Thermal propulsion system tps 53. Universal deep-sea homing torpedo ugst ("physicist")

The Russian defense industry continues to implement new projects in the field of mine and torpedo weapons. Not so long ago, it became known that new results were obtained in this area: based on the results of all the necessary armament tests, a promising torpedo, known under the code "Case", was adopted. At the same time, some of the facts indicated in the latest reports on this matter may be a reason for optimism.

The product "Case" is the latest of the well-known domestic developments in the field of torpedo weapons. According to reports, the purpose of this project was to further improve the existing UGST "Physicist" torpedo, which was put into service several years ago. In particular, in connection with this, the new project also bears the name "Physicist-2". Work on the new project started in the recent past and over time led to real results in the form of readiness for adoption.

In March of this year, RIA "", with reference to unnamed sources in the military-industrial complex, wrote about the current successes of the Case project. Then it was indicated that the new torpedo had by that time been tested. In addition, some of the necessary checks have already been successfully completed. Also, an unnamed source revealed the future plans of the industry and the Ministry of Defense. So, in the foreseeable future, the Physicist-2 / Case torpedo was planned to be put into service. The corresponding order was supposed to appear in 2018.

Torpedo UGST "Physicist"

A few months later, on July 12, Izvestia published new reports on the progress of a promising project. From the published data it followed that by now the industry had managed to complete all the required work. The designer of the torpedo armament of the Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering, which was developing the new project, Alexander Grigoriev told Izvestia that the UGST Fizik-2 torpedo had already been adopted by the Russian Navy. Also, a participant in the creation of a torpedo noted that in the future this product will have to replace all analogues of existing types in service, equipped with electric power plants.

Recent reports on the adoption of the Case torpedo into service suggest that the tests were completed ahead of schedule - several months ahead of schedule. As a result, no later than mid-2017, the product was put into service, although earlier these events were attributed to the next 2018. Thus, serial products can enter the naval arsenals with a certain lead in the existing schedules.

It is known that the new product "Case" is a modernized version of the older UGST "Physicist" torpedo. Recall that development work with the cipher "Physicist" started in the mid-eighties; its goal was to create a promising deep-sea homing thermal torpedo. The lead developer was appointed the Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering, which was supposed to be assisted by several other organizations. Experimental UGST products were tested in the mid-nineties, and at the beginning of the next decade, the torpedo was put into service. During this period, the first public demonstration of the new took place, the platform for which was the International Naval Salon in St. Petersburg.

A few years ago, the development institute began to create a modernized version of the existing "Physics". The new torpedo based on the existing one received the working designation "Physicist-2". In addition, the alternative name "Case" soon appeared. Currently, both designations are used in parallel and do not cause any confusion.

Until a certain time, detailed information about the torpedo "Physicist-2" / "Case" was missing. Only a few months ago, some technical data was published. In addition, some of the press publications on the development of torpedo weapons revealed certain details of the new project. For obvious reasons, the most frequently mentioned differences from the existing weapons of the base model, as well as the advantages obtained in the new project. All the data published to date make it possible to draw up a fairly detailed picture, in which, however, some “white spots” still remain.

Like all modern domestic torpedoes, the UGST "Case" has a cylindrical body of high elongation with a cut hemispherical head fairing and a conical tail section, which serves as the basis for the propulsion and steering system. The total length of the product, according to available data, is 7.2 m, the caliber is 533 mm. The mass of a combat-ready torpedo is 2.2 tons.

In terms of its layout, the torpedo probably repeats the design of the base "Physics". Recall that the UGST of the first version had a head compartment with homing equipment, behind which the charging and tank compartments were located in series. The tail compartment was given for the installation of the engine and actuators of the control system. Apparently, in the new project, such a torpedo architecture was not changed or improved.

According to published data, the "Case" is equipped with an axial-piston internal combustion engine using a single-component fuel. The type of engine and its main characteristics have not yet been announced. At the same time, it is known that the base "Physicist" had a 350 kW (469 hp) engine, which used a rotating combustion chamber. Fuel was supplied by a high-pressure pump. Tanks for transporting fuel were located in the central part of the hull. It was proposed to start the engine using a starting powder charge.

The engine shaft passes through the tail compartment of the hull and is brought out, where it is connected to the jet propulsion. The impeller of the latter is placed inside the annular channel, which increases performance while reducing noise. Rudders are located next to the annular channel of the water cannon. A curious feature of the projects of the UGST "Physicist" family is the use of controlled surfaces that are laid out after leaving the torpedo tube. For greater efficiency, the rudders have a box-shaped design with a pair of large planes and a small jumper between them, brought into the stream. This design increases the efficiency of the rudders and simplifies control to a certain extent.

It is known that the product "Physicist-2" has a means of homing, but the type of such a system was not specified. At the same time, there is certain information about the control systems of the previous UGST torpedo. According to reports, within the framework of the R&D "Physicist", enterprises of the domestic defense industry immediately created two variants of active-passive homing systems that have certain differences. Together with homing, telecontrol from the appropriate remote control of the carrier submarine can be used. To transmit commands to the onboard systems of the torpedo, a cable placed on two coils is used. One of them is equipped with 25 km of wire and is located inside the torpedo, and towed from 5 km of cable in the transport position is placed near the jet propulsion. The third coil can be installed on board the carrier. With the help of a cable and remote control, a torpedo can be displayed in a given area of ​​​​the intended location of the target, after which the search and guidance is assigned to automatic systems.

The homing system "Physics" has a flat nasal receiving-emitting antenna, which includes a large number of individual elements. The torpedo is capable of finding both the targets themselves and their wake. Automation detects surface ships at distances up to 1.2 km, submarines - up to 2.5 km. The wake indication time is 350 s. Undermining the warhead is carried out using a proximity fuse. It works at distances up to several meters from the target.

Behind the head compartment in the body of the torpedo "Case" is a combat charging compartment. Torpedoes of the new family carry a similar charge in the form of 300 kg of explosive. The power of such a fighting compartment is sufficient to inflict the most serious damage to enemy surface ships and submarines. Probably, simultaneously with combat torpedoes carrying a powerful explosive charge, products of a practical type can be produced. In this case, the charging compartment must be filled with ballast of the required mass.

According to the domestic press, the UGST "Physicist-2" / "Case" torpedo is capable of speeds up to 50 knots (more than 90 km / h) and move at depths of up to 400 m. The firing range is up to 50 km. Various publications have repeatedly noted that the promising product surpasses existing domestic and foreign torpedoes in terms of range. This feature of the new weapon significantly increases the likelihood of successful timely destruction of the target with minimal risks for its carrier.

According to previously published data, the new Case torpedo is primarily intended for arming modern nuclear submarines of the latest projects. Thus, the multi-purpose nuclear submarines of project 885 Yasen and strategic cruisers of project 955 Borey can become the first carriers of these weapons. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that in the future such torpedoes will be included in the ammunition load of other domestic submarines built according to older projects.

The production of Cases should be deployed at the Dagdiesel plant in the city of Kaspiysk. According to available data, this enterprise currently manufactures products of the Fizik UGST, and in the near future will master the mass assembly of its modernized version. According to some reports, the launch of serial production of the Physicist-2 torpedoes will lead to a halt in the production of basic model products. Apparently, such a replacement will not lead to technological or operational difficulties, but at the same time it will allow to increase the potential of submarine forces to a certain extent.

The development of a new version of a homing thermal torpedo to replace existing Fizik products started just a few years ago. To date, torpedo builders have managed to complete the design and conduct the necessary tests. According to reports this spring, the checks were successful and allowed to make optimistic estimates. At the same time, however, anonymous sources of the domestic media called rather modest plans: the new torpedo was supposed to enter service only next year.

Just a few months after that, one of the authors of the new project said that the Physicist-2 torpedo had already been adopted by the Russian Navy. Whether serial production has begun has not yet been specified. Other aspects of the new project are also not disclosed. At the same time, there were reports that the new torpedo will replace the base model in production.

The development of domestic mine-torpedo weapons continues and gives certain results. In just a few years, an updated and improved version of the existing Fizik UGST product was created, which has a number of advantages. This torpedo was put into service not so long ago, and in the near future it will have to enter the arsenals of the navy and get into the ammunition load of the newest nuclear submarines.

According to the websites:

Despite the rapid development of anti-submarine missile weapons observed over the past ten years, torpedoes of various types still remain the main means of destroying submarines and one of the most effective means of destroying enemy surface ships. Russia, as before, occupies a leading position in the development of torpedo weapons for arming submarines and surface ships.

Universal deep-sea homing torpedo (UGST) is one of the most unique examples of Russian torpedo weapons. A few years ago, the manufacturer received documents giving the right to export this product. The UGST torpedo was exhibited at two International Naval Shows (IMDS) held in St. Petersburg.

Moreover, during the first show, in 2003, when they wanted to openly present the torpedo to a wide range of specialists for the first time, due to some problems with the special services, the UGST was hidden from the audience on the second day, wrapped in carpet and rewound with tape. This circumstance caused a real sensation not only among foreign, but also among Russian journalists writing on military-technical topics.

However, even without this “incident”, which looks like footage from a bad spy movie, many experts in the field of naval technology quite deservedly pay increased attention to this type of weapons and military equipment. But now it is possible, without looking back at the competent authorities, to talk about the UGST, which is an excellent example of a torpedo weapon. This torpedo was developed by specialists from the St. Petersburg Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering" and the GNPP "Region" near Moscow.

UGST - universal deep-sea homing, designed to destroy enemy surface ships. The UGST can be fired from 533mm torpedo tubes. In addition, the torpedo is universal in terms of carrier, that is, it can be used by both submarines and surface ships.
There are two modifications of the UGST torpedo:
- for Russian torpedo tubes, the length of the torpedo is 7.2 meters;
- export version for NATO torpedo tubes, torpedo length 6.1 meters.

Compatibility of the equipment of the carrier and the onboard systems of the torpedo is made by the software setting of the system unit during binding to a certain type of ship. Moreover, in order to place a universal deep-sea homing torpedo on some modernized ships, it is possible to supply an adapter pre-launch preparation panel that allows you to enter data into the torpedo before firing.

Russian specialists in this product were able to implement the modern concept of a heavy torpedo. The intellectual level of the onboard equipment of the torpedo was increased, and high tactical and technical characteristics were achieved, such as depth, range and speed.

Main characteristics of UGST:
Caliber - 534.4 mm
Length - 7200 mm
Weight - 2200 kg
Warhead mass - 300 kg
Speed ​​- 50 knots
Firing range - 40 km
Depth - up to 500 m
Submarine firing depth - up to 400 m
SSN response radius:
- by submarine up to 2.5 km
- on a surface ship up to 1.2 km

With the TPS-53 thermal propulsion system, the speed of a torpedo can reach 65 knots, and the maximum range is 60 km. In addition to the wake homing mode, the torpedo has a wire control mode (for 5 ... 25 km, depending on the type of target), and a course following mode (with a given number of knees and lapels).

An important distinguishing feature of this torpedo is its modular design. This allows you to create a whole family of torpedoes that have a multi-level modifiability potential: from reprogramming the equipment in the base model to replacing the tank compartment or engine. This approach makes it possible to quickly complete the UGST for the specific conditions of the combat use of the torpedo.

UGST constructively includes:
— hardware module;
- charging fighting compartment;
- reservoir compartment with a compartment for telecontrol equipment;
- propulsion system (power department);
- tail compartment, in which the steering devices are located;
- telecontrol coil and AERVD.

The UGST power plant was built on the basis of an axial-piston engine operating on a well-proven liquid single-component fuel. The rotating combustion chamber is a feature of the engine. Fuel is supplied by a plunger high-pressure pump.

The starting powder charge placed in the combustion chamber makes it possible to increase the power of the propulsion system in a short time. This is especially important at the initial stage of the torpedo run. The torpedo is propelled by a unique low-noise water cannon connected directly to the engine.

The basis of the architecture of the UGST hardware module is the initiation of a single reprogrammable computing core on board, which combines the information parts of the torpedo's onboard systems into a single information space of integrated control systems.

Russian designers implemented another "know-how" in the UGST - two-plane rudders that extend beyond the caliber of the torpedo after it exits the torpedo tube. According to the calculations of engineers, this design of the rudders can significantly reduce the noise of the torpedo. The operation of the rudders is also very effective and allows the torpedo to confidently pass the difficult initial section of the path after it is fired from the torpedo tube of a surface ship or submarine.

As for the warhead of the torpedo (combat charging compartment), it is a compartment with an insert capsule in which an explosive is placed. Several modifications of the combat charging compartment have been developed, differing in the mass and composition of the explosive, as well as the initiation system during detonation.

head compartment, which houses the hardware module, is located in front of the fighting compartment. The hardware module includes systems of homing, motion control, telecontrol and others. The homing system of a universal deep-sea homing torpedo is active-passive. It includes a flat receiving-radiating antenna array, in which the field of view is regulated, and specially designed devices for active multichannel sonars.

The homing system effectively searches, detects and captures an enemy target from any depth. It also provides for the possibility of attacking the wake of the target. The head part of the universal deep-sea homing torpedo differs in its shape from other torpedoes. It has a blunt shape with a flat wall, behind which the CCH antenna is installed.

All UGST units and systems have passed all laboratory and bench testing at specialized test facilities of the Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering and Research and Production Enterprise "Region", which recently became part of the Tactical Missiles Corporation. During full-scale tests of the torpedo, the mobile sonar range (MHL) was used to the fullest.

Mobile sonar range is designed to record and control torpedo trajectories, as well as the level of underwater noise during fleet combat training, research and factory tests in water areas up to 100 square kilometers and depths up to 300 meters (when anchored) or without restrictions (when unanchored staging). The MPG equipment includes up to 36 radio-acoustic buoys with a satellite navigation system and a control panel with a situation tablet placed on a support vessel or on a coastal center.

To control the location of ships, ships and aircraft, VHF transmitters are used, which are associated with the navigation equipment of objects. The situation board monitors the trajectories of targets and torpedoes, the locations of surface and underwater support systems in real time.

Data processing methods developed by Russian specialists combine mathematical and empirical procedures and allow the use of a standard GAS of a firing surface ship or submarine. The hydrology of the polygon is taken into account by specially designed equipment for measuring the vertical distribution of sound velocity and a set of programs for calculating sound fields in the test area of ​​Russian development.

A complex of torpedo weapons with a universal deep-sea homing torpedo is supplied to the customer in the following configuration:
- universal deep-sea homing torpedo in practical and combat configuration;
- spare parts for torpedoes;
- operational equipment designed for the preparation, testing and repair of torpedoes;
- systems and equipment for training and education of ship combat crews;
— onshore maintenance complex UGST.

Practical torpedo designed for personnel training. This torpedo is obtained by replacing the combat charging compartment with a practical compartment. The positive buoyancy of such a torpedo is ensured by incomplete filling of the fuel tank.

The creation of the UGST torpedo was the result of the evolution of Russian torpedo weapons, it was a response to trends in the development of weapons for surface ships and submarines. This happened due to the improvement of hydroacoustics, an increase in the computing capabilities of on-board radio-electronic equipment, the equipping of torpedoes with high-performance telecontrol systems, as well as the development by specialists of fundamentally new tactics for the combat use of torpedoes in modern conditions of warfare at sea, taking into account the possibility of active counteraction to a torpedo.

The Russian fleet has adopted a new universal deep-sea homing torpedo (UGST) "Physicist". She is considered unique both in combat characteristics and in her versatility. The magazine "Army Standard" tried to understand the features of the formidable "Physics". The development of a new generation torpedo was carried out jointly at the St. Petersburg Research Institute "Morteplotekhnika" and at the Region enterprise near Moscow since 1986. The developers were tasked with creating a weapon that would be superior in its characteristics to the USET-80 torpedo (universal homing electric torpedo). This torpedo was developed in the 60s and was put into service in the 80s. In 1964, a competition was held for draft designs of a promising universal torpedo - both thermal and electric. Despite the fact that thermal performance characteristics at depths up to 600 m were obtained significantly higher than electric ones, an electric torpedo was adopted for further development under the pretext of the imminent appearance in the US Navy of submarines with a diving depth of up to 1000 m. Interestingly, a silver-magnesium battery served as a model for its battery. , activated by sea water, with the American torpedo MK-44 caught by our sailors. According to a number of experts, the choice of electric universal torpedoes as a development priority led to a significant lag behind the US Navy in this matter. There were many disadvantages: speed, range, high weight, and high cost of a torpedo. In addition, due to the low salinity of the water, the use of this type of torpedo in the Baltic Sea was excluded (the battery simply did not activate). The fact that at the time of 1991 the torpedo weapons of the USSR Navy was significantly inferior to the torpedo weapons of a potential enemy is considered an indisputable fact. USET-80 - electric. An electric torpedo of comparable dimensions always outperforms a thermal torpedo in speed and range. At least that's how it has been so far. We lost in the creation of a thermal power plant for a universal torpedo with performance characteristics "ahead of the Americans". In creating a thermal power plant for universal torpedoes with performance characteristics "on parity" on the same type as the Americans, one-component unitary fuel, we were cold-bloodedly late and, most importantly, discredited the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200busing this fuel for a long time. Everyone on whom it depended is to blame for this ... There was no one to use power. The decision to develop a fundamentally new torpedo was literally made through suffering. The main task was to create a torpedo capable of operating effectively at long distances. To do this, it was necessary to combine high speed and stealth movement of the projectile. It was decided to abandon electric power plants and switch to thermal ones. In "Physics" the starting powder charge placed in the combustion chamber makes it possible to increase the power of the propulsion system in a short time. This is especially important at the initial stage of the torpedo run. The torpedo is driven by a unique low-noise water cannon. The 533 mm UGST is equipped with a warhead weighing up to 300 kilograms and is designed to destroy enemy ships and submarines at a distance of up to 50 kilometers. For aiming at the target, an active-passive sonar system was used with the ability to identify the wake at a distance of 1.2 to 2.5 km and the response range of a proximity fuse from 2 to 8 m, depending on the type and size of the target. The possibility of remote control with a total cable length of about 30 km is provided. "Physicist" is made for our torpedo tubes and has a length of 7.2 meters. Compatibility of the carrier equipment and on-board systems of the torpedo is made by program setting of the system unit during binding to a certain type of ship. Moreover, to accommodate a universal deep-sea homing torpedo on some modernized ships, it is possible to supply an adapter pre-launch preparation panel that allows you to enter data into the torpedo before firing. An important distinguishing feature of this torpedo is its modular design. This allows you to create a whole family of torpedoes that have a multi-level modifiability potential: from reprogramming the equipment in the base model to replacing the tank compartment or engine. This approach makes it possible to quickly complete the UGST for the specifics of specific conditions of combat use. So, for example, with regard to the warhead of a torpedo (combat charging compartment), it is a compartment with an insert capsule in which an explosive is placed. undermining. Russian designers have implemented another know-how in the UGST - two-plane rudders that extend beyond the caliber of the torpedo after it leaves the torpedo tube. This design of the rudders allows you to significantly reduce noise, as well as confidently maneuver on the most difficult, initial section of the path. In the future, it is planned to use a promising modification of this torpedo on two-component fuel under the designation "Physicist-2" or "Physicist-2000" (export name - UGST- M). Moreover, our defense complex does not stand still. "Physicist" has only recently entered service, and information has already appeared that in Russia they are working on the latest torpedo "Case". Her fleet should receive by the end of the year. Information about the performance characteristics of this torpedo is classified. Officially, it is only known that the "Case" will receive an improved homing system with an increased range for capturing an underwater target. Now the "Case" is undergoing state tests on Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, which are scheduled to be completed in December. If successful, the serial production of weapons should begin in 2017. First of all, all submarines of projects 955 Borey, 885 Yasen and their modifications will be armed with the Case, and as the production of these torpedoes increases, other submarines will also be re-equipped on them Navy.

A new torpedo for equipping Russian submarines.

The universal 533-mm UGST torpedo is designed for use from submarines against both surface ships and enemy submarines.

The UGST is designed to replace the universal torpedoes of the USET-80 type, which were put into service in 1980, in the fleet's submarine ammunition load. Among other things, during the development, the task was to significantly increase the range of the torpedo (for the USET-80, this is 18 km).

The developer is the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Marine Heat Engineering. As reported, the first studies of the future appearance of "Physics" began in 1986. The first versions of the torpedo were demonstrated in 2003 at the naval show in St. Petersburg. According to a number of reports, since 2008, a limited serial production has been launched. According to the military, the modernized torpedo completed the cycle of state tests at the end of 2014 and was put into service.

Torpedo UGST refers to thermal (combined-gas), axial-piston engine runs on unitary (single-component) fuel. Water jet propulsion. The torpedo is equipped with noise-reducing two-plane rudders that extend beyond the caliber after exiting the torpedo tube.

The tail section of the UGST torpedo. Photo: ABL22, military.

A feature of the control system is a flexibly reprogrammable on-board complex that combines all on-board torpedo systems into a single information environment. The developer of the control system is GNPP "Region".

The torpedo is equipped with a combined active-passive wake homing system with a flat receiving and emitting array and a complex of active multichannel sonars. The system's response radius for surface ships is up to 1200 meters, for submarines up to 2500 meters.

In addition to the homing system, the torpedo can be used in the telecontrol mode by wire (at ranges from 5 to 25 km, depending on the characteristics of the attacked target), and also has a route following mode with a given number of lapels.

The warhead, according to the assurances of the developers, has several options for manning, differing in mass and composition of the explosive used, as well as the initiation system.

Head compartment UGST, IMDS-2005, St. Petersburg. Photo: fyjs. cn

TTX torpedoes:

  • Length: 7.2 meters (6.1 meters for the version for NATO torpedo tubes),
  • Weight: 2.2 tons,
  • Warhead weight: 300 kg,
  • Maximum speed: 50 knots (for a range of 25 km),
  • Maximum range of application: 50 km,
  • Application depth: up to 400 m,
  • The maximum depth of the hit target: up to 500 m.
DATA FOR 2012 (standard replenishment)
UGST / "Physicist-1" / item 2534

Universal deep-sea homing torpedo. The development of a torpedo was started on the subject of R&D in 1986 at the Research Institute "Morteplotekhnika" (St. Petersburg), the torpedo homing system was developed by the GNPP "Region", an alternative version of the SSN - the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor". The torpedo is designed to destroy surface ships and submarines (universal). The APD engine developed by the Research Institute "Morteplotekhnika" was tested in 1995. The torpedo was adopted by the Russian Navy in 2002 and, as of 2003, is offered for export. The torpedo was demonstrated for the first time in 2003 at the IMDS-2003 maritime show in St. Petersburg. By default, UGST torpedo data for Russian standard torpedo tubes. Serial production of UGST torpedoes as of 2008 was carried out at the Dagdiesel plant (Kaspiysk, Dagestan).

Torpedo UGST. Marine Salon IMDS-2009, St. Petersburg, June 27, 2009 (photo - ADV1971,

Torpedo UGST (

The layout diagram of the UGST torpedo. Designations: GO - head compartment, BZO and PZO - combat and practical charging compartments, RO - tank compartment, TKTU - telecontrol torpedo coil, CO - power compartment, XO - tail compartment, BLK - tucked boat telecontrol coil, UV - input device shooting data (

Control system and guidance- when used from a submarine, the torpedo goes under remote control until the target is captured by the homing system (CCH). Remote control is carried out by wires unwound from two coils - on the torpedo and on the submarine. The control complex uses a towed boat remote control coil. The impact of the flow of water at speed sometimes leads to the twisting of the towed coil and the breakage of the telecontrol wire. The use of a long cable-rope to reduce this effect excludes the use of remote control at shallow depths and the possibility of firing multi-torpedo volleys (unlike modern Western and Chinese systems).

The torpedo has a telecontrol mode, an independent wake search mode, a course following mode with a given number of maneuvers according to the situation.
The length of the telecontrol system wire is 25 km (torpedo coil), 5 km (towed coil).

Towed coil of the telecontrol system on the UGST torpedo. Marine Salon IMDS-2009, St. Petersburg, June 2009 (photo - ABL22,

Towed coil of the telecontrol system on the UGST torpedo. Bottom right - data input device connector (photo - ABL22,

Two types of homing systems (SSN) have been developed for the UGST torpedo:
1. Active-passive acoustic homing system (PSN) developed by GNPP "Region" with a flat receiving-radiating antenna array with an adjustable field of view. Multi-channel active sonars are also involved in the SSN.

2. Active-passive acoustic homing system (SSN) developed by the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor". It is believed that the SSN torpedo has some disadvantages.

SSN response radius:
- 1200 m (for surface ships)
- 2500 m (for submarines)
Proximity fuze response radius:
- for submarines - 2 m
- on surface ships - 6-8 m
Time of indication of the wake after the passage of a surface ship - up to 350 sec

The head compartment of the UGST torpedo - on the left - you can see the onboard GAS antenna and proximity fuse sensors; on the right - a SSN antenna of a slightly different type than in most known photographs (

UGST head compartment, IMDS-2005, St. Petersburg (

The head compartment of the UGST torpedo, a flat receiving-emitting antenna array with an adjustable field of view, one of the acoustic sensors of the torpedo CLOs (photo - ABL22,

The course and depth controls are hydrodynamic rudders, two-plane rudders of an original design. They are advanced beyond the caliber of the rocket after leaving the torpedo tube.

The tail section of the UGST torpedo, the folded hydrodynamic rudders and the water intake of the jet propulsion unit are clearly visible (photo - ABL22,

Engine- thermal axial-piston steam-gas engine APD on unitary (single-component) fuel. Engine power - 350 kW. The engine developed by Research Institute "Morteplotekhnika" was tested in 1995. The peculiarity of the engine is a rotating combustion chamber with fuel supply by a high-pressure plunger pump under pressure up to 35 MPa. The engine is started by a starting powder charge placed in the combustion chamber. Option - thermal propulsion system TPS-53 (not exactly identified). The water-jet propulsion unit is connected to an engine without a gearbox.

- UGST-M - on the modification of the torpedo, a 19DT thermal turbine engine was used, possibly on a unitary (single-component) fuel, created and tested in 2002.

TTX torpedoes:
Caliber - 533 mm

Length 7200 mm 6050 mm
Weight 2200 kg 1880 kg
Mass of explosives 300 kg 300 kg
Travel range maximum 50 km 40 km

- 40 km (speed 50 knots)
- 50 km (speed 30 knots)
- 60 km (with TPS-53)
Travel speed maximum:
- 50 knots (1st mode)
- 40 knots (2nd mode, 30 knots according to 2000 data)
- 65 knots (with TPS-53)
Travel depth - up to 500 m
Firing depth from submarines - up to 400 m

Warhead types- There are several modifications of warheads.

- UGST - basic model, length 7200 mm for use from Russian standard torpedo tubes;

UGST NATO (conditional name) - modification with a length of 6050 mm for use from NATO standard torpedo tubes.

UGST-M - modification with a 19DT turbine engine, put into service in 2004.

carriers: submarines and surface ships (without telecontrol).

Status: Russia
- 2003 June - UGST torpedo was shown publicly for the first time at the IMDS-2003 maritime show in St. Petersburg. On the second day of the exhibition, the torpedo was closed from public view.

- 2008 - The Russian Ministry of Defense is purchasing small volumes of components and spare parts for UGST torpedoes. A tender was announced for the purchase of 8 pcs of UGST torpedoes, 7 torpedoes were produced under the tender by the Dagdiesel plant. It is possible that torpedoes were purchased to equip new submarines and submarines of the Russian Navy.

2009 - the UGST torpedo was presented at the exhibition of military equipment - the maritime show IMDS-2009. The torpedo is offered for export.

March 21, 2012 - an open tender for the maintenance of torpedoes "Physicist-1" / item 2534 during tests of the Severodvinsk pr.885 SSGN was published on the public procurement website. Under the terms of the tender, it is planned to complete testing of torpedoes from a submarine by November 25, 2012. Apparently, during the test it is planned to use 6-7 torpedoes UGST / "Physicist-1", incl. 2 torpedoes modified under the extended test program. Work with torpedoes was planned by the State Defense Order for 2012. The starting price of the contract for the maintenance and preparation of torpedoes is 96 million rubles.


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