Remote connection to 1s via the Internet. Connecting in the "Remote Desktop" mode

1C:Link is an easy way to organize a remote connection via the Internet to 1C applications installed on a user's computer or server.

The service does not require special knowledge or availability system administrator. You can set up access via "1C: Link" yourself in a few minutes. You don't have to make any changes to your computer settings or buy additional hardware.

Main scenarios for using the service:

  • The 1C program is installed on the office computer, and you need to work from home or another place.
  • Your company has a remote warehouse or office whose employees need to connect to the 1C database.
  • The company's specialists work in different offices, but everyone needs access to the 1C program.
  • A leader or manager is often not in the office and they need reports on revenue, the balance of goods in the warehouse, prices from the 1C accounting system ...

When creating 1C:Link, we paid special attention to security issues. Infobases are located only on your computers. All data is transmitted over a secure channel, and additional authorization is provided to access your 1C databases.

As in local network, several people can work with several bases at the same time. The service works with non-standard configurations, all settings and modifications of 1C programs are saved.

Terms of Use

The service works in programs:

  • 1C: Accounting 8 (version 3)
  • 1C: Managing our company 8
  • 1C: Trade Management 8 (Edition 11)
  • 1C: Document management 8
  • 1С:CRM 2.0
  • other 1C programs developed in the "managed application" mode.

The service requires Internet access.
The service is not supported in basic versions of 1C:Enterprise solutions.


Agent "1C: Link 2"

7 560 rubles/year

  • Connecting up to two bases;

1C: Link. 1 base extension

5 250 rubles/year

  • Connecting one additional base (with a valid license "Agent 1C: Link 2")

1C: Link. 5 base extension

RUB 15,750/year

  • Connecting up to 5 additional bases (with a valid license "Agent 1C: Link 2")

1C: Link test for 1 month

  • Connecting up to two bases;
  • Any number of users (according to the number of purchased 1C:Enterprise client licenses)
Price, rub)
Agent "1C: Link 2" 1C: Link. Extension by 1
1C: Link. Extension by 5
1 760 530 1 580
2 1 490 1 040 3 100
3 2 200 1 530 4 580
4 2 890 2 010 6 010
5 3 550 2 470 7 390
6 4 190 2 910 8 730
7 4 810 3 340 10 020
8 5 410 3 760 11 260
9 5 980 4 150 12 450
10 6 530 4 540 13 600
11 7 060 4 900 14 700
12 7 560 5 250 15 750

Special offers

"Agent 1C: Link 2" is included in the information technology support packages

In this article, we will take a closer look at simple options for providing remote access to your computer in relation to remote support and maintenance of systems based on the 1C Enterprise platform.

You can perform this setting yourself, without the help of a system administrator, a 1C specialist. In the future, we will be able to connect to your 1C database instantly in order to quickly and efficiently solve any issue and any problem using 1C. At the same time, it is important that you see all our actions in the process, control our work, and you can disconnect the access session at any time. Thus, you no longer have to wait for a specialist, consultant, 1C programmer for weeks, and in the future, wait months for a solution to your problem. It doesn’t matter what version of the 1C Enterprise platform you have, what 1C configuration (Accounting, Payroll, Trade Management, etc.), using remote access, you yourself will directly demonstrate your problem.

The easiest and safest way to provide remote access to your computer is to use specialized programs.

The most popular remote access programs:

Let's consider each of them in more detail:


Perhaps the most popular program to date. You can download and run without installation. It is very convenient when you need high-quality 1C support, but your IT specialist is not available. Powerful functionality, free for non-commercial use. In this case, you do not need to worry about the license and cost, since we solve these issues.

Support a large number platforms (Android, iOS, Windows), so our specialist can help you even from the other side of the world.

To start using, just download the installation file for the Windows operating system from the official website

After starting, inform our specialist of the values ​​displayed in the fields "Your ID" and "Password". The connection will happen instantly. We will solve your problem according to 1C, in the future we will help you set up teamviewer for free for further use, set the necessary security settings and advise you.

Brief instructions for providing remote access to 1C through Teamviewer:

  1. Download file - TeamViewer
  2. Run without installation
  3. Tell us your ID and one-time password

Teamviewer functionality: remote control, file transfer, chat, audio conference, video conference, demo mode.


At first glance, a simpler program, but with good functionality. At the same time, an important plus is that it is free for both non-commercial and commercial use with a limit of no more than 30 computers. It consists of two parts: Server (server) and Viewer (program for connecting to the server).

It is possible to connect not only by ID (unique identifier), but also by the IP address of a computer on the network. There is an inventory function, screen recording, you can record all our actions and play back if necessary. If you need to purchase a license, the cost of the paid version is cheaper than that of competitors.

The interface looks less modern than TeamViewer's.

Brief instructions for providing remote access to 1C through LiteManager:

  1. Download server installation file - LiteManager for Win
  2. Run and install
  3. Tell us ID

Ammyy Admin

Reliable, simple and convenient alternative to "Team viewer"! Does not require installation and administrative rights, free for non-commercial use, fast and efficient. Ideal solution for remote connection to your computer.

To start using, just click on the "Get started with Ammyy Admin" button:

After that, you need to choose a path to save the program file. The location of the file must be remembered for future use:

When the download of the program file is completed, you need to run it. To do this, open the folder where the save was made in the previous paragraph and run this file:

As soon as the "Ammyy Admin" program starts, you need to provide our specialist with the data from the "Your ID" field (marked with the number "1"). If you yourself want to connect to a remote computer, you must enter the data of the remote computer in the field marked with the number "2" and click the "Connect" button:

Connection to a remote computer using the Ammyy Admin program has been successfully completed!

Very often, users do not need full access directly to the computer on which 1C is installed, but they need to enter the 1C database remotely in user mode. It also sometimes requires access from a tablet, smartphone and other mobile devices. To do this, you need to install a web server and publish your database on it. How to do it in minutes read in

In this mode, users connect to a remote server using RDP (remote desktop protocol). Connection is possible from any device with the Internet. In this mode, you can use all the functionality provided by 1C, including the configurator.

System requirements
To work in Remote Desktop mode, you must have one of the Microsoft operating systems installed on your computer: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows 2003/2008 Server, Windows Server 2008 R2.
The version of the program to launch the remote desktop (mstsc.exe) must be at least 6.1

Connecting and setting up with a shortcut

If the shortcut is already installed on your desktop, just click on the icon and enter your credentials (login and password) in the window that appears. The shortcut can be copied to any computer and run the program

Self-configuring a shortcut to launch Remote Desktop 1C
To configure the Remote Desktop shortcut yourself, you must:
1. Launch the Remote Desktop program (Remote Desktop or Remote App). The name of the executable file is mstsc.exe. You can open the Start menu -> Run, and copy this name (mstsc.exe) there.
2. Enter your account settings.
3. The 1C program will open in the window that appears.
4. Set up a connection to information base 1C (similar to setting when connecting via 1C:Enterprise 8.2)

In order for local drives and printers to be available when working with Remote Desktop, they must be connected.

To connect local drives, you need:
1. On the remote desktop connection form, click Options and go to the Local Resources tab.

2. Click the Details button.

3. Set the flags for those disks that should be available when working with the remote desktop.
4. Press the Ok button.

To connect local printers, you need:
1. On the remote desktop connection form, go to the Local resources tab.
2. Set the Printers flag.

Connecting in the "Remote Desktop" mode

System requirements

To work in Remote Desktop mode, you must have one of the Microsoft operating systems installed on your computer: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows 2003/2008 Server, Windows Server 2008 R2.

The version of the program to launch the remote desktop (mstsc.exe) must be at least 6.1. If the operating system requirements are met, but Remote Desktop is not working, you may need to install updates through the Windows Update service (available in Control Panel).

Please note that work in remote desktop mode with other operating systems (Android, Apple iOS, etc.) is not guaranteed, due to the fact that a different protocol is used for data transfer (RDP 6.1 and higher, as well as its RD-Gateway and TS-Gateway extensions).

If you want to work with 1C on mobile devices with operating systems, other than Windows, the company " Right Decisions» will help you customize the programs you need.

Connecting and setting up with a shortcut

For a quick connection to Remote Desktop, you need to ask your personal developer for a shortcut to launch the program. If the shortcut is already installed on your desktop, just click on the icon and enter your credentials (login and password) in the window that appears. The shortcut can be copied to any computer and run the program (the computer must meet the system requirements).

To be able to use local drives, they must be connected to Remote Desktop. For this you need:

1. In the "Remote Desktop Connection" window, go to the "Local Resources" tab

2. Click the "Details" button

3. Mark the disks that you will need when working with the remote desktop.

4. Click OK.

To connect a printer, check the box next to the "printers" icon. Please note: to connect a local printer, you need to install MS.Net Framework 3.5 SP1 on the local computer. The program can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Self-configuring a shortcut to launch Remote Desktop 1C

To configure the Remote Desktop shortcut yourself, you must:

1. Run the program Remote Desktop (Remote Desktop or Remote App), file name - mstsc.exe

2. Enter your account settings.

3. The 1C program will open in the window that appears. If 1C does not open automatically, in the Remote Desktop window you need to launch the program for accessing the infobase (for example, 1C: PROF Accounting).

4. Set up a connection to the 1C infobase (similar to setting up with)