Presentation scientists of informatics. Outstanding scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development and development of informatics - presentation

Informatics is the science of the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analyzing and evaluating information, enabling it to be used for decision making.

French mathematician, mechanic, physicist, writer and philosopher. A classic of French literature, one of the founders of mathematical analysis, probability theory and projective geometry, the creator of the first samples of counting technology, the author of the basic law of hydrostatics. In 1642, Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, designed a calculating machine to ease the work of his father, a tax inspector who had to do a lot of complex calculations. Pascal's device "skillfully" only adds and subtracts.

He described the binary number system with the numbers 0 and 1, on which modern computer technology is based. In 1673, the eminent German scientist Gottfried Leibniz built the first calculating machine capable of mechanically performing all four operations of arithmetic. Leibniz can be attributed to all machines, in particular, the first computers that performed multiplication as multiple addition, and division as multiple subtraction. Leibniz's idea of ​​using the binary number system in computers will remain forgotten for 250 years. binary system.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Babbage formulated the main provisions that should underlie the design of a fundamentally new type of computer: The machine must have a "warehouse" for storage digital information. The machine must have a device that performs operations on numbers taken from the "warehouse". Babbage called such a device a "mill". (Modern computers have an arithmetic unit.) The machine must have a device for entering initial data and displaying the results, i.e. input/output device. Babbage made an attempt to create a machine of this type based on a mechanical adding machine, but its construction turned out to be very expensive, and work on the manufacture of a working machine could not be completed.

He began his work in 1933, and three years later he built a model of a mechanical computer, which used the binary number system, floating-point representation, a three-address programming system, and punched cards. In 1938, Zuse produced a model of the Z1 machine for 16 machine words, the following year the Z2 model, and 2 years later he built the world's first operating computer with program control (model Z3). It was a relay binary machine with a memory of 6422 bit floating point numbers. Zuse in 1945 created the language PLANKALKUL ("calculus of plans"). This language was more machine-oriented, however, in some aspects related to the structure of objects, they even surpassed ALGOL in its capabilities, which was focused only on working with numbers. Konrad Zuse with his computer.

In 1888, the American engineer Herman Hollerith designed the first electromechanical calculating machine. He created a system that automates the processing process. Hollerith first (1889) built a manual puncher that was used to print digital data on punched cards, and introduced mechanical sorting to lay out these punched cards depending on the location of the punches. He built an adding machine, called a tabulator, which probed the holes on punched cards, perceived them as the corresponding numbers and counted them.

Ada Lovelace is rightfully considered the world's first programmer. Babbage did not compile more than one complete description of the machine he invented. This was done by one of his students in an article in French. Ada Lovelace translated it into English, and not only translated it, but added her own programs, according to which the machine could perform complex mathematical calculations. As a result, the original length of the article tripled, and Babbage got the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his machine. Many of the concepts introduced by Ada Lovelace in the descriptions of those first-ever programs are widely used by modern programmers.

In the early 1950s in Kiev, in the laboratory of modeling and computer technology of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, under the guidance of Academician S. A. Lebedev, the first Soviet computer was created by MESM. The functional structural organization of MESM was proposed by Lebedev in 1947. The first trial run of the machine model took place in November 1950, and the machine was put into operation in 1951. MESM worked in a binary system, with a three-address instruction system, and the calculation program was stored in an operational-type storage device. The Lebedev machine with parallel processing of words was a fundamentally new solution. It was one of the first computers in the world and the first on the European continent with a stored program.

An outstanding Dutch scientist whose ideas had a huge impact on the development of the computer industry. Dijkstra is known for his work on the application of mathematical logic in the development of computer programs. He actively participated in the development of the Algol programming language and wrote the first Algol60 compiler. He also came up with the idea of ​​using "semaphores" to synchronize processes in multitasking systems and an algorithm for finding the shortest path on a directed graph with non-negative edge weights. He was an active writer, his pen (he preferred a pen to a keyboard) owned many books and articles, the most famous of which are the books "Discipline of Programming" and "Notes on Structured Programming"

Leonardo da Vinci For over 300 years Blaise Pascal was believed to be the inventor of the first calculating machine. However, in 1967, two volumes of unpublished manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci (), one of the titans of the Renaissance, an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and engineer, were found in the National Library of Madrid. Among the drawings, they found a sketch of a thirteen-bit adder with ten-tooth wheels. For advertising purposes, it was collected by the firm. However, in 1967, two volumes of unpublished 1BM manuscripts were found in the National Library of Madrid and it turned out to be quite workable.

Wilhelm Schickard Ten years earlier, in 1957, a previously unknown photocopy of a sketch of a counting device was discovered in the city library of Stuttgart, from which it followed that another design of a counting machine appeared at least 20 years earlier than the "Pascal wheel". It was possible to establish that this sketch is nothing more than a missing appendix to a previously published letter to I. Kepler from a professor at the University of Tübingen, Wilhelm Schickard (from), where Schickard, referring to the drawing, described the calculating machine he invented. The machine contained a summing and multiplying device, as well as a mechanism for recording intermediate results. In another letter (from) Schickard wrote that Kepler would be pleasantly surprised if he saw how the machine itself accumulates and transfers to the left a ten or a hundred, and how it takes away what it keeps in its "mind" when subtracting. Wilhelm Schickard () appeared in Tübingen in 1617 and soon became professor of oriental languages ​​at the local university. At the same time, he corresponded with Kepler and a number of German, French, Italian and Dutch scientists on issues related to astronomy. Drawing attention to the outstanding mathematical abilities of the young scientist, Kepler recommended that he take up mathematics. Shikkard heeded this advice and achieved significant success in the new field. In 1631 he became professor of mathematics and astronomy. And five years later, Shikkard and members of his family died of cholera. The works of the scientist were forgotten...

Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal () one of the most famous people in the history of mankind. Pascal died when he was 39 years old, but despite such a short life, he went down in history as an outstanding mathematician, physicist, philosopher, writer, who also believed in miracles. Some of Pascal's practical achievements have received the highest distinction today, few people knows the name of their author. For example, now very few will say that the most common car is the invention of Blaise Pascal. He also came up with the idea of ​​omnibuses of multi-seat horse-drawn carriages with fixed routes, the first type of regular public public transport. Being very young (1643), Pascal created a mechanical device, a summing machine, which made it possible to add numbers in the decimal number system. In this machine, the numbers were set by corresponding rotations of the disks (wheels) with digital divisions, and the result of the operation could be read in the windows, one for each number. The disks were mechanically connected, and the addition took into account the transfer of one to the next digit. The units disk was connected to the tens disk, the tens disk to the hundreds disk, and so on. The main drawback of Pascal's summing machine was the inconvenience of performing all operations with it, except for addition.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz () entered the history of mathematics primarily as the creator of differential and integral calculus, combinatorics, and the theory of determinants. But his name is also among the outstanding inventors of counting devices. Leibniz was born in Leipzig and belonged to a family known for its scientists and politicians. In 1661 Leibniz became a student. He studies philosophy, law and mathematics at the universities of Leipzig, Vienna and Altdorf. In 1666, he defended two dissertations at once for the title of associate professor in jurisprudence and mathematics. In 1672, Leibniz met the Dutch mathematician and astronomer Christian Huygens. Seeing how many calculations an astronomer had to do, Leibniz decided to invent a mechanical device for calculations, which he completed in 1694. Developing the ideas of Pascal, Leibniz used the shift operation for bitwise multiplication of numbers. One copy of the Leibniz machine came to Peter the Great, who presented it to the Chinese emperor, wanting to impress him with European technical achievements. Leibniz came close to the creation of mathematical logic: he proposed the use of mathematical symbols in logic and for the first time expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of using the binary number system in it, which later found application in automatic computers.

George Bull George Bull (). After Leibniz, many eminent scientists conducted research in the field of mathematical logic and the binary number system, but the real success here came to the English self-taught mathematician George Boole, whose determination knew no bounds. The financial situation of George's parents allowed him to graduate only primary school for the poor. After some time, Buhl, having changed several professions, opened a small school, where he taught himself. He devoted a lot of time to self-education and soon became interested in the ideas of symbolic logic. In 1854, his main work, "Investigation of the laws of thought on which the mathematical theories of logic and probability are based," appeared. After some time, it became clear that Boole's system is well suited for describing electrical switching circuits: the current in the circuit can either flow or be absent, like how a statement can be either true or false. Already in the 20th century, together with the binary number system, the mathematical apparatus created by Boole formed the basis for the development of a digital electronic computer.

Herman Hollerith A significant contribution to the automation of information processing was made by an American, the son of German emigrants, Herman Hollerith (). He is the founder of the counting and punching technique. Dealing with the processing of statistical information from the US census in 1890, Hollerith built a manual puncher that was used to apply digital data to punched cards (holes were punched on the card), and introduced mechanical sorting to lay out these punched cards, depending on the place of punching. He built a summing machine, called a tabulator, which "felt" the holes on punched cards, perceived them as the corresponding numbers and counted these numbers. The tabulator card was the size of a dollar bill. It had 12 rows, in each of which 20 holes could be punched, corresponding to such data as age, gender, place of birth, number of children, marital status etc. The agents participating in the census recorded the answers of the respondents in special forms. The completed forms were sent to Washington, where the information contained in them was transferred to cards using a puncher. Then the punched cards were loaded into special devices connected to a tabulator, where they were strung on thin needles. The needle, falling into the hole, passed it, closing the contact in the corresponding electrical circuit of the machine. This, in turn, led to the fact that the counter, consisting of rotating cylinders, moved one position forward.

John Vincent Atanasoff In 1973, through the court, it was established that the patent rights to the basic ideas of digital electronic machines belong to John Atanasov. Bulgarian by birth, John Vincent Atanasoff () became an American in the second generation. Atanasov began his search for ways to automate calculations in 1933, when he supervised graduate students who studied elasticity theory, quantum physics, and crystal physics. Most of the problems they faced involved partial differential equations. To solve them, one had to use approximate methods, which, in turn, required the solution of large systems of algebraic equations. Therefore, the scientist began to attempt to use technical means to speed up calculations: Atanasov decided to design a computer based on new principles, while taking vacuum tubes as an element base. In the fall of 1939, John Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry began building a specialized computer machine designed to solve a system of algebraic equations with 30 unknowns. It was decided to name it ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer). The initial data, presented in decimal notation, had to be entered into the machine using standard punched cards. Then, in the machine itself, the decimal code was converted to binary, which was then used in it. The main arithmetic operations were addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division were already performed with their help. There were two storage devices in the car. By the spring of 1942, work on the machine was largely completed; however, at this time the United States was already at war with Nazi Germany, and wartime problems pushed work on the first computer into the background. Soon the car was dismantled.

Konrad Zuse Creator of the first working computer with program management consider the German engineer Konrad Zuse (), who from childhood loved to invent and, even when he was at school, designed a model of a machine for exchanging money. He began to dream about a machine that could perform tedious calculations instead of a person while still a student. Not knowing about the work of Charles Babbage, Zuse soon set about creating a device much like the Analytical Engine of this English mathematician. In 1936, in order to devote more time to building a computer, Zuse resigned from the company where he worked. On a small table in his parents' house, he arranged a "workshop". Approximately two years later, the computer, which already occupied an area of ​​​​about 4 m2 and was an intricacies of relays and wires, was ready. The machine, which he named 21 (from 7, from Zuse's German spelling of the last name), had a data entry keyboard. In 1942, Zuse and Austrian electrical engineer Helmut Schreyer proposed the creation of a fundamentally new type of device, based on vacuum electron tubes. The new machine was supposed to operate hundreds of times faster than any of the machines available at that time in warring Germany. However, this proposal was rejected: Hitler imposed a ban on all "long-term" scientific development, because he was sure of a quick victory. In the difficult post-war years, Zuse, working alone, created a programming system called Plankalkul (Plankal-kül, "plan calculus"). This language is called the first high-level language.

Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev () was born in Nizhny Novgorod, In 1921, he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (now the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 1928, Lebedev, having received a diploma in electrical engineering, became at the same time a university teacher, from which he graduated, and a junior researcher at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute (VEI). In 1936, he was already a professor and author (together with PS Zhdanov) of the book "Stability of parallel operation of electrical systems", widely known among specialists in the field of electrical engineering. In the late 1940s, under the leadership of Lebedev, the first domestic electronic digital computer MESM (small electronic calculating machine) was created, which is one of the first in the world and the first in Europe computer with a program stored in memory. In 1950, Lebedev moved to the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology (ITM and VT of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) in Moscow and became the chief designer of BESM, and then the director of the institute. Then BESM-1 was the fastest computer in Europe and was not inferior to the best computers in the USA. Soon the machine was slightly modernized and in 1956 it began to be mass-produced under the name BESM-2. On BESM-2, calculations were performed during the launch of artificial satellites of the Earth and the first spacecraft with a person on board. In 1967, the series created under the leadership of S.A. began to be mass-produced. Lebedev and V.A. Melnikova, the original BESM-6 architecture with a speed of about 1 million operations per second: BESM-6 was among the most productive computers in the world and had many of the "features" of the machines of the next, third generation. She was the first large domestic machine, which began to be supplied to users along with advanced software.

John von Neumann American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann () was from Budapest, the second largest and most important cultural center of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire after Vienna. With his extraordinary abilities, this man began to stand out very early: at the age of six he spoke ancient Greek, and at eight he mastered the basics of higher mathematics. He worked in Germany, but in the early 1930s he decided to settle in the United States. John von Neumann made a significant contribution to the creation and development of a number of areas of mathematics and physics, and had a significant impact on the development of computer technology. He performed fundamental research related to mathematical logic, group theory, operator algebra, quantum mechanics, statistical physics; is one of the creators of the "Monte Carlo" method, a numerical method for solving mathematical problems based on the simulation of random variables. "According to von Neumann" the main place among the functions performed by a computer is occupied by arithmetic and logical operations. For them, an arithmetic-logical device is provided. Its operation and, in general, the entire machine is controlled by a control device. The role of information storage is performed by RAM. Information is stored here for both the arithmetic logic unit (data) and the control unit (commands).

Claude Elwood Shannon Already in his teens, Claude Elwood Shannon () began to design. He made models of airplanes and radio devices, created a radio-controlled boat, connected his house and a friend's house with a telegraph line. Claude's childhood hero was the famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison, who was also his distant relative (however, they never met). In 1937, Shannon submitted his dissertation "Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits", working on which he came to the conclusion that Boolean algebra can be successfully used to analyze and synthesize switches and relays in electrical circuits. We can say that this work paved the way for the development of digital computers. most famous work Claude Elwood Shannon is published in 1948" mathematical theory connection", which presents considerations regarding the new science of information theory he created. One of the tasks of information theory is to find the most economical coding methods that allow you to transfer the necessary information using the minimum number of characters. Shannon defined the basic unit of the amount of information (later called a bit) as a message, representing one of two options: heads, tails, yes no, etc. A bit can be represented as 1 or 0, or as the presence or absence of current in the circuit.

Bill (William) Gates Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William Gates II, is a lawyer. Bill Gates' mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, board member at the University of Washington, and chairman charitable organization United Way International. Gates and his high school buddy Paul Allen entered the world of entrepreneurship at the age of fifteen. They wrote a program to regulate traffic and formed a company to distribute it; earned dollars on this project and did not go to high school anymore. In 1973, Gates entered his first year at Harvard University. During their time at Harvard, Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the first operating system, having developed the BASIC programming language for the first MITS Altair minicomputer. In his third year, Bill Gates left Harvard to devote himself full-time to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 with Allen. Under a contract with IBM, Gates creates the MS-DOS operating system, which in 1993 was used by 90% of the world's computers and which made him fabulously rich. So Bill Gates went down in history not only as the chief architect software Microsoft corporation, but also as the youngest self-made billionaire. Today, Bill Gates is one of the most popular figures in the computer world. There are jokes about him, praises are sung to him. Peoper magazine, for example, argues that "Gates is as important to programming as Edison is to the light bulb: part innovator, part entrepreneur, part merchant, but unfailingly a genius."

Aristotle (BC). Scientist and philosopher. He tried to answer the question: "How do we reason", studied the rules of thinking. Subjected human thinking to a comprehensive analysis. Identified the main forms of thinking: concept, judgment, conclusion. His treatises on logic are combined in the Organon. In the books of the Organon: Topeka, Analysts, Hermeneutics, and others, the thinker develops the most important categories and laws of thought, creates a theory of proof, and formulates a system of deductive reasoning. Deduction (from lat. deductio - inference) allows you to derive true knowledge about individual phenomena, based on general patterns. Aristotle's logic is called formal logic.

Leonardo da Vinci - sculptor, artist, musician, architect, scientist and brilliant inventor. A native of Florence, he was the son of a court official, Piero da Vinci. His works contain drawings and drawings of the human body, flying birds, strange machines. Leonardo invented a flying machine with bird wings, submarines, a huge bow, a flywheel, a helicopter, powerful cannons. Also, his works contain drawings of devices that produce mechanical calculations. Leonardo da Vinci ()

John Napier () In 1614, the Scottish mathematician John Napier invented tables of logarithms. Their principle was that each number corresponds to its own special number - the logarithm. Logarithms make division and multiplication very easy. For example, to multiply two numbers, add their logarithms. the result is found in the table of logarithms. He later invented the slide rule.

Blaise Pascal () In 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal designed a calculating device to facilitate the work of his father, a tax inspector, who had to make a lot of complex calculations. Pascal's device "skillfully" only adds and subtracts. Father and son invested a lot of money in the creation of their device, but clerks opposed Pascal's counting device - they were afraid of losing their jobs because of him, as well as employers who believed that it was better to hire cheap bookkeepers than to buy an expensive car.

Gottfried Leibniz In 1673, the eminent German scientist Gottfried Leibniz built the first calculating machine capable of mechanically performing all four operations of arithmetic. A number of its most important mechanisms were used until the middle of the 20th century in some types of machines. All machines, in particular, the first computers, which performed multiplication as multiple addition, and division as multiple subtraction, can be attributed to the Leibniz machine type. The main advantage of the milestones of these machines was higher than that of a person, the speed and accuracy of calculations. Their creation demonstrated the fundamental possibility of mechanizing human intellectual activity. Leibniz was the first to understand the meaning and role of the binary number system in a Latin manuscript written in March 1679. Leibniz explains how to perform calculations in the binary system, in particular multiplication, and later in in general terms develops a project of a computer operating in the binary number system. Here is what he writes: “Calculations of this kind could be carried out on a machine. Undoubtedly, it can be done very simply and without much expense in the following way: you need to make holes in the bank so that they can be opened and closed. holes that correspond to 1, and closed holes correspond to 0. Small cubes or balls will fall into the troughs through the open holes, and nothing will fall through the closed holes.The jar will move and shift from column to column, as required by multiplication. , and not a single ball can fall from one chute into any other until the machine starts to work ... ". Subsequently, in numerous letters and in the treatise "Explication de l`Arithmetique Binairy" (1703), Leibniz returned again and again to binary arithmetic. Leibniz's idea of ​​using the binary number system in computers will remain forgotten for 250 years.

George Bull George Bull (). Developed the ideas of G. Leibniz. Considered the founder of mathematical logic (Boolean algebra). Boole began his mathematical research with the development of operator methods of analysis and the theory of differential equations, then he took up mathematical logic. In Boole's main works, "the mathematical analysis of logic, which is an experiment in the calculus of deductive reasoning" and "the study of the laws of thought, in which the mathematical theories of logic and probability are based," the foundations of mathematical logic were laid. Buhl's main work is "Investigation of the Laws of Thought". Boole made an attempt to construct formal logic in the form of some "calculus", "algebra". Boole's logical ideas were further developed in subsequent years. Logical calculus, constructed in accordance with Boole's ideas, is now widely used in the applications of mathematical logic to technology, in particular to the theory of relay-contact circuits. In modern algebra, there are Boolean rings, Boolean algebras, algebraic systems, in programming, variables and constants of the boolean type. Boolean space is known, in mathematical problems of control systems Boolean spread, Boolean decomposition, Boolean regular point of the kernel. In his works, logic found its alphabet, its spelling and its grammar.

Born in Sweden. In 1866, V. T. Odner graduated from the Stockholm Institute of Technology. In 1869 he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he remained until the end of his life. In St. Petersburg, he first of all turned to his compatriot E. L. Nobel, who in 1862 founded the Russian Diesel plant on the Vyborg side. At this plant in 1874, the first sample of the Odner adding machine was manufactured. “V.T. Odner, still a very young engineer, had the opportunity to fix Thomas' calculating machine and at the same time came to the conclusion that there was a possibility in a simpler and more expedient way to solve the problem of mechanical calculus. After much deliberation and much experimentation, Mr. Odner finally succeeded in 1873 in arranging at home a model of a calculating machine of his design. This apparatus interested Ludwig Nobel, a commercial adviser, who gave Mr. Odner the opportunity to develop an idea at his factory.” So, according to Odner, the date of the invention of the adding machine can be considered 1873, when the experimental model was created. The invention of V. Odner - an adding machine with a gear with a variable number of teeth - played a special role in the development of computers. Its design was so perfect that adding machines of this type, the Felix modification, were produced from 1873 with virtually no changes for almost a hundred years. Such calculating machines greatly facilitated the work of a person, but without his participation the machine could not count. In this case, the person was assigned the role of an operator.

Charles Babbage At the beginning of the 19th century, Charles Babbage formulated the main provisions that should underlie the design of a fundamentally new type of computer: computer The machine must have a "warehouse" for storing digital information. (In modern computers, this is a storage device.) The machine must have a device that performs operations on numbers taken from the "warehouse". Babbage called such a device a "mill". (In modern computers, it is an arithmetic unit.) The machine must have a device for controlling the sequence of operations, transferring numbers from the "warehouse" to the "mill" and vice versa, i.e. control device. The machine must have a device for entering initial data and displaying the results, i.e. I/O device. These initial principles, set out more than 150 years ago, are fully implemented in modern computers, but for the 19th century they turned out to be premature. Babbage made an attempt to create a machine of this type based on a mechanical adding machine, but its construction turned out to be very expensive, and work on the manufacture of a working machine could not be completed. From 1834 until the end of his life, Babbage worked on the design of the Analytical Engine without attempting to build one. Only in 1906 did his son make demonstration models of some parts of the machine. If the Analytical Engine were complete, Babbage estimates that addition and subtraction would take 2 seconds, and multiplication and division would take 1

A German scientist, orientalist and mathematician, professor at the University of Tyubinsk, in letters to his friend Johannes Kepler, described the device of a "counting clock" - a calculating machine with a number setting device and rollers with an engine and a window for reading the result. This machine could only add and subtract (some sources say that this machine could also multiply and divide, while it facilitated the process of multiplying and dividing large numbers). But, unfortunately, not a single one of his working models remains, and some researchers give the palm to the French mathematician Blaise Pascal

Norbert Wiener () Norbert Wiener completed his first fundamental work (the aforementioned Cybernetics) at the age of 54. And before that, the life of a great scientist was still full of achievements, doubts and anxieties. By the age of eighteen, Norbert Wiener was already holding a Ph.D. in mathematical logic at Cornell and Harvard Universities. At the age of nineteen, Dr. Wiener was invited to the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "where he served until last days of his inconspicuous life. "So or something like this one could end a biographical article about the father of modern cybernetics. And everything said would be true, in view of the extraordinary modesty of Wiener the man, but Wiener the scientist, if he managed to hide from humanity, then he hid in shadows of their own glory.

Konrad Zuse He began his work in 1933, and three years later he built a model of a mechanical computer, which used the binary number system, floating point representation, a three-address programming system and punched cards. Conditional branching was not provided during programming. Then, as an element base, Zuse chooses a relay, which by that time had long been used in various fields technology. binary system In 1938, Zuse made a model of the machine Z1 for 16 machine words, the following year - the model Z2, and 2 years later he built the world's first operating computer with program control (model Z3), which was demonstrated in the German research aviation center. It was a relay binary machine with a memory of 6422-bit floating-point numbers: program-controlled model Z3 7 bits for the exponent and 15 for the mantissa. The arithmetic block used parallel arithmetic. The team included the operational and address parts. Data entry was carried out using a decimal keyboard. Digital output is provided, as well as automatic conversion of decimal numbers to binary and vice versa. The addition time for the Z3 model is 0.3 seconds. All these models of cars were destroyed during the bombing during the Second World War. After the war, Zuse made the Z4 and Z5 models. Zuse in 1945 created the language PLANKALKUL ("calculus of plans"), which refers to the early forms of algorithmic languages. This language was more machine-oriented, however, in some aspects related to the structure of objects, they even surpassed ALGOL, which was focused only on working with numbers, in its capabilities.

Herman Hollerith Being engaged in the processing of statistical data in the 80s of the last century, he created a system that automates the processing process. Hollerith first (1889) built a manual puncher that was used to print digital data on punched cards, and introduced mechanical sorting to lay out these punched cards depending on the location of the punches. Hollerith's data carrier, an 80-column punched card, has not undergone significant changes to date. He built a summing machine, called a tabulator, which probed the holes on punched cards, perceived them as the corresponding numbers and counted them.

Ada Lovelace Babbage's scientific ideas fascinated the daughter of the famous English poet Lord Byron, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace. At that time, such concepts as computers and programming had not yet arisen, and yet Ada Lovelace is rightfully considered the world's first programmer. The fact is that Babbage did not make more than one complete description of the machine he invented. This was done by one of his students in an article in French. BabbageBabbage Ada Lovelace translated it into English, and not only translated, but added her own programs, according to which the machine could perform complex mathematical calculations. As a result, the original length of the article tripled, and Babbage got the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his machine. Many of the concepts introduced by Ada Lovelace in the descriptions of those first-ever programs are widely used by modern programmers. Babbage

Emile Leon Post (Emil Leon Post) was an American mathematician and logician. He obtained a number of fundamental results in mathematical logic; one of the most commonly used definitions of the concepts of consistency and completeness of formal systems (calculi); proofs of functional completeness and deductive completeness (in the broad and narrow sense) of the propositional calculus; the study of multivalued logic systems with more than 3 truth values. One of the first (independently of A.M. Turing) Post defined the concept of an algorithm in terms of an “abstract computer” and formulated the main thesis of the theory of algorithms. He also owns the first (simultaneously with A.A. Markov) proofs of the algorithmic unsolvability of a number of problems in mathematical logic.

John von Neumann () In 1946. John von Neumann, a brilliant American mathematician of Hungarian origin, formulated the basic concept of storing computer instructions in his own internal memory, which served as a huge impetus for the development of electronic computing technology.

Claude Shannon () American engineer and mathematician. The man who is called father modern theories information and communication. While still a young engineer, he wrote the Magna Carta of the Information Age, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, in 1948. His work has been called "the greatest work in the annals of technical thought." His intuition as a discoverer has been compared to the genius of Einstein. flying disk on a rocket engine, he rode, at the same time juggling, on a unicycle through the corridors of Bell Labs. And he once said: "I have always followed my interests, without thinking about what they will cost me, nor about their value to peace. I wasted a lot of time on completely useless things." During the war years, he was engaged in the development of cryptographic systems, and later this helped him discover methods of coding with error correction. And in his spare time, he began to develop ideas that later turned into information theory. Shannon's original goal was to improve the transmission of information over a telegraph or telephone channel affected by electrical noise. He quickly came to the conclusion that best solution The problem lies in the more efficient packaging of information.

Edsger Vibe Dijkstra Edsger Vibe Dijkstra () an outstanding Dutch scientist, whose ideas had a huge impact on the development of the computer industry. Dijkstra is known for his work on the application of mathematical logic in the development of computer programs. He was actively involved in the development of the Algol programming language and wrote the first Algol-60 compiler. Being one of the authors of the concept of structured programming, he preached the rejection of the use of the GOTO instruction. He also owns the idea of ​​using "semaphores" to synchronize processes in multitasking systems and the algorithm for finding the shortest path on a directed graph with non-negative edge weights, known as Dijkstra's Algorithm. Dijkstra won the Turing Award in 1972. Dijkstra was an active writer who wrote (he preferred a pen to a keyboard) many books and articles, the most famous of which are the books "Programming Discipline" and "Notes on Structured Programming", and Dijkstra's article "On the dangers of the GOTO statement" Dijkstra also gained considerable fame outside of academia, thanks to his sharp and aphoristic statements on current issues in the computer industry. aphoristic statements

Tim Bernes-Lee was born on June 8, 1955. Tim Bernes-Lee is the man who turned the idea of ​​the World Wide Web, the creator of the World Wide Web and the hypertext system. In 1989, a graduate of Oxford University, an employee of the European Center for Nuclear Research in Geneva (CERN) Bernes-Lee developed the HTML Web page hypertext markup language, giving users the ability to view documents on remote computers. In 1990, Tim invented the first primitive browser, and his computer is naturally considered the first Web server. Bernes-Lee did not patent his life-changing discoveries, which is, in general, not uncommon in a greedy world (remember, for example, Douglas Engelbart and his legendary mouse). In the book Weaving the Web ("Weaving the Web"), he admitted that in right time he simply did not make money on his own inventions, considering (oddly enough) this idea to be risky. "A place in the sun" was immediately occupied by the world giants Microsoft and Netscape. In 1994, Burnes-Lee became the head of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which he founded, which develops Internet standards. Today, Bernes-Lee is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), while remaining a British subject. It cannot be said that his name is known to a wide range of users, however, for the development of web technologies, Bernes-Lee has repeatedly received honorary prizes and awards. In 2002, Burnes-Lee received the Prince of Asturias Prize for Technical Research and was named one of the twenty great thinkers of the 20th century by Time magazine. On New Year's Eve 2004, Tim Bernes-Lee was awarded the title of Knight of the British Empire (a title bestowed personally by Queen Elizabeth II), and on April 15 of this year, at a ceremony in Espoo (Finland), the Finnish Technology Award Foundation presented " founding father of WWW” 1 million euros the largest award for a great discovery

Gordon Moore Gordon Moore was born in San Francisco (USA) on January 3, 1929. Together with Robert Noyce, Moore founded Intel in 1968 and served as executive vice president of the corporation for the next seven years. Gordon Moore received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley and a degree in chemistry and physics from the California Institute of Technology. G. Moore is a director of Gilead Sciences Inc., a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a member of the IEEE. Moore is also a member board of trustees California Institute of Technology. In 1975, he became president and CEO of Intel, and held both positions until 1979, when he changed from president to chairman of the board. Dr. Moore served as CEO of Intel Corporation until 1987, and as chairman of the board of directors until 1997, when he was awarded the title of honorary chairman of the board of directors. Today, Gordon Moore remains the honorary chairman of the board of directors of Intel Corporation and lives in Hawaii

Dennis Ritchie Dennis Ritchie was born on September 9, 1941 in the United States. While studying at Harvard University, Ritchie was especially interested in physics and applied mathematics. In 1968 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Subrecursive function hierarchies". But he did not aspire to be an expert in the theory of algorithms; he was much more interested in procedural programming languages. In Bell Labs in 1967, D. Ritchie came after his father, who had linked his career with this company for a very long time. Ritchie was the first user of a Unix system on the PDP-11. In 1970, he helped Ken Thompson transfer it to the new PDP-11 machine. During this period, Ritchie designed and wrote a compiler for the C programming language. The C language is the foundation of the portability of the UNIX operating system. The most important technical solution that was added to the UNIX operating system by Denn Ritchie was the development of a mechanism for communication flows and the interconnection of devices, protocols and applications.

Perhaps you can say that Bill Gates and Paul Allen had the gift of foresight when they created their company in 1975. However, they could hardly even dream of the results of their step, since then no one could foresee a brilliant future. personal computers generally. In fact, Gates and Allen were just doing their favorite thing. Isn't it amazing: at 21, Bill Gates graduated from Harvard and launched Microsoft. And at 41, he beat many competitors and amassed a fortune of $ 23.9 billion. In 1996, when Microsoft's shares went up 88%, he was making $30 million a day! Today, Microsoft is not just a leading company in the global computer market. Its activities today have an impact on the entire development of human civilization, and the history of its development is the most impressive commercial rise of the twentieth century.

Andrei Andreevich Markov Andrei Andreevich Markov (younger) () mathematician, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the son of an outstanding mathematician, a specialist in the theory of probability, also Andrey Andreyevich Markov (senior). The main works on topology, topological algebra, the theory of dynamical systems, the theory of algorithms and constructive mathematics. Proved the unsolvability of the problem of homeomorphism in topology, created a school of constructive mathematics and logic in the USSR, the author of the concept of a normal algorithm. From 1959 until the end of his life, Andrey Andreevich headed the Department of Mathematical Logic of the Mekhmat of Moscow State University. He worked in many areas (the theory of plasticity, applied geophysics, celestial mechanics, topology, etc.), but made the greatest contribution to mathematical logic (in particular, he founded the constructive direction in mathematics), the theory of complexity of algorithms and cybernetics. He created a large mathematical school, his students are now working in many countries. He wrote poems that were not published during his lifetime. poems

Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov The breadth of Kolmogorov's scientific interests and pursuits has few, if any, precedents in the 20th century. Their spectrum extends from meteorology to poetry. In Van Heijenoort's famous reader "From Frege to Gödel", dedicated to mathematical logic, one can find English translation Kolmogorov's twenty-two-year-old article, which the author of the anthology described as "the first systematic study of intuitionistic logic." The article was the first Russian article on logic containing proper mathematical results. Kolmogorov laid the foundations for the theory of operations on sets. He played a significant role in the transformation of Shannon's information theory into a rigorous mathematical science, as well as the construction of information theory on a fundamentally different, different from Shannon's, foundation. He is one of the founders of the theory of dynamical systems; he owns the definition of the general concept of an algorithm. In mathematical logic, he made an outstanding contribution to the theory of proofs, in the theory of dynamical systems in the development of the so-called ergodic theory, where he quite unexpectedly managed to introduce and successfully apply the ideas of information theory.

Anatoly Alekseevich Dorodnitsyn Anatoly Alekseevich Dorodnitsyn () is widely known for his outstanding scientific works in mathematics, aerodynamics and meteorology, which played a decisive role in the creation of computational fluid dynamics. Much in him was determined by natural talent and outstanding hard work, personal inclinations, devotion to science and love for calculations, which he performed independently until the end of his life. If all this makes it possible to guess the origins of the formation of the personality of a scientist, then the foundations of the breadth of the scope of his scientific research remain a mystery. A. A. Dorodnitsyn published works on ordinary differential equations, algebra, meteorology, wing theory (elliptic equations), boundary layer (parabolic equations), supersonic gas dynamics (hyperbolic equations), numerical method of integral relations (for equations of all these types), small parameter method for the Navier-Stokes equations, as well as various issues informatics

Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov ()

Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov () His scientific interests, as well as the range of his knowledge and competence, were extremely wide. He began his scientific career at the renowned scientific school of Academician N.N. Luzin. Today, the alley leading to the grave of Lyapunov at the Vvedensky cemetery passes by the place where the ashes of his teacher are buried. Only the years of the Great Patriotic War interrupted Lyapunov's scientific research for a while. He volunteered for the front, and immediately after the war, his works on the theory of shooting appeared, which, in fact, were the result of wartime reflections. Lyapunov carried his interest in set theory throughout his life and repeatedly returned to his studies in the “cybernetic period”. Moreover, in cybernetic problems he often noticed circumstances of a set-theoretic nature and drew the attention of his students and colleagues to them. Lyapunov's fascination with abstract problems of set theory surprisingly combined with a keen interest in the natural and mathematical sciences in general. Therefore, it is no coincidence that he was one of the first in the USSR to appreciate the prospects of cybernetics and was one of the initiators of domestic cybernetic research. Lyapunov organized at Moscow State University the first in our country research seminar on cybernetics, which he led for ten years. Already in the fifties, his work on the theory of programming gained great fame. In 1953, he proposed a method of preliminary description of programs using operator schemes, which are focused on a clear identification of the main types of operators and on the construction of a kind of algebra of program transformations. This method, due to algebraic notation, turned out to be much more convenient than the previously used block diagram method. It became the main tool for automating programming and was the basis for the development of the ideas of the Soviet school of programming. Lyapunov's participation in the development of work on the automatic translation of texts from one language into another was very significant. Attempts to create translation algorithms have shown that existing grammars are not always suitable for these purposes, translation programs have a specific structure and differ from the structure of programs for computing tasks. Lyapunov formulated general ideas related to an attempt to overcome these difficulties. Worked on problems large group his students in collaboration with linguists. The result of this work was theoretical results in mathematical linguistics and practical development of some translation algorithms from French and English into Russian. A large place in his work is occupied by questions of control processes in living organisms. Application of mathematical modeling methods in biology and introduction into biological theory and practice precise definitions and evidence-based reasoning of a mathematical nature became the favorite brainchild of Lyapunov, the actual founder of "mathematical biology" in science. A well-deserved recognition of the achievements of A.A. Lyapunov was his election as a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1964.

Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich ()

Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich () an outstanding Soviet mathematician and economist, academician, Nobel Prize winner in economics. He made a very significant contribution to world science, having received a number of fundamental results, which include: the creation of a theory of semi-ordered spaces in functional analysis, called K-spaces in honor of L. V. Kantorovich, the creation of a new direction in mathematics and economics for solving optimization problems, called linear programming; methods of "large-block" programming of tasks on a computer. The scientific activity of L. V. Kantorovich is a clear evidence of how domestic mathematical schools influenced the development of computer technology and its fields. L. V. Kantorovich became interested in mathematical problems of the economics of industry, agriculture, and transport in 1938. Mathematical generalization of a class of problems that did not find proper solutions in the arsenal of methods of classical mathematics led L. V. Kantorovich to create a new direction in mathematics and the economy. This direction was later called linear programming. Now linear programming is studied in all economic and mathematical faculties, it is reported in school textbooks. These methods are included in the application software of the computer, which is constantly being improved. Without their application, economic analysis is now unthinkable. L. V. Kantorovich created a school of "large-block" programming in Leningrad, which was looking for ways to overcome the well-known semantic gap between the input language of the machine, in which executable programs are presented, and the mathematical language for describing the algorithm for solving the problem. The ideas proposed by the school of L. V. Kantorovich, in many ways, anticipated the development of programming for the next 30 years. Now this direction is associated with functional programming (programming based on functions), in which the execution of a program in a functional language, speaking informally, consists in calling a function whose arguments are the values ​​of other functions, and these latter, in turn, can also be superpositions in the general case arbitrary depth. Many solutions found then in large-block circuit symbolism are relevant today. Kantorovich's schemes, model (level) approach, translation methods, which flexibly combine compilation and interpretation, are reflected in modern systems programming. It can be said that at the dawn of programming theory, when programs were developed in machine codes, L. V. Kantorovich was able to correctly indicate the fundamental ways of its development for more than 30 years ahead. In 1975, L. V. Kantorovich, together with the American mathematician T. Koopmans, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. Many foreign academies and scientific societies have elected L. V. Kantorovich their honorary member. He was an honorary doctor of the universities of Glasgow, Warsaw, Grenoble, Nice, Munich, Helsinki, Paris (Sorbonne), Cambridge, Pennsylvania, the Statistical Institute in Calcutta.

SA Lebedev At the beginning of the 1950s in Kyiv, in the laboratory of modeling and computer technology of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, under the guidance of Academician SA Lebedev, the MESM, the first Soviet computer, was created. functional structural organization MESM was proposed by Lebedev in 1947. The first trial run of the machine model took place in November 1950, and the machine was put into operation in 1951. MESM worked in a binary system, with a three-address instruction system, and the calculation program was stored in an operational-type storage device. The Lebedev machine with parallel processing of words was a fundamentally new solution. It was one of the first computers in the world and the first on the European continent with a stored program. By that time, a fairly strong group of young and bright scientists who were engaged in this science had formed. Instead of ranks and positions, they shared the risk and costs, but went about their business with unheard-of asceticism. In 1958, Poletaev's book "Signal" was published, which could be considered an introduction to the basic concepts of cybernetics. The book gave a concentrated revision of the main provisions and applications of this then young science. At the same time, the author of the book had to solve problems related to the direct use of cybernetics in military affairs. One of the first military cybernetic tasks was the use of the computers that appeared then for the air defense system: linear programming to serve the mass of "clients" in the airspace. However, later, having received an order to write the book "Military Cybernetics", Poletaev refuses it, motivating him as follows: "What can be written is not interesting, but what is needed is impossible." At this time, he was already beginning to move away from purely technical and applied problems, his interests moved to the field of systems research. large scale, economic systems, control and managed systems. Interest in modeling complex systems he retained until the last years of his scientific activity. On fairly elementary and low-power, from the point of view today, the computer obtained intriguing results. The economic model included not only resources and activities for their processing, but also the price of the products obtained, without providing for restrictions and regulation of this parameter. Being “launched” in a computer, the model, after several cycles of productive activity, switched to the bare resale of products within itself. The enthusiasm of the authors of the experiment was great, but the corresponding experience for the edification of the next generations remained unclaimed. The largest initiative in which Poletaev actively participated in the years is an attempt to create dual-use main computers: for managing the economy in peacetime and managing the army in case of war. The authors of the project hoped that as a result of its implementation, the economy would become truly planned and reasonably managed, and computer technology in the country would receive the right impetus for development, and the army would eventually meet the requirements and tasks of the moment. The project stumbled over the Main Political Directorate of the Army. The general, who examined the document, asked a question that was quite reasonable from his point of view: "And where is the leading role of the party here, in your car?" The latter, presumably, was not algorithmized in the project. And the project was cancelled. In 1961, Poletaev received a job offer at the Novosibirsk Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Having moved to Novosibirsk, he began to work with great enthusiasm on various problems that were in the field of cybernetics. These were the problems of recognition, and a rigorous analysis of the subject of cybernetics and its basic concepts (information, model, etc.), and modeling economic systems and physiological processes. Many of the ideas expressed by Poletaev in his books, lectures, scientific debates remain relevant. Academician Andrei Petrovich Ershov () is one of the founders of theoretical and system programming, the creator of the Siberian School of Informatics. His significant contribution to the development of computer science as new industry science and a new phenomenon of social life is widely recognized in our country and abroad. While still a student at Moscow State University, under the influence of A. A. Lyapunov, he became interested in programming. After graduating from the university, A.P. Ershov went to work at the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Computer Engineering - an organization in which one of the first Soviet teams of programmers was formed. In 1957, he was appointed head of the Department of Programming Automation at the newly created Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In connection with the formation of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, at the request of the Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician S. L. Sobolev, he takes on the responsibility of the organizer and actual head of the programming department of this institute, and then moves to the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A. P. Ershov's fundamental research in the field of program schemes and compilation theory had a noticeable impact on his many students and followers. A. P. Ershov's book "Programming program for an electronic computer BESM" was one of the world's first monographs on programming automation. For a significant contribution to the theory of mixed computing, A.P. Ershov was awarded the Academician A.N. Krylov Prize. Ershov's work on programming technology laid the foundations for this scientific direction in our country. More than 20 years ago, he began experiments in teaching programming in high schools, which led to the introduction of the course of computer science and computer technology in the country's secondary schools and enriched us with the thesis "programming is the second literacy." It is difficult to overestimate the role of A.P. Ershov as an organizer of science: he took an active part in the preparation of many international conferences and congresses, was an editor or a member of the editorial board of both Russian journals "Microprocessor facilities and systems", "Cybernetics", "Programming", and international ones - Acta Informatica, Information Processing Letters, Theoretical Computer Science. After the death of academician A.P. Ershov, his heirs transferred the library to the Institute of Informatics Systems, which by that time had separated from the Computing Center. Now it is the Memorial Library. A.P. Ershov. Memorial Library In 1988 it was created charitable foundation named after A.P. Ershov, whose main goal was the development of computer science as invention, creativity, art and educational activity. A.P. Ershov Foundation He wrote poetry, translated poems by R. Kipling and other English poets into Russian, played excellently

For the development of the theory of digital automata, the creation of multiprocessor macro-pipeline supercomputers and the organization of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine international organization IEEE Computer Society in 1998 posthumously awarded Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov with the Computer Pioneer medal. Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov was born on August 24, 1923 in Rostov-on-Don in the family of a mining engineer. V. M. Glushkov graduated from secondary school 1 in the city of Shakhty with a gold medal. In 1943 he became a student at the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute, in his fourth year he decided to transfer to the mathematical faculty of Rostov University. To this end, he externally passed all the exams for the four years of the university course in mathematics and physics and became a fifth-year student at Rostov University. In August 1956, V. M. Glushkov radically changed the scope of his activity, linking it with cybernetics, computer technology and applied mathematics. In 1957, V. M. Glushkov became the director of the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR with the rights of a research organization. Five years later, in December 1962, the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was organized on the basis of the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. V. M. Glushkov became its director. In 1964, for a series of works on the theory of automata, V. M. Glushkov was awarded the Lenin Prize. The development of a macro-conveyor computer was carried out at the Institute of Cybernetics under the direction of V. M. Glushkov. The EC-2701 machine (in 1984) and the EC-1766 computer system (in 1987) were put into series production. At that time, these were the most powerful computing systems in the USSR. They had no analogues in world practice and were the original development of ES computers in the direction of high-performance systems. V. M. Glushkov did not have to see them in action.


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The purpose of the work: To generalize knowledge on the topic Tasks: acquaintance with scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of computer science

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Al-Khwarizmi Aristotle John Napier Blaise Pascal Gottfried Leibniz George Boole Charles Babbage Norbert Wiener Konrad Zuse Herman Hollerith Ada Lovelace S. A. Lebedev John Von Neumann Claude Shannon Edsger Vibe Dijkstra Tim Bernes-Lee John Mauchly and John Eckert Alan Turing Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar Steven Paul Jobs Literature output Conclusion

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George Boole (1815 - 1864). Developed the ideas of G. Leibniz. Considered the founder of mathematical logic (Boolean algebra). Boole began his mathematical research with the development of operator methods of analysis and the theory of differential equations, then he took up mathematical logic. In Boole's main works, "the mathematical analysis of logic, which is an experiment in the calculus of deductive reasoning" and "the study of the laws of thought, in which the mathematical theories of logic and probability are based," the foundations of mathematical logic were laid.

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Mohammed ibn Musa Khorezmi (about 783-about 850) Khorezmian, Central Asian mathematician, astronomer and geographer, founder of classical algebra. Al-Khwarizmi wrote the book “On the Indian Account”, which contributed to the popularization of the decimal positional system of writing numbers throughout the Caliphate, up to Spain. In the XII century, this book was translated into Latin and played a very big role in the development of European arithmetic and the introduction of Indo-Arabic numerals. The name of the author, in a Latinized form (Algorismus, Algorithmus), began to designate in medieval Europe the entire system of decimal arithmetic; this is where it starts modern term algorithm first used by Leibniz.

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Aristotle (384 - 322 BC). Scientist and philosopher. He tried to answer the question: "How do we reason", studied the rules of thinking. Subjected human thinking to a comprehensive analysis. Identified the main forms of thinking: concept, judgment, conclusion. His treatises on logic are combined in the Organon. In the books of the Organon: Topeka, Analysts, Hermeneutics, and others, the thinker develops the most important categories and laws of thought, creates a theory of proof, and formulates a system of deductive reasoning. Deduction (from lat. deductio - inference) allows you to derive true knowledge about individual phenomena, based on general patterns. Aristotle's logic is called formal logic.

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John Napier (1550 - 1617) In 1614, the Scottish mathematician John Napier invented tables of logarithms. Their principle was that each number corresponds to its own special number - the logarithm. Logarithms make division and multiplication very easy. For example, to multiply two numbers, add their logarithms. the result is found in the table of logarithms. Later he invented the slide rule, which was used until the 70s of our century.

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Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) In 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal constructed a calculating device to ease the work of his father, a tax inspector who had to do a lot of complex calculations. Pascal's device "skillfully" only adds and subtracts. Father and son invested a lot of money in the creation of their device, but clerks opposed Pascal's counting device - they were afraid of losing their jobs because of him, as well as employers who believed that it was better to hire cheap bookkeepers than to buy an expensive car. counting device

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Gottfried Leibniz (1646 - 1716) In 1673, the eminent German scientist Gottfried Leibniz built the first calculating machine capable of mechanically performing all four operations of arithmetic. A number of its most important mechanisms were used until the middle of the 20th century in some types of machines. All machines, in particular, the first computers, which performed multiplication as multiple addition, and division as multiple subtraction, can be attributed to the Leibniz machine type. The main advantage of the milestones of these machines was higher than that of a person, the speed and accuracy of calculations. Their creation demonstrated the fundamental possibility of mechanization of human intellectual activity. calculating machine

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Charles Babbage (1791-1871) At the beginning of the 19th century, Charles Babbage formulated the main provisions that should underlie the design of a fundamentally new type of computer. These initial principles, set out more than 150 years ago, are fully implemented in modern computers, but for the 19th century they turned out to be premature. Babbage made an attempt to create a machine of this type based on a mechanical adding machine, but its construction turned out to be very expensive, and work on the manufacture of a working machine could not be completed. From 1834 until the end of his life, Babbage worked on the design of the Analytical Engine without attempting to build one. Only in 1906 did his son make demonstration models of some parts of the machine. If the Analytical Engine were complete, Babbage estimates that addition and subtraction would take 2 seconds, and multiplication and division 1 minute. Analytical Engine

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Norbert Wiener (1894 - 1964) Norbert Wiener completed his first fundamental work (the aforementioned "Cybernetics") at the age of 54. And before that, the life of a great scientist was still full of achievements, doubts and anxieties. By the age of eighteen, Norbert Wiener was already holding a Ph.D. in mathematical logic at Cornell and Harvard Universities. At the age of nineteen, Dr. Wiener was invited to the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "where he served until the last days of his obscure life." One way or something like this one could finish a biographical article about the father of modern cybernetics. And everything said would be true, in view of the extraordinary modesty of Wiener the man, but Wiener the scientist, if he managed to hide from humanity, then he hid in the shadow of his own glory.

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Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) He started his work in 1933, and three years later he built a model of a mechanical computer, which used a binary number system, a three-address programming system and punched cards. After the war, Zuse made the Z4 and Z5 models. Zuse in 1945 created the language PLANKALKUL ("calculus of plans"), which refers to the early forms of algorithmic languages. In 1938, Zuse made a model of the Z1 machine for 16 machine words, the following year - the Z2 model, and 2 years later he built the world's first operating computer with program control (model Z3), which was demonstrated at the German Aviation Research Center .

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Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) Being engaged in the 80s of the last century in the processing of statistical data, he created a system that automates the processing process. Hollerith first (1889) built a manual puncher that was used to print digital data on punched cards, and introduced mechanical sorting to lay out these punched cards depending on the location of the punches. Hollerith's data carrier, an 80-column punched card, has not undergone significant changes to date. He built an adding machine, called a tabulator, which probed the holes on punched cards, perceived them as the corresponding numbers and counted them.

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Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) Babbage's scientific ideas fascinated the daughter of the famous English poet Lord Byron, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace. At that time, such concepts as computers and programming had not yet arisen, and yet Ada Lovelace is rightfully considered the world's first programmer. The fact is that Babbage did not make more than one complete description of the machine he invented. This was done by one of his students in an article in French. Ada Lovelace translated it into English, and not only translated it, but added her own programs, according to which the machine could perform complex mathematical calculations. As a result, the original length of the article tripled, and Babbage got the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his machine. Many of the concepts introduced by Ada Lovelace in the descriptions of those first-ever programs are widely used by modern programmers.

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S. A. Lebedev (1902-1974) In the early 50s in Kyiv, in the laboratory of modeling and computer technology of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, under the leadership of Academician S. A. Lebedev, the MESM was created - the first Soviet computer. The functional-structural organization of MESM was proposed by Lebedev in 1947. The first trial run of the machine model took place in November 1950, and the machine was put into operation in 1951. MESM worked in a binary system, with a three-address instruction system, and the calculation program was stored in an operational-type storage device. The Lebedev machine with parallel processing of words was a fundamentally new solution. It was one of the first computers in the world and the first on the European continent with a stored program.

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Wilhelm Schickard Ten years earlier, in 1957, a previously unknown photocopy of a sketch of a counting device was discovered in the city library of Stuttgart, from which it followed that another design of a counting machine appeared at least 20 years earlier than the "Pascal wheel". It was possible to establish that this sketch is nothing more than the missing appendix to the previously published letter to J. Kepler from Wilhelm Schickard, a professor at the University of Tübingen (dated February 25, 1624), where Schickard, referring to the drawing, described the calculating machine he invented. The machine contained a summing and multiplying device, as well as a mechanism for recording intermediate results. In another letter (dated September 20, 1623), Schickard wrote that Kepler would be pleasantly surprised if he saw how the machine itself accumulates and transfers to the left a ten or a hundred, and how it takes away what it keeps in its "mind" when subtracting. Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1636) appeared in Tübingen in 1617 and soon became a professor of oriental languages ​​at the local university. At the same time, he corresponded with Kepler and a number of German, French, Italian and Dutch scientists on issues related to astronomy. Drawing attention to the outstanding mathematical abilities of the young scientist, Kepler recommended that he take up mathematics. Shikkard heeded this advice and achieved significant success in the new field. In 1631 he became professor of mathematics and astronomy. And five years later, Shikkard and members of his family died of cholera. The works of the scientist were forgotten...

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George Boole George Boole (1815-1864). After Leibniz, many eminent scientists conducted research in the field of mathematical logic and the binary number system, but the real success here came to the English self-taught mathematician George Boole, whose determination knew no bounds. The financial situation of George's parents allowed him to finish only an elementary school for the poor. Some time later, Buhl, having changed several professions, opened a small school where he taught himself. He devoted a lot of time to self-education and soon became interested in the ideas of symbolic logic. In 1854, his main work, "Investigation of the laws of thought on which the mathematical theories of logic and probability are based," appeared. After some time, it became clear that Boole's system is well suited for describing electrical switching circuits: the current in the circuit can either flow or be absent, like how a statement can be either true or false. Already in the 20th century, together with the binary number system, the mathematical apparatus created by Boole formed the basis for the development of a digital electronic computer.

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Herman Hollerith A significant contribution to the automation of information processing was made by an American, the son of German emigrants, Herman Hollerith (1860-1929). He is the founder of the counting and punching technique. Dealing with the processing of statistical information from the US census in 1890, Hollerith built a manual puncher that was used to apply digital data to punched cards (holes were punched on the card), and introduced mechanical sorting to lay out these punched cards, depending on the place of punching. He built a summing machine, called a tabulator, which "felt" the holes on punched cards, perceived them as the corresponding numbers and counted these numbers. The tabulator card was the size of a dollar bill. It had 12 rows, in each of which 20 holes could be punched, corresponding to such data as age, gender, place of birth, number of children, marital status, etc. The agents participating in the census recorded the answers of the respondents in special forms. The completed forms were sent to Washington, where the information contained in them was transferred to cards using a puncher. Then the punched cards were loaded into special devices connected to a tabulator, where they were strung on thin needles. The needle, falling into the hole, passed it, closing the contact in the corresponding electrical circuit of the machine. This, in turn, led to the fact that the counter, consisting of rotating cylinders, moved one position forward.

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Konrad Zuse The German engineer Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) is considered the creator of the first operating computer with program control. he began to dream while still a student. Not knowing about the work of Charles Babbage, Zuse soon set about creating a device much like the Analytical Engine of this English mathematician. In 1936, in order to devote more time to building a computer, Zuse resigned from the company where he worked. On a small table in his parents' house, he arranged a "workshop". Approximately two years later, the computer, which already occupied an area of ​​​​about 4 m2 and was an intricacies of relays and wires, was ready. The machine, which he named 21 (from 7,ize - Zuse's last name, written in German), had a keyboard for entering data. In 1942, Zuse and Austrian electrical engineer Helmut Schreyer proposed the creation of a fundamentally new type of device, based on vacuum electron tubes. The new machine was supposed to operate hundreds of times faster than any of the machines available at that time in warring Germany. However, this proposal was rejected: Hitler imposed a ban on all "long-term" scientific development, because he was sure of a quick victory. In the difficult post-war years, Zuse, working alone, created a programming system called Plankalkul (Plankal-kül, "plan calculus"). This language is called the first high-level language.

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Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (1902-1974) was born in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1921 he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (now the Bauman Moscow State Technical University) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 1928, Lebedev, having received a diploma in electrical engineering, became at the same time a university teacher, from which he graduated, and a junior researcher at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute (VEI). In 1936, he was already a professor and author (together with PS Zhdanov) of the book "Stability of parallel operation of electrical systems", widely known among specialists in the field of electrical engineering. In the late 1940s, under the leadership of Lebedev, the first domestic electronic digital computer MESM (small electronic calculating machine) was created, which is one of the first in the world and the first in Europe computer with a program stored in memory. In 1950, Lebedev moved to the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology (ITM and VT of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) in Moscow and became the chief designer of BESM, and then the director of the institute. Then BESM-1 was the fastest computer in Europe and was not inferior to the best computers in the USA. Soon the machine was slightly modernized and in 1956 it began to be mass-produced under the name BESM-2. On BESM-2, calculations were performed during the launch of artificial satellites of the Earth and the first spacecraft with a person on board. In 1967, the series created under the leadership of S.A. began to be mass-produced. Lebedev and V.A. Melnikova, the original BESM-6 architecture with a speed of about 1 million operations per second: BESM-6 was among the most productive computers in the world and had many of the "features" of the machines of the next, third generation. She was the first large domestic machine, which began to be supplied to users along with advanced software.

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John von Neumann The American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann (1903-1957) was from Budapest, the second largest and most important cultural center of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire after Vienna. With his extraordinary abilities, this man began to stand out very early: at the age of six he spoke ancient Greek, and at eight he mastered the basics of higher mathematics. He worked in Germany, but in the early 1930s he decided to settle in the United States. John von Neumann made a significant contribution to the creation and development of a number of areas of mathematics and physics, and had a significant impact on the development of computer technology. He performed fundamental research related to mathematical logic, group theory, operator algebra, quantum mechanics, statistical physics; is one of the creators of the "Monte Carlo" method - a numerical method for solving mathematical problems based on the simulation of random variables. "According to von Neumann" the main place among the functions performed by a computer is occupied by arithmetic and logical operations. For them, an arithmetic-logical device is provided. Its operation - and in general the entire machine - is controlled by a control device. The role of information storage is performed by RAM. Information is stored here for both the arithmetic logic unit (data) and the control unit (commands).

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Claude Elwood Shannon As a teenager, Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001) began to design. He made models of airplanes and radio devices, created a radio-controlled boat, connected his house and a friend's house with a telegraph line. Claude's childhood hero was the famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison, who was also his distant relative (however, they never met). In 1937, Shannon submitted his dissertation "Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits", working on which he came to the conclusion that Boolean algebra can be successfully used to analyze and synthesize switches and relays in electrical circuits. We can say that this work paved the way for the development of digital computers. The most famous work of Claude Elwood Shannon is the "Mathematical Theory of Communication" published in 1948, which presents considerations regarding the new science he created - information theory. One of the tasks of information theory is to find the most economical coding methods that allow you to convey the necessary information using the minimum number of characters. Shannon defined the basic unit of quantity of information (later called a bit) as a message representing one of two options: heads or tails, yes or no, and so on. A bit can be represented as 1 or 0, or as the presence or absence of current in the circuit.

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Bill (William) Gates Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William Gates II, is a lawyer. Bill Gates' mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, board member at the University of Washington, and chairman of the charity United Way International. Gates and his high school buddy Paul Allen entered the world of entrepreneurship at the age of fifteen. They wrote a program to regulate traffic and formed a company to distribute it; earned $20,000 from the project and never went back to high school. In 1973, Gates entered his first year at Harvard University. During their time at Harvard, Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the first operating system, developing the BASIC programming language for the first minicomputer, the MITS Altair. In his third year, Bill Gates left Harvard to devote himself full-time to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 with Allen. Under a contract with IBM, Gates creates MS-DOS, the operating system that in 1993 was used by 90% of the world's computers and which made him fabulously rich. So Bill Gates went down in history not only as Microsoft's chief software architect, but also as the youngest self-made billionaire. Today, Bill Gates is one of the most popular figures in the computer world. There are jokes about him, praises are sung to him. Peoper magazine, for example, argues that "Gates is as important to programming as Edison is to the light bulb: part innovator, part entrepreneur, part merchant, but unfailingly a genius."