made of chlorine fabric are sewn up without piercing the polyethylene liner, or tied with chlorine-resistant twine.

5.3. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192-77 * indicating the following data:
* GOST 14192-96 is valid. - Note "CODE".

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

manipulation signs: "Sealed packaging", "Afraid of heating";

gross and net weights (for bags - only net weights);

danger sign according to GOST 19433-88 (class 5, subclass 5.1, group code 5152, UN serial number 2208).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

5.4. The marking characterizing the packaged products must contain the following data:

name, brand, product grade;

batch number, date of manufacture;

designation of this standard.

5.5. Labeling of consumer containers with bleach intended for retail trade must contain the following data:

name of the manufacturer;

Product name;

purpose of the product, method of its application;

precautions and means of protection;

expiration date (1 year), month and year of issue;

designation of this standard;

inscriptions: "Corrosive" and "Keep in a dry place";



Product labeling for retail is applied to consumer packaging. It is allowed to mark on a paper label, which is placed in a plastic bag and attached to the neck of the bag.

5.6. Chlorine should be transported in packages. Bleach in bags should be transported in metal box pallets made according to normative and technical documentation, in drums, boxes and barrels - on flat wooden pallets in accordance with GOST 9557-87.

Means for fastening drums, boxes and barrels on pallets - according to GOST 21650-76. The gross weight of the package must not exceed 1 ton.

5.7. The marking is applied directly to each package and to box pallets installed at the doors of the car, but not less than 10 box pallets. It is allowed to mark box pallets on the labels attached to them.

5.8. Chloric lime is transported by all means of transport, except for air, in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods in force for this type of transport.

Bleach packed in polyethylene bags is transported only by carload shipments by rail or by road.

It is allowed to transport bleach packed in containers by road in unpackaged form.

5.5-5.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.9. Chlorine lime packed in plastic bags must be kept in packaging in the warehouse of the manufacturer for 72 hours on pallets. In this case, the bags are stacked on pallets up to 1 m high with a stack width of up to 2 m. The passage between the stacks is at least 0.5 m.

5.10. Chloric lime is stored in closed storage unheated, darkened and well-ventilated areas.

Floors should be asphalt, brick or concrete.

Chloric lime in bags is stored in stacks up to 2.5 m high and up to 1.2 m wide, in drums, boxes and barrels - vertically, up to five tiers high, with boarding between tiers or horizontally up to 4 m high.

Between the stacks leave a passage with a width of at least 1 m.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.11. It is not allowed to store explosives, flammable goods and cylinders with compressed gases in the same room with bleach.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the quality of bleach with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. Warranty period of storage of bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades is 3 years from the date of manufacture, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B is 1 year from the date of manufacture.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1991

Healthcare. GOST 1692-85: Chlorine lime. Specifications. OKS: Health care, Sterilization and disinfection. GOSTs. Lime chloride. Specifications. class=text>

GOST 1692-85

Lime chloride. Specifications

GOST 1692-85
Group L17


Chlorinated lime. Specifications

OKP 21 4712

Valid from 1987.01.01
until 1997.01.01*
* Expiry date removed
according to protocol N 7-95 of the Interstate Council
for standardization, metrology and certification
(IUS N 11, 1995). - Note "CODE"


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR


P.E.Bochkov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.A. Pakhomov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.A.Mikhailov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Z.M. Rivina, Ph.D. chem. sciences; N.I. Lozben, Ph.D. tech. sciences; E.G. Farfel; M.L. Mikhel; P.L. Reznik; G.M. Shefer; G.M.Soboleva

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree State Committee USSR according to the standards of October 30, 1985 N 3506

3. REPLACE GOST 1692-58


Item number

GOST 12.1.007-76

GOST 12.4.121-83

GOST 1770-74

GOST 2228-81

GOST 4204-77

GOST 4232-74

GOST 5044-79

GOST 5959-80

GOST 6709-72

GOST 6732.2-89

GOST 8777-80

GOST 9147-80

GOST 9338-80

GOST 9557-87

GOST 10163-76

GOST 10354-82

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15846-79

GOST 16272-79

GOST 17811-78

GOST 18573-86

GOST 19433-88

GOST 20292-74

GOST 21650-76

GOST 24104-88

4.3.1; 4.4.1

GOST 25336-82

GOST 27025-86

GOST 27068-86

5. The validity period was extended until 01.01.97 by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of 11.07.89 N 2369

6. REPUBLICATION (April 1991) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1988 and July 1989 (IUS 1-89, 11-89)

This standard applies to bleach, which is a mixture of the dibasic salt of calcium hypochlorite, calcium oxychloride, chloride and calcium hydroxide.
Chlorine lime is used for degassing, bleaching, disinfection of drinking water and disinfection.



1.1. Chloric lime must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Depending on the method of obtaining bleach, two grades are produced: A and B.
Bleach grade A is obtained by chlorination of fluff in a fluidized bed, grade B - by chlorination of fluff in Backman apparatuses.

1.3. OKP codes for bleach, depending on the brand, grade, packaging, are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Brand name, grade

Chlorine brand A:

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

Chlorine grade B:

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

Chlorine lime for retail sale, packaged:

bags of 500 g

packages for 2000

1.4. In terms of physico-chemical parameters, bleach must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade

1. Appearance

Powder white or slightly colored,
with lumps

2. Mass fraction of active chlorine, %, not less than

3. Thermal stability coefficient, not less than

Note. It is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of active chlorine in bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades within three years by 8%, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B within 1 year - by 10%.
Determination of the indicator "Thermal stability coefficient" is obligatory in each batch for collecting statistics for the product of the 2nd grade of brand B and the third grades of both brands.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).


2.1. Bleach dust and released chlorine irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin.

2.2. The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of chlorine in the air of the working area is 1 mg/m (2nd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76). The determination method is based on a color reaction with iodides (starch iodine reaction). To determine and record the chlorine content in the air of industrial premises, stationary automatic or portable gas analyzers are used.

2.3. Chloric lime is non-combustible, but being a strong oxidizing agent, it can ignite when in contact with organic products.

2.4. Industrial premises must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring the content of chlorine in them within the MPC.

2.5. Production personnel must be provided with special clothing in accordance with industry standards.

2.6. To protect the respiratory and vision organs, personnel must use individual protective equipment, a filtering gas mask of brand B or BFK in accordance with GOST 12.4.121-83.

2.7. Production facilities and storage facilities must be equipped with fire extinguishing agents: water, sandboxes and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

2.8. In case of heating of bleach due to decomposition, urgent measures must be taken to disperse it.

2.9. In case of chlorine poisoning, the victim should be removed from the contaminated atmosphere, provide peace, warmth and call a doctor. If the product gets on the skin and eyes, they should be rinsed with water for 15-20 minutes. If necessary, the victim is sent to the first-aid post.

2.10. Vacuum cleaning. In the absence of a vacuum system, wet cleaning is allowed.


3.1. Bleach is taken in batches. A batch is considered a quantity of a product that is homogeneous in terms of quality, weighing no more than 60 tons, accompanied by one quality document.
The quality document must contain:
name or trademark of the manufacturer;
name, brand and grade of the product;
lot number;
date of manufacture;
gross and net weight (for bags - only net weight);
the number of packaging units in the lot;
results of analyzes or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;
inscriptions: "Corrosive", "Keep in a dry place";
confirmation of the application of danger signs on the packaging in accordance with GOST 19433-88;

3.2. To control the quality of bleach for compliance with the requirements of this standard, a sample of 1% of packaging units is selected from the batch, but not less than three for small batches.

3.3. To control the quality of bleach intended for retail trade, 2 bags of 0.5 kg each and 1 bag of 2 kg are taken from the sample from each bag or box.

3.4. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a reanalysis is carried out for all indicators on a doubled sample.
The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


4.1. Sample selection

4.1.1. Point samples of bleach are taken with a probe according to GOST 6732.2-89 from titanium, vinyl plastic, immersing it to 3/4 of the depth of the package.
From packages weighing 0.5-2.0 kg, sampling with a scoop is allowed.
After sampling from plastic bags, the sampling site should be sealed with welding or tight tying to prevent spillage of bleach.
With mechanized packaging, sampling from the flow is allowed.
The mass of a spot sample is not less than 100 g.

4.1.2. The selected point samples are combined in a plastic bag or on a clean, dry sheet of silicate or organic glass or vinyl plastic, mixed thoroughly and a combined sample is obtained.

4.1.3. The combined sample is reduced by sampling or quartering to obtain an average sample weighing about 300 g and placed in a clean, dry, tightly closed glass jar or plastic bag. The plastic bag is sealed or tied. The sample is stored in a dry dark place.
A label is attached to the jar or package indicating the name of the product, lot number, brand, date of sampling, the inscription "Beware of burns", the name of the sampler.

4.1.1-4.1.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.2a. During the analysis, the requirements of GOST 27025-86 must be observed.
It is allowed to use similar equipment with technical and metrological characteristics, as well as reagents in quality not lower than those specified in the standard.
(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

4.2. The appearance of the product is determined visually.

4.3. Determination of the mass fraction of active chlorine

4.3.1. Equipment, reagents, solutions
Burette according to GOST 20292-74 version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm.
Volumetric flask according to GOST 1770-74 version 1 or 2 with a capacity of 500 ml.
Conical flask in accordance with GOST 25336-82 type Kn, execution 1 or 2, with a capacity of 500 ml.
Pipette according to GOST 20292-74 version 2 with a capacity of 50 cm.
Porcelain mortar according to GOST 9147-80 N 3 or 4.

Measuring cylinder according to GOST 1770-74 version 1 or 3 with a capacity of 50 cm.
General-purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104-88 * with the maximum weighing limit of 200 g.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST 24104-2001 applies, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709-72 or water of equivalent purity.
Potassium iodide according to GOST 4232-74, solution with a mass fraction of 10%.
Soluble starch according to GOST 10163-76, solution with a mass fraction of 1%.
Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204-77, concentration solution (1/2 HSO) = mol / dm (0.1 N).
Sodium sulphate (sodium thiosulfate) according to GOST 27068-86, analytical grade, concentration solution (NaSO 5HO) = 0.1 mol / dm (0.1 N).
(Revised edition, Rev.

4.3.2. Conducting an analysis
2.2-2.8 g of bleach is weighed, recording the weighing result in grams with four decimal places, transferred to a porcelain mortar, 30-40 cm3 of water are added and rubbed with a pestle until a homogeneous mass is formed. After settling, the aqueous layer is decanted into a volumetric flask. About 20 cm3 of water is added to the residue in the mortar, thoroughly ground and the whole mass is transferred to the same flask. The volume of liquid in the flask was adjusted to the mark with water and mixed thoroughly. Without allowing the precipitate to settle, the solution is pipetted into a conical flask, 10 ml of potassium iodide solution is added, mixed, 50 ml of sulfuric acid solution are added, the flask is closed with a cork, mixed again and placed in a dark place.
After 5 minutes, the released iodine is titrated with a solution of sodium sulphate to a straw-yellow color, 1-2 ml of starch solution are added and titration is continued until the solution becomes colorless.
At the same time, a control experiment is carried out under the same conditions with the same volumes of reagents.

4.3.3. Results processing
The mass fraction of active chlorine () in percent is calculated by the formula

where is the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm, used for titration of the analyzed sample, cm;
- the volume of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm3, used for titration in the control experiment, cm;
0.003546 - the mass of chlorine corresponding to 1 cm3 of a solution of sodium sulphate with a concentration of exactly 0.1 mol / dm;
- mass of a sample of bleach, g.
The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.5%.
(Revised edition, Rev. N

4.4. Determination of thermal stability coefficient

4.4.1. Equipment
Test tube according to GOST 25336-82 type P1, 25 mm in diameter, 200 mm high.
General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104-88 with the highest weighing limit of 200 g, or the 3rd accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 500 g.
The thermostat providing temperature (85±1) °C.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

4.4.2. Conducting an analysis

14-16 g of the product are weighed in a glass test tube, recording the weighing result in grams with two decimal places. The tube is closed with a rubber stopper with a glass tube inserted into it (length 380 mm, inner diameter 6 mm). The end of the tube should be 5-10 mm above the surface of the product.
The test tube with the product is placed in a thermostat so that the entire product is immersed in water, and kept at a temperature of (85±1)°C for 2 hours.
After that, the tube is removed from the thermostat bath, closed with a solid stopper and cooled to room temperature. The contents of the tube are mixed and the mass fraction of active chlorine () is determined according to clause 4.3.

4.4.3. Results processing
Thermal stability coefficient () is calculated by the formula

where is the mass fraction of active chlorine in bleach after heating,%;
- mass fraction of active chlorine in the original bleach, determined according to clause 4.3,%.
The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancies between which, with a confidence probability of 0.95, should not exceed 0.01.


5.1. Chlorine lime is packaged:
in polyethylene bags M 10-0.220 according to GOST 17811-78;
in packages weighing 0.5-2.0 kg from a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354-82 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm or from a polyvinyl chloride film according to GOST 16272-79 with a thickness of 0.18-0.23 mm, or from sack paper according to GOST 2228-81 grade P-20, laminated with polyethylene;
in polyethylene bags M 10-0.220 according to GOST 17811-78, enclosed in bags of chlorine fabric;
in steel drums according to GOST 5044-79 types I or III, versions B, C, C, C, with a capacity of not more than 100 dm3, painted inside and out with chemically resistant paint, or in unpainted carbon steel drums of the indicated types and versions, equipped with liners from a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354-82 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm.
Bleach for retail trade is packed in bags weighing 0.5-2.0 kg with a tolerance of ±5% from the nominal weight of the bag. The packages are placed in polyethylene bags according to GOST 17811-78 or in wooden boxes according to GOST 18573-86 type II-1 or III-1, or in boxes made of sheet wood materials according to GOST 5959-80 type II-1. The gross weight of one package must not exceed 30 kg.
Bleach intended for shipment to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas is packed according to GOST 15846-79 * in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777-80 with a capacity of 100 dm3 with polyethylene film liners according to GOST 10354-82 with a thickness of 0.06-0.100 mm, in wooden barrels for bleach, made according to normative and technical documentation.
* GOST 15846-2002 is valid. - Note.

Chlorine lime for long-term storage is packed in steel drums, painted inside and out, or in polyethylene bags enclosed in bags of chlorine fabric. In this case, in the upper bottom of the drums of execution B, there must additionally be an opening of execution A.
Bleach for export is packed in wooden barrels according to GOST 8777-80 with a capacity of 100 dm3 with polyethylene film liners; in wooden barrels for bleach, made according to regulatory and technical documentation; plywood drums according to GOST 9338-80 with polyethylene film liners; steel drums according to GOST 5044-79, painted inside and outside, or painted outside and with liners made of polyethylene film.
The temperature of bleach loaded into containers should not exceed 40°C.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.2. Plastic bags and bags are sealed or tied with chlorine-resistant twine or a metal ring. Packages can be tied with a rubber ring. Sack paper bags are brewed. Bags made of chlorine fabric are sewn up without piercing the polyethylene liner, or tied with chlorine-resistant twine.

5.3. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192-77 * indicating the following data:
* GOST 14192-96 is valid. - Note.

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;
manipulation signs: "Sealed packaging", "Afraid of heating";
gross and net weights (for bags - only net weights);
danger sign according to GOST 19433-88 (class 5, subclass 5.1, group code 5152, UN serial number 2208).
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

5.4. The marking characterizing the packaged products must contain the following data:
name, brand, product grade;
batch number, date of manufacture;
designation of this standard.

5.5. Labeling of consumer containers with bleach intended for retail trade must contain the following data:
name of the manufacturer;
Product name;
purpose of the product, method of its application;
precautions and means of protection;
expiration date (1 year), month and year of issue;
designation of this standard;
inscriptions: "Corrosive" and "Keep in a dry place";
Product labeling for retail is applied to consumer packaging. It is allowed to mark on a paper label, which is placed in a plastic bag and attached to the neck of the bag.

5.6. Chlorine should be transported in packages. Chlorine lime in bags should be transported in metal box pallets made according to normative and technical documentation, in drums, boxes and barrels - on flat wooden pallets in accordance with GOST 9557-87.
Means for fastening drums, boxes and barrels on pallets - according to GOST 21650-76. The gross weight of the package must not exceed 1 ton.

5.7. The marking is applied directly to each package and to box pallets installed at the doors of the car, but not less than 10 box pallets. It is allowed to mark box pallets on the labels attached to them.

5.8. Chloric lime is transported by all means of transport, except for air, in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transport of dangerous goods in force for this type of transport.
Bleach packed in polyethylene bags is transported only by carload shipments by rail or by road.
It is allowed to transport bleach packed in containers by road in unpackaged form.

5.5-5.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.9. Chlorine lime packed in plastic bags must be kept in packaging in the warehouse of the manufacturer for 72 hours on pallets. In this case, the bags are stacked on pallets up to 1 m high with a stack width of up to 2 m. The passage between the stacks is at least 0.5 m.

5.10. Chloric lime is stored in closed storage unheated, darkened and well-ventilated areas.
Floors should be asphalt, brick or concrete.
Chloric lime in bags is stored in stacks up to 2.5 m high and up to 1.2 m wide, in drums, boxes and barrels - vertically, up to five tiers high, with boarding between tiers or horizontally up to 4 m high.
Between the stacks leave a passage with a width of at least 1 m.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.11. It is not allowed to store explosives, flammable goods and cylinders with compressed gases in the same room with bleach.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the quality of bleach with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. Warranty period of storage of bleach grade A of the 1st and 2nd grades is 3 years from the date of manufacture, grade A of the 3rd grade and grade B is 1 year from the date of manufacture.