Register of fire shields sample. How to fill out a register of primary fire extinguishing equipment


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Article: 00818460
Year: 2020
Format: A4 (290x210 mm)
Binding: Paperback

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

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Paper density: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used to print newspapers or similar products. It has a low density and, accordingly, not high wear resistance. The advantage of such paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in home printers. The strength of such paper is much higher than the previous two types of paper. From such paper it is recommended to order magazines for industries (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 customers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order pagination


Page numbering starts from the title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located at the bottom corners of the magazine.


The block of the magazine is punched by two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, from the side of the spine in the middle of the magazine.


The lacing of the magazine is carried out with a special lavsan thread, threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secured with a cardboard insert and a sticker for printing.

Cover customization

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Sewing and adhesive bonding ? Sewing fastening

(makes binding stronger)

Sewing fastening in the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are bent, assembled into notebooks and sewn together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover consisting of cardboard with a density of 2.5 mm covered with bumvinyl is used). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a paper sheet. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block, for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing on the cover, mainly gold foil is used (but silver, blue, red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can imprint it along with the name of the magazine

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books" Income and expense book for accounting forms of the work book and an insert in it and traffic ledger work books and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also fastened wax seal or sealed.

Learn more about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and fast-produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2, according to your desire the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are stapled, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the binding is carried out on a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Due to its ease of execution and affordable price, soft cover is the most popular and one of the most available species binding.

Bonding method:



Cover color: white

Laminate cover: ?
lamination- this is a coating of printed products with a film. Lamination will allow you to keep attractive for a long time appearance printing products and reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out one-sided and two-sided lamination up to A1 format on special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to crush, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning rooms, rain, snow. But experienced users are also aware of another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image "manifests" the colors become more contrasting and juicy. Thanks to the effect of "developing", inexpensive paper with lamination takes on the look of luxurious photo paper.

Journal of accounting in without fail should be located in the premises where the organization is located. It is a special, legally approved form of calculation and regulation of the functionality of funds. The document is filled out in accordance with established standards. In order not to encounter such problems, you should find and view a sample of filling out a fire extinguisher register. Fire Supervision is a competent state body engaged in inspections of enterprises.

Logbook primary funds firefighting claims the availability of special equipment. The main device required in production is a fire extinguisher. Its appearance, size, technical features are selected depending on the premises, working conditions, the specifics of the enterprise, climatic conditions and the like. But besides it are installed:

  • boxes with loose materials;
  • vessels with water;
  • shovels, axes;
  • nightmare.

Completing the fire extinguisher maintenance log is the responsibility of management personnel. Although the form of filling is specified as arbitrary, there are problems with members of the PB about this. It is better to fill in according to the rules below. Then employees of state bodies, most likely, will not have claims.

Keeping a register of fire extinguishers is mandatory in every organization

The regulatory framework and some aspects of the activities of the company and employees in the event of smoke are described in the resolution of 04/25/2012 "On the fire regime". The features of logging are described directly in section 19 in paragraph 478.

Often, enterprise managers do not use the magazine itself, but forms to account for fire extinguishers in the organization. There they indicate how many inspections were carried out over the last time period, whether there was maintenance, a change, and the like. All types of equipment, except for fire extinguishers, fit into the sections of the magazine. When checking, it is necessary to provide the fire service inspectors with equipment passports.

Who is leading

The chief is engaged in conducting according to the law. But no one forbids him to appoint a certain trusted person to perform this work, which is often resorted to in practice. The specialist who is assigned new mandatory procedures must:

  • know the rules of the PB;
  • take courses in a special institution.

Education in a specialized institution is mandatory. After completing the course, the employee takes exams, with a successful outcome, a certificate is obtained. Only in this case the order of appointment will be valid. Job responsibilities include:

  • checking fire extinguishers, filling water tanks;
  • repair, if possible with the appropriate knowledge;
  • recharging fire extinguishers;
  • inspection, checking the functionality of devices.

The employee enters all the data received into the fire extinguisher check log. Addition to wages for the work performed is calculated according to the norms of a particular enterprise.

Filling order

How to fill in, how to correctly enter information about fire extinguishers and other devices and tools in legislative acts not specified. It is only written that the form is arbitrary, therefore, each head of the enterprise can write as he pleases. But in practice it turns out that this is not the case.

Controversy arises regarding proper logging. It should be borne in mind that the norms in each region are adopted individually. It is advisable to agree on all aspects before starting the journal, ask for a sample from the employees of the territorial fire inspection in your region. This will eliminate the difficulties in communicating with the inspectors. But, in any case, even if the form is incorrect, there will be no penalty. But for the lack of documents confirming the inspection of funds fire safety, or an administrative penalty may follow for the lack of entries in the journal.

A special commission checks the operability of devices

The journal must contain information about what technical specifications owns the equipment installed at the enterprise, its serial numbers. Using them, inspectors can check whether the information is true, find out whether the device is suitable specifically for your enterprise. It is also necessary to mark the recharging of fire extinguishers (they are carried out by a responsible person who has completed special courses at the fire safety service, and not an ordinary worker who simply knows how to do it). A separate column is required for notes in which you can write Additional information. They also allocate a place for the signature of the responsible person - it is through it that, in the event of a fire, the person who was responsible for ensuring security is identified. The form in the accounting journal includes several columns:

  • record number - when an employee drew attention to a certain fact;
  • name of the fire extinguishing agent - if there are several identical, then the serial number or numbering must be indicated;
  • the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is an optional item, but in production, where there are a lot of installed fire extinguishing agents, it helps a lot;
  • serial number - using it, inspectors will be able to check whether the specified information is true;
  • date of production - the shelf life cannot be exceeded and by date it is the easiest to calculate;
  • date of registration at the enterprise - when the device was at the disposal of the company;
  • date of the last recharge and subsequent scheduled - the frequency of recharge is determined depending on the typology of the device, its type;
  • column for notes - information is entered here in an arbitrary form for which there was no place in the previous columns;
  • the signature of the responsible person is either the head of the enterprise or an appointed employee of the company.

The filling form is not all that is needed for successful management. The journal itself must be executed in compliance with certain rules. In particular, the magazine is stitched and certified with the seals of the enterprise before use. Therefore, it must be entered in the register of primary accounting documents of the company. Thereafter:

  • the thread is passed through the holes in the sheets along a special lacing;
  • the ends are tied in a knot - this serves as a guarantee that no information will be lost;
  • the tails are glued with a stamp to the last page (the company's seal must be put on the stamp).

Additionally, a paper strip is applied to the glued stamp. It says "Stitched, numbered and sealed." Below is the number of pages in the magazine. Additionally, it is certified by an authorized worker or the head of the company - he puts his last name and first name, position, date and signs the documentation. After that, the stamp is certified by the seal of the company, so that the largest possible part of it is on the specified information.


There is no single sample, since each head of the enterprise can use his own forms. Below is an instruction that will suit most companies. You can download ready-made samples on the Internet and, on their basis, create an individual, optimal magazine for your company.

The title page of the journal contains information about the enterprise or organization. It is indicated:

  • name of LLC, year of commencement of work;
  • room area.

At the bottom, information is written about when the log was started (full date) and the time it ended.
Accounting for fire safety equipment begins from the first sheet. You can calculate the number of graphs yourself. Below is a sample entry:

  • log entry number: 1;
  • device name: fire extinguisher;
  • name specified in the operational sheet, type: OP-3;
  • scope: extinguishing the fire of solid, liquid, gaseous substances cash desk A, B, C or B, C, depending on the powder;
  • production number: 5444655;
  • release date: 10/27/2018;
  • recharge date: 02/16/2019;
  • date of future inspection: 02/16/2020;
  • certification by a designated employee.

Of course, you can assign additional columns if required. If there is no information for a particular item, then simply put a dash.

Fire Extinguisher Check Before Logging

Be sure to follow additional security measures before logging. This is a visual inspection and comparison of technical characteristics. Look at:

  • integrity;
  • serviceability of components;
  • the quality of the varnish applied to the device;
  • the correctness of the instructions;
  • compliance with technical specifications.

The completeness of the mass is checked (for those operating from compressed gas - pressure), the quality of sealing. The color of the seal does not matter.

Logging is a must. In large enterprises where more than 3 fire extinguishers are installed, it is possible to keep several magazines at the same time.

Representatives of the State, checking the object for fire safety, first of all require the responsible person to show a register of primary fire extinguishing equipment. At first glance, a simple requirement, but it is this magazine that determines how the firefighter will continue to behave. If the smallest violations are found in it, or it is not filled at all, then wait for a deep check. Because the log determines how the work of the department responsible for fire safety is carried out at the facility.

Let's start with the legislative acts, in which the register of fire extinguishing means is said exactly. So, the first document is the Rules of the fire regime. In it, article number 478 states that any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and purpose, must keep records of primary fire extinguishing equipment. It is specifically written that accounting for primary fire extinguishing equipment, their inspection, recharging, repair and examination should be carried out in a special journal, the form of which is arbitrary. That is, there are no standards, the main thing is to keep records.

The second document that obliges to take into account the primary fire extinguishing means is the set of rules SP 9.13130. In it, in paragraph 4.1.33, it is written - accounting for checking the availability and condition of fire extinguishers should be kept in a log in the recommended form. This form is attached in Appendix D. It can be taken as a basis, although this is not a requirement, it is a recommendation.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that accounting is necessary for one single purpose - control the technical condition of devices.

What is this control. Carry out and record the results of inspections in the log of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Specifically, it notes:

  • the presence of fire extinguishing devices;
  • timing of inspections and their results;
  • reloading, repair and inspection.

Let us remind once again that freeform and recommended are both legal.

And one more thing that often pops up when checking small objects. For example, in a small store or pharmacy, one fire extinguisher should be available. It makes no sense to start a log book on it, because all its data are indicated in the passport of the fire extinguishing device. If there are two or more fire extinguishers, then a magazine is required. Each device is given registration number. It's just convenient for control. The corresponding column is present in the log.

Please note that in the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), depending on the variety of types of fire extinguishing devices, there will be a certain number of sections. And the wider the variety of fire extinguishing devices used, the more sections you will have to fill out.

Consider the log of the availability and condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment, which is located in Appendix "G" of the set of rules 9.13130. There are several tables in the form that must be filled in as you carry out any activities related to the inspection of fire extinguishers.

Each log sheet is for one device. That is, all the data of the device, as well as the actions carried out with it, are recorded on one sheet, where several tables are located. But first, so to speak, in the header, the passport data of the fire extinguishing device are indicated. Which ones exactly:

  1. The number assigned to the fire extinguisher is also the registration number.
  2. The date the instrument was put into service. Usually they put the number that is indicated on the receipt or invoice.
  3. Place of installation. For example, warehouse finished products or accounting. That is, the exact place is indicated so that the fire extinguishing device can be easily found.
  4. Type and brand of fire extinguisher. For example, powder OP-4.
  5. Manufacturer. This is written in the product data sheet, so finding this information is not difficult.
  6. Factory number. It is stamped on the body of the device.
  7. Manufacturing date. Here it is necessary to give explanations. To do this, you will have to pay attention to the label glued on the cylinder. You can see it clearly in the photo below. There are two types of letters on the label: Arabic and Roman. The first show the year of manufacture, the second month. In our case, this is the month of June 2013.
  8. Brand of extinguishing agent inside the cylinder. It is also indicated in the passport. For example, in carbon dioxide it is CO 2.

Now there are three tables that need to be filled in correctly. They determine in what technical condition the primary means of extinguishing the fire is located.

The first table is the maintenance results. That is, it contains the date when the service was carried out. And there are also four sections that indicate which type of service was performed:

  • visual inspection;
  • fire extinguisher weight;
  • the pressure of the fire extinguishing agent inside the cylinder is determined by the pressure gauge, which is part of the fire extinguishing device;
  • the technical condition of the chassis, this applies to models whose mass exceeds 20 kg, their design includes a frame on wheels.

The next item in the table is the measures to be taken if malfunctions were detected. If there are none, then the column is not filled in, you can put a dash. And the last column is the signature of the person responsible for fire safety with the exact position, initials and last name.

The second table is the maintenance of fire extinguishers. It is clear that independently at the facility maintenance are not engaged. Fire extinguishers are transferred to companies that offer this type of service. It should be noted that such services are offered by organizations accredited by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They must have the appropriate license.

Enter in the table:

  • checking nodes;
  • checking the quality of the fire extinguishing agent located inside the cylinder;
  • pressure gauge check;
  • node testing;
  • recharge.

Be sure to include comments on the technical condition of the devices. Plus, the measures taken. At the end, as usual, the signature of the person responsible for the PB, his position, surname and initials.

The third table is testing and reloading. This is the largest table, but there is not much information in it. They are simply divided into several subparagraphs for ease of perception.

  1. Date of testing.
  2. Test results.
  3. Next test date.
  4. The date of the recharge.
  5. reload results.
  6. Next recharge time.

Be sure to indicate the full name of the organization that was engaged in technical inspection.

In principle, the designated tables can be reduced to one, which is what many people do at the sites. Thus, the number of filled fields is reduced. For example, a sample of an arbitrary form of a log for monitoring the state of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

It should be noted that the arbitrary form is often very different from the recommended one. But this, as mentioned above, is not a violation. The main task is to control the primary fire extinguishing means in terms of availability and technical condition. The most important thing is that fire extinguishers are located exactly where they are listed in the magazine.

And one moment. In the recommended form, in the header, information about the fire extinguisher itself is indicated. In principle, they are not needed during the operation of a fire extinguishing agent. Moreover, many of them are reflected in the passport of the device, which is attached to its case in the form of a sticker. Therefore, in an arbitrary form, these data can not be reflected.

Checking primary fire extinguishing equipment

The person responsible for fire safety, who is appointed by order of the head of the facility, should check the primary fire extinguishing equipment. This is one of his main responsibilities. Fire extinguishers are checked quarterly. Based on the results, an act of checking the primary fire extinguishing equipment is drawn up.

What is this document. This is an act of arbitrary form, which reflects what was revealed during the inspection. The audit is carried out by a commission of several people, where the industrial safety engineer acts as the chairman.

Specifically, it is entered into the act how many fire extinguishers are available at the facility, whether they correspond to the list in the magazine. For example, there are 20 fire extinguishers on the balance sheet, of which 10 are carbon dioxide, 10 are powder. You can specify a brand. Then the condition of the devices is described: the seals are in place, the pressure of the vent is normal, the cases are in a technically sound condition, and so on.

It should be noted that the category of primary fire extinguishing equipment includes, in addition to fire extinguishers. They are also checked for serviceability during the verification process. In the act of checking the availability and serviceability of primary fire extinguishing equipment, they are necessarily reflected. For example, there are 10 fire hydrants on the balance sheet of the facility. Of these, such and such a number corresponds to the normative indicators, which is confirmed by the test report, such and such a number requires repair. Or all cranes are in working condition.

It is imperative that fire hoses are rolled during the inspection process. That is, they are unfolded and twisted again. This must be noted in the act.

The same goes for fire shields. That is, they are equipped in accordance with the rules and norms of fire safety, or rather, in accordance with P-390 of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for fire equipment

It should be noted that the fire equipment located on the shield refers to the primary fire extinguishing equipment. So, a special magazine is started for them.

Three items are required to account for inventory:

  • serial number;
  • where is located;
  • fire department number.

Numbering is best done with reference to fire shields. For example, 1-1, that is, the shovel number one is located on the fire shield number 1. In this case, for the latter in the log, you must accurately indicate the location. For example: on the territory of a garage gas station or near a lumber warehouse.

As for the inventory itself, their availability is summarized in a table. For example, in this one:

Serial number View Location
1-1 Bucket ShchP-A №1
2-1 Shovel shovel ShchP-A №1
3-1 bayonet shovel ShchP-A №1
4-2 Scrap ShchP-A №2
5-2 gaff ShchP-A №2

Please note that the numbering continues regardless of whether the inventory belongs to the shield. Only the shield number changes. Some fire equipment is not included in the shields. Therefore, they are recorded in the journal as separate units. For example, the hand pump at number 12 is located at the reservoir of the gas station. It fits right into the table.

Fire blankets also count. Only their registration requires a serial number and location.

As for fire hydrants, this is an extended form, because this primary fire extinguishing agent has such a characteristic as water flow. It must be included in the table. They often add a configuration section, although it is the same for all cranes: a table and a sleeve.

Conclusion on the topic

The log book of primary fire extinguishing equipment is a necessary document at the facility. It clearly reflects everything related to primary fire extinguishing equipment. It can be used to determine what means are available at the facility, in what technical condition they are, whether they comply with fire safety requirements, whether they can be used in case of fire. Therefore, it is recommended to keep this document in the proper form.

A sample register of primary fire extinguishing equipment can be downloaded


When implementing comprehensive measures in the field of labor protection, as well as preventing fires and fires at industrial complexes, there is a need to maintain documentary records of the equipment that is used to implement measures to extinguish fires.

Such an obligation is present on the part of the employer and is determined by the norms of federal legislation.

Also, when carrying out inspections, inspecting bodies and departments analyze the correctness of filling out the documentation and taking into account information about the availability and good condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

In case of violations, both in the maintenance of documentation and in the very condition of the primary extinguishing agents, an administrative fine is imposed on the organization.

What document records the provision of fire protection items?

Keeping a record of fire extinguishing equipment is a direct responsibility of both the employer and the responsible labor protection services, and provides a high level of control over the condition of such items.

Primary funds are used when negative factors appear in the form of abnormal or emergencies, ignitions and fires and must be in good condition, as well as in the required quantity.

Therefore, the availability of a document that records such data is the responsibility of a fire extinguishing specialist.

At the same time, this act is internal normative document and is subject to strict accounting and permanent archiving for 10 years from the date of full completion.

A special procedure for storing journals is present in institutions that interact with dangerous, harmful, chemical and combustible substances in their work - at such enterprises this act is stored for at least 75 years.

Accounting and monitoring the state of primary fire extinguishing equipment allows them to be used in a timely manner in the event of a fire, thereby reducing the risk of harm to the health and life of personnel and reducing damage to the elements of the production complex before the arrival of specialized public services. Therefore, keeping a journal is necessary in the interests of the employer himself.

Who fills out?

The filling of the register of accounting and registration of primary funds is carried out by a responsible specialist who monitors and implements the fire regime in the institution.

Such executive may be appointed from among the employees of the enterprise and carry out activities on the basis of combination or part-time work, in addition to the main labor activity.

Also, the head himself can be appointed such a person with a small number of staff.

With a sufficient number, which, according to the legislation, exceeds 50 people, it is necessary to allocate a separate staff unit in the state, in official duties which will include ensuring the fire-fighting regime and compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection.

In addition, this specialist should have the skills and knowledge in the field of organizing relevant activities and implementing documentation support its activities.

To do this, he is sent to undergo appropriate training on the basis of a specialized educational institution, where, based on the results of the course and the final certification, he receives a certificate of the established form, which allows him to carry out activities in the field of fire safety.

What form should be used?

The form of the journal must comply with the recommendations and norms of federal and industry legislation, which establish uniform standards for filling out a document.

At the same time, when compiling this journal, a specialist must also take into account the rules and standards of GOST in the field of document management, as well as the procedure for compiling documents at the enterprise itself.

This act is local. internal document organization that has legal force throughout its territory.

The legislator does not establish a single rigid form of this journal, so the specialist can be guided standard forms journals from other industries with the obligatory reflection of information on the subject of the document.

Rules of maintenance and registration

The responsible official in carrying out his activities must be guided by the following rules for filling out:

  • Completeness and relevance of information. When primary extinguishing agents fail, it is the responsibility of the specialist to reflect this fact in the journal and initiate preventive maintenance and repair or the acquisition of a new agent.
  • Correctness of filling and accounting of all data. The journal is filled in in accordance with the data that the specialist is either provided by the heads of regular divisions or self-registration of fire extinguishing equipment, however, to complete the picture, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of all primary items.
  • The timeliness of information reflection is necessary to draw up an up-to-date picture of the general condition of fire safety equipment and timely control over their condition.

How to conduct - the order of filling

When compiling a journal, the following information must be entered:

Download free form and sample filling

Download the form of the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the enterprise -.

Download an example of filling - word.

The following logs must also be kept for fire extinguishers:

Useful video

A sample log for accounting for fire extinguishers and the rules for filling it out can be viewed in this video:

Obviously, putting out the fire is the job of specialists: the fire service, which comes on call. But there is always a chance to localize the fire at the very beginning - for this, primary fire extinguishing agents are used. In addition to the obvious - a fire extinguisher - these include fire shields equipped with:

  • crowbar;
  • gaff;
  • bucket;
  • a set for cutting electrical wires;
  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • water storage tanks;
  • other items that allow you to localize the fire immediately after ignition.

The number and type of fire extinguishers and other items that must be available is determined depending on the fire hazard category established for the premises.

All PSPs, completed in accordance with the requirements, must be accounted for in a local document - below you can download a sample register of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Filling rules

The form of the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment of this document is designated by the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation as arbitrary - but there are recommendations from experts. Usually the document contains:

  • brand of fire extinguisher, its number, date of putting it into operation, place of its installation;
  • dates (inspection, maintenance, check, recharge);
  • position, full name, signature of the responsible person.

The form of the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment

We invite you to download the register of primary fire extinguishing equipment for free - you will only have to enter in the empty columns all the fire extinguishers at your disposal, as well as the dates of recharging.

How to fill out a journal

The table is simple enough to fill out. Simply enter information about fire extinguishers and other PSPs in the appropriate boxes.

Step 1. In the header, indicate information about the organization, and also put the date when you started keeping a journal.

Step 2. In the first column of the table, indicate the serial number of the entry.

Step 3. Information for filling in the next three cells (name, scope, serial number and date of manufacture) can be found on the label.

Step 4. The last three cells of the record are filled in as needed, that is, when the PSP is recharged. In the penultimate cell, you can specify the planned date. And in the note - for example, the organization that did the recharge, or the warranty period, if it was issued.

Sample register of fire extinguishing equipment

Responsibility for maintaining

According to the already mentioned Rules, the manager is responsible for everything related to the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishers, including the establishment of a fire regime in general. However, by issuing a special order, the manager can prescribe all fire regulations, as well as delegate the authority to acquire, test and repair one of the employees.

During the inspection, the inspector of the State Fire Supervision (GPN) will ask you to present all the documentation that belongs to his department, including the PSP Journal. The absence of this document is a typical gross violation of the law.

Checking fire fighting equipment

The frequency of checking and recharging fire extinguishers depends on the type of extinguishing agent used: it can be water, foam, powder, freon and carbon dioxide. During the inspections, the following tests are carried out:

  • indicator and pressure regulator;
  • nodes for strength, name of the organization;
  • chassis (if the fire extinguisher is mobile).

In addition, the complete set of the fire shield is checked for compliance with the inventory.

Shelf life

The terms are not defined by law, however, by analogy with documents on accounting for fire briefings, it is recommended that this fully completed document be stored for 1 year with the responsible person and 10 years in the archive of the organization.